Covered Bonds in Europa - Rechtsvergleich und Besonderheiten
Covered Bonds in Europa - Rechtsvergleich und Besonderheiten
Gliederung 1. Marktanteile der einzelnen Covered Bond-Systeme 2. Transparenz der Rechtsstrukturen von Covered Bonds? 3. Covered Bond - Modelle in Europa 4. Pfandbriefgesetz 5. Round Table Covered Bond Legislation 6. Challenges to legal structure of Covered Bond issuers 7. Zusammenfassung 2. LBS-Round Table, DekaBank, Frankfurt, 12.12.2012 2 1. Marktanteile der einzelnen Covered Bond-Systeme Die Marktanteile der einzelnen Covered Bond-Länder in Europa am EU-Covered-Bond-Markt (Stand Ende 2011): 2.622 Mrd. € Portugal 33,68 1,28% Niederlande 54,24 2,07% Luxemburg 26,7 1,02% Griechenland 19,75 0,75% Finnland 18,76 0,72% Tschechien 8,55 0,33% Zypern 5,20 0,20% Ungarn 5,18 0,20% Österreich 39,77 1,52% Slowakei 3,77 0,144% Irland 61,77 2,36% Polen 0,64 0,0244% Italien 63,77 2,43% Lettland 0,04 0,001% Schweiz 71,88 2,74% Deutschland 585,99 22,35% Norwegen 95,61 3,65% Großbritannien 198,44 7,57% Spanien 401,86 15,33% Zum Vergleich: Canada: 38,61 Mrd. USA: 9,54 Mrd. 2. LBS-Round Table, DekaBank, Frankfurt, 12.12.2012 Schweden 208,89 7,97% Dänemark 351,53 13,41% Frankreich 366,00 13,96% (Quelle: ECBC – 23.8.2012) 3 1. Marktanteile der einzelnen Covered Bond-Systeme Öffentliche Covered Bonds in der EU im Vergleich zu Hypotheken-Covered Bonds (Ende 2011, in Mrd. EUR) 100% 90% 80% 70% LV 0,037 PL 0,53 SK 3,77 HU 5,18 CY 5,20 CZ 8,55 AUT 12,55 FIN 18,76 GR 19,75 IRL 30,01 P 32,28 IT 50,77 NL 54,24 CH 71,88 NOR 91,85 F 198,40 S 208,89 50% D 223,68 20% UK 3,66 IT UK 194,78 30% 0,11 1,40 NOR 3,76 60% 40% PL P DK 345,53 13,00 LUX 26,70 AUT 27,22 IRL 31,76 ES 32,66 F 77,84 D 355,67 ES 369,21 10% 0% Hypotheken-Covered Bonds (1.945,83 Mrd.) 2. LBS-Round Table, DekaBank, Frankfurt, 12.12.2012 Öffentliche Covered Bonds (573,77 Mrd.) (Quelle: EHV – 23.8.2012) 4 1. Marktanteile der einzelnen Covered Bond-Systeme Ausgewählte Covered Bond - Swap Spreads 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Mortgage Pfandbrief Public Pfandbrief Spain Covered Single Sweden Covered France Covered Legal Norway Covered Aug. 12 Mai. 12 Feb. 12 Nov. 11 Aug. 11 Mai. 11 Feb. 11 Nov. 10 Aug. 10 Mai. 10 Feb. 10 Nov. 09 Aug. 09 Mai. 09 Feb. 09 Nov. 08 Aug. 08 -100 UK Covered • u Quelle: iBoxx; LBBW Pfandbrief behauptet die Benchmark Position im Covered Bond Markt 2. LBS-Round Table, DekaBank, Frankfurt, 12.12.2012 5 1. Marktanteile der einzelnen Covered Bond-Systeme Pfandbrief Umlauf 1990 – 2011 (Mrd €) 1200 1000 800 859 600 827 706 760 586 721 563 579 537 400 200 412 356 329 400 295 250 164 195 247 261 250 228 227 228 230 234 130 227 119 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2011*) 2012e) 0 Hypothekenpfandbriefe Öffentliche Pfandbriefe Quelle: Deutsche Bundesbank, *) vorläufiger Ansatz, e) vdp-Prognose u • Konsolidierung am Pfandbriefmarkt spiegelt Absatztrend Stabiler Hypothekenpfandbrief Öffentlicher Pfandbrief nimmt ab 2. LBS-Round Table, DekaBank, Frankfurt, 12.12.2012 6 2. Transparenz der Rechtsstrukturen von Covered Bonds? Transparency Who is the issuer? Covered Bond markets Legal structure of Covered Bonds Legal nature of cover pool Insolvency segregation of cover assets Cover pools Insolvency “remoteness” of Covered Bonds Timely payment in issuer’s insolvency All clearly and in detail answered by parliamentary legislation? Contractual structures publicly disclosed? Legal opinions / legal memoranda published? 2. LBS-Round Table, DekaBank, Frankfurt, 12.12.2012 7 2. Transparenz der Rechtsstrukturen von Covered Bonds? cover pool asset quality Covered Bond issuer central bank counterparty eligibility = 1.Credit institution (banking license) 2.Solvent (no insolvency procedure) 3.Ability to act (staff, equipment) in the moment of relevant insolvency (issuer / parent bank) 2. LBS-Round Table, DekaBank, Frankfurt, 12.12.2012 cover asset segregation not part of insolvency estate ? insolvency law not applicable ? Insolvency administrator or separate CB administrator ? insolvency remoteness of Covered Bonds Bail-in bank resolution Acceleration excluded ? timely payment in issuer’s insolvency - Maturity mismatches? - Liquidity buffer? - Soft bullet CBs? - central bank counterparty eligibility? 8 2. Transparenz der Rechtsstrukturen von Covered Bonds? 2. LBS-Round Table, DekaBank, Frankfurt, 12.12.2012 9 2. Transparenz der Rechtsstrukturen von Covered Bonds? 2. LBS-Round Table, DekaBank, Frankfurt, 12.12.2012 10 2. Transparenz der Rechtsstrukturen von Covered Bonds? 2. LBS-Round Table, DekaBank, Frankfurt, 12.12.2012 11 3. Covered Bond - Modelle in Europa Geographische Übersicht zur Gesetzgebung über Covered Bonds in Europa (Stand: Juni 2012) 2008 Gesetzgebung in EU/EWRLändern 2000/ 2010 2006 2003 28 2004 1998 1851/2007 2002/ 2007 2008 2008 2012 33 2003 1900/2005 Gesetzgebung in sonstigen Staaten 1998 1997 2006 1995 1996 1999/2010 1931 2005 2006 5 2005 2006 1997 2006 2008 2010 1981/2007 2000 2007 2007 2010 2. LBS-Round Table, DekaBank, Frankfurt, 12.12.2012 12 3. Covered Bond - Modelle in Europa Covered Bond issuer is a completely specialised funding institute: Model 1 France, Ireland, Norway parent bank transfer of eligible assets Origination and servicing of eligible assets and management of Covered Bond issuing institute by parent bank or other parent institution Funding institute has no other function than holding (or mainly holds) eligible assets acquisition of eligible assets Covered Bond Issuer Issuer has the legal status of a credit institution Issuance governed by special legal framework payment of principle and interest Issuer has no or almost no staff investor purchase of Covered Bonds 2. LBS-Round Table, DekaBank, Frankfurt, 12.12.2012 Decisive = insolvency segregation of CB issuer from parent bank CB issuer capable of acting in spite of insolvency of parent bank? 28.6.2011 13 3. Covered Bond - Modelle in Europa Covered Bond issuer is specialized credit institution by law: Model 2 Denmark, Hungary, Luxemburg, Poland Covered Bond issuer borrowers payment of principal and interest grants loans non-eligible assets payment of principal and interest investors eligible assets purchase of Covered Bonds Issuer originates, services and funds eligible and non-eligible business Loan origination restricted by law to mortgages and public-sector loans Issuer has the legal status of a credit institution Issuance governed by special legal framework Decisive = insolvency segregation of cover assets from insolvency estate 2. LBS-Round Table, DekaBank, Frankfurt, 12.12.2012 14 3. Covered Bond - Modelle in Europa Covered Bond issuer is universal credit institution Model 3 - with qualified Covered Bond license: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Finland, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Latvia, Russia, Slovenia, Sweden - without qualified license: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Slovakia Covered Bond issuer payment of principal and interest non-eligible assets payment of principal and interest eligible assets borrowers grants loans purchase of Covered Bonds investors Issuer originates, services and funds eligible and non-eligible business Strict eligibility criteria apply to eligible cover assets Issuance governed by special legal framework 12.10.2012 Decisive = insolvency segregation of cover assets from insolvency estate 2. LBS-Round Table, DekaBank, Frankfurt, 12.12.2012 15 3. Covered Bond - Modelle in Europa Covered Bond issuer is using SPV to achieve insolvency segregation of cover assets: Italy, Netherlands, UK transfer of assets Covered Bond issuer purchase of assets Model 4 legally separated company • Covered Bond issuer (credit institution) originates, services and funds eligible & non-eligible loans • Transfer of assets onto legally separated entity (SPV without the legal status of a credit institution) payment of principal and interest purchase of Covered Bonds investors • Legally separated entity guarantees payment of principal and interest • If insolvency segregation not governed by special legal framework but based on general law: Special public supervision covering legal structure ? Legal structure disclosed in detail to public? 2. LBS-Round Table, DekaBank, Frankfurt, 12.12.2012 16 3. Covered Bond - Modelle in Europa Covered Bond - Pooling Models: Austria, France (CRH), Switzerland mortgage borrowers Model 5 member banks / originators payment of principal and interest Covered Bond Issuer loans to member banks eligible loans to clients 2. LBS-Round Table, DekaBank, Frankfurt, 12.12.2012 investors purchase of Covered Bonds 2 parts of cover assets 28.9.2011 17 4. Pfandbriefgesetz u • • • • Pfandbrief ist Bankschuldverschreibung, Deckungswerte bleiben auf der Bilanz Hohe Qualitätsstandards für Deckungswerte Permanente Kontrolle der hohen Qualität durch Treuhänder und Aufsicht Besondere Aufsicht über Pfandbriefbanken durch BaFin: Laufende Aufsicht Deckungsprüfung 2. LBS-Round Table, DekaBank, Frankfurt, 12.12.2012 18 4. Pfandbriefgesetz Detaillierte Insolvenzregeln: Strenges Trennungsprinzip zugunsten der Investoren Insolvenzverwalter Insolvenz des Emittenten Pfandbriefbank Sonstige Assets Sonstige Assets u Gläubiger Sonstige Gläubiger Sachwalter Hypothekendarlehen Hypothekendarlehen Hypothekenpfandbriefe Forderungen gegen öffentl. Schuldner Forderungen gegen öffentliche Schuldner Öffentliche Pfandbriefe Schiffsdarlehen Schiffsdarlehen Schiffspfandbriefe Flugzeugdarlehen Flugzeugdarlehen Flugzeugpfandbriefe • • • • jeweils Pfandbriefbank mit beschränkter Geschäftstätigkeit keine vorzeitige Fälligkeit von Pfandbriefen Pfandbriefe und Deckungsmassen werden nicht Teil der Insolvenzmasse Bankerlaubnis bleibt erhalten für jeweilige Pfandbriefbank mit beschränkter Geschäftstätigkeit Sachwalter 2. LBS-Round Table, DekaBank, Frankfurt, 12.12.2012 19 Round Table on Covered Bond Legislation 5. Round Table Covered Bond Legislation Working Guidelines for Round Table on Covered Bond Legislation • Round Table (RT) = independent think tank and provider of information • RT provides internal quality measures via country reports and sound and reliable working procedure • transparency via publication of charts and country reports • regular updates 20 Round Table on Covered Bond Legislation 20 Round Table on Covered Bond Legislation Countries covered in comparative analysis Country Austria Denmark Existing types of Covered Bonds Pfandbrief – HypBG Pfandbrief – PfandBG Fundierte Bankschuldverschreibung – FBSchVG Pfandbriefstelle - Pfandbriefe RO SDRO specialised bank SDO specialised / non-specialised bank Types of Covered Bonds included in slides Pfandbrief Pfandbrief only chapter VII.c. ? SDO + specialised bank obligations foncières obligations de financement de l’habitat CRH obligations foncières France Germany Hypothekenpfandbrief Öffentlicher Pfandbrief Schiffspfandbrief Flugzeugpfandbrief Hypothekenpfandbrief Öffentlicher Pfandbrief Hungary jelzaloglevel jelzaloglevel Luxembourg lettre de gage publique lettre de gage hypothécaire lettre de gage mobilière lettre de gage publique lettre de gage hypothécaire Poland hipoteczny list zastawny publiczny list zastawny hipoteczny list zastawny publiczny list zastawny Romania obligatiuni ipotecare obligatiuni ipotecare Russia облигация с ипотечным покрытием жилищная облигация с ипотечным покрытием облигация с ипотечным покрытием („банковская ипотечная облигация“) Spain cédulas hipotecarias cédulas territoriales bonos hipotecarios cédulas hipotecarias cédulas territoriales Switzerland Pfandbrief Pfandbrief Round Table on Covered Bond Legislation only chapter VII.c. 21 25.9.2012 21 Round Table on Covered Bond Legislation Contents amount of questions / slides 1. Covered Bond Legislation Overview 1 2. Covered Bond Models 12 3.a Cover assets for Mortgage Covered Bonds 10 3.b Cover assets for Public Sector Covered Bonds 13 3.c Cover assets for Covered Bonds with a mixed pool 11 4. Valuation of the Mortgage Cover Pool & LTV Criteria 22 5. Covered Bonds as securities 9 6. Asset-Liability Guidelines 31 7. Transparency 3 8. Cover Pool Banking Supervision and Monitor 16 9. Segregation of Cover Assets and Bankruptcy Remoteness 24 9.a Specific questions regarding Covered Bond model 1 3 9.b Specific questions regarding Covered Bond model 4 3 9.c Specific questions regarding Covered Bond model 5 13 10. Risk Weighting and Compliance with European Regulation 3 11. Commitment of Covered Bond Issuers 5 Total amount 22 179 13.11.2012 Round Table on Covered Bond Legislation 22 6. Challenges to legal structure of Covered Bond issuers Exclude bail-in insolvency remoteness of Covered Bonds Exclude acceleration ! - Complex legal provisions needed - SPV mortgage transfer ? - vehicle bank cover asset segregation not part of insolvency estate ? insolvency law not applicable ? Covered Bond issuer timely payment in issuer’s insolvency soft bullet CBs ? liquidity buffer central bank counterparty eligibility - credit institutions - solvent - ability to act in the moment of relevant insolvency (issuer/parent bank) derivatives with mother bank allowed ? - collateral / exit clauses Worldwide legal political conflict: deposits/senior unsecured vs. Covered Bonds Should CB issuer not be allowed to collect deposits from consumers ? Should there be a limit of CB volume or volume of encumbered assets in relation to balance sheet ? (sanctions?) 2. LBS-Round Table, DekaBank, Frankfurt, 12.12.2012 23 7. Zusammenfassung 1. Die Rechtsstrukturen der Covered Bonds in Europa sind sehr facettenreich. 2. Die Gesetze über Covered Bonds sind extrem unterschiedlich ausgeprägt – sowohl im Hinblick auf deren Inhalt als auch deren Regelungsdichte. 3. Bisher gibt es keine Veröffentlichungen, in denen die Rechtsunterschiede der Covered Bond-Systeme in Europa zufriedenstellend detailliert, transparent und leicht verständlich aufgezeigt werden. 4. Will man die insolvenzrechtliche Abschottung der Deckungswerte und den Schutz der Inhaber von Covered Bonds im Fall der Insolvenz eines Emittenten analysieren, muss man die jeweiligen Grundstrukturen der Covered Bond-Modelle beachten. 2. LBS-Round Table, DekaBank, Frankfurt, 12.12.2012 24 Association of German Pfandbrief banks (vdp) Fon +49 30 20915-210 Fax +49 30 20915-119 Dr. Otmar Stöcker @: stö[email protected] Homepage 2. LBS-Round Table, DekaBank, Frankfurt, 12.12.2012 25 2. LBS-Round Table, DekaBank, Frankfurt, 12.12.2012 26