

New Methods towards the synthesis of beta-amino acids
Weiner, Barbara
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Weiner, B. (2009). New Methods towards the synthesis of beta-amino acids [Groningen]: University of
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So, I guess that’s it. As much as I have been complaining about the weather, the food,
the flatness...I wouldn’t want to miss the time in Groningen with all of you! If Groningen
were in the mountains, it would be the perfect place...I had a great time during these four
years. Thank you everybody!
First, I would like to thank Ben, for taking on and guiding me as a PhD student, for
suggesting great ideas, for your enthousiasm, and most of all for creating this friendly
and social atmosphere in your group. A big thank-you goes to Adri: you are always
willing to give useful and practical (!) suggestions. And Dick, I thank you for the
collaboration and the corrections of this manuscript. Gerrit, I am grateful for our
collaboration, thanks for correcting chapter 2. Thanks also for teaching me how to purify
an enzyme. Thanks to all the people I collaborated with: Alejandro for working with me
on the Wacker oxidations, Thomas for finishing the coordination studies, Wiktor and Wu
for the PAM project, Hans for our collaboration on the MAL project, Toon for giving me
compounds for the conjugate addition project, and Gerrit for working on the AspB
project. Thanks to all the people of the analytical department, especially Theodora (GC
and HPLC), Pieter, Renee and Klaas (NMR), and F. van Assema and M. Boesten (DSM,
To the reading committee, Jan Engberts, Kurt Faber and Floris Rutjes, thanks for the fast
reading of the manuscript and the helpful suggestions. I am glad that you are attending
the defense ceremony.
I don’t know how to start thanking all my friends and colleagues. If I try to name you all,
I’m sure to forget half of you...Thanks to my labmates, office-mates and friends, Chris
and Ewold, for the good time, all the computer assistance, chocolate and cake!
Organizing the workweek with you, Arnold and Tim, was a great experience and, I
guess, a huge success. Gabor, thanks for climbing with me, climbing is the best
distraction from everything! I will always remember the countless borrels, parties,
workweeks, bbq’s, thai-, spanish-, german-, indian- and dutch dinners, special thanks to
Maggy and Alex, Nop (your thai-food is amazing, thanks for your friendship, I will see
you in Thailand), Tatiana, Miriam, Richard, Jet (I don’t think your thai-food is too
spicy), Tim, Chris (lekker ovendishes), Nuria and Johan, Erik, Nathalie and Tibor, Tati,
Bea, Lachlan, Tony, Greg and Angela, Koen and Aurora...To my labmates over the last
four years: it was a nice atmosphere in our lab, only the music...Maggy, Lubi and Tati, I
will miss you girls a lot! Christoph, wann grillen wir endlich wieder? Thanks, Tina and
Tim, for being my paranymphs.
My friends, freakfriends and friends of the freakfriends, Freiburg wird immer meine
Heimat bleiben. Die Zeit war einfach so schön mit Euch. Ich freue mich jedes Jahr auf
die gemeinsame Silvesterparty und auf zahlreiche Besuche in Freiburg, Heidelberg,
Darmstadt, Berlin, München und (irgendwann auch) Oslo. Vielen Dank Euch allen:
Axel, Daniel, Dirk, Grazyna, Inga, Julia, Michael, Philipp, Sebastian, Tina und Tini.
Stephi, wir sind schon seit fast 20 Jahren Freunde, herzlichen Dank; ich wünsche Dir im
neuen Lebensabschnitt alles Gute. Maria, ich wünsche Dir viel Glück, wo auch immer
Du landen wirst…Keep up climbing!
Ich bedanke mich sehr herzlich bei meiner Familie, insbesondere meiner Mutter,
Lobecks und Mechthild und Herbert für all Eure Liebe und Unterstützung. Es stimmt
mich sehr traurig, daß mein Vater dies nicht mehr mit uns erleben kann. Mama, ohne
Dich wäre mein Studium niemals möglich gewesen, Danke, ich haben Dich sehr lieb. A
big thank you to the Pollard family, soon I will be closer.
Mike, the last words are for you: thanks for who you are and for being there when I
needed you. I am looking forward to be with you in your country.
No great genious has ever existed without some touch of madness.

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