Reservationform for guests of the University Bremen


Reservationform for guests of the University Bremen
Reservationform for guests of
the University Bremen
Please use this form only after reservation by phone or email.
Registration for
 Gästehaus Teerhof
 Gästehaus Lise-Meitner-Str.
Auf dem Teerhof 58
Lise-Meitner-Str. 5
Personal data
Mrs.  / Mr.  / Prof.  / Dr. ........ 
Surname....................................................................................... First name ..............................................................
Home address ...............................................................................................................................................................
EMail: ........................................................................................... Phone/Fax ..............................................................
Which room has been reserved? Number ______
The guest speaks
Does the guest bring a partner or children? Partner  yes  no
 German
 English
Child(ren)  yes, _____  no
Period of stay (mm/dd/yyyy) from ____________________ to ____________________
Does the guest pay by her-/himself?  yes  no
If not, please give us name of the project or institution and the university digit-code.
Invoice adressed to:
8 digit-code for accounts of the Univ. Bremen
Important, fill out strictly!
Who invited the guest ?
Please give the name of the institute, the responsible person for the project and the telephone-number; if known
also name & telephone-number of the secretary
I agree with the conditions of the rental agreement at the guesthouse of the University of Bremen and confirm that
my stay is job-related and for offical purposes only (see
Date and place,
Please do NOT write below this line
Raum für interne Vermerke :
Peter Schmeling (Gästehaus, Verwaltung)
Tel. (0421) 95938-67 Fax: (0421) 95938-68
E-mail: [email protected]