Anja Pichl


Anja Pichl
Anja Pichl
June, 2016
Work adress:
Institute Technology-Theology-Sciences (TTN)
at Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) Munich
Katharina-von-Bora-Str. 11
80333 Munich , Germany
Email: [email protected]
Phone number: 089 5595 607
Home address:
Schellenbergstr. 19
81547 Munich, Germany
Email: [email protected]
Phone number: 089 12035106
Personal Data:
Date of Birth: 09 March 1987
Nationality: German
Married, two children (*2011, *2015)
Since 02/2014 Scientific Coordinator of the subproject Individual- and socio-ethical
perspectives on a translational research project within the Bavarian research network
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (ForIPS), funded by the . The subproject is based at the
Institute TTN at LMU Munich and lead by Prof. Dr. Arne Manzeschke.
Since 03/2015 Scientific Coordinator of the International Summer School Pluripotent Stem
Cells. Scientific practice of stem cell research: ethical, legal and social aspects and
discourses, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Project leader:
Prof. Dr. Arne Manzeschke.
10/2012 – 01/2014 Scientific assistant at the Institute TTN at LMU Munich.
02/2014 Magister Artium (M.A.), Philosophy, Minors: Literary Theory and Comparative
Literature, Greek Philology, LMU Munich,
Thesis subject: Kant’s Critique of Judgement and the Conceivability of a Nature Ethics
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Günther Zöller, LMU Munich and Prof. Dr. Andrea Esser, PhilippsUniversität Marburg
09/2009 – 08/2010 Visiting student University Roma Tre, Rome, Italy
Research Interests:
Systematic: Epistemology, Philosophy of Biology, Practical Philosophy, Applied Ethics
(especially Stem Cell Research and Synthetic Biology)
Historical: Kant, Ancient Philosophy (especially Aristoteles)
Entwicklungsbiologische Totipotenz und das ethische Potentialitätsargument. Probleme des
ethischen Naturalismus in der Embryonenschutzdebatte. [Biological Totipotency and the
argument from potentiality. Problems of the ethical naturalism in the embryo protection
debate.] In: Johann S. Ach, Ruth Denkhaus, Beate Lüttenberg (eds): Forschung an humanen
embryonalen Stammzellen. Aktuelle Ethische Fragestellungen. [Research on human
embryonic stem cells. Current ethical issues.] Series: Münsteraner Bioethik-Studien, Vol. 13,
Lit-Verlag Münster (in print).
Synthetische Biologen als Newtons des Grashalms? Epistemologische und
transzendentalphilosophische Zweifel an der Gegenstandskonzeption der Synthetischen
Biologie. [Synthetic biologists as Newtons of the leaves of grass? Epistemological and
transcendental-philosophical doubts about the concept of the object of synthetic biology.] In:
Stefanie Herresthal, Tobias Grassman (eds): Leben konstruieren? Deutungsmuster
synthetischer Biologie. [Constructing Life? Patterns of interpretation of synthetic biology.]
TTN edition Nr. 1/2015, online available:
Anja Pichl, Christine Hauskeller, Arne Manzeschke (eds): Stem cell research: An
interdisciplinary discussion of the current challenges and the perspectives for philosophical
ethics. (expected publication date: 01/2017)
Therein the chapter by Anja Pichl:
Clinical values in translational stem cell research: constitutive at bench but lost at bed side?
Conference papers and further scientific activities
03/2015 Participation at the CNRS School Bioperspectives at Institut d'etudes scientifique
(Cargèse). Subjects: Molecular Epigenetics, Systems Biology, Metagenomics and Synthetic
Biology, organized by Dr. Francesca Merlin und Dr. Matteo Mossio, Université Paris 1,
09/2015 Conference paper: Biological Totipotency and the Argument from Potentiality: An
attempt at disentanglement questioning the status debate at the BMBF-Summer School
Pluripotent stem cells. Scientific practice of stem cell research: ethical, legal and social
aspects and discourses, organized by Anja Pichl and Prof. Dr. Arne Manzeschke, Institute
TTN at LMU Munich.
09/2014 Conference paper: Thomas Pogges Vorschläge für mehr globale Gerechtigkeit – ein
Weg für den Umgang mit Biopatenten? At the BMBF-Summer School: Biopatente. Saatgut
als Ware und als öffentliches Gut, organized by Dr. Stephan Schleissing, Institute TTN at
LMU Munich.
09/2014 Conference paper: Totipotenz. Möglichkeiten, Grenzen und Hintergründe des
Rekurses auf entwicklungsbiologische Begriffe zur Bestimmung des moralischen Status von
Stammzellen during the BMBF-Summer school Forschung an humanen embryonalen
Stammzellen: Aktuelle ethische Fragestellungen, organized by Johann S. Ach and Ruth
Denkhaus at Centrum für Bioethik Münster.
09/2014 Participation at the Marsilius-Akademie on Synthetische Biologie. Versprechen und
Risiken moderner Biotechnologie, organized by Prof. Dr. Thomas Holstein und Prof. Dr.
Klaus Tanner.
05/2014 Block seminar Bioethics, together with Prof. Dr. Arne Manzeschke at the CVJMHochschule Kassel.
02/2014 Conference paper: Kants Wissenschaftstheorie des Organismus, during the
interdisciplinary workshop Das Verständnis von Leben in der Debatte um die Synthetische
Biologie, organized by Stefanie Herresthal and Tobias Grassmann
10/2013 Conference paper: Kants Kritik der Urteilskraft und die Möglichkeit einer Naturethik,
at the Conference Praktische Philosophie? organized by Dr. Gunter Graf, Dr. Martina
Schmidhuber, Dr. Gottfried Schweiger, Dr. Michael Zichy at University of Salzburg, Austria.
09/2016 Conference paper: Menschenwürdeverletzungen durch die Medizin- und Bioethik? at
the annual conference of the Academy for Ethics in Medicine (AEM) in Bielefeld.
Conference Organization
28.09. - 02.10.2015 BMBF-Summer School Pluripotent stem cells. Scientific practice of stem
cell research: ethical, legal and social aspects and discourses (together with Prof. Dr. Arne
Manzeschke) at Studienhaus Gut Schönwag in Wessobrunn, Bavaria.
24.-25.11.2014 Conference Bioethik im Diskurs at Evangelische Akademie Tutzing (together
with Prof. Dr. Arne Manzeschke and in cooperation with Pfr. Frank Kittelberger and Prof. Dr.
DDr.h.c. Ulrich Körtner)
Language Skills
German (native speaker)
English, Italian, French (fluent)
Spanish (good command)
Ancient Greek (M.A. Minor)
Latin (Small Latinum)