Expert Reader 1000 Chapter 3


Expert Reader 1000 Chapter 3
Expert Reader 1000
Chapter 3
by Elen Fernandes
3- A chef
Adam is a very famous chef.
He works in a French restaurant in Paris.
Adam is Australian but he moved to Paris
when he was only 6 years old.
When he was a kid he used to help his
grandmother to prepare dinner.
His grandmother was the best cook in the
world in his opinion.
When he was a teenager he asked her to
teach him all her kitchen secrets. So she
taught him everything she knew.
Today he is very thankful to his
grandmother and he likes to remember all
the evenings they used to cook together.
New Vocabulary:
Used to – costumava
-I used to go there on weekends.
-She used to smoke.
move – moved (past) – mudar-se (de casa)
am/is – was (past) – ser/estar
ask – asked (past) – perguntar
teach – taught (past) – ensinar
know – knew (past) – saber, conhecer
Thankful - agradecido
- I am so thankful to have a friend like you.
(Sou muito agradecida de ter um amigo como você)
Australian – Australiano
-Is she Australian?
(Ela é australiana?)
Famous – famoso
- He wants to be a famous chef.
(Ele quer ser um chef famoso).
Prepare – preparar
- I help my mom to prepare dinner every night. (Eu ajudo minha mãe a preparar o jantar todas as noites)
Cook – cozinheira
to cook (verb) – cozinhar I like to cook. ( Eu gosto de cozinhar)
- She was a very good cook. (Ela era uma ótima cozinheira.)
World – mundo
- The world's environment is fragile. (O meio ambiente do mundo é frágil.)
Teenager – adolescente
- Teenagers love this kind of movies. (Adolescentes adoram este tipo de filme)
Secret – segredo
- Can I tell you a secret? (Posso te contar um segredo)
Everything – tudo
- I want to buy everything. (Eu quero comprar tudo)
Thankful – agradecido
- I am so thankful for everything I have.
(Eu sou muito agradecida por tudo que tenho)
Together – juntos
- We are always together. (Nós estamos sempre juntos)
A chef
Adam is a very famous chef.
Adam is – Adam é
a very famous chef – um chefe muito famoso
Elen is a teacher / Elena is a great chef
He works in a French restaurant in Paris.
Works – trabalhar (3*Pessoa)
French restaurant / Brasilian restaurant / Italian restaurant
In Paris / In Brazil / In Italy
Adam is Australian but he moved to Paris when he was only 6 years old.
Australian – australiano / Brazilian – brasileiro / Italian – Italiano
He moved to – Ele mudou para
When he was only 6 years old – Quando ele tinha apenas 6 anos
ONLY – apenas, somente
I am 20 years old – Eu tenho 20 anos
When he was a kid he used to help his grandmother to prepare dinner.
A kid – uma criança
Used to – constumava
To help – ajudar
To prepare – preparar
dinner – jantar
I used to play with dolls. / I used to ride a bicycle
His grandmother was the best cook in the world in his opinion.
His grandmother was – Sua avó era
The best cook in the world – a melhor cozinheira do mundo
The best teacher in the world / The best mother/father in the world
When he was a teenager he asked her to teach him all her kitchen secrets.
Tennager – adolescente / asked – pediu, perguntar / to teach – ensinar
Kitchen – cozinha / Secrets - segredos
All – todo (a)s
When I was a teenager I used to go to Mato Grosso every year
So she taught him everything she knew.
So – então (link word)
Taught – ensinou / everything – tudo / knew- sabia
I taught him math/English/how to get there. (Eu ensinei ele como chegar lá)
Today he is very thankful to his grandmother and he likes to
remember all the evenings they used to cook together.
Thankful to – agradecido por I am thankful for my parents/house/family.
They used to cook together – eles costumavam cozinhar juntos
They used to play hide and seek / We used to sing out loud. /
We used to be very good friends.