Revisão - 1º Bimestral


Revisão - 1º Bimestral
Exercicios para o site 1º ano – Inglês – Profa. Lourdes Friche QUESTÕES SUBJETIVAS
UFBA ( adapted) – Leia o texto abaixo e responda as questões em
Junk is rubbish, so junk food is food without nutritious value, for example
hamburgers and chips. Junk comes from the Middle English word jonk,
which was a nautical term meaning old rope. The rope wasn’t thrown away,
but was used on the ship in other ways. Later there were junk shops which
sold old materials from ships.
Today junk shops sell second-hand articles, such as furniture, ornaments and clothes.
Another term for junk food is fast food. This comes from fast food restaurants that serve
inexpensive meals quickly in paper bags or boxes.
Now there is the slow food movement. It was founded in the 1980s by Carlo Petrini, an Italian
journalist who discovered a new McDonald’s restaurant in Rome’s famous Piazza di Spagna. He
was horrified and founded the slow food movement, which had two basic beliefs: the importance
of traditional cooking methods and the use of local ingredients. The slow food movement now has
over 80,000 members in over 100 countries.
RIGG, J. Junk food. Speak up. São Paulo: Peixes, n. 224, p. 35, jan. 2006. Adaptado.
1. Qual o significado e origem da palavra “junk” na expressão “junk food”?
2. Quais são as duas crenças do movimento chamado “the slow food movement” ?
3. Como o movimento “the slow food movement” surgiu?
Unicamp ( adapted) – Agora leia o texto abaixo e responda as questões 4 e 5 em
4) Qual é o efeito do café em uma pessoa alcoolizada?
5) O que acontece quando uma pessoa come antes de ingerir bebidas alcoólicas?
“When a man dies, it’s as if a whole library burns down.”
(old African proverb)
If you have read so far, keep reading. For education. Because education is the only road we
can all take to get ahead. Education is everything in life. When you say “good morning”, it’s
education. When you learn to read or to fly, it’s education . When you plant a tree or stop
polluting rivers and seas, it’s education. When you pass by the museum, a theater, a church
or a historic place and realize what they mean, it’s education. Education is the most
important heritage you can have. For education is not just learn how to read and write. It is
when you learn about your own country and about the world. And as you do, you also learn
about yourself. It’s much more than that: education is when everybody learns about
everybody. Education is when 180 million people ask who we are and where we are going.
And when we discover the magic and power of the answers. With education we have much
more than a country. We have a nation. And when a human being is born, it’s as if a whole
library began to be built. It’s a never-ending process. A process called future.
(Education is everything – Fundação Roberto marinho, O globo, April 2, 2000)
1. “When a man dies, it’s as if a whole library burns down”. Essa afirmação significa:
a) O conhecimento e a informação adquiridos durante a vida de um homem nunca morrem.
b) O fogo pode causar a morte de um homem e o fim de uma biblioteca.
c) O conhecimento e a informação gradualmente adquiridos por um homem morrem com
d) A morte de cada homem significa uma biblioteca a menos que pode ser usada.
e) Tudo que um homem aprende na vida é transmitido para outra geração.
2. “With education we have much more than a country. We have a nation”. De acordo com o
texto, essa afirmação significa que:
a) Educação pode ser encontrada em todos os países.
b) As palavras país e nação têm o mesmo significado.
c) Nenhuma nação pode ser considerada como tal a menos que sua população tenha
d) Educação não é fundamental para se construir uma nação.
e) Educação é fundamental para a construção de um país.
3.Museums, theatres, churches and historic places reflect the ........... of a particular society.
A palavra que completa a frase acima é:
a) Business
b) Culture
c) Government
d) Technology
e) Safety
4.De acordo com o texto, podemos considerar educação, exceto:
a) Quando se diz “bom dia”.
b) Quando se planta uma árvore.
c) Quando se para de poluir os rios e mares.
d) Quando se aprende a ler e a escrever.
e) Quando se constrói museus, teatros e igrejas.
Os verbos que completam as frases abaixo são:
A thief ……… old man in front of the bank yesterday.
Please, ………. me to buy some vegetables.
Parents ……….to control their kids more in the past.
a) robbed, remind, used
b) stole, remind, are used
c) robbed, remember, used
d) robbed, remind, are used
e) stole, remember, are used
6. (UNESP) When children are frequently exposed to violent scenes on TV, they __________ about violence anymore because they __________ anything wrong in it. a) care – don't see b) don't care – can't see c) don't care – didn't see d) didn't care – couldn't see e) don't care – couldn't see 7.( Simulado ENEN) Adopt from a Shelter If you think you could adopt a puppy or dog, and give it a chance at a better life, go to your local shelter and talk with the staff Pet breeders have only one goal in mind – to raise large quantities of purebred animals for profit. They’ve also been pilloried for misdeeds such as overbreeding, inbreeding, poor veterinary oversight, lousy food and living conditions, overcrowding, and culling of unwanted animals. Why buy when you can adopt one of the 70,000 puppies and kittens born every day only in the United States? Love knows no pedigree. Check out or contact your local animal shelter to find your perfect match. Adapted from <> Issue 25 – Spring, 2008. Accessed on November 10, 2010. Sabe‐se que no mundo existem várias ONGs que cuidam de animais abandonados e que têm como foco conscientizar a população a respeito da adoção e posse responsável. O artigo da revista Urban Dog incentiva a adoção de cães e gatos que nascem aos milhares a cada dia nas ruas dos Estados Unidos. Ele apresenta quatro aspectos negativos sobre a vida dos animais em um canil particular. Qual delas, entretanto, não está sustentada no texto? a) Criadores de cães de raça têm como único objetivo obter lucro. b) Animais que vivem nesses canis são, com frequência, malcuidados e mal alimentados. c) Animais doentes ou com deficiências físicas são sacrificados. d) Em geral, há uma superlotação na maioria desses canis. e) Cães que possuem pedigree nem sempre são saudáveis ou demonstram amor aos seus donos 8. (ENEN ) Going to university seems to reduce the risk of dying from coronary heart disease. An American study that involved 10 000 patients from around the world has found that people who leave school before the age of 16 are five times more likely to suffer a heart attack and die than university graduates. World Report News. Magazine Speak Up. Ano XIV, n.º 170. Editora Camelot, 2001. Em relação às pesquisas, a utilização da expressão university graduates evidencia a intenção de informar que A) as doenças do coração atacam dez mil pacientes. B) as doenças do coração ocorrem na faixa dos dezesseis anos. C) as pesquisas sobre doenças são divulgadas no meio acadêmico. D) jovens americanos são alertados dos riscos de doenças do coração. E) maior nível de estudo reduz riscos de ataques do coração 9. Para formar o gerúndio em inglês, acrescenta‐se a terminação ING no final dos verbos, porém há algumas regras e exceções. Marque a alternativa que tenha todos os verbos na forma correta do gerúndio. a) to play – playing / to love – loving / to stop – stopping / to agree – agreeing b) to play – plaing / to love – loveing / to stop – stoping / to agree – agreeing c) to play – plaing / to love – loving / to stop – stopping / to agree – agreing d) to play – playing / to love – loving / to stop – stoping / to agree – agring e) to play – playing / to love – loveing / to stop – stoping / to agree – agreing 10. Quanto ao estudo do Present Continuous, marque a alternativa que tenha a forma correta de uma frase nesse tempo verbal: a) Paul is work in the garden at this moment. b) Paul is working in the garden at this moment. c) Paul working in the garden at this moment. d) Paul are working in the garden at this moment. e) Paul are work in the garden at this moment. 11. Marque a alternativa que complete corretamente as frases a seguir no Present Continuous: I – The woman ________ (to wear) black clothes. II – Those boys ____________ (to look) at you. a) wearing / looking b) is wear / are look c) are wearing / is looking d) is wearing / are looking e) is wearing / is looking