Thailand - GRENZENLOS Volunteering


Thailand - GRENZENLOS Volunteering
Thailand (AIA-Programm)
Sehr vielfältige Betätigungsmöglichkeiten bei einer der Pionierorganisationen
für Freiwilligendienste in Südostasien
Das Programm ist offen für alle ab 18 Jahren
– Anmeldung mindestens 3 Monate vorher
Dauer: 4-30 Wochen
Erforderliche Kompetenzen:
Grundlegende Englischkenntnisse, Offenheit, Flexibilität,
Lernbereitschaft, Eigeninitiative, Teamfähigkeit
Projektarten: Pädagogische-, Sozial- und Bildungsprojekte,
sowie Umwelt- und Tierprojekte und Kulturkurse
Details ab S. 3!
Einsatzgebiete: Das Zentrum ist in Singburi (Zentralregion,
140km v. Bangkok); weiters Lopburi (nordöstl. v. Bangkok),
Umphang (S-Thailand), Wang Nam Khiao (NO-Thailand),
Mae Sot (W-Thailand), Koh Samet (Insel vor Rayong),
Wang Thong (SO-Phitsanulok), Chiang Rai (N-Thailand),
Vermittlung und Vorbereitung durch Grenzenlos:
Hilfe bei der Reiseorganisation, Seminartag und
Kontakt mit einem/einer Rückkehrer_in.
Eigenanreise, danach 1-wöchiges Orientierungsseminar. Unterkunft und Verpflegung bei Gastfamilien. Betreuung während des gesamten
Einsatzes. Nach der Rückkehr: Auswertung und
Returnee-Meeting durch Grenzenlos.
Programmkosten (€, incl. 30€ Anmeldegebühr):
verschieden, je nach Projekten (s.u.); empfohlen:
4 Wochen Standardprojekte
30 Wochen unterrichten
Inkludiert sind die o.g. Inhalte, nicht jedoch Flug,
Visum, Impfungen, Versicherung, persönl. Bedarf.
Kanchanaburi (W-Zentralregion)
Die Experience-Volunteering-Programme von Grenzenlos sind offen für alle zwischen 18 und 99 Jahren
– unabhängig von Vorkenntnissen und Erfahrungen.
AIA steht für „Active in Asia“. Die AIA-Programme
sind gut betreute Einstiegsprogramme für alle, die
erstmals einen kurzzeitigen Freiwilligendienst in
einer fremden Kultur planen. Ideal sind 1-3 Monate
(für langfristigere Einsätze siehe ICYE!). Den Einsatz
verrichtest Du in Deinem Projekt zumeist mit
anderen internationalen Volunteers, die Unterbringung erfolgt in Gemeinschaftsunterkünften.
AIA beruht auf Programm-Modulen: Jedes Partnerland hat eine Auswahl an interessanten Tätigkeiten
und ergänzenden Kursen, die Du selbst wochenweise zusammenstellen kannst. Du kannst auf diese
Art auch mehrere Länder kombinieren!
Grenzenlos– Interkultureller Austausch, Heiligenstädter Straße 2, 1090 Wien ■ Tel. 01/315 76 36 ■ [email protected] ■
Über Grenzenlos
So bist Du dabei
Grenzenlos ist ein gemeinnütziger österreichischer Verein,
der seit 1949 zusammen mit seinen Partnerorganisationen
Freiwilligenaustausch mit aller Welt organisiert. Ziel ist die
Förderung von Frieden, Toleranz und Völkerverständigung.
Seit 2009 engagiert sich Grenzenlos auch verstärkt für die
Inlandsarbeit durch Schulworkshops, Erwachsenenbildung
und integrative Programme.
Über die Partnerorganisation
Active in Asia wird durchgeführt von The Green Lion, einem
Netzwerk von Organisationen in verschiedenen asiatischen
Ländern, die sehr ähnliche Programme anbieten. Geachtet
wird auf gute persönliche Begleitung, wodurch die Activein-Asia-Programme auch für junge Leute empfehlenswert
sind, die erstmals auf eigene Faust unterwegs sind.
Die Mittelverwendung
1. Infos holen: Kläre alle offenen Fragen in einem persönlichen Info-Gespräch mit Grenzenlos ab. Terminvereinbarung je nach Standort per eMail:
[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected] oder [email protected] (Wien).
2. 2. Online-Anmeldung über
unter „fix anmelden“ bitte das Online-Formular ausfüllen.
Du kannst darin Land, Zeitraum, Tätigkeitsbereich und sonstige Wünsche angeben. Anmeldungen bitte bis 3 Monate
vor Ausreise! Spätere Anmeldungen werden entgegengenommen, aber ohne Garantie auf ein Vorbereitungsseminar.
3. 3. Vermittlung: Wir bitten Dich noch um eine Selbstbeschreibung für unsere Partnerorganisation. Die Zusage
erfolgt nach einigen Werktagen.
Grenzenlos berechnet als Non-Profit-Organisation die Gebühren auf Selbstkostenbasis. Bei Active in Asia werden pro
Person € 390,- für die Grenzenlos- Arbeit verwendet, € 40,für Überweisungskosten, und der Rest geht an The Green
Lion. Davon führen die Organisationen einerseits ihre Programme durch und entwickeln neue, andererseits finanzieren sie lokale Schulen und Kinderheime mit.
4. Vorbereitung: Dann erhältst Du
- eine offizielle Aufnahmebestätigung,
- die Einladung zu einem eintägigen Vorbereitungsseminar,
- Kontakt zu einem oder einer Rückkehrer_in,
- Tipps für die Reiseorganisation (Flug, Visum, Versicherung
und Impfungen) und
- ggf. Zusatz-Infos über Partnerorganisation und Projekt.
68 Mio. (18% unter 15 Jahren)
Größte Städte:
Bangkok (Hptst.) 6,3 Mio. Ew.,
Samut Prakan 380.000,
u.a Singburi 58.000
Thai 96%
Buddhist_innen 94%
Frauen 8%, Männer 4%
Frauen 78 Jahre, Männer 71
Mehr auf!
Grenzenlos– Interkultureller Austausch, Heiligenstädter Straße 2, 1090 Wien ■ Tel. 01/315 76 36 ■ [email protected] ■
Ort, Kosten
Koh Samet
This program has been specificaly desgined for participants who
wish to combine a volunteering experience with some leisure /
cultural experience. Participants on this program will get to choose
from a whole host of volunteering options. Two volunteering
placements will be selected, the duration of which will be 27weeks.
Additionally, 3 weeks will be spent traveling on a lesisure/culture
€ 2735,-
This program allows participants the chance to spend four weeks
on any of the following single volunteering placements:
€ 885,-
Orphanage Effort
Clay House Construction
School Placement - English Teaching
Caring for Disabled Children
The two local orphanages we support love to be visited by new and
friendly people! Besides teaching English on a non-formal basis,
this program also provides an opportunity for you to contribute
creatively in your renovation efforts, upgrading the school and
living standards for all the children. The children do their best to
show you their appreciation, this experience can be extremely
During the school holidays of Mid March to May, the children will
not be at the orphanage. During this period, the main activities will
be construction and renovation.
€ 125,- / Woche
Grenzenlos– Interkultureller Austausch, Heiligenstädter Straße 2, 1090 Wien ■ Tel. 01/315 76 36 ■ [email protected] ■
Clay houses are made fully out of natural resources, clay bricks and
wood. Building clay houses is becoming increasingly popular in
Thailand, not only because it is fun to build one but it is very
cooling to live in. It is quite a challenge that will test your
teamwork, creativity and is a great new experience!
€ 125,- / Woche
Give back to the local rural community and experience the loca
children by teaching in one of the many rural schools in Singburi.
Teach English, Physical Education, or try your hand at a bit of both!
€ 125,- / Woche
At this project you will be caring for children with a multitude of
disabilities such as; Down’s syndrome, cerebral palsy, autism,
growth disfigurements and deaf, blind and dumb children. You can
choose between working at the children’s center, and participating
in an outreach project. Participants at this project will also teach
light English to the adult staff at the center.
€ 125,- / Woche
Spezielle Module
This option is a great chance to learn more about Thailand, bond
with your fellow participants, and immerse in the local area.
€ 610,- (1 Woche)
(includiert alle
You will learn about Thai culture, Thai language and have a taste of
what has made Thai cooking so famous around the world through
some cooking classes. You will also visit the famous Buddhist
Temple: Wat Phra Non Jaksi Woravihan, the old capital of
Ayutthaya (including a visit to the Elephant Village), Lopburi's
monkey temple, museum and pagoda.
You will also have time to meet the local people, taste the food and
learn about Thai customs first hand!
wenn Du nicht
4 / 12 / 30 WochenProgramme machst
(dort ist eine
Einführung includiert)
Mae Sot
Halfway in-between a wildlife sanctuary and the jungle, the Gibbon
project offers the chance to see these intriguing creatures up close
and in the flesh. The Gibbons here have been rescued and are in
desperate need of love and affection. Additionally you will be
located in one of the most elegant, sparse and relaxed areas of
Thailand. Near to the boarder of Myanmar, the town of Mae Sot has
€ 250,- / Woche
Grenzenlos– Interkultureller Austausch, Heiligenstädter Straße 2, 1090 Wien ■ Tel. 01/315 76 36 ■ [email protected] ■
a mixture of Burmese, Thai, Karen and Chinese natives, giving it a
distinct flavour.
Wang Nam Khiao
This program provides a framework for participants to be involved
with local park rangers in preserving the spectacular natural
resources of the surrounding area. You'll be supported by a
Greenway coordinator how will assist you during your whole
program, servicing all your needs. Depending on the nature's
requirements the program can be packed with field work such as
tree planting, building pathways of fences, wildlife monitoring and
clearing waterways.
€ 250,- / Woche
Chiang Rai
One of our most diverse programs in one of the most beautiful € 250,- / Woche
spots in Thailand, this visit to Thailand's northern Hill Tribe
community will be hard to forget. The Akha people are a
disadvantaged minority in Thailand but have a distinct culture and
your time there will see to a new understanding and appreciation of
it. This program will have you immersed in the village, experiencing
a range of cultural activities and enjoying the surrounding fauna,
wildlife and tourist attractions, as well as helping out the local Akha
people through various means like teaching, gardening and light
This orphanage is situated in the town of Um Phang, near to the
Burmese boarder. Here you will experience the distinct opportunity
of teaching English and assisting in the development of some of
the world's poorest children.
€ 200,- / Woche
Situated slightly to the north-west of the central region of Thailand
is the historic town of Umphang. It’s incredible and breath-taking
surrounding mountain scenery, coupled with some of Thailand’s
finest lakes Umphang offers one the Thailand’s most spectacular
natural environment. The surrounding lime-stone cliffs which circle
the town add the sheer grand-scale impression which the place
offers. Here you will get to see Elephants in their natural habitat.
You will participate in riding, swimming and trekking with the
€ 250,- / Woche
Wang Thong
During this week, you’ll be able to help Mahouts in an Elephant
Sanctuary as they take care of their elephants and to join them for
€ 350,- / Woche
Grenzenlos– Interkultureller Austausch, Heiligenstädter Straße 2, 1090 Wien ■ Tel. 01/315 76 36 ■ [email protected] ■
their daily exercises and tasks. During the week, you will also learn
about the place of elephants in the culture in Thailand, their needs
and current dangers. Daily chores include washing and feeding the
Boasting some of Thailand finest forests, a statement not to be
taken lightly, Kanchanaburi is rapidly increasing as a popular tourist
destination. Situated 130km east of Bangkok, its central location
makes it an ideal location as a stop off point for those travelling
through Thailand. This project takes care of rescued and sick
elephants. The main focus is to care for the elephants. Participants
will enjoy riding and swimming with the elephants, whislt also
preparing food and making you the elephants are living in a
comfortable enviromnent.
€ 350,- / Woche
Wang Nam Khiao
During this week you will have the opportunity to get to know
more about Thai Buddhism: you will get the chance to practice
meditation and chanting, together with local monks in a quiet and
spiritual environment. We will give you a first introduction about
Thai Buddhism by showing a short documentary on the subject.
Later we will visit a monastery and you will able to ask questions to
a highly respected monk. Participants will have the opportunity to
practice and stay in authentic Thai temple and experience the Thai
temple life first hand, of course meditation is a major part of this life
€ 250,- / Woche
Learn the art of Muay Thai, or advance your skills in the country of
the sports’ origins. Muay Thai, or Thai Boxing as it’s known in the
West, is the national sport in Thailand, known as the “art of the
eight limbs”, it teaches you to combat your opponent using 8
different points of contact on the body, and it is one of the most
physical of martial arts! This high intensity program is led by a
provincial champion; he won't go easy on you!
€ 125,- / Woche
This Boat and bicycle tour begins in the always colorful and
exciting Chinatown. After an interesting ride we cross the river and
continue through a lively low decline area, this is the real Bangkok.
Then onto our boat, where after 5 minutes you'll understand why
Bangkok is called the "Venice of the East". This boat ride takes you
to the 'forgotten' green areas of rural Bangkok.
€ 125,-
Grenzenlos– Interkultureller Austausch, Heiligenstädter Straße 2, 1090 Wien ■ Tel. 01/315 76 36 ■ [email protected] ■
Get the real life experience of Xu Zheng’s famous movie “Lost in
Thailand”. See the mesmerising temples, the quiet and peaceful
forests, the fast-paced cities, the smiling people, the massages, the
spa’s, the muay Thai boxers and the daring lady boys. You will get
to see everything on Wang Bao’s list and much more. We challenge
you to make as many pictures as him, and even bring along a
cactus for the Journey!
€ 250,- (1 Woche)
Wang Nam Khiao
This program allows participants to explore central Thailand in a
way that very few visitors get a chance to experience with a
combination of Cycling, boating, hiking and walking with a soft
cultural immersion touch and lots of interesting things to see and
€ 250,- (1 Woche)
Wang Nam Khiao
This week is spent trekking in the jungle & rainforest of the Khao
Yai National Park, a lush park not often visited by other tourists.
After a hard trek the week is ended with some sightseeing and a
real bed at Greenway Forest View Resort. You won't regret this,
giving your sore legs a rest. During the trek will be roughing it in
beautiful surroundings, surviving with the basics whilst having the
best of fun!
€ 250,- (1 Woche)
Koh Samet
During this experience, it's all about relaxing on white sandy
beaches and having an occasional swim the deep blue waters.
Since relaxing and having a good time with your fellow participants
is the main theme, the schedule will be very relaxed and you will
have more than enough time to explore this tropical paradise on
your own.
€ 250,- (1 Woche)
Please Note: All our volunteer programs include a one-week introduction program!
Stand: 1/2015
Änderungen vorbehalten.
Grenzenlos– Interkultureller Austausch, Heiligenstädter Straße 2, 1090 Wien ■ Tel. 01/315 76 36 ■ [email protected] ■