Oficina em temas _Inter 2 2010 - Mogi das Cruzes


Oficina em temas _Inter 2 2010 - Mogi das Cruzes
Oficina de Gramática
Present Perfect
- O present perfect é usado para falar de ações no passado que têm importância ou ligação com o
Have/has + 3ª coluna (verbo principal)
Ex.: - I have been to Europe.
- Have you seen Ann?
- She hasn’t eaten anything.
A) Ações que ocorreram recentemente no passado, sem especificar o momento em que elas
Ex.: - I have found a wallet on the street.
B) Com o advérbio just para expressar ações que acabaram de acontecer:
Ex.: - We’ve just seen your brother.
C) Ações que começaram no passado e continuam no presente:
Ex.: - I have lived in the same house since I was born.
- This math teacher has taught at our school for ten years.
D) Com o advérbio already para indicar ações que já aconteceram e com o advérbio yet, usado
em perguntas para saber se aquela ação já se realizou ou em orações negativas para dizer que
aquela ação ainda não ocorreu:
Ex.: - More food? No, thanks! I have already eaten dinner.
- I’ve brushed my teeth already, but I haven’t flossed yet.
E) Com o advérbio ever para saber se alguma vez aquela ação já aconteceu:
Ex.: - Have you ever been to Paris?
- Yes, I have already been there.
- No, I have never been there.
F) Com as expressões que indicam quantas vezes a ação vem sendo repetida:
- It’s the first time I’ve ever eaten raw fish.
- I know people who have seen “Harry Potter” a couple of times.
Inter 2 2010
Oficina de Gramática
G) Com expressões de tempo que indicam um período que ainda não está terminado: today, this
week, this morning, this year, etc.
- I haven’t read any e-mails this morning (it’s still morning).
H) Com os advérbios lately e recently:
- Have you visited your relatives lately?
- Has she come here recently?
1) Let’s practice! Write the past participle of these verbs:
study __________
listen __________
eat ___________
see ____________
go ____________
forget _________
be _____________
visit ___________
break __________
get ____________
take ___________
write __________
drink ___________
win ____________
do ____________
sit _____________
leave __________
buy __________
feed ___________
bring __________
2) Answer the questions:
1. Have you ever visited New York?
2. Have you ever eaten at a Chinese restaurant?
3. Have you seen “New Moon” yet?
4. Have you ever been on a plane?
5. Have you played the guitar recently?
6. Has your mother baked a cake today?
7. How many times have you watched Spider Man?
Inter 2 2010
Oficina de Gramática
8. Have you been grounded lately?
9. Have you studied English recently?
10. Have you heard that Beyonce is coming to Brazil?
feed the fish
do the laundry
go shopping
pick Shelly up
open a bank account
play golf
3) Look at the “to do list” and write sentences about what has or hasn’t
been done so far:
Ex.: I have already fed the fish.
4) Faça perguntas de acordo com o modelo:
Ex.: - (you/ hear/ from George/ recently) Have you heard from George recently?
1. you/ read/ a newspaper/ recently?
2. you/ see/ Tom in the past few days?
3. she/ play tennis/ recently?
4. he/ eat/ anything today?
5. you/ see/ any good movies/ recently?
6. she/ have a holiday/ this year?
7. you/ take a shower/ today?
Inter 2 2010
Oficina de Gramática
8. the new secretary/ work a lot/ this morning?
9. you/ be/ the mall/ this week?
10. your children/ watch/ the new movie?
5) Complete as perguntas com already ou ever:
1. Have you ____________ taken a shower today?
2. Have you ____________ been to Japan?
3. Have you ____________ seen a ghost?
4. Have you ____________ finished your homework?
5. Have you ____________ played golf?
6. Have you ____________ got drunk?
7. Have you ____________ played the lottey?
8. Have you ____________ prepared lunch?
9. Have you ____________ opened a bank account?
10. Have you ____________ swum in a river?
6) Complete as frases abaixo usando o present perfect. Decida se elas precisam do advérbio
already ou yet.
1. I ___________________________________ (have lunch- negative)
2. Susan ___________________________________ (be to the US twice)
3. I ___________________________________, (finish my homework)
___________________________________, (doing my composition/ negative)
4. Peter ___________________________________ (find a job/ negative)
5. You ___________________________________ (answer my question/ negative)
Inter 2 2010
Oficina de Gramática
Present Perfect Continuous
- O present perfect continuous é formado com os verbos: have/has + been + verbo + ing.
- I have been studying for hours.
- Have you been playing tennis?
- He hasn’t been sleeping well lately.
- O present perfect continuous é usado para falar de uma atividade que começou no passado e que
continua até o presente, enfatizando a duração ou a intensidade da ação. Since e for são
frequentemente usados:
Ex.: - The principal has been speaking to the students since 7 o’ clock.
- I’ve been studying for three hours. I’d better stop for a while.
- É também usado para falar de ações passadas que acabaram de ser concluídas, cujos efeitos ou
consequências são evidentes no presente.
Ex.: - You look really tired. Have you been jogging?
- Why are you sad? Have you been crying?
1) Complete as frases com “for” ou “since”:
1. I’ve been working in this bank _________ four years.
2. My brother’s been traveling around the world _________ six months.
3. We haven’t seen them _________ last week.
4. She hasn’t eaten anything _________ this morning.
5. They’ve been learning English _________ many years.
6. He hasn’t won a gold medal _________ 1995.
2) Escreva o que as pessoas estavam fazendo:
1. You look so tired.
2. Why are your clothes so dirty?
Inter 2 2010
Oficina de Gramática
3. Your hands are covered in paint.
4. My legs hurt so much.
5. He is putting all his books away now.
3) Complete as frases com o present perfect continuous:
1. The world’s deserts _______________________________ for years. (to advance)
2. The rate of desertification _______________________________.(to increase)
3. He _______________________________for the last two hours. Isn’t he tired? (to talk)
4. “What happened to your clothes?” “I _____________________________ with the dog.” (to play)
5. I _______________________________ since 8 o’clock, but she hasn’t come yet. (to wait).
6. She _______________________________ the piano since she was 10. (play)
4) Leia as situações e escreva as frases:
1. The rain started two hours ago. It still raining now.
Ex.: It has been raining for two hours.
2. We started waiting for the bus 20 minutes ago. We’re still waiting now.
3. I started Spanish classes in December. I’m still learning Spanish now.
4. Ann began looking for a job six moths ago. She’s still looking for a job now.
5. Mary started working in London on January 18. She’s still working there now.
6. Years ago you started sending e-mails to a friend in Canada. You still write to each other
regularly now.
Inter 2 2010
Oficina de Gramática
Used to
- Em inglês a forma ‘used to’, é usada para expressar fatos do passado que não são mais
verdadeiros. Usamos para falar de coisas que fazíamos em algum tempo do passado (‘past
habits’) e que agora não fazemos.
Sujeito + used to + verbo (afirmativa)
Sujeito + didn’t use to + verbo (negativa)
Did + sujeito + use to + verbo (interrogativa)
- I used to have long hair I don’t have long hair at the present time.
- My father used to work for IBM He doesn’t work for IBM anymore.
- I didn’t use to have a car I have a car now.
1) What did you used to do when you were 10?
Use some of the expressions in the box and write sentences:
jump rope play hide and seek visit my grandparents eat a lot of candies
play soccer with my friends use a computer
have long hair go to the beach study
watch a lot of cartoons work play hopscotch
sleep early
I used to __________________________________________________________________________
I didn’t use to
2) Answer the questions about your past:
a) Where did you use to go on vacation? ________________________________________________
b) What did you use to do on the weekends? ___________________________________________
c) Who used to be your best friend? ___________________________________________________
d) What used to be your favorite food? ________________________________________________
e) Did you use to have many toys? ___________________________________________________
f) How often did you use to visit your grandparents? ____________________________________
g) Did you use to have long or short hair? ______________________________________________
h) Did you use to be a good kid? _____________________________________________________
Inter 2 2010
Oficina de Gramática
- Usamos something, somewhere, someone nas frases afirmativas:
Ex.: - There’s something in the closet. (algo/ alguma coisa)
- Your keys are somewhere in the room. (em algum lugar)
- There’s someone/ somebody at the door. (alguém)
- Usamos anything, anywhere, anyone em perguntas ou frases negativas.
Ex.: - Is there anything in that micro fridge?
- There isn’t anything in that micro fridge
- Did you go anywhere yesterday?
- I didn’t go anywhere last night
- Is there anyone in room 23?
- There isn’t anyone at the reception desk.
- Usamos nothing, nowhere, no one quando queremos dar sentido negativo à frase. Porém, os
verbos que acompanham estas palavras estão sempre na forma afirmativa.
Ex.: - There’s nothing to eat. (nada)
- There’s nowhere to go in this town. (nenhum lugar)
- There’s no one/ nobody at the reception desk. (ninguém)
1) Complete as frases com as expressões acima:
1. I think I lost my socks. I can’t find them _______________.
2. _______________ can help me.
3. There isn’t ______________ outside.
4. It’s too cold. Let’s find ______________ hot to drink.
5. Last night I saw ________________ in the backyard.
6. Go open the door. I heard _______________ knocking on it.
7. Unfortunately, ______________ got the highest grade on the test.
8. I am not taking _______________ with me. I hate carrying things around.
9. I would like to go _______________ hot.
Inter 2 2010
Oficina de Gramática
10. Paula wasn’t doing ________________ when I arrived home.
11. There was _______________ in that drawer.
12. I am sorry. There is ________________ I can do to help you.
13. I didn’t lock all the windows. ________________ else did.
14. Are you seeing ________________ at the moment?
15. Is ________________ going to the party with you?
2) Sublinhe a melhor alternativa:
1. Is there some/ any sugar left?
2. I never find something/ nothing/ anything in this mess!
3. Is Mary taking anybody/ somebody/ no one to the prom?
4. Nothing/ Anybody/ Somebody is waiting for you.
5. I don’t know no one/ anyone/ somebody in this city.
6. Did you see something/ nothing/ anything?
7. I have no/ nothing/ somewhere to lose.
8. Is nobody/ anybody/ nothing ready to go?
9. I don’t have to study nothing/ anything/ no one tonight.
10. I am busy. I have something/ nothing/ any.
3) Complete as frases:
1) Dick has disappeared. __________________ knows where he is.
2) We went yesterday but I didn’t buy __________________.
3) “What are you doing here?” “I’m waiting for __________________.”
4) Would you like __________________ to eat?
5) I can do this job alone. I don’t need __________________ to help me.
6) We slept in the park because we didn’t have __________________ to stay.
7) I don’t like this town. There is __________________ to go.
8) I’m sorry, but there is __________________ I can do about it.
9) Tom lives __________________ near London.
10) I can’t find my glasses. Has __________________ seen them?
Inter 2 2010
Oficina de Gramática
Relative Clauses with WHO
- Usamos who, quando queremos ligar duas frases que dão informação sobre uma mesma pessoa.
- That boy is Andrew + Andrew has a convertible = Andrew is the boy who has a convertible.
- Sandra is my friend + Sandra works in an office = Sandra is my friend who works in an office.
1) Responda as perguntas:
Who is Ronaldo _______________________________________________________________
Who is Beyonce? _____________________________________________________________
Who is Robert Pattinson? _______________________________________________________
Who is Brad Pitt? ______________________________________________________________
Who is Shakira? ______________________________________________________________
2) Fale sobre as celebridades abaixo. Use Relative Clauses:
Jim Carey
Mylie Cyrus
Taylor Swift
Brad Pitt
Inter 2 2010
Oficina de Gramática
- Regra 1: Com adjetivos ‘curtos’ (aqueles com uma sílaba) acrescente ER + THAN.
Ex.: Cold = Colder than
- Quando o adjetivo for monossílabo ‘CVC’, dobra-se a última letra antes de acrescentar o ER.
Ex.: Hot = HotTer than
- Regra 2: Quando o adjetivo terminar em Y, substitua o “y” por “i” antes de acrescentar o ER.
Ex.: Happy = HappIER than
1) Complete a tabela abaixo de acordo com as regras 1 e 2:
- Regra 3: Com adjetivos ‘longos’ (com duas ou mais sílabas) use: MORE+ adjetivo+ THAN.
Ex.: Intelligent = MORE intelligent THAN.
2) Complete a tabela abaixo de acordo com a regra 3:
3) Complete as frases abaixo usando os adjetivos:
1. Peter is ___________________ John. (old)
2. Rio de Janeiro is ___________________ Porto Alegre. (hot)
3. Robbert Pattinson is ___________________ Brad Pitt. (handsome)
4. A BMW is ___________________ a Vectra. (expensive)
5. Chinese is ___________________ English. (difficult)
6. Mogi das Cruzes is ___________________ Poá. (large)
7. Going to the movies is ___________________ staying home. (good)
8. São Paulo is ___________________ Curitiba. (dangerous)
9. Soccer is ___________________ other sports in Brazil. (popular)
10. Travelling is ___________________ watching TV. (interesting)
11. Greek people are ___________________ English people. (friendly)
12. Speaking is ___________________ writing in English. (easy)
Inter 2 2010
Oficina de Gramática
- Regra 1: Com adjetivos ‘curtos’ (aqueles com uma sílaba) acrescente THE + adjetivo + EST:
Ex.: Cold = the coldest
- Quando o adjetivo for monossílabo ‘CVC’, dobra-se a última letra antes de acrescentar o ER.
Ex.: Hot= The HotTEST.
-Regra 2: Quando o adjetivo terminar em Y, substitua o “y” por “i” antes de acrescentar o EST.
Ex.: Happy = THE HappIEST.
1) Complete a tabela abaixo de acordo com as regras 1 e 2:
- Regra 3: Com adjetivos ‘longos’ (com duas ou mais sílabas) use THE + MOST + adjetivo.
Ex.: Intelligent = THE MOST intelligent.
2) Complete a tabela abaixo de acordo com a regra 3:
Inter 2 2010
Oficina de Gramática
3) Complete as frases seguindo as regras que acabamos de estudar:
1. Canada and Russia are _________________________ countries in the world. (large)
2. The continent of Antarctica is _________________________ in the planet. (cold)
3. Childhood is _________________________ period in our lives. (important)
4. Ronaldinho Gaucho was considered _________________________ soccer player of 2005.
( good)
5. Rio de Janeiro is _________________________ city in Brazil. (beautiful)
6. Jupiter is _________________________ planet in the solar system. (big)
7. Violence is _________________________ problem big cities. (bad)
8. What was _________________________ moment of your life? (happy)
9. Sunday is _________________________ day of the week. (boring)
10. Christmas is _________________________ time of the year in Oxford Street. (busy)
11. That is _________________________ movie I have ever seen. (sad)
12. The math test was _________________________ exam of all. (difficult)
4) Corrija as frases se necessário:
1. Canada is more big than Brazil _______________________________________________
2. Sandra is the most happy person I know _______________________________________
3. Fortaleza is hoter than São Paulo _____________________________________________
4. Sydney is the largest city in Australia __________________________________________
5. I can run more fast than him _________________________________________________
6. Are oranges the most expensive than bananas? _________________________________
7. English is easyer than Portuguese ____________________________________________
8. Roberta is older than Paula __________________________________________________
9. My friend is craziest than Napoleon ___________________________________________
10. New York is more interesting than London _____________________________________
5) Use o comparative ou superlative para fazer frases com os itens abaixo:
1. Harry Potter/ Spider Man ____________________________________________________
2. Brazil/ the USA ____________________________________________________________
3. English ____________________________________________________________________
4. Reading a book/ watching TV __________________________________________________
5. Dogs/ cats _________________________________________________________________
6. Tokyo _____________________________________________________________________
7. India/ Thailand ______________________________________________________________
9. São Paulo/ Sydney __________________________________________________________
Inter 2 2010
Oficina de Gramática
Tag Questions
- Usamos tag questions quando esperamos a confirmação de uma idéia ou opinião. Ela ajuda dar
continuidade a conversa.
Ex.: A: The weather was really hot yesterday, wasn’t it?
B: Yes. It was really hot.
- Se a frase for afirmativa, a tag question será negativa:
Ex.: - You have to work every weekend, don’t you?
- She is a great doctor, isn’t she?
- Se a frase for negativa, a tag question será positiva:
Ex.: - He doesn’t eat meat, does he?
- They shouldn’t sleep so late, should they?
1) Use a tag questions apropriada:
a) Joe doesn’t like horror movies, _______________?
b) Mr. Clark prefers science fiction, _______________?
c) Sylvia and I didn’t do well at the test, _______________?
d) Paul can’t come to the party, _______________?
e) Jack is on vacation, _______________?
f) You can speak Spanish, _______________?
g) There is a good movie on TV tonight, _______________?
h) He shouldn’t tell her about the surprise, _______________?
i) She was a bit sad yesterday, _______________?
j) You can’t park your car here, _______________?
k) It’s a beautiful day, _______________?
l) You smoke, _______________?
m) They’ll help, _______________?
n) I must study harder, _______________?
o) She’s on holiday, _______________?
p) The clock isn’t working, _______________?
q) Rick wasn’t born in Rome, _______________?
r) She should wear warmer clothes, _______________?
Inter 2 2010
Oficina de Gramática
s) Philip can ride a horse very well, _______________?
t) You went to the movies yesterday, _______________?
u) The film wasn’t very good, _______________?
v) I am Italian, _______________?
w) Toby met Pam last week, _______________?
x) Tim doesn’t eat meat, _______________?
y) The children won’t be here during their vacation, _______________?
z) Timothy will work in a factory, _______________?
a1) She lives in China, _______________?
b1) Bill can’t drive, _______________?
c1) Joshua loves pancakes, _______________?
d1) Mary is late, _______________?
2) Complete as frases de acordo com a tag question:
a)_____________________________________________________________,isn’t it?
b)_____________________________________________________________, don’t they?
c)_____________________________________________________________,aren’t you?
d)_____________________________________________________________, didn’t it?
e)____________________________________________________________, wasn’t she?
f)_____________________________________________________________, can they?
g)_____________________________________________________________, does he?
h)_____________________________________________________________, is she?
i)_____________________________________________________________, do they?
j)___________________________________________________________, shouldn’t he?
k)_____________________________________________________________, did he?
l)_____________________________________________________________, are we?
m)_____________________________________________________________, did you?
n)_____________________________________________________________, does she?
o)_____________________________________________________________, can’t she?
Inter 2 2010
Oficina de Gramática
Past Continuous
- O Past continuous ou Past Progressive é usado para expressar um evento ou ação em progresso
em um momento específico no passado.
Ex.: - I was reading my favorite book last night.
- It was raining a lot when we left.
- What were you doing at 10 a.m.?
- Yesterday, at 5 o' clock, I was going to the mall.
- Para expressar a interrupção de uma ação ou evento de longa duração, podemos combinar o
Simple Past e o Past continuous:
Ex.: - She was leaving when I arrived.
- He was going to bed when the phone rang.
- I cut myself when I was shaving.
1) Coloque os verbos na forma correta do past progressive:
1. When I phoned my friends, they _________________________(play) monopoly.
2. Yesterday at six I (prepare) _________________________dinner.
3. The kids (play) _________________________in the garden when it suddenly began to rain.
4. I (practice) _________________________the guitar when he came home.
5. We (not / cycle) _________________________all day.
6. While Aaron (work) _________________________ in his room, his friends
(swim)_______________________________in the pool.
7. I tried to tell them the truth but they (listen / not) _________________________.
8. What (you / do) _________________________yesterday at 5 pm?
9. Most of the time we (sit) _________________________in the park.
Inter 2 2010
Oficina de Gramática
9-10 am Go for morning run
10-11 am Shop for food
11 am-1pm Do the accounts
1-2 pm Have lunch
2-5 pm Have meeting with Gosport and Company
5-6 pm Travel home
6-8 pm Watch television
8-9 pm Prepare supper
2) Responda as perguntas de acordo com a agenda acima:
1. What was Peter doing at 6:15? He was watching television.
2. What was Peter doing at 10:30 ? …………………………………………………
3. What was Peter doing at 2:45? ………………………………………………..…
4. What was Peter doing at 8:20? …………………………………………………
5. What was Peter doing at 11: 00 …………………………………………………
6. What was Peter doing at 5:15? …………………………………………………
7. What was Peter doing at 9:00? …………………………………………………
3) Complete as frases com o simple past ou o past continuous:
1. John ………………………….(wait) for me when I ………………….(get home)
Ex.: John was waiting for me when I got home.
2. When I was a child I …………………………………. (want) to be a vet.
3. I…………………………….(cook) dinner when the phone ………………………(ring).
4. He………………………(run) down the road when the accident
5. I ………………..(meet)Alex at the station. He……………………………….(go) to
6. We……………………………..(have) an argument when you …………………(arrive)
7. I ………………………….(drive) to Waitrose this morning when I ( run over)
……………………………… a duck.
8. When I last ……………………..(see) Hamish he ……………………………(hope) to get
a job in a library.
9. The evil man ……………………….(follow) me so I …………………….(run away)
Inter 2 2010