xvii century historical european martial arts : a


xvii century historical european martial arts : a
Benjamin Conan
LAST UPDATE : 15/08/ 2012
Johann Georg Paschen [Pasch / Pasche / Pascha / Passchen] (16281678), is mostly known in the HEMA world for his treatise on the art of
wrestling, republished in the XXth century by Weinmann, and translated
to english by Dr Eli Steenput in 2000, very early in the recent rediscovery
of western martial arts. Although a fascinating reading, this treatise is
nothing but a fragment of the master’s work, and it would be a shame to
overlook the rest of his legacy of sources.
I propose here a briefly commented recapitulative of his writings related
to HEMA. There are other period works attributed to the same Paschen
about dancing, legal issues, philosophy or even cooking, but I won’t 1(©HERZOG
mention them here. A more extensive biography and exhaustive BIBLIOTHEK WOLFENBÜTTEL)
bibliography will be the object of further research.
1657 - Kurze Unterrichtung belangend die pique die Fahne, den Jägerstock,. Das Voltesiren,
das Ringen, das Fechten auf den Stoss und Hieb, und endlich das Trincieren verferrigts
Published in Wittenberg by Melchior Oelschlegel, Reprinted en 1658 et 1659 by Christian Guth in
Hamburg under the same title
Link to the 1659 version : http://diglib.hab.de/wdb.php?dir=drucke/hn-198
The book is written in german, without illustrations and treats various topics from the use of spear,
flags, hunter’s stick, voltige ( some sort of acrobatic gymnastics practiced on a horse or on a table),
wrestling, cut & thrust fencing…. And cooking.
1659 - Kurtze doch Gründliche Unterrichtung den Pique, den Trillens in der Pique, die Fahne
des Jägerstocks, Trincieren, Fechtens auf den Stoss und auf den Hieb.
Published in Osnabrück.
An exemplar is located in the Württembergische Landesbibliothek in Stuttgart. Considering the title
and the publication date, chances are the information it contains can be found in the previously
mentioned treatise, or in later works.
1659 - Vollständiges Ring-Buch, darinnen angewiesen wird wie man adversarium recht sol
angreiffen sich loss machen die Schläge pariren, unterschiedene Lectiones und die ContraLectiones darauff machen
Reprinted in 1663 et 1665
This is the work mentioned in the introduction. It is widely known, and have been studied,
commented and practices by numerous contemporary groups.
Though, studies publicly shared online before this bibliography came up usually miss the fact that
the 1659 edition scan and its translation are but 3 of an 8 sections manual.
Partial translation by Eli Steenput :
1663 scan : http://resolver.sub.uni-goettingen.de/purl?PPN609547615
Transcription : https://dl.dropbox.com/u/18927715/JGPaschen_Ringen_1663.pdf
Translation : http://dl.dropbox.com/u/18927715/JGPaschen_Ringen_1663_EN.pdf
1660 - Kurtze iedoch deutliche Beschreibung Des Pique-Spielens/ wie auch Des Trillens auf
der Pique
Published in Leipzig by Fuhrmann, in Halle by Melchior Oelschlegel
Short instruction to the plays and drills of the spear. A short illustrated treatise.
1660- Kurtze Anleitung des Jägerstocks oder Halbe Pique
Plays of the hunting stick (the french « baston à deux bouts). Matt Gallas and Maxime Chouinard
mentioned this source on Schola Gladiatoria and SFI online forums. The weapon described may
have had an influence on the later French bâton de Joinville.
Published in Halle by Tietze
on Google Books :
1660den Tisch.
Gymnastics exercises on horse and table.
1661 - Kurze, jedoch deutliche Beschreibung handelnd vom Fechten auf den Stoss und Hieb
Published in Francfort.
Reprinted in 1664 in Halle
Reprinted in 1666 1667 and 1678
Located in the Württembergische Landesbibliothek in Stuttgart.
A 1666 edition is kept in the National Swedish Library in Stockholm, and a microfilm in the library
of the University of California
This book describes a system of fencing “with cuts and thrusts".
1661 - Deutliche Beschreibung Von der Fahne : In Sechs Spielen abgetheilet ; Wie selbige
zierlich geschwungen/ nebst denen Tritten / wie viel derselben zu iedweder Lection gemacht
werden müssen
Printed by Beckenstein in Gerlach, and by Verster in Halle
1661 - 84 Fahnen Lectiones, wie selbige zierlich geschwungen, nebst denen Tritten, wie niet
derselben zu jedweder Lection gemacht werden müssen
84 illustrated lessons on the flag.
1666- Vollstandige Fecht-Ring-und Voltigier-Kunst
Printed by Johann Simon Fickens and Johann Polÿcarp Seubolds.
Reprinted in 1667,1673 and 1683. A 1667 edition is kept in the public library in NYC, and another
in the library of the University of Syracuse.
Warning : This is an incomplete digitization.
It is described as a compilation of the Kurtze iedoch deutliche Beschreibung, handlend vom Fechten
auf den Stosz und Hieb from 1661 , the
-Buch and the
Tisch, already listed above.
1667 - Deutliche Beschreibung von dem Exerciren in der Musquet und Pique, wie auch von
dem Baston a deux Bous, Jägerstock
Published in Halle, Sachs
Warning : This is an incomplete digitization.
1669 - Kurtze Anleitung wie der Baston à deux bous, Jägerstock, oder halbe Pique oder
Springestock wie ihn etliche nennen, eigentlich zugebrauchen und was von Lectiones darauff
Published in Halle, Sachs by Christian Vestern
Reprinted in Leipzig in 1670 by Friedrich Arnsten under the title : Kurtze Anlejdung wie der
Baston à deux bous das ist Jaegerstock, halbe Pique oder Springe-Stock eigentlich zu
gebrauchen und was vor Lectiones darauff seyn
1672 - Deutliche Beschreibung von dem Exerciren in der Musquete und Pique in vier Theil
abgetheilet -Déclaration ponctuelle de l'exercice du mousquet et de la pique
Reprinted in 1673
A treatise translated into French, kept in the Bibliothèque Nationale de France.
1673- Deutliche Beschreibung Unterschiedener Fahnen-Lectionen : In Acht Spiel eingetheilet/
Nebst dem Piquen-Spiel/ Pertuisan und halben Piquen/ oder Jägerstock
Leçons au drappeau divisées en huit jeux en suite de jeu de la pique, de la pertuisane et demy-pique
ou de baston à deux bouts
Printed by Melchior Oelschlegel
A very interesting treatise, printed on two columns, one in German, the other in French and
presents a serie of plays for the spear, two-ended stick (facetious minds won’t miss the irony of
such a name), partisan, spear and sword etc…
In the same manner as in his other works on Pique, stick and flag, there are, in the exercises an
esthetic dimension more than a martial one. They are believably intended for parade and a
demonstration of ability instead of being a proper training for combat. Nonetheless, Paschen
mentions explicitly the utility of his strikes, positions and slides with the stick for defense against
several opponents armed with swords. The picture on the page next to his portrait, at the beginning
of the book illustrates brilliantly this purpose.
A treatise on military fortifications.
1666 – Deutliche Beschreibung, Von dem Exerciren in der Mußquet In drey Theil abgetheilet,
Als, 1. Wie man die Mußquet zierlich loßschiessen, und geschwinde wiederumb laden soll, 2.
Vom dem Exercitio mit dem Troppe oder Compagnie, 3. Vom dem Exercitio mit der
Compagnie oder Regiment im Chargire
Reprinted in 1667
A treatise on the training of soldiers to the use of musket.
1687 - Le Parfait Capitaine d'Infanterie, ou l'Exercise de l'infanterie, comme il est à present en
usage tant en France qu'en Alemagne, et comme méme sa Majesté tres chretienne fait
exercer ses troupes
A work by Johann Kelp for military exercise of troops, contains one of Paschen’s treatise.
It is possible that, despite my efforts this list remains incomplete. I may have missed an occasional
reedition, and I did’nt made a census of every known exemplar of each treatise (a demanding task,
pretty much worthless nowadays, given the quality and accessibility of online search engines). I am
nonetheless sure that it is the most exhaustive and precise list of the HEMA-related works by the
Exercierenmeister freely shared online.
The two most important pieces added to the puzzle are, in my opinion the 1659 Kurze
Unterrichtung and the 1673 Lessons. Fencing enthusiasts will probably be interested in obtaining a
digitized version of the 1661 lessons.
This list would'nt be complete without the efforts of Olivier Dupuis (HEMAC), who had some of
these manuals digitized, and contributed to complete this document.
Many thanks to Michael Chidester (HEMAAlliance, Wiktenauer) for making these reasearchs more
widely available.
Benjamin Conan, 2012, [email protected]
Texte CC BY-NC-SA http://creativecommons.org/licenses/
Toutes images © Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel
Arte Dimicatoria, Montréal : http://www.arte.ca.cx
De Taille et d’Estoc, Dijon : http://www.detailleetdestoc.com