Deutsche Kirche in Charlotte German Church in Charlotte Jahres


Deutsche Kirche in Charlotte German Church in Charlotte Jahres
Deutsche Kirche in Charlotte
German Church in Charlotte
Annual Stewardship Pledge
Ich möchte Gott dienen und die Arbeit der Deutschen Kirche in Charlotte finanziell
unterstützen. Ich mache daher die folgende Spenden-Zusage für das Jahr 2011:
I would like to serve God and support the work of the German Church in Charlotte with a
financial commitment.
I pledge my financial support for the year 2011 in the amount of:
$ _________ wöchentlich oder $ __________ monatlich $ _________ jährlich
Printed name(s):
Name(n) in Druckschrift: ___________________________ Datum: ____________
Unterschrift: _________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________
Phone: _____________________________
All contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by the U.S. Tax Laws.
German Church in Charlotte, P.O. BOX 240024, Charlotte, NC 28224
The German Church in Charlotte is a Non-Profit Organisation.

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