Scouts in Great Britain and Germany - From a military national to an


Scouts in Great Britain and Germany - From a military national to an
Immanuel-Kant-Gymnasium Münster-Hiltrup
Schuljahr 2007/2008
GK Geschichte bilingual (Herr Franke)
Scouts in Great Britain and Germany
- From a military national to an international peace movement?
Justus Efing
März 2008
1. Introduction................................................................................................3
1.1 Presentation of the topic/scouting..................................................3
2. Historical Context........................................................................................4
2.1 Great Britain's situation as an empire............................................4
2.2 Youth movement situation in Great Britain..................................5
3. Foundation of the Scout Movement.............................................................5
3.1 Baden Powell – founder of the scout movement............................5
3.2 Military dimension of Scouting......................................................6
3.3 Mitigation of the military dimension..............................................8
3.4 Conclusion – military dimension around 1908...............................8
4. Scouting comes to Germany........................................................................9
4.1 Foundation of the DPSG.................................................................9
4.2 Its military aspects (1930-1950)....................................................10
4.3 Current situation ...........................................................................11
5. Conclusion..................................................................................................13
6. List of literature..........................................................................................14
7. Attachment.................................................................................................15
1. Introduction
1.1 Presentation of the topic/scouting
The scout movement is a world wide organisation. This youth association is known to many
people all over the world and has got sub-organisations in 150 nations, for example on
Mauritius, in Kenya, Finland, Tajikistan, France and in the United Arab Emirates1. It gathers
teenagers around the world. The youngest members are 8 years old and the oldest often invest
their time of retirement to support the work of the scout movement. Its spreading around the
globe created a network with its help a scout can find like-minded people and often a place to
rest all over the earth.
„The purpose of the Scout Movement is to contribute to the development of young
people in achieving their full physical, intellectual, social and spiritual potentials as
individuals, as responsible citizens and as members of their local, national and
international communities.“2
This is the definition of the Scout Movement and the German organisation of Scouts has got
the fame of a peaceful and international orientated movement. How could such an
international and peaceful organization develop in contrast to the political, national climate in
the times of its foundation? A man of the army developed the system of Scouting. Did this
fact influence the main features of Scouting? After all, does scouting compromise military
and nationalistic aspects and did this change over time and before/after scouting was
introduced in Germany? All in all is there a military3 and national aspect in their motives and
how did this change by time and introduction to Germany?
Cf. Marcus Ljungblad: World Scout Bureau January 2008 (cf. attachment)
Cf. Constitution and By-Laws of the World Organization of the Scout Movement 2000, p. 2 (cf. attachment)
Militarism: a political orientation of a people or a government to maintain a strong military force and to be
prepared to use it aggresively to defend or promote national interests
2. Historical Context
2.1 Great Britain's situation as an empire
Around the times of the foundation of the British scout movement, Great Britain's role in the
world had changed. Before the struggle for colonies in Africa, Great Britain had always been
a state which depended on its marine.
“The History of the Empire has been made by the British adventurers and explorers, the
scouts of the nation, for hundreds of years past up to the present time.”4
The position of Great Britain in the world was in the minds of the citizens. Since 1885 the
world policy changed bringing a new dimension – the race for colonies around the world.5
The Boer War was an example of a change in Great Britain's policy. An aggressive
imperialism was proclaimed. Writers underlined the duty of the white men to educate the
underdeveloped peoples.6 A mood of patriotism and adventuresomeness was summoned. The
army that lived this dream in the foreign was supported by the masses.
In contrast to this propaganda, the soldiers suffered under a bad health condition, diseases,
bad military training, lack of motivation because of laziness, alcohol and tobacco. 7 Baden
Powell experienced this in the Boer War.
“The same causes which brought about the fall of the great Roman Empire are working
today in Great Britain. Each nation, after climbing laboriously to the zenith of its power,
seemed then to become exhausted by its effort, and sit down in a state of repose,
relapsing into idleness, studiously blind to the fact that other nations were gradually
pushing up to destroy it.”8
Baden Powell: Scouting for Boys. London 1908. (in future: B.P. Scouting for Boys.)There: p.5
Cf. Schubert-Weller Christoph: So begann es – Scouting als vormilitärische Erziehung. 1988.
(in future: Schubert-Weller) There: p.51
Cf. ibid There: p.75
Cf. ibid There: p.52
B.P. Scouting for Boys. There: p.261
2.2 Youth movement situation in Great Britain
In Great Britain only one large youth movement organisation existed around 1900. The Boy's
Brigade was the most famous youth organisation in Britain at the times of the founding of the
scout movement. It was founded by the church 1894. Its aim was to educate young men from
the lower classes with the help of military measures.9
The public opinion was more in favour to pre-military practice around 1904. One reason
might have been the situation of the Empire.10 But a general military education was not
popular since foreign states would be offended by such a visible act of military strength 11. As
a consequence a youth organisation couldn't be involved in the army but a need for discipline
and military ideals was visible. The Boys Brigade filled this gap.
3. Foundation of the Scout Movement
3.1 Baden Powell – founder of the scout movement
Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell12 was born in London on 22.February 1857. He had
ten brothers. His father, a professor at Oxford University, died when he was three years old.
At school he was in favour with arts like theatre or playing violin but in fact he was a poor
pupil. In his spare time he began with scouting. He learnt skills like hunting in a forest near
the school though it was forbidden.13 After school Baden-Powell applied for an officer career.
He was so good that he skipped two years of training and arrived in India with his regiment
on the 30. October 1876.
Cf. Schubert-Weller. There: p.25
Cf. Great Britain's situation as an Empire p.2
Cf. Knobel, Bruno: Das große Abenteuer Lord Baden-Powells. Sein Leben und Werk Zürich 1954.
There: p.152
In the following just called by the last name “Baden Powell“ as it is common.
Cf. Bundesvorstand der DPSG: Pfadfinden Abenteuer und mehr. Neuss-Holzheim 2003. (in future:
Pfadfinden Abenteuer und mehr) There p.10-12
As officer he was against hard exercise and he introduced healthy leisure activities.14 At this
time he wrote a book “Aids to Scouting” in which he gave some advice on scouting for
soldiers. In 1899 Baden-Powell had the task to defend the town Mafeking in the Boer War 15.
His 1250 soldiers faced 9.000 enemies. Mafeking had no natural shelter but Baden-Powell
build up defence constructions and he -as the commander- proceeded to do normal scout
He integrated the local youth in the defence of the town. They got a uniform and delivered
massages to the soldiers. They even completed their tasks when there was the risk to get
shot.16 After 217 days another British army freed the town. This made Baden-Powell a legend.
When he returned to Great Britain in 1903 his book was popular especially among boys.
Many persons invited him to speak about his educational ideas like the head of the Boys
Inspired by this, the first Boy Scout Camp was hold in 1907. 22 boys with different social
background practised Scouting. Then he rewrote “Aids to Scouting” to “Scouting for Boys” to
adapt it to the young readership. 1910 King Edward VII. advised Baden-Powell to quit the
military service and to work for Scouting fulltime. On the 8th January 1941 Baden-Powell
died as the “Chief Scout of the World” and he left a scout movement which had spread
around the globe.17
3.2 Military dimension of Scouting
There are several aspects that remind of militarism in the scout movement. The founder was a
creative man but also a soldier.
His first experience with adolescent persons were in Mafeking at times of war. He gave the
boys uniforms and liability. That was when Baden-Powell got the idea of scouting. The
inofficial begin of the scout movement – the publishment of “Aids for Scouting” – showed
Cf. Schubert-Weller. There: p.19
2.Boer War, 1899-1902: Great Britain fought against the descendants of Netherland settlers in South Africa
Cf. Baden Powell: Pfadfinder. Zürich 1923. There: p.20/21
Cf. Pfadfinden Abenteuer und mehr. There p.12-14
that techniques of the military scouting were important18 and the techniques were taken across
in the book “Boy Scout”. How to make fire without be seen, how to hunt and first aid are just
some examples. There were also commandos introduced which where used by soldiers.19 Next
to this, a sheltered world was established for the members by Baden-Powell. There were own
laws, ceremonys, songs, uniforms, duties, holiday camps and
praise for success. 20
Additionaly to this similarities to an army there was a strict seperation of sex. The uniforms
were strikingly similar to the uniforms of the “South African Constabulary”21.
A focus was a strict discipline to the leaders of a group. The structure and organistaion itself
was like the one of an army,22 e.g. badges of rank which were not unimportant since there
was e.g. a book with 300 pages just about this topic.23 In his book „Boy Scout“ Baden-Powell
mentions military actions wheter it is not necessery because it is written for boys and not for
“You must not only keep a sharp look out for scout signs made by your own scouts, but
also for those made by hostile scouts. Foreign scouts also have their private signs – as
also do tramps.”24
Finally he directly mentions that a boy scout should be prepared for war.
“Every boy should prepare himself by learning how to shoot and to drill, to take his
shore in defence of the Empire, if it should ever be attacked. If your enemies saw that
we were thus prepared as a nation, they would never dare to attack, and peace would be
Cf. Schubert-Weller. There: p.50
ibid There: p.58
ibid There: p.68
„South African Constabulary“ (S.A.C.) was a mounted police in South Africa which was reformed by BadenPowell and got famous for its methods which stood in contrast to the barbarism of British army.
Cf. Schubert-Weller. There: p.50
Cf. The Policy, Organisation and Rules of the Scout Association, Part Two, Training. London. 1980
B.P. Scouting for Boys. There: p.68
ibid There: p.240
This is the tactic of military deterrence similiar to the German navy armament at this times.
Next to this direct influences on the scout movement there is a striking focus of military
dignitaries. His military career secured a large support from the officers and the king did think
of the bad defense of Great Britain when he dismissed him from military office.26
3.3 Mitigation of the military dimension
The direct reference to the military tasks of a scout is questioned by another sentence of
Baden Powell. Scouting is not
“the military work as carried on active service. The scouting we are considering has
nothing to do with this. There is another form, which one might term 'peace scouting',
such as is usual with frontiersmen of our Empire in every corner of the world.”27
The conclusion of these two sentences must be that the emphasis is on the defence aspect and
that it is similar to the German Conscription Army.
Baden-Powell disclaims even direct military influences on his programme of civil scouting.28
3.4 Conclusion – military dimension around 1908
After all there are several aspects of militarism integrated in the scout movement. The founder
cannot deny these aspects but he nearly prohibits the comparison to an army.
I think the military life of Baden-Powell is so deeply rooted in his character that the
influences come as a natural consequence. I even affirm that the military dimension is nothing
more than part of the expression of the idol of a citizen of the United Kingdom at this time.
Baden-Powell himself focuses on the positive traits of an honourable British statesman.
Cf. Schubert-Weller.
There: p.61
B.P. Scouting for Boys. There: p.246
Cf. Schubert-Weller.
There: p.59
“I have not noticed that ex-soldiers are more inclined than other people to commit
murders; all that I see in them, as a rule, is that they have been taught self-discipline to
sacrifice themselves if need be for others, to obey orders, to be sober, clean and active,
to make the best things as they find them, to be loyal to themselves and their officers.
All of which appear to me to be valuable assets in character for citizen, whatever may
be his grade or trade.”29
I agree with Mr. Schubert-Weller that the acceptance of scouting is based on a non-military
fact. It could fascinate two generations of its idea at the same time. On the one hand Scouting
underlined the autonomy of the boys and gave them free space between school and family. On
the other hand the fathers were in favour of the scouting activities in that time since they
dreamed of adventures and their sons fulfilled their wishes.30
4. Scouting comes to Germany
4.1 Foundation of the DPSG
The basis for scouting activities in Germany was created by the translation of “Scouting for
Boys” by Dr. Alexander Lion in 1909. It was the uprising of a lot of small disorganized
groups with a different interpretation of Scouting. The spectra contained groups who just
spend their spare time together and even “kaiserdeutsche” groups who practised military
exercises or “Kolonialpfadfinder”.31 32 There was no leading figure like Baden-Powell who
organised the growing movement. On the 7th of October 1929 the “Deutsche Pfadfinderschaft
Sankt Georg”(DPSG) was founded. It was a fusion of many small catholic Scout tribes e.g.
the one in Wuppertal, Berlin or Speyer. The DPSG was and is one of the largest organisations
of scouts in Germany. For this reason I will focus on them in my examination of the military
aspect of Scouting in Germany.
B.P. Scouting for Boys. There: p.265
Cf. Schubert-Weller.
There: p.77
After the first world war there were about 40 different organisations.
Cf. Pfadfinden Abenteuer und mehr. There: p.56/57
4.2 Its military aspects (1930-1950)
At 1930 the DPSG introduced uniforms, laws and flags. The translation of “Scouting for
Boys” was the basis of the organisation even in Germany. As a conclusion military aspects of
this book could be quoted from “3.1 Military dimension of Scouting”. There were much
influences which worked against the military aspects. Because of the first world war the
members of DPSG were not in favour of military ideas.33 A lot of patriotic young adults and
Scouts died in the war. Short after the second world war in 1929 Baden-Powell redefines his
understanding of patriotism:
“Bei der Stärkung des Patriotismus in unseren Jungen und Mädchen sollten wir darauf
achten, dass es ein Patriotismus ist, der über den engen, sentimentalen Patriotismus
hinaus geht, welcher an den Grenzen des eigenen Landes endet und der Eifersucht und
Feindschaft im Umgang mit anderen einflößt.(...)Er sollte die Gerechtigkeit und
Vernunft anderer Länder anerkennen und unser Land zu Kameradschaft mit den anderen
Nationen der Welt führen. Der erste Schritt dahin ist, den Frieden und guten Willen in
unserem Land zu entwickeln, (...).”34
One basis of military propaganda becomes unimportant – patriotism. Baden-Powell combines
patriotism with international understanding and peace in 1929. Additionally the DPSG was
not supported by the rulers as they were in England. The National Socialists forbade uniforms
and every evident signs of Scouting in 1934. At this time bullying started, too. Equipment of
members of a pilgrimage to Rome in 1935 was confiscated. Around 1937 several smaller
tribes of the DPSG were forbidden like the tribe in Münster since the scout movements were
seen as a danger for the youth. Young men should be members of the paramilitary
“Hitlerjugend” . In 1938 the complete DPSG was forced to dissolve. Many Scouts worked in
the underground. Some members were cited before the court since they were blamed for
“Wehrzersetzung”35. This underground work was even one factor that Fred Joseph,
Cf. Pfadfinden Abenteuer und mehr. There: p.58
World Organization of the Scout Movement: Die Grundlagen der Pfadfinderbewegung. Neuss.1997.
There: p.11
Cf. Pfadfinden Abenteuer und mehr. There: p.65
a Scout leader36, died in the concentration camp Auschwitz.
Taking this into account we
conclude that the members of DPSG did not support the military government and did not
share their (war) propaganda. After 1945 the DPSG defined their relation to Germany as the
task to do compensation for the war. The establishment of a friendship with French catholic
scouts became more important.38 It was build up by French Jesuits and the curate39 P.
Doncoeur since 1928 .40 This relation was strengthened on another way after 1945, too. A lot
of Scouts had been drafted in the last years of the 2nd World War. After the defeat scouts
built up new groups in the prisoner-of-war camps in France. Even French scouts noticed that
and joined the groups.41
4.3 Current situation
The first camp of boy scouts under the guidance of Baden-Powell is 101 years ago. I have
been a scout for around 8 years and I have passed through all steps of Scouting in the tribe
Rochus Spieker which is part of the DPSG. Several aspects which are mentioned in 3.2
Military dimension of Scouting are unimportant today. The patriotic mood which called the
readiness of defending your country in war is no matter. The uniforms are only worn on a few
days in the year. They are most important for publicity like the annual “Friedenslicht” mess.
In weekly meetings you just wear your normal clothes and underline your individuality.
Another point is that the original technical skills of a military scout are not practised in
everyday life. Their mastery is no basis for the membership in the DPSG like in the United
States. These skills are only trained in the annual holiday camps. Other formalities like flag
salutes are abolished. The unimportance of these formalities strengthens the importance of the
individual but scouting in the DPSG does not mean to enter a community where you are
bound and integrated by rules and equality of signs like in the army. The separation of gender
In German: Feldmeister
Cf. Pfadfinden Abenteuer und mehr. There: p.30/31
Cf. ibid There: p.27
Curate is a religious man like a priest who is integrated in scout groups. There is often one for every tribe and
for the national organisation.
Cf. Pfadfinden Abenteuer und mehr. There: p.58
Cf. ibid There: p.61
was abolished in 1971.42 Even the statutes underline the belief in a world of peace and are
against the use of brutal military force.
“Als Teil einer weltweiten Bewegung von Christen für Frieden und Gerechtigkeit weiß
sich die Deutsche Pfadfinderschaft Sankt Georg dem Einsatz für den Frieden
Therefore the DPSG wants to:
“Konflikte fair austragen und gewaltfrei handeln,(...)
uns dafür einsetzten, Frieden politisch zu sichern und zu fördern und für weltweite
Abrüstung eintreten, (...) uns mit Fragen der Wehrpflicht und Kriegsdienstverweigerung
auseinandersetzten und prüfen, welche Entscheidung wir gerade angesichts der
Abschreckung durch Massenvernichtunsmittel mit unserem Gewissen vereinbaren
This peaceful opinion is superior to the patriotic duty:
“Treue gegenüber dem eigenen Land in Übereinstimmung mit dem Wirken für
An example of this idea is an action that took place in 2001. The DPSG gathered support for
the Scouts in Palastine. They risked their life to distribute food and medicine when the Israeli
army besieged the nativity church in Bethlehem. The Scouts even opened their homes for
wounded family members under the risk of their life.46
Cf. Pfadfinden Abenteuer und mehr. There: p.35
Deutsche Pfadfinderschaft Sankt Georg Bundesvorstand: Ordnung Satzung Geschichte des Verbandes.
Neuss-Holzheim. 2001.(in future: DPSG Bundesvorstand) There: p.58
ibid There: p.58/59
World Organization od the Scout Movement: Die Grundlagen der Pfadfinderbewegung. Neuss.1997.
There: p.10
Cf. Pfadfinden Abenteuer und mehr. There: p.175
5. Conclusion
Scouts are an international peace movement. Their foundation took place in a time of
(military) rivalries between European nations. Even the founder Baden-Powell was an highranked soldier. It is right that the structure and organisation reveals some parallels to the one
of armies and that patriotism is important. Nevertheless Baden-Powell himself underlines the
contrast to the army and creates the term “peace scouting”. 47 The First World War leads to a
new understanding of patriotism and a new attitude towards military action. The turn-away
from any military aspects strengthens in the 2.World War in Germany since the Scouts were
forbidden and suppressed. One disadvantage of the war was even used in a positive way.
Scouting created links between old opponents like in the prisoner-of-war camps in France.
Furthermore the development up to now shows that the catholic Scout movement in Germany
is in favour with pacific ideas. The evident military aspects like uniforms become unimportant
and peace is an important part of the laws of the DPSG. All in all, there was some military
influences when scouting was founded but modern scouting has developed to an open,
peaceful international movement.
cf. page 6
List of literature
Primary Source:
1. Baden Powell: Scouting for Boys. London: 1908
2. Baden Powell: Pfadfinder. Zürich: 1923.
3. World Organistion of the Scout Movement: Die Grundlagen der Pfadfinderbewegung.
2. edition. Neuss: 2001
4. Deutsche Pfadfinderschaft Sankt Georg Bundesvorstand:
Ordnung Satzung Geschichte des Verbandes. 15. edition. Neuss-Holzheim: 2001.
Secondary Source:
1. Schubert-Weller Christoph: So begann es – Scouting als vormilitärische Erziehung.
Baunauch: 1988
2. Knobel, Bruno: Das große Abenteuer Lord Baden-Powells. Sein Leben und Werk.
Zürich: 1954
3. Bundesvorstand der DPSG: Pfadfinden Abenteuer und mehr. Neuss-Holzheim: 2003
Internet source:
1. (05.03.2008) Marcus Ljungblad:
World Scout Bureau January 2008
2. (05.03.2008)World Scout Burreau: Constitution and By-Laws
of the World Organization of the Scout Movement.
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