pdf - É Tudo Verdade


pdf - É Tudo Verdade
It’s All True – 21st International Documentary Film Festival, that will be held from April 7th-­‐17th in São Paulo and from April 8th-­‐17th in Rio de Janeiro, announces the jury for the Brazilian and International short film, medium-­‐length and feature competitions. The seven national productions taking part at the Brazilian Feature and Medium-­‐
Length Competition and the nine productions participating in the Short Film Brazilian Competition will be evaluated by José Mariani, filmmaker and Cinema professor at PUC-­‐Rio, Karen Harley, editor and documentarist and Ricardo Calil, critic and director. The international competition has 21 films, 12 of them will participate in the International Feature and Medium-­‐Length Competition, and 9 will be part of the Short Film Competition. The jury formed by the Canadian Catherine Olsen, the Brazilian journalist and director Dorrit Harazim and the Russian filmmaker Sergey Miroshnichenko will choose the winners. Founded and directed by the critic Amir Labaki, It’s All True – International Documentary Film Festival is sponsored by BNDES, PETROBRAS and ITAÚ; co-­‐
sponsored by DESENVOLVE-­‐SP and SPCINE, and it has the institutional support of RIOFILME. It is also supported by the Ministry of Culture – Audiovisual Secretariat, Law nº 8.313/91 (Rouanet Cultural Bill) and the State Government of São Paulo – Cultural Action Program / PROAC. BRAZILIAN COMPETITION JURY José Mariani is a filmmaker and Cinema professor at PUC Rio. Directed and produced the documentaries: “Um Sonho Intenso” (An Intense Dream), “O Longo Amanhecer – cinebiografia de Celso Furtado” (A Long Dawn – a film biography of Celso Furtado), “Cientistas Brasileiros – Cesar Lattes e José Leite Lopes” (Brazilian Scientists – Cesar Lattes and José Leite Lopes), “Estórias da Rocinha” (Stories from Rocinha) and “Viva a Penha” (Hail to Penha). Karen Harley is an editor and documentarist. Directed “Lixo Extraordinário” (Waste Land), “Com o Oceano Inteiro para Nadar” (With the Whole Ocean to Swim), “Nós Pescando o Tempo” (We Fishing for Time) and “Comfundo” (Comfundo). Edited films by Marcelo Gomes (“Cinema, Aspirinas e Urubus” -­‐ Cinema, Aspirins and Vultures, “Viajo porque Preciso, Volto porque Te Amo” -­‐ I Travel Because I Have to, I Come Back Because I Love You -­‐ codirected with Karim Ainouz), Cláudio Assis (“Baixio das Bestas” -­‐ Bog of Beasts, “Febre do Rato” -­‐ Rat Fever, ”Big Jato” -­‐ Big Jet), Lina Chamie (“Os Amigos” -­‐ Friends), Anna Muyaert (“Que Horas Ela Volta?” -­‐ The Second Mother), Lucrecia Martel (“Zama” -­‐ Zama). Ricardo Calil directed (alongside Renato Terra) the documentaries “Uma Noite em 67” (A Night in 67) in 2010 and “Eu Sou Carlos Imperial” (I am Carlos Imperial) in 2016. Both of them premiered at It’s All True. The first was selected in 2011 for the program “Cinema from Brazil” at IDFA (International Documentary Film Festival) as one of the 13 most relevant national documentaries in the 21st century. Movie critic at the newspaper “Folha de S. Paulo”. BRAZILIAN FEATURE AND MEDIUM-­‐LENGTH COMPETITION CACASO (Dir.: José Joaquim Salles and PH Souza, Brazil-­‐RJ, 88’, 2016)
CÍCERO DIAS, THE COMPADRE OF PICASSO (Dir.: Vladimir Carvalho, Brazil-­‐DF, 79’, 2016)
GALLERY F (Dir.: Emília Silveira, Brazil-­‐RJ, 86', 2016)
IMAGES OF THE ESTADO NOVO 1937-­‐45 (Dir.: Eduardo Escorel, Brazil-­‐RJ/SP, 227', 2016)
JONAS AND THE BACKYARD CIRCUS (Dir.: Paula Gomes, Brazil-­‐BA, 82', 2015)
KEEP THE RIDGELINE, NOT THE FAINTING PLAINS (Dir.: Walter Carvalho, Brazil-­‐RJ, 88’, 2016)
O FUTEBOL (Dir.: Sergio Oksman, Brazil-­‐SP/Spain, 70', 2015)
BRAZILIAN COMPETITION: SHORT FILMS BLAME IT ON THE PICTURE (Dir.: Eraldo Peres, André Dusek and Joédson Alves, Brazil-­‐
DF, 15', 2015) ABYSSAL (Dir.: Arthur Leite, Brazil-­‐CE, 17', 2016) THOSE YEARS IN DECEMBER (Dir.: Felipe Arrojo Poroger, Brazil-­‐SP, 19', 2016) BRINGING HELENA HOME (Dir.: Roberto Berliner and Ana Amélia Macedo, Brazil-­‐RJ, 22', 2016) OUT OF FRAME (Dir.: Txai Ferraz, Brazil-­‐PE, 21', 2016) THE HOLLOW SPEECH (Dir.: Miriam Chnaiderman, Brazil-­‐SP, 17', 2016) WAR SQUARE (Dir.: Edi Junior, Brazil-­‐PB, 19', 2015) UNTITLED # 3: AND WHAT FOR POETS IN TIME OF POVERTY? (Dir.: Carlos Adriano, Brazil-­‐SP, 14', 2016) LIFE AS A RHIZOME (Dir.: Lisi Kieling, Brazil-­‐RS, 14', 2016) INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION JURY Catherine Olsen is a documentary Consultant, Producer, Moderator, Mentor and Editorial Coach at festivals and international workshops. For 22 years, Catherine was the Commissioning Editor of the award-­‐winning series "The Passionate Eye" from CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation). One of the founding members of the Canadian Documentary Festival Hot Docs, and for many years was a member of its international advisory board. Dorrit Harazim is a Brazilian journalist and filmmaker, awarded in 2015 with the Excellence Prize of the Gabriel Carcía Márquez Foundation for the Ibero-­‐American New Journalism. Currently writes for the newspaper “O Globo”, from Rio de Janeiro. For the magazine “Zum”, by Instituto Moreira Salles, publishes articles about Photography and History, and was a co-­‐founder of the monthly magazine “Piauí”. As a documentarist, is the author of the series “Travessias” (Crossings) and directed alongside Arthur Fontes the film “A Família Braz, Dois Tempos” (The Braz Family: Two Times), winner of the It’s All True in 2011. Sergey Miroshnichenko is a Russian filmmaker born in 1955. Graduated from VGIK (Gerasimov Institute of Cinematography) and is the head of a documentary workshop at the institution. Among the films he directed are: “Rings of the World” (2015), “Spirit in Motion” (2014), “All That We Do” (2013) and the series of four documentaries “Born in the USSR”, in which he accompanied a group of people born in 1983, filming them every 7 years, from 1991 to 2012.
INTERNATIONAL FEATURE AND MEDIUM-­‐LENGTH COMPETITION 327 NOTEBOOKS (Dir.: Andrés Di Tella, Argentina/Chile, 76', 2015) CLEAR YEARS (Dir.: Frédéric Guillaume, Belgium, 76' 2015) CATASTROPHE (Dir.: Alina Rudnitskaya, Russia, 52', 2016) CHICAGO BOYS (Dir.: Carola Fuentes and Rafael Valdeavellano, Chile, 96', 2015) BEHEMOTH (Dir.: Zhao Liang, France, 90', 2015) KATE PLAYS CHRISTINE (Dir.: Robert Greene, USA, 110', 2016) IN LIMBO (Dir.: Antoine Viviani, France, 85', 2015) NUTS! (Dir.: Penny Lane, USA, 79', 2016) PATIENT (Dir.: Jorge Caballero Ramos, Colombia, 85', 2015) UNDER THE SUN (Dir.: Vitaly Mansky, Russia/Latvia/Germany/Czech Republic/North Korea, 106’, 2015) IT ALL STARTED AT THE END (Dir.: Luis Ospina, Colombia, 208', 2015) A FAMILY AFFAIR (Dir.: Tom Fassaert, Netherlands/Belgium/Denmark, 116', 2015) INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION: SHORT FILMS THE GLORY OF FILMMAKING IN PORTUGAL (Dir.: Manuel Mozos, Portugal, 16', 2015) THE VISIT (Dir.: Pippo Delbono, France, 22', 2015) THE SNAILS (Dir.: Grzegorz Szczepaniak, Poland, 30', 2015) CARMEN (Dir.: Mariano Samengo, Argentina, 16', 2015) COSMOPOLITANISM (Dir.: Erik Gandini, Sweden, 17', 2015) I HAVE A WEAPON (Dir.: Ahmad Shawar, Palestine, 20', 2015) FATIMA (Dir.: Nina Khada, Germany, 19', 2015) MUNIQUE `72 AND BEYOND (Dir.: Stephen Crisman, USA, 29', 2016) THE SNIPER OF KOBANI (Dir.: Reber Dosky, Netherlands, 12', 2015) É Tudo Verdade -­‐ Festival Internacional de Documentários It’s All True – International Documentary Film Festival etudoverdade.com.br / itsalltrue.com.br Information for the press [email protected] ProCultura (55 11) 3263.0197 Flávia – [email protected] Cláudia – [email protected] Rio de Janeiro (55 21) 99136.0941 Lilian Hargreaves -­‐ [email protected]