A. S


A. S
Rotary and lis Magazine
HE RO TAR IAN ;s publiahl
T on
of the International
by the Boa rd of o;rt<;l_
~uoci·tion of Rotary 0,,11. on
the finl dar of eacb month. THE RotAaIAH .... . nl~.d " ..,eO1Id dau mallO. lkccmbor Ie, Ig18, It the P,..I O ffice al Chicqo
ilIinoi., IIndc, the l eI of March 3, l 87i.
C ....
It P ••..,.
F ..... R. J .....; ....
EdulW 6- Blf$mUI Ma1l4gl. .
Adlln';";"g Aiuagff
c..r•• V. Bu..
E ....... Ca....
M .... /I ••' Ed<tlW
Au', 8..,;"'1' Mu.g~.
.10 South U i<.hiaa .. A... ~ Ch;e..,o, itI. U. S. A.
Eatlln A~,w.!1 Rrtr.uR'aliw, W. W. Co.Utanl; ....
7 We. t leth St., New York.
To .... , of .ubtcription : to «nil Ih. copy; IUO lhe r .... r ... th.
United Statu ,1>4 Cu. ; 1I.7S in Canada; 11.00 in OIhtt countries.
Adwcrtuiac .. IN ..ill IN: ..... 1 upon application.
Tal RO'I'.uu.lI publishu lutho, i.ed 'IOtK.:, and ..tid.. ...... d_
ina Ih. acti .. it iu of the A.oocialion, ill ~rd of direclo"" COfI"Cnlion., . ommi!ltt .. etc:. In other ""'~IJ it ;•• __ nine for bul.i.
ne" m"", and th. direclou o f Ihe Allocialion do nol a uu"",
rCl~ ... ibi!lty 10' the opinionl upnll b,. tht authon of the di llcrenl
arUcln 1U11e.. luth . uponlwilily II uplicitly I . . umed. A.licl ••
nol 1p«lfical1y cop)TI,hted may ~ r.prinled if propo. endil i. I;,..n.
D irec lo .. of lb. I. A of It . C.
P'tlidenl Esles Snedccor o f Portland, Or.lon.
Immediate Pall Pr • • idenl Al~rl S. Adam. 01 Allanta, G.orJia.
Fiut Vice.Praid.nl Crawford C. :U~ullou.h o f FOri Wilham
and Port Arthur, Onta.io, Canada.
Second Vio!:. Pr.lid~t Ray M. Ha"cnl of Kanul Cill' Mi.........
Third V It... Praident RMn H. TiralDOO. o f Wicillta, K ..... u ..
1.1..........1 A...oc.. Uo . of 11.0 1.'7 a.b.
h an orrani..lion o f I~ Rotary aubs in OYC< 100 o f the
,;"cipal oltin 0 1 ,~ United Statu. Canada. G, eat Brila in and
rt\aJ:ld, Cut., I'orlo Rico. Panama, Hawai~ Philippina, Urucua:r,
Ar,nnina and China, with headqua,'." at '10 South Wichia;an Aye·
nue, o.ica,o, 111,110;.., U. S. A. 1M name i. $OmlOlim.. abb •• rial.d
to I. A. of R. C.
Objecl. of Ih. I. A . f R. C.
FiN!: To .neou, .,•• promOle and luporyiH the or,anization
of Rollr), Club. in all comnu:rcial cent... Ih.oout the wo.ld.
St<~ M: T o coordinat., , tandlO. di •• and ,.ntra Uy direct Ih.
.. o. k and adiY;I''', otM' Ihan loca l uli.i,;es, of all affiliated Rotary
T",4: To encourage and loott<, th.u ilt o wn activitiu and
t".u t~ """"iu m of affiliat ing Rotary aubs
(a) H ie" ethicalltandardl in bUliM$l and p,olationl.
(6') T .... ideal o f ",. vice a. ,be ... i. of all worlh7.nl •• pr .....
(~ ) 1M act; •• inl . . .. ' o f .,,".,. Rotarian in Ih •• i.ic, Comtntr<:ia~ ....,;"1 ...,d raon] .... fa •• of hit communiI)'.
( 4) The dt-ftlopm.nl o f a broad KqWlinlancnhi, al ..., os>J?OfI"nl\y f o• ,"",ict at w~U as an aid 10 IUCCCU.
(d The ,nl • ..,han,e o f id.... and of bulin~ .. melhods as a
mn.ru o f incrtllU" lbe .llici.t>Q' and ""e"tln... of
Rota rian •.
(f ) The re<:ornition of the worthin ... o f a ll It,ilimal. OCC\I.
pationl and the dilfnilyillR of lhe occupation 01 uth
Rota.ian as aIlordin( him an O\Iponun;1y 10 Hne
_ kly.
Pu". : To c •• al., adopt and pr ••• rv. In embl.m, hadge, 0'
,,'hu ;" . ia;nia or International Rotlry fo' , h •• ~clu sive not and
btn.fil of all Ro'.ria n•.
COVER DES IGN ........ ..... •.......... COIt""."N A,'UIl
(Pip II,) ................. .......... B1 WiWor", H . &In
.. "., ... , .... , ......... ....... , . . . By C....slG C. 5.ttl«.
NO WAR-BUT SO~lE SI'E:-;'Da"G ( Pare 12 1) • . By R. R. 5",il.
A SONG OF LAUG HTER (V ..se) (Plge 111)
. ... , .. , .... . , .. , .. , .. , ..... , ..... . By Tluodort lI"y_1I
WASTE ( Pace 11.1; .................. . .. " . By Ewrm 5";"1
RED PROP.... CA:-;'DA WORKS ( Pase 11S)
LA EXTEl" SION DE ROTARY (PI,. 130) . . Por D",.it/ P. l..e4"
BOYS WORK (Pase 131)
THE RQTARL"'N'S OPE.'" FOR U}l (Pap 135)
FOLKS LAUG H •.-.T T HESE (Pile 13S)
O/JUI oNy to oJlkrliJm of ac~n ordeJlf;ti JlaMint
aM raputahilily. AJootiJemenb will not he acupl.tJ
from ilK« who are UJIaItJ in Jou6tful (K im,ular tn·
IerpriJ= or whou recoras ,hie f1);JUJU f1)UI of a aiJ·
position to JiJre84,a con«/. husiTld$ mdltotJs Of
ni:tJ slanaaras qf commuciQ/ or professional honor.
60,000 Copie$ of thi. I •• ue were Printed
E.c..,.,. , • • _
A"dit Burea. of Circ:uJ.tiol'a
............. I t - ' ~~".
, .r----------------------------------------------------c___
Scptnnber, 1920, Vol. XV II, No. 3
P age
11 6
1920. Vol. XV II. No.3
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Sound Business and Sound Statesmanship
By WillIam H. Barr, P resident of The Inter-racial Council
HEN a business man commence.! to talk
about his di fficul ties in keel?ing the wheels
of ind uslry turn ing. t he~ IS o~ thing he
i ~ su~ to sa)'. He may have $Orne remark s
to make about the difficulty of figuring his
income lax or the problem o f foreign markets. or Iroul.>l" in gett ing raw mate rials.
but he is certai n to'make 50me commenllike
this. "I don't seem to be able 10 get the right
sort of help any more. It·s hard enough
to keep thc worke rs I' ve got, and still harder to get any new
hands that a re worTh Ihti r salt." It i ~ the 5ilme stOTY in
"\'try line o f busi ness. When you speak TO a manufacturer
"bout labor $llorlage he throws up his hands. When you
Talk 10 a farmer about it he almost sheds tears. The em]llo~'ers try to case mauc~ for their own busi~sse,. by
w.klll!: away one ot her's help. bUI of course that is a policy
which gets us now here. It sillll)ly rai5e$ wages all around,
boosts pr ices and makes for general unrest and discontenT.
HE fact il; we are lip against a "ery serious labor shortage in :\'orlh AmerIca. It h.u been u timaled that Ihe
market is four o r fi"e million s sho rt . d ue 10 lhe laci thai sinC<'
Ihe outbreak of the lI'af immigration dropt away below prewa r fit:Ures and has nOI el'en bet:Un to con~ back to normal.
This serious indust rial situation is one of the problems
which T he In ter-racial Coundl is au empl ing to w ive in a
const ru cti"e and farsighted manne r. It is logical That The
Inter-racial CoulI~il should lackle thi s matter because il
,Jeab with lhe fore ign·born and their life in a ntw country.
We believe that lhe liabor shortage would be eased by more
enlighlened policies in regard TO Ihe indi"idual foreign·bom
1I'0rker. One reason why the immiernn t is going hack in
~uch large numbers is that in a great many ClI!ieS the new
COI",f elid not get a square dea l in America. We have
.<tud ied that quut ion in consul taT ion with The various racial
l~ders here an d h ~ve ~onle TO a I)re ny correct conclusion as
to what constitules a square deal for the immigrant and how
we can go about il 10 make hint contented here 50 that he
....'iIl not be tempted to JIII ck his g rip a nd 113.11 away for Ihe
"Old Country."' carrying hi s savings wilh him.
ITHOIJT doubt one o f the principal reasor!.' why
intmigrnn t ~ ~re not coming in larg1'! numbe rs is that
we make iT IIl11tc<:e5sarily diflkult for them to get here. At
the preliCTlt rate of exchange, The head tax. passport vise
and Irn"c1ing expenses amount to the pr ice of a small fa rm
in some o{ the O ld World cou ntries. T hen, to thi s financial
burden we add tl~ encumbrance of a literacy test which bars
a man who m;ly be a STrong. industrious and willing worker;
bllt who is refused admi ssion to America merely because he
cannOT read. The Inter· racial Council is therefore attent pii ng 10 secu~ fair treatment of the fo~ign·bom who
are already here and rea.$On;lble ~hanges in the immigra tion
laws which will attract 1II0re 01 Ihe Ucsirable clement to
ou r shores. and safegua rd the indh'idual a lien until he is
employed and able to take ca re of himself.
HE Inte r·racial Council is one of Ihe most const ruct;"e
organiza lions in Ame rica·. It was organized ill }lar~h .
1919, by a group o f men and women wh o a rc 3C1:1IS10Illed
10 do big thillgs in an efficiel1! mann er. The...: lleOI)le
include the he:l.ds o f some of the larges t corJ;>Oralions il\ Ihe
world, both financial and indu strial illstilutlons t..., ing represen ted. In addi tion to these America ns, with Ihcir inili ati,"e and cxccmivc abilit)" th ere is a grou p of leader~ of
Ihe foreil.'1l· bom dements 11\ the United Sl a!e~ who know
what the immigrant think s and can tell us what he needs.
I nd i"iduals who ha,"e made II 5tudy o f Ihe immignnt problem for years. who ha'~ indeed made it their li f~ work, a re
also included in the Council ;lnd Ihe result is that for the
fi rst time in hislOfY the immigra tion problem is lleillg stud ied
scient ifically by th ree groups who are particubrly imerested
in finding lhe right $Dhnion; Ihe imn.irran t himself thm his
leaders, the employer o f labor who use. his IIen ·icc. and Ihe
e"pe rl who has :t. oieien lific and humaniTari.tn inte"",1 in the
XE o f Ihe most imporlant things TIle Inter,racial
Council has 10 do is 10 d ispel the pre jud i~e in the
minds of ntany "\ mericans against the foreign·born, TItis
is reflected in lhe contemptuous way in ...·hich they are referred to as "bu nkie5," or "wops" or "polacks," and in the
habitual altiluUc of supe riority which many of the nalil'ebo rn adopt before The immilj:rant , We a re trying 10 do away
with this prejudice by tellmR our people aga in and again
a nd in as ma ny ways as possible just what the foreign.bom
lI~aQS to America. how he has broucht his :lrts and culture.
how he has built our railroads. dllg our ditches and cultivated our fa rms ; how he hns suppo rT ed our Libcrl\' Loo ns,
fought our ha ttles and shed hIS blood in our dd~n se.
T this time when the words " foreigne r" and "Red"
are synonymous in the mind s of many olhcrwise intclligent ]J«Iple. The work of diSllelling prejudice is tre·
mendously important. II we are ever to be a faClor ill world
affairs. doing inte rnationa l bll si llcss and having SooIn clhing
TO say in worlll politic~. we must rei rid of the prejlldice
against foreigners,:IS such. which is the mark o f a provi ncial
U ITE as important as Ihe work of getting the ,-'l mer!·
can to underSI:l.nd the foreign.born. is Ihe ~ucntion
of tbe immigran t in wha t America really !t;lnds for . ;\Iany
immigrants, who are industrious and thrifty and in e\'ery
~spect worth while. have rather a poor opinion of A H~rica
and are anxious to IUI'e it. They can hardly be blamed for
this. sinC<' the)' arc "ictirnized by sharpe~ from the "cry
P.~ 117
5rp{emb••. 1920. Vol. XVII. No. 3
o f their arrival and are can slalUiy being di scriminated "pins! and imposed upon. These people ate apt to
judge America ns by the bru tal and unsnupulons persons
encounterw., and I think most o f us wou ld do the
sanle. Howe ve r. a class of dishone5! amI narrow-minded
people dou not represent America. as you and I well know .
I! IJ the refore the duty of brood-minded and generous
HE Int er· rac ial Council al so works thnt the moti on
pictures. by co-ope rating with some o f the leading Ilro·
ducers ~ nd tl istributors in the Unitet! StatU in the proouc.
tion and distriblltion o f fil ms to carr)" the lessons o f true
Amer icanism. When 've can make Ihe motion picture in·
cnk3te tile pr inciple of loyal ty to America. a tremendous
inDuence is cxertell.
10 interpret to the foreign-born the best there
is in .\nl('rican life :md history.
OR Cl<<lmp!e. The Inter-r.lcial Cou ncil is at pres<:nt helpillg 10 circulate information a oout America, its Constitution and its institutions in a series o f adve rti se!!>ents in
fONlign lnnguage papers. It is believed that whell the foreign.born knows what his cons\iIUlion.,1 right s arc, he will
be able to protect himself, and that when he realizes that
ollr COn5till1t ion guarantees a government by the people, he
will not be in a hurry to cast it aside for some new experiment in governmen t. T his material i ~ ci r(lIlated thru the
forei.,. language preu beQ use it is thell tlelil'ered to the
people we want to reach in a language they undel'Stand.
Then are approxima tely 1.200 fOl'"eign lang\l;lge newspapeu
in this COUntry and a large proportion of t~ are read by
people who ca nnot read English. The)' form the c1a55 who
are in the g reates t need of AmetieamQtion, and the most
logieal \I'a~' in which to tcll them the truth about Ame rica
is thrll 11 press that they read regularly.
O IT i~ part 01 the policy of The Inter·radal Council to
rcs i5t 1\11 attcmpts to eliminate the foreign language
press. The ~me people who think of every fo reigner as a
"Ret!" also think o f every foreign language paper as a
Msedi tious sheet." Now as a matter o f fa ct only about one
percent of the foreign language: publications in America are
radical 3nd thi s is a small er pe rcwtage tha n is ' found
among our o wn press. On the otller hand the loyalty of
these Amcrian p~pers publisht in foreign languages was
splentlidly represen ted during the war when they help! stimulate enl istment , explained the d raft laws and other war
measures to their readers a nd furth('TCd the Wa r Loans.
Red Cl'O$s a nd other patriotic movements by donating huge
amou nts o f ad vc rt ising space.
HAT the fo rei~ lauguage pre5~ need s is closer con·
tact with Amencall a!Tairs and American business in
order to add to it! u$Cfulne ~, to Ihe n"tion. The Inlerracial Council is devclopillg this contac t in ,'ar;ou$ ways.
\Ve U$(: this p rus as a medium fo r di sp13)' ad vertising to
counteract Ilolshevist luehinljs and to explain what America st" nd~ for. Tn ro-operallon with the AJnerica n Assoc~tion o f Foreign Language Newspapers. we encourage
commodity adl·ertising in this press. beliel'ing that it is
good (or the imnligrant to become acq uainted with American
products. "tld good for the pu blisher o f foreign latlguage
pa per .. to h,we busi ness relations with ,\ lI1('rica n advert isers .
I ncidently such advertising opens a new and extremely
valuable m:'lrket for the American Iltanufacturer. Thevaluc
of friendly relations between the America n busineu man
and the foreign language press cannot be over·estimated.
It is " most e ffecti ve instrument for dcveloping respect and
liking (or Amerk an institutions among lhe foreign banI.
HRt: the organization of committees oi representative
lC:lders of thirty racial groups in thi s co untry we a rC
able to rea ch a great number of foreign born wil h the mes-
sage o i Ameri ca. Ou r conta ct wi th these leaders serves two
purposes. that o f keeping us in formed about the needs of the
Immigr:m t and of h,s contribution to America. and bringing to the immigra nt himself a betl cr untleutand ing of our
ideals ,, 00 tradit ions. The nlCmbership of the racial organ iutions in the Un ited St"tes runs into m"ny thous:mds
and next to the foreign lanJ!uage press the}' are probably
the 1lI0st imporl3nt channel of communication bel\I'een
Americ~l\~ and the foreign born.
K promotinG" Ihe assi milation of the immigrant it is nOI
sufficient to address the foreign born ex~Jusively. TIle
native American must be tal1 ght \0 appre<:iatc the va lue oi
these visi ton from other lands and deal with th em tactfully
and considera td y. As the main point o f C011latt between
Americans anti the immigrant is in our great intlustrial
pla nts whcre hundred s o f thou sands of foreigll born worken
are employed, a most i m~rlallt part o( o ur service is to
make analyses of Ihe ractal relations ill Ihe plantt and to
suggest to the employers the lleedS o f the foreign born and
how the)" can be met th ru thc organiza tion of plant activ o
ities. As the employer understands the immigrant belkr.
the latter will receive the same rights and privileges that the
native born worker enjoys_
E have de\'clopt a Spea kers Bu reau which send _
clea r.headed busi ness men Irom plal\l to plant. de-
livering cri sp talks on racial rcla tions to executivcs ~nd
foremen . Theu: are not theoretical utterances; but a rc
practiCl\I straight-from·the-shoulder talks on how to avoid
friction in the pl31\1 by sdentific and human handlinl{ oi
the fore ign born workcr s. Our speakers also talk betore
conven tions of manufact urers and other business men.
always ca rrying the s;l me practical mcssage.
USINESS men and employers are also reach t thru Ihe
tradc publica tions, which are read not for recreat ion
or the cha rm o f their literary style; but for "brass
lacks"' information on bettering business ~nd ineTfasill g
profits. A large numbe r of the edito" o f tratle publications
believe tha i ' he work we are doing is of j ust ~uch service
to Iheir readers, and Ihm their columns we hl"e C:l rriffi
the message o f ":I squa re deal for the inltlligrant worker"
to many huntlreds of employers.
HR U Ihe elllployers in turn wc are able to rea ch the
foreigll hom worker by meallS of the house organ or
shop paper or other plam publidty. Every mon th we sen d
out a clip sheet wh ich is reprinted by such house organ~ a"
c:arry a con5tructi\'e tru'ssage. It may be a dellC ription
of the chaotic condi tions in the Old World ta ken Iroll1 the
foreign language press or from letters from over-sea s
which h:&\'e the effect of discouraging the foreign hom
worker from throwing up his job and goi ng back to the
old country. It nlay be ~ paragraph tellillg of the opportunities in America or the ad vanta~5 o f lea rning ou r
langtL3ge. or buy ing a home in America or qualif ying for
ci tizen$hip; but in eve ry case it is cons truct;'"e and positivc.
Sometillles the poinl is clincht by a cartoon which iU",·
trat es :I pertinent paragraph. This free serv ice to ho,,_.~
organs has bttn endorsed by a large number o f plant •.
UR contribution s to the ntwspapers and st:llldar<l
m3gazines thTuOUt the eoulliry have all been along the
s:a mc line o f thought: a {airer valuation of the inlmigrant
and equitable tre:ltment of the indi vidual, without u ce
immig rat ion probl~m begins. not at Em. h lan<t:
but on the other side of the water. we a re trying to
5CCUre a ~\'ision of the immigration laws Ihat will weed
out the unfit 3nd a dmi t the desirable. T h is \\'3~ one of thc
subjects d iK lIst at the Kat ional Conference on Imtllig'atioll
called in New York April 1920 hy The In tc r·u da l Council.
In th e Memo rial and Rcsolut ions past at this conference.
Page 118
s ou r
~p! ember.
1920. Vol. XVII. No.3
are other constructive ideas which we hope will be acted
upon by Congress. Th e most illlJ?:Ortant measure is the
proposed Federal Bureau of Assimilation, under which all
CoI'ernment dealings with the immig rant would be co-ordi!lated. At present !lOme of the bureaux arc working at
cross purpo!oCs. lind the proposed iloard of Assimilation
would avoid this difficulty besides providinr adequate protection {or the new-comer. It is al so proposed to direct
the immigrant to that p;:Irt o f the country where there is
demand for the work he is fined to do best, also to gil'e
him opportunities for education in our language and
customs. A copy of the Memorial and Resolutions will
be sent without charge 10 anyone who is inten:sted in
the details of this proj«t.
H E practical nature of this coo ference is indiC:l.ted
l>y the fact thai it was COI1l~ of serious thinkus
on immigration, such as leaders of the racial organizations,
employers of fon:ign born labor, both industri al and agricultural, and a group of men of affairs who arc of inle rnational imrrtance. All concurred in the thought thllt the
stability 0 American business and industries depends
largely upon ou r judicious handling of the immigra tion
HE fact that we will have more production and ~reater
prosperity if we all pull tOl:'ether, instead of wa st mg our
energy in racial prejudIces and autagonisms is important,
but fa r mo re important is the rnoti"e back of ou r effort.
By bringing the ,'arious races in America into sympathetic
contact with one anothe r we hope to makc all ICC and \'alue
the good qu alities of the othen. T he immigr:mt brings us
not only his strength, his industry and his thrift; bUI he
brings us many cultural gif~ that we have only to know
to appreciate. The Amcricaniution which wc endeavor
10 promote is not the sort which would cast into one mould
all the r.lCCS which have found a rtstinc place in this
country, Our conccption of Americani$lll means to retain
the fine qualities of each race gathe red here from every
part of the globe and devotc them to the service of our
country, in peace as in wa r, Rotarians will need no furthe r
explanation of Ihe broad prindples of mutual help, sympathy and brot herhood, which we a n: endeavori ng to promote amOllg the many diverse races tlta t constitute the
American people.
_Th, 1..1,~-r(ICiol COllll~iI of :t"'idl WiUilim H. Bllr~
i.r pruid,"I, ",,,,,bers "1110119 ils offieUI ""d difeclOf.r """
high j" Ihe (o.IIIcib of Ihe "Iltion, IJI/ Americllns "nd T"r,_
UntOlit·, of every rll(, "lid efred ill III, RDI" blir.
The Craze for Co-Operation
By Chula C. Sherlock
went to Minnesota to in vestiga te
co-operative organi zations in that
, I wen t with an open mind. The
pr('judice T had was fal'o rablc to
idea, if' could
madc to work. I
the reason . that
are most plenrefer to farmers' co-op• concerns. Surely I would find, in
things are com mon , all the pros
be mu stered on the s ubject. Business men had told me : "00 not be too enth usiastic.
The co-opera tive idea is finc as a theory; but in actual
practice it has the habit of blowing up with a loud bang
when yo u least expec t it. It isn't the fault of the idea;
but the fault of the shan:holders themselves. They
seldom. if el'er, gel the ri~ ht kind of managers. Inexperienced men in the buslIless they an: trying to conduct are usually placed in charge, sometimes a shareholder ; then the thing si nks to an inevitable death."
HIS is all too true. The bleacht bones of co-operali,'e en terpri$C$ arc strewn all over the mercantile
~nd 5. There is ha'rdly a fa rming o r small town community in the Middle \Vest t ha t does not have a local
skelelon or two: but I did not go to Minnesota particularly to hunt for corpses, I we nt to hunt for successes. I found that there arc at the rrese nt time more
than 180) co-operati ve ven tures of al kinds in Minne5Ota, the share holders of which 3re mostly fa rmers.
T here are over 500 co-ope ra tive live-stoc k shirPing associati ons alone, and more thall 75 per cen t 0 all Minnesota live stoc k sent to markct las t rear was handlcd
by these local concerns. The Hu tchInson association,
which ;5 Ihe largest in the Statc, handled $lOO,OCIO worth
of li\'e s tock last
. the Glencoe 3.Ssodation handles
worth of live stock every week
from $6,0CX) 10
the year
Litchfield association. which is
the pio neer
in the State , has SCO members
and it ship t
worth of Ih'e s toc k last year.
)IAN in elos.c touch with the si tuation says; ...... 5
a result of these co-operat;"e efforts the local stoc k
buyer. as :I spedcs. h:u become praetically extinc t. tn
a remarkably I~rge numbe r of ,"s\ances these farmer
organiza tions have hired thc loc al buyer as their manager and in the majority of instanccs the arrangement
has been sa tidactory. The s tory of one local is the
story of them all. T hcre is nothin~ roman tic or sensational about their business operatIons. T hey simpl y
return to the farmer the highest ponible price for his
produc t, a condition which, when honcstly administered,
is alwa)'$ satisfactory to the average producer," If one
will lake the trouble 10 ,trike an average betwee n the
usual amou nt of business done by thelle eoncerns, which
is around $SCO,OCX) annually-al least so far as I am able
to determine ill the many illsla ncc. where loc:al managers
were interviewed-and multiply it by the number o( associations in the States, a graphic idea of the \'ol un>e of business done in one line alone is obtained.
U T live stock shipping associations are no t the only
.,ctivity in which the farmers have interested themB
setvcs. T hey operate banks. grocery sto rcs, creamerics,
produce companies. flour mills. packing plants, jobbing
concerns, dry goods stores. hardware and implement
stores, lumber ya rd s,-in f:l ct there is not a single form
of legi timate business activi ty in which they ha\'e nOI
put the co-operative idea to work.
LENCOE, Minneso ta , is hailed fa r and wide as the
most successful cen ter of co-operative cn terprise.
I had the plc asu re of I'isiting Glcncoc last winter. I
fou nd that it is indeed a "glowing example" of what may
be ac complish t by farme rs organized to car ryon business transactions. I found th at cI'ery business enterprise in Glencoe direct ly affecting the f:mner in a buying
or selling way, with the excertion of one ba nk, the
lumber yard and a drug store, is owned and operated by
a farme r's co-operative assoc iation, T hey have a livcstock shipping association, a poultry and produce concern, a creamery. a Aour mill. a grain marketing association, a s torc, a bank, and while I do not know whether
they have a hardware and implcment store, I believe
Ihey have, as wc will presently sec.
F I remember eorrectly, there arc eigh tccn separa te
a nd di s tinct enterprises in which the farmers III the
coun try immcd;3tely s urrou nding Glencoe hal'e inter-
P"Ke 11 9
Septtmber. 1920. Vol XV II. No. J
es ted themselves. i' was tolu by thc· m:lIlagers 01 one 01
their a ssocia tions that Ihey t ry to c ut ou t th e "midd ltman" on every singlo-, transaction , eithe r going or COming. They buy th ei r sugar in carload lo ts when t hey
can get ii, and d istri bu te it among the members at the
tTach at cost. They buy their farm mach inery in the
same way. \ Vhcn a m:l" wa nts a man ure s prcad"'r, he
does not order it and pay f~ight on it :Ill a single shipmcnt ; he ei th er waits unlil other far mers wan t a simila r
im p le ment, o r he goes arollnd in t he communi ty and
gen enough orders to make up a carload and then t hey
~t wholesale p rices. also a better freigh t rate. They
buy th eir tan kage in the same way, as we!! as other
feed needed for their s ioc k. Si l o~ and the li k". are
o rdered by t he dozens an d all sct up at once. T hey
eve n own and operate thei r ow n th reshing ontfit in
order to cu t out a s much thresh ing expense a s possib le.
1 was up an d dow n the bns ineu section of Glencoe many
t imes. I d idn 't see a s in g le a utomobi le agency in th at
town. J suppose. th at they buy th eir aUlomobiles b y
the carload. for it would be en tire ly fair to assume that
they do. Dry goods is sold by the bolt, ami if o ne purchastr happens to haH more than he wants, it is distribUle(\ around among th e neighbor!, So it is wi th hats,
shoc~ and other cloth ing.
In short , the farmers of
Mc Leod County, Minneso ta, ha" e learned t he lesson 01
bu nch ing purchases and sales and they a rc wo rking it
to a finish any wa y you t urn. All mill products, from
Ao ur a ll down, a re supplied by their ow n fl onr milL
Their crea m is h~ndl ed by theIr ow n creame ry, whic h
h ~s lately moved into a Ile 'v $35,0'XI plant. The butter
is shipl to a commis~i on fi rm ill P hil adel ph ia. T he re
a rc 425 pat rons of th is creamery, 400 o f whom are stockholders,
('''prest, but I 5till 1o«yc my doubts! I th en askt Mr,
Albrecht wh a t motive W3$ beh ind thi s desire to s ti fle
competi tion on t ver)" hand wherevtr poasi bl e, a nd
likew ise to stiAe eom muni ty development in the way
thu they had. TI e loo ked at rot in bla nk amazemen t,
H e objected to my insinuation that they had stifled community develo pment_
"Glencoe 15 as good as it e,'tr was," he s:l id. " 1
o bjeet to you saying th at We have do ne t hat."
"Is it better tha n 'i t ever wa!?'" I askt ,
"\Vell, iI's good enough for us," was the uoncommi lta l reply.
What arc the facts? Th ere is an a ir o r stagnat ion,
of lan!'uid inactivity which is appa ren t to tht st ranger
tht mmute he steps from th e train. Gl encoe seems to
be on e of those many tow ns which arc losing their grip
o n li fe , It is on the greased chUle.
yean ago gave Glencoc • population
Glencoe will have to hust le to show
I I poin t of community development it will
to wa ke up good and plenty to show even a6 much
<le,'eior ment as the a"erage Iowa tow n o f 80:) poPlllamention Io wa for the reason that no Iowa lown
t ion,
ha s the co-n perative concem s tha t Glencoe ha s, There
a re no pned ~ tree t s in Glencoe. Yet Glencoc is the
count y seaf o r McLeod County. It is just three count ies wes t ,of Minneapoli ~, a nd in t he heart o f thc beS t
fa rrn ini country of Minnesota. It has as much wealth
and a s many resou rces a s any Iowa co untY-le at lown
to draw upon, but it ha s k ~ pt its wealth to it!iClf. Yon
can't find a cou nt y-sta t tow n in Iowa that has Ius than
li!OJ population and p aved s tree ts. ) [0$1 of them ha\"e
el<"C tfle ' lights, city wa te r, a nd many of th em have gas
to boot.
HE Jive s toc k a~5OCi:ll ion has 180 membe rs and
there would be more if there were enough sha;cs of
stOCk to let any more in. I t was
in 1911 ,
"as the res ult o f di~tisfaction in connection wi th old
li ne houses," as th e manager told me.
HE grain sh ipping a ssocia tio n ha nd ltd
bushels of wheat al.one bst yt;lT. \Vhen th e farmer
b rings in hi s grain, he is paid for weight on the scales,
an d p~i d o n the spot , No allowance is made for sh ri nk_
age, an d th is is wh at secm~ to apreal to t htm. When 1
luked Joh n Albrecht, manager 0 th e Glencoe Farmers
Elev" tor how they h appened to sta rt in b usiness, and
also if the other eleva tor down the tracks was doing
b usinel6, he repl ied : "No. t his is the o nl y elevator in
Glencoe. 'VI' beca me d is.sa tisfied wi th the way the former ow ner was doing business, so we built the little devator dow n the tracb, and within six mont hs we were able
to buy this place at our OWII terms."
"I n o ther words, you boyco tt ed him?" '
"Did you pursuc lhe ' samt methods 111 getting establish l in other lines~"
"\Vell, we usually offered to buyou t the man we
didn't li k e; if hI' wouldn' t 5ell, then we: wen t illto compe tition w ith h im and go t in tha t way!' I look! down
the st reet and happe ned to sec th e lumbe r ya rd ,
" Do you own the lumber yard down the re?"
":':0, that is owncd by a cha in yards company."
" Ho w docs it happen tha t you haven't go ne into the
lumbe r business?"
I thought th a t P!'rha ps they had been afraid to "go
into competi tion" WIt h a com pany as fina ncially powerful
OIS th is conce rn , wh ic h has a \'ard in a lm051 e,'ery to wn
in central Mi nnuota.
"Oh, he W;lS alway s dispoSf'd to be fair with us, so
we decided to let him alone!" T ha t is th e reason he
NE of the Surut e"idences 01 ill-health 011 the part
of a town is the hotel. The hotel in Gltncoe is
a ma mmoth st ructure, once a fine houst and it will ;acco mmodate at ltast fifty tran sients without trouble.
l! rarely accommodates more than five p at rons a day,
The d ay I arri ved in Glenc~ , 1 was the only per!!On to
stop at t he hotel. I a te in a mammoth d minl:" rllom,
which wo uld easily accommoda te 100 people, wi th a
yOllng doctor, \-Ve were the ouly "guests." I heard the
wife of the propri etor complaining becausc "all the train
is good for is to take people OUI o f tOII'n!" T he local
hanker i. aft-aid o f his life. He ~i"'l'ly rd llS<:.1 II' ""l' a
word abollt co-optrath'c concerns. When I brought lip thesubject, he $ITliled and askt me how I liked the sno ..· storm.
I tried to get lOme in£onnatioll out 0 1 him again a lillle
la ter, and fie IlOJitely invited me 10 list the 'pholle at his
ook and eRn up Wm. P. :\ire~, a farmer, ..'ho is one of
the most promlmmt stockholders in Ihe aH>per:ll it'e \"C"f]ture. :\Ir. :\Iyeu could g i\'e me all the informatiOIl I desi red .
\VO or three hours la ter, after J had talkt to John
Alb ree h t do wn at th e Fa rme r's Elevator, I noticed
a sign hanging ove r an o ld $lo re build ing. It said:
"Glencoe Fa rmer's Co-Opera tive Bank." After I read
that sign I began to und.,utand why my ba nker up the
st reet had been 50 wa ry . Therc was evidently a figh t
on between t he two fo r thc b ank ing control o f th e communi ty; if there was not, then the ba nke r feared that
there wOllld be on th e , ligh test pretex t.
A M nOt makin g: a p reachme nt ei ther pro or can o n
t hi5 subject. I am merely sett ing out what I 5aw in
one community in Minne501a , I might l1I ellt iol1 ma ny
ot hers, but a~ my friend q uoted above said : "T he s tory
01 one I~al is the s tory 01 them all." Not all co'ope rative tonce rns hal'e succeeded in the past. Thtre 1$ a n
Page 120
, "----------------------------------------------------c___
Seplemb .. , 1910, Vol. XV II. No. 3
.. uje ctio n to them on that score ; b ut it seems to me that
in th e ri ature of events, whe n they do meet that financial
, uc« ~~ wh ich is the ya rd -~t ick We all use, th ey h,,"e in fact
made a big fairu re bt:eau.>C thcy Slick the li fe-blood out of
communit y dC"dopme ut aud 6\01' the h:l.1uls o f the d ock
of progrcss SO fa r iU the commun it y is concernct!. Pe:ol,le
ha"e a righl to co-operate for thei r nltltllal ad\'311t:lge. pro"ided there is going to be an adequate advanlage: in Ihe:
tran§actiOll. B UI do the)' count the emt? Do the:y sec' inl o
the future and understand what Ihey are going to <10 10
themselvC5, e\'en if the)' do mcet the: me:asll re: of lina n.... ;al
~uc~ Ihey cr.•.\'c ?
SDER the law, il is im pos.sible to tax busine:Sl!e:s
co-opc:ra t j"ely co nducted. Just why such a s tatute
~hould have th e u n;venal applic:;ltion it h3s, is imposs ibl e o f u nderstanding, un leu it is another of the "oteca tch ing s tatul e. enacted long ago before Ihe: full effect
wu noted, The fa rmers of Gl encoe arc doing seventeen
o r eightee n different forms of legi timate business and
Ihe proliu w h ich they make or keep cannot be re ach t
Ih ru Ihe medium o f taxes. TIle community ~IS no benelit out o f the business done in it. Gi ve n an equal l1um her of Imsin es$ men in the same ente rprises and there
would be taxes :..-ailable to the comm unity upon the propeny they own ami thc hu siness they do, which would (Cnable
th~ whole commu nity to enjo)' advantages they do not enj oy
now. They llIight ha"e pa\'cd Streets, elect ric lights. cily
water and the ot her litt le co n\'eniencu so common to small
town s tha t are '"awake." In addi tion. Ihose in the oommunit y not holtling a membtrshil) card in Ihes.. organi~~
lions wou ld have the ad "amage of cOInpetition. ,".nd the
fa rmcu' wi.·cs who want 11 new dress would not have 10
take a dreu off Ihe ume bolt o f goods that e"e ry other
farmer's wif e in the COUluf)'side has used fo r a similar
I'urposc:. Inste ad o f th e com mullit y being cl ol hed a la
army sty le, in u niforms mo re or leu, there would be
individual ity in d reu.
UT that is not al\. I f Glencoe, o r any o ther community so bound up by (Co-opera t;'"e en terprises,
had an el:J ual number o f busine$l men at th e head of the:
local buslIle:ues th ey woul d naturally be wide-awake and
interested in co mmu nity progTen. Th ey wou ld want
to improve their town because it wou ld make b usiness
conditions be tl er. Glencoe losn a ll thi s in her anxie ty
to sa l'", the nic kels and d imes. Th e craze to coo~rale is spreading:;l1\ o "e r the farming comm uni ties of
th e :\[id dle \Vest at th e present time, d ue to the publici ty
which has bci!n ~iven theae venturel in Minnuot3, South
Dakota and WIsconsi n. The farmcrs are amo:iou5 to
organize a nd take th ings into their own hands because
somewhere th ere lurks th at o ld fceling t hat they a rc
the small end 0 1 the h orn.
\VOKDER if they know what they lire abollt to do,
They s tand in tlanger 01 two evil results: fail u re: in
the firM instance, because thcy se le:et the w rong men to
man age thei r e nt erprises; and in th e second, an d to my
mind the far more im portant instance. th ey na nd in
<.lanRcr of committing com mun ity su ici de from a deve lopment standpoint. And th a t is what has hurt small to wn
com muni t ies fo r th e past lifty yean. Th e farmer ha s reo
fu setl to supp<>rt the local b usiness e n terp ri ses, antl h as
concentrated h is purchasing power elsewhere. Now he
is swillging to the Olhe r ex treme. He is going to concen trate his purchasing pow er in hi! own han ds. And in
do ing that. he is gettin g nea re r Social ism tha n he has
el'er bee n before.
No W ar-But Some Spending
By R. R.
Smith , Governme n t D irector , Ei2 hth f ederal R eserve D is lric t,
Treasury Department
COllkquences of war 111ll)' be as
;::~<'i: ~: War itse lf. Our typica l Amer·
1I0t ginn to crossing a bridge
before reaching it. Our present economic difficul ty will 110t imp ress itself
hea,'i ly upon him until it ac tually gives
hi m a sola r-plexus blow. Two widclv
di fl"('re:nt ,·ie w5 exis t as to what ou'r
prese nt malady may be a nd a$ to the
p rope r rcm~dy. :\Iell are inclined to look
at condi tions thrn thcir own bU5ine$.'! gla sses. T he
lIa nhrs o f the coumry hold oue "iew of the cu rrent ec0nomic <lifficult y an d men in re t ~il, who lcsal e: and produ ction li nes, ho ld a n ahnost o pposi te vicw. T hc latt er
group reasons that bus iness is good. Sellin \:" at gooll
priecs e011liuues. Pro~ I)Cc t 5 po in t toward con ti nued
b uy ing. The people nrc st ill co mpeting with ol1e
another to get t hc good ~ th e me rchmll offen. Why
.~ h ould u't he take a hopeful vic II" ? Th e merch~nt k now~
thc dollar of yC~l crd")" j~ ~, nil'ph:d doll ar today; but he
asks and gets many more of the m. Prolit~ a re be tter.
H e talk s and sees eon tinned buy in\:", good times, much
wo rk . mo r(' users of commodi tiu and no hesi lanC\' on
th e pa rt of the 1)C01,le 10 pay the price:. \Vh~' shou"ldn'l
condition s !!-CellI sa ti sfactory?
H E ouly thing 10 ja r him is a ,'isi t from hi s bank"'r,
who say~ whcn t he)" talk things o\·er . "\Ye will
ha l'e to call in a ll o r parI of your I?,,-ns w hen due:' The
merchant wonde .. why" hcn htl~"'cu a nd I'rolits are:
good , h is ban ker sho uldn't enco urage rather t han ham l)oC r him. Let's ta k", the b."\n ker'>i angle. He is a better
~ lUde: nt o f "Conom;'" condi tioni,
He de31s in a com·
modity called "'money" and that commodity ne"er was
so unsett led in his eX lloerience. Un certain ty makes him
cau tious: he draw! in as fas t a s he can without disturbing conditions in his co mmunity-but-he dra ws in. H e
now has t he IlOlicy of r~ducing all loans and of making
no new loans except for purpoaes o f carrying on trade.
T o the bankcr. condition~ do not look rosy. Multiply
his view by 73.471 (D .III', Rvporf, 1919) and )·ou h:n'e Ihe
bank ing Silual ion in the Un ited S tat es in va rying t1egren
according to locali ty, Multiply th ~ merchan t br 1,971,990 ( Du,,', RepfJrf, '919) a nd you have the Silual10n w ith
hi s grou p, also depending ullOn geogra llhy . Almost uni "ersa ll y speaking , th~ n1crcltant wants to exp and. Ihe
bank("r wanlS to cont ract: Sooner or later, the bu s i n c .~s
man mu st accept the ball ker's v icwpo int.
Katio l1al Debt prese nts a queer psyc hology. T he
business man who borrows mo ncy to operate his
business has defini tely il\ mind his o bhgation to re I u rn
it. As a Na lio n, we ha ,'e apl,roxima tcly $2S.oo:>.o:X>.OOO
oi obligations and Ihe indi"ld"al~ w ho ha '1: under-writtCn t hc obl ig:lI ion in th e form of Liberty Bonds seem to
feel litt le responsibility. Th is is prO"en by th e attitude:
of so ma ny ~rson5 towa rd their bonds. During the
war, we patriotiU lly p urchast a $SO bond, wh ich a t th e
time. we had no intention of aelling. \Vhen the war was
Ol'er, a $SO bond in the hand! of abo l1t one and a quarter
Pale 121
Sep\tmbu, 1920, Vol. XV II, No. 3
million ]ler50n~ lookl like ~Ilending money. The fact
that it might only represent $44 in cuh dirt not nop the
exchange. We wanted the money: let !lOme one else
carry the loan. T he dumping of this mass of small and
larger bonds. by about n of the bondholdus on the
market, was the fi rst and im med iate cause for depredation. Anyone understanding the la\\' of su pply and demand , can read ily appreciat e thi s situa tion. Th e bonds
ac ted like any o ther commo dity would under the sam"
ein:urnslancc!. They wen l down. Many people co mpl ain ed that the rail'! of the bonds s hou ld have rn-cn
ltig-hn: that if the !'lite had ~en higher , people would
have held th ei r bonds and the bonds wou ld no t Ita,'c depreei:\lcd. II th e rate had bu n higher Ihe taxpayers
would have had to IlilY mo rc a nd the bond-hol der would
ha ve had more money to spen(.\. More pa id in, more paid
out- mosd,.;n form of ( red;t. InHation; s heavy enough
now. Nothing wou ld have been gained. An immense
....olume o f Liberty Bonds ha\"e been thrown on the market . Ordinari ly, big c;api tal would have tak en up th"
bonds at rates above 4'{io. The dum ping, howe\'e r, was
in s uch immense "olum", that ca pital cou ld no t absorb
it as fas t 3S bonds were off"red. and prices went down .
HERE is p[ent)' of mon ey in the coun try for the
pu rpose of busmeu operation: b ut not "nough to
take (a re o f present an d future needs of busineu. in
permanen l improv"men t and trade ""pansion, and al
th e same time payoff th e publ ic debt . There is but onc
source Ihru which fu n d~ ca n be rai sed for the paymen t
of the ~atio nal debt and take u re of bus iness and indust rial eXI)~n sion at the SIlme time. That so urce i ~ sa\"ings. We alth is created only o ut of sa\"ings.
ITH our present extra\"agunt tendencies, the
co untry is no t SIl\"i ng a p roper portion of its in_
come. and until it does !Il\\"e a pro~r portion lind in\"ests
the savings where t hey will either absorb the Government securi ties now bei ng o ffered on the market or be
used fo r th e exten!ion of new busi ness, high prices, inHa tion a nd low priced bonds w ill contin ue to be among
our foremost economic problems. As an illus tration of
the te ndendes of our people towa rd extra vagance, the
Treuury Department estimates that 21 billion dollars is
~ pent annually fo r luxuries.
If the American people
1Y0uid cut out these non-cssen tia ls fOf one ynr. the
W3T debt coutd practicall y be wiped out.
O much has been said about increas t produc tion, that
lInything J might add woul d seem s upcrfluou~. In
genera l lin es of commodities. it stems that product ion
can scarcely keep ahead o f the demand. According to
the law of supply and de mand t his will put prices h igher.
I!I "ong of
We can hard ly look for lower pricu until greater quant it;"s of materia ls a rc produced. Capi tal for expansion
hOI! been denied until p~rt of the p re~ent inRatio n is re duced . Capital bei ng denied, industries uk how they
can be expected to produ ce more goods if capital with
wh ich to do it is not avai labl e. As s ta ted before, new
capi ... 1 only comes from one sou rce, that is, ~ \" i n gs.
Production can be increas t only if we ca n secure more
capi ...1 to be used in industry.
HE lead ing capi tali st of today i5 the man who "am a
a da ily wage. \Vhen we conside r tha t the walfe""mer is receiving approximately 701'> of the total m come of the country, it becomes obvious the wag"
earner is the individual who must be thri fty in order
that the country may progress. Ma ny groups of wageeam"TS look with a degree of s usp icion on appc:>[ s to be
thrifty. They feci when they are th rifty and ~ve, capital
wi ll con aid"r tha t too much money is being paid and
will cut down wages. Th e th rift idea sells to the indu strial worker \'Cry slowly, and once having b« n so ld,
mus t be k ept sold, because o f the cons tant te ndency to
slip into spending way. in l imes of what scem to be
easy money. An carner or worker is a capitalist whcn he
becomes an owne r o f iIOmet hi ng, be it bo nds o r ho me~.
O wners become savers, thus produci ng capital for indus try and expansion. 1'0 get an cmployee to take this
,·iew-poin t is a slow proecss. He must be s hown th"
way gradually. The wage-e:lrner mu st be s hown that
thrift does 1I0 t mean niggardline n; but proper s pending
of money so th a t it will bri ng the greates t return: Ihal
there should be a margin be tween income and u penditure nnd that th is IIlMgin properly in\'ested will bring
indep·e nd ence ultimately to the invutor.
H E problem of incr~asing actu al capi ta l and reducing in Dat ion, then. seem, to be the foremost of our problems. Th" incruse in capital will come when the indi\·idua I5 who r«eive the 70';' o f th e Nation 's to tal inco me.
spend wi5Cly and save. The ot her phase, reduct io n of
inHat ion, is a matter for th e banking fra ternit y to handle.
The consequences of war need not be more serio us than
they arc today. The si tuarion will begin to impro\'e
when business mcn take it upon t hemsclves as individual s an d groups to sec tha t their own co mmuni ties enter
mor" seriously into prodUC1 ion . and the practice of good
Old fuhioued thrift comu again inlO mOre gene<al u..,.
The Rotary Club. of America ha"e an unparalld"d opportunity !O put into practice " He profits most ,,·ho
!!tT\'es be, t " in connection with the pre!!tnt econo mic
.ituation. The profits arc bound to come with prosperit)"
if the country ca n be induced to work :lnd save.
I know the guffa w o f 11 tempest.
T he minh of a blossom and budHut 1 laugh when I think o f Cuchulain who laughed
At the crOWl with their bills in hi s blood.
HE stars with their laugbter an: shaken;
T he long waves laugh a t sea :
And the little Imp of Laugh tcr
La ugh. in the soul of me.
Tho: moth"r laughs low at her baby.
The bridegroom with joy in his brideAnd I think that Ch rist laughed when tho:y took H im with i ta,·cs
On the night be fore He died.
_,.',.,.,. " 1'« ....' by Til«JUr~ JLayrtaTd. Conril' k<l by F,Nu. id A. S''''tI Co .. 11'_ y.".• . Re/f"D<lwed. by 11«* ~.iuiqro.
p .... 122
5qlIcmbct, 1920, Vol. XV II, No. J
money. hs vutness s taggers the ,ma)tina tion. It would pay the normal exII"nacs of the American Gov," rnm""! for
a decade. Some lime ago data were publisht, indicating that t he bond issues
"mined by th e various European governments on account 01 t he war aggrega ted forty billion dollars. This;, a fai r
galL~ of the war's waste. Vel this sum
wbat is wastetl en:r)' four years in America. Ten
dol1au Tqlrestnll the annual waste of
nalural resoun:u in the United Stales, which waste i.,
in pan, preventable. Reckle ssness, carde55ness and a
lack of information, are con tri bu ting facton which hel p
to p roduce th is enonnona t05S. I n iii. si ng le o il field in
the Elm Fork is 2,389,000 10ni. [t must be borne in mind,
hO"'ever, that these quantities, >'aSt as they arc. represent
only a f raction of the total matter tnlnspon cd. The mud,
sand, sil t and products o f rock decomposi lion arc deposi ted
along the emire ooursc of the river. This enonnous .....aste
is not all that water causcs. Sc\·en hundred and thirty-eight
mill ion dollan a nnually are lost thru 11.00(1$, freshets and
soil erosions, which could be prevented by proper engineering and proper methods of cu ltivat ing the 5Oil. But the
rivers. floods a nd freshets do not cause a ll the ..... aste. The
inconsistency and wastefulness of ma n is the callsc of the
loss of other millions.
Oklahoma, $7S,OCXJ wor th of natural gas is wasted daily
wastc from foreign coun tries to usc in paper and fiber
mnnufac ture. T he use of the flax straw now thrown
nway would con tribute an additiona l $5,OCO.OCO to the
farmers each year. The domestic supply is sufficient to
ma ke a quantity of paper eq ual to all of the wra ppi ng
paper produced in the United States annually, or more
than twice the letter pa ller. One of the chie f rea sons why
the straw of flax is wasted ii that the crop is ra iSl:d p rima ri ly for the seed from which linseed oil 15 made. S; n~
the profit has lain in the seed the~ have been thresht out
and the stal ks lookt upon as ..... orthleu. If, ho ..... e\·er, the
domestic stalks were used for paper·making instead o f the
foreign ones. the fanner would actually be making approx imately an addi tional dolla r for e\'Cry ~i x made on seed. and
one more large item in the countr),'s dq>Cndan~ on fort'ign
products would be elimi nated.
--~--~ ., . 1
w hite the opera tors are obtaining an output of le$~ than
2O,OCO barrels of oil, valued ~t app roxim ately $2O,OCO.
This mean s a yea rl y waste of na tural gas, valued at approximately $25,OCO.OOO, in oue oit-producing seetion
alone. It has been es tima ted th a t the re is a waste o f a
hillion cu bi c fcet of natural gas dail y. This is considered
the mo~t pcr fe<:1 o f a ll fue ls, an d is enough to ~up pl y
e \'ery cll y o f more th a n IOO,(XX) pop ulation in th e Uni ted
States. It i, no t o nly possible to conserve thi s gas. bu t
it is also pouible to manage the welts so that th ey un
furni'h oil witho ut allowing the gas to escape. Th e ma in
purpo~ of th e producer is to ge t the oil and let the gas
H E sedime nt borne to oceans by th e ri \·ers of America amou nts to millions of tons annually, a la rge
proponion of which could be sa\'ed by the adoption of proper
me thods of conserva tion. From every square mile drained
by the Mississippi 86 tons of $lilts are deposited ann ually
in the Gulf of Mexico. The average ou tftow of the river
is pl aced at 664,(XX) cubic feet per sec:ond, and from the
analysis of thi s wat er the amou nt o f material in solut ion
tr.l uported by the Miuisaippi has been calculated . It
reaehes the enormous quanti ty of 108,4J2,(XX) tons per
>·u r. !?'e amount o f ~~men t carried by the Mississippi
111 add.tton to these salts IS enormous. The quantity de livered ann ually to the Gulf of Mexico is 8 12,500.(0),(0)
pounds, or about 408,CXlO,CXlO tons. The avera~ diKharge
o f sil t and mud pe r yea r by the Colorado Rh·er a mounts to
Ji8,CXlO,CXlO tOl'S. In addition to the suspended solid matler ca rried by this river, there arc also eno rmous quantities
of dissol ved 5nbS!aIl~S transported into the sea. These
diuol\"ed sa lIS arc 4.550,(0) tons o f commOIl s.a lt . 3.740.(0)
ton s of Glaube r's salt. 4,CXlO,(O) tons of gypsum and 4.800.OCO tons o f maguesiurn sulphate or Epsom salts. ma kiug a
lotal o r 19,490.0CI0 tOilS o f di ...... lved maile r carri~d into lh~
Gulf of California by thi s river. In spite of th is enomlOU~
amount of dissolved matter. the Colorado Ri\·cr is not conside red to be a stream o f high mineralization for the West Tern section o f the country. The con~n tration of s.alts in
the Elm Fork of the Red Ri\'er in Oklahoma. is far more
than that in the Colorado. Th is panicular ri\"tr annually
dischar~5 1,.JOCl.CXlO tons of common salt. which is equal
to ] ,680 tons per squart' mile of area drained ...... hile thc
discharge o f salt from the Colorado is 20 tons per squa re
mi]e. nle total amount of salt annually carried a ..... ay by
MERICA produces nearly a mill ion and a half
ton s o f ftax s traw annually, b urn s pract iully all o f
it in the fields, lind t hcn impo ru large quantiti es of ftnx
AKE the lumber business 015 another uamjlle o f
man's prodigality and waste. Only 320 fee t o f IU ln-
P al" 123
5ep(embt" 1920, Vol. XVII, No. 3
her is used for eac h I ,(XX) fe<:t that sta nds in the forest .
\Vas te in logging is calc u la ted III from ]S 10 20 per ce nt
of the timber cut, o r a billion and a half cubic feet of
wood each year, while the Waite in lu mber manufacture
;s calculated at seve",1 billion fect . The hun~r industr)·
pa)'s very linle anention to the ncedle oil ind uStr:r which is
wetl establish t in a number of European countries. where
the leaves from \'arious conifers arc uscd a s raw material.
In the Uni ted States, however. the oil in the past has been
e xtracted alnlO!!t exclusive]y from spru~ and hcmlock. the
industry being confined chiefly to New England. where it is
carried on in a small way as a fide issue by famlers duriug
the slack period o f theIr ordinary activities. The Forest
Service has proved by expc rimeuu tha t the oil m.' y be profitably ex tracted from vanou l other American conifers. especially southern loug-Ieaf I)ine and western )'e!lo w pi ne.
~I uch o f the ncedle oil now prodll~d in New England is
used ;n \he ,"anu factu", of .hoc llO\;5h. In Europe large
amounts o f the oil arc used in makin({ 50ap and perfumery
and a s deodorants in hospitals, and It would be profitable
to de'·clop the ind ustry aloug the same lines in the United
Sta les. I n throwi llg away the needles from felled conifers
the lumbe r industry is wasting other valuable materials
in addi tion to tbe needle oil. It has been foun d that if the
needles are crusht instead o f chopt before being distilled
excellent fiber ca n be secured from t he residue. Th is
has been llsed in IIpholstery, as a substitute for hair in
making wall plas ter and for weaving into ma il ings and
"ther Ilroducts, It is e\'en slal ed Ihat the finest of the
"vegetable hair" makes excellent surgical dressings, If
for no o ther rea!lOn than the important one o f conlribuling 10 fire prOll'(;tion of the nuional fores ts it is to be.
hoped that capital mar be inleres ted in making !lOme o f
the many ]Klssible p roducts from Ihi s long-overlook t raw
materia l.
T least 10 lIl"r cem o i Ihe poultry and cggs produced
in America never reach the consumer at all, bUI
go to the dum ps, the crema tory,
olhcr place not
meant for foodstuffs, If
,'alne o f t he
poultry an d egg industry at
to th e consumer,
which is nO I below the
lou from waste
wonld be $.75,OOO,())), About
signed to thc "alue of
and we,
on cggs alone,
a year is lost in
trees and grain
storage by noxioui> i
"'hose: multiplication can be
1l~I·enled . Two hundred and SiXIY-:le\'Cn million dollars a
year is 10$1 Ihm attacks of Hies. licks and othe r insects on
allirnal life. One hundred million dollars a year is lost in
live st()(k and crops by rats, rni« , and o!l>e r predatory animal" , Xincly-thrtt million dollars per ),ear is lo~t in li"e
~tock due to disease. o f which a large part is chargeable to
Texa~ fen·r. Germany has a system for drying potatoes to
prenll! rot. If that proc:eu wc re used in the Uni tcd States
there would be ,11\'ed twenty-five milliOn dollars. which repre~ent~ the value of the po ta to crOll lo! t t hru rot. Thl!
"ante country utilizes the !caves of Ihe potato and oth er
1'Ianls, which iS;I source of llront. By not doing the samc
thing in this cou ntry, our farmers lose IlI'cnty million
dollars 3IUIU3I1y.
UT ellormOILS 1I'3Sle is nOI confined to Ihe in~tan ce5'
j u~ t enumeraled. Sevcn hundred and seve nty-t wo
million dollars annua lly 1510~1 from incomes due to industrial diseases; that is. di>eases which 3ttack workers on
account of their employment in insanitary cond it ions uuder which the work is carried 011. O nc a nd o ne-half billion dollars a ycar is wasted Ihru l os~ of life and illness
10 indu strial and o ther wo rkers Ihru p re\'cnlable diseases,
accident s and care!essnes~. Two hundred and fifty million
dol1:lr5 a year is wasted in fir~ losses o f intlu'lUlml>]e buildingi and other struclures. and fOllr 111IIIdred million dolla rs
a year is 1051 in cit)' water supplr n.'>Cd for firc fighting, fire
departn>ent char~ s and in distril>lIIi on charges. all of which
m;lket the losses per <:apita in this C(l1I11Iry ten limes that o f
European countries. \'a$t lal1d rcrource~ o f greal mine arc
wasted \ly failure to drain swamps and o\"u flo"'ed areas,
and it is esti mated that six hundred million doll:l.rs a year
is lost for failure 10 uti lize wate r powcr now wasted. Tht'
United States Governmenl and man)' la rge manufacturing
C(l1lI:ems ha.-e recognized the neee.Hity of doing something
to stop or lelSen the great waste which occurs annually in
Ih is countr),. Man)' successful allempt $ to utilize wastl'
malcrial hne been ;lnd arc now heing made.. " umemu,
impoMant manufactured products which "'e find common
toda)', were Olltt let go to waste. as unut ilized \lY-I)f()(luct~
of some faetory or business. Gasoline was bul)' a few
years ago a bY-llroduct which was a burd",n on the hand~
o f Ihe refinen o f kerosene. who dumpt il int o the Sl ream"
until pre\'emed by law from doing so. Blrut furnaces used
to blow away thousands of tOilS o f val uable material yearly.
This nue dllst is blown by biasl furnaces in to the flnes by
the fierce blast necessary to gencra te the heat to manufaclure pig iron, and is composed of iron ore. limc.o;lone, coke,
etc .. in fact, the same ingredients as make the iron. Hitherto,
altho thousands of tons o f this ha"e been available ami
known to be of Vai nI'. it has been a waste prOdUC1 and
dumpt ;n g~al heaps owing to Ihe difficult), of C(lmpressin):
it "'uholtt a binder, but there was rttentl), disco"ered :I
process of briquel.ling iI, and Ihe result is that the diliCol'ery is "'orth approximately $12.000,OClO yearly, as l1>crdlantablc iron is now being made from such dUSI. TIle d\l<1
occurring in cement milb hM been found 10 be rich in potash of a quality which 111..,,\kes it available 3.$ fertilizer . And
no,,' some of Ihe most progressivc mills are $3I'i,,): the du._t
and nt..1king mouey Ol1t of il. Be<:ause of the value of thi_
dust it will now pay to use cert ain grades of raw material
in the manufacturc of cement which formerly ~OSI mort·
to handle than the product was worth.
ilE Go\'('rnU1ent is reclaiming large waste in lumber.
At its laboral"ry in \\,i5(:onsi n it is making baking
powder from !I;lwdust and conv erling lumber wute inlo
,'",wablc articl es of C(lmmerce. Some of the linn along
which it is worki ng arc the impro".,menl of Ilresent me thods o f conversion of l1,iII waste int o arlificial silk, America's p roduct of s..1wdust silk soch bt!ing "alned at $5,500,0::0 in 19 15. They a re turning s awmill waste into
binding twine. rope woven furniture of Ihe woven willow
type, milk bottles and wOI'en malting rugs. This is only a
bt!ginning, but it shows Ihe trend of the times. As civili%alion ad vances and the COunt ry 1>1'(;0111C5 more cougcstt'<l.
110t onl), the Govcrnment. but pril'ate concerns, will conduct
various eXlleriments with the view of arresting and utilizing 'he \\"a~te whiC'h now mount~ to ~ u",h staggering pro-
M ore S naps ho ls From Atla ntic Ci ty
III''' n ... hll"'''', lefl 10 righi, Berl Adllms, Immediole PIIII Prtside"t, r. ~I . of R. C.; Roger MOl/en, new
Su rt/or}', I. A. of R. C" i" rha rgc of II" DepJrlmenl of Co-oPera /tO" will, Clubs; B. F. SUtbll,r of P",b/o, Colo.,
Go~·tr"Or of thlt:>111 Dis/nt/, gild 101", NIIl'ier Ih'rr of VillUII"tl, ludill"'>.
, 'c----------------------------------------------------c___
Septembf:r, 1920, VoL XV II, No. J
How Red Propaganda Works
By Ivy l. Lee:
the em ployes of most shops in the
Uni ted S ta tu, among railroad me n and
other worke rs . th ere is in da ily, hourl y
ci reulat ion, a rna Ml of revolutionary propaganda. I n the belief that few e mploy·
en sec this litCl'1Iturc or know to what
extent it ;$ ruch ing the workers. this
.u"nnary is made o f a lIe ri." 01 p:omphle iS d istr ibuted to employes in a Brooklyn ShO]I. There arc nid to be abo ve
3,5(X),(XX) members of labor organiu\ions. Their meet;ngs a re frequen t aud w~ll attended. On ly in rare inHa ll en is t here a nythi ng 01 a seditious nature in the
proceedinlts. But fo r the past si lt months or morc. out+
side and inside worke rs have been handing to each atlemlnn l ,'It labor met'tin~ the ]lamphl ets described here
and o thers o f simila r natu re. T he $amI! li terature i, di~­
t ributed in th e shop and in th e workers' homu. The
c" t racts he re rep riuted have bee n taken iro m a Kries
used to promo te the move ille nt wh ich it WaS hoped would
rcs ult in the s toppage o f all work o n May fi rM,
until it s hall s uddenly da wn on him that here is a
JIOwerfu l agency Ihat can d ic tate to the world if the ays·
tem ca n only be perfec ted.
The wor kman mar ha ve bee n con tcmptuo us in Ihc beginning, bUI the cons tant appliciltion o f these ideas is
likel>' to ob t;,;n a certain hold 011 him. The con of li ving
is 1)1I1ching him and il he was not <1;~saliafied in Ihe
beginning pe rhaps now he ocgins to feel that the re is in·
justice ;<1 1\ 311,
il E first paml)hle t Ihe wor ker received wa s a shee t
IIdd~ ued to his pllrtieular industry, and in that
there is found th e preamble of the Indu strial \ Vorkers
01 the 'Vori.!, This I;"iv,." t he founda tion upon which the
$Iruclure is built. It declare~ ;
&.t_. c_.....
' 'Th.
_~ ...
el.o . . .ad tJ. .....
.otlli... '"
H E following week he gelS a l('aftet in which the
fo regoing sen timen ts arc e 1l1 1,ha si ~ed and a new
thought ii added.
" Do ,.ou ....;,.., •• _
or do ,.. . . .w.
for .tt , ............. r
I ......
fon: .. of 110. . ._~_ .. ocal.
I. _
t~ • • _ .;.,.
f ....
1Ad... , .....1 a.. .... _ I~. . . ploit..... n..... io reG ...
" Acl T •• ot~.. U.. k. To ....... r. W. will ol ......
T ......... ~ Fit-hi T ... oth. r for lho D.,. of In.
d ..... lal !'rood ...."
d ... ka ••
'''~C'''~S ION
..... ;., ...or.........
EAFL.ET No. 4 is placed in hi s
In large
,II... I •• cI..• . . . ocn.nl . ..... at . . ...
<II the W .. rl" Dr....iM .... cLo...
I. I .... p o ......... of tJ. ••• rth ....
of p..oc... ct .... . ad ....1..... tJ. . ......
Iftol . .d <II 110. c ......... l i. . mott .. ' A. f.ir ....,. ••
..... f_ • f.ir ....,. •• • _~ ; _ .. out i ... " j\ • • •
• ur to.. .... er lho ..... ..1~ ..... r)' _Idoworol, ·A..... ir:ioa
u.. W.r.....
of II•••
T he idca C"I)rU I in this pr~am b le is in tended slowl y to
seep inlo the miuds o i the workman - to bring before
him a I,ision of the eli minat ion 01 all baSKS, direc t participation in all Ihe I)rocee,h, and to so me of the workmen who have no knowledge whatever of manufac turing
and merchandisi ng a commodity. it doubtless ap peal s as
a si mpl e solulio n o f all indus trial Iroubln. "llie allel"pl
i~ mad e 10 lead th e wor ker to believe th a I labor is th e
o nly ingredie nt o r at leas t Ihe o nlv im portant ingredient
in any produc tion , and if such is the cas<: wh y should he
not take all 01 th e benefit, 10 be derived From labor?
E th en receives ano ther pam l)hl<: t in whi ch
type these e xpreuion~ appear;
He hl'gins 10 app~ciale the ..alne of U nited Imlus trial
a<: tio u. His mind is cxperu-d 10 tra,'el alo ng Ih is pa th
HE H ~ad Body is known H th e 'nlern~tional Bureau of the ' Vo rk ers' Interna tio nal In du strial U nio n.
I! is di vid ed into the American. ,\us tralian and British
Ad ministra tion, ele. Und ern eat h Ih is gro up eomcs the
Genual orga1] i ~"tion o f th e " me rie.". Bunch ; below
that comC5 the Department 01 Industries; below that
appears the Nationa ll ndll~ l r;al Un io n o f each industry;
and suh·di,·ided from Ihllt cornu th e local Indu~lria l
Union 10 whi ch the workman be IOnl,'lI. In I)using it
sho uld hi' nOled that thc aetual IM)wer of the exeeutivc
head of t his ill5t it utio n is not Ihc American Q rg"niu..
tion. bu t the IntCTnational Burta lL, [?robably located in
Russi:>" The !lame litc r:l.l lL re was gn'en to workcrs in
many of th e ind ust ries in Xew York and Ih e pam phlet
e nt it led "STI)"!!" is ~ignifica nl ilL that it was uKd nOI
''UNITED INDUSllUAL Ac nON ....... r .~ ic ~ ...
He is lold in the sa nle pam phlet t hat Ihis can be corrected
on ly b)" an o rganiza tIon almiug 51eadily a t the complele
o\'erth row of the ea~itali~ t wage syslem, and formed in
s uch a w ay tha t all It I members in any one ;ndu~t ry. o r
in all induslriu if nCCC$~ ry. cease work whe ne"cr a
s trike Or lockoul is in effec t in a n)' d ep3rlrnen t. Ihu~
making an in jury to one an injury 10 all. li e is told to
st udy the plan of the Worker!!' Interna tiona l Industrial
Unio n. This organization i~ 1)lol'\"d for him on a chart
as follo ws;
1920. Vol. XVII. No. J
onl), with the switc hmen. mac hinisu. dock workers.
miners. b ut it h a ~ been freely dis tributed at all kinds
of la bor meeting s.
"n • •un
of Co ... "' ....... 1. riolo•• I.. lb. _ ••.
..F ...... RuuLa 110 i ... I......."'-'
_ 1...
. ... ......J.t... LaI 01 1M .....IeI.
'1'10. . . .olulio....,. .......c. 'u.... of 1M ProIo_
luLaI uU. upoo 'h. w•• ken ••...,....Ioere to br .....
.10. Iooad.o •• 01 _ ....... ..... politic.1 . 1••..., .....
...... --1 ••1. f •• ,''' ca .... ef ...1 I .....0_.
" FNod"
tI•• capital . . . . . . . . . _ " .. ill. co ... p;"u ,
I. ~ .... h tho W ........• a.. ... blic of Ru ..;., it ...... _ .
our ...k .........,. I. dWect . .. d..."' ••Ir...... . .
Mo., &..,
e .... plnoey ."
.n . 11 ....II•• ' -...il...' ••" . .....cbi"....
okH:k .. 0 ....... ",ifteN • • 1...10. ........... n..., 1&.".
I ...... .. 1........-60....... U'........ "'cI ••I..,.. n...,
. ... Noo .."" I'" beo..... ~. I ~, un do ..10_ tlte,
...ld. lo,.llo . . ...
• • •
I n this s hect the Amcrican Federation of I.abor is attae kt .
"For yurs the leaders from Sam Gompcn down have
pla),ed a slick game by splitling the un ions into as many
lla~ts u t~ey could . .This has g ive n .them a. ~o.ld on the
U111ona. b"" 'en more JOM to the Imlon pohhclans. and
gi"en the bosses a whip o,'er the workers who rould
n~er strike togelher.'·
" Pul ....... I. 110. cap;'.liot .,ate ...... II>. cap ..
...Io.t ••"er....."t.
P'.... S b.p c..... ...i_
Worker.' C ... uil.
.,MtUo, ..... .....~.
£.tabHolo Jr... " .....1 uolo... ... lIo. ..iff...." ...... otriu
...... ,;.;.. I~.., lat. O NE BIC REVOLUTIONARY
UNION 01' ALL THE WOIllC£RS t. r;,ht 110. So....
..... Ihoi. eo ......"'... I.'·
The workm an 's mind il carr ied anoth~ r step forwa rd. He
is taken away from hi l old union. He has be~n told that
Ihe old union is working with the bosses and hc can expct't
no relief. and is assured that the Revolu tionary Union COll1posed of all the workmen ..... ilI ha ve strength enough to
fight nOI only the OOHeli and other unions. but ....iIl be actll.
aUy strong eoough to light Ihe United States Gl,-emment.
·r1t e worker i ~ rIOt told that his quarrd is with lh~ Go,-em·
ment unt il hi s mind has been fully prepa red for it . SO
tha t it dou not rom e wit h the .'\a rne shock that it would
h<l\"e come if he had been IOl d thi5 in the beginn ing.
RIO R to the fitst of )13 .. he Wa$ handed "ariou$
P pamp
hl et! urging hi m to ~ to p work on that da te.
pamphlets read :
..... " .ha.
•• .." •••
. ... ", ..... ......
" If
y ... _ _ lei
owo ,"
" If
.... ,
yo ..
Lol:.or ....11 co .... in'o
Lobo ••h.lI 1M _ atar
f.o . . . . . . . ala •• ..,. , ..
" If
o.~. C ... ;. .. I1.... , ..
• Ioall
... ....
'''; u",plo
••..., wo.ku atop w<lT k 0" Ma, fi •• , ...d declo. ..
hi. .otid •• lty by ~.I~","atin. Ih. Inlerna . i• ...:1 Lobo.
Thr ~ triking thing 111 10011\ the finn I document in thi s series
is the direc t con nec lion tstllbli!ht between the Indnstria!
'Vorkers :md the Communi s t Labor P<lny of Russia.
This is t he connecting li nk-t he fi rs t document to rom~
out clearly and openly with the thought that the OSK
BIG USIOS i5 the $arne o rganiration as th e Commllnist
'_1hor Party and the Rl1ssian Bols heviki. Up to this
poin t there has b«n no reference to R"'5ia a~ a source
of i n ~pin t inn 10 boor. nUl now we are told thnt:
.,_I... 1"10 ...........
AJt P........ .... W_k....
AU h.d..at'" t • • ho W_ .......
t.. .... II... It.. 5.cioJ Itno.h. do ...
There i~ o nl y o ne method of comba ting the inHuen ce he...,
e"e ned. and that is educlllion. The man who work~
with h i~ hands is not different fro m the rest of u~. He
may have less ~ducation. but he is hu man, hi s problems
are just as im portan l to him. and he responds jl1st as
quickly to reasoning and inHuencu that h e \mdenta n d~.
T he average workm a n canno t a\'oid this propaganda. It
is being fed to him con stantly and from a ll angles. The
eco nom ic condi tions are s uch that d i!!Content is genera l,
and th is is t he only me thod of relief that he has been tol<!
abou t by t ho~e who speak his own la nguage. The cou nt ... r-revolut ionary propagan da must be as euily understood. It must be bued upon fact and fait dealing.
Lacking effec tive ollposi ti on to th e effott here illu~trated.
the ground it hItS a lready gained wi ll be steadily ex tended.
New NoJani sms
B, Pr.. ,on ... Nolan
LL the ntaSleu start as .... orkmen . -
Energ)' and t,-ining will carry a man u far up the
(omn~rcial ladder as the notch markt by abi lity and ambition.
The fello .... who f«ls he h:ls a good permanent job has
already SC'lI kd the mailer to the satisfaclion of all concerned .
G nlmbling raise, no ,,>at, . .... Iary.
Fe .... desi,-ble jobs con~ to the IIntrained man.
Therc'~ al"'ays room a t the top for the man that belongs
He who f«1s the n«d o f big wo rds 10 cOllvey his meaning has bnt small meaning to convey .
Permi t no traitor among YOllr faeult i~s: all should stand
at attention at the word o f command.
One ulll.'llnrdcd tempe ramental w~akness may bring min
to a whOle life st r uetu...,.
The balanced mentali ty is b'Oldetl.
Comme rce kllo\\" ~ no symp.1thy for the quitter.
T he greatest fortune a man can pos~ss is a 80untl
body. a tlnr head. and a cl('all conscicnce.
:\1('l1tal re80urcel bUI multi l,ly with thei r expenditure.
How An Edito r Got R ich
'-IA:.1 tells of an edito r who starled poor IW(,IlI )" years
ago and has ret ired with the comfortable fortune of
$30,000. Thi~ money was acquired Ihru ind llstry. l'CQn'
omy, conscienlious effor15 10 gi ve full "alue, indollli lab~
l:rer5f:\·eranc('. and the (\cath o f an uncle ,.ho le ft the ed itor
$49.999.30.-Rollu y R~ ... j .. dt~.
P.at: 126
Se,:.t.:mbt"r, 1920, Vol. XVII. No.3
Rotary On the
High Seas
~ I '. , . ... , .. ~"' •
•"'<_ "'.A.~ ·"w
i;V ChI;:
HE iOHMII,"g of Ih. SS. " Rolaria"" a/ TO(OIIlO, iVlUilingloll, Jome 17, '9XJ, Hlld.r the a!.spires ofllrt R olli" ctll/)
0/ TIlCOIIIO, Mrs. Horac, WAi,,"",, S/lOIlIO'. Th, " Rolarnm" hill heell IUsiyll,d 10 Su.... yllt: (Jilt! lI o}'lr 0/ Sail FrDII cisco to b. ploud all 11111 ugu/ar rUIl b,tu .."" Puye' !iouna a/Cd South A'lUriallt par,s. SIt# /,/1 011 II". ,"/lid", lril' 10
Mo,.'MJid,o (Jlld BU"'ol A,rts ill July. Th, broll '::-' praq .., '" the ""per left-haord ror"rr af Ihe 111''1/1'01'011 m1l fru,n/ea
to ,'" ship by fh . Rotary Club of Tacoma a"d utili be bolted to 1/1, /ro>l' of 11M pilot /wIlS' It-here il will rtma,,, as lollg
fU Iht good ship it o/foal. Til, " Rotaria n" Utll buill for th, U"jud StaIrs S hil'l'ing BtJord by Ih e T odd Drydock lI11d
COlutrlU"tiOIi Cor;o(,1I;01l , fie , d imtllsjoNs a,, ; capacity. 1.100 tons dl'adtuig/II : leNgth Ot:",. ull, Jp6 {eet; p"rp,"dinllfJrs,
380 tn t; bmm. 53 (I'M : depl/., X) {etl 4 i"(ItI'S : dra ft, ~J {eel 8i"d,es: 1,500 I. II. P. ,,.if'I, r.rf'llIrsiu ., r"9;'''"s: tJil {uri ;
sf'rrd. lQ0 k ll uls, IQaded .
How To Treat Your Town
Improve it.
P Talk
about it.
Tnck at home.
~ public-spirited.
Take a home pride in it.
T ell of its natural ad\·antages.
Remember it is your home.
Tell o f its busineu men.
Tnde and induce OIhe ... to trade. here.
When stranger!; oome to town n.oe them we ll.
Don'l call your best citizens frauds and imposters.
Support your loea.l institutions lhat bendit your lawn.
Look ahead of self lI'hen all the town 15 to be considered.
Help the public officers to do the Il"I05t good for the
most people.
Don't adveni§l! in the local paper "10 help the editor."
bill ad.'er';5e to help youfM'lf .
- A,ftfJlUt» TIw,..fJS ell'.
P..., 127
1920, Vol. XVI(, No. 3
Good Road,
URIi'i'G the past month
hU lldretls at American
with hundred8 or Canadia n motorInternattonal Motor Tour over one
hundred and fifty-nine miles of
road in Michigan a nd Ontario. Receptions and ovations were in order along the entire r oute. It is believed that it has stimulated activity and good road
building on both sides of the line and otherwise has
tlone much to cement cordial relations between the
Uni ted States and Canada.
• • •
The Higher The F ewer
o ma tter how materialistic one may
be; no matter how much attacht to neoisms and a contempt for historic theology. the fact remains tbat
origina l lIi n is the most obvious thing in human experience. Humanity's tendency downward when left
to itse lf is an unanswerable problem to anyone who
believes tha t man evolved himself from a bewildered
ape. Charles the Hammer, who hurled back the
forces of Islam at Tours and M \'ed We!!otern Europe
to be t he crad le of t he greatest ch'ilitation the world
has known, was inspired to a s mashing victory not
by that vague pseudo-scientific cure-all, "economic
ncce&.8ity," but by a very real thing_the Cr'OIIs. For
Christendom is not nearly so great because of what
It ha.s accomplisht as for what It t r lell to be and 80
commonly tails to be-christllke. Because at that
Idea\. Christe ndom Is still In t he minority and brutality reig ns among uncounted hundreds at millions.
The hig he r the Ideal, the more lllflicult It III to make
lIIeli strive tor it. Man ha.s not evolved t ra m a n ape;
the ever pre5Cnt danger Is t hat he ma y devolve into
a ile.
of His own handiwork on Earth and thr uou t the
Heave ns Is proof enough of that. Hell Is tull ot pessimists ; laughter is a gift of God.
• • •
Citizenship Traini1lg
MERICANS admit they a re the most lawless of
any elvlIized people in the world. Per million
of population the Uni ted States has ten tim~ as
many murders as Switzerl and. The Swiss Republic
has a military training system for its citizens.
J udges, lawyers, prison wardens and other authorities agl ee that universa l t raining in the United Sta t~
would reduce crime at least fifty per cent. The
United S tates is going to adopt a tra ining system but
in characteristic American style it is goin&, to be the
finest and best training system in the world. Militar)'
t ralninll' will be only II part of the course. The basic
t r aining will be in understanding and re~pe<:tlng the
laws of the country together with a practical demonstration of the duties and obligations of citize nshi p.
For those that want them there will be courses in
agriculture, industrial chemistry, engineerillg, construction, etc., so that every lad shall have the opportun ity to get fundamental information at least, regardina the vocatio n to which he may be attracted.
The graduates of Universal Training will be better
citizens, better able to produce for the common
wealth, and better able to protect the commonwealth.
• • •
A merl.caniam
HE pr oblem of assimilating the many MUons And
tribes which have come t o live within the te r rit orial confines of the United States is one or renerAI
interest. The experiment is one well wor th watchi ng
for its own sake. There has been for man y years a
Puritan tradi t ion in the country which, in t rue Puritan style, demanded that a ll coming to theae ahores
• • •
must conform to an Intensely localized Idea or doStrike U p til e Band!
Ing tblnga o r be anathema. Tb.ls attilUde III all UIINE fears for the eterna l salvlltion of t he austere fair to the country as it is to the imml&"Tant. The
freak who doesn't love a brass band. The pseudo- Puritans had s tern. strong qua lities which ma de good
godly like the poor are with us always, a nd in thelle building ato ne for the Nation : but they were human.
llltter days "ery much so. The concentrated quintes- They had their weaknesses. There were qualities that
sence of pseudo-godliness is the poseur who hates they Inckt. Real Americanism is the flAA imilll.tion of
color lind light and laughter not 80 much because he all the good qualities of the West ern European races
believes them to be in some VRaue manne r emana tions Into one ethnic group. This grou p sholiid have the
from the Evil One, but beuuse it naturally pains him orderliness of t he Englishman; t he industry of
to see peo ple bavlng a good time. Perhal)ll you think. the Scot; the wit of the Irishman; the brilliancy of
"Ther e ain't no s uch anima l." Look around you and the Frank ; the logic of the Italian; the Idealis m of the
you will find the blue-nosed advocate of the solemnly S pania rd; t he patience of the Sca ndinavinn and the
imllle at work. Follow his trail a nd you will find that T euton'lI genius f or detail. All together they r epresu ppre!l8ion of natural human joyousneSll res ults sent everything that has made the Western Eu ropean
sooner or lliter in the \'iciouSne8S of natural energiell su preme in the wo r ld of thought and action. Opposed
let loose in II s pirit of rebellion. Strike up the band! to this group are 80me ten million ncgroes lying like
Let's dance and .'ling as well as work. God does not a lump of lcad in the body politic-a hopelC6llly unask Ull to be a ra ce of drabs. The glor ious colorfulness digestible mas_nd a thick IIcattering of Or ientals
Pall<' 128
1920. Vol. XV II, No.3
on the Pacific Coast equally undlaestible. The problem is in terestina. To get the bellt out of each of the
European races in the welding ;-then the question of
the black a nd yellow. Who will give the answer ?
• • •
over lapdog'll a re good examplee of the opposite emoti on. sentimentality. The re
is about the same elmilarity between sentimentality and sentiment as there
is between fri ed mus h and tempered steel.
• • •
N Emperor of the Roman I! tried to buy off the
Gothic hordell that invaded t he te r ritories of
Constantinople. The Goths took hil! aold a nd r ealiz.
ing that there mus t be much more where it came
from. attackt the imperial fo rcea in t he hope of
getUna to the capital with all ita wealth. In the res ultant battle. Ule Emperor and hla army wer e annihilated. Conditions in Europe at this moment are
parallel. Hordes ot ar med barbarians from the East
a re a t t he bound aries of Christendo m and there is
treaehery in our midst . Instead of weeding out tra.i.
ta r a and fl&,h t ina the growing menace, we ar e trying
to buy off the Muscovite fan atics; to hold t hem by
that meanll from invadi ng rich co untries. It r emains
to be seen what will happen; but a lrea dy with thei r
arm ies are Chinese foot and horse, and In the countriell whence t hese Chinese have been dr awn to fight
the Wellt, are hundreds of millions of potential soldiers to wh om the pros~t of rich loot would be a
pleallin&, t houah t in their s warmina po\·erty.
• • •
OTARY is op()Olled to Bolshevism. Rotary is j ust
aM mueh op p<»sed to ty ranny by the pr oletar iat
all It Is to tyranny by au autocrat. H believes In
co-o peration, not coercion. It inculcates a comradeship amana men which is based on the loving kind ness
of Christ; not on the mob hatred that crueifled Him.
Rotary believes that the ills of the wor ld eannot be
cured entinly by economie nforms; because Rotary
recoanizes t he IIpi r itual quality in men and na lizes
that their true equality may be on ly found thr u
it. There an a lways fadd ists who run after any
new thing, good or bad. These people would have us
believe that time can change the eter nal verities.
They do not seem to realize t hat two and two will
make four o nll thousand yean from now jusl &.II surely
as they did a thousand yean ago. The truth does not
chanae an d th e truth is that a man is entitl ed t o the
fru its of the labor of his hand or mind. The wor ld fell
III at German materislism: the World War was its
agony and Bolahevism is i b vo mit.
S lowlll But S urely
T I S ex pected that new Rotary clubs will arow
slowly. but none the less surel y. Ever y new club
shou ld take in three new members each month an d it
should make a point to take them in each month a nd
not try t o aceumulate them and take them all in
semi-annually or anything of that sort. We wan t
steady arowth in Rotary. We want to &'Il t the new
members in. but not so rapidl y but that we may
assimilate them properly. Some clubs decide upon
a group of flrteen or twenty men who wi ll be taken
in dur ing R ser ies of months an d then they draw
lots each month to see wh ich three will come in that
month. Where it Is positively undeflltood tha t a ll the
members of the group a r e desired ss members of th e
club. this is not a bad way to keep up t he lIustained
• • •
H ERE are peo ple whose attitude on the subject
of war wou ld eause one to suppOile they th ink it
the wont t hinsr in the wor ld. It is not. It is better
to have a pr inci ple, be man enough to flght t or it and
lose all in the conflict than to be a h uman j ell yflsh.
• • •
USTICE 18 represent ed in statuary as blindfolded
because. she should be blind to the differ ence in
men'lI estates and list en only to the truth. When
conditions become such t hat only those without
political influence or money a r e in our priso ns and
criminals of wea lth and influence go un hanged an d
un interned. it berins to look as tho it were time to
put a Louis XI In charge of things. Louis, it will be
nmembered. lined the highways of France wit h
gibbeted thieves a nd murderers. As a resu lt of his
energies, the country was cleared of malefactors in
short order an d Louill left t he r ealm of France in
far better condition than that in which he had fou nd
it. No r did he limit his actlvitill!l to the poorer class
of rascals. He eaged Bis hop Balou In one of the ir on
• • •
boxes in wh ich that unworthy pnlate had been wont
to lock up unfortunate possessors of coveted wealth
HEN sentimentality r eplacell se.ntimen t, non- until they disgor ged. Louis was not a pretty cha r'sense Is abroad. General AlIe nby 1I'alkt Into acter; but he dlspenllt jusUce without respect to
J er usa lem when he captured it because he felt that penons. and h Ili country was the better for it. In
altho he was a conqueror, he could not ride where the name of I·l eaven , let tbere be a atop to the
God walkt. This was a flne sentiment: t he act of in terminable grinding out of laws. Let us have a
a Christia n srentl eman. Child lese women gushing few good laws and see to It that they are obeyed.
Pale 129
September. 1920, Vol. XV II. No. )
La Extension De Rotary
Por Da niel B. Ledo
x la Ulm.;.u., de Rohry a ,Mus pai.u
~ tropie... con .I,unot oiIe"culo!
qUI: podriln I'Ily• .., (On fadlid:ad oi no lor
,,;enn. COfIIO .. no m Ia ma)wl, de )(1$
UOOlI. <on vidrK.> de '''''''''''0. E.....
&bien '" han enc:onl~do. ma, " _IIO~
ICUllu"dot, en 101 miJ.lIlot EnaOoi Unidoo
citrto ~dlI IWIle de tl.raiio
~ .. tncuentren en paise! OOIllIe c_
tumbrel y It..,ua Jon diSI;nt., a Lu del
pai, dono.k Rotary \1,1\"(1 5... orlttn . En los
mismOi &I.dot Unidot IIa habido mutha.
,il/dadts Que ob;curon • Ia formaci6n de
Rotary CluJ. alqando qUI: los Rotary
ClubJ no conduci.n • ni"l'in lin Jdctico
y Ii
HIO "'
en dudadea de pox. pobI.ciOn POrqllC' .....
habilanlts .. ((I1IOC1.n ptr ft<l:r.mtnte
• lot 01 "." lin mn.si<lad de rtunint UIllL
va po. ttmana. Admit;." II mi.mo
timlpo que funcionari.n con b\ltf1 ,c.ullado
tn d udadrs ,nndn como Chicago. Ne..
York, f iladelfia y Olnl poeas ciuda(\e1
dORde Je dificult. tl conlacto con DIm '
hombres de II mi,ma d udad; pew, afirma .
bon rO'und:untntt qUI'! un dub tn una
tiudad pequei\:l terla un franiO complelo.
El hecllo de que hoy no hay ciudad tn
los EI\.I.ool UnidOl tOn rnj" 'k diu mil
habiunlel que no I~nga un P' OfI",oiot.
R Olary Club lll'Ueba que IaJ (onjctu,."
Mc:~ por .nlagonil-tu y puimiotu u.n
frulo del CKUO cOIIocimicnlO que Itlli.n
de II in, Iil ueUln.
que Rotary tmpieu • inlrodud . x en paixi <0)'1.1 costumbrrl y
kncua toOn dialiN" a Iu de los Est.doI
Unidos los propq:andiotll 0 inlrOOUCIOfn
,\eben ~rmilir aJ,;unas .dOfmu ~n 100
nt.llIt". que rigtn pa •• los clubl de 105
EMadot Unidos r OIros que x (OII"IpcIIIffI
de hombres de habl3 i"licsa Y (Clltum~
pI.'lI(idas-ti DO ipaln. Dt-ben, sob.e
todo, permiti. que "o:a pail COIIdu<c: ......
mitinu de .("".00 con I.. cOSlumb.tt c
'idi<l5incruia de los ",s.pecth·OI pueblOl, de
01 ... ma",", Rotary 11\111" ""' ell I. D'
tr.njtm 10 que X u petl que sea.
NiTlJUn hombre que ,'a de 101 EolJdOI
Unidos • ouo pail debie •• 'I~ntl' ]a 0 . '
,aniacion de un ROtary Club «on nativ~
okl lal pail Ii no est' dispuesto I hutr
(On,csiones )' permiti. ",formas ' Iue con·
formen con Iii <olt umb. el del p.o.i. 0 dll<.b.d
que aU. Par. tlIO, cl o.,."i..do. , liene
'lilt tmpe.u. pot ponullt • II mi~m o tn el
lugn 0 circuruuncial de 101 hombrel Que
I,.,ta de .traer. aU d.euJo. nebe ,'ol,·c.
II ,·i.1I I lu pall y ttftelu. IU menle en
11 idiolill(r&!i. de lu pueblo, tn l ui (01tumb~ y en lu o,gullo national.
mi""o que pua (011 tl pueblo de 100
Eludos UnidoJ pua con todot 101 pai ~1
no impo.ta (uatl pequeno. &nn, y, ~t,
que no ita un ignorantt. (ulpar;l. • un
pueblo po. lit. amt.nle dr ....1 cOil umb,es
c in,.,.ri.bIe tn 1u palriotiMlo. ," 'hi drs·
un!oa prKitamcntt d prorn:toO del pouebI.
amtnun ... ~ .. h.oy pueblo Ii<Ibr~ 1. r... lie
I~ 1'i~, ... que ..,. rna, o'JUllo5o de lUS
(O$Iumhres r meOO5 'Olri.ble ~n ~u pallioli""o q"" d pueblo notleomericanu, y, I~ne
~ mot"'os para Str 10<10 tt'O pu.quc
(on OU! coslumbres. su pa"iOl ''''''' r ~u
idj""inc ••• ia ha :iqado a ..,r ~I primtr pIO i~
del pbneta Quc habilamOl. Los qu.e hao
dsilaoo 0 ,';,.;00 ~n Olm, pai~ babrin
"'-<vado Que ~n dondt<luien. qu.e hay
urlCll (uanlos DOrtnmcricanos, '·"·m I'll 10
Que tnt~ndrm ", po. colonia. ticnen sus
c1ubI 0 _~des, SUlI "lrsi~. sOJ! peri(,..
dk~. 'us costwnbret, y, con mll)' raras
ucqXionet. permaD«tll 'iudadanos. de los
c.1.doI Unidos inlenll'Q 0 no intenten
v;\'ir po. iargOl afios tn tl eltr.llljt. O y
Itlll:an 0 no ICIII!an negodOi tn el. En
etto ro pien", II ellilo am.ritano porque,
como ellos. no (lW que para "'. buen
re!idtnle y otm,,'ar I,s ~'tS <leI pai! en
Que vi\'o me sea nK esario cambia. de
ciudao.lanla. Un hombrt que cambia iu
ciu.1a(iania, pot cun,·enienc;A per>unal,
punic .," ma. pemici050 para el pais fi(_
ticiam. nle adoptado que . q utl 'lilt pe r_
manc(t c iudadano del pa is originario 0
natal. Y al .e,'K: un hombre puede .c.
honra<lo. fi, l a su Irabo.jo >' patmno, jUlIO
.n ..... Iralos " negociOl y abwlulamenle
~pelllOS<.> de W ~'eI del pit. tn que
rtside .i n necesidad de cambia. su dudadania y s,n leM' q .... ape1a . a bumil1aciontl
y adu1acioncs que no olin de acuerdo con
101 dictaros de .11 (oncicnd.. Todo esto
10 !&ben los nortcamericanos que rnidtn
en 01<0$ paisn y par t:IO con~"·ln el
roptIo Y afIreio de b .... dadrn pllria II
lIIi""" licmpo Que ,'ken bien QUtridos ,n
pueblos eItrlnjer05 donde """exlliln
,;rarMleo lIt!;ocios.
Al Me .... "",ncillo de 1<><Ios .. los punlo.
quit.o ,ocuicar ]a nec: ..idad de permiti.
. eform .. cn los eOllllllOl5 I'fUt ri~ pIOn.
..... dubs de 105 E5tados linidoi. 5i 101
ROI'ry Clu~ de otros paises han cle it.
dub! que lit a(\aplen a
... cion.l~ 0 localt" debt transi( irw alg<l
mi~ de 10 que lust' abon. x ba lransikiUo
en 10 que .espt<:11 a b Ulenii"" de
Rotary. Si]a Asoci3don, 0 ~an 111. OJI'\'(tores, in.i!l~n ~n que Ioi ",lamenIO!( )'
e.talUlos han de x' pa ... todu! 10' club!
los pr('Jlnrado! po. la Asociaci,;'I, e"tonc~.,
I"" Rolltrv CluDs <Ie Olro) pal.." nn ..,d n
o"a (uu, " jue Rol lry Club! de lao coloni ~.
nn"tamcricanu. Tomcm<l5 por ejtmplo
el ROla.)" Club de Buenos Airel. 5i tn cI
club ,It Bueno. Ai ,~, pre·dumi ... el ~Ie_
menlo e:ll1.anjtro no sera un club '<1Itnlino
y ,i p'~OOmina d clemenln a,~nljno ten·
dn que amoldar"" a las COSlur.>bre. de los
aTgrfllinos. S; 101 Ruta.y Clubi tn I.
Argenlina. no !(In argentinO! r 101 de Cuba
no son cubano!; Y 101 de ~ Itji(o no son
mejkano" cnlonces. rna, ,.. l~ Q"" dtsdt
:Ihora !oe ~ cn tllablr< •• Rlllary
Pait 130
clll,r I.. colon;a. U l,.,njera. 0 noneame.ka"", de ..... ,·ano. cenlr"" y upoitaleJ del mundo, Es absuroo Querer
ntabl«er un Ro'ary Club en B.... ~ Aircl
o I'ari~ con b mayo. parle de 'u, minnbroo a.rcenli~ 0 fr&llC~ses y quo:- predominen bs COStumbru de unos (uam"" non~­
amtriclllOl 0 '~nn qu.e figuran en tI
club. Ii.... disyumi,.. 10 rnoI'l'ri lodo.
los dubs son ttprtltnllnt~ del pai. en
que .e esUblecen 0 no 10 JOn. Si 10 son
debt ~rm;t irAt a 10 clubs que l'i;en
(IlOilo. que pr~rell I .... propiOS ~Iatutos
y qu.e (o.."wcan lUi milinn lin oblip .1os
a Meine 0 Uanune Juan, I>~do 0 Ptbyo
roando 1a c",,' umbre alii " UamuJt PO'
$lI1 apellidos 0 Jiquicra doo Ju:.n , don
I'td. o, tlCtlera, etetlera,
Pari Que At 'l'a (OIIlO 101 nUotvo. RoIlriOi de 5udam~riu ",tiboon I"" ;deal~ )'
e,pl . ilu TOt." anol rtprooocimo. a ton'
tinuaci6n parte de una ( l n l de un miembro
,lei ROlary Club de Buen", Ai'~I-<:n con·
ICltatiOn I una del ~crelario General de
Inlern' tional Rotary :
" Ha llegado a m; ]lO(Ie' ou intt.tg m ~
( U la de fecha 15 de Marao y digo in·
leresame po. que cicrtamenle Que I"!!:",,
que lit lea con plact. y con atend&' una
'I"" no habk di ' « llII1tntt de lIqocim, ~n
fI'l tpoc. til que el merrantili.rno y ~I
eome. eio fl (01110 una 01. Que 10<10 10
.n-l.. r 1Jc,.. I... I;, n, no sOlo :algo,
.!-ino "Ito mocha »>fI 100 que .;,·illKl'l
taml»en la .·ida del ,iniSO moderno. pero
.un asi COIlltf\.'aIIIOS denno drl alma UD.l
chiopa dr idtolid.d r de amo, po. cH
m~riPO!l uul de 10 im~ible que nos hae~
perm. y toN. en cl mQ a lia. OJ.1i. pues,
q .... I. impreai6n q... ha dejado tn mi 5U
rotimada carta, III deja ... en lodoi los
IK tores, l>uef he enconlraOO en tlla un al~u
Un "a~ r Ian hondo de IItnciUu. de
c~rioo de aftcluosiibd que ,010 ~ lamen_
u do DO ~tar ahl para ttt.echar Ia mlllO
o.Ie IU ftl;" rcillel"', Pur mi pa'le y .unqur:
me cuelta, ...... nl)... ndomc I III grande!<
la't;lJ ,~ ..iat q .... me absorben haota las
ho .., tit OO":lnso. euntra todo pr incipia de
CI.i!Ltd y ,'" huma nid~o.l tonmigo mi.mo,
han! 10 "",ible PO' ot. un ROI Mio digno de
10' que furTOn dig"", fundatlores del Rolary Club en eile pcoJl y en tI de mi PIII. i".
EI Urugu:.y . •:KUW &g. cg.. que nlan,ln
tn.olllrlo como eolO)' en olra grin <.Ul'\
COmo ea ]a ,Ie I. Union l'anamefiC:lIIa. in·
Ililucitln lie II que mi uu CI Ag<:me Gen·
eral en ella N. tpUblica, Ie"", y ~ruin!
Icniendo cl mayo. pI:l.CC' t n hacer propa.
g!ndl en f,''Or o.Ie ma)'Or union y an.a·
miento tntll' loo.lo. los amiSO! <k I~. Ires
Amr. k ..."
.\'1>111 : ~o damCII tl nombre tJel cabo.ll...-o
firmante porqu.e """ bt-mo. lomado 1a
libe'lad o.le ,eproduror n i l carll antt5 de
.. he ••i ';1 10 <on.iente.
Sepwnloc., 1920. Vol, XVII, No, ]
Frank H. Gamel- Counselor of Boys
B y Walte.r W_ Stroni
UST a ~ery ordinary Iookilll sort of
man-medium sUed, with a kindly flee
framal in hair that is .11llOl! while, •
mouth lILa! stem, ((InIllnlly Ibrntenine \0
bruk into. wile but rarely dot" .nd two
tyn lhal
IOmeho ..· 10 1M: Iookillfl
thru and bock of your eyet-thal is Frank
H. Gamel ",'110 SpOke on TIlt 8aJDtlCt S AUl
II the noon luncbeon of the Chicago Rou.ry
Club, Tunday, July 1Jth.
addren wu ISrippin,g. hurt·soearchil\&: diKulI5ion of some of the Ihi",• •
flther O'II"es hil 101\ and lOme of the things
"'hid • I0Il O"'CI hi. blher.
Aflef the luncl\eon. I !onc·... i!oht for
GppOnunily ClIme fo r an intuview with
lhis min whom lhoupndl of bol" del;,h\
to cotIni their friend and confidential ad.
He ... ).. 1"'\ if.U tho boy. ",110
that he micht know for whal 50fI of job
he is adapted.
During the wn. Mr. Camel . ·as in Y.
~1. C. A. ,,",-xe II the Crtat Lakes ~I\'al
Traini nl Slation. and when he _
leul lrom tlltre hto decided to de\'ote his
enli", ti~ 10 the . ·orlt upon which hil
ht~rt had long 1:>«n 5tI. and in . 'hkh he
is now e",aged. He calls il A SJuJ. t C"", ..
1ft 8 0),0101)', and it i, des icned lot oo)'s of
High School I~and tlleir falhers,
Thtre a"" lOme leclur .... TA, Bg/ue,
She! above rderred to.-U/,·s Most SQ·
ned Fl<nclioN.-" ""\'trent, Kienlificall),
accurate presentation of the \hi",. whicb
~\'.,ry 00)' ollll"ht to know about the rt1>fC>duclh"e lunclion, iI1usl r.lled by a "cry
.emarkable motion pKture--TAe "'",eri~n
8 0)'. IIis Pr/lds. Perils. lIotd Possibilities
call him "Daddy" Ihould '" iii.
ble _
Illy in one pillee where
it would be up to him to buy
their dinntT be would IUll!Jy IJO
broke in the aprnllioll . ~ But, "
be addnI, ,.nd his tyn licbltd
.. ith tbe 11>oucbt. " I would like
10 hI"c I chance 10 buy thaI
din"". '"
For ""'"' 1""0 thirty )"eln. H
Boys Club Superintendent. \ '. M .
C. A. ~ntary . !)a"Of. and leeIl,I«'r Mr. Camel 1111 OO'(l(ed
lIimKlf 1(' a l)"Itemalic. Iympa·
tbetic study of the natun and
n~d$ of ho}'1. and to an eamtlt
endeavor to aid Ibem.
He 11>.. ~\'en mvell attention
to charaCler anal}'1il, particularly
M It ""latCI 10 vocational lu,dance, and bill helpt man)' boy. to
clw>o$e wisel), in tlld r life work.
He Ihinu lhal one of Ihto most
heart·b"".ki", Iragedi... in Ihe
world il • mitlit_ 1. man 1I1r_
nBt for li fe to IOrne job f"..
.... bic b he is not 6tted. He leell
Wt mvell 01 the IO-Called \'ocational cuidaDce of tbe PMI Iw
t...m 01 but little use 10 lbe ho)'
because i( conwu cbk/l)' in
teacbi", lbe 1II.1\ln and requi~
menl. 01 variOUl o«upo.ti0n5
without doi", much 10 help lhe
boy undoe'''alld llimwll in ordor
and OIltc-U; but Camel does oot Clr., ,'UY
mucb about the IKto,un.
Hi. inttrtst iJ cbiefly in the oppol1unity
ofl'e ~ ho)'1 to come 10 llim for f;OfIlidentw
inltrview. aboul I~ir problems, and be
spelllb the rIa)"l "'lIile he iJ in a communil)"
and lhe e'o'enin,. when he dna not lecture,
in .uch in tervle.·.. And the boy. come.
Ht P.),I that .Imoll ne"er do Ins tlla n
15'70 of the bo}'1 in Iny &(hool ask for
intervie w., and sometimts he talks with
p",cticall), e'o·try boy in the &(Il001. T he
ho)'1 undentalld thai these talks are abIOlulely confidential.," far I I Mr. Cam.,l
il conc:emed, and the)' talk hank l)' _bout
whale"e. perplezes them-troubles at home,
troubln "'ilb tel¢ben. penonal habits.
lItaltb. lbe ,i.I.........oo Cam.,] i, 1I"'a)'1
symp'tbrtk. If be failtd to be that . lhe
boys ..."OUId not lallt.
And ulually t~ U a $Ug<'I_
lion that will help ...·he"" help ;1
IItt(kd, for CIIDC'\ lias !pmt bim_
K if in the ell'ol1 to learn bow to
help. He Dt\'er preaches to •
boy. Indeed , be told me that he
J\t\'er IIQ a boy 10 stop a wfOtl8"
habit. If the boy ...
10 Rop,
he pu help ; but no prnclly advi« i. ""er crowded upon bim.
He never allo .... anybody to
It II him anytllilll about a hoy. al
lun not until alte. he bas talk!
ooilh the bo)'.
E"ery fello ...·
com ... with a clean ,latt : and
... hat Camtl learn, about him he
lu .ns from what the boy Ifll,
him , .nd ",hal be sen I I those
eyet of his look in thtu Ihe
hoy', eye •• sea rcbing the 110)",
Specifie Inatanen
HE :>.' I IIltt him to tell
me' .. little about 101M 01
hi. intervitws - wme specific
CJS!' be hesitated .. bit and
then ... ithout mtIllioni", the
.... meI of boy, ".. placn. told me
some Ito. ies wbit., we both fOf"lOt
to 10 to dinntl"--1toriel wbich
m&do! me wWl wt every billl
Khool boy In A_rica milllt be
privilepd to fttl the inJIumce of
f rank H. Camel', rmurbble
I"n WlII.lily.
Sept_ be., 1920. Vol. XVII, No. 3
One ~y, .. KnlOT in High Scl>ool, "'hen
alkt h,. problem. said, "'Wtll. 1 steal."
Th ink o f .. man coming into a iCl>ooland in
• dIoy or 1",'0 iO "" innins lhe confidtnce of
the boyJ Ihat .. Idlo ......"OtIl d ~ome wi th •
SU letnenl like that ! Thi. lid hal no
fatlltT. He luis made his o.. n way IhTU
hilh fdIC.ot. T. ·ice he hu ~n In n Olible
wil h the h~ iCbooJ luthorilies lot "nl.
i",; but 1M: loid of mlny 110.,(11 . ·hieh had
been d'KovtTfli.
Said Game l ;
" Why .re )'OIIltlli,. me all l hil ?~
" Because J wanl 10 Jlop.M
' '"11>11 i ... prttc y big fOOlncl lor thirty
·· Well. J .. ould Jilr.t 10 haVt more l ime
"'ilh )"OtI, if you .'e ";Ili", to hclp me."
'"C_e wilh me 10 .... y room a ltt r Ihc
lecture, tonighl , Ind ...·e .. Ill 1ft whal can
Too Stro,,&" to Be Cood
80Y of fifteen who ....1.5 o>·cr·deo,·tlopt
physiully (a cait 01 '''''Inced ado·
I..ce"",e on lhe physical aide, "'hic:h 0. .....11)"
rn."nf stormy limet lor I .. hile) ha.d Ibwlutety relused to Ittend ~Ir. Camel'.
lecturel apparenlly fOl" 1>0 othfr reaiOn lhan
because hi' f.I_. 1$1:1 him 10 go. He " 'as
disposed 10 rewnt III lulhority , both II
home .rut 1\ school. \"'1Im he ",fuoed to
attend lhe I«IU..,., lhe flther IUftHttd
that he rnake an appoinlmenl fot an inter·
" j",". and "" refused 10 do I~I. Durill~
lhe "'"ttk, how""ct, "" went 10
cip d·. oiftee to Isk for 50nIe <ODteWort. in
(onnecti"" with alhlelic:.. The prin.cipol
",·u able to ~ .. nl ... hal he •• nIO"(I, and a ft er
doing so. taill ; ~ Ry I"" "'1Iy , you ha"en 'l
~d you r chanu
wilh M •. Gamel yel ,
have )"ou /"'
""~ o." (wit h. UIU 01 Ilubbo,nn..ss in
Ihe tone) .
" Wen, Ihe i(hetlu~ lor loday ;. all 611e<1,
buI I"",e i. une Oll(n period tomorrow
whic h you mly hAVe if you ... nl il."
The boy <on.lldcred Ihat I moment, Ihen
relut from his oemi·dcr,anl a!lilude and
13i'l. ple'Slnlly;
" AII ri~ht ."
li e ""'til 10 I"" conl~,cncc room
ptomptly "'hen hi. time clme. and Y\'ben
he '0'1.1 ft1IlW Mr. C.mel lIIi<l ;
" Whal i. I_ problem?"
" Well , 1 do>n 'l know .hat i. lhe mailer
";Ih me. I un't seem 10 ICI IIO\~ in
..<10001. I ha,·. trouble " 'itb my leachers,
and lalk 10 lhem IQrntlimett as I kno ...• I
oudIl not , and I ha"e lrouble . ilh m)'
hlher.•nd 1 don'l .now why !~
thaI your lalher tomtl;mU
ha~ 10 <omll(l you 10 00 Ihings, 00... he
not ?"'
" Vu. prell)" often."'
;;Well, if I .... re )"Ou, I ..·ould nol leI
anybody compel m~ 10 do anYlhifl«."'
The boy ]""ket.l punltd, and C3m~1 said;
'" I wOllld brat I h~m 10 it . I would com·
pel mY!elf to do lhe thing lhal ought to
he done. bcfor~ a nybody ~]se gOI • chance
w (omll(l me 10 do il."
'Then the boy "'35 taught Ihal f"Uy
1~llow has Ibr.., l:.ind$ 01 muscle. p/I)"ica l
muscle, ..·jlh which he lifli ..·tights Iud
o>·erco"",. all sortS 01 physiral obst "'~f:
menial mu..:le, ...·ilh "'hich he ... IWI problems; and moral mllKle, with ... bic:b he
compel. bimself 10 do tbe lhing lbat oughl
10 be done, when it OUI!hl 10 be done,
..·hether he f« b like <!oinK il or not , and
that aU lhe kioo. II,.., deo,·tlopt by jusl lhe
same process . ut:n:ise. fu 10. . Iold 10
bq:in immediattly 10 ""Icb for opponunitie. 10 compel himH"l I- l hal he mi,hl
build mont mUKit. He p lhe idel, «ot
inlo the . piril of the !~ ..... and ... hen he
..~nl home 10 lunch he lined lhe waltr· pail
..·;thoul bein! ... kl and IIt lendeti Iu 1M
f"mac~ "';I!>oul protesl.
Garnfl hllnled up the lalher, a prominl'I>!
b ... ine~ man, found thaI he did nol know
... hat ""IS lbe m311ef ... ilh lhe boy. and
ga'·. him lOme . ugg .. t ;OD$. Tbree months
lltn . pll4sin~ Ih.u lhe lo ... n. Gamel had
Iwo hou.. bet.."ttn trains. an,] he pl..m~(1
the father and askl him:
"" 11o,,", arc Ihing. coming ... ith the boy?'"
"E"nyl hing is fme!"
" WI' did SOme good, IMU?"
" We did a lremendous 101 of good ! ThaI
lJoy is an absolutoly di fferent ftllo,,", aboul
horn~ •• nd lhey I~ II .... at ..:1>001 lhat he
hu chln~d his allilude ttllirely and
buckle" do" ", to b""inus in splendid
Lain, ...,."tbody in the town ... tott
Camel lhat this falher had said lbat lhe
thiOj!1 lbal had happ""... d 10 hi. boy ..~rt
worth mo.t lhan lhe tnlill' f..e ",hieh
Gamel h~d been JIIIid fnr hi, WttIt (of
The boy came-Ind It.a)~d unlil t,,·o
o·clod.; in lhe momin,. ThaI "af Knn
m"nl'" IgO, and the hoy Ion kqll wailhl.
There "'ere 5<lme other "'Tonl habil!, lind
they h","e been dtaned up. Ht ""'portl 10
Mr. Cl mel regularly II lhe Inil 01 eac h
mont h, I nd in Seplembr.r he .. ill enler tl><
{ollrge ... hich Gamel ha, chMTn 1o. hi m.
and whe re the " 'ay hu been opened for
him 10 n r n hil "·ay.
" 1 Can lell you why. T hat's easy. I
<In le ll you ho ...· 10 6% it, 100, bUI lhal
wHi not he el.y-bul ;1'1 you r job, a"ll
nobody else can do much lboUI il . You
ran correct lhe ... hole Ihing in • link
,,·tuk, il )'011 ...·a nl 10."
" lklie\<t me, l'd lih lo! "
" Would )'011 be willing 10 do IOrtX pnuy
hard lhinp in order 10 Ket liOfd up I S
}"V\I .... hl 10 he ?"
" I woold do '......1 anylhi", I could ."
"Oid you hear my lecture Iaot nirht ,,"
":'1.'0." llx: Ittlu,,", relerr.-d lu ...·u
liJe'S JJoot Soued p,,~o-, in "'bieh ~I r .
Gamel upb.iM Iully the part whicb 1M
Xl< o<pnl ploy in cha"kina: a bo)' imo
a man . He uplaiJ>ed these Ib;ttp fully
10 the boy, leLli", him U Kl ly .. hal ""11
~oing on in him and lhe reason lor his
It"ublt. and then .. id:
"A,II and Ye Sh.alJ Recei ...e"
boy il ever IIttlt to Mr. Camel.
If . fello .. is to ha\<t In inttrvit ..."
it mUll br becault he WlOts il-and Il!b
for lhe priv;Ie,e. I n one 10"11, howe>'er,
• ~\·cmten·yt~ r ·oId lid, I junior in hi~h
tchool. Il!ouj;hl he hod ~n 8t01. Whtn
he came 10 the ronltrent!' room G:lJMI
mtl him ..·ith tM customary:
" Whal il the probIrm ?~
" Wtll . 1 don't j ll'll know. ~Ir. - - (nami", the hi~h school prilKipal ) .aid
he lho .... hl it .."OtIld be II cood thine if 1
..."..Id K-e )'011, and I thoul;hl maybe he
h~d said _thin, 10 yOll about mt.~
·· No . ..e don't do IhinK' lhat wily. "'...
boo.ly "'~. sa)"1 anythillf( 10 me about a
t.o,.-.t !tall, not unlil 1 ha,·. talkt wilh
lhe boy. So. il anythi\UI: ;. uid, you will
"""e 10 lolly it ."
The bo)' Iookl 1.5 if he did not kno ....·hat
he WU lhere lor. Ga~1 .... ilW lor him
a minule and lhen ~d :
'" I Ihink , Iho, that if you "'ant 10 talk
mighlY fnm kly, ..~ can 6nd somtthing
worth \llki", lbout."
The looy 10000kl (uriuus and G."",I con_
l in"fd ;
··Be.. u~ I hI"e a nolion Ihll you are
CUI uul 10 bt eilhe. a m;~ht)· ,·. I uab~ cili·
~n or I mi~ht y dall«"rOllI one."
The ho)' IoMI , lilI more curio ... , Ind
" I am nol ~ure tlull I kno ..· just ",.II.>(
)'ou mean."
Camel rilkl the call' on hi, quic:k!y
lonnl'Ci t>t imal~ 01 I_ boy'. charul~r,
and ... id ;
" 1 mun lhal you ha,·c . ",·hoIe lot mOre
lhan urdinary menial abilil y. but )'OOf
nat .....l dilf>ooitiOfl is to be a (look r'
llx: boy rtCoiltd from lhat for a minult.
lhen Joo&;t Nck inlo ClIMrl ern and !OI;d,
"1 IJUeI! y oo I.'" riKht.~
"All rllht. We can stop ",hI I....... ,
if )"00 wanl 10. AppII,,",nlly you did not
come ;n here wilh you..... ind ma.k up 10
lell mt an)'lhinl dtfi n;le aboul )"ou~!f,
and Ihc:re il 110 reaiOn al all why yoo .hould
,10 iO unitt.! you rully " .. nl 10. No boy
i~ t~(T 1'ul In a (orner .. ilh rne.
you would like 10 lell me ..·hat ;1 i.
in your mi",1 WI make. yOIl lbink I am
r;~hl, pt"rMp:i we can ,1(1'1 OIImewhe. e.· '
The boy con,i dc",d a rnon1enl and Ihen
~a;d ; "I belic"e 1 would like \0 ,\0 !hat."
A lihor! lime bt-clore , he hd Slolen a
miClOKOJlt" Irom lhe ph:nic. Jaboralory al
lhe hilh !Chool. The superinlendenl, afltr
lOme invttl~ation, 10(:1.1'" il. "The 00)'
had ~n permitt w 10 . etum il and conl inue hi, work .t school, .... itboul any publicily. Said Cllnel:
" /It boy o{ )"OtIr agt and brains.x... not
ollttl 00 a 11Ii,. lih lhat unl""" l be,.., i.
I hi"",}, 01 s.imibr lhilll' back 01 it. Did
)"011 ",·tT !ileal Inylhilll tl.d ~
.. ,'
~ ...
lba l. tho."
Stptt1l'lbo:. , 1920. Vol. XVII, No. 3
"That i. the wa)' iL u,uaU), ""I>rb. Folh
do not usually hqin b)' "ulin, liig tblnp.
No ... , we CAlI .top the~ , if you "" ant to ,
Tbe~ il DO ru""n why you 5hould tell
me AIIythi", you do not (I~ to. B..t ,
because eeruio tendencies in I felk>w'.
life ue libly to manifest IMIDH!.·es in
variOUli wlYI • ."d J am ;ntemled In findi"",
lhe teoo.ncies, I "'wld like to know JOmethi", about )'nur habitl. if you like !n
teU me.~
'" 1m wiUinc In Iel l )'OU AIIythm, you
..... nl 10 know .bout me.
" \ ·cry,ood. H ...., )·ou .IlY WTOIIi
habits ?"
,. , don' t $IIIGu."
" I didn't uk )'OU that:'
The boy hnitated • mOll>fcnt . nd then
j.l.id :
" Yes .•ir. I have one wro"l habit."
''Only one ?"
" Yes, tir. Only OM. Othuwise my
bahiu IrC aU right ."
Gamel waited. and presently the boy nid:
" It'. self abuse,"
"11010' Irequently do you practice th.1
" Four Or he limeo a Wffk."
your willingnes& to tnlSt
me, and J ha"e no dispos.ition !o prtach
10 you .hout I~ things ; bul if )'OU 1«1
lhal you would m Uy ~ke to set rid of
tilt tendency ...hich i. back of them , and
so cet rid of the tbings t~I\"H, I lhink
I can help you_"
Witlt • pcat dtiI of
.aid :
the boy
" WeU. I mOtI ctrlainly "'I>uId."
...... 11 r"hl . We h...., fi fteen minUln
kit from our half hour. hut thai will not
be Quite enolCh. We "'iL! USC lhat Ind
lhen you get allOther appointment AIId
come to 11ft mt again befou I k~ve."
Tbc boy cam<'. ThinKS were 5tI up lor
him. and Ilt agrttd to "'POrt to M r. Gamel
on the fil'$t of each month.
Thlt wa, aimOiI a ycar ill!o, and he hl!
kepi hi. promise. So fir, ttu"re hu not
~ a li",le Ilip in lhe dire<tion of ... rolll·
ooinc, and the principal 01 that h;,h IChool
rtpOrll that the I.d ;, I ~w fellow in
IChool. hlJ whole .ltitude to .. ard ~fe and
h,. joh h"'i", I~renlly hem ~volu­
t ioniRd.
GaIMI permitted m<' to ~ ODC of his
monlhly 1c11ers, " 'hKlt seeml to me, in
,Iself, I lufficknt rewa<d lor mlny m<mths
01 hard 1O(Irk. It ~Ids as 100io..s:
'·Wdl. bere i. lIlOI.her month 10M,
and I 1m Jlill tbe mastu. I ha,'t 0.0
doubl . DOW. of my .bUlty 10 control
mr-If. Evcry dol' I seem to In:! as
if it ..as velt jutt to Ii,..,! My pllde!
in IChool have ~. ~n poor. but
I have jumped !bem up II> an>IlDd 100,
from lIIo.ir utw.1 place 01 \lO to \I~.
PIt)'Iia.lIy, I f«1 like • ""' lellow,
and I o,,'e it III to your methodwhiCh is "eal. I bope that many
other bo)'1 1liiy pro~t by your kno"'I_
",gr, just II T haVt ."
Some Thoughts Concerning the Work and Its
By The. Boys Work Secre.tary, J. A. of R_ C.
HOSO lovu • c!'it.d loy!, not him~ll bot God: "'f'<HO Mlighll " ch il~ l.hou,. wilh God in H i~ w?rk ~hop o f Ihe world of Marlo;
" 'ho", http •• ch,ld brill!!. Ihe K"lJIdom 0 1 God : "'ho", ,,"u a ch,ld from Ihe finll"cTJ of e,· ,1 "11 ,n the .tal with 11>0: builden
01 eitie. and the pHoctnCri o f P<:U:t.-_\'~r"'u D ...' dM .
IIILE from the inceplion of lhe
Boy. Worlt dtpulmenl it has '-'t
e,idenl thll the men of Rotary were
rreltly inttTtsIed in tilt lubj«t of I:Io)'s
Work. it develop! .Iter il ..... decided 10
lake up Ihi...... rk act i,..,ly lhat tlw:rc ....,
nn:d for infonnation •• to jU!t what 10 do,
and ho... 10 set about doi", it. Accordi",ly.
P>'mph/et No. 18. c(lf\tlinlPfj S MUtS'W.S
Cq IN/", ,.alw. t ....cUoUN, Ike Or,o...... ,iOM "q IV",A 01 " HOYI 1V0,A COM.il,u.
and kno ..." .. Tiu M/JN,...J oJ Buys 11''''),
,,·ril1en. A compliment.1)' copy has
RIll 10 each d ub S«~I'I)' and Bo)'l
Work chairmao, and lhe Manual Ippears
10 he lUpJIlyi~ I ~nuine ntt<I. A number
I>f the clubs ha'<e ordtrerl copies .ufficient
for the mcmbera of their BoYI Wo, k wmmillen.
NI>t only i. il dtlirablt for the cl ubs 10
p,,,,,ide each 1I0y. Work commill~m3n
",ilh I copy of the Manual. bul ,I would ~
weI! worth "'hile for Ihem 10 place ono in
the hands of each club member. In .ddi·
lion to building up the l entral inl~rt.lt In
!be .uhjecl of Bor- Work ~uch I diilribu·
linn of lhe Manual may "'ell resull in In
utmlion of lhe BO)'1 Wo, k Hk. and of
Rotary iloclf II toucht upon folio"',""
Bol'l Work Ex temion and Ed e n _
• ion of Rotuy
r.; <onversalioo "'il h S«n:tal)' General
Pelf' upon hit n:tum from Enelaod lht
fact "u ment ioned that the l ugeltioo. in
!be Boys Work ;\lanual "'e~ ,uiu ble for
...., in orpni.r.illl! • Uoys Work Commillee
outside of, IS well IS in. a Rotary Club, .00:1
>IIlQIotcd the dt$irabililY of action by lhe
Rotary Club! 10 mcou~ the ciliJ.ens in
the smaller neighborilll! oommunilin 10 or·
,lniR a Community Boys W.... k m",..,....,,,t
under (i f dtsi~) Itt.. JUl<bnce 01 Rot .ry.
CM. not only Hpl'tSl app<o>"ll o f the
idea but stated that m,gbl nlily he lhat
lhe ".,.,IIilll!" of Boys W.... k II> the """.
Rotary ncighborinc communitits ..'ould ~ ­
.wit in ene.I'ns In inler".t ,n Roury ilself
,,·ltH:b in lime would cl)'lulliJ.e in the
formalil>n of • Rotary Club.
If by th ... utending Boys Work there
should lake place, in addit ion tn helping lhe
ooYI. an implantilll( in the ncighborin,
communitiel of Ihe ideals and "piralionl of
Rotll)'. then ,t i. ",pecially du;nbl. that
e"cry Rotarian hecome con,'crpn! wit h the
ROllry Boys Work Plan and "" be preparerl
10 make it known 10 hi. 3c'1t1:tinlanCel in
Reportmc Good Work Don..
T il lreatly desired lhat every club
""hich accomplishes somel hill/l: of im_
portlnu for boys .bould ad"i'IC us of it.
~rticul"l)' .ny nell' and henc6cial line of
work, Ind .hould ~nd a,ood pllot"ltlph of
""me plta..<f: of it. n.. reasonI'~: FlrstthaI ""e m.y be ahLe tl> teU I>!ber dub!;
aboul il and perb.apo lII""e them to do
.'mila, " ·o'k . Ind. Second-th.at we may
gi,.., due crffiil 011 our ",",ords and include
P qe
lhe club in the lilt of "Clubl Active in
Uoy. Work."
In writilll up tM Bort Work _tifln of
T Ji.l R OT .........~ ""e Ite precluded by !be
limit'liona of 'pa« fl'Olll Kiviot; place to
itmlt lAd artio:leto Other than lucb as may
impire the dubJ to Crealer toCtivily< and it
i, not pouible to tfU of Illy 01 the many
thinp ,,'hit h the clubJ ..e doin3 me~ly IS
• lIII11tr of Kivi"8 publicity, IS much IS w"
~ould like 10 M abLe to do this.
S~tiona (or tbe imJl<""m:otot o f the
110)11 Work fJaI" ""iII he ,Iadly recti"ed ;
and it ""ill he interatins .nd helplul to
kIlO .... of elsel ....here arlic:ks or ilem, in
the iloYI Work section have ttouiCd d ubs
to "Go .nd do like wise."'
Boy~ Wor k by Some of Ihe Clubs
HAI RMAN Warren F. Hubley 'lCnd,
""<>Td of Ollt of the mOit fa ...·uchi"l!
pla n. for Bo)'l Wo.k Ihat have come to
our alienI ion. The New.rIt Cluh hAl
tllstd SI5.000 • year for Ihree years lor
lhe PIIrpoft of t1tahli~h,,,, a city·wide
80)'1 Work underlaltins ... ilh I highly
head, .. ilh
trained Boy. Work m.n .t
l uch agilUnce "' may Ilt needed. and
under the di rection 01 the Bo)'I Work
ClIII\mitte<! .
While lhe Ne ..... rk Club hal m.intained
I 80)'1 Wo, k committe<! lor ""me ~al'1 it
w:os not until thiJ ~" that lhe OCCe.uily
lI>r V""ttr" activity b«.me .~rent. 'l'"hty
{C_"'""d ... Pille ,,6)
Septtm~r. 1920. Vol. XV II . No.3
Standing of Clubs in International Rotary Attendance Contest for Month of July, 1920
.'<...... Go-«_.
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Total .... boo . . . . .11...... I0I0. U"~ J'. lUll....... .....
T ....I .... _
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Paae 134
"''''Ie ........., 01 fi) . . . ............
c..oot .... C.b . ................
U. S.
1920. Vol. XV II . No. )
, '''-------------------------------------------------------------------._,--------------------------------------------------------,-----------,
1rj\lrK lola""" art ••11 '"' «Urn .11\1< IIIIIpJ,,,O for ~
~"'""", '"' "".lIIi... of in,..1 'liEU"" er INial i_rI.
C""ri""!i'" I\IOIIlb~. brirf. 1It'''1 U' ......... I ill\li'o/kol
' P''''', "", . . . . !'"... ttD ... ~ 'P,,",boOl K biu"",u!.
Radicalism Survives Because Workers Never Hear
Any Defense of the Employers
By Shennan Rogers
BELIEVE in 1.1000'. I belie". in tllti.
$en!\t of jlllli«. I bclieve In their reCtit ude, but I beg e"trybody til&!. hiret
laoor to Rive them lomethill3 to II",. faill!.
in . The)' can't h,," failh in you until
you first
placed bi\h in Ihem. and
...'IIt" yOll do you will come out all righl.
" Somebody, I think , called Our radical
lumberjacks (o,",'ord5 . I IUd that (harct',
and I un .ssurt you that C'o"try ounce of
red blood I b.d in my body fame to the
lop. I just .... ant to ttll you thll we .... iII be
ronfronted .... ilb bolsbevi&nl--bol>hevism
i. bunk_1y so lana; AI yoo peopk do
not acrr:pt lhe rnpIIfUibility of citiRnship
and GO down and _ t your men iust
t.UClly like tIu: radicll meell them . The
radial has beaten you It )"0IIl" own lamfc
.imply becalM he i. a better sal","I",
bra...., be is on the job twenty-foor
hours a day, Ind beclUM: he is dcnrD then
the ..... her ffllow ..·jtb a ..... dshake
imtnd of tryi", to hit him on the nose.
N_eI" Heard Other Side
UST 1ft me ttll you tim "·e had ;6,000 men out in Wuhincton that
belie,-ed in.... We bad 76.000 Infn thlt
..·orkt aad workt t~ bout"! I day , .... d didn·t
kick about it tit""r, only we took t""ry'
thing out of them IIld ..... e !leVU put Inything back. AU Ihe time I ....11 in lhe Illte
of Washington I neW' saw I lingle man that
<arac to the w"",11 lell them .nylmnl to
make tbtm betler. 1 ne,·er sa .... I single
pamphlet telling them bow to ''Ote or 10
kno,,· ,,·hat this government Itood lar. 1
ne"u ..'" lIM "ngle bil of intl:rfll liken
in lbern unlil ~nally one day I miuiorwy
carae up there. the /lrst millionary
"·e hid e"cr leen in the woods. Did he
come to "'''e the lumhcrjlch ? :So. 10
~ mon<y to 10 o"er Ind laVe the Chinese.
'· Firuolly , lOmebody taJm' oot there in
1....1 lurnber;ack country .... d pve ... lhe
first rn.l handshatc "·e had e\"Cr had and
the lumberjack lOt the fint education that
he bad e\"Cf reulved ripl then. He lOt I
f or " T~ O.,laoJ.,H
law lite loIltnft.., l~fd '"~Ntly btJ~t
CIlicIlI O AuocioliOjl 0/ CO"""'trct Ihtrilfl
/.otC"IM III lin u Soil, H ottl. H it r l!flOlJl'k$ lilt p~~ .. lIue lu" I', U1ftf/'" 0/ "C/UcG,O
IIERJfAN ROGERS, f~ ....my " 1.Iffh.rjad " • .1
If ..... "
C_"' ....ce."
finl-diU.I A.1 education. The only trouble
....1.5 he rot the .... r(Ong one. Bill H.}""ood
landed there with 350 agitlton, witb thil
thousand per cenl ~opos.ilion, telling tlloM:
men t hat ,,·hen they ,,·orkt an lIour or 110'0
houn in the momi",-and pro"ed e"ery
. tllernent they made in black I.lld .... hiteWt thty had eamed III tbe money that
they rttei"ed at nigbt , aoo tbat ..·ben " ·e
gel the dict.atorsbip 01 the prolellriat they
..·ould only hI'-e to work t,,·o boon.
No W_der They 8eliend
HE\ ' proved that Ilso ;n Nuk 100
.... hit~ and they linally con"inced
e\-ery lumberjack in that stitt IImo.l
e>--ery ODl!: tbal the employer ....15 I robbtr
and tbere ....1 DOl • • ingle bit of &fIUment
to t.be tOfItrary and 1 didn't blame tloMe
mm for belicvinc it. 1bey ,,·en not mind.
" Wby couldn't Americans that yeU '"
mucb &bout t.bcir Americanim> thai tbey
choke with the IfC.I.t II", that 1 bonor and
fClPfCt IIld am "illing to die for any time
_ ·by Cln·t they gft under it IlD.d act ?
Wby c.... ·t they go down and accr:pt tbe
I e:sponsibility that tbey owe this country,
Ibat they 0 ...... that
and pay jU:!lt .,
mucb aUent;on to the W<lrking man as the
",dical don who is trying to destroy it?
"I ,,·ant ·to tell you I came back 1<\V5.I
Ibil counlry and 1 wenl to .... ork in tbe
slffl mills. 1 was in the Itockyarda. 1
... ent down in the coal fields and e\·ery_
.... herc 1 ...... nt therc wu a '-eritlblc Irmy
of agitlton. nine out of len . inccre ,
and 1 didn·t m'"<'l a si"ile min out lhere
telling tbe truth, and neve. in the paJl two
years hive 1 seen one conc:~e Illumenl
to disprove I It.attmtnt made by the IMI·
" ...
at Stock Yard.
JUST .... llD.t \0 gr.-e you ODe litlle mUllIratiOn tn show you tbat men In
right .... hen they an bit lair. I ......1 do .... n
bete OM night in the stockYlrds. I ".1.5 uk!
10 to do ... n to a little ..-i", aoo lhert
Pate 135
wu an ",\lIar. I be\iC'·e the man WII
sinctfe. I will gi"e him the credit for that,
h«IUM: he could II<'K hl"e made the talk
be dill il he WII not. T herc wefe lbout
ISO of the tlockyard. boy. in therc. He
was 1110"';111 them bo.. Amoour & Company
wal maki", 1'00 a dr.y PCf man on t.be
.... pcrtl 100 from ISO to 170 ot.hen>·iK. He
....1 lhowi", bow they eould cut the
boor! ~·half. increase t.be wlJCS 400 per
rent and It ill make millions of dollars.
'Thtn he ....... lItowi", bow the Annouf"l ,
l.be Swiftl and Tom Willon rode .."""d
in their IIiI lutomobile and didn't look
It anybody brause they did not .... n\ to
KCt cODtlJllinattd with tbe men.
~Wben be finisht 1 ....... t to teU you
e\"try rnan in tbert .... s ,nndiRl! his tn.th.
1 ""aIl1 to "y for that ",Ultor thai he ball
put up the best &fFIIII.enl tbat I had
heard. II I had n..... alrtady lotten t.be
other lidt of the IflUlIJent 1 don't know
b!.n tbat I ...ould ha,." joined that bUIKh
myxlf. All of • • udden. hick toward the
door, a youlll man workt hil ..·ay up to
thi. . .illlor and he "YI, ' Youns lello ...,
( ... nt t o ha'-e the pltuure of tellins you
lhat you Irc the biUest liar in lhe silte
of l lUnois." Right away, from tbe hick
end 01 the hill . ..,me fello ... "YI 'Hanl
bim. Throw him out.'
Give, the P.eker,' Side
E held up his handl and you could
drop pell bcl .... ~n the caUoust
pointl in hi. handl , Ind t~ he .. id he
h.od .."Orkt in the .!IockYlrds for twenty.
d.hI yUf"I Ind he ..id. ·FellO-·I. thl"«
>....r! lio wc ,,·ent out be'e, Ind wben
I " ·fnt back I had lost e,·erythins. m,. ..·ile
.... s 0..... the ... aahwb. IIld 1 made up my
mind that when 1 struck &pin I ,,"II aoilll to know ..·hat I ..... Itnking about.
Since t .... t time ,
itten e\·ery
lelder I know of. I ha .... ""';Iten railroadtf"l,
1 bne in,·estipled Ind I honestly belir.·c
that 1 know more about Armour', busillC5S
tban he knO"'1 lbout it hinuell.'
,,-,·c ....
September, 1920. Vol. XVII, No.3
"lie ot.ned in there and for jun twenty
minutes tlLat fellow Tlttkd off figures, .nd
they were IiJUrei tMt counted. He , bQ",·td
them just euclly whal it cost, be lot down
to brass tad... and in tw~nly minutes he
knoc.kt the whole bu nch off their f~t .
He had hio arrumtnt and t haI it enct ly
wlLat you IIIve fOt to ban. With the I!I(II
in y<M.Ir plant you lLa\"e fO\. to l et down
to tllree little poillt_raitb, lolerance and
confidence. You aren 't eDina to ~t i\ unt il
you win it with the men first .• nd Just IS
t)Uick as you do you ..·ilI It't back 100 ptr
bpi the Pol iticiana
HILE I am talkin, on lILa! iN.... I
condemn the profittfl" just u·
acdy the ,.me IS I cnndemn the radiaf
labQr IHder, but J personally was a vfry
radital man fiftem yean If<', n dical be.
n.use cverythina I ~c' ~d "'1$ tcllil\j! me
that the lI.ockya .dt Ind 1M Rock.clel1er1
IIId lhe ~Io.,a", 0... M<1 .nd cont rolkd lhe
country. I ...IS two ti>ou"nd mile, a""ay
and it 1001<1 pretty fOOd 10 me for you
enuldn't pick up a maRu inc and you could
00\ pick up a newspaper lhal didn't ,.y
that. So dOn'l blame HIY"'ood alone, for
you have fOl !Ome politici an! do... n in
Wu hillf\on flahl now tbal are doink more
honn lho" lIiIl Hayw<.>Od evcr did, men
tlLal 11ft: a .evolutHlIl every morni ng bt fon:
b.eakfast and they have nOI Rot brains
enough 10 l et up tu any ol'lke unless they
d, ...·ip·.C lOmething of that kind. 1 want
to tell you it is !{etting time ...·hen .....
should make ou r lour_ft ushi", poIiticialis
stand on som«hin" prove what they say
IIId bot I« ..... y " 'il h .... m... y slanderous
mi"tatementl u they make for political
jltSt nnl to I-3Y thil, when 1 t ame
"' I
hact here and m~t your biJ men, when I
""ent down . nd met }Vur Rocke/ellen anlll
your Al1IlOurs and the bal.nce 01 tbem_1
w:wt to tell you "'ben 1 ,,'rnt in :aIld alkt
to them lCrod tbe table, 1 knew they wrre
men, ,reat men of the country, 1\ lhe Mad
o( our financial and industrial affain, but
""hy did I have 10 come three thousand
miles 10 find tbat OUI? Wby couldn 'l they
cnmc out and hit this thing jusl U o.qUl re
bct""em the eyes as the ot.her lellow don
in tearing them 10 pieces ? If C\'Cf}' one of
lbose men I bne just mentioned " 'ould
!Ilk oul in a llaC"'i!"le the magnine$ Ylvuld
he tickled tn dnth 101m lhat talk. and
just let me uU you thaI in !Ox months'
lime there would be .U the diffamce III
this counlry Wt there is in the wnrld.
Cet Good Win of Workera
LL you SV'lkmcn spend lhoul-3nt1s 01
doUars or millionl of dolwi gelling
tbe pod ,,'il! of the ptlb~(. Did you C\'er
t hint a boul it? How mo,o:;b money do
you spend 10 get the good wiU 01 the min
that makes your goods, the man t hat ill ab·
solutely indispensable to you to set your
roo<ls 10 the publicr Did you
it over / I h.... e ~n in plants thol are 10'
day sprnding two million dolla rs in one
yea r 10 ~t the good will of Ihe puhlie, and
if a man in ovr BlI. .... lk. into the office
an electric shoct hiu him ri~ht in lhe fue.
While Ihey ,,~ll talk to him lhal il jusl
aboul .11 that thty do.
'·Ju!.! let me Idl you there i. only one
WlIy to meel your labor. There is only
one w,y to !bow that the "italnr is .U
'''I"00I. ~re is only one ...·ay to show
him bQw you f~l and that i, to mf'el his
I"fPt"eJentat;""t: from in.ide your plant uross
!.he table with }'our card. face up. There
i.! only ODe .... y to setlle }·ou. shop ITK"
m(n\ and Ih. t is 10 ha"e it Kltled by the
mana",menl in.ide the plant ... ithout any
ouuide interfe",n~.
Why We Have Radicala
ET me Itll you lbil: y"" have' ndi-
e.1 leaders limply bta.use the employer bas. Imu a lack 01 understanding.
Iosl the kadership in hil o.. n pbnt . AI
the Armour plant " 'e bave a man ..ho is
.<>ing to he • grtat man for the Itockyards.
He illOinllo be a en.t asset to the ,tock.
yardl because he hal that human fH~ng
"'hich is DIll put on. He I!I(InI il. l -nnl
Ihru the yards lhe Oilier day and he loot
mc thru that plant .nd all I could beu
was Bill, Jib. Tom Ind Harry. It ,,'u
rood fello,,·lhip.
" I ref~ r 10 wbom 1 licure " OIH! 01 tbe
whiten IIIC'n I ba,~ f:\'er mel . w ttr A,·
mour, of Chicif<'. Let me tell you, SCDtkmen. it i.! 11111 act ion of ,oing duwn tbere
and medina: a m.tn fifty-fifty, lett in, him
loot at you .nd letli", him 1ft! lhat yo"
.... nt 10 mftt him, letti", bim Iftl tbat
you ho"e got an inlertU in him, tbat is
"oi'~ the "'or~ today. I want tn tell you
it is • bi. Ihing.
"I want 10 say in elosing jwt thi , . We
""ill JU~I forlet about bollibev i~m . Bol5hf,.
vi"" Can only bocher you .... lnn' .. you ue
ulcep. The American employer i, not a
CAr. The Ame. iun workingman ;! not a
bolohevilt. 1 think both 01 them in lbe
8T"Cl t majorit y of u.." want to corne toIt'tber OIl a real basis 01 o.mde.. tandin,. I
·think 9S per cenl 01 the employers II"C
Square . t heart . I beliC\~ 95 per (tnt of
the tmployees are ~ al heart. 1 ...aot
to _ tNt OS per (Cftt of each gel tOflc1.htr
IIId kick lhe Olher S per cent of both into
tbe Atlantic IXun. "" here they belo,""."'
A Come-Back from Labor hself
"ROT,"".;", ;" '_Il10''.
AR I' aNd I~ l.Gbor 1/";0" Mw
Tluy "'~
t .(tt!tUi", ~tl road.J," 10 I-3lth W. H .
H. MacKellar, R otarian of P..,lukiU, r-; .
Y., in lhe July, 1920, illlJC 01 TK& ROIf this It.atemenl is lrue, we ha\"C
no judcmtnt 10 paD on Rotary. It hal
condemned i\.Klf, . nd II , .. lhe .. riter
implied. La bor and Rotary are I"'veli",
in oppol ite di'ect iont, it hthoovcs Rotary
to tum a bout fue, Ind clu h up wi th the
procciI.\ion. Since Labor could not follOW
the employer an d arrive at any delil1lbk
induilrial fOal. let the ~mploye r fnl low
Labor_nd both will rtlch a happy understanding. Otpnized Labor does not
"'3nt to de!.!roy her beller half, the em·
pl'lyer. but limply .. anti him to ,;,"t: her
enough to run tlot: bouse .nd put by something lor • rainy day. 'lba l pi... " 'ilI
benefil bolh of them.
" Ntlllttr RDIIlry..or o"yoll<l tis, AIls
llIIOrrtl wil . l.Gbor •. .. . •• . B,,'
1/";0_ i. lI';t, altOl • ., II';",,~ It.tes Mr.
~IIC Kdlar. ,' nd SO the cat il OUI 01 the
/ JO'
bro,! It is helple5l, unorpnized Labor
with " 'hicb DO one ~ • q<50md, t.xcauoe il
did DOl. pM'e'"& enough baclr.bono: 10 stnd
up .nd fi&l\1. It tues I WO 10 make a
quarrel, and unorpnized Labor did not
make evrtl ODe body ecooomic. One c...·
not quane! with a j~lly lis!> or • lump of
wet mud, which is ahout an the force
unorganized Lobor p.,,"'st. .
" TAeir ~Ijd# are dw. ... e.m~ly IJ# osed
mid tlleir tttJ£~j,.(S j",,,.;caJ," oolites Mr.
" l ac Kellar. The policy of organized LaIJor
il boostd on the necessity of riving a aquare
deal for a just wage. We '~l sony lor
Rotary if their charler d0C5 not compre.
ben d thil necessary priociple . " One II
the antilbesis 01 the other," admits Mr.
i'>lacKrilar. Well,,,,,, nevtr knew Ihat
Rotary ad" ocated I crooked deal ... d III
unjust "·age. but if Mr. :\lacKeUar in_
sitta, ..-e will have to beliC\'e him.
"T.~ '/Ol llJl oj Rol4ry,~ quotes he. " is
SdJ. H~ 1'ro~t$ Mal' WlQ
Serve. Bat.''' 1f .1l that be true. " 'hy SO
mo,o:;h wnth tfupby.-d api"'l tbe !..abo<-
Pale 136
Union ? Rotary and Orcaniled Labor a.e
brothen in IfIlIl. The l logan 01 Labor is
"s.:",,·ice," and it had better be, (or .. bile
the r:mployer (In hobble alonK for I cer·
tain time without delivering it, Labor mUSI
deliver it JiJI daYI of the Wfft .
,. 'H. Pro~l$ JIIJII Wlla $,",,, But,' ..
lite _110 01 RulIVY." Mr. Mac Kellar in ·
forml ul. " Well, he b.... \Ill 'Iumped th«e.
We ..ill admil th.1t Lobor cannot go tb:t.t
fiT. The .. orker cao K ""'e best : but he
doci not proftt mo!!, nor dntlo he ezpect
to do..... A f.ir !hare nl the profil.
would s.IIli" y him . He does not "'ant to
profil ~t, but simpl y to profit lOtIIe. H~
il willi", to leave IIIOlt. of tbe profits to
Rotary, just 10 he get, a jUlt. .hare of
them; and .... apin, ""C do not 11ft: why
lhe dilfertnce in IIIC'lhods and aim. should
br~d a quarrel.
"'/i tAe l.4bor U..w. iIuJ /I ITWIIi/wI Jlo.
, .... ," nys he, ~it ..oldlli '- · W",er-Nol
11'",.1-. H, h~JlI JfQJf II'lQ S.h Bat.'''
Well, lhat it quite 100 loolisb. ~o \lllioll
IIWI nil keep a job who does DOl. do his
1920, Vol . XVII. No.3
hell . \\'( do not uk tM Jurned MAcKel.
La.. to cake our word for this '8I;t, but reo
If)«lfully ,efer him co Bulletin No. 106,
i..1Wd by tbe Uniled Stales Dq>an.mrnt of
Lobo.. Il il the result of Co>~t in·
"dlipcion by tnoi~ upn'U a, to which
,,,nrlard--(he eight or ten t.:Iur ..'lop ,etl
011: more production. fu wiU learn a defi·
nite truch and innn ... hi. wi.oom by reodi", il . lie mar bc<:ome ClNlscious of the
be t 1.... 1 Ihe in"ntiSlI;"n dixo\'ered chat
the ... orker. in g·hour shopo 8'" out
mOrt .... ork individually, while the: .. ork.
ert in IO.hour or non·union I hop I
ota..:ken up co ketp pace with tllt'l fellQw
..vr&:ers. TIM: R.hour "'orken get oul a
,·.rial amOUDI of work, 8I;cordi", 10 lhe:
rapacity 'If tIM: ioo;"iduaJ ,,·o.ker, but lhe:
Lo-hour ..vrters ~ out only a ,trl";"
amounl of _ort, which i, • prtlty Kood
illdicltion as 1'1 ,.-hicb cb.ss of woritcrs
. hirt, .1Id ..-hich ci&u of ...,.I«:rs, ..'" ,k ,
And 10 accordill( 10 Co>'H1UDenl sotiMin,
the opprobrious motto ...·hith be Ipplitol til
union wOfkers, L e., "00 as Hille u rou
nn, and 8"t all )·ou can for doing ii,"
would fit inlO the program of the non ·
union . ho!». It i. JlO!.!ible he m.y like
uc~ciQn 10 Ihe Govemment', fm di",. He
may have fQlcon .. ined, pl'l'Concti\'ed, dyed·
in.lhe ... O()I idtou wbicb "'il! brook no in.
" Titre _ , do"b/leu _Ilk JDlli_,,/.
~'Jt iltSJ>irei U..w..u_,~ "')'1 1....
Well, bn)lher, y... and no... y we. 1lIe
fint ... nl imenl I .... t inspired Unionism ......
the ~t iment Of instinCI of sdf,pleseo..•
tion. It i, the first La.w of Mture. and ill
we .uppel$( il h:u its element of nobility.
If Mr. MacK:eUu ..·m thro .... back hi$
imnination to the indwtrial K' f':'n of
tom~ lhinr )'Grs paM, I... wm rcalUc ..-hal
we mean. . MtII vrorttd, s"'uted anoJ
lined uolkr mistnobk conditions for •
mi ... nble wage. 'I'M employer _
muter. The employee ....as dqr.tded al·
most to the stale of sh\'ery . lie could
ito!) .... or.. and bl"""'; ,"", ...." still hi.
right. Unionism tbrew a new light on tbe
nobility of .... orlo:. It tbrtw 11 ne'" light on
lbe riKbu of the workers. It also th.ew a
ct.tlin dtlinite nr of light into the minds
of man)" em~rs; but the", Ire employ ·
eTl ..'110 ha,~ been d.mied thi$ Ii&:ht.
Unioni.." began the p<OCeH of ",adjult;"'.
and that process i. Itill
hi3 job aDd il WI 't be finiJbed in Il day.
" TJ,tr, _,~ <trilr No .«it:ty I", ;1 10
/1001, Of' t<>ntel , OM il ditJ
_leo_ relOTMI '''', "'ve ,,~"'Iy i••
~owd lie torulitio. 01 " 1'1<11 u ... kr 01
he admit.. Wdl, then, ...'hy the
protest ? Wbere the .ignifiunce of the
_pplication of 1M Rota. iln·S mOIlO: "Ser~"
ice, not Selfl" We cannot see why he lnd
.11 hi. brother Rotariallll .hould not be ~.
liShLed. But J>l'rhaps the motlo il but
lOundi", IN-a" .nd a t inkli", cymbal.
MrIJ," I... moans, "to_'" lie .t01
Rtlllt1U'.n Apin we ",fer
him 10 Bullet in 106 10 t ....\ he mly place
the bi&mc on 1M """.union shop, in ".
More Rotary Clubs
By James W.
OTARY in its early de"eLopmenl .....1.,
wi... lr 8uided • • nd the firmnep of iu
,ounrotion is well demvlllItnted by the
posil,on Ihl\ Rotar}' main!:uns in tile world
While ,he fwu:lamcnlllol po~ 'If this
gfnt mO\'eQlenI we", bem« ...".kl 001, it
was well jJIdeed that no tily. be it e-.-er 10
"rp, ~uld ha,~ w,lhill iu con6nes ~
Ih:m Ill'll! Rotary Club : but DOW Rotary
hal 1:1«0 estahliw.t. It has taken iu po:oi·
tion cle..ly Ind definitdy a~ a It:ading force
fill lervke. a hi~her ideal in busintn ~nd
I 1o"e bet""een m~n that como only Ihru
an understanding. a fdlow,hip, ~nd an ac ·
qu,intance that i, thQrv, ,;nctn: and up·
lifti",; Ol'll! that in a nallU'&l and concrete
way ele\'llel the brarU and minds of tIMe
il loucl>al 10 I hf«her b~1 of helpful"""
and human inttl'toIi .
At the pe uenl time the ...wld nMh
Roury and Rotlry ill r..ady to leo'e in
bringi,,« men of an nalion. c1os.er tocethe.
on a common lVound of leo'ice and under·
'I1d: ."'Cftt of Rotal}" in the pail has
betn due btllely to its ""h ideals, Ihe
timplicily 01 ilt prl'Ctpu ~nd lbe men who
put them inlo Ul'Culion,
It·, .
cord "'ith the findings of tbe GO"ernmtn\
"Uie all ;ltSljl~lioflS V -" iowe"..J,
/Ife limo. 1tt<dJ IfN!IVd o,,,,,siIM," be
tells iii. Well . be Deed /Iof'\'er "''OIT}' that
the Union willlfO"" as powerful as the em·
pIoyil\ll dau, wbose 10"1 p?Slnled powe.
be does not bment. The f.,·orable dotvd·
oponeol of Union..... ..ill .ttult in a
challfled condition--a cha",e for the heUer
that will be enjored hr both the ...'oriter
and the employe. . U n ioni~m broupt to
ita higM,t developmenl ...ill ~jmply be a
more intelligent partner in the K.tat 6rm
of Industry & Co. A ...'orkef, bc<:~ule be
",alioeo hi . "'onh , does not 10... hi....Iue
in the eye' of an intelligenl emplo}~r. He
does lost iI, howe\'er, in the e)'eI of a
w\'toWtler ... bo rHfnll any encroachment
on bil ....'n ... lfish domains. And Jo while
we Irc IOIT)' lhal Mr. Mac K:et... does>!'t
IO\~ the Labor UniOftS, btause he fears
ibtm, we ha"e no hf'IitllOC)' in aKurilq!:
him lhat much of bi. ftal il u"CroUIllIrd.
The c, ut 11ti"3 lhat Lobo. Unioru ..... nl
i, the same mea.ure of Hbert)' enjoytd by
Rotarianl, and gu,arantffll b), the ColUti·
lution of the Uniled Stat... to all citizen.
of chi. count ry. We believe ""e are tale in
l.1.yinS that o'Sanized I.abo. ",ill thrive he·
caust. rrga rdle!.! of hi . ftlrs, neither ~Ir,
Mlc Kellar, Rotarian of Pei:ksltill. nor Iny
other trllD or body 'If men a", poorer be·
u...., ,he WOI'ktr to at "It ITriv,,,, It lhe
point "'here he ill fiDdi", out bo .. I'ItI:CSSIry
be is 10 tbeir and hi, 0..... procreu.
- L. JI. W,Uk" jll IAe ~ Clti(/llo lJlliOfl'
Big Cities
Brj sc~
The ,uccus of Rotary in the future will
dtpc:nd upon J... I how Rotary i. gi\'tn 10
the: "'or!d and ..-bether Or not it it lOing
full)' to cnsp the opportunit)' l hat i, DO*
belon- il . Why.", other clubs. Pllnolleli"l
Roury, DOW lwiD« formed in 'a'le cities
.nd carryinc out lOOIe of the ,,'ork tIw.
RotaI)' ..... ooisned to do l It IS beea....,
the work of Rotary in hill: cilies is limited
10 oroe club. and """" c,lies are 10 "'It
tholt one club therein is a wall fUlor. and
lea"e, the field open io. similar duhl of
other na mo .
Rotary is not fOI Rot arian, alone. It
do..l not fUnclion for Rota"ana alone. It
functiona thru Rotarians I" the ,,·orld .
A cit)· .. ith a million 1>OPIlLa.tion doel not
fei:l in Rotary Club to Ihe same (\cIrce a)
one of 6,~ hundred lhousand, and in turD
I cilr of ClOt bundred lhou ... nd population
I'«tr.-es much mon: beno.f.t proportionalely
than ~tbe!' of the above ; and .,.in some
o f II... Itadi", Rotary Clubs ;" the lI"OIld
uilt In cities of I..-enty Ihoul.1.nd people,
and ""e b:l\'~ '~ry succe>ll'ul d ubs ",ork'l\II
,n cilies of much less lha n he t""\Mnd
So.. bow about our big cil iH? Are we
ftlll IOln~ 10 limil Philadelphia. B.ltimu.e.
Chicago, San FranciSCQ or l.ondon to one
Rotary Club tach? Are \I.e l oing 1'1 con·
tiDue ""itb our policy of limitation allll fo' ·
bid any cil)" be il t\~r )(\ large, from ha,"
i"l tnOre than one Rotary Club1 'The t ime:
ha! come .. heD ...., must ~\'elop Rot.&ry
Ln our big cilies., ""hen ...'e mUll be willine
10 ,i'l! any t ity as man,' Rotary Clubs as
il tan mc:c.,..du!ly usimibte.
:l.lost Loo'le cil ies hJ,~ .....eral Iot.lities
.. brre llIIloinC$! i. cenlernt, mo", Dr I.,."
and which;n some deJ!;= a", oepo.nte from
the others. Wbere the population ju"iliH.
l he .. "p"nol~ diltricts Ihould tac h ha\'. a
Rotary Club. The Rot"'y Club of • lUKe
efty U, al prMenl, 1,IS~lIy in tile heart of
the bi! bus;"".. cenler .• nd tucb ootl)"nc
cumtrlunities .. menti",,,,<1 allO\~, r...,.;\,t
HIlIt: beroefit from lhe mlin club.
Furlbcrmon:, .... bat arsument il Ihe",
.1.f!aiMi """" t .... n oroe Rotu), Club . " t ·
in, in lhe: ... me big ~illUJ tenter o' a
Iarp city ~ Each dub would be <ompose<:
of oq.nole men. have KPilrate offices. and
lunch al Jq>arIle plat.... TIM: work "DIIld
not O\·erlap. bc<:awe tIN: primary job of a
Rot.ry Club, as I tal«: it. u the eduration
of it. members in Rotal}". Thi, II ...'hat
(Com i",",d o.
1 11 )
September. 1920, Vol. XV II . N ., 3
The Exalted Fra ud
Rtd C' (a$ l'ublic Hu lr/\ nil .... in a
Southern lown lin found 1M
"o...~lty in "arnes flit' babies. SM ....
..~hinl a lillie black youngster.
" Wba t do YO'" ul! your baby;' oho:
ukl tM grinninc younc
··Wnt hab-ltripi." replied the parent .
" \\'nlher-51riJII,~ uc!aim«! tht nllrK.
··WM., 'S 1M i~ , M~dy ~"
" We 00... named h... \\'u\hu.·ltri~
'UUIIe she krpl her ~pa O\It a "" d",ft,"
- CkKllt ll .lltdjcm Ru mde, .
OH:-iX\,- T htse pa nt l Ihal YO)U bought
r", me arc too lighl.
;\[OIhe.-OII. no, .Iley art n'!.
Johnny-They .rt. too, mOlher, Thtf ',.
li~hltr 'n my
:\IOIbtr- X(lw, Johnny. you know that
i.n', so.
) olmny-h il 100. I fin . i( do",,, in
my skin. but I can', . it
in llItw
"'' '1\
p;>nl •. - B"y',
®>-Slill Room
Ile"s pbyed bis syloltm 10", :uwI frtt
And "" enjoys • ~Iorious rtp
Fo. mKlite capacity
And bra.in)· skill and "",nlal pep.
His lofty CGrl"Ul31ed dome
' n peopled "'ith a ,'ut array
Of dr..my lrulh s lhal make Ihei . home
Hene31h hi. lid-$O [ltOple say .
n ·.,
ilul I'm Mre 10 PI"Oll"05licale
Tha i be i. due to have a bump ,
Fo. I"ve a g. ieva nce to , eJate
Againo\ tm. anfuJ . hamming chump.
He takes lhe glory and .pplau""
Then cackles like a laying hen;
B e gtl . ..... y wi lh it becau ...
The ,,-ork's all do"" by othe. ~n.
- P,()ridu,u Pi,. Prich .
AU.I m«tins lillCt their dillcha. (1' ftU to Illkl", .boo.Il 51. Xaza;Il',
and lhen 15k. tuh Olbt.
bid be.
e""", of 'he rmombeu of tM old squad.
"And, 00, yes--t MIl'" :\I UlP- )IUW
th:at btpn to . tld l11e !iI' 01 X.~
ao ....,., u they m~<k him a corporal.
W~t '. becOlTM: of him ~~ inquired tile lint .
"'Oh:' ~plied tile otller. " lie', ..,orkillJ
in • ~.ra~e-pumpt len plLoo. of las
inlO my n, t ile olher Ilay. Tdl. "'" "" 'I
.ndi", Ihe Lilt III Rod,'tUt>."-H.,..,
Power of Rural Press
WI.'\G 10 the Lack of ' poce and I""
. ... 11 of lhe Herald ', prize eon"~SI ,
orI-eral binho and <ltalb! will be postponed
unl il nut "'ttk, or unlil a blu dal t.
- LIUIt HmJltl.
Abou Bet! Adbtm ,
:\I&y bit lribe dimini~h.
Or lhe COlli of livi"l1
Will he his fillish.
- LNI1r'(lIlo>.
The MidniiZh l Alarm
" Wo uld Say- "
B £" you ,10 not inlend 10 POl' a
hill there is nOlhin~ li ke bting decisi"r in your ,du>aJ . T he olher day a
bnoksdlor had an ··.tCcounl rendu .. I'· .e,
IU 'lIi'd 10 him ..·il h lhe fotlo .. ing .eply
Kra"'1ed n roll Ihe billhea 4 : " Dear Si rI ne\"e. jl.dt~d Ih,s bUsily book. If I
did. you didn't $end il . If you $tnt il . I
.... , .C"!" Rot il . If I gat il . I ,>l,d for il
If I didn'l I ,...,n 'l .
go and h:ang
you ....1I. you fathead.-Youn ,-ery .e·
sp«cfully, John Jonu"- A',ll""""
lratt D ine. (II IlJIIImtr botel)-"'So y,
"'ailC"!", you h:av., you. Ihumb ,n lilal ooup:'
Wa,ltr-"""I 'S all richl . It ain't hot ."
HER E WI< a yuung lady named
Hanke r,
Who .lept while the ship Wli .1 a nchur,
She awoke in dismay
Wben ~h e hea rd lhe: mat e say :
":\"ow, lifl up IIIe 10,,,,httt and !ponker."
---®-W;ll~ :
of blur, and--oh, "'r hair
W. . . li~teni", 'ike pu~, ... diant ROId
Thol'l spun by fabl~ n).... ph. o f old.
j've .... Ichl lie.
he, casement IS ~1Ie
...hi~ Ionr boun Ihru .
JttfI her in the mornings &! freh IS
d lamond de .....
Saud IS from afar upon her prelly
litheson1e form ,
Mard ber <beery laughter in sunshi~
and in storm .
nt\"tr ~~ I spuJ;:t"11 10 lhis neighbo,
f.i. of mine ,
often hive I . miled .1 her, and
.1II"·C.ed she in kind.
bi~m "t :'
)Ia ... :
'· Willie . you rome upstair!! with
me and J"II leach '"ou IU kttp your mOOlb
" ) fan i. lhe onl}' ~r.;ma l lhal ca n be
~ki,,"~ mOre than once"
PaRt 138
lhen- J heard her at the ' pbn"" ,
cu"" lhe: day I pulled l hal bo"" !
said. '" I seen him." and "I"\"e went ,"
"ClUI that slull: ' '" I btt a eent ,"
"Ain't you dint:' and Ihen " I'\"e
sa.. n"And no..... 111.1, her btauty"R(lne !
_ 11''''' ....,tc.. UNiwrJily (M o.)
From the Editor's Office
younc frllow, Scribbler, stilt
in a ~ thil morning enlit~
'Why do I li,'~ ?'"
" Wlyl did you do ,,;Ib il r
" Returned it . ·ilb an ~II('-<I
oayilll : 'Bt<:ault you mailed this inslead o(
brillJinr it p t _lly ,. ,.
- DriJllets.
Sbade- Did >·ou e-,'tr 1La"e In accident?
Shaoo...- "(I\ euetJ)", I ns billen by
a ' hake once.
Shade-Don 't )"0<1 u1l1~t an accident ?
Shado ..__ Hell, no! lie bit "'" on
Wife-I I', ht,h l ime ou r Minnie look
l ome inlrrel l in the men. We mustn't let
he . ht<:ome an old !Rlid.
I-I usband-T ime enough : sbt'lI get busy
"·... n lh~ riShl man comes along.
Wife- Hul I didn1 wail l ill lhen .
_ RutlUiz01Ua".
··Paw. does bi,amy mean thai
a man bas one wil~ 100 m3ny ?"'
Pa,,·: ".'\01 nt<:nI!lrily . my .,m. A man
can ba,·t one ...·ife 100 mIn )' a nd not be a
dam ...1 fair.
HE livtd I\elII 000r_
liR Editor s a Imo""111 II"Y.
f olu say lie ~i a noble btan ;
n...1 coopt ... ithin IJ. coco lie
A Bock of <~ lhoughu ... rene.
His "'ondrous co.rug:lled nut.
1bey oay il crammed ,,'ilb lramtd lore ,
n...1 ",,', a perspica.:ioo. .. mUll.
And lhal his mind's ~ !&Pienl 101 _ .
the Top
HE ( ...... '~II .hook Iwtd_it
SeaUlY and Ihe Diclionary
T""~ WI!
3 young :n3n from Ihe City,
Who mel ""hll hi! thoughl "'11 • killy ;
He ""e ;\ a
Sa id. " )l: i<:e littk cat T"
And thty buri~ his clolt.e. out o f pity,
- !I'm/It-.
If lbe price of Pope, _oes t.ny hieber
lhey a~ JOin~ 10 makE .non out of
leallle, apin,
1920, Vol. XV II , No. 3
B est
Rotary Magic
By Leslie Everett f osler
HAT. " 'ondcrfuJ lnaIidan iI Rtr
,af)'! There .. a mytierioUl pOwe,
of dynamic intensity at work In eyery Rotarian'l soul. AI soon LI _ ,dl into (on·
lIet ,,-jIb Rotlry he it unconsciously
. wlyed by itl poWtr. Most of us did not
dream 01 Ihis vital spirit until alltr tieinl
initiAted inlo itl m)'lleriel.
1ben .. hat. chance l Like an enchanted
magician ",ho pull. rabblu, cU, and .. hatDOU out of hi. aw-ren11y empty hat, " 'f
pull out friendship, ,ood fellowlhip, altruilm, RrvXr, wi..som. efficient)' and count161 IItbt. articles of , .. tile from our burt.
\0 the amauttlCOI 01 our audience, 1M
world. 'Those ...·00 art .iM'-btaned -'"
almost I~r·bu.mao in the Y'Olume of sift.
of M'n'W:e. We h.a,"C j1,llDpi out 01 lhe deep
and narrow nil of stlfuh M'lrhood I,IpoII the
broad hich"'"a), of • dtpelKknt and lillY.
ionuy .... orld. We art &i,"i.. this cold &.ad
M'!1i!h " 'mld " .. on(\crful .. Won of ,llrui~
Now intlud of
kicltillll the doc from our ~\b .~ kindly
Sloop down and untie tbe lin tan that
......., unlhinkinc penon hal tied thert. We
deli.a:ht in the application of M'rvice .bo''ll
self and of Ihf Golokn Rule 10 our O1'I'n
Each of UI it I Silll!le COl in thf Wheel
"f ROI ary. How mlS;cllly . re "'e !JIaced !
Ea.;h 0"" ;1 a bump no lar~r tlun lhe
other, d;fieri n« only in inten,ity of ution
and purpose . To be efficient " 'e must be
frict ionleSi by keepin, our hces Imeared
,,·jlh llal Rlltary oil, the cheery smile: " 'e
yi,ile . ...J · b l~etl .....
muot be
not \0 " 'wen ou' infinitesim.1 IUpport to
the ,rnt Wheel : "'e mu,t mtah cOrTtttly,
co-optnte and co·work "i th .11, 10 '" not
to clnc or Slop the ,nnd mov.menll of
thil machinery of Roury, Thru the mqic:
" f Rotai)', eat.h COl ;1 liven power, tome
of ordinary ItfVlllh, othen ''llry "",,'lltful,
"" in min)' this coloaal Wt..;eI of Roury
il • self·propellinc macbi"", We have dis·
(o>"fftd perpetual motion. It I _ llowly
but l urely. like the milll of the ,ods. A
lboonand yean herw:e will He tbil mam_
moth Wheel still rotating and Rainine
llrength Illld power and momentum.
Ea.;h Si"8'le Cog carri"" • different rt,·twion 01 Rlltlry. II ii interesti ng 10 review
• few different opecimen cogs ,,( which
every cluh is proud and to note Ito.. the
power and $pMk in each po.rticular case i.
de.i,·ed from different aourcCl.
Rotarian Boolter
OR enmple. look II Rot.rian M. A,
lI.ooJter. 10 lormer days you kne ..
him .5 a co-partner of and ~"I ine unde ,
lhe I\IDle of M •. Knocker, His cocnomeu
has been en.sed and ~wrilten. for hf DOW
,CII as if hf bad aclually bem re.red .1
Ihf IIlIPPY I"",n of BocKttrville, Pq)
County, Stale " f Enlh...u.sm . Sirw:e join·
i", ROlary he hu kickt Old Man Knocke.
and hi5 little hammer, ,,-boo by the ny, il
a modem Mr. Hyde tlat ~ all po.mP'"
oculi...... lly, do".. u.. back Iwn of bil
life ";th thf oamc .....1> .nd '-icor tla t
maw evnythine he landles loccns ful.
His bobby il boostinc. He ~tI every
rood thine. When he i. not hoostine 11M:
Rotary Club, ;1 is the Collq;e. lhe Red
C.on, lbe Commercial Club, our lai. city
Or Sllle Or Xalion. Xo one orokl'S him to
boost. It i. native talent. It is hi . life.
He lo,-n il. He inoculate. UI ...·it h his
8ineery enthulinm and "Pirit.
He is a real IiI'll .... ire witb a heal,), cur_
rent of clectricity Tuuni ... th N him . He
il not .t aU inlullled; but cb.fIt' el'cry
one he meets with pep. punch , and ,un·
powde. . He is even mOre llan this. We
..ill call him I miniature rnanubclurin_
planl for tbis I*PPCry . tuB_ livi ...
He is the P"wOes(, u.. Iivelint, the moll
enth...u.ltic Rotarian firebrand aliv~r
roonc-tIO, not cveu the International ~.
dent . He pull thincs acrtlll. He dots
..hal be urs be will do. We""" we had a
photo of this lello..- for all to _ for tbis
specie, of man is Marly eninct.
Rotarian B ,
HE1\ there il Rotarian B. Sle.dy. We
used to belie\·e him .10'" .nd ,randmOlheri3h, but now it is • deliCht \0 have
loch .n efficient co-..orlrer. T be prelidenl
leell confident of a slICceli ful meet in,
when Ibis fcllow i. near. He is alw.ys pres.
cnt. He il not .f..id of " 'ntk, In lact
"'ork seeml to increase hi, cfficierw:y. He
il • comm ittee .... n of "·ei&:hl . Hil broad
ba(k up/>olds mlny of our bu.den He il
pblermatic, but finn ;n a IUt un"'I\~';ne
manllCl'. Hi, eqlrt5Sion has tlat I*rst\~r_
i... lIudfastneu "" commonly ""';tlen on
the facti of the ' .CUllu!. He t«ms as
uochanceable as TIle C reat Stone f lCe.
His [ OIIItanty .nd unswcnrine Itaunchness
i... tils in you tbe coo:wlction llal aU men
are not 1It16lb Ind ecocistica!' y O\> like his
consistent c","~rsalion. You dtli!t:ht in
hi. un"";\.Ili,,, Io(ic. You , ... ho do IlOl
$<IIoke. cnjoy his Ityle of smokine. which
il TtfUlar .nd uni form like himself. Hi.
every action and lho"",1 _ml to mark hi.
r.ithful~. and cOIlS\.Incy. There is no
lIummery aboul him. He Tines I"", . He
is the ult of lhe clrth. You cllch you' ltlf
imillll", hi, flimesa .nd regularity. We
ITt slid you Ire tim on tarth, Rotarian
Study. M.y your ciao increalt!
RotariQl Jolly
HAKE bands .... ilh Rotarian Jar J olly,
our happy member. We used to, Ihink
him I mor«ue: but no ...· he il.little bundle
of , u",hint: all to himself, perpetually
..dilti", happineu Ind cu. i", our
li ke lIt,JiIll! rays of ..dium , Where... er lit
"'" he Kille .. about bim foviality, mirth.
merriment, gaiety, fun. happiness, &lid wit.
He i •• livine ezample or fl1Ipyrun b)i •.
He is . . .·proof. A Joke or Itory is al_
.... )'1 01\ hit tOl!(Ul:" e,.d . Hil 11U«bler i.
.. contl(iou:s as a rood ripe t.se " f OYer·
the- Rhine me.Jleo. His friendship bores
ri«hl thnI your 1m-inch armor-plate of in_
difltmlCC. \\'hme\.'tr A. Cra ..... our hevilbin, elWllrei him imo. duel. Mr. Crank
$ept_bft. 1920, Vol, XVII, No. J
il pier~d in the mJdriB ty J lY', rapier of
repa rlee. Old Man Gloom "i,lh UI e'-ery
lime 10lly II abKnl . whlcb I, net often,
thank «OOdneul We would ha'-e a 50rry
time of it ",itbout thi, optimistic harlequin.
for be i, the countcr-balance of Ihat old
fakir. Peuimlsml One has a tbi1'<: 10 emulate hi, happy lik
Robrian EDthuljut
lastly, ...., all' proud 10 prtKnt
Rotarian N. Thusi&ll, who i. a cbarIn m~ber and grutly responsible for ou r
graud dub. He 1$ the f.ther of Bully
Booster, the grandfather of Red Pe~r,
.00 sports many sucb Il'lativn in othe.
dub5. w.w,"",-n he miues • mOle',i""
"'hi(h is KI,lom , lhe lood il unpalata ble,
the \Ilks are liry. lbe p.ocram R.le, one'.
comr.des dull. He Is t be life·blood of the
club without kno ....!nc It. He scintillales
,ood fellowJhip 10 t... nily and so Iincercly
that )'0\1, panoply 01 di«:n ity II pie~ed lib
• .i~ Ind you un ... itl mely echo and 1'<:ileTllle hi. enl hu.;um.
Living Rotary
By William M. Cas ile
HE indi,'idual ...e know
man. aoo
the keepi.., of bim in bi, place 01\
eanb-thal is. pulling him In ttLation to
hi, rwigbbot so Ihal" be ... in ~t into the
harmony of human life, this human animal .
I r~at, has al .... )'1 been the sou~e of
mucb fir<: .nd tl'O\lblt-alKl he promht. to
kcql the family buildinr ( hurd"", and
Khool houses lot him lot a IorI&: time to
R ota r~' bas been on the Job only a lew
years. De~Qitely natinr ii, RotlrY il en_
~agl:d in the bU lineu of 1l1On in8 ptgl.
Each Rotary Club b.u it put up 10 it
by Intemation.1 Rotary 10 see Ihll no
"'lUI.C peg, ~I in round roles. The 1'<:ward we " 'iII fel out of Oil' faithfulnelS il
harmony in Our li"H, effic;,mcy in Our d·
fortS. T hat ', wort h somrthin8 in .. ie ...· 01
the lurmoil. lt rife a nd unll'lI al the pre.·
ent moment.
Rollry or"nl&"ion is unlike any otbtI'.
I like il for ilt informality. E,-ery 1I~'
m....1 hue is I cenlleman', 19rtemmt.
CIaP-Ir:ap and ,old braid 111<1 over·much
cer<:mooy Ire ~placed by limplicily and
freedom of opinion and act ion . Rot • •y
freedom find. I common CTO\Ind in J&1Ife
conduct and a " 'holHome intercll in Ihe
...-ellal'<: of elch m.... bu and 01 the (om.
munity, and rnpect for the opinion 01 all.
I bolin... Rotary phil ... opby to bo a [01\_
len<\cr &pinA KI6.hn.ell; it is a promoter
01 lmo:roo, serviu. The Pharisaicil lpirit,
the spiril of KIf.rightt0u51lt!S whi( h
prrunpttd tbe Phan- 10 thank God hor: ...·11
betttr Ih.n the Publicln, 1$ no put of
ROlary practice.
The Colden Rule
RELIEVE 1M 'pi rit 01 Roury 10 he
the Golden Rule applied 10 the daily
alfaiMi of life. II Is rugged. 1101 effiminlle:
il il net , i" ified. It i, like lhe ! un thai
~ll(1s i15 wa rmlh to u!, We ,Ion't have 10
ha"r the warml h if we don'l ..... nl il. We
may kcrp out in Ihe cold if il luil$ \II belIeI'. R ota ry ~)'I (0"": i N, and be ,,·.rmcd.
I bo lie,·t Ihe IlIlement i. lrue tllat hul
Ollfe Rotarian in four it • real Rourian.
T hor: truth about il il that man WII made
belore the Golden Rule. Hi, hide "'15
611td full nf Klfi'hnn!l in hit Itnale ,,-lth
the elementl that IUrrounded . him. Hi.
prog.nf " ':1.1 lIow. Sell domin.oltd all hi.
action.. II had to dominale him ... hen hi.
physical prne" .. t>On .... , hi. daily
The Incient j ..... ~ law thai might makes
lCtUiles a lot 01 III today. The civil·
W", processes of rtl;,;on and eduu.t;OIl
ba,'c washt out IO<M of it: but • lot of i\
Il'maifll, and ..ill remlin for. """ time 10
comc .. This is the ttISOIl ...·hy Rotary with
onl)' 15% of its membtn . nimated by Ibt
Rotlry !Pinl. i. ",ing On """ cylindu in.
ltnd of four.
The Teat
VERV day, llI.y. ewry hour, lhi,
~ spirit of Rotary i. he;ng lelted,
1 ....iIl tue off my hal to t be ROII .i,n
....be pays hi. taxes loday and feds no di.
mini.hin, of the Rotary ' piri! within him
whilc doing il . I 'll extend this sort of hem·
i,m t o the ~ct:lde which lile bill. 01 Ihe
Ililor. the plumber, tile grocer a nd Ibe
printer, present to us loday.
I ...ill .... rilc him do .... n 1$ an ~min.ent1y
patient man if be 1'<:1""" to leI CO hi. hold
on the !pirit whilt contemplating some of
lhe lhi.." lhal are being dollfe in C""i'c~
and State Lqi,latures today in
of p1ot1e55 .nd I'<:form.
I know be .... ill tell me that it is t~
"try thillf:l-tbo .asttd eifort . the . ·uted
money. Ihe ....-uttd time. lhe Ut"uion 01
peMlOOal ri(h15. the bunk stattsmtn-an
lhese aggravations only 51 rtncthen his lOui •
and impel him forward. Tha t', ....hy I Io'-e
him. He is a hero. Ht: iMim and pent.ts
' n Iry'''II to sa...., the h umaD (amily.
True Loyalty
E Io\~ our country, and no I"nm·
m<:nl in the ..arid'. history ....u ewr
b:lJckt more loyall)' than ours in the " .. r.
'That 100000l1Y and sacrifice .'ilI be continued,
and il give, us t ile r,«ht to protest againlt
abu.a that hobble indust ry and O"ertun
the "'nd ~'it h ove rlappillf: Cnmmil!lonS .nd
$pttial government agenu todoy.
T take the ,Iaternen," following. from I
recenl number of Tu~ ROTJ.J'''-''. t hor: 01fidal Rotary maguine:
" Rotary .... oultl ha,'e .. \'~d Sodom and
" Rolary .... ould have brought the children
of bracl into tbe prom ised land in forty
d.ys iniltud of forty YUrt.
" Rota ry in the princip;ll cities of Ger.
many. ""jlh the Kaiser an acth'e mcmb...
"'OUld ha"e a"me<! the W<lrid war."
:\0"'. why did THr. RotARIAS lIy thi.?
Bec:auM', while Germany did fai.ly well
wilh thc P"81 in OrpnW"l!: bor army. Bill
and the principles of jUllice .nd human
riKh\s were Slra~MI and lbet'efort be
Page 140
failtd : from now on failure a....lilo III men
. 'he i&nore lhue principles.
The Application of Rota..,.
T£WARD M cFARLAND of Piu. bu"h. an alflhority. "'ri lil\&: OIl the.pplication of Rotary 10 lhe: ..,orld·s acti ,·il;" ••
A)'I it il not I "he"'er 01 .. ood or a dra ... er
of watu: ' ROI.ry i. Ihe spiril in ... hich
Ihe "'cod il cut and tbo ... ater il drawn.
It il not I .eady instrument IbTU which
Olher OTJliniutioru may fWKlion. Other
or,aniulionl do NO' funClion thn! ROl ar~·.
k Ollry functiunl Ihru other organi.uliool.
Rotary il Ihe c urrenl. and nOl 1m. wi...
he ~yl.
,\ .cII Rotar(u i. an am~"ildor of ..." ._
ice. chorltd wilh lile responsibility 01 Car·
ryi", lhe: lorchl ilht of Rot.ry i<leals inl o
.hor: courU 01 other bu.lnessel: inlO lhe
fihop. InlO Ihe 1101'<:. inlo the prof.lliont ,-
.is ~tL...
much, al I dub. Ife we doing to cn·
lble U!, not I lew. bul all, 10 tkJ- R Ollry~
Auumi", that hea.use of the dittnctions
01 Our da ily tlC(Upitlons. the "'eckly mOle'Iillf: .lIotm ul tM only epponunil), for SCI.
tin8 lhe princip!c:. 01 ROllry into our conKiousreua, I "';\1 Ay ...·c live it ,-ery
Kant OO·otion- ,·ery liu le a ttenlion. When
"'e deduct the summet o':lealion. and the
lunc\oton lime. and lhe discullion of !ui).
j.,<t~ oth~r
tloan Rot_.". we .. ill (md t""
minUIH eI"en 10 the Theory of Rotlry ill
one year to be lbout 100. Reduct thtse 10
houn Ind it i, Irg lhan I ~ • .,. not much
mol'<: time than _
btWn.ess mcn put into
lheir wo.k in one day. Cln ... e gel. fair
... orki"l knc ... letljje of this ~elopinl! and
en.·eloping lorct wt koo ...· " Rotlry In t ~
1'Mrtfort. thinking of our dub. made up
a. ;1 i, of the boil in OUr public lif • . we
should do mOl'<:, spe.k more. lor lhe spirit
01 Rotary. If you take thi, .pirit nUl of
OUr mutina: . ....·e arc but I bunch of cuual
ealers ~athered 10kelber because "'f mu. t
eat anyWlly .nd oun i. LI good a place I I
Two Force.
X the affairs of InC'n and women there
Ire t ...·o fotct. (onRantly at "·ork. One
;. lhe Home Ihe other i. the Public The
momenl "'e ltrp otJtside Our home port.l.
lhe Publioc: is the dom;nal;1\&: fo.n. We
cao inautnee it lor iood if we hao'e the
inlluence fnr.1(»<! in (lU.sek __ lhe im_
pulK for se"i<e. This i. the spirit of
September, 1920, Vol. XV II. No. )
i!-tenee. One proof sho>o~ an e"C.a ~l,,&
made 01 Trumbull', famous painling o f tbe
D«laration of Irtdtpendert« 110 _II tJI ·
o:cutn! thai . ... hen ~uctd 10 post. !-tamp
sW:. r;rry Charac:tff is clt-arly lft,.niAble .
Rotary Philatelists
The eoti~ Wtibition .... the fi_ tba t
hat. evt. betn made privately in lhis
country, T1>e dillner nezt year CIII be a
EW VORK CITY.- Amooc tilt: many
CIIlertainmenlt ImIllfled lor ..... il il'lfl
~r IIId betttr all'li r il all tbe r.... will
RotariaM in ~ew YOlk Cit y. alter tilt
climb a'-.d,
Convcnlion, WI. a dinner 1\ the Yale Club.
[livcn to vi,ili", Rotlrian
PoI!(;HUErSU:.l'\"~" Vo..:.
Philllel;,,,, A llnique lea·
- Allllo only I little over a
tu~ of lbe dinner ,,'U lbe
yur old, the club pledced
menu. printtd 011 the back of
i\tell 10 .aise am""ll its mmt·
I Kenuine postage Slimp. ( .·or
ben It least $1 ,500 lor the
Ibe uninitiated . it milhl he
establishment of a Iftreation
""II to uy tnat our Govern·
room It tbe Pougbkttp$ie
menl issued, in 1865, stamp!!
Chiltlrtn ', H()III e which i.
1 )4 " I <I" lor 11M: on new.·
beillfl (""'Ictl by the city II a
T o the ph ila telic
Colt 01 $1 00.000. Already
"'ise il ,,'U Scot t'l No.
$4 ,500 hIS been o.-enub·
.1004.) Ouri", the tlinne.
I(ribtd by l he Rotary Club
the diKuuion turned to Ihe
qur51ioon of why Roury
.nouldn't rec,.ni.., 1M "'0·
catioo of ill memben IS I
VntGll<IA. mea", of promoting friendThe Ioc:al club recenlly ..,t
It ..u decided to
an example lbat might ,,'ell
make the dinner In unofficill
be follo.. ed by other ia rrer
pa rt o f an Int(rnltional
R~tath-eo ",.
Con."nlions and ask eo,'rry
ccotly returned from a se.'en",amp collo:ctilll Rotarian to
day booster Inp thru tbe
~''CII his idenlity and join
CaroIi ...., !-toppinc I In'
Tilt C,,"rs~M4nu elf.....
"f 1M GItug<nV, S'''' '''M4, RoI",.., CIMb,
boun II various cit",. no
1M part y next )"ar.
.... it.
",,,.tl, wil. . . .i .. il4. , ......il/u of I•• Cloicago,
route. The t rip "-as made
Tho: frllowl alJo '(It thaI
U. S. A .. d .b. T" .....bt-.s of I•• ' '' .....i''.. If", I.fl I. rig":
to ",nch the gospel of RoHill i.ogit, AI . .I/""'If, 1H"''Or," sl""dill9, C. ..... II",.", ..4 1...rs
lhe bobby wou.1d melll I
C••,"'II. Lit, , . ..... i".., .... ".,.i.,,,i,,,,1 6.,..."" ," f ..
Ilry and better b....i _ ....
~reat &ral more 10 ill ......
Umundi,.. Tho: .r..lqalcs
Olen if all Rotan_", inter~Id
P ill./norylo.
Hopt It the smaller Rotary
nltd be in touch .. itb one
• ~ l ljor CImlII Chase', collection of
Clubs, 100 to,,'llS ...1":Ie dubs milht be orl POIher dllrinc tbe year to ~nd lid 10 •
U. S. '51 ....., abo 00 uhibilion, Thi.
l~rtiutI. The Richmond Club fumi~t tbe
delinile plan laid O\It for lhe ....·.ncmt(1l1
il probably the bnt kno"'n collecti.... of
program so Im.t tbe home clubs had few
of the hobby.
stamPil in the U. S.
ar"ncemenll to make , The e:rpcnse 01 the
After dinner Mr . Allr((! E. U chltnsttin
tnli~ trip "IJ lall tlwt fi fty
nhibiled hi, collection of
dollars per man.
If the
}lauritius, a nd it WII a gmt
IlTrer clubs would gh-e helptrtal 10 gau: on a pllr of the
ful co-opcration of Ihis kind
rut Post Office }lIuritius on
to the III1Ill1e r cities much
original conr and an U$f!V·
CIII be accompli' ht Illd at a
~red pair of Ibe 2 ptnce
Hille e:rptnse,
blur , Iwo pitt" thaI neitller
the Briti,J, Museum nor
King Ctolle·1 Collect ion,
posses,. The collect ionl of
AITH UI,ON Turo.- Th e
Swiso Canton.l. Inti Aril i,h
1'1I'in Cilict Club look a day
1\ortb America, " 'hkh wtre
011 to ..elcome Dr. Crawford
also on emibit ion. are probC. McCullough , the ,,",'Iy
ably the besl of their kind
elccttd Fint Vicc-Pmrilknl
in t he ..·Otld.
of imernll iooal Rotary . The
}h. H. H , Wilson, Presdoctor and his gOO<! .. ife
ilknt of the A. p, S" Wtib,,-e~ tbe honored gt.IC!IlJ at •
iln! bi, collection of die Ind
dilUlCT and dance It the
1",, Rltl.. ,., I.",••"",;., <1"b ...
R",,,,,, 1. ,...... ,;0""1
piale prooh Ind ftil)'l,
l'rince Arthur Hott!. An in·
novation " IS made in cOOl("'b 10 "II 1M R OI.. ,.., rI"b. "f ,.. Ulli,." S I.,., .""
,.,.... 01 the lionl ~imeM
n«Uon with the dancCl.
"I /lor a';'"i"" I. . . . .", Itl' 10
BII,. L••'J, 8m
of lbe encn.·t.'•••1 in u"'hereby 6ve daMe numbers
/(,"'U, I .... W it", HOltry N ...
114 Fruit Sif4, ."
"i,. ,ou,
",'"" ,"
r." . rig."
~., 1920. Vol., XVII, No. 3
..'crt inlroductd , tach follo ... i", a I...t.
Mayor I . L , J.lltlltw. in a IOISI.
"Our Gut5t:' paid. Iplendid lribute to tbt
JUtS! of honor. "ling it " . 1II«r abililY
and public ••",;u and .:O<th to tht I......
citJn lbal Clu~ Dr. McCullough 10 be
eleeled 10 OM of lilt hi(hnt offictl in
Toam Wefe proposed by G. R , [)uncan
of POri William and T , N. Andre .... represn>tinl Port Arthur. Pruident W. H.
RlWI:lI of the local dub ICtW :os tOlst·
maJttr. J.lany tt\q:nml of cOfl~atula·
lions nrC rKrh-td from Canadian and
Ameriun Rotary Clubl.
. ftt r · tilt
Tampa Club tu.d adopled tbe building of ~
ne ... Child",n', Home I I part of it. year'J .
work, Ihe old Itructure occupkd by tilt
illfl litution ... a. dc::ot royed by Ii..,. wbicb
made it nccn.. rll to bepn aclive work II
once. The cluli. committ ee bu secured
lhe c~ntion of the City Council and
the CounlY Commissiouers, the IWO bodies
10 appoopriale 1100,000 for the MW home.
and tbe Rotary CLub ..ill ..ille the ",main.
der. In Lint with ill prognm of boy'.
.... ork for Ihe year, Ihe T ampa Ro·
ury Club ha, underuktn to provide for
lhe return IIome of Tamp'- ho)'l wOO ru.\"C
bu1I parolffl from Iht Stile Rdorm
School. 10 ICCu'" employmenl for It..• ."" .n: ... ilhout m... n. of IUpport and
10 _
tbat they arc p,-cn • fair Ilart in
Hfe. dtopite tlltir bandi«pI . Aboul t.·eoly
boy,lrt i.wol\-cd and lhe dub', committee.
... ith j . A, Griffin .. chairman. i. studying
of each individual c•• e.
Tampa Rotari.... Ite rejoicing o"er the
election of EJlrs Snt<lecor a, Inlernalional
Prcsidtnl. bre.u ... of tt.. fici that Snedecor
..... born aboul I ... nuy mila from Tampa.
It Safety Harbor. al50 historically notabk
al the landin« plac:e of Hcroondo DeSoto.
,,'bo chri"entd the pia«! Espiritu ~IO.
" Ptle" "'11 in Ta mpa at lhe recent DilltKl
Conference and ';lilW bi, birthplace, He
remO\'W from Florida to tbe Weot in hi.
urly ooyhood. but Tampa Rotarians arc
claimillj! .. ilb pride lhal lhe ne ..· President
i. a Tampa product.
TAlI,A .
munily Serl·i.e , IncorporatW. tt...'e Ilready
e'liblisbl ollio:o in the C bam~r of Com·
mffl:e and are oo'elopinl a l{)Icndid ....,.k
in c~tllion wilh the Rotary Club.
) IASC"II &!Il'U. E,''''''lASD.- n.c Club re·
cem])' Itaged a humorous Mock Trial. One
of t~ II>Cmht....... charKed wilh the felony
of ". helling dried pea. of Ihe smoot h Ipe·
cia, for buman conlumptiOfl. ,,'here,"
e~rl opinion proves that only IbOAe of
tt.. ..·t inkled .... riety ue pn'feel ." Twemy
Rotarian! . -ert in the c-.lc Ind lhe Ielli.
mony of the willlOSO kqlI the meeti",
in In uproar and riot. of Iau«hler.
Ht.: Tel/ t s S 0 S, KASS4I.-Under·priv.
i1c~ed 1>0)'11 "'cre organiud imo a Pio~r
Club and ~ry boy' ..';(' ,lven partly free
a len day OUl inl II lhe Elmdale Y. M ,.C.
A. Clmp. Each boy ...iIl urn $J.oo and
pay back lhe same KH'Ite lime Illi. fall.
At lhe Fllher and Son Banquel JQ bop
betwtnl the a~ of J and 60 ..'e.... ~ueIU.
Each of tt.. younce' bo)'ll lold ..-bal he
""Quid like 10 do .·hen he bad crl>""n up.
Il.u:EHto ...s. )luYLAl<p.-Tbe R ed
Cro.. CommunilY Study Hurcau in a
SClenl iflc study of lbe (i"le ~ of lhe
city found tbe.., "'erc plenly of bcilities in
Haserstown for rec",ation bUI no plan.
for carrying out Ihe r«rtal;onal prOkram.
The "'port recommendtd lhat lrail>Cd
k ldtn ~ otCured and r~reKnlal"'fl from
lhe CommunilY Service Hurcau .\atW 1M)'
would like on the !Ilk of lra;nine worken
10 IIIPCrliw tbe pia)'Jrouncis and omy on
lhe . ·ort among t~ men and wornm. n.c
Rotary CLub sceillj! tilt creat value of 11Ii!
work 10 tilt cily immediately voted 10
umltnvrite tbe coot of a three montb.
demoD.JttltiOll. II hall allo \tOled 10 under·
. ·rite aud rai ... ,ix 10 eight thow.and dol.
la rl. the ann",,1 bud,et . ... bicb il IIKC5!I.ty
for I ~ maintttUlXe of tily rcc:rcatiollli
(ePlen. The ff'PrfVntlli,'ti of lhe C.,.,,·
ELlm<l, WEST "nGISIA.- When.. 'olher
organ~lioOi had failed and lhe Sal"llion
Army quoI~ of SIWO ,hl.d bunc "li r" fo.
monlh, the club took up the campalau. and
raiMd the money in a few dayt. All Ro.
tarians and lhei. familie5 ..'e.... lile pIU
of I~ Randolph CWIIly Farm Bureau
Grance at lhe Mlnlilltr Grm·e. This
meeting bat alrca~ <subli,ln much .000
feelins bet,,'een lhe farmer. and busiocn
Ihu.•SC HUI. WASlU1<GTOI<.-!n compH.
mtnl to lhe club ... hicb IIOU~ lhe r~n·
sibil it)' of ra.i5in~ the boy KOUI .nnual
b~ lbe I«IUU named llitir lummcr
clmp. Camp Rotary.
The IJellillj!ham lIetald ;n a jplcndid
~torial K_
.\'nlilbot' p,aYI. cam·
plimcnt 10 RO,tary and ill democralic: ipirit
in tilling e-·erybody by hi, ~"I nam~.
. T(H!OSTO. CASADA.- Htli:led by Bob
Cory til. the club memberi It~ taki", lbeir
a.. ignmtnt lurn nch .... eek in auing
wounded soldicn (amput'llon (I"" ) from
Cb!iMic Street H"""III for a c~ houn
auto ridt in lhe t"o-cnill@:. This "'rI~ce can
" 'ell be copied by any club II thert are
al")'II Iobut·in invalids 10 ..'hom a rid.. in
the sunsbine and Ibru lhe COUntry !ide is
moti! Ihan the ~!;I medicine.
- ®>XO .... ATA. OKlAUOIU.- Tbe ne .... y club
or8"n jusl ;..uet! i, clllw the ,\'0Yg11lriG...
The name i. a combiOlliOfl of the word
"~owetl" from the Delaware Indian Ian·
~ ~aning " .-clcome" IlI!d the word
Rot arian. n.c paper i. full of UVt ... i....
ocw. of Rotary .ctivitie, .nd lho.'1 lhal
the club il Itldins: the community .. ork in
D t.: ~ut H ,
)h~· "uotA.-Upholdi",
la ...
and order the club pau 11m", rcootu·
tioru rccomll>Cndin~ a rMulion lhat ......
P. l e 142
",.d in the Grand Jury Reporl on the in·
efficieOC)' of the Police Department duri",
tbe niehl of lhe Iyoching of tllree "tIron
H.",,,,'1A, Ct.: ....-Tbe Ha'.,.01 dub ii
playing a spltndid pin in lbe 1U1""",1 aI·
fairs of the republic , Tbe follo ... i", i, OI>C
of a number of in'lance.. The H ••.,.na
Harbor silualion wbich Ibreatened Kri.
ousl), 10 cripple lrade " 'iIS la ktn up by lhe
club and war- and means ..·e.... Jugale<!
and aClm upon. A ktur was posled 10
lhe Honorable' Presidenl of Cuba in \he
nall>C of lhe Club. by Prnidtnt j ulio Blanco
Herrera. On July Jib the club rectiv~ a
uble from the Acl ing Secrelary of Com·
~rce and Labor .1 W,...binglon in'~lin~
them 10 send I R Oil.)' repruentallve 10
In international mte'li", in lIavana. Act .
i"ll: SecretaI;)' W. ~t . D. ni.1 cabled a reply
that tile club could not _d • represenl • •
li,-c but would co-opet"ale ... itb the Cuban
Go,..,rnmmt, and wggnled cDlUultillj! lhe
officials of 'the Cuban c.".·ernment. TIle
~m_nmlionl of lhe Ha...na Rotary
Club "'ere , immediatcly ICtW upon and
appro\'ed, without uctplion .
IU lsols.-Sid Smilh the crc·
ator of the world'. famous Andy and J.lin
Gwnp ..... tilt recenl guHt of the club.
Sid .u peu""derl b)' hi. friend Rotarian
C. C. Crary 10 ~;'-c lhe boyo; inside dope On
lbe canoo" lame. He ruponded by l ICk ·
ing up • few Jh«t. of pa~r 00 the ...U
and proctedtd 10 caricature ",\,eral of 1M
memben. l ie endtd by making a life·
IUW pon ..it of lhe Honorable Andy which
is now r..mw and perm,nently ado. ns the
" ,.11s of tilt Rotary club room.
FT. ;\ 141>1101<, I p ......:-Taktn for. lunal ic
and ~J,ockl \Ill in durance .·ile" ..... the
fatc of · Funk jenni"lls lbe ad'-cni.i"ll
........ n of T~ ROTA.....S . on IIi. recent
"il il 1I>" .lhj~ city. Rotarian jake I'erkin •.
W:u:dco. ul;u,e. SIll\ e Penilenliary, kn"",'in~
Ihat Frank wa. to pay lIim l vilit pllOnned
a "" , nl rK~ption." T ogether ... ilh se.··
eral.sof lhe priloOll .Ullloril'tI they framed
UP .tin Frank. As soon a. lbe n. in .r·
rived the cil)' officers bnndiohinl han&:ulh
and dUpiaying lheir ohini"l! . tarl a ..alm
lIim. He o. lIurried 10 lhe pri..,... photo.
I •• pht anJ the Bcrtillion mc .. uremcnl.
and fin~r poinu ..'c .... laken . He w.,
then placed in a cell and kept there umil
Warden Perkin. lKute<1 hi. rei...... As
it .....1 • IIoli,lIoy the p.i..,., bl.nd ....,
practicing and immcdialely on Frank ',
appearance in tilt pr'.on )'Ird lIruck up
HDe COMU I.e Bride .. lIik he was cayly
csc:ortW down the line by t .. o burly crin.
ni", nqm prilOocn. Frank Io&y. ;t • ..,
SO serious for I ...bile h~ T~ally IMUchl
he "11. bti", lum for Jimmy Valenline.
KIUI\·llU. J.hSSOI!u.-The btll wly 10
judfe a m.n', IlIndi"ll in l he <ommun ilY
i, to all: lbe kids. A,k . ny kid in Kirk ...
o! rue
September, 1920. Vol XV II. No. 3
n e Ne ... and Com plete I"ant of [ he Upson
Gom~n)' ••
l.odporl, N. Y.
The Rotarianism of
Upson Board
Al ex. F. Osb o rn-R o tari a n
A S alluring as the Aladdin-like
rl. magic of Fulton, H owe, Goodyear, Westinghouse and Edisonis this [a c t- s cory of two young
R otarians.
Almost si nce they started [ 0 vote,
th ese two young men worked. ate
and slep t " fibe r" of various kinds.
Seven years ago they saw th e vision
of a thoroughly dtpendahle wall-board f
So they dreamed, studied, planned , and
experimented, month after mo'nth, to
produce a more perfec t boa rd.
This mom h, the "Upson Boys" will
start the wheels of the most recent
addition, wh ich will give to th e
Upson Company th e largest and
most modem wall- board plant under one roof in the world.
But size of plant means nothing to
the Upsons. They care less fo r the
repmation of quantity producers
than th ey do fo r th e reputation of being
quali ty creators.
They succeeded and Upson Processed
Board was th e result.
T heir pride is in the dependability of the
Upson product with its record o f less than
one complaint to every 4,000,000 feet sold
and used .
Then-and only when the board had
been tested and found superior did they
detennine to begin the making of itand to market it under the belief (hat
merit would win.
We as R otarians believe that Mankind
seeks the good-the endu ring-and the
dependable; that painstaking effort, high
ideals and honorab le principl es in th e conduct of industry bring satisfaction to the
user and success to th e manufacturer.
With in two years a new factory had to
be erected to supply the demand for
"The most Dependable board made in
America" . Every year new bui ldi n gs
have [!rown up.
And I believe that the Upson Company
has won its place in th e sun-simpiy by
measuring fo ur.square to that threadbare
bm golden slogan: "He profits most who
serves best."
1920. V.l. XVII. No. 3
yille if he knOWI Doctor Geor&t
Still , President of the Rotlry
Club, and he will Immedialely lei
OUi r. yelp of deliJbI. The folIo...·;'" is o~ of the mr.ny inltalKfl wby t he kids r.s "'ell lJ
tJw, dtiKns ehtet for the Doctor.
When the cil"Clll rKently (ame to
town., Georp bundled the crippled
cbildren of tbe A. S_O. Hospital
inln ...·h«1 chairs alld, accompanifd by tile nunes a. IUtSU,
lhey ...·ere ...·hi.1ed 10 lhe cirelli ill
aulOS_ Afler . ·alcbi.. Ihe animals and feedi", the monU)'I
punUl1 by loIl«ill pmniSslon.,
lhey weft' wheeled into lhe main
tenl t inpide by "'illine asPltan~
made '"" of the Ooo;tors 01 the
HMpital Slall and a vi.ilor. F .... k
R. Jenni"", Chic"o, Ad'·en ili",
Mana8er of the ROToO,lt.o.-e.
Circus Day
~ hAMI.
fLOlllnA. -The Reft'tary 01 the Y. W. C. A. in I
special lelte. to the Club ..·riles
that · in Ihe streel circus to
",ilt the umpai,n budeet that
tile Rotary C lub earned moft'
moMy than any ot1w:r conces&ion
on tile mid",ay. The club i, pe<.
IoOlIIlIy complimented fo r lbe
..... y in whKh it help! . and .he
part it i, pIa)iRi in II>< d,-ic lile
01 ~Ii.mi.
AMJnao.+.M. N.:w YOIIIt.- Fo[.
Iowill« the trail of lhe pilot UT
whkh alone knew the desiilW ion
and which placarded tbe road as
tbf)' went, the club was liken in
U, ei...... c"..u 10 r_.. i. ,... lib", ....lfiIlOll'; .0",1".
autos to Indian Head I nn, ... here
Dar. SliI1.
t"~rI all tA,
A, cu j_d
In oId-ruhiuned picnic was
Big T o, i. U,-MU , _... , ... , .....
I lqed.
Each Rot arian ."Oft a
Installed the new officers. The .isilon
sign the l iu: of a lIOup p1at~ in "'hirb his
broUllhl along their own 110"« leade. and
name ....... printed In lallt lellcn . Info rEVANl\ll.U, ISOtASA.- President Frank
special talent aod RU led the new dub off
.... Iity WII the oominati,,« featuft' and in
H . Hatfield on the completion of his lerm
'iBht by Iho",iRi them bow a ROla,), club
spite of the II(I lbat each Rotarian·1 6m
of office had • most pleasant IUTIIIme wr.s in lar,e blatk letten.
prise I waiti", him ..·ben he " ·11
t ...·o dollll.n and lil ly Cenll at ten
pft'senled wilh a fine , old watch
eenu ptr was cOllecled in fines
from the d ub members . Sam
f.om tho&e whose dignity could
Orr in a p,e~nllt ion speech led
nol allo.. them to lorget the
tbe a.president 10 believe he 1035
"~IT:' and " Mrs." on thei r re.
JOi,,« to recei .. e 4 la,.e Vict rola .
Jptclh-e neigbbors' 111m....
,,",.-jng an empty Vicirola bol
placed in the middle of the room,
N EW You: ClTv.-.':urly ""·0
and then Ioide·l1epp;n,. ....nded
thousand returnin, Con,-ention
F",nk tl>< ...·.t(h.
I""'ts are singilli tile p",ise of
the New York Rotary Club .
1'11:10 ROCIII:1.LI:, !\E W YO":. . ,
On spedal invitation 1990 Rotar.
,Jj lIo •• nh. 1.,,1tr. IV•• I
f L ,..•.
The ~I I. Vernon Rotlry CII.Ib H.,,"rA. JI ,eAig<l". ".. Ar rr BD1 eil, Hor". , too/t . b.",i DI /tid. •ialll·1 loolt
A'~ 0 I"" C "" s
as 8ue5l1 of lhe New Rochelle
ID~ ttl ...
IAi• • • "'......
IOn II I ntlC City to ,~,il
the " Pl"ft1Iier Cily."
CInf: hunClub brOOChl .10111 lheir belt
dred Ind lOrly-two motor urs belonci,,« 10
pliers, ",ho were defeated in a d05tly
The StawuOD Club il already playine In
..... tc ht pme. After . lumptuous dinner 1\
the mtrnben "'ere orr hand Saturday and
impon..ant pan iD tJw, ciYIe aIlairs of
W)·k&Y1 Country Club, tl>< Rochellites
Sunday momilll a t the dilposal of the
tbe cily.
lue5ls. In addition, liJbI~", buun
staKed I vaudeville P'ocram wilh special
. lunlS in honor o f M I.
were run all day for the
special ilmefi l of t .... vU-VeOhn".
itOl"l- Nearly two thou_
TuM. W>d look advant. of
One hundred milk ftd
the llear MOUnlain and
chiektns ",ere pari of the
Wesl Point trip. 1lle
menu It , ror.st chKken
-"ewbu.. h and PeeukiU
barbecue ~iven by t he
Club a.uisted in thil trip
club in honor of Vicby &ertdinB tweoty auto!!
tOria'l Rotary Bi'lbday.
which were k~ runThe ~\IelItl "'ert lhe
nilll . 11 day het ..·ecn
familin and frKn(1s 01
Belir Mounu io and the
M i l i ta. y Academy.
the club.
Th.u the I rvill« N"a_
tional Hank, .eprcsented
by J ohn Williams. the
- The birth plact 01
<epPresident WilloOn eeleresented by Jim :-Iathan.
bnttd itl affiliation with
the L. E. Waterman
II>< I. A. R. C. in true
Company '.-presented by
loOuthem lItyle. AI Ihe
Eddie Kutner, thne
fi.iIt. orpniJ.ation meet _
places ..·ere opened and
illl, Kues\S from Rich·
all courlesies placed at
mond, R ... noI<e. I.ync hlhe disposal of the
""It, Norfolk . Newport
JUrJlI. In the Iolil up
News. and other Vir«ini.
tile Hudson and lhe
preKni. TIw AIl.d ',"'OM" bf"r,...,.
ttL.. ,1.".d, II.... d.,~,•• • , I •••• ,.uu 10 ....
Bear Mountain trip 34)0
Bullincton o f
01 'II~ 1_ S~" •• P •• iU.I;"~, .. F ...~ h.~~II'. 11"'-.... (C_"I'..... PIlII' 15/)
''''''11 Mu_g... til
H, ""'" , ..., iI , ,,' rt..rI,oci4,.
Richmond presidtd and
HD',,""' •.
,n,·, •
Q6iu I."
I"'' '
September, 1920, V.L XVII, No.. 3
All Ro t a ryH o te h
Boys' Work
(C".liNNd /, ,,... Peln
Hotels Statler
... 0 . -
. .......
_.- ,-- ----
Hotel Pennsylvania
New York - Sud,r."p" ...d
TIM: Largll'st H otd in the World
..... R_
, ... Bo,t..
_ ........... ,........... _ _ _ _ r"
E....,.. ~ __. _ .... *.och of ,t- 1..-1. tu. f""'ta,. b.th, nfC"lO '
la"", _ ....... ....!
un ......1 con~ A morning
.... poP";' dtli"..mI r..... '0 .... '1 g.....·room. Oubbn,kf_.
Were you in the hall when the
silk ballners w(!re preac:nloXl to
Ponce, Porto R ico alld Buenl.)1
Airel, Argen tina ?
Thll'!le oonl1ll'r5 ...~re pre~11I'd by
the Pittsbu~h Club, as F~k
Lanninx, a P ' llsbul"Rh R o tarum
had oTgani7.ed them.
0. ,........... t ....10 .. ,,,""_
I .... ,..... eI.. "
II ,.... 01• • , " _
u .. "' ..... It .
713 UMrt,. A _
Pittsburgh , Pa .
Ch ••. H. Buntin ... Rota dan
• • ",If
Expert Decorating
Successful Exposition
Weexecut.ealldetails. We
assume all responsibility.
Gatherings and functions
of a ll kinds-far or near ,
large or small, it makes
no difference.
George E. Fern
I!SZ.IZS4 EJ. St.. 0 · ' ri OM
c ... ;-,; R......
ha vt Ippointed • Boy. Work Committtt
tacb ont 01 .. born it tbt chairman of •
5u!H:001miltte of five , .. ith rtSpOmibility
I"r • definitt phist of Boys Work. Th.t
1LIme. of tbc'st ,u!H:ommittees a~:
FiIWlCt ; Co--operation wilh other orpni.
zatioll5 and Cn~c Authorilia ; Htalth.
PbY'ial ~·tlOprntnl and Rec:rtation ;
Vocational GuidaDce Ind Emplo~nt ;
Colored 80)'1 ; Criminal .nd Probation
Couru ; Speahn and Enttrtaintr5 ; Co..
operation .. ilh Boy Scouu; Americ.niza,
tion Ind Educltion : Co--opention ..ith
C""'munity Strvic:t a.nd V. M . C. A.
Enld. Okl..
p"twioUmo. :ZO,DOO
President (Imltr ttUS of takinc forty .
Kvtn bo)'l in motor t .vdt, to • $tilt Plrk
65 mila from Enid ()II • Ihret.day (Impinc trip. He nys, "&-."ttl.l boys ClU3bt
their lint fi$h, ,,·I!.ich of ( DUrst ...... worth
the whole efFo.t of tbe club. not to ment ion
_n the fUn, bat hi"" bosing, field meet , hall
game" etc., Ind tILe I.et that t ome 01
them 11,0 iurned to swim. Tht Rolariarrs
that vi,ittd the e....p and hdpt had tM
t,mt of thei r Uves .110, and will 10 again
ntJI ytar, . nd many mort ...·ith them."
P",MIoti<JN ''',DOO
A ,",nd lotll of "vet 't 2.ooo 10 be LI5td
for lurthtrill( boY" work in Orange,
Terae:, rot" the nut three )'Ur1 b.u been
raised by CIIainn.n E .. tll T . Dnakt. Sec,
rttIf)' SUnIllOQl writes.. 5ornII' of this will
be $pent for the B"y ScClUts, ~ by
lhe Rot.ry club. and tbt real lot" &mer&!
,,·df.rt; work. Go.·emw Slark write.
tlllt tbe Orance RCIWy Club has raised
' 5,000 for .n IndUitriaJ .nd ltblotic: ltC,
retuy for the Y. M. C. A.. and ' 20,000
IOf • pJanround for the ~hildr..,; • block
of city property Iw beta tendo:~ th=
for the lite of a piem\lntnt pb,ycround in
Ora,..-ec, Tn.
IIIIU .... IlkH, W i..
Potw/4l"", #1,DOO
Chairman Root rtpOtU that ' 11.000 ...·. 5
raised to enable poor bo)'l \0 finish their
high IChool COUTst.
Bluefitld, W. v..
P""u.,/i<J,. 14POO
Chai nn. n T . O'J . Wilson wriles: " We
ltCurtd a lilt of t 5 of the mOlt undtrpriv.
ileged boy, In this city- tile vcry littlt fel.
lows .. ho hlve betn livi", the polict 50
much .. ork_nd found tS Bi&: BrotMn
for them . Neady tvery Bi&" Br" ther it
'Ioi .... line .. ork and the police . rport IIIat
lhey lre ~villi" leu trouble wilb Illest
All the boys .. ho ,..dualed lrom hiSh
Khool. n in numbu. We", tnlertained at
luncbton . Three of the Rotariana P'"t
britf Icldtesaa. LUJi"l tilt boy, to SO tlLru
coUtgt Ind ewry boy prom ilt that he
...·ould. TIlt ....... in tttat il btirLs devoted
10 lilt Il"MIlDlr k bool pdultc:a with the
( CHI_IUd"" FGre ,..,l
P.ce 146
Septembet-. 1920, Vol. XVII . No.
hope of ,efling them til Jllrltd in
Khool thil fall.
The utablil hi n« of pb,nn.>undl ;1 'cthe club', attention al!ll), $1,4lXJ
11rtlldy havi", been railed for the work.
Ont pllYI.OI.Ind il neari", complttion DO'"
in the heut .f the most thickly settled dis.
lrict in the d ty .. here the "touchest " bo)'l
I re Ihinc. and a _ond is to he located in a
similar district .
Why Buy a rypewriter Because Someone Says II Is
JUST AS GOOD" as the
Buy the Machine which i. the
Standard of Quality
Ca"IHr, W yonUnl
Marion I' . Wheeler. ClLIoirman of Boy.
Worlc al C-.r. \\' yomine. bas IP'·'" u.
:lfI illltrestinc utOUnt of .. ork beine: ,c·
complisht 'Of" tho: boys in bh cily. The
RotlrilllS have establi.llt , beautiful
almp in t he mountains about thirty miles
from town , where the fi!ohins ,;. """'.
for tho: ~6.t o f the boy. durillK the sum ·
mer. and lhey .re 110" workina: on I ....« k.
ent! camp for ust by them in tIM: f,1I aftrr
school commences anti in the spring before
scllool dOlt!.
Lelhbrid,C. Alta. Canada
11 ,000 ttJP..wUON
" S il.. n t Po.dru:r
Sam Porter writes Ihal the Rotary Club
had a meetina: de V(lled 10 &ys Work. with
Ihe relult thlt the Club was inspired 10
purch.ue 1900.00 worth of play·grou nd
equipmellt for
chitdren 10 be plac~
ill lhe public parks of lheir lo.-n. AI",. in
conjunction ..·ilh the Local Council of
Women, Rotary hal arranged for super"i$Ors 10 look afler the pbY-KroulHb.
TG dool, •
u",.au-. "Iiobit;!, .""
WilmillltO'" North Ca.olinl
.....,. _ ....i..... r:I
Wat~ I~n·s
( I ,eat I
fou ~Pen
Rec ..... mend. , ";. _ . Id . l.ftMd
w, ilin, .001
To .u .,..,1_ conu rned
Wlo _ _ . ... _ _ ....
ThN!:C! Typ es
Selr·Alljnr. Re~ lar.nd
.. -
,/w "'""'"
$1.50 and up
Sold by best dealers
L.E.Waterman Company
New York.
Rotary Emblems fer OffICe or WiDdow Displays
_Ii ; _ d .. _ .. ).IotA! 11'_. _mOIfd . . . duk Oo ~ 91_
A. To. hon,. ".00.
B. To o'and,56. 50
All ""J•
"-" 0' A ........ ""d
f . _d• •
p ... 148
From the !«eJ",borhood :':rWl. Wilmin&:.
Ion. :':orth C.roli .... ..·r m:ci,-ed a clippine
lelline 0' l he work bel.. doni': for under·
pri,·new! boys by !be Rotary Club of IILIoI
cily. Tht fotlo .. ina: uurpt is of ;lIterest :
"Tho: Wilmlnston Club on Tuesday e-.·eninc. )1.,. 14th. .. ill ' ormally dedicale lhe
dub room which lw tJe.,n fill .... up ill lhe
bUe!ll(lI1 of the Y. M. C. A. buildi... This
room will be lu ....... oyer 10 lhe boy. o.nd
the RotariallS intend to help here. and it
.-i]] he ~ ~ headquaneu by lhese boy •.
The Rotarians pJedted 11Iem'lelves to ra''Ie
SI.OOO 10 de fray the C05t of the club room,
1rn:J 10 equip Ame. In 1011 Ihe dub h.as
ple~d 11.000 arn:J 10 maintain the ",""ric
on I prOirtuive m is In IUlurt yea.,. It
is proposed now to employ a boys work
olJ)<r\ ,,·bo ... ill ri,·e his full lime 10 lhe
work. Unt il such all eopert i. obla;r>ed lhe
work will be tl rried on under lhe direction
of Rota rian Odi , Hinnant. city boys ... orlc
MUlkoICC. Okl.hom. Populolloft,45_
T,,·enly.fiVf! members of lhe Mu.kOKtt.
Okla .• ROllry dub ...",ed ..ith hammon .
u,,·. anti hatchets look lhe hoUest day of
l he Summer t o build. boy. camp. A
penn.nent buildilll .. ~ erect .... in one day
by the ,... Iunteer workel"ll on • campilll
,pot ntar the city. "The clubhouse i. to
be ut0r4 .. a center 'Of" Boy". Work activo
ities of the tlub. "The II"IOlto of )Iuslr.~
Septnnbcr. 1920. V ol. XV II. No. )
AboJishing God
il e F re nch
rc\'olutiou !!Olcmnly aboli sh t God I,,' .-\ CI
o f Parl ia ment ; but la te r the French PCOl,lc feli CO n ~tr1l.i n «l, ha t in ha nd. to ;,wite H im ba ck in to their co mpany. Perhaps the e llfr>lI(' has since 'l(:\"c r btt n com pletel y
f"rdiu/t<, bU I Fra nce has main tained po lite relat io ns wit h
s a ma lt er of be t, hu man life and hum"n rdations
a re ,,"workahl.: without acth'c partic ipat ion of t he
ide:! of a n immlilab le I!rinciple o f justice and righteo us_
llc,;5. I f we discard (.ott. we di sc:ard a ll idea! of righ t
:\l1l1 wrong . resvo n ~ibili t i ... ~ ;w u obl igations. Huma n s0ciety i. ;n'poui" l." wil honl ~ uch renrai nl5. God is.
Ihere-fore, a neccu.uy 101lI1d"I;011. wit hout wh ich o ur
>'OC;1Il 51 ruc h lrc would I'e « ""petkd to ~uPI)()rt itself in
the ai r.
E ass ured , hOll'e '·e r. th:1.I if the re i! act ual1~' and finall y
nothing in ·'the who le darned 5I: heme·· that corn:spon~s t? the conceptioll ,of God, the n nothing is right and
noth lllg IS wrong. If bemJ;" born. and ca ting , and aa:umuLll ing, and begetting and dymg are the sum a nd substa nce of
life, then c,'crr !i.·ing man, 1I'0llla n or child is a fool if he,
she or it docsn't grab and hold e,·c ry thing he, she or it cau
lay hands on, and therc is not hi ng reprel1cnsible in Ih" conduct oi the thief, the prostitutc, the lIIu rdere r or the BoI~hc­
-! ~'j,!m;etg Rolor .\' IfIh~.
Revised Constitution I. A. or R.
T T HE Allantic City CO",·eul ;on a number of impo r_
tant cha uge' were made in Ihe Conslitutiou and ByLaws of the I. A, of R. C. ThC'!oC ha\"l~ all !Jcr:n ' ''porled in
Tile Brief Slo r.l' of tht CIIIII"-"';o" which has bcc-n m" iled
to al! d ubs, KolI' lI'e ha ve a new edition of the Constitution
and Uy- La ws revised to cont a in the am"ndments ('nacted
at Atla ntic Cily. A COlly is bei ng mailed to the Sa:retary
of CJch Rotary Club, Club presidcnt! a nd others intercSII:d
can borrow the Sec reta ry', cop)" or an v ROlarian ca n hal'e
a coPf upon mak ing reque.t for it {rom the Set:relary\'ene ra l. The necessity lor 51riet economy Ims 111:\(1" it i.,,possible to dis tribu te this IJ.1 ll1phlet as widely as we han .
hithe rto done.
0l) being ta ken for gra lll cd and ad m itted a$" mem be r in good 5t:l.luling of our socie ty, is it not incn",he n ( 0 11 \15 to cons ider, to so me ede nt a t leas t, Hi s
p rejud icu in pla ying the gamc: God, lo r ins ta nce, appea . ~ to have a special p rel'mlice agai l1 s t hog s,
Do th
the lI ebrew Bible allll the. lohammed au Koran lorbid
Ihe u~e o f ]>ork, \Vit n c~~ '1 1110 the incident o f Ihe Ga darea n KlI'i nc, II the ]>«Jlllc who sup ply com modi ties to
Ih ~ i r idl"w lUc n play I Ie Ilog, they may take it for
gr a nted that God \\'ill di saPllro,'C. II em ployers pI:!)' the
hog with thei r cm]lloyec~, th ey may have ~imi l ar assur-®>--lm,,:e. It is a heahhy and who lesome pra ctice in the
conduct of IiiI' to refer (!ues tio n! o f doubtful mo rali ty to
" Red wood Bailey," the fallloli s ,\mcrican India n, w~ .
the judgmen t of God: and if Olle docs no t admi t the ar rest ed some time ~go for a "~di l io\1s" speech made to ~
exis tence of God, to a.<smne llis existencc, for th c sakc street crowd. T hc "cop·' ta king hi m in charge So"!id: '·If
of arg u ment, and try to rigure out how H e \\'ould decide yon don't like this country, "'hy don·, you go b,.1ck where
if he rcall~· exi~ t ed.
yOIl ca me from ?"
Boto ston
on u 1'0 crure-r.s
Prompt collect ions th roughout
I'\ ew England through o ur
d irect correspondents. Expe rt
hand ling of bill -of- lading items
Pre ~, dp.- ,~f
JO HN J . MARTIN Rof",'''"
Pal" 149
12 4 B O Y L STO N 51
Srpt""b.:., 1920. Vol. XV II , No. 3
ROlary for tbe ytar is 10 make r,'ery boy
.. Boy ScOIiI. The boy'l camp hal been
n.m.d C.mp Sle....rt in bono. of I'relident
Ste ....rt of the local club.
First U. S. Ojl Burnin2
1CMp,_L :.Iz'.... to . .wby IF 5 r
The Magtu;ne 01 Britiah Rotary
T_ OttPT" aDd. Half.
ell 'A'
Send your nlme and addre.. Ind two dollars and I half to
Frink R. Je nnin,., I. A. of R.
office 910 Michigan Acre., OIicaro.
Ill. He will forward them.
By placiD&, your advertilement in "The Rotary' Wheel,N you
will appea l directly to 2,500 of the leadio&, Britilh and Irish mlnufacturtn, jobbers. retailer • . You could not (booll: I better mediu m.
Ratn moderate. Obtainable from Frank R. Jenning'll (add reu ..
abo.,e ) or direct from ThOI, Stephenson, Sec'y Br itilh Allociation
of Rotary Oub., 6 So. Charlotte St., Edinburgh, &otland.
a r t 10 , ellaillel,
l ood. 10 lrul), . en_
k uble.
commelld I hem .
lelus 10 Ihole tbat
,relit __ I .Jo. H .... t...t
E .. ry System,
Their ST1C KAB1LlTY ito not
PreM:ri t you r name and adv~.
t ;"'ment in the mo.t a ntact ive
mann~ .
R ... ail Sale.
BUIi.. . . 111 CUr, .
s ...... ,
Pa...,b, i...
F .. lo ,", 0. ... ..
.Ie. .. ..
AND CAT... ux:
The [,ry Register Company
M . C. S tern , I' ...w."t (R . t .......)
PHtI...... DELPHI .... P....
"R ItA.N~
Lk.o 11M .....
• ...100.., no .....
" _ _ _ ",,,-
.... ,.... w' • • I1.c"
..... In;.ITT. . . .
Denyer, Colorad o
1. Q, Nkw.... )1 _
lh'~ C/o . L •• ' ..... ..,i .... T "" ... .,• • U"J
" ....... R ........ • 41 toI .... -t. ,_
../w, l _
The Caddie's Chance
::ERTAIN Wntern Conertssmln, •
,011 enlbu,ilSt, wbo, ",ben he came
10 WLShinCioo lor lbe; first time, was ac·
tllllomed 10 ~t 10 lhe Cbe;yY Cb.ue Club'l
linb urly ;n lhe momine, ",hen the",
would be no one to wilneu hi. lac k of
On one oculion • caddie had follolO'ed
him 10 lhe Itt and olletfll 10 SO to tM
COIlr$t ",itb bim for lhe modeIt compenSl..
lion of fifly cenll.
" I don't need you. my boy," lAid lbe
Re-prtltllllllve. " Ill 10 il &IoDt," and .s
be lpoke the Wt$te<ner. mati", I lIT·
mmdous .... ipe II lhe ball, miSled it by I
" 111 ro fOIInd ",ith you for a qlWler,
,ir,~ lIid the caddie.
"'pin lhe _tnlr dec:lined the caddie',
Illmdance; and .pia he .... lIne .1 the
ball with the lIIIle ""ult.
" 111 ro \lilh )'011 for Mlten ctnl,," pid
the boy.
Thil so ratlled 11M: oewcomer lhal 1M:
made three more wild I winp. The carldit.
II be retrtlled a bit, c.lled OUI :
. ,n , "'On ', you ,-,.
.,.y, mI.
.... t me roun.I
for not hinl? I 'll 10 for 11M: fun 01 it."
Be a
Bell. Srtit. ,I Leu UpellM
Egry Regilter SYlteml
the only future - th ey ate
bti,ht . cl ea n - cu t , .nappy.
EPRESE:\T INC " 'hat is ..id to be
tilt ,!"tllest ach':ance in Ameritan
) ltrine EneilW-eri", in many yean, tile
OiorKI-driven ore u nier C..w, .t.lfted on
her mtidtn ~ to Cub. ruently after
a llICCe5Jful lrial lrip.
The C"bo<, is prOJlf'lled by a Iwo-~Ie
oil encint: 01 JlOO bot»power. Desi&oed
by an American, Arthur Wa.t, buik by
"'mericanl, for ..... in an "'ruerican lhip,
thi. powerful oil encine .. the fint 1lICCe5J·
ful Amerkan attempt in a fteld thai hu
bttn dominated lIP 10 this time udu!i\'~y
by Europun naliOlll. The C,.bq" " 'iII be
tiled for u rryi", Olt lrem Ibe Ikthlehem
Steel Corpo ..lion'. Cuban properties 10 its
plant l in lbit tountry. The \~I i. 460
feet )0l1li, 51 fett in breadth, and 37 feet
in dtpth. Her dead ... eighl lonll.lle i$
t I ,500.
" Pe~ti- mi sl "
PESS IMIST clOiti In t)~ ....rinkle.
hi, face, draw, up the COnltr of hi,
moutb .nd ..y.: " It eRn'l be done."
An optimist hal a flce filII of lu.nshinl'.
He bram. on you and ")'I : " It can be
done"-.nd then leU ~ do it.
Blit a "ptp-I ;·misf' IlItes o il his hal,
roll. up hio .i«ves, IJOK 10 it and does il.
- Rolary Dod,u.
Pate ISO
s.plember. 1920, Vol. XV II. No.3
Rotaria n's f orum
Pal' I1Z)
more elulll need todly abo\'e any olller one
!hi"" and "'~n • Rotary Club baa lU«e5Ifully and lruly edUClted
mem~n in
Roclry, t~n the benefitl that mly ~cn>e
\ 0 the community ... iII fol101r &I I natural
res".)l .
- &Jen .. ho are tnliy Rotarians 10\'e to
5er.'e. E,'try Rotarian it an Utet to hit
city , Ind I~ more true Roclnanl ICily
has within its limits, the JtUttr will be
lhat cily.
I believe that. b "e cit y containi", I
l.bou!.an<i Rotarians is bd ter than the """"
sized tily conll ininc one bundred Rotarian, . It is true that .ny Kparlte club
.hoo.Ild have only one mlml~r to ,eIMescnt
each dauilicatiOll, but is tbere any IUIOII
why one ' ROClriln should bold bit dly.j6Cltion fO I In enl ire city of I milHon Pl'o-
If ROIIIY does not adopt. mOle liberal
policy to.... ard la r~t cit ie!, ;t ;'lOi", to lose
out in toose cit ie,. T bi.l world needl Rotary today .nd t he ..... y to live Rotary to
the world is 10 mi ke k otll ians I nd the
,,"ly 10 mike ROlarian. II not to make big_
ger club!; but 10 make belte! dubl, and
more of them.
- Jdlllfl W. BriJ(~ is p s, ~j ; m idellt d/l lte R d/(WI C/M" dl Sa"'l1 &t l>/Jrd,
spec ified in your Lumber and
Timber Orders will get you
O RTY years mlDuf acturing lumber and
timber from trees (Town in the famous
LO NG LEA F forests o f CA LCA5I E U PA R·
IS H Disl rict have made our product known
whe revt;,r Hie name of pine i. ment ioned.
We cannol make III t he lumber used. but
wise buyers have come to rely upon us yur
in and yca r out for a ,GOdly lha~ o f thei r
requi rements.
Addit ional millin, flci litics
thi s year will increase our OUlput. and permit
new connections.
Mills at O I1lIlge, T exa • • and L unita, La.
Offices I nd aport docb I I O ruce. Texas, to
Club NOl a
"d.. PIIU ' 44 )
Rotaly clubs ..~ f(plCKIIled.
h te
5 .........0f , Cra ... f~ C. McCuUOII,h.
Bob Timmons, Emmet Galer and M...
Cbnlf)' R. Perry Wefe among !be bonored
1'be 1\", YOfk club apeIIt
t .....··MI of doIbn .nd feels JUchly honored to lu,'t nllcruined 10 mIIny list in-
which point pleue dittCt your i ~uiritl. In·
speo::tion of our plants I nd facilities cordia ll ,
invited when you a ~ in thi. vicin ity.
The Lutcher &Moore Lumber Co_
- " Rotary Ml l\I(emtnr"
ruisht cuestl. The Convention Vi!iton'
Day ,,'U in charJe of Cbas. A. Peln(ln,
Chairman. Presilent J. Knoeppd, I nd Di_
rector Bob H.tch ... bo .re b "tly responsible for the splendid t ntertliflmcnt of tbe
\'ioit m, Rotarianl.
DU5UOUI , 10 ....... : Festivit iel 1\ • Rotary picnic ..~ rvdtly inte~ed by the
entrarw:ce of 5ht:rifF Frank Kennedy leadin,
• disreputable individull by the coat·
. It<ew. In drivina: by be had come &C1'0I1
I wIlI·wanled tramp who bad betn spuadiog unde$irable propacanda. The captured
"~nt" immediltely l' uncbl into. tirade
of abuse spinst u pital . nd evtrythi", in
In>e I . W. W. style. While tbe crowd',
ire was bei", rai sed 10 t he; boill", point hi,
liSle""'", yc~ to ~loc:k him up again."
Sberil£ Kennedy pinned. The disheveled
st..",tr remo'-'td hil camo..a.,e and before them llnod • man in clan attill'. It
proo.-ed no Olber than C. E. S.... yle of the
N'dM ·Weat W. rriors Committee who il
combatl"" SoI.sl>eviI4l. He P''t • fine
h on how 10 (_N t BoUhevi,m.
W. llltl.,.,. E I] I E; , tk
D' 1 ft .I ... I I.en.
• • 117<.,. . , . ... IUI
P a p er M ac h e Emblem
P rice $6,00
... 0. 5 . CIoIc. . .
Shield.. Ea,Iu., "•. •'.
, ....,. Etc.
..... C-_ 'Ieoo. ."'" ~_,.
A. " - .. ....10(, _,M-t", _ ; w .
Amen... Art Paper M,,~ Works
UI' _ U _~a.ASI"
P I ", 15 1
o u c "co
Stptcmw r, 1920 . Vol. XVII. No. 3
~N "H_s....r
1m 1,
Lvs cItMt ' ~(l,
In IS Minut.. a Day
Sherwin Codl'. th .. ellkno ...'n tu cher 01 practical £nll"li,h. has patent ed a wonder/III new
invention "'hich in 15
mi"utu 01 yo ur daily
tim" .... ill quic kly
rou an effective command 01
\"I~GI "'M:
As Boc.ts uf
the Lynchburg Female Orphans Asylum,
RotarilllU ..... re taken back 10 th.i. child·
hood day, u they romp! Ind pb,yed real
kid glm" ...·i th lhei r liHlt hoslHR!. ~
children Wert: liken for I 101lll automobilo
ride immediately 00 the ~rri,·.l of the Rolariln~ It the orplllinage. ~ lillie girl1
'Iqed a I"""Cram ",hie h beg.n with a
I ...~mm inrr uhibilioo . After dim",., 1M
orpru.na&e orc:li8ln of ti. liHIe lirb under lhe Ioa<lerlhip of J. A. Uoyd played
old flmllia r .il1l, and lilt Rotarians and
c"lIdren alikE joi-.l in lhe sinrrillll. n..,
home is the ,ift of Samuel ;\ Iilkr ....·110
I"'" SJOJ,ooo in mo ... y aDd b.nd for 1M
Wabliihmenl and eDCJo:.r;.11Iw t of the or·
p/lan.a&e. On their dtp.ut ure lhe RotlNIIS
~nted tuh chi ld wilh I 00... of candy .
Esc .......-.:o:
The Golf
Handiclp Tournlment wilh hllu.lsolM
priut 1Ia. Itimulal ed m""h interesl amonS
the mernbel1l.
MASCOl U "'• •
-®o-CO~t'}' Kt:S.
t.~m defealed
01110 : The ROlary Golf
the LaMa. l .. Club 28 10 20
al Ine Sc ioto Counlry Club. After the
milch the Lancaster golfers were t~ din.
ncr guesu of the Rotary Club. Columbu.
has il5Ufd challenge. IQ Spri l1(fidd. 7.... ,..,..
"ille, :,\'ewark and CO'IboctQn ROllry
-®o-Tun H"nr. . I SOIAS4; The club -,u
the spKia~' iR\,led ~...... of the Boy
$cOUIJ II "in"""uma ('~m p. n • r~ular
picnic di~r.
Mason School of Mnsic,loc_
w. y •.
\Ve're ever glad to eltimate on and to produce
F ine Book and Catalogue
. ....-
...... .....
Pa~ 152
5"",,·s u . O':LAHO>l,\ ;
The Eduel'
ti<l ... 1 Committee r«mlly 11..,1 a "''''el
play Pn'll:ram. TM dw ..cle.. impen.on_
aled ...·cre laken from the Irtide, He
T'alUlalimt 0/ Alwdll ... tbat appured in
lhe MIl' ROTAau..'I . The chlir in solemn
m.n ne. arose and 1I.~terl. " Wc have ,
1I':1~5h man who whe to join lhe dub
In HCure more busineu:' TIll! Comm iuH
.r~ and .. lot if lhe <aKal ,,'as prHWt
and Ihe Chait Ihundered out that he .....
and would be pleased 10 he.. from hi m.
John Doe_ member impersonating the
guilty man--l.ost I n<l ma<.\e a plea for
merfy . 'The chainmn aroM: , and I"'c •
~!>C lalk on the mea ning of Rotary and
int rod uced the applicant " 'ho "'as read Iht
cha'"8C an,l WI, m~de to , illll the Rot,..y
anI hem . The mcmbeu are unanimou. tha t
thi~ i. one of the btst artkles Ihat hal
yet appeared on tIM: , ubj«1 01 Rotary
CITY. )1r.w J USEY : Rota,iln
Joe Coupland, the hUliliol trl\"ellillll P;u_
11':",'" 'Ienl of lhe Cuna ,,' Sttamsbip li~,
:-._ York Cily, wu an interested 5pt(:talor
and Iue5t at the AILantic Cily C"',,"fntion .
Joe i, hoping that nul Yfar'l Coo"""t",n
win be held .bro.d '<I thaI he CIlI help
.... TLASnC
Septtm/:"' •• 1920, Vol. XV II, No.
'S Senlce
It .... Tbm>.. CooI<. bad< in 1841.
" 'ho ronai,""" the idft 01 "';.t"',
I"" public to 1,.",,1 and .. 1>0 ga"c
the m~ni ng 10 the word '"Twr"
.. ..·e undentand it loday.
FI'()Il\ &m411 bqinnin", OUr world·
rmo,",ned <q;Mliution ..... built
up, beeorninc the ",ul iotema·
"onal Public \.itilil)· which it rq>rOKD" !()(!.oy.
y "" cannot C" "Iray ..-ilh
Independent Travel
Eacorled Travel
Aeri a l Travel
M ot or Tour.
Hotel Cou pO n ,
Bac,a,e and Ca r,o
S hipment.
Traveller' a C h eque.
Bankinl and [xehanle
""' .. V .. k
s- F ..... _
... _ .... 1
~ hL ~"'1o
.... .. n .....
T.. _ ..
have a pl.rl
!.ho,,'ing Rol li)' whal ,oyal
h&!tl Our neighbors are "an ,," IhI: pond."
A bund~d
Duluth aDd Superior ROiarians motored
T ..'tll
,iny·fi,·e milts 10 Eveleth to ItteDd the
;n"iIUlianal meoetinc o f t hat club. Thor)'
,,'cre met by tbe Eveleth
~ nd
Vi.,inia Ro-
I.,i,nl accompanied by !>and. and ~rted
lh,u the principal streets wlhI: aud itorium
where • sumptuous banq"'" ,,'&1 R r\'ea.
Herbert Warren of Duluth prtsentw lbe
cl!.arltr and .fur a numbu 01 inspirinl
talks on RoUry, the moeeli"l wu tumed
0\.", 10 Bill Pryor of Dulut h, ..110 pill on
Itlore in IIlI inimitable
SI'J.ACI:SI:. XIW y~ .. : 'The Club II coope ...!ing wilh the Chi lt! Welfare Associ. "
lion in completing an optn Ii . plwilion for
sleep;". &(commooation! lor .bou\ 6fty
undtmouriJhl children ~t Hillcrest Camp.
TOI:ost(l, (h: uuo : t:iJhly·nine boys,
all mtmbtt"1 of tbe ~. club which tIM:
Toronto Rotary Oub is Iwlpint: 10 establish
lur I"" undrrpri~il~gctl 00)'1 "'e~ l\ttlll
.1 a !'Kenl picnic. Al lhe playground.
baleba ll • • wimming. c h l~ing COWl and
"ooill« nothi ng " "'e~ enjoyed by the de.
,'0\..,1 o f lhe r~spfCtiv~ ~II. T aylor
Statten. !'i.ti..... 1 Boy> Work Secretary for
Ca ... da. p\"e I n illuotr3t ed lalk.
lloos! JA..... SASKATCn I:WAl< : The dub
cekbnltd its fou rlh anni"ersary in an un·
ulual manner. The !KIst pruident.l and
se,'en bono... y m~mbt ... ~inning with
" Daddy " H ue " 'ue the >peake .1 and
~UC'JII of lhe dar.
The club recenlly
'pDll!ored and assisted in lhe o"anioa·
lion \If lhe clubs at Wf)'burn aoo S.... ifl
Current . A joinl picnic of lhe Ki ..... nis
and ROI. r)" dub reul:ffi in • more bar·
moniOll5 undrnlandin~ in ..« kine 10~tI>er in mat lers of public ,000 and civic
Create an
in the office
F lowe", rmlOV( the hard busintulike
fedin, thet you let when you can at
~mc offi<:ClL
Bec.aUI( beaut' Cul surround inl' in
bulintsS are help ful
Bcc.auae when you ~ flowen in the
humble cDtt a&e window you k now thC'
kind of people who liv( there a nd
flowe rs on the desk send out the
same imp reNion to thote who c.ll .t
your orrit:e
They cre.te a f.vorable impression
cf you to the penon coming in from
the out.ide
The visitor undentand . flower l.n·
aua&e in common with y ou
He likn you beea use you li ke n owen
t'on 1)ooc.E, low ... , T he Rot ary Club
It 'makn b usinns
M~ h:" inJlilutt<i In unique prog.am
It maku friends
squad I)'stem ...·hich pro\~d • bia; hl:lp in
It pay •.
inc",a"; nc the ..·..,kl)' 3ualdance. The
club;' divided inlo squ;u. of four >Mm·
Let your
hen uc:h, .nd ach "'l, ... d It rHpOnsibll!
Ivr IboI: pros-ram alOne ",,,,lar mKt ' nc.
TI>e pl~n has been u;;eoi for two mont~
3nd • "'ide " .. iet)' of pTtlj!:raml have been
Ji'·cn •• 11 of which help 10 keep up the
Juat _ your local Rotary Floriat
Kotar)' spirit and get members OUI for
- he will do the RES T
the mee-lingJ. DurIng high school gradua·
lion ...·~k . all of lhe senior hi&b $Chool
1>0).. ~.., ;.."iled 10 tl", ......,kly luncbNn
A"oci.ted Rotarl Flori.h
and • "CO 10 collqt" nU)' WI. Slaged.
~e\'ffal ,,·«Its prior 10 th". lhe boys flO_ I
i""i"ll lhe (ilIhlh ~ this . prine were
;n,';led to luncheon . nd u~ to .It.-n<!
hi~h school .
At lhe luncheon followirqll
llemori:ll day. all "et~ra n s of the Civil
War .... ~re ~\Ie$1S of Rotary. palriolic
!pttCiltl we.( given and there wat m"",ie
by the fife I nri drum c~ rpo of the Doy
1920. Vol. XV I I. No.3
SeOUl!. ,\ ( one luncheon. Salnti.m Army
TlI lly WI! Il~ltd, musk and talkl being
gi"en by loc~1 Sakal ion Army offICers.
Doughnutl and coffee I'ro..-ed a &peeial
lutu~ for t he \unch;:on menu 3nd the
meeting dOKd "'ilh II. drum collection.
Geltin, betl er acquainted "",'ilh fanner
I rieods occupied :lnotller meeting. One
hund,ed farmers from Ihruout the: count)'
were invited 10 lunchron. Thc~ ..-~~
talk, by Motarians Ind larmers.
Burke G rand Prize
!I. Ball "'~ I Wlna EY~""""here
"" hoo \lu., nll lor _ . 100" ...,. _
_ " , ' M _ _ ",_""a", _ . I •
. . - a:..I>,y .. ......... _
• <'
hnI...... _
•. -.... _01 .. _
.. t
•_... ".....4,.,'•••011. _
......... "
-.:I. J!:oo. _~,.t.d <loot ..;II \10 .......
......... _W ....
I&th_ ......... _
7, .. _ .
t<Oo! " ""
The Burke Coif Compa n y
N ..... " ... . 0 1110
w.... lI.. ko. _ .. . 0 . . . .. .
S :\AP SHOT phot ograph o f ou r
famous Amoerican Couter S loidoe
in act ion, Will ta k e care: 0 1 one:
hu ndred and t woenty -Ihe child ren
pt r minu te and is a whole playg round in iucl £. It iJ manufactu roed by the only Rota ria n in the
wo rl d who ma nufact ures P la ygro und a l)parat us,
W ri te lo r
lar ge illustra ted cata log ue 01
,",very k ind o f a pparatus,
16 •• ior lb. blu,i •• _ 0 1 ... i ••• i!"'. , h•
..... AI , 0" T ... h " Ih.
."-~Id ~ "' '' . A. _. , ~., .. I. 0 ,,«I
, 0", " '0 ... ,11 .... d ,....,. ... . I.b, 50 •• ,
_ ....... ;1 ,..0 "m .."" ,o~, •• _ .....
..... f . . .. . . d
Ih. «>10 1 of ,M . ... t .
C.... Oak .• M.....,. rllia~, SUS
W~t Fem'! . r~
"'_'T ' . . . .. '00
5<., ."li;' ....
oa, ~.' ....'" In
...... 0001
.....nn'_ b, u,. (;0011 k1t
."h ...... .
n... aoh,
..... " -
b7 p<k',
Ck ,; ....,.. ' "dia"a
s •. La 5.11. 51.
...." ......,
.ri • ., • • ; ... . ..c • • 1><
""10.10. _ •.
St. AUK_t_
I'ri_t. Wi .... t o .1I C.,", ••,
. .. . _
f'Io' __ ,," Clo.,.
Inye.hnen t Securitie.
Ro bo.t T ... t H oi. '
N ..... k. N . J .
Dt.U'rTOlt, I SDlA.'!A:
A.. W. MANSFIELD, Rolui. .
The Keh.·fi,tsch & Miller CD.
some slick time." is the unanimou. opin·
ion of o,'er a Ihousand un<Jer·prhileged
younl$t~.. ..-110 ~~ Rotary l"",sLl 3t
C.nobie lake I'ark. After . hi« porllde •
nine: Irollo:y c.... ~~ waiting 10 carry
"tbe kids" to tIM: pa. k. Ball games. rues .
''''imming, un and rollf;H~ti", ..'ete
11M: main "POrtl. The boys "'ere dh'ide<!
inlO $I!Illlc:r rroups and boll'" boou .nth
larr;e pillow Clo\-es .~,e held. Tbere "'ete
no k.o.'1 but m:any kno.::koo...1Ili.
For Rotarlar! Collection $rnJic(
c" nlrstl" , Wu h ln,lOn
C. ..·I M • •.
T ....pa D aytona
Palm Bench
St. PetenhurK
Belleair Heiehb
Ic.a... ••• _
w. w. H~IF", ..., P •••. a~d
M.JI Y_A _ _
Ame rican Playground
Device Company
5.,..1 10<1"'7 to
Sanitary Products Co.
h ....
..I",nic., WlIJ lhe: JUbjKt of 3n inter.
esti", talk (i'~n by Allm! Pete ..., Secre.
tary of the: Sbeffic:k1, EllIIaoo. Club••'110 ;s
'lititing the: Rotary Clubi of Ca~dI and
lbe United 51atel.
A .«reatio~1 di_
rector WlIJ tmployed by tbe club for tbe
rummer 10 leach tbe hoy! and (irIs mass
play, and pma In k u than. half day
after the pI.n ..as put lo .... ard. money
w:u raised 10 pay the plarground directo, •
good sala ry and buy whale"er eq uipment
_ needed. The director . lime ;s dirided
bet..'een t h,ee IChool., anrl already nearly
two hund red boys are recei>"in, the benefIt
of this splendid work.
We Want Your Baby
lto; ..I"
DoDo::& CtTY, ,,-",SSM : lIere it I lin or
.orne of the tbinp consumed by the ne:n ly
1,100 boys m d ,iris It lhe Annual Rotary
pknic ; as lallons 01 ke-<ream : S.ooo
io:e-c.e.am conet: 3.000 sand"'icbe5 : 13S
poundl 01 mut: l.400 .. irniel; l.lHO bot·
tlf;1 of POP: 350 ollolls 01 lemonade.
The Rot ary Club fmn iJlu the trllnJpo' u.
t ion to accommodate all of the boys and
(irll "'110 wenl .as gUO'.!!. l're<;autionary
me.uurtl ..'tre taken to protect the child~n
f,om inj uries. two dOWJTS and a nurse
being Ilr~nt ~II day to lake ca~ of the
injure.t. The !I:lm~ fH"OII'lm ...-ill be ~­
peat ed nUt summer.
EAItL It. aDlIEOICT, I t - . ...
LA $ALLI:, I LUSOII : A do&en would-be
undidales cI~mored I(IT the nomination
lor P'eli<.\ent It • mock R~blio:ln Con"(nlion re<;ently . . .d t.y lhe duh. Hi
J ohn""" Gen. Wood. Charley Chaplin.
:and Bill Il ryln, " 'ere pullin~ "'i~ ... hich
resulted in I hopc:lQ• •!':aolock. Rotarian
A. J. Wilson. ulin8.1 Hen. ,. Cabot Lodv.
"'iel~ a rusly iuolchei ~ n<1 ( ompeUM lhe
Septefllher. 1920. Vol. XVII. No. ]
delegate,' atttntion, his platform being :l
thrftO hour !by. W. F. Stt\'tn. 'Pilltd "
lot of OMltory IlOl1lil1:ltiDJ hi. candi03tenot knowing why. The ,leadlock con~n­
tion ended in a riot of fun u nobody
could pK'" a winnt •.
Pitch,", borst.hoes. pI~yinl ball, "cJu,ina: co. ." and
funny ~n "'ere on the Ii" of amustmenu 3t ao old-fuhiooHl piellil:, ,,~o by
tbe dub on the old Santa Fe Tn.i!. Tbc
• pread " '" preputd by Iht dub manbuJ'
""''CS and \bushltn . ]'midtnt Kern just
bac ... ftom Atlantic Cit y 131~ a talk on the
McI' IIEaSO!<, K!.SIMI :
I'ruident Knocppel
received the 10Uo",inc cable from Rotarian
Loui. fIolman, on the Steamer l'ri"':UJ
Sk.:Ipay, Al.ru.
P resident R. ~I. McAlpin Hotel,
~ew York City.
"JUlt think only Kventy people of the
one hundred and t ... enty million people in
t he United Slates .nd Canada IIW the
Midn icht Sun, the gigantie beautiful wonder. J une 2151. Scenery tht\l Pac i6e in.
&ide JMS"~, Yukon ra ilway, Ind rive.
tOUring. unequalled by my many JMSt
.... rnkrinp. Every dly nakilll living
more "'orth ,,·hile."
LoIIIl 1I0rrxAs.
10"A: Without hesitatilll to
uk ... hy. the club pled&ell 5500 to Knd 50
boys to the lummer camp. TIle camp i,
corw:h>cted by the Boy. Scout council. lhe
ocOUU payl"ll: for their (No'n espenset.
Last yur the d ub Knt 40 boys to the
Black HI,,·... Camp, payilll all uptnst.
Assur:mce 1M! the Stale Board .. ould do
all in il. po"..,r 10 establUh a Stale Park
in the county ...... pvm lhe ROlary Clun
by tbe .tatt nflXiIb 1\ a rueot m«'lilll,
The tlub baa ~ "'orkilll 011 thit projt(:\
for some time. The p:llk will ha,'e $Ctnic
bnuty a • • ..,11 :u ' ecrealll'C features. T be
Rotary dub is tfllillilll the aid of every
club and ....,1r..e orcaniution 50 that their
ambition ...iII be imme<lidtely realized.
Tlo\·. AI..U~"A :
Tht club rtee ntly
erected .. 6th lodcc on lhe Cunt(:uch R iver
al " 'hilh al1 Rotary mtctinp and t ntertainments are 1I0W ht ld. The cl ub enter·
tai""d .. pa . ty of Mor.tl"mery Rotarians
to a big Ii,h fry, the 5,b be-ill' freshly
uurht ~nd ",....'Cd by the m..... be-n of the
aanu ll COLt:: x aLl : T he
club conferred honor:tr)' member,bip with
approprial e certmOflie. on Col. Collilll$ha .... flmous Canam.n Act, on his de·
partu.e for I ndia. Rouriall Collilll1ha",
has rectll'td from the Frel"KCh, Enalilb,
BeIJUII and Greek ~ovemmcntl the hi",.
61 ...ar ~Oral>onS for hcrok stnice, fie
, ~------'-----
bad just returned lrom thirteen month.
Kn'ict in RUlSi .. apillO\ tbe BoW>eviki.
AUlEUA: Not satislied
"'itb etablishilll" t ...o plaYGrounds the club
in co-operation ..·;th OIbcor " 'elfare OJIiIJI ·
iu\iono hired a tn.ined supervi50r to !Uch
tbe children folk dancing, (l"OUP games,
Itory·te1lin« and patriotic drills. Tbc eil_
iuu.s rHpOOded by a !;f>tCial lag diy, the
money I"illl to pun:ha.c "J'CCia] equipment
for the pbYI'Qllod'J.
W1LX ISCTOS, DU''''''UE: The club
backl up lheir interest ill boys .... 0.... by
under"'rililll lbe amounl of Iwtl"e bun·
dred dollars. lhe full C051 of eSl.I.blUhilll
a Boys Scout uml' On the Che-apeake.
ToUQO, 011 10: Beli""i",," the bell music
;s none too ,nod for T oledo, public spir_
ited titi&c!lll assisted by the Rotarialll are
n.isilli funds to organize .. syml)hony
orehestra that .... ilI be On a par ... ith the
Detroit , Cinc illnati and Bostoo Syml)hony
Or<:besl ras.
Kr." 'ASU , huso~ : Directing a community ohstn 'ance of t he one·hundredth
bi nhdly of lhe ooly cmlenan.n in Ke·
wanee. tbe club p.ve a dinner io honor of
l In. Sophia Pettit. Mrs. Pettit rode from
her home to tbe Park Hott] in an opon
Clrfiap escorted by the Rotary Club Ofl
foot . Old barouches, hacks, surreys and
:mcient automobiles "'ere ~itioned fot
tbe parade .... hich lI'I5 in clLl"" of Rotaria.D. Harry Trask. D'iIOct ao,.·ernor E .
C. Fi.ber of R..:: k hla".,J w:u tbe
""",, .
PlIQ£Stx, AauoSA: Frenzied potilia
eoded ill .. hopeleu deadlock at • rtcellt
moc k Dcm..::ratic Con,'Clltion Jlaged by
tbe club. J udfle Lewi" altho a Republican,
acted IS chairman. III his "keybole"
5fl!!ch, be announced order ",ouId be pre·
str,ed e,'en at the price of blooohhed. An
U ...~ U5cd .. I p'·e!. The platform bui ll
by Rotaria n Cha •. Chri5l.y "covered every_
tbing and toucht nothing." Free beer,
free spee<:b, and free Ireland; free .oup
and three tiay' 00: a ....tek .... ere the main
planks in hi' platform. RUDell Freeman ,
Ihe ", rey borse," ....al nnminat ed O\"er Jake
Bunkb:lr in an eloquent time-killi n, lpee<:h
by Col. PO\\'cr Conway. Bill Thompson
in I thrilling 5pee<:b brougbt tun to m~nr
in lIi s tloquc:nt "dry plea" to consider lhe
men " 'ho had ;1I1-e5ttd thei r money in concrete cellars. st ills and pril.,.te stoc.... The
Westtrn Union in5lalled 3:1 up-to-date fake
wire strvice and congr..tulalory 1OtI~
from Charley Chaplin, ~nator La Follette,
and Bill Bryan ... ere rece;,'td. Cols. Coc·
&ins and Todd made c!oquoeot pleas for
their mpecti~ caodidatn but " 'ere howled
down. The PfOIl"J.m
in cha...., of Rotarian flartfraoft .
Wdl. I leet Iha, I ,01 • n . ... I••• e
life Ly comi"l1 in personal contaCI
with brother-Rotari'In' II ,h. Atlanlic City (onvention .nd in N. ... York
Cil)" ... htre hundredl of them came
aft.,. the conven lion to be enterlained
br the N.", York Rotary Oub.
I am not COUntinll on my rdation·
ship with the Rotuy orpniution u
• "eppinS-'lOne to ~ct bu,i ...... from
mJ' brolMn. but I th ink I ,tt oul of
II\J' membcuhip ...... Ith of ben.fil.
1Inl.l.inlCd by Ihe dollar mark.
I know that I am I brtter bu,i"e..
man b«aUIt I am • ROta.;"n and I
kDow IIIaI I prOl per more IlLan I
would if I ...... not a Rotar;"n, ....
cault I ha~t bcm t.a"llhl. as olh.n
_.i ._ . t....
haw. 10 practice prine,pl., 0 1
"til lhat are boIInd 10 brinll 1...;a,I•.
I a; Iii""-" ..., _~ <110 f ... ..... .. _ .
11 ............ 11._
ko ... """ _ _
.jo,...s " r
wl>i!o lot s .... y<Wl< .......t .. M Wi:
TI.. .. . .. the .....1 aiok .f B •••• "'. J' .,
6 , 10 en. "110 s,._ b,
•• "
"tI.,h. H •••••
0 ••
A ...... . . .. 15, 10 S t.
-tN. tIIo till,.. "'".
sq ..... , " "
' ... _
...... __
. - I., • • blt
tIIo _r;.. ..,.,
. - . . . ... tho .poc;..lh .. I ooll, ........ ,
HATCH SALTo-NUTs (101' ... ) .....10. 110.
(61"_' ...... JU-oII lUI . "" ...
AM ...
t~ .
H....TCH ". .... TtI'iEE IDO..,
(N .....I a... ......l .... , "" t~
1920. Vol. XV II, No.3
B... v Cnv, M,e lllCM': The club i, poy.
inc the t"'1) "'~k l C>:PC'~ of loe\'enty-siI
00)"1 It a fresh air camp in I05CO County.
CENT ... U ... W"5H'NGTt)N :
have become, unconscious ly. a sta nd ard
by which all musical
instruments are being
Companies seeki ng men of
experience and ability for important
positioru will find thl.t they can
meet this need in t he best way by
wMcribing to " Personnel Inklings".
This service operateJ officient·
Iy, economically and with wide scope
for the interest of the subscriber, and
_ __
does not charge placement fees to
340 Madilon Avenue
Arou.ed by
the rKent I. W. W. troublcJ the dub is
cnde"'orillfl: to luch patnotlSm and
respect for ,he flag. The week of July
Fourth the club held an int«~inK po.
triotic ",i"," Ind mttIi",. The lk<:lan·
tion of Indorpendence ...". div-idnl into
foor ~ns Ind !-lion t.lks liven by memben on ( I ) It. literary ,.. Iuoe ; (1) Wllat
it munt to tbe .~netlI ; (J) To lhe Col.
onim ; (4) To you InJ me.
La nd of the lkns
ERE'S to lhe land of the Ikn Ind
The IIond of the "aliant lIithlandmen.
The land of t he clallSDlen !llunch Ind
The land of b..ds Ind ancient song.
The lind of tbe pibroch's thrilling st .... in.
The lind of the coronich'l wild ref .... in,
The land of the kilu :m ll tartan plaid ••
The land of bra.... laddies and bonnie maids.
The lind of rell heanl, Wlrm and true.
The I,nd of the mi.t and mountain de ..·•
The Iln<l of corr iel Ind lochs and linn ••
The land of the heathfr and brackens Ind
The land of lhe kindly Gaelic tongue.
1"h<! land of the CeiUdll when nigll tl are
Tbe bntl of the ",'1 fire f .... rant reek .
The lind of the mO!, Inti moorland bleak.
The land of a!lundrtd
The lantl of the _., ...cpt dill. and kyle ••
The land of Colwnba'. wntly toil .
The land of lona', "cred soil.
The lind of the llamour of lqends old,
The land "'here the Stalllllthie', tales Ire
The IIond IIIaI br~ds fl"ftmen for Br;ta;n's
W orn the W orld Over
--_.,........ ._-_ .........._ .........II'_.IM<.
rOO' ___ ,h... . ....,.. _ _ _ . _
G .....
h . . _ . ' _ • • 0 ......... _ _ .
,. _ _ ty ~
'''"old ..... _""_ .....
0 .., .. _ . ... " ..... u
.. ... _ .... . . .
'" ,100 H_,., CMN,.
Tht land 1....1 b ... tdI
Houaton, TU.a
Hotel Rice
Rota,iao, alwa,.. welcome.
.... MORTON. M .........
- . CWv!.t..;',"'. ~ ' ; !'-~
The land that she counU on to
14' B._dway
Kunl..1 Bundln ..
11.lnte. cuir
Failte. ai r Tir nam
:-lIn Cifllnn ;1 nan G.iSCead l- Tog Cuacb
is eheann.
,word her
The land.he fOTltis • ..-he" the da"l('r I"~'.
The land of the " 'elcoming lland and wrtb
To the G,el tholllb he comes from the ends
of the flnh.
The land of the North and the land of the
The lind of our latbe .... the l:md we 100'e
~=en 10
_ ._ •Sherman
.o_, a •• H .....
W r; l£ R alter J ou r Dame ... hell
lOU rCI'll e, (11.). Lu nthCOIl of Ihe
Ch iea SII Rill"" Cl .. b u U L Tuelda,. Ill h i. HaUL "' 12:15. Vi.itilll
-Sir Do",,14
Fa........ Bank Bulldin ..
The Working Schedule
"H )'ou Ion.
hu that clerk workt for
l"' ..kI t he calJo.r.
.... 1'11( Of'
H ...... 'I.TOrO MIII.D' ,.....
Ma ' "
Pa,.. 1'i6
"AboUl four hours." ""Plied the bMs.
"' Ihow!:bt he had bte1l here 10R(fr than
lhat .~ said the nllu.
" He has." Mid t he bop. "He hu heen
here for four montbs."
Stptember. 1920. Vol. XVII. No. 3
Home, SwU.1 Home
HERE'S In LyY<(lVeml cotuge where
rhe old folks wait for me,
'Xu!h tbe rull, of Clrolina by the SCI ;
In Ihlt 'lUllint oId.fashioned farmbousc: I
first saw the lichl of dayR«ollection p.o.;nu the Inne 10
Bring Your Factories to Cincinnati
'Xu!h tbe eli",i", i,'Y vine there',
In addition to being the home These advantages are attract·
of Dependable E lectric Power, ing man y factories to C incinC incinnati is a great center n ati. We have prepared for
of commerce; it is near the this influx by building one of
the largest and most modern
source of raw materials and power plants in the world to
the center of the country's take care of their needs.
population : it is served by ex· With these wonderful facil·
cellent transportation, both ities we can supply D ependa.
rail and water, and it has a ble Power cheaper than any
high percentage of native born factory owner can make it or
American workmen.
buy it in most other cities.
Bull Durham 'ien,
0.. the chicken bollJe it gys, "Take Beech;un', Pilli· n
On Ihe old mI bam }'I)U read \M\ C.iloria
And the pi&~y .""er\;Jn Crosby', ;\Iill,.
Oh, tbe back lenc:e i, held up by Paris
And Ihe cow~ sillC1 the pr.Iisc of RIIloi·
Aunt Jtmima'. smili"ll face bjlb you ~I·
come to the placeThat"s the picture of m)' C.roll~ bome.
I nvnt;g&t~ Cincinn ati'. advantaletl.
V;'; t Cincinna ti---or
advise UI and we will eend a commercial erllinec:. to an.we.
you r question . and liv~ you information and p roof o f C in .
cinna t i', advant&le8 for indultrial enterprifl'l.
'I1>ert", a wooden cow \ ..., gkn Unn.. cetcnro Crtam
And a can of Heinz ', Btan!, ~I ~ BUTro~h'l Rustleu &.rtens
And 3 li fe-sUe picture 01 the Gold DUll
Db , 11M: comcrih sinll the .... far of Slidelile brand Ib,d"-.'e
And the .dndmill repr1'SCIlI I I. gramophone.
On the back porch is I. sign
Readi"" " Mellen', Food for
'That', a pitture of my Carolina oo~.
W,lk or wl't H .
Commtre lol MQnQlfr
The Union Gas & Electric Co.
m;"." -
New Edilion of Official Directory h Ready
ilE ]ul)', 1910. editi(lll of lbe 016dal Dim:tory il nnw btinc distributed. A complimt:nllry cop)' it bein& Kn!
to ~~clt Jnttl1l.ltional Officer and to each
Club Presiden!. To each Club SK.etary,
2,3, " or S copies are being Kill. Iccordinc
to tbe 'We of lbe club.
Addit;ONoI (op;c. of l he di.KIGry ...iII
be fum ilobt 10 clubs at the nte of 10e
Depoaitary of J. A. of R. C.
per ( Opy.
We are $Off)' not to be able 10 of(u
to distribute Ihi' pamp/llet more liberllJly
for the UK &f ROII .i.n! who may be
\n"ding, but evl:n lOe peT cOpy is 1_
tban one.tbird of wbat It (OSIl to
0- ..... l ... ~ . 1lI". . . . ._
other words. editori al
clerical work . the paper and the prinling. the postage ~nd ot he r mailing e~pen!e'I
.. _
, " "' ~
JoI...n _ _
It.,u. ~. Cka .....
I• •' '"
v ....
r ....
s .. 001-0 • •
It •• on.,
_ _ _ .......
C;w cI ",'t Iv"
Rotarian who i, 1",·(linl . ,i"inl kim I he
""'D~ 1M IK) "D
OU ............ TU
location of Rotary hotel" time and pl:l(t
of dub mett;np. 11M: name. addreu and
tdqJhont number of 11M: dub president
and club _reury. E,·try club should
ba,.., copies on band to ,h'c to ~mben
"1\'00 are m.king • trip aWly from home.
r,":..." \:
_ I I ... "~, .. "'" _ _ ... _
_ _ _ .. _
_ ..... ,Tlo_ .....
_ ' .. .cw. ' I ' _.....
","ount to more th:ln thl'C'e thousand dollars for an edilion of Itn tho\l$lnd copIes.
This dirttlory is I valuable K"ido: to Iny
Wbrn a lboo~ht i, \00 ~.k 10 be
elJ)tfit simply. il I, a proof lbal it shou ld
be ..,jec:tfll,. CIe.mtII i, 11M: ornament of
profound Il\ousbt .-V...1'......,fMtf,
, ... ,- ....... _ ' - " . .: .. 1l0C4Cl..
,..... u... . - . ,M ..... 100. . . . .100
Waxed Typewriter RibboDs
: Ella<...~
If.. _{':;-:!:'i..
... _
_ ..
. . . ,01
(llf._. . . _
..... aD _
• .., $0.1
W~ ..._ :
..- _ _<of
ro .100
• _"""'
v .•.
September, 1920. Vol.. XVII. No.3
S quare
Cou •• I. Flo ....
F •• I
I)_upr.. ,, ' •• d W •• • pt"oo'
lu, ru, by t he liqui d
chern'tal lu.dcnu Lapidolit h. Do nol It ' you . lloon
d il;nte,.al. and dult. , .. II
8 ... h On
REAT BR ITAI N'S p.ocress in tbe
~'ork of re:S1orillll ber merchant
muine to its pre.,,-u to~ge is indicated
by ;"formal;"" fonn.rdffi 10 the Dank-en
Trust COIllpaDY by its Lcndon <or""apond_
In JUDe, 1919, IIttr :iustainillf: I loss of
almO$l 8,(XlO,(XlO Ions in the iubmarine
pio •• &" d Ih. dt'triorali .. n
01 m.chi ....,. ... d mu.h . ...
warfare, the British merchant i!«1, indud·
inc wI" buill durin,: tbe wu, had r. total
tonnage of 18,208,000 tons COlllparW wilh
I IO ...... ~ of 10,5.).4,000 tons ill 1914. The
di, •• d... 10 lIyill, concrott
Lei ... rd .. y .. u to ..
firures are from Lloyd's rqisler. Launchinp from JUDe, 1919, 10 March .n, last,
... d I .... the " .. nccn .....)'
u p.lln o f r.p.i ... rttop·
British Exports
lapido!i.d lloor in YOII.
c; ty.
Send 10' frtt lit era lare
a nd u:ll;monial ..
zt4 P url 5 U •• I, New Y• • 1r
• •• arin. W .... II ... ,.....
, ......... N. J.,
. 'ere 1,J07,ooo t0D5 and 1,334,000 Ions
.. tl'1: piucd throt.!r;h tbe .Llonlion of ~r­
min $hiJ'l$.
Thll'! the Briti$h tommc«:;a] ton~
.lIoal : rceptil'lll IIw po.rt of the new lonnage launch! for foreiln ownerahip, and
including the allocated ships-now totals
oomc 20,500,000 tons, or .bout equals lhe
pre-war tonnage. As Gru! Britain is luding the " 'orld in Ion nag" under constn.>e:
lion it is pololiib~ for British yards at !.he
present rate IIf lI.unching 10 add another
l,(1CK),OOO ton. III t he m~",hanl nlvy before
the end of the year.
Here's What All Live Druggists Use!
My....· P'knl Till Boa..- -n. L.w Srkt.
- If, 1'.1 0/ 1M BJ'-tho ....'-'!, boaeo
Ihot .... timo, trouble and _y. Euior,
quid .. and..t.. 110 hand. : ••U Ji'Uf coodo
. -• ...diU"; I0o/I: .... , .. ; pIu.oo _~.
- . Jl,1ado in)(-. to I k oiut. Ci.lt
t.a.q .... cd or P\aift. Sold b,. .u WL.! ,'1.
s..dry Hou.... AM lot lhom.
ofCUODUl. m: .... Jr.It$EY
_ ....n''''n _10,'" M . ..,
New Compan iu Or,aniud
HI P productilln is IInly • put of Grut
Britain'. effort 10 . pconstruct her mer·
cantile marine:. She i. hurryillfl rcsumption
service to various paTU of lbe
inviting large im'estment of
~,~",~ entf:rprise.
past few month. more tMn
• Kor~
,new Brilish 1hiPPillfl companies
have been rqi5lerW, each ..i tb • capital
of $500,000, or over. A comlden\ble num·
be. of IJlI&!lcr c<>mpanir. have also been of.
ferine stock til the in...:.li", public. As an
indicltion of public interest ill the ind~try,
I $S,ooo,(lCK) shippina: i5!l~ recently ollertd
""&1 o""nubsc:ri~. Am.... the lure.
companies i. one with 1 propowd capitali.
Ati<m IIf $1 00,000.000; another of $25,.
000.000 and one $1 0,(lCK),000 company.
R u umin, Pre·War Service
ERVICE rtsumption of !.he individual
Jhippm, lines is illustrated by the
.howin, IIf I com""ny in the Soulh Am..•
ican lrade . TItiJ cOlllpliny no", hal «
ships in Rr,'ice wi!.h • \1It11 ton~ of
about 150,(lCK) 10111...·llkb i$ lI\I.IDe 46,000
tons in uc"" of its Beet tonnap in 1914.
Durillfl the pail. )"Qr it 5eCW'ed lis: new
ships from builders. It paid a 10 per cent.
di,idtnd on itl 1919 busi/1C51 and added
SJiS,ooo 10 ill rese~ fund.
I n cODsiderina: Ibil rn;ord it Jhould be
recalled thl.t lhe COffipl.lly'. Ihips, lite
!.hose of other Briti!oh C'lIlCertlS, ... e~ undn
Co\'cmment ~uisili<m durinB; and for a
coasiderable period afler the war, ...·hid
I'Mlnt the abandonment of ellablisbt servo
ice and trade conn«Ii<m. that bad bn:1I
built up cr.·e. a 10", period of )OUrs . While
lbe G~rnmenl requisilion of Briti!oh
.hippinS b.. betn rdust , a measu~ of
conlrol is .till exerciOft! by the Ministry
01 Shippins which can "dire.:t" the .. ilinll
and limit the Ireilh15.
Facin, M any P~oblema
ill S partial control it but line of the
handicap. giving concern to luden
01 British shippi~ industry. Britain'.
marit ime rNovery must cope, aho, wilh
1M probleml IIf nationJ.lization, the high
COK of bunker coal (approl imaling liS
!ohilli",. comPlored to ahout IS ,hilJi"" a
ton pre •.,.,•• price) pOrt c~gesti<m, and fall
in bulk of exports and imports ow,n, 10
the world ·1 lusened production.
Finally lhe~ is the compel ilion. frankly
.admilted a, being serioU5, of the ne ..
American me.clwlt mlI.iDe and the Aus·
tralian 10''emI'Mnt sublidized shipping
line . BUI the obstacles a~ not conside.ed
by men who dirKI and speak fll. tbe pri.
,... te shippinc enterprise of ElIlland, 100
erut 10 he I .. nnounttd I>rovi<!ed lhe indus·
Iry i! C"'en I free foot'''Illo apply its own
inl tiali,'c 10 tOllnqe ~ston\lion and trade
The New French Budget
Yo ...
S .. m .
Salt Lake City, Utah
Hotel Utah.u.
ClEO. O. RELY. Go • • II ........
C"",. J-..~"-.' IW:'" .w-.. r."..,..
... "' , , • ... ..w
ilE most momentOl'S finance bill in .
F rench hi~lory. tbe budget for 1910,
has plnl bolh housel of the Frell(h
Parliament, according to ad"ices rKeived
by the Banke .. T rult Cllmpany from ilJ
Paril correspondent. Afler being si£ned
by the l'r ..ident IIf Ihe Republk, it will
become a law.
Thu. will ha'·e ended a protn\cted
ilT1.I/!gle wilh critical reconstruction problem, in France. Normilly the Fre.... h
~t is past bdll~ tbe beginn,nl of lhe
calendar rear \0 ".. hieh it applit$, but lbe
many proolems imool'·ed tbis year m,·c
dellyed action 10 a bote dale.
Thill new ~I provides for upendi·
til«' nin.e-fold ,reater thIn that IIf the Ian
Pa~ 1>8
pre...·•• reu. II abo provides an incrcalC
in Il1Ilion almost 100 ~r cent lI\"e. last
yea. , thu l rai,inC the per npita tu hut.
,len of France from lSi 10 $99, if, III.
con\'cnience, we calculate French money
into dollars II par of f~chana:e.
Otber oumandine features of F~nrh
finance brO"llbt lIut by lhe new budget
eJlimD lct are:
lbe public debt of France l<.>day is lbout
120,000 million francs. The inte",.1 on lheFrencb public debt is about 10,000 m,llion
ftaIK., lhis I:>ein« rouchly Iwicc the lotal
national exptnditure befOfe the "'...
Reduced 10 its limplcst outline the bud·
It I of 1910 is II lollll~ :
Sep\cmlKr. 1920, Vol. XV II, No.3
Do you know why .
futi.a/ed Espen4i/tuc
(In /TIJmS)
spare shoes shOuld
tie covered?
o..di...uy budld ... . 19,321,000,000
........ -- .......
II . Ezt,aordil<4ry Inui.:d
1st Section (Not rr·
eO'~l'lIbk) .••.. .•.• . 3,500.000
2nd 5«tioo. ( Reco"n'IIblt) ....•..•.. 26,OCIJ.ooo.ooo
"".- ... ,'p"'"
... " ., ,, ,.h ••
. . . ......
, .... ......
i _I
E.sli"",ltd Hecti".
1. Ordn.QI')' bNdltl
ExiJli", tun ........... 10,724.000,000
New Inc. ..... ...... . .. 8,597.000.000
111<1 l
~ "" I
THE At.t.VI .lU'TO
srUIALTY co .
.. w ••• .,,, S I _
N,.. v ..... N . Y .
ct.Iu •• I .... ..
. . . MIdoI..........
11 . -1_ _• .,
Buckram, Webbing, Gimp
Cotton Good_, etc.• for
Moha ir and Auto Top MI.·
ttrial_Artificial LeatherRubber Ooth
CanvaJ inntfloling for Shoe
The landers Bros. Co.
. . R~ ToOM, 0'10
II . EzlrG<wditlllry bIIdttl
Liquidation of War Stock
LoIns ............. . ..
Lone-term LoI", Or Sak:
of BoltS de iG D,/en"
..........•. 16,OOO,OCIJ,ooo
<48,82] ,OCIJ,OCXJ
The s«ood 5t<:lion of the utl'llordinvy
budget is listed in t be budget as recoverable because of the double tuarantee of
tbe reparation terms of tbe Treaty of
I'eace and the occupation of German ter·
ritory by Fl'lInce.
Two Bud,da Submitted
N important featuu of the ne .. bud·
pot is its division into the 1.·0 poDe1'll1
ntqories of ordinary and utl'llordinuy
il~ml. An Ippn:<iation <If lbe ruoon for
this al1""a1l#"",nl is important 10 an undentandi~ of tile French IilW!(:ial p0>sition.
FrrDth statesmen concer.·e of Franct's
IiRcllncw problem 11.5 I.·o:>- fold: lin(, to pro\ide U'\~nue to mtct her 01I"TI tqUlar obli·
,..tions; and second, to fiRclince eq:oeoWi.
tures for ",·bicb she $hould eventmlly be
rrimbunt by her ble :rltblies in the Plymenl of sums on repara:ion accounts due
France undtr tbe T rr"-Iy of Peace.
The budget of or<f;nvy apenditurcs,
",·blch include the UJ)CnstS of 11M: Civil
GOWnlII\(DI, 1M normal military, marine
and colonial appropriation. and interest on
the public debl, France e.pect. to meet by
tuation. Thu s, "the ual budget ,s bat·
anced. "
The lirst ONl ion of It.. extraurdinary
budget includes e~ptn!.U such to those for
special miO$ions in Palestine, Syria, and
T urkey, a subvention to AIpt,·Lorraine
and dcmobil~lioll bonou"". The total for
this section of .1,500 miUlon frantS is, it i,
stipulated , temporary upcllditure and wi!!
diuppear lien )~ar. The FinaDte Mi n,,ter pla", to meet it by SlOles of war stock.
The _ODd HClion of the ulraordinary
budget , an ilem fin 'i"," the lotal of
Fl'lInce'. Pft· ...ar upelldituu, wiD be JPCDI
for .-ep;Urinc the <hm1#5 of "'oa., bui!dinc
l'lIilroads, bi,hways, nn:tls, farms, fae-
That i, one 01 the
"'" -
They Can't Wobble
Pasc 159
,...10". why
Charlotte Diners
are abso, ively the best linle 01(1 dinine
chI'" produced in this Land of the
FrU-lnd J' rohibi,ion lou nOlhinll' 10
do with it.
Charlotte Di" ... arc locked at ,h.
join I. where t he ,rut .. t sUa,n corn u
and the only wa r you Un loosen t hOle
jo,nt! " to belt em with an u .
The fi rO! CharloUe Diners we ever
mad_nd that' • •omt 7 yurt alOare ju" as .olid .nd "pu.ndi", and
.ile~ t today u the day they were pro·
duced. And the y'n been doing d"ty
Ihree l imea daily riaht at our own
f .. tive board .11 Ihue yu".
ima,ine anything more em·
barr.ni~1 than b-inl oblillCd 10 .ut
your ,uest. 0 11 .,tuuking, wobblina.
,roaning dinin, cha ... Ihal thruten 10
colbptt any momenl ? \Vt wot nOI.
O arlotlt Dmtr. will neyer au.., YOD
a momenl'. COnCern Or embarraumcn.
-c,'en th Oulh you have them fifty
yu. _
-and Ih. y ...n but vcry lillIe more
'han the kind of dinin&' ehai,. you
would rather do w;lhoU I.
Bill Cuham, Rotuian. will be ,lad
to tell rou t he othe r cln.n rUlon •.
Wr ite h.m today.
............1.- "'. . .
"'- _'.'''''''._''
_. - ........
..... _ _ .1'Ito. . . . . . . .
_ ........""N _ ...
0 : _....... ...... .... _
" ...
a_ -.
&II W. n.~ 10.
N... '( .....
N. Y .
,".0,1<1_ • • • 1 .
_.t ...
C-....... . Ioo -r......s..
.. $18,.1<1.,. a ....·
REV MANS'IELD.- " - _ .......
Will.. H. WAlII. . ' ' ' ' -
,sq,t~ber, 1920. Vol. XVII. No. 3
lorin, ami for pension. \" crippled soldiers
and \ 0 France 's ... at ""idow5 and orp~n!.
The problem of fmdin, resou.rcel e!\(lush
10 co'~r lhi, t«ond utraorUilll.ry ilem
""ring ,hi'! ",arnl yur ;. the mO!lI ..,riou,
liiilfnci31 tnk facinl til.: Republic', finan·
cial uperl,. ~fman)'. under the ICflIII 01
II\( T.nly 01 Pexe , ... ~, '0 pay all I""
Allies 10.000 m,lllOn m.'It" In ~Id bdo«:
:'Ia)' of nt:rl >~3r ; but to dale 5he ruu pai,l
IIOIhin, on lhilt accounl,
When you
Order Your
Ned Sult Inli$[ Ihal -"our
tailor ole ,\lJ5OL. UTE HAIR
CLOTH in the
order and
... oid th. hair
workinjl Out 01
the (0<1.1 .
n.ia Year'a Credit
Hair Cloth
"* tnl.... W"
W rite lor foldH
I:.'C £ 1hI'! Icpl hmi: 10' "".. net5 lrom
lhe Bank of r r:mce 10 lhe r.~neh
million Innel and 3.
,hil limil will he .ed...... 1 by a rt<:enl ~"
10 N ,OOO million francs ~'II Dec. JI, 1'110.
and AI pl'CSCnl adt"llnen are in elees. 01
N.OOO miUioo Inne, . the ne ...· clftlu
~Ied 10 CO\'~r ru nee',_ 1"3.. ao.din3.,. ~.,.
pcnditu.es Ihi~ yur mIl': be met by bOl'
rowin, from olhe. '<lUKes. The popu!..
1000n ""1.1 in Fnnce lall 5j)fifll neutil
15,;00 million InnC-! , 6,900 million fune.
01 which we.e ... ". m..... y.
1)"';111 II" }'<'ar the oale of 8000.1. lor
the ~at ional I)tfenl'll lotaled 24.000 million lranci. Sinte Jlnll.lry fir.t Ihi, ye;tr
the ....1.. h.\"e .\"etlilcd 1,100 million
lrallQ a month. Under the puscnt pion
Ihese bonds, which a«: I"'yable in three to
.i. months and are Ihus fimilar in chuac _
ler 10 ou. Certiti.c.tel "I Indebtedness or
10 Ellltill! T~a5Uty 1.l;1l~. "ill he one of
the mOil impo.\Jnt &O~,cn 01 income 10
lhe end 01 the p~M:nl >~3t.
To P eJlllY
., n,'
Hotel Majestic
lull i,,·
fo rm~lion ,,' uf·
"'trir. or .\liSO-
C-..I,•• , _·.... 11'>1_ liD!' Yo.tK
CEO.5. CO)(
F .. r ,uo.to .. I o!i ...i ... iuli ....
i ..... od • ••• i ..
~ur 10 110. ccnU r of i1\tereli. Com-
I Be.
s.t. M ..... .,
fonabl:- di>lan. f.om .he a.u 01 conlu,;on. SlOp :U . he Rot .. y H ot el
nnt .ime }'ou're io Kew Yo rk. You
w;n haY. my .. e •• onal ."en, ion.
Cam\o. I..... _ .
...... Jo.,[
Ito ... " ..
_ , .... _ _ . . _ _
R " ...;." C"""lud To ... n •• n'!
...... _ _0 .......
Real Rotarian \
Collect ion Ser vice
c-. c.I,....
H0r4 A -y" •• A .... d • •
DAVID MORAHTZ, Itt.nu., C' eli. s,e rpljd
Eo" ...,' .....
0 1/. J , t;Cl,A.t.Tr
U . S. Fla irs-Ali
S;.u-O".l~iu lOci
flISl Mortgage Loans lor Sale
Pr iu.. B.dlu lod Blnn, ...
S~nd for c.,.,....
W W . M.d •••• 5 1~ Cloiuc_. U. S . A.
A.... 0 •• Monlh
WEETHEART, "",,w Cortle 10 eUlh
lrom Heal'eo', blur,
Whose nu~ ...,;Ies upon me from your
S ... , ... . ... ' -
l .... iDCton, Ky.
Joliet. IU.
Hotel Phoenix
.OIlEtT Y. K eROBt.n,
It must be t~t you afe • Ir.lnled J>rize
For 100M cood dffiJ or one thaI I .hall
An eUM.t 01 God', deu"e" work,,,, thru
The crull of my bad ttll to ..ach this
And opm it, with m<llt d,\";_ art ,
Unto lhe lo\"e brOUSht to me , 5....1. by
,~ .
"m:be W illbsor"
Montu.1 n..
~ .· e .
Wllshl n Aton , O. c ,
The New Willard
U .... 4 ...... _W .... ,n .. ~ n 1lo • ...,Q~~
y ltANK •. UlmIT, I'TeoIden • . Kot_a
00"'/'1'0/<1 .$QV.... t
)"111« DIIVII)SON ( R. " .l n ) M ... .. ,
VI. ,U.. II .......... "'Iw*>" W .. _
1' _ _....... _
01 old I pntyf.'d Ou. lady I might be
Some... hat a helle. man IMn I had been :
Wi th all lhe Church's bright "Iillery
I b.1.11ercd HC"'cn, Ir)'in~ 10 get in And OOW, a hOltage to my ~onfalon,
You she huh .ent. peacem.ker for I\(r
-G. 1". 8 .
~ ~·~:F~:a~:
1It .. .,.. ' .....
H:;b!::"r .,./ s
n. ...... h
. ._
o mJny hours mu51 ] tend my flock,
So m~ny hours mUll I take m)" ~t.
So mllly
must ] fonlrmplalr,
So m.1\)' lIours mllSt I 5port m)"..,II,
Qu. intest Place in Amer ic.
A UGUST J.o./'ISSt;/'I . ...........
From An Old Sundial
Pase 160
l lrs Profitfff (in a tcmpcr)-~ Do ~"ou
nil >'Ouraelf s 1ad>"5 maid ?"
:.faid-"I used to, ms'sm. heforc I carne
Scpcembt-., 1920. VoJ., XVII. No.3

Documentos relacionados

Januarl/, 1923

Januarl/, 1923 the Innu al elcc tion of ollieer •• 1Id for .uch other I....in..... ma,come befOr.c i •. R ;I~'" i, R'1'"' .. nIUion in . hil ronnD'ion oholl be in .",,_ ..cordlnce wi. h Art;,,1e VII , Seclion. 3....

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