Fall 2005 - AATG Maryland


Fall 2005 - AATG Maryland
DC Metro
Building Bridges for Future Partnerships
Fall 2005
Deborah McGee Mifflin, President •Johns Hopkins University, 3400 N. Charles St, Baltimore, MD
21218 • 410-516-7592 • E-mail: [email protected] http://www.marylandnovadc.aatg.org
Liebe Kolleginnen!
Liebe Kollegen!
Zwar ist der Sommer, aber noch nicht das „Year of Languages“ vorbei.
Vielmehr liegen die besten Monaten noch vor uns! Vor allem freuen wir uns
sehr, dass die nationale ACTFL/AATG Konferenz dieses Jahr direkt vor unserer
Tür tagt. Wir freuen uns, viele vertraute Gesichter in den Räumlichkeiten in
Baltimore und beim AATG Awards Banquet zu sehen. Denkt auch daran, bei dem
AATG-Kiosk vorbeizuschauen.
Um die positive Energie der Ferienzeit gleich anzuzapfen, bieten wir einen
vielversprechenden Immersion Workshop zum Thema „Gedächtnistraining“ vom 21.
bis 23. Oktober in Washington, DC an. Schickt eure Registrierung noch heute
Viele andere Veranstaltungen sind für die kommenden Monaten geplant, wie Ihr
im Verantstaltungskalender sehen könnt. Macht mit, bleibt Deutsch fit!
Mit herzlichen Grüßen und besten Wünschen für ein produktives und
erfolgreiches akademisches Jahr!
Deborah McGee Mifflin
Gedächtnistraining mit Horst Sperber.
Immersion Weekend
21 – 23. Oktober, 2005
Goethe Institut
Washington, DC
Memotechniken, Chunking, Eselsbrücken,
Lernstrategien. Darum geht es in den Workshops
von Horst Sperber. Er zeigt den Teilnehmern, wie
sie mit allen Sinnen das Gedächtnis anregen und
das Gelernte festigen können. In diesem Workshop
wird das Gedächtnistraining mit der Thematik
Deutsch als Fremdsprache veknüpft.
Um einen Einblick in Horst Sperbers
Arbeitsmethode zu bekommen und um zu sehen, was
er mit uns im Workshop trainieren wird, schaut
mal auf folgende Seite: http://www.iskhannover.de/Forum/10_doz6.htm
Invitation and Registration for 2005 Immersion Weekend
Friday, October 21, 5pm to Sunday, October 23, 11am
The Maryland/DC Metro AATG-Chapter and the Goethe-Institut Washington invite you to an Immersion
Weekend at the Goethe Institute in Washington, DC from Friday, October 21 to Sunday, October 23,
2005. The topic of the workshop is:
Gedächtnistraining mit Horst Sperber
The cost of the workshop is $60.00 ($40.00 for graduate students and student teachers) and includes
all meals and materials. The Goethe Institute will cover the cost for 2 nights’ accommodation, double
occupancy. There is a surcharge of $25.00 per person, per night for a single room. Please add $50.00
to the registration fee if you wish to have a single room, and indicate this on the registration form. To
register, please complete the registration form below and return by October 1, 2005. Please make
check payable to AATG - MD.
The workshop will be limited to 30 participants on a first-come, first-served basis. To be
eligible to register for this workshop, you must be a current member of the AATG. To
renew your membership, visit http://www.aatg.org.
Fill out registration form, check appropriate box, include a check payable to AATG-MD and
send to:
Goethe-Institut Washington
Attn.: AATG Immersion Weekend
814 Seventh St., NW, Washington, D.C. 20001
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2005 Immersion Weekend at Goethe Institute, Washington (October 21-23, 2005)
I would like to attend. Enclosed is a check made payable to AATG-MD for:
( ) $60.00 (double room)
( ) $40.00 student
( ) $60.00 (no hotel needed)
( ) $110.00 (for single room; 2 nights)
Tel:....................................................................... Fax: .................................................
This invitation and registration is also online at http://www.marylandnovadc.aatg.org
Other News & Announcements
Congratulations to the German Society of Maryland and to Deborah McGee
Mifflin, Johns Hopkins University, for being awarded the AATG Friend of
German and the AATG/Goethe Institut Certificate of Merit respectively. The
GSM and Deborah will be honored this year in Baltimore! Consider joining in
the festivities at the AATG Luncheon on Saturday, November 19, 2005.
MD-AATG Listserve. Make sure you are receiving our updates by email, contact
Maureen Helinski: [email protected]
Wir sprechen
24. – 25. September
*College Immersion Weekend* 30 students and AATG
members will convene for a weekend of fun and games
auf Deutsch! Check out the website afterwards for a
full report and photos...
[email protected]
24. September:
Deadline for T-Shirt Design
October 18, 2005, Westminster, Maryland
*German-American Day at McDaniel College*
Mohamed Esa: [email protected]
New Event! New Event! High School & College Students!
German-American Day DC Volunteer Project.
Help beautify the German-American Friendship Garden
Thursday, October 6, 2005 1:00 – 4:00pm
Constitution Ave. & 16th St.at the Washington Monument
Contact: Janet Koster, United German-American
Committee of the USA; [email protected]
1. October: Registration Deadline
21. – 23. October, Goethe Institut, Washington, DC
Teacher Immersion Weekend: Gedächtnistraining
November 19, 2005, Towson University
*Annual Awards Dinner, German Society of Maryland*
Contact Maureen Helinski for AATG Reduced Rate Table
November 18 - 20, 2005
*ACTFL 2005 Conference*
Baltimore, Maryland
New Teacher Recruitment continues. The first 10 new-teacher members will
receive a free year's membership in the AATG compliments of our chapter.
The best way to mentor a new teacher is to tell them about the great
support network offered through the AATG. If you know of a new teacher
(entered the profession within the last three years) who is not yet a
member, do your part and recruit him or her and the Maryland / DC Metro
chapter will pay their first year of dues (at the $30.00 level)!.
New Teacher Recruitment Form
New Teacher:
Recruiting Member: _________________________________________
I am a new teacher of German at _____________________________(School)
since _________________________(Date of Hire)
I have enclosed the membership form for AATG (download from
I have enclosed a check for $ _______
of membership
for additional options
Please mail this form and your AATG membership form to
c/o Jody Washburn Christophe, Treasurer
11009 Apple Orchard Ct.
Laurel, MD 20723
This offer limited to the first 10 respondents!
Second Round
Attention Teachers! Here is a great way to motivate your students.
Please participate and make our chapter proud!
Poster Theme: Why learn German?
This contest is open to K-12 German students in the US
Posters should be no larger than 23 x 34 inches and no smaller than 8 ½ x 11 inches.
Posters may use any 2-D media that is not copyrighted.
Posters will be judged in three categories in the Maryland / DC Metro Chapter
Elementary (K- 5 or 6)
Middle School/Jr. High (6 or 7 - 8 or 9)
High School (9 or 10 - 12)
Winning posters and their designers will be honored with a Certificate and a Prize.
Chapter Winners will be submitted to the National Poster Contest and winners will be
announced at the AATG Annual Meeting in Baltimore in November 2005.
Submission Guidelines:
Submissions must include the name of the student, level of German, school name, teacher
name, grade level, and teacher contact information.
Submission to the local chapter of AATG can be electronic (e.g., a picture of the poster, or an eposter), or an actual artifact.
Submit to: Deborah McGee Mifflin, Chapter President, 9414 St. Andrews Way, Silver Spring,
MD 20901, [email protected]
Submissions become the property of the AATG and may be used for promotional purposes (Tshirt designs, showcased on website, etc.).
Board of Directors
Deborah McGee Mifflin, Johns Hopkins University
Vice-President & Membership
Carolyn Ostermann-Healey, Robinson Secondary School
Margaret Mullens, Gallaudet University
Jody Washburn Christophe, River Hill High School
Testing Chair
Dorothy Louks, Century High School
Newsletter Editor
Maureen Helinski, Anne Arundel Community College
Hal Boland, Heritage High School
Sally Cranston, Woodrow Wilson High School
Mohamed Esa, McDaniel College
Haley Crittenden Gordon, Lee High School / Key Middle School
Katrina Griffin, North County High School
Kerstin Hopkins, German School Washington, DC (GLC)
Uta Larkey, Goucher College
Ulrich Levi-Goerlich, Jefferson Junior High School
Shirley Santora, Chesapeake High School
Margaret Mullens, Gallaudet Univeristy
Mary Upman, McDaniel College
Sarah Zaniello, Lake Braddock Secondary School
Building Bridges for Future Partnerships
Maureen Helinski, Newsletter Editor
22 Glenmore Ave.
Baltimore, MD 21206
FALL 2005