sbcars - CBSoft 2013 - Universidade de Brasília


sbcars - CBSoft 2013 - Universidade de Brasília
Congresso Brasileiro de Software: Teoria e Prática
29 de setembro a 04 de outubro de 2013
VII Simpósio Brasileiro de Componentes, arquiteturas e reutilização de software
VII Simpósio Brasileiro de Componentes, Arquiteturas e Reutilização de Software
30 de setembro e 1º de outubro de 2013
Brasília-DF, Brasil
Volume 01
ISSN: 2175-7356
Coordenador do Comitê de Programa do SBCARS 2013
Uirá Kulesza, DIMAp/UFRN
Genaína Rodrigues – UnB
Rodrigo Bonifácio – UnB
Edna Dias Canedo - UnB
Universidade de Brasília (UnB)
Departamento de Ciência da Computação
Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (SBC)
CAPES, CNPq, Google, INES, Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação, Ministério do Planejamento, Orçamento e Gestão e RNP
Instituto Federal Brasília, Instituto Federal Goiás, Loop Engenharia de Computação, Secretaria de Turismo
do GDF, Secretaria de Ciência Tecnologia e Inovação do GDF e Secretaria da Mulher do GDF
7th Brazilian Symposium on Software Components, Architectures and Reuse
September 30 to october 1, 2013
Brasília-DF, Brazil
Volume 01
ISSN: 2175-7356
SBCARS 2013 Program Committee Chair
Uirá Kulesza, DIMAp/UFRN
Genaína Rodrigues – UnB
Rodrigo Bonifácio – UnB
Edna Dias Canedo - UnB
Universidade de Brasília (UnB)
Departamento de Ciência da Computação
Brazilian Computing Society (SBC)
CAPES, CNPq, Google, INES, Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação, Ministério do Planejamento, Orçamento e Gestão e RNP
Instituto Federal Brasília, Instituto Federal Goiás, Loop Engenharia de Computação, Secretaria de Turismo
do GDF, Secretaria de Ciência Tecnologia e Inovação do GDF e Secretaria da Mulher do GDF
Autorizo a reprodução parcial ou total desta obra, para fins acadêmicos, desde que citada a fonte
Bem-vindos ao SBCARS 2013 – Simpósio Brasileiro de Componentes, Arquiteturas e Reutilização de
Software. Esta é a 7a edição do simpósio promovido pela Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (SBC).
O objetivo do evento é congregar pesquisadores, estudantes e desenvolvedores com ampla gama
de interesses nas áreas de desenvolvimento baseado em componentes, arquitetura de software e
reutilização de software.
SBCARS 2013 é um evento integrante da 4o Congresso Brasileiro de Software: Teoria e Prática (CBSoft
2013), o qual também agrega outros três consolidados simpósios brasileiros: XXVII Simpósio Brasileiro
em Engenharia de Software (SBES 2013), XVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Linguagens de Programação (SBLP
2013) e o XVI Simpósio Brasileiro de Métodos Formais (SBMF 2013). Em 2013, o SBCARS e o CBSoft
acontecem em Brasília, Distrito Federal.
Seguindo a tradição de anos anteriores, o programa técnico do SBCARS é composto por: (i) uma
palestra de pesquisa convidada do professor Krzysztof Czarnecki (University of Waterloo, Canada); (ii)
uma palestra industrial convidada de Joseph Yoder (The Refactory, Inc, USA); e (iii) sessões técnicas
com artigos científicos que abordam pesquisas relacionadas às áreas de arquitetura, componentes e
reutilização de software.
O programa agrega duas interessantes palestras internacionais. A palestra do professor Krzysztof
Czarnecki, da Universidade de Waterloo – Canadá, aborda o tema de “Variabilidade em Software:
Estado-da-Arte e Direções Futuras”. Professor Czarnecki é um grande especialista mundial na área de
linhas de produto de software e desenvolvimento generativo. Joseph Yoder, fundador e presidente da
The Refactory, Inc, apresenta a palestra “Taming Big Balls of Mud with Diligence, Agile Practices, and
Hard Work”. Ele tem grande experiência prática no desenvolvimento de projetos de software de larga
escala, e de oferecer consultoria e treinamento para várias empresas internacionais. Ele também é
presidente do Hillside Group, o qual tem como objetivo promover a qualidade no desenvolvimento de
software, e agrega a comunidade de padrões de software ao redor do mundo.
O programa técnico do SBCARS 2013 é também composto de 14 artigos científicos selecionados
de um conjunto de 52 artigos submetidos. A taxa de aceitação do simpósio foi de cerca de 27%. Os
artigos foram selecionados através de um processo de revisão rigoroso onde cada artigo foi revisto
por 4 membros do comitê de programa. Em seguida, houve um período de discussão para que os
revisores pudessem confrontar suas visões, impressões e opiniões dos artigos. A partir dos resultados
das revisões e discussões, um conjunto de artigos foi então selecionado. É importante enfatizar a
participação de pesquisadores estrangeiros e nacionais no comitê de programa, bem como a grande
dedicação dos mesmos para oferecer comentários detalhados relacionados ao artigos. Os artigos
aceitos serão apresentados durante o simpósio, distribuídos em 5 sessões técnicas. Além disso, eles
serão publicados na biblioteca digital da IEEE.
Agradeço a todos que contribuíram para a realização do simpósio. A qualidade do programa técnico
é resultado da dedicação dos membros do comitê de programa do SBCARS 2013, juntamente com os
revisores adicionais. Em relação a organização do simpósio, agradeço especialmente aos membros do
comitê diretivo do SBCARS pelas valiosas dicas, especialmente Marcelo Fantinato e Eduardo Almeida,
que compartilharam a experiência de organização de edições anteriores do simpósio. Finalmente,
agradeço a Genaína Rodrigues e Rodrigo Bonifácio – coordenadores gerais do CBSoft 2013, pelo
esforço, disponibilidade e valiosas contribuições para permitir que o congresso e o simpósio fossem
realizados com sucesso. Agradeço também a Vander Alves pelo apoio nas atividades durante o
Esperamos que você aproveite o programa técnico do SBCARS 2013.
Brasília, Setembro 2013.
Uirá Kulesza – DIMAp/UFRN
Coordenador do Comitê de Programa
Welcome to SBCARs 2013 – Brazilian Symposium on Software Components, Architectures and Reuse.
This is the 7th edition of the symposium promoted by the Brazilian Computing Society (SBC). The
aim of the event is to gather researchers, students and practitioners with a wide range of interests in
component based development, architectures and software reuse.
SBCARS 2013 is an event part of the 4th Brazilian Conference on Software: Theory and Practice (CBSoft
2013), which will also host three other well-established Brazilian symposia: 27th Brazilian Symposium
on Software Engineering (SBES 2013), 17th Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages (SBLP
2013), 16th Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods (SBMF 2013). This year, SBCARS and CBSoft 2013
will happen in Brasília, Distrito Federal.
Following the tradition of previous years, the technical program of SBCARS 2013 have: (i) one keynote
research talk by professor Krzysztof Czarnecki (University of Waterloo, Canada); (ii) one keynote
industrial talk by Joseph Yoder (The Refactory, Inc, USA); and (iii) technical sessions with 14 papers
exploring research work on several topics related to software architecture, components and reuse.
We are happy to have two interesting international invited talks in SBCARS 2013. Professor Krzysztof
Czarnecki (University of Waterloo, Canada) will present an invited research talk entitled “Variability in
Software: State of the Art and Future Directions”. He is a well-known expert on software product lines
and generative development. Joseph Yoder, founder and principal of The Refactory, Inc, will speak
about “Taming Big Balls of Mud with Diligence, Agile Practices, and Hard Work”. He has great practical
on the development of large-scale software projects and of providing consultancy and training for
many international companies. He is also the President of The Hillside Group a group dedicated to
improving the quality of software development, which aggregates the pattern community around the
The technical program of SBCARS 2013 is also composed of 14 research papers selected from 52
submissions. The acceptance rate was about 27%. They were selected after a rigorous review process
where each paper was reviewed by four members of the program committee. After that, there was a
discussion period for reviewers to confront their views, impressions and opinion for the papers. Based
on those reviews and discussions, a list of technical papers was selected. It is important to emphasize
the participation of international and national members in the program committee, and their great
dedication to provide detailed feedback for the authors of submitted papers. The accepted papers
will be presented in five technical sessions. The SBCARS proceedings will be published in IEEE Digital
I would like to thank all who contributed to this event. The quality of the technical program is a result
of the dedication of the members of the program committee of SBCARS 2013, together with additional
reviewers. For the organization of the symposium, I would like to express my gratitude to the steering
committee of SBCARS for their valuable support, specially Marcelo Fantinato and Eduardo Almeida, for
kindly sharing their experience related to the organization of previous editions of the symposium. I
also thank the great and hard work of the Genaína Rodrigues and Rodrigo Bonifácio – the CBSoft 2013
General Chairs, for their effort, availability and contributions in making this event possible. I also thank
Vander Alves for his support during the symposium.
We hope you enjoy the technical program of the SBCARS 2013.
Brasília, September 2013.
Uirá Kulesza – DIMAp/UFRN
Program Chair
Program Chair - Biography
Uirá Kulesza é professor adjunto do Departamento de Informática e Matemática Aplicada (DIMAp),
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Brasil. Ele obteve seu doutorado em Informática
pela PUC-Rio (2007), Brasil, tendo realizado doutorado sanduíche na University of Waterloo (Canadá) e
Lancaster University (Inglaterra). Seus principais interesses de pesquisa são: engenharia de linhas de
produtos de software, desenvolvimento generativo e arquitetura de software. Ele é co-autor de cerca
de 120 artigos científicos em periódicos, conferências e livros. Ele atuou como pesquisador senior de
pós-doutorado no projeto AMPLE (2007-2009) - Aspect-Oriented Model-Driven Product Line Engineering
( pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal. Ele é atualmente pesquisador
bolsista de produtividade nível 2 do CNPq.
Uirá Kulesza is an Associate Professor at the Department of Informatics and Applied Mathematics
(DIMAp), Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Brazil. He obtained his DSc in Computer
Science at PUC-Rio – Brazil (2007), in cooperation with University of Waterloo (Canada) and Lancaster
University (UK). His main research interests include: software product lines, generative development
and software architecture. He has co-authored over 120 referred papers in journals, conferences,
and books. He worked as a post-doc researcher member of the AMPLE project (2007-2009) – AspectOriented Model-Driven Product Line Engineering ( at New University of Lisbon,
Portugal. He is currently a CNPq (Brazilian Research Council) research fellow level 2.
Comitês Técnicos / Program Committee
Uirá Kulesza, DIMAp/UFRN
Comitê Diretivo/Steering Committee
Ana Paula Terra Bacelo, PUCRS
Eduardo Santana de Almeida, UFBA e RiSE
Marcelo Fantinato, EACH-USP
Paulo Pires, UFRJ
Uirá Kulesza, DIMAp/UFRN
Comitê de Programa / Program Committee
Alessandro Garcia, PUC-Rio, Brazil
Alexandre Alvaro, UFSCar-Sorocaba, Brazil
Alexandre Correa, Unirio, Brazil
Aline Vasconcelos, IFF, Brazil
Ana Paula Bacelo, PUCRS, Brazil
Andres Diaz-Pace, UNICEN, Argentina
Antonio Francisco Prado, UFSCar, Brazil
Arndt von Staa, PUC-Rio, Brazil
Camila Nunes, GE Global Research Center, Brazil
Cecilia Rubira, Unicamp, Brazil
Christina Chavez, UFBA, Brazil
Claudia Werner, COPPE/UFRJ, Brazil
Cláudio Sant’Anna, UFBA, Brazil
Dalton Serey, UFCG, Brazil
Daniel Lucrédio, UFSCar, Brazil
David Weiss, Iowa State University, USA
Edson Oliveira Junior, UEM, Brazil
Eduardo Almeida, UFBA, Brazil
Eduardo Guerra, INPE, Brazil
Elder Cirilo, PUC-Rio, Brazil
Elisa Yumi Nakagawa, ICMC-USP, Brazil
Ellen Francine Barbosa, ICMC-USP, Brazil
Fabiano Ferrari, UFSCar, Brazil
Fernando Castor, UFPE, Brazil
Flavia Delicato, UFRJ, Brazil
Flavio Oquendo, European University of Brittany/IRISA-UBS, France
Franklin Ramalho, UFCG, Brazil
Genaina Rodrigues, UnB, Brazil
Gibeon Aquino, UFRN, Brazil
Gledson Elias, UFPB, Brazil
Guilherme Travassos, COPPE/UFRJ, Brazil
Ingrid Nunes, UFRGS, Brazil
Itana Maria de Souza Gimenes, UEM, Brazil
Jaejoon Lee, Lancaster University, UK
Jeffrey Poulin, Lockheed Martin, USA
Jobson Massollar, COPPE/UFRJ, Brazil
John McGregor, Clemson University, USA
José Maldonado, ICMC-USP, Brazil
Kiev Gama, UFPE, Brazil
Leonardo Murta, UFF, Brazil
Lidia Fuentes, University of Málaga, Spain
Lucineia Thom, UFRGS, Brazil
Marcelo Eler, EACH-USP, Brazil
Marcelo Fantinato, EACH-USP, Brazil
Marcilio Mendonça, Black Berry, Canada
Marcio Ribeiro, UFAL, Brazil
Marco Aurelio Gerosa, IME-USP, Brazil
Marco Tulio Valente, UFMG, Brazil
Maurizio Morisio, Polytechnic University of Turin, Italy
Nelio Cacho, UFRN, Brazil
Nelson Rosa, UFPE, Brazil
Oliver Hummel, University of Mannheim, Germany
Padraig O’Leary, Dublin City University, Ireland
Paris Avgeriou, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Patricia Machado, UFCG, Brazil
Paulo Merson , Carnegie Mellon University – USA, TCU – Brazil
Paulo Pires, UFRJ, Brazil
Regina Braga, UFJF, Brazil
Rick Rabiser, Johannes Kepler University of Linz, Austria
Roberta Coelho, UFRN, Brazil
Roberto Bittencourt, UEFS, Brazil
Rodrigo Bonifacio, UnB, Brazil
Rohit Gheyi, UFCG, Brazil
Rosana Braga, ICMC-USP, Brazil
Silvia Abrahão, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
Thais Vasconcelos Batista, UFRN, Brazil
Toacy Oliveira, COPPE/UFRJ, Brazil
Uirá Kulesza, UFRN, Brazil
Vander Alves, UnB, Brazil
Vinicius Garcia, UFPE, Brazil
REVISORES / referees
Anderson Silva, UFPE, Brazil
Andrea Magdaleno, COPPE/UFRJ, Brazil
Francisco Monaco, ICMC-USP, Brazil
Frank Affonso, UNESP, Brazil
Frederico Lopes, UFRN, Brazil
Gustavo de Souza Santos, UFMG, Brazil
Hudson Borges, UFMG, Brazil
Ivan do Carmo Machado, UFBA, Brazil
Jair Leite, UFRN, Brazil
Jose Miguel Horcas, University of Malaga, Spain
Juliana Saraiva, UFPE, Brazil
Katia Felizardo, USP, Brazil
Lucas Bueno Ruas Oliveira, ICMC-USP, Brazil
Marcelo Gonçalves, USP, Brazil
Nadia Gomez, University of Malaga, Spain
Nemésio Freitas Duarte Filho, ICMC-USP, Brazil
Paulo Barbosa, UFCG, Brazil
Paulo Mota Silveira, UFPE, Brazil
Raphael Pereira de Oliveira, UFBA, Brazil
Sergio Carvalho, UFG, Brazil
Thiago Henrique Burgos de Oliveira, Fraunhofer IESE, Germany
Vanius Zapalowski, UFRGS, Brazil
Vitor Madureira Sales, UFMG, Brazil
Palestras convidadas / invited keynotes
Variabilidade em Software: Estado da Arte e Direções Futuras /
Variability in Software: State of the Art and Future Directions
Krzysztof Czarnecki, University of Waterloo, Canada
Resumo. Variabilidade é um aspecto fundamental do software. É a habilidade de criar variantes
do sistema para diferentes segmentos de mercado e contextos de uso. Variabilidade vem sendo
investigada e explorada no contexto de linhas de produto de software, mas é relevante para outras
áreas, tais como, ecosistemas de software e software sensível ao contexto.
Variabilidade introduz complexidade para todas as áreas da engenharia de software, e demanda
à criação de métodos e ferramentas baseados em variabilidade que possam lidar de forma efetiva
com tal complexidade. A engenharia de um sistema com variabilidades requer a engenharia de um
conjunto de sistemas simultaneamente. Como resultado, requisitos, arquitetura, código e testes são
inerentemente mais complexas do que na engenharia de software tradicional. Métodos e ferramentas
baseados em variabilidade promovem as similaridades entre variantes do sistema, enquanto também
permitem a gerência efetiva das suas diferenças.
Esta palestra irá analisar como a variabilidade afeta o ciclo de vida do software, focando em requisitos,
arquitetura e verificação/validação, rever o estado-da-arte de métodos e ferramentas baseados em
variabilidade, assim como identificar direções futuras.
Abstract. Variability is a fundamental aspect of software. It is the ability to create system variants for
different market segments or contexts of use. Variability has been most extensively studied in software
product lines, but is also relevant in other areas, including software ecosystems and context-aware
Variability introduces essential complexity into all areas of software engineering, and calls for
variability-aware methods and tools that can deal with this complexity effectively. Engineering a
variable system amounts to engineering a set of systems simultaneously. As a result, requirements,
architecture, code and tests are inherently more complex than in single-system engineering. Variabilityaware methods and tools leverage the commonalities among the system variants, while managing the
differences effectively.
This talk will analyze how variability affects the software lifecycle, focusing on requirements,
architecture and verification and validation, review the state of the art of variability-aware methods
and tools, and identify future directions.
Joseph Yoder, The Refactory, Inc, US
Abstract. Big Ball of Mud (BBoM) architectures are viewed as the culmination of many design decisions
that, over time, result in a system that is hodgepodge of steaming, smelly anti-patterns. Yet how BBoM
architectures come into existence and successfully evolve is much more nuanced. BBoMs often do not
result from well-intentioned design ideas gone wrong. Nor are they simply an accretion of expedient
implementation hacks. Often BBoM systems can be extremely complex, with unclear and unstable
architectural boundaries and requirements. Because of their complexity, BBoM architectures are likely
not understood by any single mind. They typically are fashioned out of many parts, which together
comprise a sprawling whole. So BBoM systems can and do have good, as well as bad and ugly parts.
Successfully deployed BBoM systems continue to work well enough, in spite of their design flaws. How
can that be?
Much has happened in our industry since the original discussion and publication of the Big Ball of
Mud paper in 1998. When that paper was originally published, agile methodologies such as eXtreme
Programming and Scrum were just beginning to gain popularity. The growth and popularity of agile
practices might be partially due to the fact that the state of the art of software architectures is so
muddy. Being agile, with its focus on extensive testing and frequent integration, arguably makes
it easier to deal with evolving architectures and keeping systems working while making significant
improvements and adding functionality. However, although Agile has been around for quite some time,
we can see that it still does not prevent Mud.
This talk will examine the paradoxes that underlie Big Balls of Mud, what causes them, and why they
are so prominent. I’ll explore what agile practices can help us avoid or cope with mud. I’ll also explain
why continuous delivery and TDD with refactoring is not enough to help ensure clean architecture
and why it is important to understand what is core to the architecture and the problem at hand.
Understanding what changes in the system and at what rates can help you prevent becoming mired in
mud. By first understanding where a system’s complexities are and where it keeps getting worse, we
can then work hard (and more intelligently) at sustaining the architecture. Additionally, I’ll talk about
some practices and patterns that help keep the code clean or from getting muddier The original Big
Ball of Mud paper described some best practices such as SHEARING LAYERS and SWEEPING IT UNDER
THE RUG as a way to help deal with muddy architectures. Additionally there are some other practices
more habitable.
Krzysztof Czarnecki (University of Waterloo, Canada)
Biografia. Krzysztof Czarnecki é professor de Engenharia da Computação e Elétrica da Universidade de
Waterloo, Canadá. Ele foi pesquisador na Daimler Chrysler Research (1995-2002), Alemanha, atuando
na melhoria de práticas e tecnologias de desenvolvimento de software para os domínios corporativo,
automotivo, espacial e aeroespacial. Ele é co-autor do livro “Generative Programming” (AddisonWesley, 2000), o qual aborda a automação do desenvolvimento componentizado de software baseado
em linguagens específicas de domínio. Como pesquisador na Universidade de Waterloo, ele foi
Research Chair em Engenharia de Requisitos de Sistemas de Software Orientado a Serviços do NSERC/
Bank of Nova Scotia, e trabalhou em vários tópicos em engenharia de software dirigida por modelos,
incluindo linhas de produto de software e modelagem de variabilidade, gerenciamento de consistência
e transformações bidirecionais, e modelagem dirigida por exemplos. Ele recebeu os seguintes prêmios:
Premier’s Research Excellence Award em 2004 e o British Computing Society in Upper Canada Award
for Outstanding Contributions to IT Industry em 2008.
Biografy. Krzysztof Czarnecki is a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University
of Waterloo. Before coming to Waterloo, he was a researcher at Daimler Chrysler Research (19952002), Germany, focusing on improving software development practices and technologies in enterprise,
automotive, space and aerospace domains. He co-authored the book on “Generative Programming”
(Addison- Wesley, 2000), which deals with automating software component assembly based on domainspecific languages. While at Waterloo, he held the NSERC/Bank of Nova Scotia Industrial Research Chair
in Requirements Engineering of Service-oriented Software Systems (2008-2013) and has worked on a
range of topics in model-driven software engineering, including software-product lines and variability
modeling, consistency management and bi-directional transformations, and example-driven modeling.
He received the Premier’s Research Excellence Award in 2004 and the British Computing Society in
Upper Canada Award for Outstanding Contributions to IT Industry in 2008.
JOSEPH YODER (The Refactory, Inc, US)
Biografy. Joseph Yoder is a founder and principal of The Refactory, Inc., a company focused on software
architecture, design, implementation, consulting and mentoring on all facets of software development.
Joseph is an international speaker and pattern author, long standing member of the ACM, and the
President of The Hillside Group, a, a group dedicated to improving the quality of software development.
Joseph specializes in Architecture, Analysis and Design, C#, Java, Smalltalk, Patterns, Agile Methods,
Adaptable Systems, Refactoring, Reuse, and Frameworks.
Joe is the author of many patterns, including being an author of the Big Ball of Mud pattern, which
illuminates many fallacies in the approach to software architecture.Joe currently resides in Urbana,
Illinois. He teaches Agile Methods, Design Patterns, Object Design, Refactoring, and Testing in industrial
settings and mentors many developers on these concepts. He currently oversees a team of developers
who have constructed many systems based on enterprise architecture using the .NET environment.
Other projects involve working in both the Java and .NET environments deploying Domain-Specific
Languages for clients.
Joe presented tutorials and talks, arranges workshops, and organizes leading technical conferences
held throughout the world, including international conferences such as Agile, Agile Portugal, Encontro
¡gil, AOSD, CBSoft, JAOO, QCon, PLoP, AsianPLoP, SugarLoafPLoP, OOPSLA, ECOOP, and SPLASH. Joe
thinks software is still too hard to change. He wants do something about this and believes that with
good patterns and by putting the ability to change software into the hands of the people with the
knowledge to change it seems to be on promising avenue to solve this problem.
Indice / Table of Contents
A Feature-Driven Requirements Engineering
Approach for Software Product Lines
Raphael Pereira de Oliveira (UFBA), Emilio Insfran (UPV), Silvia Abrahão
(UPV), Javier Gonzalez-Huerta (UPV), David Blanes (UPV), Sholom Cohen
(UPV), Eduardo Santana de Almeida (UFBA)
Improving modular reasoning on preprocessorbased systems
Jean Melo (UFPE), Paulo Borba (UFPE)
Software Variability Management: An Exploratory
Study with Two Feature Modeling Tools
Juliana Pereira (UFMG), Carlos Souza (UFMG), Ramon Abílio (UFLa), Gustavo
Vale (UFLa), Eduardo Figueiredo (UFMG), Heitor Costa (UFLa)
Evaluating the Propagation of Exceptions in the
Service Oriented Architecture in .NET
José Alex Lima (UFRN), Eliezio Soares (UFRN), José Sueney (UFRN), Nélio
Cacho (UFRN), Roberta Coelho (UFRN), Umberto Costa (UFRN)
Mapeamento Sistemático de Computação Orientada a
Serviços no Contexto de QoS
Danilo Mendonça (UnB), Genaina Rodrigues (UnB), Maristela Holanda (UnB),
Aletéia P. F. Araújo (UnB)
aCCountS: Uma arquitetura orientada a serviços
para FLexibilizar a tarifação em nuvens de
Nayane Ponte (UFC), Fernando Trinta (UFC), Ricardo Viana (UFC), Rossana
Andrade (UFC), Vinicius Garcia (UFPE), Rodrigo Assad (USTO.RE)
AspectJ-based Idioms for Flexible Feature Binding
Rodrigo Andrade (UFPE), Henrique Rebêlo (UFPE), Marcio Ribeiro (UFAL),
Paulo Borba (UFPE)
Towards Validating Complexity-based Metrics for
Software Product Line Architectures
Anderson Marcolino (UEM), Edson Oliveira Junior (UEM), Itana Maria de
Souza Gimenes (UEM), Tayana Conte (UFAM)
A SPL infrastructure for supporting scientific
experiments in petroleum reservoir research field
Fernanda Foschiani (Unicamp), Leonardo Tizzei (IBM Research), Cecília Rubira
BISTFaSC: An Approach To Embed Structural Testing
Facilities Into Software Components
Marcelo Eler (USP), Paulo Masiero (USP-SC)
Using Thesaurus-Based Tag Clouds to Improve TestDriven Code Search
Otavio Lemos (UNIFESP), Gustavo Konishi (Touch), Adriano Carvalho (UNIFESP),
Joel Ossher (Palantir Technologies), Cristina Lopes (University of California,
Irvine), Sushil Bajracharya (Black Duck Software)
MTP: Model Transformation Profile
Ana Patricia Fontes Magalhães (UFBA), Aline Andrade (UFBA), Rita Suzana
Pitangueira Maciel (UFBA)
A Model-Driven Infrastructure for Developing
Product Line Architectures Using CVL
Amanda S. Nascimento (Unicamp), Cecília Rubira (Unicamp), Rachel Burrows
(University of Bath), Fernando Castor (UFPE)
A Reference Architecture based on Reflection for
Self-adaptive Software
Frank José Affonso (UNESP), Elisa Yumi Nakagawa (ICMC-USP)
A Feature-Driven Requirements Engineering
Approach for Software Product Lines
Raphael Pereira de Oliveira1, Emilio Insfran2, Silvia Abrahão2, Javier Gonzalez-Huerta2, David Blanes2, Sholom
Cohen3, Eduardo Santana de Almeida1,4
Department of Computer Science, Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), Salvador, Brazil
Department of Information Systems and Computation, Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), Valencia, Spain
Software Engineering Institute (SEI), Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA
Fraunhofer Project Center (FPC) for Software and Systems Engineering, Brazil
Email: {raphaeloliveira, esa}, {einsfran, sabrahao, jagonzalez, dblanes}, [email protected]
deploy features must also be specified in a systematic way
by establishing explicit traceability between features and
requirements. In the Application Engineering process, the
RE activities are intended to specify the requirements for a
particular product in the product family. Therefore, it is
important to determine which requirements from the product
line are relevant to the product to be developed (common
and variant feature selection), and also to refine or to add
new specific requirements, which are not in the product line
(delta requirements).
Abstract—The importance of Requirements Engineering
within software development has long been established and
recognized by researchers and practitioners. Within Software
Product Lines (SPL), this activity is even more critical because it
needs to cope with common, variable, and product-specific
requirements not only for a single product but for the whole set
of products in the family. In this paper, we present a FeatureDriven Requirements Engineering approach (FeDRE) that
provides support to the requirements specification of software
product lines. The approach follows a strategy where features
are realized into functional requirements considering the
variability captured in a feature model. It also provides
guidelines on how to associate chunks of features from a feature
model and to consider them as the context for the Use Case
specification. The feasibility of the approach is illustrated in a
case study for developing an SPL of mobile applications for
emergency notifications. Preliminary evaluations on the
perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness of requirements
analysts using the approach are also presented.
Most of the approaches dealing with requirements
engineering in SPL development tend to include variability
information in traditional requirements models (e.g., use
case diagrams) [20] or to extract feature models [16] from
requirements specifications following a bottom-up strategy
[6] [21]. Some limitations of these approaches arise from
the possibility of a large number of requirements and
features making the specification of requirements hard to
understand, maintain and prone to inconsistencies. The
contribution of our approach is that we circumscribe the
requirements specifications to deal with complexity in a
more effective way. Effectiveness is achieved by chunking
the requirement activity based on areas of the feature model.
This constrains the extent of the requirements specification
at any one time to a more specific area of the product line.
We use the feature model as a basis mainly due to the fact
that in the SPL community, features are first-class citizens,
which are easily identifiable, well-understood, and easy to
communicate by SPL developers and domain experts.
Hence, there is a strong need to define traceability links
between these features and the requirements, and whenever
possible, to keep the model and specification synchronized
and consistent [4] [5] [15].
Keywords—Product Lines; Requirements Specification;
Defining requirements to determine what is to be
developed is generally accepted as a vital but difficult part
of software development. Establishing the driving
architectural requirements not only simplifies the design and
implementation phases but also reduces the number of
errors detected in later stages of the development process,
reducing risk, duration and budget of the project [19].
In particular, the specification of requirements in
Software Product Lines (SPL) [10] development is even
more critical. In this context, it needs to cope with common,
variable, and product-specific requirements not only for a
single product but for the whole set of products in the
family. A fundamental aspect of engineering SPLs is to
apply Requirements Engineering (RE) practices to deal with
scoping and specifying the product line in both the Domain
Engineering and Application Engineering processes.
In this paper we introduce a Feature-Driven
Requirements Engineering (FeDRE) approach to help
developers in the requirements engineering activity for SPL
development. The approach proposes a set of artifacts,
activities, roles, and guidelines on the basis of the features to
be developed. Due to space constraints, we focus on the
requirements specification of the Domain Engineering
activity. We further focus our description of FeDRE by
starting once a feature model has been defined (in the
scoping activity). However, we do not deal with Quality
Attributes (QAs) in the feature model. The next FeDRE
In the Domain Engineering process, the RE activities are
intended to define the extent of the product line to determine
its products (scoping), and also to identify common,
variable, and product-specific features throughout the
product line. The specification of requirements needed to
activity consists of the systematic realization of features in
terms of use cases. This activity specifies requirements but
also establishes traceability between the features and the
requirements. This, allows us to provide variability
mechanisms at the requirements level (by using use cases
and alternative scenarios) according to the chunk of the
feature model that these requirements specify. The main
contributions of FeDRE is a RE approach that 1)
systematically realizes features into requirements
considering the variability captured in the feature model and
2) breaks the top-down driven paradigm through use of the
feature model to prioritize features according to
architecturally significant areas of the product line.
AMPLE project [4]. This approach presents two main
contributions. First, the VML4RE language is a Domain
Specific Language able to compose requirements with
feature models; and second, a requirements process that
uses: i) a feature model to perform the variability
identification; ii) use cases and activity diagrams to describe
the SPL domain requirements; and a iii) a VML4RE model
to relate the feature model with the requirement models.
These three models are taken as input with a feature
configuration by an interpreter to obtain the application
requirements. They also provide consistency checking
between features and use case scenarios. An important
difference with our approach is that FeDRE guides the
requirements analyst in specifying requirements from the
feature model, instead of having to focus on constructing the
feature model to compose a requirements specification.
The remainder of the paper is structured as follows.
Section II discusses related work on SPL-specific
requirements engineering approaches. Section III presents
our feature-driven requirements engineering approach.
Section IV illustrates the feasibility of the approach through
a case study conducted to develop an SPL of mobile
applications for emergency notifications. Finally, Section V
presents our conclusions and future work.
Other related work includes approaches that extend
different requirements models such as use cases and
scenarios with variability concepts without explicitly using
feature modeling [8] [20]. The Pulse-CDA approach [8] is a
subset of the Pulse methodology [7] that takes the
information from the economic scope (a range of system
characteristics and a scope definition) and then outputs a
domain model (composed of a set of work products that
capture different domain views) and a decision model. In
Muthig et al. [22], the use-case technique is used as a work
product to represent the variability in the use cases. Any
element from the use case diagram or in the textual scenario
can be a variant (e.g., an actor or a use case). The variant
elements are enclosed with XML-style tags to explicitly
mark variability. DREAM [20] is a different technique that
extends traditional use cases to support variability, where
the starting point is a set of legacy systems analyzed to
extract the requirements. DREAM uses two stereotypes that
are defined to represent variability in use case diagrams:
«common» when the use case is always present for every
product configuration and «optional» when the use case is
present in some product configurations. In Pulse-CDA the
decision model is traced to the variable elements in the use
case and scenario description in order to instantiate the
models. In FeDRE, this variability from use cases and
scenarios is traced to the feature model through a
traceability matrix. Neither PuLSE-CDA nor DREAM
propose roles in their RE process to extend the requirements
models to support variability. However, both approaches
define the input and output artifacts in their processes.
PulSE-CDA does not provide guidelines, but DREAM
proposed a set of guidelines to obtain the domain
requirements specification from legacy systems.
Over the last few years, several models and techniques
that deal with the specification of requirements in SPL
development have been proposed. Traditional requirements
models, such as use case models [13] [14], scenario-based
models [2] [4] [8] [20], UML models [3] [15] [25], or goal
models [26], have been adapted and effectively used as an
abstraction mechanism for modeling requirements in SPL
development. One of the main differences between
traditional RE and RE for product lines is the inclusion of
commonality and variability in requirements identification
and modeling.
Some approaches combine feature models with more
traditional requirements engineering techniques such as use
cases [14] [13]. FeatuRSEB [14] proposes simultaneously
building a use case model and a feature model, and
afterwards performing the commonality and variability
analysis first over the use case models and then over the
feature model. PLUSS [13] improves the FeatuRSEB
approach by adding more variability mechanisms: i) at the
use case level; ii) at the alternative scenario level; iii) at the
flow of events from an included alternative scenario; and,
iv) with cross-cutting aspects that affect several use cases.
Neither FeatuRSEB nor PLUSS propose roles or guidelines
to help in the RE activity. In addition, input and output
artifacts are only partially defined. In FeDRE, the feature
model is the main artifact to model variability, and a use
case model is built for chunks of this feature model in a
systematic way. This improves our ability to deal with
complexity by narrowing the context of the use case
specification. Regarding the variability mechanisms in
requirements, FeDRE borrows the first two types of
variability from PLUSS (use case level, and alternative
Another traditional RE technique is goal modeling. In
Soltani et al. [26], the stakeholder’s intentions represented
as goals are mapped to the software features to express their
variability in an annotated feature model. In Aspect-oriented
User Requirements Notation (AoURN) [21] the authors
propose four main domain engineering activities: i) build a
stakeholder goal model; ii) build a feature model, where
features are represented as goal-tasks with the «feature»
stereotype; iii) build the feature impact model to establish
the impact of features on the stakeholder’s goals; and iv)
The idea of combining a feature model with use cases
was also used by the Variability Modeling Language for
Requirements (VML4RE) approach in the context of the
create the feature scenario model, where non-leaf features
are described in more detail with the Aspect-oriented Use
Case Maps (AoUCM). In AoURN the traceability from
features to requirements is done by using links from the
stereotyped tasks in the feature model to the AoURN
scenario model. These approaches do not define the roles in
their processes and only provide partial guidelines for their
use. Additionally, the input and output artifacts are only
partially defined. Both proposals allow the RE expert to
obtain a feature model from a previous goal model. In
FeDRE, the starting point is a feature based on concepts that
the domain expert directly works with, instead of unfamiliar
goal models to guide the creation of the feature model.
The Feature-Driven Requirements Engineering
(FeDRE) approach for SPLs has been defined considering
the feature model as the main artifact for specifying SPL
requirements. The aim of the approach is to perform the
requirements specification based on the features identified
in the SPL domain in a systematic way using guidelines that
establish traceability links between features and
requirements. By domain, we mean the context where the
family of products or functional areas across the products
exhibits common, variable or specific functionalities.
The main activities of the FeDRE approach are:
Scoping, Requirements Specification for Domain
Engineering, and Requirements Specification for
Application Engineering. Figure 1 shows Domain
Enginnering activities where FeDRE is applied. The
following roles are involved in these activities: Domain
Analyst, Domain Expert, Market Expert and the Domain
Requirements Analyst. The Domain Analyst, Domain
Expert and Market Expert perform the scoping activity and
the Domain Requirements Analyst performs the
requirements specification for domain engineering activity.
Another alternative to specify requirements in SPL is to
extend UML traditional notations with variability
information. Shaker et al. [25] propose the Feature-Oriented
Requirements Modeling Language (FORML) based on
feature modeling and UML state-machines. FORML
decomposes the requirements into the world model and the
behavior model. In the world model, a feature model
describes the features that compose the problem. One
feature in the world model is decomposed into several
feature modules in the behavior model. A feature module is
represented with an UML-like finite state machine. This
decomposition permits feature modularity, which is one of
the main contributions of the work. FORML does not define
roles and guidelines in the process in order to obtain the
requirements specification. Comparing FORML and
FeDRE, both approaches give support to modularity.
FORML decomposes a feature model from the world model
into several feature modules in the behavior model;
similarly, FeDRE allows decomposing sets of features into
functional requirements using use cases, scenarios, and
traceability links.
In summary, we analyzed several RE approaches for
SPL development, and found a disparate set of approaches
and techniques. In many cases the scoping and requirements
specification activities are considered as independent
activities. According to John et al. [18], well-defined
relationships and interfaces between scoping and
requirements artifacts should be defined in order to reduce
rework. To alleviate this problem, FeDRE considers the
scoping artifacts as the starting point and defines guidelines
to conduct the SPL requirements specification driven by the
scoping artifacts. Another important factor is the strategy
followed to specify the requirements. Several approaches
extend RE models such as use cases [13] [14] or goal
models [6] [21] adapted to the SPL domain, and extract
feature models from these RE models. In our view, SPL
developers and domain experts are more familiar with the
concept of feature and variability modeling; therefore, as a
way to deal with complexity, we restrict the requirements
specification in accordance with chunks of the feature
model. Moreover, guidelines to specify functional
requirements related to features are provided, thus resulting
in an explicit traceability framework built in a systematic
Fig 1. Overview of the FeDRE approach
A. Scoping
Scoping determines not only what products to include in
a product line but also whether or not an organization
should launch the product line. According to Bosch [9], the
scoping activity consists of three levels: product portfolio
scoping, domain scoping, and asset scoping. Product
portfolio scoping determines which products and product
features should be included in a product line. Domain
scoping defines the functional areas and subareas of the
product line domain, while Asset scoping identifies assets
with costs and benefits estimated for them. In FeDRE,
scoping results in three main artifacts: the Feature Model,
the Feature Specification, and the Product Map, using the
Existing Assets (if any) as input artifact. These three artifacts
will drive the SPL requirements specification for domain
engineering. Each of these artifacts is detailed below.
The FeDRE approach was defined using and extending
the PLUSS approach [13], which represents requirements
specifications as use case scenarios. The use case scenarios
“force requirements analysts to always think about
interfaces since separate fields exists for describing actor
and system actions”. Our approach supports the relationship
between features and use cases; thus, the feature variability
is also expressed within the use cases. FeDRE differs from
PLUSS in our approach to two types of variability: i) use
case variability, considering the whole use case as a variant;
and ii) scenario variability, where the variants are alternative
scenarios of a use case. In our approach, these two types of
variability are sufficient to capture the variations within SPL
requirements, and do not require the steps variability nor
cross-cutting parameters, as presented in [13].
1) Existing Assets
When performing an extractive or reactive SPL adoption
[17], existing assets (e.g., user manual or existing systems)
help the Domain Analyst and the Domain Expert identify
the features and products in the SPL. Otherwise, a proactive
approach can be followed to build the SPL from scratch.
2) Feature Model
Feature modeling is a technique used to model common
and variable properties, and can be used to capture, organize
and visualize features in the product line. The Domain
Analyst and the Domain Expert identify features using
existing assets as input or by eliciting information from
experts. A Feature Model diagram [16] will identify
features, SPL variations, and constraints among the features
in the product line.
When a requirement is identified or refined, it should be
determined if it is a shared requirement for different
products in the product line, or if it is a specific requirement
of a single product. Shared requirements must also be
classified into common and variable requirements. Common
requirements are used throughout the product line and
variable requirements must be configured or parameterized
in the specification of different variants of the product line.
In addition, some requirements may require or exclude other
requirements, or may restrict possible configurations of
other requirements. Feature models may help in handling
the different types of dependencies among requirements,
which can be complex and must be properly addressed.
3) Feature Specification
The Domain Analyst is responsible for specifying the
features using a feature specification template. This
template captures the detailed information of the features
and keeps the traceability with all the involved artifacts.
According to the template, each feature must have a unique
identifier Feat_id and a Name. The values for the
Variability field can be Mandatory, Optional, or Alternative
according to the specified feature. The Priority of the
feature should be High, Medium or Low. If the feature
requires or excludes another feature(s), the Feat_id(s) from
the required or excluded feature(s) must be specified. If the
feature has a Parent Feature, the Feat_id from the parent
feature must be specified. The Binding Time can be compile
time or run time, according to the time that the feature will
be included in a concrete product [11]. The Feature Type
can be concrete or abstract, and the Description is a brief
explanation of the feature.
Engineering activity is usually performed in an iterative and
incremental way. Therefore, sets of selected features from
the Feature Model can be defined as units of increments for
the specification (there may be different criteria for
choosing features in a unit of increment, e.g., priority of
implementation, cost, quality attributes). This activity uses
the Feature Model, Feature Specification and Product Map
as input artifacts and produces the Glossary, Functional
Requirements and Traceability Matrix as output artifacts.
Each of these artifacts is detailed below.
4) Product Map
Each identified feature is assigned to the corresponding
products in the SPL. The set of relationships among features
and products produces the Product Map artifact, which
describes all the required features for building a specific
product in the SPL. It is usually represented as a matrix
where columns represent the products and rows represent
the features.
1) Glossary
An important characteristic of software product line
engineering is the presence of multiple stakeholders, domain
experts, and developers. Thus, it is necessary to have a
common vocabulary for describing the relevant concepts of
the domain. The Glossary describes and explains the main
terms in the domain, in order to share a common vocabulary
among the stakeholders and to avoid misconceptions. It is
represented as a two-column table containing the term to be
defined and its description (see Table 2 in Section IV).
All these artifacts are the input for the Requirements
Specification for Domain Engineering activity, which is
described below.
2) Functional Requirements
This artifact contains all the functional requirements
identified, common or variable, for the family of products
that constitute the SPL. Use cases are used to specify the
SPL functional requirements (each functional requirement is
represented as a use case), and the required variations can be
related to the use case as a whole or to alternative scenarios
inside a use case. FeDRE adapts the template used in [13]
for specifying functional requirements as use cases in order
B. Requirements Specification for Domain Engineering
This activity specifies the SPL requirements for domain
engineering. These requirements allow realization of the
features and desired products identified in the Scoping
activity. The steps required to perform this activity are
described in the Guidelines for Specifying SPL
Requirements, Sub-Section C below.
• Actor: Represents an actor and can be related to other
Actors or associated with UseCases;
• Relationship: Represents the different types of
relationships among UseCases, which are Include, Extend
and Inheritance;
• Scenario: Is an abstract metaclass used to represent the
two types of scenarios for the UseCase, which are
MainScenario and AlternativeScenario;
• MainScenario: Represents the “normal flow” of steps for
a UseCase;
• AlternativeScenario: Represents an alternative set of steps
for a UseCase. It can be associated with a Feature to
represent the variability in the scenario;
• Step: Represents a step in the MainScenario or
In order to structure the guidelines to specify functional
requirements, we address the following questions: i) Which
features or set of features will be grouped to be specified by
use cases? (In our future work, we intend to group features
according to QAs) ii) What are the specific use cases for the
feature or set of features? iii) Where should the use cases be
specified? (when having a set of features in a hierarchy, do
we specify the use cases for each individual feature or only
for the parent features?) iv) How is the use case specified in
terms of steps?
to support the two types of variability. The specification of
functional requirements follows the functional requirements
template shown in Table 3 from Section IV. Each functional
requirement has a unique Use_case_id, a Name, a
Description, Associated Feature(s), Pre and PostConditions, and the Main Success Scenario. Additionally, a
functional requirement can be related to an Actor and may
have Include and/or Extend relationships to other use
case(s). Extends relationships should describe a condition
for the extension.
For the Main Success Scenario and the Alternative
Scenarios, there are Steps (represented by numbers), Actor
Actions (representing an action from the actor) and
Blackbox System Responses (representing a response from
the system). In addition, for the Alternative scenarios, there
is a Name, a Condition and optionally relations to affected
features through the Associated Feature field.
3) Traceability Matrix
The Traceability Matrix is a matrix containing the links
among features and the functional requirements. The rows
in the matrix show the features and the columns show the
functional requirements, as shown in Table 4 in Section IV.
This matrix is also useful for helping in the evolution of the
requirements since each change in the feature model will be
traced up to the requirements through the traceability matrix
(and vice versa).
The guidelines consider four types of feature variability
that may be present in the feature model, as shown in Table
1. The steps are the following:
C. Guidelines for Specifying SPL Functional Requirements
The purpose of the guidelines is to guide the
Requirements Analyst in the specification of SPL functional
requirements for domain engineering. The guidelines are
based on a meta-model (see Figure 2) that represents the
concepts involved when specifying use cases with
alternative scenarios and the relationships among them. The
meta-model is used to keep the traceability among all the
elements and to facilitate understanding. The meta-model
comprises the following elements:
Mandatory Feature
Optional Feature
Alternative Feature (OR) (one or more feature(s) can be selected)
Alternative Feature (XOR) (only one feature can be selected)
• RequirementsSpecification: Is the container of all the
elements in the specification;
• Feature: It represents a feature from a variability model.
Although it is not defined in this model, it is related to
zero or many requirements;
• Requirement: It is an abstract metaclass used to represent
functional requirements;
• UseCase: Represents a functional requirement. A
UseCase is associated with a Feature, other UseCases
through the include, extend or inheritance relationships,
or with Actors. It contains a Main Scenario and zero or
many Alternative Scenarios;
• UseCasePackage: Is the container of a UseCaseDiagram;
• UseCaseDiagram: Is a view for Actors, UseCases and
Identifying Use Cases.
1.1. Identify which Features will be grouped together
to be specified by uses cases. The group of
features must belong to the same hierarchy in the
feature model;
1.1.1. Root mandatory Features or intermediate
mandatory Features must have UseCases;
1.1.2. Mandatory leaf Features may have
UseCases or can be specified as alternative
scenarios from UseCases in the parent
Fig 2. Meta-Model for SPL Requirements
Actors (with the Inheritance and Association
1.1.3. Intermediate alternative Features (XOR)
must have UseCases;
1.1.4. UseCases identified for leaf alternative
Features (XOR) should be specified as
alternative scenarios from UseCases in the
parent Feature;
1.1.5. Root optional Features or intermediate
optional Features must have UseCases;
1.1.6. UseCases identified for leaf optional
Features should be specified as alternative
scenarios from UseCases in the parent
1.1.7. Intermediate alternative Features (OR) must
have UseCases;
1.1.8. UseCases identified for leaf alternative
Features (OR) should be specified as
alternative scenarios from UseCases in the
parent Feature;
Identify what the specific UseCases for the
feature or group of features are;
1.2.1. UseCases identified for children Features
(that have the same parent) with similar
behavior must be specified just once in the
parent Feature (where);
1.2.2. For each identified UseCase update the
Traceability Matrix;
Each Feature, which has one or more identified
UseCase, should have a UseCasePackage;
Each UseCaseDiagram should have the identified
UseCases for the Feature, Relationships and
Specifying Use Cases.
2.1. All the UseCase specifications should follow the
specifying use cases with alternative scenarios
template (how), as shown in Table 3 in Section
2.2. All mandatory fields from the template must be
2.3. Each Extend must have a condition;
2.4. Create the UseCase MainScenario and UseCase
AlterativeScenario. Each step, represented here
by a number, comprises the Actor Action and a
Black Box Response from the system;
2.5. Each AlternativeScenario should have a name
and a condition;
2.6. An AlternativeScenario can be additionally
associated with a Feature.
An exploratory case study to assess the usefulness of
FeDRE was performed by following the guidelines
presented in [24]. The stages of the case study development
are: design, preparation, collection of data, and analysis of
data, each of which is explained below.
A. Design of the case study
The case study was designed by considering the five
components that are proposed in [24]: purpose of the study,
underlying conceptual framework, research questions to be
addressed, sampling strategy, and methods employed. The
purpose of the case study is to show the usefulness of
applying FeDRE to specify SPL requirements for Domain
Engineering. The conceptual framework that links the
phenomena to be studied is the feature-driven approach
where the SPL requirements are specified as use cases based
on the features. The research questions that are intended to
be addressed are: 1) How the SPL development team
perceives the FeDRE approach in practice? – Is it easy to
use and useful?
2) What limitations does the FeDRE
approach present?
The sampling strategy of the case study is based on an
embedded single-case design. To answer these questions,
FeDRE was applied to develop an SPL for the mobile
software called SAVi (, which is an
application that notifies and allows a mobile contact list to
track a user in an emergency situation, sending to the
contact list a code by SMS and email. We chose SAVi in
order to apply FeDRE in a real SPL project using an
extractive / reactive SPL adoption. The SPL development
team, which applied FeDRE approach, was composed of
three people responsible for the scoping activity and six
people responsible for the requirements specification
activity. One of the authors, with more than 15 years of
experience in requirements engineering, was responsible for
validating the created artifacts. The technique that was used
to obtain feedback about the usefulness of FeDRE was a
survey answered by Ph.D. students from Universitat
Politècnica de València and Federal University of Bahia
after applying the FeDRE approach in practice.
Fig 3. Selected Features from the Feature Model
It represents a person to be contacted in an emergency
situation. It includes relevant information like e-mail,
phone number, Facebook ID, Twitter ID.
Contact List
Collection of contacts sorted in an alphabetical order.
Micro blogging service. It is a site where the user can
share small messages and retrieve contacts to SAVi.
B. Preparation of the case study
With regards to the Scoping activity, all the artifacts
(i.e., Feature Model, Feature Specification and Product
Map) were created by one domain analyst and one domain
expert, who were also assisted by a scoping expert with
more than 6 years of experience in SPL scoping activities.
The marketing analysis was done based on other products,
with similar purpose to that of SAVi, available at the
AppStore1. Functionalities of these products were included
into the SAVi feature model, in which 27 features were
identified. Since the FeDRE approach is flexible to support
the incremental requirements specification, a set of features
was selected to be the driver of the first iteration for the
requirements specification. The selection of these features
was done based on which features are present in most of the
products in the Product Map and are easier to be
implemented. Figure 3 shows an excerpt of the Feature
Model and the selected features for the first iteration.
It represents the person who uses the application.
*Mandatory fields.
With the artifacts created by the Scoping activity
(Feature Model, Feature Specification and Product Map)
and the Glossary artifact created by the Requirements
Specification for Domain Engineering activity it was
possible to create the Functional Requirements and the
Traceability Matrix artifacts by applying the guidelines for
specifying SPL requirements.
C. Collection of the data
The data for this case study was collected during the
Requirements Specification for Domain Engineering
activity. For specifying the SPL Functional Requirements,
four additional requirements analysts were recruited. They
were asked to apply the guidelines for specifying SPL
functional requirements (shown in Sub-Section III-C) in
order to answer the following questions: i) Which features
can be grouped to be specified by Use Cases (UC)?; ii)
What are the specific use cases for the feature or set of
features?; iii) Where the use case should be specified?; and
iv) How each use case is specified in terms of steps?
Each one of the 27 features from the feature model was
specified according to the feature specification template.
Also, during the Scoping activity, a list of products for the
mobile application for emergency notifications domain was
defined allowing the creation of the Product Map artifact.
Regarding the Requirements Specification for Domain
Engineering activity, two requirements analysts from the
team created the Glossary artifact based on the artifacts that
were created in the Scoping activity. A total of 16 relevant
terms were identified for the domain. An excerpt of this
artifact is shown in Table 2.
a) Which features can be grouped to be specified by UC?
This step analyzes all the features included in the unit of
increment for the current iteration, and for these features
(see Figure 3) the analyst has to decide which ones will be
specified by use cases. According to the guidelines, the
requirements analysts decided that the features Contact
(according to the step 1.1.1 from the guideline),
Add_Contact (according to the step 1.1.2 from the
guideline) and Import_Contact (according to the step 1.1.7
from the guideline) would be specified as use cases. Since
there are three ways of implementing an import contact (two
optional: Facebook_Import and Twitter_Import; and one / Rescue Button: / Red
Panic Button: / RescueMe Now:
mandatory: Phone_Import) the requirements analysts
decided that those features will not be specified as use cases
(according to steps 1.1.2 and 1.1.8 from the guideline) and,
instead, they will be specified as alternative scenarios in the
use case related to the feature Import_Contact.
representing the variability is the reuse. Since the alternative
scenarios are specified just once within a use case, several
products can be instantiated reusing the same use case.
Thus, different behaviors can arise from the same use case,
for different products, depending on the selected features.
The traceability matrix (features X UC) is shown in Table 4.
b) What are the specific UC for the feature or set of features?
After deciding which features will be specified as use
cases, the requirements analysts identified what will be the
use cases for each feature. Moreover, the Traceability
Matrix is incrementally filled in with traceability
information between the use case and the feature. For the
Contact feature, the following use cases were identified:
Show Contact, Delete Contact and Update Contact. For the
Add_Contact feature, the following use cases were
identified: Define Message Language and Add Contact. The
Import_Contact feature included the following use cases:
Retrieve Contacts and Import Contacts. For the whole SPL,
a total of 28 use cases were identified.
Retrieve Contacts
It retrieves a contact list from an external system
*Associated feature:
Actor(s) [0..*]: The system should be
The contacts from an
to *Postexternal system are
condition: communicate with the condition: retrieved to the
external system
Includes To: Extends From: *Main Success Scenario
c) Where the UC should be specified?
Actor Action
The logged user requests
his/her retrieve contacts
Alternative Scenario name:
Since some use cases with similar behavior may be
identified for distinct features that have the same parent, the
requirements analysts will decide where to relocate the
specification for this use case (this is to avoid the redundant
specification of similar behavior). When this happens, the
use case specification is performed just once at the parent
feature level. As soon as all the use cases were identified for
each feature, it is possible to start modeling the use cases. A
use case package is created for each feature that will have
use cases, and a use case diagram is created to include the
use cases, actors and relationships among them. An example
for the Import_Contact feature (use case package and
diagram) is shown in Figure 4. For the whole SPL, a total of
13 packages and use case diagrams were specified.
Retrieve via Facebook
The logged user must be linked within an Facebook
Associated feature [0..1]:
Step Actor Action
Blackbox System Response
The System retrieves the Facebook contacts
Alternative Scenario name:
Retrieve via Twitter
Condition: The logged user must be linked within an Twitter account
Associated feature [0..1]:
Step Actor Action
Blackbox System Response
The System retrieves the Twitter contacts
*Mandatory fields.
Blackbox System Response
The System shows the retrieved
D. Data Analysis
For the data analysis, 6 requirements analysts, who are
Ph.D. students with experience in requirements
specification, from Universitat Politècnica de València and
Federal University of Bahia, also applied the guidelines for
specifying the functional requirements for the SAVi SPL
individually. These analysts were different from the authors
of the guidelines. After applying the guidelines, a meeting
was organized to analyze the obtained results (functional
requirements specification and traceability matrix) and the
discrepancies were resolved with consensus. The purpose of
the meeting was to identify possible problems with the
guidelines. The data gathered helped us to fine-tune the
definition of the guidelines. For instance, feature variability
was made explicit in the guidelines facilitating the
identification of which features need a use case specification
and a new step was included in the guidelines (the update
traceability matrix, step 1.2.2).
Fig 4. (a) UC Package and (b) UC Diagram (Feature Import_Contact)
d) How each UC is specified in terms of steps?
After identifying and relating the use cases to the
features, the requirements analysts specified each one of the
use cases taking into account the variations from the Feature
Model. Table 3 shows the Functional Requirement
specification for one of the use cases related to the feature
Import_Contact, which is the Retrieve Contacts use case.
This use case specification has the optional features
Facebook_Import and Twitter_Import, which are specified
as alternative scenarios. Thus, this use case specification
handles the variability expressed in the Feature Model,
where depending on the selected feature, an alternative
scenario can be included in the use case specification.
Another advantage of using alternative scenarios for
After applying the guidelines, the 6 requirements
analysts were asked to fill in a survey in order to answer the
two stated research questions (Sub-Section IV-A). This
survey is available online ( To
measure the perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness
of the requirements analysts after applying the FeDRE
approach (first research question), we relied on an existing
measurement instrument proposed for evaluating
requirements modeling methods based on user perceptions
[1]. Specifically, we adapted two perception-based variables
from that instrument, which were based on two constructs of
the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) [12]:
the second research question. Both research questions are
discussed as follows.
1) How the SPL development team perceives the FeDRE
approach in practice? – Is it easy to use and useful?
The first research question was addressed by defining
the following hypotheses:
Item Statement
The FeDRE approach is simple and easy to follow
Overall, the requirements specifications obtained by the
FeDRE approach are easy to use
It is easy for me to follow the guidelines proposed by
FeDRE approach
The guidelines for specifying SPL functional
requirements are easy to learn
I believe that FeDRE approach would reduce the time
required to specify SPL requirements
Overall, I found the FeDRE approach to be useful
I believe that the SPL requirements specifications
obtained with the FeDRE approach are organized, clear,
concise and non-ambiguous
I believe that the FeDRE approach has enough
expressiveness to represent functional SPL requirements
I believe that the FeDRE approach would improve my
performance in specifying SPL functional requirements
H20: FeDRE is perceived as not useful, H21 = H20.
To test the hypotheses, we verified whether the scores
that the subjects assign to the constructs of the TAM are
significantly better than the neutral score on the Likert scale
for an item. The scores of a subject are averaged over the
items that are relevant for a construct. We thus obtained two
scores for each subject. The Kolmogorov–Smirnov test for
normality was applied to the PEOU and PU data. As the
distribution was normal, we used the One-tailed sample ttest to check for a difference in mean PEOU and PU for the
FeDRE approach and the value 3. The results shown in
Table 6 allow us to reject the null hypotheses, meaning that
we corroborated empirically that the analysts perceived the
FeDRE approach as being easy to use and useful.
Table 5 shows the items defined to measure these
perception-based variables. These items were combined in a
survey, consisting of 9 statements. The items were
formulated by using a 5-point Likert scale, using the
opposing-statement question format. Various items within
the same construct group were randomized, to prevent
systemic response bias. PEOU and PU are measured by
using four and five items in the survey, respectively.
H10: FeDRE is perceived as difficult to use, H11 = H10;
The hypotheses relate to a direct relationship between
the use of the FeDRE approach and the users’ perceptions.
Table 6 shows descriptive statistics for the perceived-based
variables. The results of the survey showed that the subjects
perceived FeDRE as easy to use and useful. This can be
observed by the mean value for these variables (i.e., all of
them are greater than the neutral score (i.e., the score 3)).
• Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU): the degree to which a
person believes that using FeDRE would be effort-free.
This variable represents a perceptual judgment of the
effort required to learn and use the FeDRE approach;
• Perceived Usefulness (PU): the degree to which a
person believes that FeDRE will achieve its intended
objectives. This variable represents a perceptual
judgment of the FeDRE approach effectiveness.
Mean Diff
2) What limitations does the FeDRE approach present?
Some limitations were identified after applying the
FeDRE approach. Those limitations are related to approach
scalability, productivity and effectiveness. Since the use of
the approach in large projects is not yet clear, to overcome
this scalability limitation we intend to apply FeDRE in new
SPL domains with more features than the one used in this
paper. To improve the approach productivity, a tool should
be developed to support the specification and maintenance
of the SPL requirements. Finally, to overcome the lack of
effectiveness on the created artifacts, meetings among the
requirements analysts should be performed in order to
mitigate SPL requirements specification discrepancies.
The use of multiple items to measure a same construct
requires the examination of the reliability of the survey.
This was done by using Cronbach’s alpha. The results of the
reliability analysis are as follows: (PEOU = 0.764; PU =
0.760). Both constructs have an alpha value equal to, or
greater than 0.7, which is a common reliability threshold
[23]. As a result, we can conclude that the items in the
survey are reliable. The survey also included three open
questions in order to gather the opinions of the requirements
analysts about the limitations of the approach and
suggestions on how to make the FeDRE approach easier to
use and more useful. These responses were used to answer
This paper introduced the FeDRE approach to support
the requirements specification of SPLs. In this approach,
chunks of features from a feature model are realized into
functional requirements, which are then specified by use
cases. The required requirements variations can be related to
the use case as a whole or to alternative scenarios inside of a
use case. A set of guidelines was provided to help SPL
developers to perform these activities and as a means to
systematize the process and ensure a correct traceability
between the different requirements artifacts. We believe that
this approach provides a solution for dealing with the
complexity of specifying SPLs with a large number of
requirements and features.
[6] Asadi M., Bagheri E., Gašević D., Hatala M., Mohabbati, B. 2011.
Goal-driven software product line engineering. Proc. of the 2011
ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (NY, USA, 2011). 691-698.
[7] Bayer, J., Flege, O., Knauber, P., Laqua, R., Muthig, D., Schmid, K.,
Widen, T., and DeBaud, J.-M. 1999. PuLSE: A Methodology to
Develop Software Product Lines. In Proc. of the 1999 symposium on
Software reusability (Los Angeles, CA, USA). ACM Press, 122-131.
The feasibility of FeDRE was evaluated using a mobile
application for emergency notifications case study. The
results show that the analysts perceived the approach as easy
to use and useful for specifying the functional requirements
for this particular product line. However, the approach
needs further empirical evaluation with larger and more
complex SPLs. Such evaluation is part of our future work.
We plan to apply FeDRE in the development of other SPLs
at the domain and application engineering processes. In
addition, we intend to extend the approach to cope with nonfunctional requirements, quality attributes in the feature
model and explore the use of model-driven techniques to
(partially) automate the guidelines to check the
completeness and consistency of artifacts.
[8] Bayer, J., Muthig, D., and Widen, T. 2000. Customizable domain
analysis. In Proceedings of the First Int. Symp. on Generative and
Component-Based Software Engineering, Springer 2001, 178–194.
[9] Bosch, J Design and Use of Software Architectures: Adopting and
Evolving a Product-Line Approach (Addison-Wesley, 2000).
[10] Clements, P. and Northrop, L. 2007. Software Product Lines:
Practices and Patterns, Addison-Wesley, Boston.
[11] Czarnecki, K., Eisenecker, U.W. Generative Programming:
Methods, Tools, and Applications. Addison-Wesley, 2000.
[12] Davis F.D. Perceived Usefulness, Perceived ease of use and user
acceptance of information technology, MIS Quarterly 13 3 1989
[13] Eriksson, M., Börstler, J., and Borg, K. 2005. The PLUSS approach domain modeling with features, use cases and use case realizations.
In Proceedings on 9th International Conference on Software
Product Lines (Rennes, France, September 26-29). Springer, 33–44.
This research work is funded by the Hispano-Brazilian
Interuniversity Cooperation Program under ref. No.HBP-20110015 and the MULTIPLE project (TIN2009-13838) from the
Spanish Ministry of Education and Science. This material is based
upon work funded and supported by the DoD under Contract No.
FA8721-05-C-0003 with Carnegie Mellon University for the
operation of the Software Engineering Institute, a federally funded
research and development center. This material has been
approved for public release and unlimited distribution (DM0000547). This work was partially supported by the National
Institute of Science and Technology for Software Engineering
(INES2), funded by CAPES, CNPq and FACEPE, grants
573964/2008-4 and APQ-1037-1.03/08 and CNPq grants
305968/2010-6, 559997/2010-8, 474766/2010-1 and FAPESB.
The authors also appreciate the value-adding work of all their
colleagues Loreno Alvim, Larissa Rocha, Ivonei Freitas, Tassio
Vale and Iuri Santos who make great contributions to the Scoping
activity of FeDRE approach.
[14] Griss, M. L., Favaro, J., and d’ Alessandro, M. 1998. Integrating
feature modeling with the RSEB. 5th ICSR, pp. 76–85, Canadá.
[15] Heidenreich, F., Sánchez, P., Santos, J., Zschaler, S., Alférez, M.,
Araújo, J., Fuentes, L., Kulesza, U., Moreira, A. and Rashid, A.
2010. Relating feature models to other models of a software product
line: a comparative study of featuremapper and VML. In
Transactions on aspect-oriented software development VII. SpringerVerlag, Berlin, Heidelberg 69-114.
[16] Kang, K. C., Cohen, S. G., Hess, J. A., Novak, W. E., and Peterson,
A. S. 1990. Feature-Oriented Domain Analysis (FODA) Feasibility
Study. Technical report. Software Engineering Institute.
[17] Krueger C.W. Easing the transition to software mass customization.
In Proc. of the 4th Int, Workshop on Software Product-Family
Engineering (Bilbao, Spain, October 3–5, 2001). Springer, 282–293.
[18] John, I., Eisenbarth, M. 2009. A decade of scoping: a survey.
Proceeding on the 13th SPLC (San Francisco, USA,). ACM, 31-40.
[19] Jones C., Applied Software Measurement: Assuring Productivity and
Quality, McGraw-Hill: New York, 1996.
[20] Moon, M., and Chae, H. S. 2005. An approach to developing domain
requirements as a core asset based on commonality and variability
analysis in a product line. IEEE Trans. Softw. Eng. 31(7), 551–569.
Member-Keunhyuk Yeom.
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[2] Alexander I., and Maiden N. 2004. Scenarios, Stories, Use Cases:
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[21] Mussbacher, G., Araújo, J., Moreira, A., and Amyot, D. 2011.
AoURN-based Modeling and Analysis of Software Product Lines.
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[22] Muthig, D., I. John, M. Anastasopoulos, T. Forster, J. Dorr, and K.
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[23] Nunally J., Psychometric Theory, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, NY, 1978.
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(Salvador, Brazil). ACM, Vol. 1, 56-65.
Improving modular reasoning on preprocessor-based
Jean Melo
Paulo Borba
Informatics Center
Federal University of Pernambuco
Recife, Brazil
Email: [email protected]
Informatics Center
Federal University of Pernambuco
Recife, Brazil
Email: [email protected]
Abstract—Preprocessors are often used to implement the
variability of a Software Product Line (SPL). Despite their
widespread use, they have several drawbacks like code pollution,
no separation of concerns, and error-prone. Virtual Separation
of Concerns (VSoC) has been used to address some of these
preprocessor problems by allowing developers to hide feature
code not relevant to the current maintenance task. However, different features eventually share the same variables and methods,
so VSoC does not modularize features, since developers do not
know anything about hidden features. Thus, the maintenance
of one feature might break another. Emergent Interfaces (EI)
capture dependencies between a feature maintenance point and
parts of other feature implementation, but they do not provide
an overall feature interface considering all parts in an integrated
way. Thus, we still have the feature modularization problem.
To address that, we propose Emergent Feature Interfaces (EFI)
that complement EI by treating feature as a module in order to
improve modular reasoning on preprocessor-based systems. EFI
capture dependencies among entire features, with the potential of
improving productivity. Our proposal, implemented in an open
source tool called Emergo, is evaluated with preprocessor-based
systems. The results of our study suggest the feasibility and
usefulness of the proposed approach.
A Software Product Line (SPL) is a set of softwareintensive systems that share a common, managed set of features
satisfying the specific needs of a particular market segment
or mission and that are developed from reusable assets [1].
The idea of SPL is the systematic and efficient creation of
products based on strategic software reuse. By reusing assets,
we can build products through features defined in accordance
with customers’ requirements [2]. In this context, features are
the semantic units by which we can distinguish product line
variants [3]. Feature models define the legal combinations of
features by representing commonalities and variabilities of a
product line [4].
In order to implement features, developers often use preprocessors [5], [6], [7]. Conditional compilation directives like
#ifdef and #endif encompass code associated with features. Although preprocessor is widespread used for building
SPL, its usage can lead to obfuscated source code reducing
comprehensibility and increasing maintenance costs (i.e. code
pollution), as a result, becoming error-prone [8], [9]. Besides
that, preprocessors do not provide support for separation of
concerns. In the literature, #ifdef directives are even referred
to as “ifdef hell” [10], [11].
For this reason, Virtual Separation of Concerns (VSoC)
[5] reduces some of the preprocessor drawbacks by allowing
developers to hide feature code not relevant to the current
maintenance task. VSoC provides to developer a way of
focusing on one feature, which is important for his task at
the moment [12]. In other words, VSoC is helpful to visualize
a feature individually. However, this approach is not enough
to provide feature modularization since a developer does not
know anything about hidden features [13]. As a result, the
developer might introduce some bugs in the system when he
changes a variable or method of a determined feature. Features
eventually share variables and methods. Several descriptions of
feature interaction phenomena are given in the literature (e.g. in
[14]). We refer to feature dependency whenever we have such
sharing like when a feature assigns a value to a variable which
is subsequently used by another feature. Thus, one change in
one feature can lead to errors in others. Moreover, these errors
can cause behavioral problems in the system [15]. In many
cases, bugs are only detected in the field by customers postrelease when running a specific product with the broken feature
In order to minimize these problems, researchers have
proposed the concept of Emergent Interfaces (EI) [16] to
capture the dependencies between a feature part that the
programmer is maintaining and the others. This approach is
called emergent because the interfaces emerge on demand and
give information to developer about other feature pieces that
can be impacted. EI still have the VSoC benefits. Yet, they do
not provide an overall feature interface considering all parts in
an integrated way. In other words, EI have just captured dependencies among parts of a feature (not the feature as a whole)
because they only know about the existing dependencies to
one determined code encompassed with #ifdef. Likely, a
feature is scattered across the source code and tangled with
code of other features (through preprocessor directives) [17].
This way, each #ifdef represents one piece of the feature.
Thus, there is no a complete understanding of a given feature.
As a consequence, the programmer still might introduce errors
in the system since he may not be aware of all dependencies
of a given feature that he is maintaining. To sum up, EI only
capture dependencies of one feature piece at a time.
To address this problem, we propose Emergent Feature Interfaces (EFI) that complement EI because instead of knowing
about feature parts, EFI see a feature as a “component” which
has provided and required interfaces in order to improve mod-
ular reasoning on preprocessor-based systems by looking for
feature dependencies. Our proposal, implemented in an open
source tool called Emergo,1 is evaluated with preprocessorbased systems. The results of our study bring preliminary
evidence about the feasibility and usefulness of the proposed
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. Section II
presents some motivating examples of real scenarios. Then,
in Section III, we describe our proposal as well as the
architectural design. After that, we discuss the case study in
Section IV. Section V discusses about related work. Finally,
in Section VI, we draw some conclusions and give directions
for future work.
Emergent Interfaces reduce Virtual Separation of Concerns
problems by capturing data dependencies between a feature
maintenance point and parts of other feature implementation of
a software product line [16]. Using this approach, the developer
can maintain a feature part being aware of the possible impacts
in others [15]. Nevertheless, we show that EI are not enough
to provide feature modularization, which aims at achieving
independent feature comprehensibility, changeability, and development [13].
In this context, we present two maintenance scenarios in
order to illustrate the problems mentioned in Section I and
addressed in this paper. First, consider a JCalc2 -based product
line of a standard and a scientific calculator written in Java.
The code of the product line is available here.3 We transform
the JCalc project in a SPL in order to utilize it only as
running example that has mandatory, optional and alternative
features, that is why we do not consider this product line in
our case study. The JCalc class contains the main method
responsible for executing the calculator (see Figure 1). As we
can see, this method has three features: PT BR, GUI, and
LOOKANDFEEL. Notice that the features are tangled along
the main method. Also, the GUI feature is scattered across the
method twice.
Now, suppose a developer needs to maintain the GUI
feature. First of all, he should look at the current feature to
understand the role of the feature in its entirety, achieving
independent feature comprehensibility. To do so, the developer
must get the EI for each code encompassed with #ifdef
GUI. The interfaces related to the first and second #ifdef
GUI statements are shown in Figure 2 respectively. The first
emerged information alerts the developer that he should also
analyze the hidden LOOKANDFEEL feature whereas VSoC
hides feature code not relevant to the current maintenance task,
in this case, maintenance in the GUI feature. So, using EI
the developer is aware of the dependencies that include the
hidden features. It is important to stress that the GUI feature
is scattered in other classes as well.
As we explain now, part of the information presented by
the interface might be relevant to a developer, whereas other
part might not be. For instance, the second emergent interface
Fig. 1.
Maintenance in the GUI feature
Fig. 2.
EI for #ifdefs GUI
is irrelevant because these variables reported are not used in
other features across the entire system. In addition, the first
interface contains both important and not important information for the developer, since he wants to understand whether
the code elements of the GUI feature impact other features.
So, the second information (‘Provides frame to (GUI)’) from
first interface is unnecessary since the developer only does
not know anything about the feature LOOKANDFEEL. This
means that the developer is aware of that the GUI feature uses
the frame variable because GUI is being maintained by him.
Thus, we have the polluted emergent interfaces problem.
Besides this problem of polluted interfaces, EI have another
limitation due to the amount of preprocessor directives per
feature. We illustrate that with a second scenario extracted
from the Vim editor.4 Vim is a highly configurable text editor
built to enable efficient text editing.
Figure 3 depicts the source code for syntax highlighting of
the Vim editor. The highlight changed function translates the
‘highlight’ option into attributes and sets up the user highlights.
According to Figure 3 the highlight changed function has
too many preprocessor directives (#ifdefs) which represent
mation for maintaining the feature under his responsibility.
For instance, in our example, the developer might overlook
the information that the FEAT STL OPT feature provides
hlt pointer to another feature, as shown in Figure 3. As a
consequence, he might introduce bugs in some SPL variant
by leading to late error detection [12], since we can only
detect errors when we eventually happen to build and execute
a product with the problematic feature combination. This
means that the overall maintenance effort increases. All things
considered, we have the second problem which is the lack of
an overall feature interface for the whole feature, having only
access to partial feature interfaces for each block of feature
In addition to EI of feature parts, there is an information
overload since the interfaces are computed one by one and,
then, the developer might join them. This joining process
might be expensive and further some of these interfaces might
have duplicate information. In face of that, the developer is
susceptible to consider code unnecessarily, wasting time. The
following section describes how we address these problems.
To solve the aforementioned problems, we propose the
idea of Emergent Feature Interfaces (EFI), an evolution of the
Emergent Interfaces approach, which consists of inferring contracts among features and capturing the feature dependencies
by looking at the feature as a whole. These contracts represent
the provided and required interfaces of each feature. With these
interfaces per feature, we can detect the feature dependencies
(using sensitive-feature data-flow analysis). We use a broader
term for contracts than “Design by contract” proposed by
Meyer [19] since we infer the contracts by analyzing the code.
We establish contracts between the feature being maintained and the remaining ones through the interfaces. The
concept of interfaces allows us to know what a given feature provides and requires from others. Considering the first
interface of Figure 2, EI do not inform us about the required
interfaces, but the GUI feature requires title variable from the
PT BR feature. Therefore, we improve EI by adding required
interfaces for computing the emergent feature interfaces.
Fig. 3.
The highlight changed function from the Vim editor
In this context, suppose a developer should study the
FEAT STL OPT feature in order to implement a user requirement that consists to change this feature. Thus, he has to make
use of the emergent interfaces generated for each code block
encompassed with #ifdef FEAT_STL_OPT. After that, he
has to memorize or join all interfaces gotten previously. In
this function, he would have to observe six interfaces (vide
Figure 3). This becomes worse as the scattering increases. An
analysis done in forty preprocessor-based systems claims that
a signicant number of feature incur a high scattering degree
and the respective implementation scatters possibly across the
entire system [18]. This process is time consuming, leading to
lower productivity.
Because of the potentially hard work to get all emergent
interfaces, the developer might forget some relevant infor4
In addition to establishing contracts, EFI obtain all dependencies between the feature that we are maintaining and the remaining ones. These dependencies occur when a feature shares
code elements, such as variables and methods, with others. In
general, this occurs when a feature declares a variable which
is used by another feature. For example, in our first motivating
example (vide Figure 1), the title variable is initialized in
the PT BR feature (alternative feature) and, subsequently,
used in GUI (mandatory feature). Thus, we can have feature
dependencies like alternative/mandatory, mandatory/optional,
and so on.
After capturing the feature dependencies, we use featuresensitive data-flow analysis [20]. In doing so, we keep dataflow information for each possible feature combination.
To clarify the understanding, we present how emergent
feature interfaces work. Consider the example with regard
to JCalc product line of Section II, where a programmer is
supposed to maintain the GUI feature. As our proposal derives
from EI, the programmer still has to select the maintenance
point but with a slight difference since he can also ask about a
determined feature. In other words, the developer can select
both a code block as a feature declaration (i.e. #ifdef
FeatureName). The developer is responsible by the selection
(see the dashed rectangle in Figure 4) which in this case is
the #ifdef GUI. Then, we perform code analysis based
on data-flow analysis to capture the dependencies between
the selected feature and the other ones. Finally, the feature
interface emerges.
Fig. 4.
of seeing it part by part. In fact, it is easier to the developers
understand the dependencies among features through a macro
vision than get all interfaces one by one and, then, join them.
For instance, in our second scenario (see Section II) there
are several #ifdefs and, in special, the FEAT STL OPT
feature is scattered across the highlight changed function
(see Figure 3). Instead the developer having to repeat six
times the #ifdef FEAT_STL_OPT selection for obtaining
all interfaces we provide an integrated way to avoid this
information overload. This way, the developer only need to
select #ifdef FEAT_STL_OPT one time, then the data-flow
analysis is performed and, finally, the feature interface emerged
(as shown in Figure 5). Note that no dependencies found
between FEAT STL OPT and the remaining ones. Again,
reading this information the developer already knows that
the FEAT STL OPT feature neither provides any variable or
method nor requires to other ones.
Emergent feature interface for the GUI feature
The EFI in Figure 4 states that maintenance may impact
products containing the LOOKANDFEEL feature. This means
we provide the actual frame value to the LOOKANDFEEL
feature and require the title value offered by the PT BR feature
or its alternative one. Reading this information, the developer
is now aware of the existing contracts between GUI and
LOOKANDFEEL features and also between GUI and PT BR.
The emerged information has been simplified because the developers only need to know the dependencies inter-feature, not
intra-feature. That is, EFI only show dependencies between the
feature he is maintaining and the remaining ones. We can check
this in Figure 1 where the frame variable is used in other places
but the emergent feature interface (see Figure 4) just exhibit
frame dependency concerning the feature LOOKANDFEEL.
The Figures 2 and 4 show the difference between EI and
EFI clearly. Thus, the polluted emergent interfaces problem
is addressed by cutting irrelevant information to programmer.
This way, he focuses on information that should be analyzed
avoiding considering code unnecessarily, wasting time.
It is important to stress that EFI compute both direct and
indirect dependencies among features. In other words, if a
variable A is set in FEATURE 1 and used in FEATURE 2
to assign its value in other variable B (B = A). Finally,
FEATURE 3 uses B. In this case, EFI alert to programmer
that FEATURE 1 has a direct dependency to FEATURE 2
(through A) as well as FEATURE 2 to FEATURE 3 (through
B). Besides that, EFI provide the indirect dependency between
FEATURE 1 and FEATURE 3 since FEATURE 3 depends
on FEATURE 1 indirectly (transitivity property).
Note that the code might have many other #ifdefs
making the interface’s construction more complex. According
to the results presented by the authors of the concept of EI, the
most methods have several preprocessor directives [15]. This
means that it is better look at the feature as a whole instead
Fig. 5.
Emergent feature interface for the FEAT STL OPT feature
Therefore, our idea complements EI in the sense that we
evolve this approach taking into account the feature as a module. As a result, the developer sees the feature dependencies
through a interface more clean and precise that aids him to
understand the impact of a possible change in the source code
during preprocessor-based system maintenance. In that sense,
interfaces enable modular reasoning [17]: We can understand
a feature in isolation without looking at other features. Thus,
EFI help to solve the feature modularization problem, since the
programmer achieves independent feature comprehensibility
and, consequently, he can change a feature code aware of its
dependencies, avoiding breaking the contracts among features
[13]. This improvement is feasible and useful to improve
modular reasoning on preprocessor-based systems, with the
potential of improving productivity.
We present how EFI work in terms of implementation in
the next section.
A. Implementation
To implement our approach, we built a tool called Emergo,
an Eclipse plugin. It is available at:
The Figure 6 depicts both the Emergo’s architecture and
the data-flow from developer’s selection up to the interface to
appear. The architecture follows a heterogeneous architectural
style based on the layered (GUI, Core, and Analysis) and
independent components.
To show the process for getting EFI, we explain step by
step the activity diagram-like (as seen in Figure 6).
First of all, the developer selects the maintenance point
which indicates what code block or feature he is interested
at the moment. Then, the GenerateEIHandler component
sets up the classpath from the accessible information at the
project. Besides that, it gets the compilation unit in order to
know whether is a Java or Groovy project, treating each type
of project in accordance with its peculiarities.5 Meanwhile,
we associate the maintenance point selection with a feature
expression and compute the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) from
Eclipse infrastructure. After, we mark each tree node that
represents the selected code by the developer. This marking of
the AST nodes from text selection is important to bind AST
node on Soot’s Unit object later.
Incidentally, Soot [21] is a framework for analysis and
optimization of Java code. It accepts Java bytecode as input,
converts it to one of the intermediate representations, applies
analyses and transformations, and converts the results back to
bytecode. Since we consider SPLs, we use the Soot framework
to execute feature-sensitive data-flow analysis [20] and then
capture feature dependencies.
Before we apply data-flow analysis, the Soot component
gets the classpath provided by the GenerateEIHandler and
configures it by putting all bytecode in a specific place. Then,
Soot loads the class that the developer is maintaining. This
means, Soot gets the class bytecode and converts it into main
intermediate representation of the Soot called Jimple, typed
3-address representation of Java bytecode. Jimple is suitable
for decompilation and code inspection.
In addition to load the class, we use the bridge design
pattern to deal the difference between Java and Groovy independently. This way, we can bind AST nodes on Soot Units
which correspond to statements. After this step, we have a
mapping between AST nodes and statements and, hence, we
are able to get the units in selection.
This mapping is passed to Instrumentor that iterates over
all units, look up for their feature expressions and add a new
Soot Tag to each of them, and also computes all the feature
expressions found in the whole body. Units with no feature
expression receive an empty Soot Tag. The idea is to tag
information onto relevant bits of code in order that we can then
use these tags to perform some optimization in the dependency
graph at the end.
After the bytecode instrumentation, we build the Control
Flow Graph (CFG) and, then, run reaching definitions analysis
through the LiftedReachingDefinitions component that uses
the Soot data-flow framework. The Soot data-flow framework
is designed to handle any form of CFG implementing the
interface soot.toolkits.graph.DirectedGraph. It
is important to stress that our reaching definitions analyses are
feature-sensitive data-flow analysis [20]. This way, we keep
data-flow information for each possible feature combination.
Then, the DependencyGraphBuilder component accepts
mapping between AST nodes to statements, units in selection,
CFG, and all possible feature combinations as input, iterates
over the CFG for creating the nodes from units in selection
which can represent use or definition. If the node is a definition we get all uses and for each use found we create one
directed edge on the dependency graph which represents the
EFI. Otherwise, we just get its definition and connect them.
Recalling that both paths support transitivity property.
After the dependency graph is populated, we prune it to
avoid duplicate edges and having more than one edge between
two given nodes.
Finally, the EmergoGraphView component shows the
dependency graph in a visual way where the developer becomes aware of the feature dependencies, with the potential
of improving productivity. Besides this graph view, we also
provide a table view. These information alert the developer
about what interfaces might be broken if he changes the code
in specific places.
B. Limitations and Ongoing work
Our tool currently implements the general algorithm to
emerge feature interfaces. The main limitation when computing interfaces happens when we have mutually exclusive
features. Although the data-flow analysis is feature-sensitive,
the Emergo still searches uses of a determined definition in all
feature expressions, whether alternative or not. Improving this
computation is an ongoing work.
Also, we are working on interprocedural analysis for capturing dependencies among classes, packages, and components
since a feature can be scattered in different places.
To assess the effectiveness and feasibility of our approach,
we conducted a case study following guidelines from Runeson and Host [22]. Our evaluation addresses these research
RQ1: Is there any difference between Emergent Interfaces and Emergent Feature Interfaces?
RQ2: How do Emergent Feature Interfaces’ dependency detection compare to Emergent Interfaces?
Our study includes five preprocessor-based systems in total.
All of these software product lines are written in Java and
contain their features implemented using conditional compilation directives. These systems contain several features. For
instance, the lampiro product line has 11 features and, the
mobile media has 14 features. Among these systems, Best lap
and Juggling product lines are commercial products.
We reuse the data produced by other research [15], whose
authors proposed the EI concept. Table I shows the product
lines, including their characteristics such as the amount of
preprocessor directives utilized in the entire product line,
among others. We count preprocessor directives like #ifdef,
#ifndef, #else, #if, and so on. MDi stands for number of
methods with preprocessor directives, for example, Mobile-rss
has 244 methods with preprocessor directives (27.05%) from
902 existing methods in entire product line. And, MDe stands
for number of methods with feature dependencies. In particular,
we use MDe in order to select the methods with feature
Fig. 6.
Emergo’s architecture and activity diagram-like
Best lap
# methods
maintenance points, we use RANDOM.ORG6 that offers true
random numbers to anyone on the Internet.
# cpp directives
dependencies to answer our research questions. According to
the presented data in Table I, these metrics vary across the
product lines.
Given a maintenance point in some of these product lines,
we evaluate what the difference between EI and EFI. Our aim
consists of understanding to what extent the latter complement
the former.
To answer these research questions, we randomly select
a subset of methods with feature dependencies [15] and
then compare the results produced by EFI to the results
generated by EI. Also, note that the same set of selected
methods is used to conduct the comparisons between EFI
and EI. From these five experimental objects, we have 446
methods with preprocessor directives. We use a random way
for getting ten methods that contains feature dependencies.
Firstly, we decide to pick two methods per product line. Also,
we randomly select the maintenance points. In doing so, we
identify some valid maintenance points dismissing comment,
whitespace and method/class declaration since our data-flow
analysis is intraprocedural. Then, we compute EI and EFI for
each maintenance point chosen. To select these methods and
After discussing the study settings, we present the results
of our evaluation for each method with feature dependencies as
shown in Table II. For each method selected, the table shows EI
and EFI produced from the maintenance points. It is important
to quote that depending on maintenance point selection the
method might have not dependency among features. Although
these ten methods contain feature dependencies, there are
two cases where no dependencies were found, that is, these
variables in selection are not neither used nor defined in
another feature.
As can be seen, EI return ‘No dependencies found!’ in all
the cases that the maintenance point is not an assignment. In
other words, this suggests that our claim regarding to miss
required interfaces on EI is true. On the contrary, EFI take
into consideration both provided and required interfaces. Yet,
whenever some method has not feature dependency the two
approaches give the same interface. For instance, there is no
difference between EI and EFI for the method
(vide Table II). Although this method has no dependencies,
EFI look for the definition of the playerID variable across the
method in order to alert the developer the backward contract
(required interface) between the feature he is maintaining and
the other. In this case, EFI returned ‘No dependencies found!’
because playerID variable is defined at the same feature
that contains its use. Otherwise, EFI would return ‘Requires
playerID variable from feature X’ where X represents the
feature name. This latter kind of case happened, for example,
at the constructor of the class ResourceManager where EI did
not find any dependencies whereas EFI found.
Besides that, EI do not provide support for feature selection
as a maintenance point. This is bad since the developer might
want to understand a feature as a whole before applying any
change the code. For example, consider the Best lap product
line’ MainScreen.paintRankingScreen method, if the developer
wanted to know what feature dependencies exist between the
device screen 128x128 feature and the remaining ones, he
should select all statements (one-by-one) within that feature.
This is a potential hard work depending on the amount of
statements of the feature. In this context, our approach is useful
and feasible since EFI provide macro information per feature,
improving modular reasoning on preprocessor-based systems
(see the first line of the Table II).
Another important aspect is the simplified view that EI
do not offer to developers. For instance, the PhotoViewController.handleCommand method has the imgByte declaration
encompasses with #ifdef sms || capturePhoto. This
variable is used in different places (sms || capturePhoto
and copyPhoto). EI show both use places in their message
whereas EFI only alert the developer about dependencies outside the current feature configuration. This way, the developer
just needs to worry with the copyPhoto feature since he is
aware of the feature that he is maintaining. Thus, we believe
that a simplified and global view helps the developer, with the
potential of improving productivity.
In summary, we believe that when the number of feature
dependencies increases, our approach is better than EI because the probability of finding at least one required interface
increases as well. In addition, when the number of feature
dependencies increases EI might have too much information
whereas EFI present a simplified view to the developer. At
last, whenever the developer wants to see the feature dependencies of a specific feature EFI is the best option. Thus, the
answer of the first research question is yes in cases where the
maintenance point is not a assignment, including a particular
occasion when the developer selects a feature such as #ifdef
device_screen_128x128. The second question has already been responded along the previous paragraphs.
A. Threats to validity
To minimize selection bias, we randomly choose ten methods and the maintenance points. Yet, we get a subset of the
product lines presented by Ribeiro et. al [15] in order to test
our tool. For this, all five product lines selected are written
in Java. Another threat is that we do not have access to the
feature model of all SPLs, so the results can change due to
feature model constraints, but we test both approaches (EI and
EFI) of equal manner. In addition, we manually compute EI
and EFI, as shown in Table II. This can contain some error,
but we are very familiar with these approaches and we still
revise each generated interface twice.
We acknowledge the fact that more studies are required
to draw more general conclusions. However, the results bring
preliminary evidence about the feasibility and usefulness of the
proposed approach. Although we cannot respond questions like
“Is maintenance easier using our approach than using EI?” and,
“How feature dependencies impact on maintenance effort when
using EI and EFI?” precisely, we believe that our study is an
approximation to answer these questions because we provide
more abstract and accurate interfaces than EI.
Many works investigate incorrect maintenance [23], [24],
[25]. Sliwerski et al. [25] proposed a way to find evidence
of bugs using repositories mining. They found that developers
usually perform incorrect changes on Friday. Anvik et al. [26]
applied machine learning in order to find ideal programmers
to correct each defect. On the other hand, Gu et al. [23]
studied the rate of incorrect maintenance in Apache projects.
The proposed work helps in the sense of preventing errors
during SPL maintenance, since the interface would show the
dependencies between the feature we are maintaining and the
remaining ones.
Some researchers [27] studied 30 million code lines (written in C) of systems that use preprocessor directives. They
found that directives as #ifdefs are important to write the
code. But, the developers can easily introduce errors in the
program. For example, open a parenthesis without closing
it or even write a variable and then use it globally. The
examples we focus on this paper show modularity problems
that can arise when maintaining features in preprocessor-based
systems. We analyze some software systems implemented with
preprocessors and, then, we use these acquired knowledge
to propose the Emergent Feature Interfaces concept. Also,
we implement an Eclipse plug-in, Emergo, for helping the
developers, avoiding breaking feature contracts.
Emergent Interfaces [16] allow us to capture the dependencies among code snippets of distinct feature parts. This
approach is called emergent because the interfaces emerge on
demand and give information to developer about other feature
pieces which can be impacted. However, this approach still
leave of capture some feature dependencies [15]. Moreover, it
has just captured dependencies among parts of a feature (not
treating the feature as a whole). Our proposal complements
this one by capturing dependencies among entire features by
providing an overall feature interface considering all parts in
an integrated way. Thus, EFI improve modular reasoning on
preprocessor-based systems, with the potential of improving
Recently some researchers [28] proposed analysis of exception flows in the context of SPL. For instance, a variable feature
signaled an exception a different and unrelated variable feature
handled it. When exception signalers and handlers are added to
an SPL in an unplanned way, one of the possible consequences
is the generation of faulty products. Our approach has a different manner for improving the maintainability of SPLs. We
detect the feature dependencies by executing feature-sensitive
data-flow analysis in order to improve modular reasoning on
SPLs when evolving them. We do not consider implicit feature
relation that comes about in the exceptional control flow since
we just focus on dependencies among annotated features (with
preprocessor directives).
Finally, using the feature model, it is known that not all
feature combinations produce a correct product. Depending
on the problem domain, selecting a feature may require
Maintenance Point
Best lap
#ifdef device screen 128x128
Do not provide support for this selection!
loginScorePosX, etc values to root
Best lap
No dependencies found!
No dependencies found!
game tiledlayer optimize backbuffer
game tiledlayer optimize backbuffer
playerLogin = dis.readUTF();
No dependencies found!
Requires dis variable from root feature.
int h = g.getClipHeight();
Provides h value to root feature.
Provides h value to root feature and
requires g variable from root feature.
while ((b = != -1) {...}
No dependencies found!
Requires is variable from GLIDER feature.
Provides imgByte value to configurations: [sms || capturePhoto], and [copyPhoto && (sms || capturePhoto)].
Provides imgByte value to copyPhoto
Provides down value to Photo, MMAPI
and Video features.
Provides down value to Photo, MMAPI
and Video features.
m urlRrnItem = null;
No dependencies found!
No dependencies found!
logger.finest(”date=” + date);
No dependencies found!
Requires date variable from root feature.
or prevent the selection of others (e.g. alternative features).
Features model is a mechanism for modeling common and
variable parts of a SPL. Safe composition is used to ensure
that all products of a product line are actually correct [29].
Thaker et al. [29] determined composition restrictions for
feature modules and they used these restrictions to ensure
safe composition. However, the developer does not know about
any error in his maintenance before performing commit, since
safe composition only catch errors after the maintenance task.
Our approach differs from safe composition since we intend
to use emergent feature interfaces to prevent errors when
maintaining features. Moreover, some elements in our EFI deal
with the system behavior (value assignment), rather than only
with static type information. Nonetheless, safe composition is
complementary because the developer may ignore the feature
dependency showed by our approach and, then, introduce a
type error. So, safe composition approaches catch it after the
maintenance task.
This paper presents emergent feature interfaces which
might be applied to maintain features in product lines in order
to achieve independent feature comprehensibility by looking
for entire feature dependencies. We provide an overall feature
interface considering all parts in an integrated way.
Features tend to crosscut a software product line’s code,
and thus providing, or computing, a complete interface for
them is difficult, if not impossible. The idea is to provide
a global view of a feature by abstracting away irrelevant
details. We focus on capturing data dependencies, but our
proposal can be extended to compute other kinds of interfaces,
including dependencies related to exceptions, control flows,
and approximations of preconditions and postconditions. The
feature modularization problem can be seen in any system,
since features can be annotated (explicit) on code base or
not (implicit). This way, our solution is over techniques for
implementing features in a system. But, for the time being,
our tool only runs on condition that features are implemented
using conditional compilation.
We also discusses our progress over EI by adding required
interfaces, macro feature and simplified view of the existing
dependencies the code, implemented in a tool called Emergo.
After a selection, Emergo shows an EFI to the developer,
keeping him informed about the contracts between the selected
feature and the other ones, with the potential of improving productivity. Although we do not conduct a controlled experiment
involving developers in order to claim more precisely whether
using EFI is better than EI in terms of maintenance effort,
we can claim (through our case study) that EFI have potential
benefits to the developers leading to the productivity, since
EFI’ interfaces present information more global and accurate.
The results of our study, on five SPLs, suggest the feasibility
and usefulness of the proposed approach where the minimum
result is equals to EI.
As future work, we intend to improve our tool with more
robust emergent feature interfaces. Also, we are working to
put interprocedural analysis on Emergo to capture feature
dependencies among classes, packages and components. At
last, we should conduct more studies, including a controlled
experiment with developers, to draw more general conclusions.
The authors would like to thank CNPq, FACEPE, and The
National Institute of Science and Technology for Software
Engineering (INES), for partially supporting this work. Also,
we thank reviewers and SPG7 members for feedback and rich
discussions about this paper.
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Software Variability Management
An Exploratory Study with Two Feature Modeling Tools
Juliana Alves Pereira, Carlos Souza,
Eduardo Figueiredo
Ramon Abilio, Gustavo Vale,
Heitor Augustus Xavier Costa
Computer Science Department,
Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG)
Belo Horizonte, Brazil
{juliana.pereira, carlosgsouza, figueiredo}
Computer Science Department,
Federal University of Lavras (UFLA)
Lavras, Brazil
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]
[11]. This adoption is expected to bring significant
improvements to the software development process [28].
Due to these expected benefits, large companies [41],
such as Boeing, Hewlett Packard, Nokia, and Siemens,
have moved forward towards adopting SPL practices.
Abstract—Software Product Line (SPL) is becoming
widely adopted in industry due to its capability of
minimizing costs and improving quality of software
systems through systematic reuse of software artifacts. An
SPL is a set of software systems sharing a common,
managed set of features that satisfies the specific needs of
a particular market segment. A feature represents an
increment in functionality relevant to some stakeholders.
There are several tools to support variability management
by modeling features in SPL. However, it is hard for a
developer to choose the most appropriate feature modeling
tool due to the several options available. This paper
presents the results of an exploratory study aiming to
support SPL engineers choosing the feature modeling tool
that best fits their needs. This exploratory study compares
and analyzes two feature modeling tools, namely
FeatureIDE and SPLOT, based on data from 56
participants that used the analyzed tools. In this study, we
performed a four-dimension qualitative analysis with
respect to common functionalities provided by feature
modeling tools: (i) Feature Model Editor, (ii) Automated
Analysis of Feature Models, (iii) Product Configuration,
and (iv) Tool Notation. The main issues we observed in
SPLOT are related to its interface. FeatureIDE, on the
other hand, revealed some constraints when creating
feature models.
Feature modeling tools are used to support the
management of variability in an SPL. These tools
support the representation and management of reusable
artifacts instead of providing means for conventional
development from scratch. There are many available
options of feature modeling tools [17] [22] [23] [29] [26]
[39]. Therefore, choosing one tool that best meets the
SPL development goals is far from trivial.
After surveying several tools for variability
management of SPL, this paper presents a detailed
qualitative analysis of two feature modeling tools,
namely SPLOT [26] and FeatureIDE [23]. We choose to
focus our analysis on these tools because they provide
the key functionality of typical feature modeling tools,
such as to create and edit a feature model, to
automatically analyze the feature model, and to
configure a product. In addition, we decide to exclude
early prototypes [17] [39] and proprietary tools [29]
from our study because they could hinder some sorts of
analyses. In addition, early prototype tools (i) do not
cover all relevant functionalities we aim to evaluate and
(ii) are not applicable to industry-strength SPL.
Keywords—Software Product Line, Feature Models,
SPLOT, FeatureIDE.
This exploratory qualitative study involved 56 young
developers taking an advanced SE course. Each
participant used only one tool, either SPLOT or
FeatureIDE. We relied on a background questionnaire
and a 1.5-hour training session to balance knowledge of
the study participants. The experimental tasks included
typical variability management functionalities. After
that, participants answered a survey with open questions
about the functionalities they used in each tool.
The growing need for developing larger and more
complex software systems demands better support for
reusable software artifacts [21] [28]. In order to address
these demands, Software Product Line (SPL) has been
increasingly adopted in software industry [1] [41]. “An
SPL is a set of software intensive systems sharing a
common, managed set of features that satisfies the
specific needs of a particular market segment or mission
[28]”. It is developed from a common set of core assets
and variable features [11]. “A feature represents an
increment in functionality relevant to some stakeholders
The study results may contribute with relevant
information to support software engineers to choose a
tool for the development and management of variability
in SPL that best fits their needs. We focus our analysis
on four functionalities available in typical feature
modeling tools: Feature Model Editor, Automated
The high degree of similarity among software
systems in a specific domain favors the adoption of SPL
Analysis of Feature Models, Product Configuration, and
the Feature Model Notation used by each tool. Based on
this analysis, we uncover several interesting findings
about the analyzed tools.
First, we observed that most participants like the user
interface of both SPLOT and FeatureIDE. However,
although shortcuts and automatic feature model
organization work fine in FeatureIDE, they were
considered an issue by many SPLOT users. With respect
to automated analysis, both tools present statistical
information, but SPLOT succeeds by presenting data in
an easier way to understand. Participants seem to be
happy with SPLOT because it provides steps to guide
users during the product configuration. However, a
configuration can be created in SPLOT, but it cannot be
saved. FeatureIDE, on the other hand, allows us to create
multiple product configurations, to save them, and to set
the default one.
Fig. 1. Mobile Media Feature Model.
In addition to features and their relationships, a
feature model can also include composition rules. A
composition rule refers to additional cross-tree
constraints to restrict feature combinations [13]. It is
responsible for validating a combination of unrelated
features. Typical cross-tree constraints are inclusion or
exclusion statements in the form “if feature F1 is
included, then feature F2 must also be included (or
excluded)”. For example, the feature model in Fig. 1
shows an inclusion constraint between SMS Transfer
and Copy Media. That is, in order to receive a photo via
SMS, this photo has to be copied in an album.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 briefly reviews the feature modeling concepts.
In Section 3, the study is set and some characteristics of
SPLOT and FeatureIDE are described. Section 4 reports
and analyzes the results of this exploratory qualitative
study. In Section 5, some threats to the study validity are
discussed. Section 6 concludes this paper by
summarizing its main contributions and pointing out
directions for future work.
B. Survey of Feature Model Notations
Several modeling notations can be found in the
literature [7] [12] [15] [19] [22] [37]. A feature model is
an artifact generated during the domain analysis and
used to describe a set of features and their relationships
into the domain. A method for domain analysis is called
Feature-Oriented Domain Analysis (FODA) proposed
by Kang [22] which uses a graphical representation
(feature model) to show the identified features.
Large software companies have adopted SPL to
develop their products [41]. SPL makes companies more
competitive by providing large scale reuse with mass
customization [28]. This section introduces SPL,
focusing on feature model notations and tools.
A. Feature Modeling
Feature models are popular for representing variability
in an SPL [13]. A feature model is a way to represent the
space of possible configurations of all products in an
SPL [2] [13]. It allows the visualization of hierarchical
features and their relationships [14] [27]. Fig. 1 shows a
feature model of a system, called MobileMedia [17].
Nodes in this figure represent features and edges show
relationships between them. A single root node,
MobileMedia, represents the concept of the domain
being modeled.
Some FODA’s extensions can be found in the
literature, such as, (i) Feature-Oriented Reuse Method
(FORM) [22], (ii) Generative Programming Feature
Tree (GPFT) [12], (iii) Van Gurp and Bosch Feature
Diagram (VBFD) [37], (iv) Variability Feature Diagram
(VFD) [7], (v) Product Line Use Case Modeling for
System and Software engineering (PLUSS) [15], (vi)
FeatuRSEB (combination of FODA and Reuse-Driven
Software Engineering Business) [19], (vii) UML-Based
Feature Models (UML-BFM) [14], and (viii) Integrating
Feature Modeling into UML (IFM-UML) [38]. These
extensions changed how the features and their
relationships are depicted. For instance, features are
represented with a rectangle around its name in FORM.
An OR decomposition was added and the representation
of XOR decomposition was modified in FeatuRSEB.
UML-BFM and IFM-UML extensions use UML
Features in a feature model can be classified as
mandatory, optional, and alternative. Optional features
are represented with an empty circle, such as Receive
Photo in Fig. 1. They may or may not be part of a
product. On the other hand, mandatory features, such as
Media Management, are represented by filled circles and
are part of all SPL products containing their parent
feature. Alternative features may be exclusive (XOR) or
not exclusive (OR). The former indicates that only one
sub-feature can be selected from the alternatives. For
example, Screen 1, Screen 2 and Screen 3 in Fig. 1 are
alternative features for Screen Size. OR features, such as
Photo and Music, allow the selection of more than one
option for a product.
In addition to graphical representation, variability in
SPL can be represented also by text-based models.
These models use structured text to describe features and
its relationships. Examples of the languages used to
write text-based models are: (i) Textual Variability
Language (TVL) [8]; (ii) Clafer [4]; (iii) GUIDSL [3];
and iv) SXFM [26]. In Section V, we discuss the
notations used in SPLOT and FeatureIDE.
such as Enterprise Architect and Rational Rhapsody
from IBM.
C. Feature Modeling Tools
Since feature models are undergoing a rapid process
of maturation, feature modeling tools are constantly
being developed and adopted in practice. In order to
assist modeling and management of SPL, several tools
are already available, such as SPLOT [26], FeatureIDE
[23], XFeature [39], FMP [18], and Pure::Variants [29].
We performed a survey of tools for variability
management before choosing SPLOT [26] and
FeatureIDE [23] as representatives. This section presents
a brief overview of five tools for variability management
in SPL.
This section presents the study configuration aiming
to evaluate two alternative feature modeling tools,
namely SPLOT and FeatureIDE. Section III.A compares
these tools and Section III.B summarizes the background
information of participants that took part in this study.
Section III.C explains the training session and tasks
assigned to each participant.
A. Selection of the Analyzed Tools
SPLOT and FeatureIDE tools were selected for this
study. We focus our analysis on both tools because these
tools are mature and used in large software projects.
Other tools, such as FMP and XFeature, are only
academic prototypes and do not provide all
functionalities available in professional tools. We also
aimed to select mature, actively developed, and
accessible tools in order to evaluate the state-of-the-art
in feature modeling. Therefore, we also excluded
proprietary tools, such as Pure::Variants, because
proprietary tools could hinder some sorts of analyses.
For instance, we do not have access to all the features of
the tool.
SPLOT [26] is a Web-based tool for creating feature
models and product configuration. SPLOT does not
provide means for generation or integration of code. At
the tool website, we can find a repository of more than
200 feature models created by tool users over 3 years.
This is a free and open source project. You can
download the tool's code and also SPLAR (a Java library
created by the authors to perform the analysis of feature
models). It also provides a standalone tool version that
can be installed in a private machine. There is also an
interesting feature, called workflow configuration, which
defines a flow for product configuration. By using this
feature, many people interact with each other in a
collaborative way to configure an SPL product.
Through using both tools, the key features mentioned
by participants in the study are summarizes in Table I.
FeatureIDE [23] is a tool which widely covers the
SPL development process. Besides having feature model
editors and configuration of products, it is integrated
with several programming and composition languages
with a focus on development for reuse. FeatureIDE was
developed to support both aspect-oriented [24] and
feature oriented programming [3]. This tool is
implemented as an Eclipse plugin and can be
downloaded separately or in a package with all
dependencies needed for implementation.
XFeature [39] is a modeling tool implemented as an
Eclipse plugin whose main goal is to automate the
modeling and configuration of reusable artifacts.
Initially, the XFeature was created to assist the
development of space applications. However, it
currently supports the general development of SPL.
Focused on creating models and meta-models, the
XFeature is still in a proof of concept stage and is rarely
used in the software industry.
Feature model notation
tree and
Integration with code
Available online
Repository features models
Configuration workflow
B. Participants
Participants involved in this study are 56 young
developers (between 20 to 32 years) taking an advanced
Software Engineering course spanning four consecutive
semesters from 2011-1 to 2012-2. All participants are
graduated or close to graduate since the course targets
post-graduated MSc and PhD students. To avoid biasing
the study results, each participant only took part in one
study semester and only used one tool, either SPLOT or
FeatureIDE. That is, only one tool was used in each
semester as indicated in Table II. FeatureIDE was used
by 27 participants being 6 in the first and 21 in the
second semester. Additionally, SPLOT was used by 29
participants being 15 in the first and 14 in the second
semester. Each participant worked individually to
accomplish the study tasks (Section 3.3). Participants in
the 1st semester are named T1-S01 to T1-S06; in the 2nd
Similar to XFeature, FMP1 [18] is a tool
implemented as an Eclipse plugin which focuses on the
variability modeling of SPL. Developed at the
University of Waterloo, it was supposed to be integrated
with Rational Software Modeler (RSM) and Rational
Software Architect (RSA). However, the project is
currently discontinued.
Developed by Pure Systems, a company specializing
in the reuse-based development of software,
Pure::Variants [29] is a mature tool for the development
of SPL. It can be used not only as an Eclipse plugin, but
it can also be integrated into some commercial tools,
Feature model editor
Automated feature model
Interactive product
FMP stands for Feature Modeling Plugin
Work Experience
UML Design
Java Programming
# of Participants
T1 (2011-1)
T2 (2011-2)
S01, S03, S04,
S02, S04, S05, S07,
S14, S18
S01, S03, S04 - S02, S04, S05, S08,
S14, S18, S20
S01, S02, S04-S06,
S01, S03, S04 S08-S12, S14, S15,
S17, S18, S20, S21
T3 (2012-1)
T4 (2012-2)
S04, S07, S09, S10, S01-S03, S05S14, S15
S03, S04, S07-S10, S02, S04, S05,
S12, S14, S15
S03, S04, S07-S10,
S12, S14, S15
No Answer
T1: S02
T2: S13, S16
T3: S01, S02,
S01-S03, S05S05, S06, S11,
the automated analysis of feature models and Section 4.4
presents the results for the product configuration.
Finally, Section 4.5 analyzes the impact of the different
notations adopted by each tool.
semester, T2-S01 to T2-S21; in the 3rd semester, T3S01 to T3-S15; and in the 4th semester, T4-S01 to T4S14.
Before starting the experiment, we used a
background questionnaire to acquire previous
knowledge about the participants. Table II summarizes
knowledge that participants claimed to have in the
background questionnaire with respect to work
experience, UML design, and Java Programming.
Second, third, fourth and fifth columns in this table show
the participants who claimed to have knowledge
medium or high in a particular skill. Answering the
questionnaire is not compulsory and participants who
have not answered it are annotated in the last column
(No Answer). However, although some cases
participants who chose not to answer the questionnaire,
we observe in Table II that, in general, all participants
have at least basic knowledge in software development
and technology.
A. General Analysis
Figures 2, 3, 4, and 5 show the most recurrent
answers of participants grouped by category. Both
FeatureIDE and SPLOT users like the respective
interface of the used tool and, in both cases, in average
63% of participants made some positive comment about
it. As indicated by Fig. 2, FeatureIDE also received
positive comments about its presentation and usability,
such as feature editor usability, reorganization of
features, automatic organization, and the keyboard
shortcut functionality. What draws our attention mostly,
however, is that most participants said that contact with
FeatureIDE was very short to proper evaluate it (Fig. 3).
About 41% of participants said they could not write any
negative comments about this tool. For instance,
Participant T2-S19 states: “I believe that with a little
more practice I would better understand the tool in order
to criticize it”. Similarly, Participant T1-S106 states:
“The tool has many features, but some take time to learn
to handle. It can be confusing to programmers
beginners”. Once the exposure time was the same for
both FeatureIDE and SPLOT, we conclude that the
FeatureIDE is a more complex tool for users at first
glance. Consequently, it requires a longer learning time.
C. Training Session and Tasks
We conducted a 1.5 hour training session where we
introduced participants not only to the analyzed tools but
also to the basic concepts of feature modeling and SPL.
The same training session (with the same content and
instructor) was performed in all four groups (2011-1,
2011-2, 2012-1 and 2012-2). After the training session,
we asked participants to perform some tasks using either
SPLOT or FeatureIDE (see Table II). The tasks include
using functionalities (i) to create and edit a feature
model, (ii) to automatically analyze the feature model
created and observe its statistics, and (iii) to configure a
product relying on the tool product configuration
functionality. Finally, we ask participants to answer a
questionnaire with two simple questions about
functionalities of the tool that they like and dislike.
Questionnaire with open questions was used as an initial
study to list the main functionality provided by the tools
analyzed (Table I).We focus this paper on the most
interesting results, but the questionnaire and all answers
are available in the project website [16]. The whole
study was performed in a computer laboratory with 25
equally configured equipments.
The SPLOT users have been widely praised in
relation to the automated analysis and display of
statistics about feature models (Fig. 4). In fact, a major
goal of SPLOT is to provide statistical information
quickly during model creation and product
configuration. On the other hand, several participants
indicated usability-specific issues in this tool, such as
inability to rearrange the features inside an existing
model and difficulty in finding buttons (for instance) to
save the model. These observations show that the tool is
on the right path, but there are still many opportunities to
improve its usability. Other issues, such as problems in
setting up the model, confusing nomenclature, lacking of
integration with others tools, lacking of privacy are also
cited by some participants (Fig. 5).
B. Feature Model Editor
Both FeatureIDE and SPLOT have a feature model
editor (Figures 6 and 7). Interestingly, participants cited
the feature model editor as a functionality they like in
both tools (Figures 2 and 4). Focusing on FeatureIDE, its
This section reports and discusses data of this
qualitative study. Section 4.1 reports the general
quantitative analysis based on answers of the
participants. Section 4.2 focuses the discussion on the
Feature Model Editor of each tool. Section 4.3 discusses
What do you like less in FeatureIDE tool?
Editor usability
Confusing nomenclature
Product configuration
Lack of integration with tools
Generating little code
Not support different languages
Brief contact with the tool
Nothing, the FeatureIDE is perfect
What do you like most in FeatureIDE tool?
Simple and intuitive interface
Editor usability
Automatic organization
Keyboard shortcuts functional
Code generation
% T1 and T2
Fig. 2. Positive comments in FeatureIDE.
Fig.3. Negative comments in FeatureIDE.
What do you like most in SPLOT tool?
What do you like less in SPLOT tool?
Availability online
Editor usability
Confusing nomenclature
Product configuration
Lack of integration with tools
Lack of integration with code
Sharing repository unsafe
Nothing, the SPLOT is perfect
Simple and intuitive interface
Editor usability
Automated analysis
Product configuration
Sharing repository
% T3 and T4
% T1 and T2
Fig. 4. Positive comments in SPLOT.
% T3 and T4
Fig. 5. Negative comments in SPLOT.
editor allows users to create and delete features and
constraints. Constraints are listed immediately below the
feature model in this tool. Even less experienced
participants think the editor interface of FeatureIDE is
simple and easy to use. For instance, T2-S17 said that
“Even without seeing the tutorial, I used it and
performed all tasks right from the first time”. Similar
comments were made by other participants, such as T2S21 who stated that “The graphical representation of the
feature model is organized and facilitates visualizing the
configuration space”.
observed that “shortcuts make it easy to switch between
mandatory, optional, and alternative features”.
Following the same trend, Participant T2-S6 concludes
that “shortcuts helped to speed up the feature model
Fig. 6. Feature Model Editor in FeatureIDE.
Fig. 7. Feature Model Editor in SPLOT.
About 57% of participants made positive comments
about editor usability. Two positive functionalities were
cited: namely automatic organization of features (30%
commented on it) and shortcuts for the mostly used
functions (12% commented on it). For instance, with
respect to the automatic organization of features,
Participant T1-S01 stated that “the tool allows a nice
view of the feature model because when we insert new
features it automatically adjusts spaces between boxes to
keep everything on screen”. Participant T1-S01 also
Although participants claimed that the interfaces of
both tools are simple and easy to use, some of them
pointed out issues with specific functionalities in the
feature model editors. For instance, Participant T1-S02
complained about FeatureIDE that “the automatic
organization of features in the feature model editor does
not allow specific adjustments for better visualization”.
In fact, Participant T1-S2 contradicts Participant T1-S01
(above) about automatic organization of features.
However, we observed that, in fact, FeatureIDE users
like this functionality, but they also expect more control
to disable it when necessary. Another typical complaint
was that “an accidental double click in one feature
causes it to change, for instance, from optional to
mandatory feature” as observed by Participant T2-S7.
Again, to solve this problem, users of FeatureIDE expect
a way to enable and disable this shortcut for changing
the feature type.
Statistical information can be useful for software
engineers who are modeling an SPL or configuring a
product. For instance, the number of possible
configurations is a valid indicator of the customization
power of an SPL. Participants mention a great benefit
that the tool brings by allowing automatic analysis of
valid configurations. For instance, according to
Participant T3-S05 It “allows you to view all products
and validate a feature model”. This participant also
mentions that “we can hardly see this statistics in the
middle of several lines of code”.
With respect to SPLOT, almost 60% of participants
like the automatic feature model analysis functionality
(Section 4.3). However, participants recurrently
complained about the lack of support to restructure a
feature model. For instance, Participant T3-S12 said that
“there is no way to manually reorder features of a tree by
dragging and dropping them”. A similar observation is
made by Participant T3-S02: “one cannot create an OR
or XOR group based on pre-existing features”.
The Web interface of SPLOT also led some
usability-related issues. One of these issues was raised
by Participant T3-S3 saying that “The ENTER button
does not work to save changes in a feature; you need to
click outside a feature box to validate your changes”.
Besides the Enter button, another participant also spots
an issue with the Delete button. Participant T3-S3 stated
that “a feature is not removed by pressing the delete
button”. In other words, participants of this study
observed that, in general, shortcuts work fine in
FeatureIDE, but it is a weak aspect in SPLOT.
C. Automated Feature Model Analysis
It is notable that features models are continually
increasing in size and complexity. Therefore, it is
required automated support for product configuration
and verification of model consistency [6] [15] [27]. Both
FeatureIDE and SPLOT offer different types of statistics
as presented in Figures 8 and 9.
Fig. 9. Statistical analysis in FeatureIDE.
Fig. 8 shows a SPLOT screenshot with the feature
model statistics. Among other information, SPLOT
shows the number of dead features, if the model is
consistent, and the number of valid configurations of the
analyzed feature model. SPLOT also requires the user to
save the feature model on its repository and use an URL
to analyze the model. Participant T3-S13 points out this
fact as a drawback by saying “if user does not generate
the URL for the feature model, s/he cannot use the
automated analysis and product configuration options”.
SPLOT and FeatureIDE rely on BDD [9] and on a SAT
[20] solver for statistical analysis.
Fig. 8. Statistical analysis in SPLOT.
Fig. 9 presents statistical information in FeatureIDE.
FeatureIDE displays, for instance, (i) the number of
features added and removed after changes in the product
configuration, and (ii) the number of concrete, abstract,
primitive, compound and hidden features. However,
although both tools are mature enough, many of the
participants who have used FeatureIDE reported great
difficulty in finding some functions in a tool. One of the
participants says “The interface FeatureIDE is not
intuitive. The tool has many features, but some of them
take time to learn how to use, which can be confusing
for novice programmers”.
ones and abstract features are used to structure a feature
model, and they do not have any impact at
implementation level. The abstract features can be used
(i) to represent complex functions that cannot be
implemented without first be factored out or (ii) to
represent features not implementable. FeatureIDE also
has the concept of hidden features. The hidden features
are concrete or abstract ones that for some reason were
hidden, but are present in the diagram. Hidden features
should not be related to cross-tree constraints, because
they will not be considered in the model validation.
D. Product Configuration
After creating a feature model, we asked participants
to configure a product. Product configuration was
performed in both tools by means of the “auto complete”
functionality as shown in Figures 10 and 11,
respectively. This functionality only allows instantiation
of valid products. SPLOT allows a single product
configuration to be created and it does not allow saving
it in the repository (Fig. 10). On the other hand,
FeatureIDE allows to create multiple configurations and
to set the default one (Fig. 11). Although SPLOT has
this disadvantage, it provides a table that contains the
steps users should take to configure a product. Through
this table, it is possible to have enhanced control over
the feature choices. Participant T3-S04 stated that in
SPLOT “the screen to setup a product is well developed
with information to configure products generated on the
Fig.11. Product Configuration in FeatureIDE.
Dead features can be generated by a cross-tree
constraint validation in FeatureIDE and SPLOT. Fig. 12
shows a dead feature in FeatureIDE. A dead feature is
any mandatory, optional or alternative feature that is
never part of any valid product in the SPL because a
constraint in the feature model "removes" the feature
from any product configuration (typically by means of
constraint propagation). For example, since Video is
always included in any product that constraint would
force Music to be excluded from all products and
therefore feature Music is dead. In a consistent feature
model since the cross-tree constraint was removed, the
root feature is always mandatory in both SPLOT and
E. Feature Model Notation
Two different types of features can be modeled in
FeatureIDE [35]: (i) concrete (non-abstract); and (ii)
abstract, but only concrete features are represented in
SPLOT. The difference between both features is the first
one to be mapped to at least one implementation artifact.
In other words, both features can be mandatory or
optional, but concrete features represent implementable
Fig. 10. Product Configuration in SPLOT.
a feature have two mandatory sub-features. One may
argue that cardinality should not be used when arcs have
the same semantics. On the other hand, when greater
precision is desired, cardinality can be useful. In fact, the
cardinality increases expressiveness of the used notation
FeatureIDE. However, the root is an abstract feature in
FeatureIDE, because it is seen as an abstraction,
something complex that treats the domain being
In general, SPLOT and FeatureIDE can be fairly
used to represent feature models since they have the
main model elements required to model the domain.
However, as observed by Participant T3-S4, SPLOT has
a minor advantage “for allowing interactive
configuration of a product using a unified and intuitive
notation”. SPLOT has certain insecurity “due to the
public availability of the model” said T3-S4 because
“anyone can change the repository content (and harm
feature models of others)” pinpointed T3-S2. It also has
some limitations to generate code and communicate with
other tools (no import/export function). FeatureIDE by
presenting some additional notations (abstract and
hidden feature for example) may seem a little confused
for novice users. Participants T4-S4, S5, S8, S9, S10 and
S14 express large difficulties with the notation.
Participant T4-S8 reports that "the terms used by this
tool are sometimes very confused".
Fig. 12. Dead Feature in FeatureIDE.
The feature model can be visualized as a directorylike tree of features in both tools. In addition to the
standard visualization, FeatureIDE also allows the
visualization of feature models as a graph diagram.
FeatureIDE can import/export models in GUIDSL or
SXFM [10] format while SPLOT relies only on SXFM
as the standard file format. Both tools also allow feature
modeling with the graphical editor. The model elements
available and how they are depicted in SPLOT and
FeatureIDE are different since they use different
representations of feature diagrams. SPLOT shows the
diagram in tree format and FeatureIDE has two
representation ways: (i) diagram; and (ii) tree format.
FeatureIDE and SPLOT also perform diagram
validation/consistency analysis and show the number of
(possible) valid configurations.
The study of Turnes et al. [36] conducted a
comparative analysis of variability management
techniques for SPL tool development in the context of
the SPL Hephaestus tool. Hephaestus is developed in
Haskell and originally aimed at managing variability in
requirements, but which has evolved to handle
variability in different kinds of artifacts. Unlike our
study, this study was particularly suitable to use in
functional languages.
The graphical representation of the main elements of
a feature model available in SPLOT and FeatureIDE is
presented in Table III. Note that, OR and XOR
decompositions are explicitly represented in SPLOT and
FeatureIDE, but using different strategies. The
cardinality is used to represent the OR and XOR
decompositions in SPLOT, while these decompositions
are represented by an arc in FeatureIDE. A similar
relation to the AND decomposition is represented, when
The work by Saratxag et al. [31] explores the lack of
tool support to control the evolution and design of
product families, based on an exhaustive variant
analysis. In this paper, a product line tool chain is
presented based on the analysis of current SPL tools and
approaches. The main goal is to show the benefits of a
combination of SPL tools in an industrial scenario. In
Mandatory Feature
Optional Feature
Abstract Feature
Dead Feature
Hidden Feature
Root (concept/ domain)
Cross-Tree Constraint (requires)
Cross-Tree Constraint (excludes)
OR Decomposition
XOR Decomposition
evidence that should be further investigated in later
controlled experiments.
A related study was conducted by Simmonds et al.
[33]. This study investigates the appropriateness of
different approaches for modeling process variability.
The aims to evaluate the supporting tools that can be
incorporated within a tool chain for automating software
process tailoring. For this, summarizes some of the main
features of eight tools that support process variability
modeling. A more recent study [32] demonstrates an
industrial case study with the SPLOT tool. It shows how
it is used to specify and analyze software process models
that include variability. Although both studies assess the
degree of usability SPLOT, they are not based on
concrete experimental data.
Construct validity reflects to what extent the
operational measures that are studied really represent
what the researcher have in mind and what is
investigated according to the research questions [30].
Conclusion validity, on the other hand, concerns the
relation between the treatments and the outcome of the
experiment [34] [40]. These threats may have occurred
in the formulation of the questionnaire or during the
interpretation of the results by the researchers since our
study is mainly qualitative. Due to this qualitative
nature, data are not suitable for quantitative analysis and
statistical tests. Questionnaire with open questions was
used as a qualitative initial study to list the main
functionality provided by the tools, and futurelly
conduct quantitative studies and statistical tests. As far
as we are concerned, this is the first experiment
conducted to analyze and compare these tools. To
minimize this treat, we cross-discuss all the
experimental procedures. Basili [5] and Kitchenham
[25] argue that qualitative studies play an important role
in experimentation in software engineering.
contrast, our
The purpose of this study exploratory is to support
SPL engineers choosing the feature modeling tool that
best fits their needs. A key issue when performing this
kind of experiment is the validity of the results.
Questions one may seek to answer include: was the
study designed and performed in a sound and controlled
manner? To which domain can the results generalize? In
this section, threats are analyzed. We discuss the study
validity with respect to the four groups of common
validity threats [40]: internal validity, external validity,
constructs validity, and conclusion validity.
SPL focuses on systematic reuse based on the
composition of artifacts and domain modeling. SPLOT
and FeatureIDE are tools to support SPL variability
management. In this paper, these tools were qualitatively
analyzed and some interesting results were presented
and discussed. This analysis was based on an
exploratory study, in which we investigate the strengths
and weaknesses of each tool grounded by surveying 56
young developers. The results reported in this paper
should support software engineers to choose one of these
tools for feature modeling. Additionally, this study can
also be used by developers and maintainers of SPLOT
and FeatureIDE - and other feature modeling tools - to
improve them based on the issues reported.
External validity concerns the ability to generalize
the results to other environments, such as to industry
practices [40]. A major external validity can be the
selected tools and participants. We choose two tools,
among many available ones, and we cannot guarantee
that our observations can be generalized to other tools.
Similarly, we select data of all participants in each of the
four groups evaluated were used and, therefore, we do
not take into consideration the knowledge of the
participants. For instance, previous experiences with
SPL or with some of the tools used not were taken into
consideration. Thus, we cannot generalize the results
because these experiences could positively influence the
results obtained. We are currently running additional
rounds of the experiment, with greater control over the
study, in order to increase our data set, as well as the
external validity of the results.
After carrying out the exploratory study, we analyze
the data and discuss our main results. In fact, SPLOT
and FeatureIDE are two very different tools, although
both tools provide support for feature modeling. SPLOT
is a tool to be readily accessible to those interested only
on SPL modeling and analysis (before development) and
FeatureIDE is a tool focused on integration with the
development process. Models created by SPLOT are
automatically stored into the tool repository available to
all tool users. On the other hand, FeatureIDE supports
different languages for SPL implementation, such as,
AspectJ [24] and AHEAD [3]. However, when choosing
one of the tools the need and purpose of use is one of the
main factors to be taken into consideration.
Internal validity of the experiment concerns the
question whether the effect is caused by the independent
variables (e.g. course period and level of knowledge) or
by other factors [40]. In this sense, a limitation of this
study concerns the absence of balancing the participants
in groups according to their knowledge. It can be argued
that the level of knowledge of some participant may not
reflect the state of practice. To minimize this threat, we
provide a 1.5 hour training session to introduce
participants to the basic required knowledge and a
questionnaire for help the better characterize the sample
as a whole. Additionally, 1.5 hour training session may
not have been enough for subjects that begin without
much knowledge and being exposed for the first time to
these tools. However, Basili [5] and Kitchenham [25]
argue that even less experienced participants can help
researchers to obtain preliminary, but still important
In future work, results of this study can be used and
extended in controlled experiment replications.
Quantitative data analysis is planned to be further
performed in controlled experiments. Participants can
answer additional and specific questions about SPL and
feature modeling or perform tasks that exercise
interesting aspects of SPL development, such integration
and testing of feature code. In addition, other feature
modeling tools can be analyzed and compared to SPLOT
and FeatureIDE.
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312140/2012-6 and 485235/2011-0; and FAPEMIG:
grants APQ-02376-11 and APQ-02532-12. Juliana is
sponsored by FAPEMIG and Ramon is sponsored by
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Franklin Machine Products:
Evaluating the Propagation of Exceptions in the
Service Oriented Architecture in .NET
José Alex, Eliezio Soares, José Sueney, Nélio Cacho, Roberta Coelho, Umberto Costa
Departamento de Informática e Matemática Aplicada Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN)
Caixa Postal 59078-970– Natal – RN – Brasil
{alexmed,elieziosoares,jsueney}, {neliocacho,roberta,umberto}
de reagir apropriadamente diante da ocorrência de exceções,
continuando ou interrompendo sua execução, a fim de
preservar a integridade do estado do sistema [27].
Abstract—High dependability, availability and fault-tolerance
are open problems in Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). The
possibility of generating software applications by integrating
services from heterogeneous domains, in a seamless way, makes
worthwhile to face the challenges inherent to this paradigm. In
order to ensure quality in service compositions, some research
efforts propose the adoption of verification techniques to identify
and correct errors. In this context, exception handling is a
powerful mechanism to increase SOA quality. Several research
works are concerned with mechanisms for exception propagation
on web services, implemented in many languages and
frameworks. However, to the extent of our knowledge no work
evaluates these mechanisms in SOA with regard to the .NET
framework. The main contribution of this paper is the evaluation
of exception propagation mechanisms in SOA applications
developed within the .NET framework.
O tratamento de exceções é um dos mecanismos mais
utilizados para implementar sistemas robustos [3]. Ele está
embutido na maioria das linguagens de programação, tais
como Java, C# e C++. Essas linguagens oferecem abstrações
para encapsular as condições excepcionais e construções
próprias para lidar com elas durante a execução do programa,
tanto na detecção quanto no tratamento destas condições.
O desenvolvimento de aplicações robustas baseadas em
serviços web pode se beneficiar dos mecanismos de
tratamento de exceções. Neste contexto, exceções podem ser
lançadas por quaisquer dos serviços que compõem uma
aplicação. De acordo com Gorbenko et al [3], conhecer as
causas exatas e os elementos sinalizadores das exceções
geradas durante a execução de serviços web permite que os
desenvolvedores apliquem as técnicas adequadas de
tratamento de exceções.
Keywords—SOA; Fault Injection; Exception Propagation
A Arquitetura Orientada a Serviços (SOA - do inglês:
Service-Oriented Architecture) consiste em um estilo
arquitetural que utiliza serviços como elementos básicos no
desenvolvimento de aplicações. Essas aplicações são
caracterizadas por serem fracamente acopladas e integrarem
ambientes heterogêneos [17, 19]. Serviços web consistem em
uma implementação da arquitetura SOA baseada em padrões
da Internet [19], tais como: (i) o protocolo de comunicação
HTTP; (ii) o protocolo SOAP (Simple Object Access
Protocol), utilizado para troca de informações estruturadas de
forma descentralizada e distribuída; (iii) a linguagem WSDL
(Web Service Description Language), utilizada para descrever
serviços, definir interfaces e mecanismos de interação; e (iv) o
serviço de registro UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery
and Integration), usado para descrição, descoberta e
integração de serviços.
Porém, para que os reais benefícios da adoção dos
mecanismos de tratamento de exceções possam ser alcançados
no contexto de aplicações SOA, experimentos precisam ser
realizados para responder às seguintes questões: Como as
exceções estão fluindo nos serviços web? Elas realmente
podem contribuir para melhorar a robustez dos sistemas?
Alguns trabalhos [3, 13, 14, 15] vêm sendo propostos com o
objetivo de responder a essas e outras perguntas.
Em [3] os mecanismos de propagação de exceções de dois
toolkits de desenvolvimento de serviços web usados para
desenvolver aplicações na linguagem Java foram analisados.
Em [13] são exibidas as funcionalidades (camadas)
necessárias para construir uma aplicação orientada a serviços e
como essas diferentes camadas são mapeadas na arquitetura
do aplicativo. Apesar de o trabalho classificar as camadas de
acordo com as falhas que nelas ocorrem, não é realizado um
estudo experimental do desempenho das aplicações quando
essas exceções são geradas. De forma similar aos trabalhos
apresentados em [13, 14, 15], existem classificações para as
falhas nos serviços web, mas o desempenho dessas nas
aplicações não é analisado através de um estudo experimental.
Todavia, apesar de trazer vários benefícios ao
desenvolvimento de software, este novo paradigma apresenta
novos desafios e riscos ao desenvolvimento de aplicações
frequentemente se referem a falhas como exceções porque
falhas raramente se manifestam durante a atividade normal do
sistema [26]. Em situações de falta, um componente gera
exceções que modelam a condição de falta e o sistema deve
realizar o tratamento daquelas exceções. Desta forma,
tratamento de exceções é a capacidade que um software possui
Neste contexto, o trabalho apresentado neste artigo estende
o estudo descrito em Gorbenko et al [3] para uma plataforma
ainda não analisada, a plataforma .NET da Microsoft. Como
dito por [28], a replicação é um dos elementos principais da
experimentação e serve para aumentar a validade e a
confiabilidade dos experimentos realizados. Segundo [24] e
[25], a plataforma .NET é utilizada por 20% dos sites web
conhecidos, principalmente em sites de negócio, compras e
tecnologia, o que corresponde a 8.036.491 sites. Deste total,
1.485.430 sites estão entre os mais visitados na internet. O
objetivo deste estudo foi analisar os mecanismos de
propagação de exceções para verificar a confiabilidade em
uma arquitetura orientada a serviços na plataforma .NET. Para
atingir este objetivo, técnicas de injeção de faltas [23] foram
utilizadas para simular as falhas propostas e analisar o
comportamento do serviço web e da aplicação cliente no que
diz respeito aos mecanismos de propagação de exceções.
Algumas observações resultantes deste estudo são mostradas a
Apenas 22% das exceções propagadas identificaram
as faltas injetadas.
Das 18 mensagens propagadas com as exceções, 14
não notificaram a causa raiz da falta injetada (este
total corresponde a 78% das falhas analisadas).
Conhecer as características da propagação da exceção
de cada falta simulada possibilita melhorar o
tratamento especializado de falhas em arquiteturas
orientadas a serviço.
são fornecidos pontos de extensibilidade onde alguma
funcionalidade pode ser adicionada. Esses pontos de
extensibilidade podem ser utilizados para implementar uma
grande variedade de comportamentos personalizados [12],
como por exemplo: inclusão de mensagens ou parâmetros de
validação, registro e transformações de mensagens,
serialização personalizada, definição de formatos de
desserialização, definição de cache de saída, agrupamento de
objetos, tratamentos de falhas e de autorização.
Fig. 1. Arquitetura WCF em execução
Neste trabalho, a plataforma .NET e suas facilidades serão
utilizadas como base para analisar os mecanismos de
propagação de exceção em aplicações SOA, de acordo com o
modelo de falhas apresentado na seção III. O Microsoft Visual
Studio 2010 será utilizado como IDE de desenvolvimento.
O restante deste artigo está organizado da seguinte forma:
na Seção II são apresentados alguns conceitos básicos para o
entendimento deste trabalho; a Seção III apresenta o modelo
de falhas para aplicações orientadas a serviços considerados
neste trabalho; na Seção IV é descrito o estudo realizado com
o objetivo de analisar os mecanismos de propagação do fluxo
de exceções em aplicações SOA na plataforma .NET; a Seção
V discute os resultados do estudo; a Seção VI apresenta e
discute trabalhos relacionados; e, por fim, a Seção VII
apresenta conclusões e discussões sobre o presente trabalho.
Ao longo dos últimos anos, alguns modelos de falhas
foram propostos com o objetivo de identificar tipos de falhas
que ocorrem em serviços web. Estes modelos têm auxiliado na
realização de testes de robustez, onde falhas são simuladas
através de injeção [13, 23], seja em tempo de compilação ou
em tempo de execução do serviço web.
A plataforma .NET tem a capacidade de executar diversas
linguagens de programação, integrando-as como se fossem
apenas uma. Através de um ambiente de execução, chamado
CLR (Common Language Runtime), a plataforma .NET
agrupa e gerencia todas essas linguagens, facilitando a
manutenção e o desenvolvimento ao oferecer diversos serviços
comuns às aplicações.
No sentido de facilitar o entendimento da origem de cada
falha, neste trabalho utilizamos a classificação proposta por
[13] para organizar as falhas em serviços web em cinco
camadas funcionais de acordo com o tráfego das mensagens
entre as mesmas. Na Fig. 2. são apresentadas essas camadas
divididas em camadas de componentes, qualidade de serviço,
mensagens, transporte e comunicação, bem como o tráfego
das mensagens entre elas. Note que existe uma
correspondência entre a arquitetura de execução do WCF
apresentada na seção II e a classificação em camadas definida
por [13].
Na plataforma .NET, SOA é sinônimo de WCF (Windows
Communication Foundation), a solução da Microsoft para o
desenvolvimento de aplicações que se intercomunicam [12].
Essencialmente, o WCF descreve um fluxo de execução
conforme descrito na Fig. 1. Tal fluxo é formado por um
componente chamado distribuidor (no contexto do servidor) e
um componente chamado de proxy (no contexto cliente) que
são os responsáveis por fazerem a “tradução” das mensagens
dos objetos do WCF para os demais métodos do framework
.NET . A Fig. 1. ilustra como as mensagens seguem uma
seqüência bem definida de etapas para realizar este processo,
semelhante ao que é proposto em [13] e que será apresentado
na seção III deste trabalho. Em cada passo ao longo do fluxo,
Note que as mensagens que descrevem as falhas analisadas
não foram traduzidas para manter a consistência com as falhas
propostas em Gorbenko et al [3] e em virtude das mensagens
de exceções propagadas para o programador também serem
em inglês.
B. Falhas na camada de transporte
As falhas desta camada são identificadas por uma falha de
HTTP. Nota-se que, em contraste com a camada de
comunicação, falhas nesta camada ocorrem na aplicação
servidor e são, então, propagadas de volta para o remetente ao
longo dos pontos L, M e N da Fig. 2. [13].
As falhas abaixo foram analisadas para essa camada e
ocorrem nos pontos G e K da Fig. 2.:
Fig. 2. Ilustração do tráfego das mensagens através das camadas inspirado em
As falhas propostas em Gorbenko et al [3], que são
analisadas nesse trabalho, e os critérios definidos para a
separação das camadas descritas em [13] serão explicados nas
subseções seguintes.
A. Falhas na camada de comunicação
Falhas podem ocorrer no lado da aplicação cliente e no
lado da aplicação servidor quando há perda de pacotes no
tráfego entre a camada de transporte e a camada de
comunicação (ponto D, N, F e L da Fig. 2.). Falhas podem
decorrer de problemas de conectividade quando o cliente não
consegue estabelecer uma conexão com o servidor (ponto E e
M da Fig. 2.). Falhas de integridade também podem ocorrer
nos dados trocados entre as partes (ponto E ou M da Fig. 2.)
Network Connection break-off: Alguns fatores podem
causar esse tipo de falha, como problemas físicos
(intempéries, quebra de equipamentos, problemas no
cabeamento, etc.), ou fatores como queda de sinal,
por exemplo (ponto E ou M da Fig. 2.).
Domain Name System Down: É a inoperância do
protocolo de gerenciamento de nomes e domínios
(DNS). Com isso, a comunicação fica comprometida
pela impossibilidade de tradução de endereços
nominais em endereços IPs (ponto E ou M da Fig.
Remote host unavailable: A comunicação não é
concretizada pela indisponibilidade do hospedeiro do
serviço (ponto E ou M da Fig. 2.).
Application server is down: Ocorre pela queda do
servidor de aplicação, seja por motivos físicos, seja
em razão do alto número de solicitações de serviços,
ou por outros motivos, como o desligamento
intencional do servidor, por exemplo (ponto E ou M
da Fig. 2.).
Error in web service name: É a chamada a um nome
de serviço web inexistente.
Error in service port name: Requisição ao serviço em
uma porta não adequada, para a qual não há serviço
Error in service operation’s name: Chamada de um
método inexistente do serviço web.
Error in name of input parameter: Falha causada pela
configuração dos nomes dos parâmetros do serviço
requisitado errados.
As falhas dessa camada são geradas a partir do
processamento de mensagens de acordo com o protocolo
SOAP. A camada de mensagens inclui a funcionalidade de
codificação de mensagens oriundas da camada de qualidade de
serviço (ponto B da Fig. 2.), adicionando informações de
endereçamento sobre o destino da mensagem no cabeçalho
SOAP e as passa para a camada de transporte (ponto C da Fig.
2.) [13].
A falha a seguir foi analisada para essa camada:
Loss of request/response packet: Ocorre quando há
perda de pacotes durante a comunicação (pontos D,
N, E, M, F e L da Fig. 2.).
Error in target namespace: Falha causada pela
configuração errada do namespace do serviço
C. Falhas na camada de mensagens
As seguintes falhas foram analisadas para essa camada:
WS style mismatching: Falha no estilo do serviço
web, se dá pela má configuração na ligação, trocando
de “document” para “Rpc”, ou vice-versa.
D. Falhas na camada de qualidade de serviço
As falhas nessa camada correspondem aos requisitos não
funcionais dos serviços, como, por exemplo, operações de
segurança, confiabilidade e transações. No caso de nenhum
componente da camada de qualidade de serviço ser utilizado,
as mensagens são passadas a partir da camada de componente
diretamente para a camada de mensagens, e dessa são
transmitidas diretamente para a camada de componente
(pontos B, P, H e J da Fig. 2.) [13].
A falha “Suspension of ws during transaction”, que ocorre
quando há interrupção no provimento do serviço, durante uma
1) Seleção do contexto: A partir do endereço e porta
gerados para acesso, foram realizadas várias alterações nos
parâmetros de configuração, estado do serviço, tipos e valores
dos parâmetros, a fim de simular as falhas e coletar métricas.
transação entre o consumidor e o serviço foi explorada para a
análise da falha nessa camada.
E. Falhas na camada de componentes
Na Fig. 3. é exemplificado em (1) uma classe .NET
WSCalc, com o método chamado getMul() que será usado
As regras de negócios, tipos e assinaturas dos métodos das
aplicações são as origens das falhas nessa camada (pontos A,
Q e I da Fig. 2.) [13]. As falhas listadas abaixo foram as
responsáveis pelas análises feitas para o estudo das falhas
nessa camada:
System run-time error: São falhas que ocorrem em
tempo de execução, em nível de sistema, provocadas
pelo código de execução do serviço web. Por
exemplo, o estouro de pilha de execução, o acesso a
posições inexistentes de vetores, ou falhas aritméticas
de uma determinada operação do serviço.
Application run-time error ("Operand type
mismatch"): São falhas geradas por código mal
implementado, por exemplo, o uso de parâmetros
considerados ilegais ou impróprios em determinado
contexto, não coincidindo o parâmetro enviado e o
esperado por uma função ou método.
Error Causing user-defined exception: Exceção
implementada pelo serviço, estendendo um tipo de
exceção, lançada por um método do serviço.
Input parameter type mismatch: Falha causada pela
má configuração do tipo de parâmetro de entrada do
Output parameter type mismatch: Falha causada pela
má configuração do parâmetro de retorno do serviço
na ligação.
Mismatching of number of input params: Falha
ocasionada pelo envio de uma quantidade incorreta
de parâmetros.
para simular as falhas que estão sendo analisadas. Em (2), essa
classe estará no serviço web WSCalc, desenvolvido na IDE
Visual Studio 2010 para .NET e hospedado no servidor web
Internet Information Services (IIS), servidor de aplicação
fornecido pela Microsoft responsável por gerenciar serviços e
aplicações web, principalmente .NET. Para as injeções,
desenvolveu-se um cliente em (3) com as especificações das
faltas a serem analisadas e os códigos das injeções de faltas.
Em (4), o cliente é executado e as injeções submetidas ao
serviço web. As exceções propagadas serão analisadas em (5),
primeiramente de forma comparativa de acordo com a
classificação de falhas e, depois, em (6) de acordo com o
desempenho que a respectiva exceção provoca no serviço web.
Fig. 3. Simulação de Falhas com o WSCalc
2) Formulação de questões: Para que os reais benefícios
possam ser avaliados, é tido como objetivo responder as
seguintes perguntas, além dos questionamentos já citados
anteriormente: Como as exceções estão fluindo nos serviços
web? Elas realmente podem contribuir para uma melhor
robustez dos sistemas?
Na configuração do ambiente para o experimento, a
máquina que respondeu como servidora possuía 2 cores Zion
Xeon 3.2GHz (por core), com 5GB de RAM e sistema
operacional Windows Server 2008 x64. A máquina utilizada
como cliente foi uma Core i5 2.3 GHz, com 4GB de RAM e
sistema operacional Windows 7 x64.
3) Seleção de faltas: As faltas foram selecionadas de
acordo com o modelo de falhas apresentado na seção III. A
seleção de faltas tem o objetivo de analisar cada uma das
camadas da arquitetura de serviços web.
A. Definição do Experimento
4) Projeto do estudo realizado: Para atingir o objetivo e
responder os questionamentos, técnicas de injeção de faltas
foram utilizadas para simular as falhas propostas na seção III e
para analisar o comportamento do serviço web e da aplicação
cliente no que diz respeito aos mecanismos de propagação de
Utilizando a linguagem C#, foi desenvolvido um serviço
web similar ao “WSCalc” apresentado em Gorbenko et al [3].
O objetivo foi analisar os mecanismos de propagação do fluxo
de exceções em aplicações SOA, desenvolvidas com o
framework .NET, através de uma extensão do estudo descrito
em Gorbenko et al [3]. O objetivo deste experimento foi
responder as seguintes questões: Como as falhas são
reportadas? E como serviços web desenvolvidos em
plataformas diferentes se comportam?
C. Execução através da Injeção de Faltas
Injeção de faltas é uma técnica utilizada para avaliar
processo de validação de confiabilidade, sendo utilizada para
auxiliar na localização de defeitos no software. Esta técnica
B. Planejamento do Experimento
“Error in Web Service Name”, por sua vez, o nome
correspondente ao método foi alterado por um nome de
método inexistente na chamada do serviço web. Por fim, em
“Error in Service Port Name”, mudou-se o número da porta de
endereço do serviço web desejado.
pode ser também utilizada para a verificação de segurança e
análise de testabilidade de software [23].
Tendo o objetivo de aumentar e melhorar a cobertura de
testes, a fim de fazer com que a execução do serviço web vá
para estados que causem falhas no sistema, seja através da
introdução de códigos ou de outros meios, a injeção de faltas
possui alto índice de importância no desenvolvimento de
softwares robustos. Determinadas falhas podem ser a causa
para ocorrências de outras. Para a utilização dessa técnica é
importante determinar os locais onde as mesmas podem ser
A simulação da falha “Error in service operations name” e
das demais foram realizadas alterando os parâmetros de
ligação no arquivo WSDL da aplicação cliente.
D. Métricas Adotadas
Baseado em Gorbenko et al [3], foram coletadas quatro
métricas: número de stack traces, o tipo de exceção gerada, a
mensagem excepcional retornada à aplicação cliente e o tempo
contabilizado da chamada ao serviço no momento da captura
da exceção.
Algumas falhas podem ser simuladas com a queda de
serviços. Por exemplo, a falha “Connection break-off” foi
simulada com o desligamento da conexão de rede entre o
cliente e o servidor durante a ligação. Na simulação de
“Domain Name System Down” foi definido um endereço de
serviço de DNS incorreto nas configurações do sistema
operacional, e a aplicação cliente foi executada logo depois,
ocasionando uma falha na resolução de endereço IP.
O número de stack traces mostra o tamanho da pilha de
chamadas, ou seja, o número de métodos por onde a exceção
passou até chegar ao topo da pilha, até ser capturada por um
bloco catch. Através dessa métrica é possível analisar o
tamanho do caminho percorrido pela exceção até seu destino.
O tipo da exceção é sua classe, o tipo de objeto que será
capturado pelo bloco catch na aplicação cliente. A mensagem
excepcional retornada é a mensagem gerada pelo próprio
framework, sendo a exceção um objeto que possui muitos
atributos. A mensagem é um dos atributos, que contém
informações acerca da falha ocorrida. Por fim, o tempo gasto
fornece uma noção do tempo necessário para a plataforma
identificar e tratar uma falha.
Na simulação de “Remote host unavailable”, a
comunicação entre os hosts (cliente e servidor) foi
interrompida com a desconexão da VPN (Virtual Private
Connection). Seguindo a mesma linha de raciocínio de
algumas simulações anteriores, é possível simular
“Application server is down” com a inoperância do serviço IIS
(Internet Information Services). Durante a simulação, o
serviço IIS foi desligado no servidor.
A falha “Suspension of ws during transaction” foi
simulada por meio da inserção de trechos de códigos que
atrasam a finalização do serviço, provendo tempo hábil para
suspender o IIS manualmente, durante a execução da
Na simulação das falhas, arquivos de log foram gerados
em cada experimento, contendo: (i) o tipo de exceção gerada;
(ii) a mensagem de exceção retornada; (iii) o número de stack
traces (como também o estado da pilha com o caminho
percorrido); (iv) o tempo de início e de fim a partir da geração
da falha e (v) a descrição do método utilizado para simular a
Para simular “System run-time error” foi acrescentada uma
operação de divisão dentro do método, e na passagem de
parâmetros para o serviço web foi passado um valor zero para
o denominador. Como divisões por zero não existem, a falha
gerada pela execução dessa instrução foi, então, coletada. A
falha “Application run-time error” foi simulada com a
utilização de parâmetros ilegais. Inicialmente foi publicado
um serviço web que recebia parâmetros do tipo String. O
código do cliente foi implementado para invocar tal serviço.
Após esse passo, o serviço web foi publicado novamente,
agora recebendo parâmetros do tipo inteiro. Como a aplicação
cliente não foi atualizada para a nova interface, a aplicação
cliente invocou o serviço passando parâmetros com o tipo
String. Isto acarretou em uma exceção, devido à conversão de
uma palavra para inteiro. Apesar dos tipos de parâmetros ser
irrelevante na interface do serviço, do ponto de vista do
protocolo SOAP, que utiliza uma representação de dados
essencialmente textual, o serviço internamente estava
esperando um valor do tipo inteiro, por isso a exceção em
questão foi propagada.
A Tabela I detalha os tipos de exceção e as mensagens
propagadas em cada uma das falhas testadas. As falhas que
estão na cor cinza na Tabela I são as únicas falhas que tiveram
as exceções propagadas com as mensagens exatas para a falha
Na simulação de “Error causing user-defined exception”,
um método foi criado no serviço web para lançar uma exceção
implementada pelo próprio serviço. Em “Error in target name
space”, alguns arquivos de configuração que continham
parâmetros de namespace foram modificados diretamente. Em
Descrição da Falha
Tipo da
Network connection
Domain Name System
Loss of packet with
client request or
service response
Application Server is
Suspension Of WS
During Transaction
Application run-time
error ("Operand Type
Error Causing userdefined exception
Error in Target Name
Error in Web Service
Error in Service Port
Error in service
operations’s name
type mismatch
Input Parameter Type
Error in name of
input parameter
WS style mismatching
Server did not recognize the value of
There was no endpoint listening at
that could accept the message. This is
often caused by an incorrect address or
SOAP action. See InnerException, if
present, for more details.
There was no endpoint listening at
that could accept the message. This is
often caused by an incorrect address or
SOAP action. See InnerException, if
present, for more details.
Server did not recognize the value of
OK – Correct output without exception
OK – Correct output without exception
Incorrect output without exception
Incorrect output without exception
OK – Correct output without exception
Para a análise das informações coletadas de propagação
entre diferentes falhas e o desempenho da propagação dessas
falhas, foram simuladas e injetadas as faltas descritas na seção
IV, com exceção da falha “Loss of packet with client request
or service response”.
Mensagem da Exceção
There was no endpoint listening at
that could accept the message. This is
often caused by an incorrect address or
SOAP action. See InnerException, if
present, for more details.
Server did not recognize the value of
A. Análise de compatibilidade
Como descrito na seção IV, foram realizados experimentos
com um serviço web simples com métodos que realizam
operações aritméticas.
A Fig. 4. quantifica e sumariza as mensagens de retorno
propagadas nas exceções das falhas analisadas e que serão
explicadas em detalhes nas subseções seguintes.
There was no endpoint listening at
that could accept the message. This is
often caused by an incorrect address or
SOAP action. See InnerException, if
present, for more details.
There was no endpoint listening at
that could accept the message. This is
often caused by an incorrect address or
SOAP action. See InnerException, if
present, for more details.
An error occurred while receiving the
This could be due to the service
endpoint binding not using the HTTP
protocol. This could also be due to an
HTTP request context being aborted by
the server (possibly due to the service
shutting down). See server logs for more
Server was unable to process request. -->Attempted to divide by zero.
Fig. 4. Gráfico quantitativo das mensagens propagadas
Server was unable to process request. --> Input string was not in a correct
Server was unable to process request. --> Exception throwed to test error 9.
Propagation of an user defined
1) Falhas compartilhando a mesma exceção e a mesma
mensagem: Alguns grupos de exceções se formam por
propagarem uma mesma informação acerca da falha. As
seguintes falhas, por exemplo, “Network Connection breakoff”, “Remote host unavailable”, “Application server is down”,
“Error in web service name” e “Error in service port name”
propagam a mesma informação de falha (ver Tabela I). Dentre
essas, todas, exceto a falha “Error in web service name”,
“EndPointNotFoundException”; as falhas “Domain Name
System Down”, “Error in target namespace” e “Error in
service operations name” também propagam uma mesma
mensagem e um mesmo tipo de exceção, dessa forma torna-se
inviável responder a exata origem da falha propagada.
Dentre as falhas agrupadas anteriormente, algumas podem
ser diferenciadas por informações auxiliares embutidas na
mensagem propagada. No primeiro grupo, as falhas “Error in
web service name” e “Error in service port name” podem ser
reconhecidas por um desenvolvedor atento, pois na mensagem
propagada o framework .NET inclui o endereço cuja aplicação
tentou acessar. Nessa informação consta o nome do serviço e a
porta da requisição. Dessa forma, o desenvolvedor pode
identificar se uma dessas duas informações está errada. Por
exemplo, no experimento da falha “Network Connection
break-off”, um trecho da mensagem é “There was no endpoint
listening at”. Note
demanda tempo e reduz o desempenho do tratamento de
exceções em uma arquitetura orientada a serviços. Esse
caminho percorrido por uma exceção até a sua captura pode
ser analisado por meio da sua “stack trace”, uma característica
comum em mecanismos de tratamento de exceções de
linguagens orientadas a objetos. A “stack trace” mostra o
caminho por onde a exceção passou (classes, métodos, trechos
específicos de código).
que no endereço apresentado é possível identificar a porta
“8081” e o nome do serviço “wscalc.asmx”.
No segundo grupo, das falhas “Domain Name System
Down”, “Error in target namespace” e “Error in service
operation’s name”, é possível identificar se ocorre a falha
“Error in target namespace” verificando o endereço da
requisição disponível na mensagem propagada e checando a
informação de namespace. Caso esse não esteja correto, podese inferir que ocorreu a falha “Error in target namespace”. No
experimento “Domain Name System Down”, por exemplo, foi
propagada a mensagem “Server did not recognize the value of
HTTP Header SOAPAction:”, onde
“” é o namespace da requisição em questão.
A Tabela II apresenta os resultados do experimento acerca
da propagação de exceções e do desempenho (tempo). A
tabela inclui o número de elementos na cadeia de propagação
(“stack trace”) e o tempo de delay que representa o tempo
contado antes da chamada até o momento da captura em um
bloco catch. A primeira linha representa uma execução
normal, sem falhas.
2) Falhas com Informações Exatas Acerca da Falha
Ocorrida: A falha “Suspension of ws during transaction”
retornou uma exceção do tipo “CommunicationException” e
uma mensagem que descreve exatamente a falha provocada no
experimento. A falha “System run-time error” retornou uma
exceção do tipo “FaultException” que representa uma falha
SOAP, sem representar uma falha específica, porém a
mensagem retornada descreveu exatamente a falha simulada.
A falha “Application run-time error ("Operand type
mismatch")” também retornou uma exceção “FaultException”,
mas a mensagem informa que a string estava em um formato
3) Falhas que não geraram exceções no sistema ou com
retorno diferente de exceção: As falhas “Output parameter
type mismatch”, “Input parameter type mismatch” e “WS style
mismatching” não geraram exceções no sistema, todas
retornaram o resultado esperado e não propagaram exceção.
Especialmente as falhas “Output parameter type mismatch” e
“Input parameter type mismatch” funcionam bem quando os
valores enviados ou recebidos, mesmo não pertencendo ao
tipo esperado, são compatíveis com uma conversão. Por
exemplo: Caso o método do serviço web “getmul” exija dois
parâmetros inteiros e a aplicação cliente forneça dois
parâmetros do tipo string, o funcionamento dependerá do
valor dessa string. Caso sejam números válidos como “15”, ou
“2”, a requisição funcionará normalmente. Caso sejam valores
como “15a” ou “2b”, ocorrerá uma falha de conversão que
será propagada de forma semelhante à falha “Application runtime error ("Operand type mismatch")”.
Descrição da Falha
Without error / failure (Sem erro / falha)
Network connection break-off
Domain Name System Down
Remote Host Unavailable
Application Server is Down
Suspension Of WS During Transaction
System Run-Time Error
Delay da
de Exceção,
Calculation run-time error ("Operand
Type Mismatch")
Error Causing user-defined exception
Error in Target Name Space
Error in Web Service Name
Error in Service Port Name
Error in service operations’s name
Nº Stack
A Tabela II mostra que as falhas “System run-time error”,
“Application run-time error ("Operand type mismatch")” e
“Error causing user-defined exception” são as falhas com
menor tempo de espera até o retorno, isso se deve ao fato de
que essas falhas não estão atreladas a problemas de rede ou
ligação. Todas elas pertencem à categoria de falhas de serviço.
A única exceção dessa categoria é a falha “Suspension of ws
during transaction” que trata exatamente de uma suspensão do
serviço, o que faz a aplicação tentar a conexão durante
repetidas vezes até a falha se consolidar.
A falha “Error Causing user-defined exception” não
retornou o tipo da exceção criado pelo serviço, retornando por
sua vez um tipo “FaultException”, contudo, a mensagem
propagada foi a mesma mensagem configurada na exceção
original, instanciada pelo serviço.
Foram analisadas as informações da stack trace com o
objetivo de identificar possíveis pontos de diferenciação entre
falhas que propagam um mesmo tipo excepcional e mesma
mensagem, como nos grupos descritos na sessão anterior. No
segundo grupo, formado pelas falhas “Domain Name System
Down”, “Error in target namespace” e “Error in service
operation’s name”, é possível diferenciar a falha “Error in
target namespace” pela quantidade de caminhos por onde ela
foi propagada. Enquanto as falhas “Domain Name System
Down” e “Error in service operation’s name” passaram por 10
caminhos, a falha “Error in target namespace” passa por 11,
Nas falhas “Error in name of input parameter” e
“Mismatching of number of input params”, nenhuma exceção
foi lançada e o valor zero foi retornado, dificultando, portanto,
o trabalho do desenvolvedor em prover robustez e confiança.
B. Análise de desempenho
Segundo Gorbenko et al [3], antes de uma exceção ser
capturada pela aplicação cliente, essa mesma exceção pode ser
encapsulada várias vezes anteriormente, durante seu
lançamento ao longo de vários métodos. Esse processo
podendo ser um ponto de distinção entre as falhas, e
possibilitando tratá-la especificamente.
Existem muitos trabalhos envolvendo aplicações SOA e
tratamento de exceções, porém a maior parte desses é
dedicada a técnicas sistemáticas de geração de faltas, ataques e
injeção de casos de teste, ou técnicas de detecção de falhas
para testes de perda de pacotes de rede e corrupção de
mensagens SOA. Poucos trabalhos focam no comportamento e
propagação das exceções lançadas e no desempenho com
relação a esses mecanismos.
A falha “Loss of request/response packet” não está na
tabela por não ter sido simulada. As falhas “Output parameter
type mismatch”, “Input parameter type mismatch”, “Error in
name of input parameter”, “Mismatching of number of input
params”, “WS style mismatching” não estão na tabela, pois
não retornaram nenhuma exceção.
C. Comparando com soluções em Java
Em [3], os mecanismos de propagação excepcional de dois
toolkits de desenvolvimento de serviços web (Java cross platform desenvolvido pela SUN e o IBM WSDK) são
analisados, bem como suas implicações no desempenho das
aplicações. O objetivo do trabalho é analisar os mecanismos
de propagação de exceções dos dois toolkits de
desenvolvimento e entender suas implicações para o
desempenho de aplicações SOA. No entanto, o mesmo não
estende o estudo para outras plataformas como a do
framework .NET.
As mensagens de exceção propagadas em cada uma das
falhas testadas coletadas nesse trabalho com as informações
coletadas em Gorbenko et al [3] foram comparadas, de acordo
com os tipos de mensagens atribuídas às falhas analisadas e
apresentadas nas subseções anteriores. Apenas os resultados
obtidos na análise de compatibilidade foram comparados, em
virtude da ameaça à validade de uma possível comparação dos
resultados obtidos na análise de desempenho, pois não é
possível garantir que os experimentos foram submetidos a
uma mesma configuração de hardware, o que afetaria em uma
possível variação encontrada no desempenho entre as
Em [13], são exibidas as funcionalidades (camadas)
necessárias para construir uma aplicação orientada a serviços e
como essas diferentes camadas são mapeadas na arquitetura
do aplicativo. Com esta descrição, são identificados os
diferentes tipos de falhas que podem ocorrer e como
classificá-las de acordo com a camada onde a falha ocorre,
fornecendo uma visão geral de como elas são manipuladas e
investiga como as aplicações se relacionam com os tipos de
falhas. Em [14], é analisada a confiabilidade dos serviços web,
injetando faltas em mensagens, classificando-as em falhas
físicas, falhas de software, falhas de gerenciamento de
recursos, falhas de comunicação e falhas do ciclo de vida. Já
em [15], é proposta uma estrutura de arquitetura que tem
capacidade de tratamento de exceção, garantindo a
credibilidade do software orientado a serviços. Durante a sua
fase de arquitetura são adicionados elementos de tratamento
de exceção relacionando a arquitetura do software e a
modelagem de processos de tratamento de exceção,
permitindo uma separação clara de interesses entre a função de
negócios e a unidade de tratamento de exceção,
desempenhando assim um papel importante para alcançar
sistemas orientados a serviços confiáveis. Tanto em [13],
como em [14] e [15], não é realizado um estudo experimental
do desempenho das aplicações quando essas exceções são
A Tabela III mostra a relação entre os resultados obtidos
na análise de serviços web desenvolvidos na plataforma Java
[3] com os resultados obtidos por este trabalho. Os números na
primeira coluna da Tabela III correspondem às descrições das
falhas especificadas na Tabela I. Conforme é observado na
Tabela III, 7 das 18 falhas analisadas possuem a mesma
classificação de acordo com as mensagens de exceção
propagadas, tanto nesse trabalho (plataforma .NET), quanto no
trabalho de Gorbenko et al [3] (plataforma Java). O que
corresponde a 39% das falhas analisadas. Com tal resultado,
nota-se que serviços web desenvolvidos em plataformas
diferentes comportam-se
diferentemente em falhas
Tipo de Mensagem nesse
trabalho (Plataforma .NET)
Mesma exceção e mesma
Mesma exceção e mesma
Mesma exceção e mesma
Mesma exceção e mesma
informações exatas acerca da
informações exatas acerca da
informações exatas acerca da
Não geraram exceção ou com
retorno diferente
Mesma exceção
Mesma exceção
Mesma exceção
Mesma exceção e mesma
Não geraram exceção ou com
retorno diferente
Não geraram exceção ou com
retorno diferente
Não geraram exceção ou com
retorno diferente
Não geraram exceção ou com
retorno diferente
Não geraram exceção ou com
retorno diferente
Tipo de Mensagem
em [3] (Plataforma
exceção e
mesma mensagem
exceção e
mesma mensagem
exceção e
mesma mensagem
exceção e
mesma mensagem
exceção e
mesma mensagem
acerca da falha
exceção e
mesma mensagem
acerca da falha
Não geraram exceção
Não geraram exceção
Não geraram exceção
mesma mensagem
Não geraram exceção
exceção e
mesma mensagem
Não geraram exceção
exceção e
mesma mensagem
exceção e
mesma mensagem
Esse trabalho teve como objetivo estender a pesquisa
realizada em Gorbenko et al [3], o qual realizou os mesmos
experimentos na linguagem Java e para dois toolkits
diferentes. O objetivo foi entender o quão efetivo são os
mecanismos de propagação de exceções para o provimento de
robustez em uma arquitetura orientada a serviços que utiliza a
plataforma .NET. De acordo com a pesquisa realizada, as
seguintes conclusões foram encontradas:
A conclusão dada em Gorbenko et al [3], de que
serviços web desenvolvidos em plataformas
diferentes comportam-se diferentemente em falhas
semelhantes foi confirmada.
Falhas relacionadas a problemas de rede ou de
ligação com o serviço geram um tempo de espera até
que a exceção seja capturada, muito superior a falhas
de sistema ou aplicação.
As mensagens propagadas com as exceções na
maioria dos casos não informam a causa raiz da falha
Conhecendo as características da propagação da
exceção de cada falha simulada é possível melhorar o
tratamento especializado de falhas em arquiteturas
orientadas a serviço, ajudando assim o trabalho do
desenvolvedor no provimento de uma solução
É observado então, de forma sistemática, que a
identificação da falha ocorrida pela mensagem de exceção
propagada foi de apenas 22% das falhas analisadas. As
conclusões acima indicam a necessidade do aperfeiçoamento
dos mecanismos de propagação de exceções em SOA. Como
trabalhos futuros, é pretendido expandir o estudo para outras
tecnologias, como a REST, por exemplo, que tem crescido
recentemente, bem como testar a abordagem proposta com
serviços em aplicações comerciais. A semântica das exceções
também é uma discussão importante a ser explorada em
trabalhos futuros, apesar da análise realizada já apresentar
alguns indícios sobre possíveis problemas.
Agradecemos o apoio de todos que contribuíram para o
desenvolvimento deste trabalho. Nélio é parcialmente apoiado
pela FAPERN (PPP-III/79-2009) e pelo INES (CNPq
Chan, P. P. W., Lyu, M. R. and Malek, M. (2006). Making Services
Fault Tolerant. Proceeding ISAS'06 Proceedings of the Third
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Durães, J., Vieira, M. and Madeira, H. (2004). Dependability
benchmarking of web-servers. Computer Safety Reliability and Security,
p. 297-310.
Gorbenko, A., Romanovsky, A., Kharchenko, V. and Mikhaylichenko,
A. (2008). Experimenting with exception propagation mechanisms in
service-oriented architecture. Proceedings of the 4th international
workshop on Exception handling - WEH ’08, p. 1-7.
Tartanoglu, F., Issarny, V., Chesnay, L. and Levy, N. (2003).
Coordinated Forward Error Recovery for Composite Web Services.
Published in SRDS (2003) p. 167-176.
Gorbenko,A.,Mikhaylichenko, A., Kharchenko,V.,Romanovsky,A.
(2007). Experimenting With Exception Handling Mechanisms Of Web
Services Implemented Using Different Development Kits. Proceeding
WEH '08 Proceedings of the 4th international workshop on Exception
handling p. 1-7.
Mattsson, M. "Object-Oriented Frameworks: A Survey of
Methodological Issues", M.Sc. Dissertation, Department of Computer
Science and Business Administration, University College of
Karlskrona/Ronneby, LU-CS-96-197, 1996.
Gamma, E., Helm, R., Johnson, R. & Vlissides, J. (1995). Design
patterns: Elements of reusable object-oriented software. Publisher:
Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc. Boston, MA, USA
©1995 ISBN:0-201-63361-2.
FAYAD, M.; SCHMIDT, D.; JOHNSON, R. Application frameworks.
In: Building Application Frameworks. New York:Wiley, 1999. p. 1-27.
Pinto, J. M., & Moro, L. F. L. (2000). A planning model for petroleum
refineries. Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 17(4–7), 575–
Sampaio, Cleuton; SOA e Web Services em Java/Cleuton Sampaio. Rio de Janeiro: Brasport, 2006.
Low, Juval; Programming WCF Services. 2007. O'Reilly Media, Inc.,
Dec 17, 2008.
Kopp, O.; Leymann F.; Wutke D. (2010). Fault Handling in the Web
Service Stack. In: ICSOC 2010, Springer (2010).
Looker, N., Munro, M., Xu, J.: Simulating errors in web services.
International Journal of Simulation Systems 5(5) (2004) 2937.
Qing Wu, Shi Ying, You Cong Ni, Hua Cui (2010). The Architecture
Framework with Exception Handing in SOA. Applied Mechanics and
Materials, 20-23, 992.
David Martin, M. B. (September de 2007). Bringing Semantics to Web
Services with OWL-S. World Wide Web, 10, pp. 243—277.
Eric A. Marks, M. B. (2006). Service-Oriented Architecture: A Planning
and Implementation Guide for Business and Technology. Wiley.
Michael P. Papazoglou, P. T. (2007). Service-Oriented Computing:State
of the Art and Research Challenges (Vol. 40). IEEE Computer Society.
Mike P. Papazoglou, P. T. (2008). Service-Oriented Computing: a
Research Roadmap. International Journal of Cooperative Information
Systems, 17, pp. 223-255.
R. Vaculín, K. S. (2007). Specifying and monitoring composite events
for semantic web services. 5th IEEE European Conference on Web
Services. IEEE Computer Society.
Roman Vaculín, K. W. (2008). Exception Handling and Recovery of
Semantic Web Services. Fourth International Conference on
Networking and Services (pp. 217-222). Gosier, Guadeloupe: IEEE
Computer Society.
Sharma Chakravarthy, V. K.-K. (1994). Composite events for active
databases: Semantics, contexts and detection. Twentieth International
Conference on Very Large Databases, (pp. 606-617).
Hossain M. S. (2006). Web Service Based Software Implemented Fault
Injection. Information Technology Journal 5 (1): 138-143
Usage statistics and market share of ASP.NET for websites (Apr/2013)
Goodenough, J. B. Exception handling: issues and a proposed notation.
Commun. ACM 18, 12 (Dec. 1975), 683-696.
Garcia, A.; Rubira, C; Romanovsky, A.; Xu, J. (2001) A Comparative
Study of Exception Handling Mechanisms for Building Dependable
Object-Oriented Software. In: Journal of Systems and Software,
Elsevier, v. 59, n. 6, November, p. 197-222.
O. S. Gomez, N. Juristo, and S. Vegas, Replications types in
experimental disciplines, in ACM-IEEE ESEM
A Systematic Mapping Study on Service Oriented
Computing in the Context of Quality of Services
Danilo Filgueira Mendonça, Genaı́na Nunes Rodrigues, Aletéia Favacho e Maristela Holanda
Departamento de Ciência da Computação
Universidade de Brası́lia, Brasil
Email: [email protected], {genaina,aleteia,mholanda}
Background: In the last years, the field of service oriented computing (SOC) has received a growing interest from researchers
and practitioners, particularly with respect to quality of service
Aim: This paper presents a mapping study to aggregate literature
in this field in order to find trends and research opportunities
regarding QoS in SOC.
Method: Following well established mapping study protocol,
we collected data from major digital libraries and analysed
364 papers aided by a tool developed for this purpose.
Results: With respect to SOC contributions dealing with QoS
properties, we were able to find out which SOC as well as which
QoS facets are the focus of research. Our mapping was also able
to identify those research groups that have mostly published in
the context of our study.
Conclusions: Most of the studies concentrate on runtime issues, such as monitoring and adaptation. Besides, an expressive
amount of papers focused on metrics, computational models or
languages for the context of Qos in SOC. Regarding quality
attributes, a vast majority of the papers use generic models,
so that the proposed solutions are independent of the particularities of a quality attribute. In spite of that, our study
reveal that availability, performance and reliability were the
major highlights. With respect to research type, many of the
reviewed studies propose new solutions, instead of evaluating
and validating existing proposals– a symptom of a field that still
needs established research paradigms.
Motivação: Nos últimos anos, o campo da computação orientada
a serviços (SOC) recebeu um crescente interesse de pesquisadores
e praticantes, particularmente no que diz respeito a qualidade
de serviços (QoS).
Objetivo: Esse artigo apresenta um mapeamento sistemático para
agrupar a literatura nesse campo, buscando identificar tendências
e oportunidades de pesquisa relacionadas a QoS em SOC.
Metodologia: Seguindo protocolo bem estabelecido de mapeamento sistemático, coletamos dados das principais bibliotecas
digitais em Ciência da Computação e analisamos 364 artigos,
com o auxı́lio de uma ferramenta implementada para o propósito
desse estudo.
Resultados: Com relação às contribuições de SOC que lidam com
propriedades de QoS, identificamos quais propriedades de SOC,
assim como aquelas de QoS estão no foco da pesquisa. Nosso
mapeamento também identificou os grupos de pesquisa que mais
tem publicado no contexto desse estudo.
Conclusões: A maioria dos estudos analisados concentram-se em
questões de tempo de execução, tais como monitoramento e
adaptação. Mas também, houve expressiva parcela de trabalhos
focados em métricas, modelos computacionais ou linguagens
para o contexto de QoS em SOC. No tocante a atributos de
qualidade, uma vasta maioria dos artigos utilizam modelos
genéricos, de modo que as soluções propostas são independentes
das particularidades de determinados atributos de qualidade.
Não obstante, o estudo revela que disponibilidade, desempenho
e confiabilidade foram os maiores destaques. A respeito do tipo
de pesquisa, a maioria dos estudos avaliados propuseram novas
soluções em vez de avaliarem ou validarem propostas existentes
– um sintoma de um campo que ainda necessita de paradigmas
de pesquisa estabelecidos.
A Computação Orientada a Serviços (ou Service Oriented
Computing – SOC) emergiu como um novo paradigma de
computação com intuito de prover maior eficiência à provisão e consumo de recursos computacionais, utilizando não
somente serviços como componentes básicos para o desenvolvimento de aplicações, mas também componentes diversos
de infraestrutura, tais quais servidores web e bancos de dados
[1] [2]. Além disso, por meio da Arquitetura Orientada a
Serviços (SOA), definiu-se diretrizes, objetivos e princı́pios
que norteiam e organizam o desenvolvimento, manutenção e
uso de serviços. Um dos objetivos em SOC é a automação
e integração de processos de negócio ou cientı́ficos, que
podem envolver diferentes organizações e domı́nios administrativos. Assim, por meio de componentes distribuı́dos, desacoplados, autônomos e auto descritos, SOC visa aumentar
o reuso, a agilidade e o retorno de investimento da tecnologia
da informação (TI) [3]. Dada as caracterı́ticas tipicamente
distribuı́das, independentes e heterogêneas encontradas nos
cenários aos quais SOC foi proposta, novas preocupações relacionadas à garantia de qualidade de serviço (Quality of Service
— QoS) motivaram um interesse crescente dos pesquisadores
na área de QoS em SOC.
Quando novas áreas de pesquisa emergem, particularmente
quando amparadas por certo apelo da indústria, é natural
que uma quantidade significativa de contribuições cientı́ficas
foquem primariamente em novas propostas de solução (fases
que compreendem o momento da formulação de um paradigma
por uma comunidade ainda restrita ao momento do seu refinamento e exploração por uma audiência mais ampla [4]).
Por outro lado, com o amadurecimento da pesquisa realizada
em uma área, espera-se o aprofundamento em termos de
evidências relacionadas à aplicabilidade das técnicas pro-
postas, para que em seguida as mesmas sejam adotadas pela
comunidade— Redwine et al. argumenta que esse ciclo de
maturação dura aproximadamente 20 anos para a área de
tecnologia, em particular para a área de software [4].
Existem na literatura trabalhos que apontam para potenciais
de pesquisa relacionadas a confiabilidade em SOC [5]. Em
uma pesquisa recém realizada por Ameller et al. [6], os
autores evidenciam o fato que 68% dos arquitetos e projetistas
de software participantes da pesquisa consideram igualmente
importantes atributos de qualidade e funcionalidade dos sistemas de software baseados em serviços. Além disso, 71%
dos participantes investem em tais atributos de forma explı́cita
em seus respectivos artefatos. No entanto, até onde os autores
deste artigo tem conhecimento, não existe um mapeamento
que possibilite identificar o estágio da pesquisa realizada na
área de qualidade de serviços em SOC de forma mais ampla,
dificultando a identificação de tendências e oportundiades
de pesquisa e tornando mais lenta a adoção das técnicas
propostas, apesar da pesquisa em SOC ter emergido há pouco
mais de 10 anos [1]. Uma exceção seria a tese de Hilari [7] que
descreve uma revisão sistemática realizada no contexto de QoS
em SOA, porém duas ressalvas são feitas com relação a este
trabalho. A primeira é o escopo de sua revisão, verificado pela
string de busca utilizada, que se restringe ao termo web service
para representar toda a Arquitetura Orientada a Serviços.
Outra diz respeito ao ano da revisão, de 2009. O presente
mapeamento sistemático tem por objetivo um escopo mais
amplo e atual do atual cenário de pesquisas no contexto de
QoS em SOC, isto é, engloba todo o paradigma de orientação
a serviços na computação com enfoque em QoS ao longo dos
últimos 10 anos.
Dado esse objetivo, a avaliação foi feita principalmente
no contexto de estágio das pesquisas e na identificação dos
seus principais grupos, assim como na identificação de quais
atributos de QoS em SOC são mais investigados e em quais
áreas de SOC houve maior quantidade de publicações. Nossa
hipótese inicial é que o foco de pesquisas relativas a QoS em
SOC esteja próximo do patamar de amadurecimento em que
uma quantidade significativa de trabalhos objetiva evidenciar
os benefı́cios das soluções propostas por meio de estudos
experimentais e validações. A investigação de tal hipótese
é feita apresentando os resultados de um mapeamento sistemático (MS) [8], cujo protocolo é descrito na Seção II,
revelando indı́cios acerca da maturidade da pesquisa, grupos
que atuam na área, focos de contribuição e quais sãos os
principais atributos de qualidade investigados. Organizamos
nosso mapeamento seguindo o protocolo definido na Seção II
onde são definidas as questões de pesquisa. Para a realização
colaborativa do mapeamento foi implementada uma ferramenta que é sucintamente explicada na Seção III. As questões
de pesquisa são respondidas ao longo da Seção IV e uma
discussão acerca dos dados obtidos é feita na Seção V. Finalmente, apresentamos as ameaças para a validade dos nossos
resultados na Seção VI, bem como nossas considerações finais
na Seção VII.
Um mapeamento sistemático tem por objetivo classificar
informações acerca de uma área de pesquisa de forma ampla
que a tradicional revisão sistemática de estudos. Uma vez constatada a vasta quantidade de publicações no campo de SOC,
escolheu-se esta metodologia para viabilizar a classificação
dos artigos. A metodologia adotada seguiu as diretrizes propostas em [8], cujos passos necessários são descritos no
restante desta seção.
Um MS, assim como outras revisões literárias, estabelece o
uso de um protocolo que documenta as etapas do mapeamento
de modo a garantir sua replicação e diminuir um possı́vel viés
por parte dos pesquisadores. Nele estão definidas as questões
de pesquisa, os fóruns cientı́ficos onde as publicações são recuperadas, a string de busca utilizada, os critérios de inclusão
e exclusão de artigos, além das facetas de classificação.
A. Questões de Pesquisa
As questões de pesquisa foram organizadas de acordo com
a motivação desse estudo, que é investigar e categorizar
as contribuições de pesquisa em Computação Orientada a
Serviços no contexto de qualidade de serviço. Esse estudo
tem como objetivo responder às seguintes perguntas: (1) QP1
Quais áreas de SOC são mais frequentemente pesquisadas no
contexto de qualidade de serviços? (2) QP2 Quais atributos
de qualidade são frequentemente considerados nos estudos
abordados? (3) QP3 Quais são os grupos de pesquisa, no
Brasil e no mundo, que mais publicam no contexto desse
estudo? (4) QP4 Qual o foco da contribuição de pesquisa
A QP1 tem como objetivo trazer uma perspectiva do cenário
das pesquisas em Computação Orientada a Serviços com foco
em QoS atualmente. Para responder a essa pergunta, primeiramente definimos quais são as áreas que melhor caracterizam
as diversas contribuições de pesquisa em SOC. Nota-se a
importância da contribuição dada na definição dessa faceta
devido à escassez de referências que identifiquem as principais
atividades envolvidas em SOC e que são alvos de pesquisa,
tal qual a seleção, composição, monitoramento e adaptação de
serviços, entre outras.
Com relação à QP2, pretendemos obter com esse estudo
quais são os atributos de QoS mais frequentemente explorados
em SOC. Em outras palavras, considerando que QoS, nesse
contexto, envolve atributos como disponbilidade, confiabilidade, desempenho, segurança, escalabilidade, custo e SLA,
quais desses atributos estão de fato em foco. Com relação
à QP3, pretendemos também identificar quais grupos de
pesquisa, no Brasil e no mundo, mais publicaram no contexto
desse estudo. Por fim, a QP4 almeja elucidar quais tipos de
pesquisa são mais frequentes e inferir conclusões acerca da
maturidade da pesquisa realizada na área. Vale ressaltar que
no escopo deste artigo não pretendemos avaliar o mérito dos
trabalhos estudados.
B. Estratégia de Busca
Nossa estratégia de busca consistiu essencialmente na busca
eletrônica nas seguintes bibliotecas digitais: ACM Digital
Library, ScienceDirect, IEEE Xplore e SpringerLink, que
estão entre as bibliotecas mais relevantes para o contexto
da nossa pesquisa. Para formular os termos de busca para a
base de dados eletrônica, usamos a abordagem sugerida por
Kitchenham [9], [10]. A estrategia deriva os termos de busca a
partir das questões de pesquisa usando uma composição com
os operadores OR e AND. Inicialmente foram escolhidos os
termos mais importantes, i.e., Quality of Service e Service
Oriented Computing para o foco do trabalho e a partir desses
foram derivados os sinônimos utilizados. A Tabela I apresenta
a string de busca usada no nosso estudo. Para evitar a
tendenciosidade sobre quais comunidades de pesquisa são as
mais atuantes no nosso domı́nio de interesse, assim como obter
um tamanho real do volume das contribuições, resolvemos
não adotar técnicas como snow-balling onde outros trabalhos
relacionados podem ser encontrados a partir das referências
dos trabalhos extraı́dos automaticamente [10].
Também foram excluı́dos artigos que poderiam ser considerados como resumos estendidos, em geral, aqueles com número
de pá ginas igual ou inferior a quatro.
Por fim, o histograma da Figura 1 representa o número de
publicações encontradas nas bibliotecas digitais consultadas,
mostrando as primeiras ocorrências em 2002. Percebemos que
houve uma decaı́da no ano de 2011, porém a curva retorna sua
tendência já em 2012. Com base nisso, resolvemos fazer uma
avaliação que compreendesse um perı́odo representativo para
o mapeamento. Importante destacar que o ano de 2013 não foi
considerado, pois até o momento da coleta não era possı́vel
obter informações conclusivas sobre esse ano na data em que
a classificação e análise dos demais anos foi executada.
D. Esquema de Classificação
((“web service” OR “web services” OR “service oriented”
OR “service-oriented” OR SOA OR SaaS OR PaaS OR
“service orientation” OR “service-oriented computing” OR
“service oriented computing” OR SOC) AND (“quality of
services” OR “quality of service” OR QOS))
A string de busca é validada pela verificação direta de que
os termos escolhidos representam as questões de pesquisa, os
dados extraı́dos serão capazes de responder as questões de
pesquisa uma vez que contemplam às facetas de classificação
e o procedimento de análise dos dados é apropriado.
Por fim, os termos SaaS ePaaS foram adicionados para representarem trabalhos mais recentes com foco na computação
em nuvem, respectivamente definidos como Software como
Service e Plataforma como Serviço. Entende-se que ambas
abordagens fazem uso de conceitos e/ou tecnologias relacionados ao SOC, portanto foram incluı́dos no contexto desse
C. Critérios de Inclusão e Exclusão
Para filtrar os artigos coletados, utilizamos os seguintes
critérios para inclusão e exclusão. Incluı́mos apenas artigos
publicados em workshops, congressos e periódicos nas bibliotecas digitais que satisfaziam nossa string de busca,
conforme descrito na Seção II-B. Artigos considerados como
gray literature, i.e. relatórios técnicos e white papers foram
excluı́dos devido à grande quantidade de artigos cientı́ficos
já considerados no escopo do mapeamento. No que tange
às contribuições em SOC, foram consideradas somente aquelas que lidavam com nı́veis de abstração acima do sistema
operacional, e.g. relativas a middleware ou plataformas de
distribuição. Contribuições que lidavam com SOC, mas que
não tratavam de nenhum aspecto de QoS foram excluı́das.
Os artigos foram classificados de acordo com as categorias:
- Contribuição: Essa faceta classifca partes relevantes de
SOC, de modo a agrupar trabalhos de pesquisa por
subáreas de contribuição. Definir essa faceta foi um
primeiro desafio para o grupo, pois não encontramos
na literatura algum trabalho que defina de forma clara
e concisa as dimensões que devem definir e constituir
SOC. Considerando a experiência dos autores e depois
de um vasto estudo da literatura, os autores definiram os seguintes atributos dessa faceta: composição,
coordenação & comunicação, descoberta & seleção,
ciclo de vida, monitoramento & adaptação e modelos
de QoS & linguagens. Algumas categorias que haviam
uma forte correlação foram classificadas em um grupo,
como monitoramento & adaptação e coordenação &
comunicação. Em particular, a categoria modelos de QoS
& linguagens engloba publicações que definem extensões
ou novos modelos de QoS por meio de modelos computacionais, linguagens, especificações e/ou ontologias a
serem utilizadas em sistemas baseados em serviços para
o suporte à analise, garantia ou gerenciamento de QoS.
- Contexto: Essa faceta representa os atributos de qualidade de maior relevância para SOC, além das opções
para os demais atributos não mencionados, atributos
genéricos e referentes à SLA. São eles: disponibilidade,
desempenho, confiabilidade, escalabilidade, segurança,
custo, outros e SLA. O item SLA engloba trabalhos
que não especificam quais atributos de qualidade em especı́fico estão tratando, sendo consideradas contribuições
genéricas no contexto de QoS.
- Pesquisa: A última faceta é usada para caracterizar o tipo
de pesquisa realizada. Para definir essa faceta, utilizamos
as definições em [11]: solução (artigos que propõem
uma nova solução e que, ocasionalmente, utilizam um
pequeno exemplo para verificarem a sua viabilidade),
validação (artigos que apresentam estudos empı́ricos
ou provas que corroboram a aplicabilidade de alguma
técnica), avaliação (artigos que apresentam algum tipo
de avaliação comparativa entre técnicas propostas e/ou
existentes e discorrem sobre os benefı́cios e limitações
num contexto em que já houve casos de uso reais) e
Fig. 1.
Quantidade de publicações relacionadas a QoS em SOC entre 2002 e 2012 coletadas
experiência pessoal (quando os autores apresentam a
experência prática do uso de alguma técnica ou discutem
tendências de pesquisa sobre um tema especı́fico).
E. Extração dos Dados e Mapeamento dos Estudos
Inicialmente foram feitas consultas manuais em cada uma
das bibliotecas digitais mencionadas na Seção II-B. Verificouse ao todo um número de 1239 publicações a serem analisadas.
Para atender a essa quantidade significativa de publicações,
a coleta dos resultados de busca foi automatizada por um
minerador capaz de recuperar as publicações nas bibliotecas
digitais e armazenar as mesmas em um banco de dados.
Mais especificamente, o minerador da Figura 2 armazena
os metadados das publicações resultantes das buscas nas
diferentes bibliotecas.
Com base na experiência de alguns dos autores deste artigo,
que haviam observado a dificuldade em se trabalhar com
revisões sistemáticas de forma colaborativa, decidiu-se pelo
desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta de apoio para permitir
a análise e classificação dos artigos com maior eficiência e
ubiquidade de trabalho, capaz também de gerar resultados
gráficos em tempo real. Esta ferramenta consiste em um
ambiente disponı́vel em nuvem, com interfaces disponı́veis
para a listagem das publicações coletadas automaticamente
pelo minerador ou de forma manual pela interface de registro
de novas publicações. Sua arquitetura está representada na
Figura 2, com a seguinte descrição dos componentes:
Minerador: Responsável pela coleta dos metadados das
publicações a partir de uma determinada string de busca.
Para tanto, efetua requisições HTTP/REST a servidores
web de bibliotecas digitais. Há duas possibilidades de
retorno tratáveis para as chamadas dependendo da biblioteca usada: HTML puro representando a própria página
de resultado de buscas ou em padrão XML, sendo ambos
interpretados e tratados para a extração dos metadados.
Aplicação Web: Consiste na aplicação que utiliza os
dados coletados pelo minerador com funcionalidades
de criação, edição, listagem e uso de usuários, grupos,
facetas de classificação, publicações, revisões e geração
sı́ncrona de resultados. Sua implementação segue o modelo de desenvolvimento MVC com definições de entidades e relacionamentos genéricos para que o ambiente
possa receber mapeamentos diversos que utilizem facetas
de classificação criadas em tempo real. As Figuras 3, 4
e 5 ilustram, respectivamente, as interfaces de listagem e
classificação de publicações e um exemplo de resultado
gerado durante o mapeamento.
• Base de Dados: Uma única base de dados como
repositório de coleta de dados do minerador e das
classificações e resultados obtidos por meio da aplicação
Também no ambiente da ferramenta de mapeamento, cada
publicação pode ser classificada utilizando uma interface
apropriada que contém os metadados do artigo, campos de
observações e marcações dos itens de classificação definidos
para o MS em questão, conforme Figura 4. O uso dessa
ferramenta foi de grande importância para a viabilidade do MS
diante da quantidade inicial de publicações coletadas. Além
disso, tal ferramenta permitiu a realização do mapeamento
de forma colaborativa onde os artigos são compartilhados
entre diferentes grupos de usuários em suas respectivas sessões
Fig. 2.
Arquitetura da Ferramenta de Mapeamento Colaborativo
A partir da distribuição automática de artigos para cada
um dos pesquisadores pela aplicação web, foram excluı́das
manualmente as publicações que não se adequaram aos
critérios definidos na Seção II-C, resultando em uma lista
final de 364 artigos. Portanto, da quantidade inicial cole-
Fig. 3.
Listagem das publicações
aos critérios de inclusão, exclusão e facetas de classificação.
Nesta seção apresentamos os principais resultados do nosso
estudo, agrupados pelas questões de pesquisa discutidas na
seção anterior.
A. Questão de Pesquisa 1
Quais as áreas de SOC são mais frequentemente
pesquisadas no contexto de qualidade de serviços?
Fig. 4.
Fig. 5.
Interface usada para mapeamento
Exemplo de resultado gerado para a faceta de QoS (contexto)
tada nas bases de busca, 75% foram considerados fora dos
critérios adotados para o mapeamento. Tal processo, assim
como a classificação, foram realizados manualmente e individualmente, tendo havido frequente discussão para eliminar
quaisquer dúvidas e inconsistências de interpretações quanto
Para responder a essa pergunta primeiramente identificamos
as principais caracterı́sticas de SOC. Encontramos no projeto
europeu S-Cube a fundamentação mais clara para definir tais
caracterı́sticas [12] e, portanto, o adotamos como referência
para definição da faceta da contribuição. Visando atender ao
foco desse estudo, no entanto, adaptamos a estrutura definida
no projeto S-Cube, uma vez definido que o presente MS não
irá abranger estudos que tratem, em especı́fico, da infraestrutura baseada e serviços (IaaS).
A Figura 6 apresenta o diagrama ilustrando a distribuição
dos artigos no eixo horizontal de SOC, a faceta da
contribuição. Assim como os resultados observados nas outras
facetas, vale ressaltar que os atributos mapeados não são mutualmente excludentes, visto que representam partes de SOC.
Por exemplo, o artigo [13] lida com composição, modelos
de QoS & linguagens, além de monitoramento & adaptação.
Existe dentre eles alguma sobreposição, notavelmente entre
composição & coordenação. No entanto, notou-se que o termo
coordenação também envolve aspectos da comunicação entre
provedores e consumidores de serviços em geral, independente
de composição de serviços.
O resultado desse mapeamento mostra que a maior parte dos
trabalhos publicados lida com modelos de QoS & linguagens
(31.32% ), seguida de descoberta & seleção (30.77% ), monitoramento e adaptação (30.49% ), composição (28.85% ), ciclo
de vida (13.46% ) e finalmente coordenação & comunicação
com 8.24% .
Ciclo de vida
Coordenacão e Comunicacão
Descobrimento e Selecão
Modelos de QoS e Linguagens
Monitoramento e Adaptacão
Fig. 6.
Bubble plot representando os tipos de contribuição e contexto(QoS)
Esses resultados indicam o foco dado a aspectos não funcionais, dinâmicos e que podem sofrer variações devido a
concorrência e possı́veis falhas dos serviços em tempo de
execução. Uma preocupação que pode refletir problemas no
modelo de terceirização de serviços. Uma outra observação:
dado que o ambiente SOC possui caracterı́sticas próprias e
diferenciadas, é natural que novas métricas de QoS tenham
sido definidas ou que métricas já utilizadas tenham ganhado
novos significados, assim como linguagens e especificações
que admitam o tratamento e negociação dos requisitos de
qualidade. O resultado obtido nesse estudo para o atributo de
modelos de QoS e linguagens atesta essa constatação. Notase também que a descoberta e seleção de serviços foram
bem representados nas pesquisas, assim como a composição.
No primeiro grupo, é considerado o descobrimento e escolha
entre serviços de mesma funcionalidade, porém com diferentes
nı́veis de QoS. O segundo abrange não somente a composição,
mas também a escolha da melhor configuração de modo a
atender aos nı́veis globais desejáveis ou necessários de QoS
para um conjunto de serviços. Por fim, notou-se um número
reduzido de trabalhos que abordam ciclo de vida e menos
expressivo ainda com relação a coordenação & comunicação.
Com relação ao ciclo de vida, isso pode evidenciar a necessidade de contribuções que dêem suporte a QoS desde os
estágios iniciais do ciclo de desenvolvimento dos serviços em
si. Quanto à coordenação & comunicação, isso pode evidenciar
a necessidade de contribuções, e.g. taxonomias e arcabouços,
que provejam maneiras de fornecer informações contextuais
no gerenciamento, preservação, distribuição ou atualização de
QoS em serviços complexos, dado que a tarefa de coordenação
de serviços deve estabelecer tais contribuições.
B. Questão de Pesquisa 2
Quais atributos de qualidade são frequentemente
considerados nos estudos abordados?
Para responder a essa pergunta, olhamos a distribuição
dos artigos no eixo de QoS, a faceta de contexto. O eixo
vertical da Figura 6 apresenta os resultados dessa distribuição.
Vale ressaltar que, como cada artigo pode tratar de múltiplos
atributos de QoS, a soma total do número de artigos mapeados
em cada um dos atributos não totalizará o número de artigos
incluı́dos no mapeamento. Por exemplo, o artigo [14] lida com
os atributos de disponbilidade, desempenho e confiabilidade.
O mapa mostra que SLA (56.59% ) é o que predomina,
seguido de desempenho (37.36% ), disponibilidade (28.57% )
e confiabilidade (27.20% ). Os atributos menos observados são
custo (14.01% ), segurança (9.34% ) e escalabilidade (6.04% ).
Os atributos que não se enquadraram especificamente em
nenhum desses foram classificados em outros (10.44% ) como
aqueles que envolvem outros atributos de qualidade como, por
exemplo, S. Wang et al. [15] que define um critério de seleção
de serviço conforme sua reputação.
A partir desses resultados, pode-se notar que, no contexto
de SOC, os termos mais relacionados a QoS são SLA, desempenho, disponibilidade e confiabilidade, com bastante ênfase
em SLA. Este resultado se justifica uma vez que diversas
contribuições para monitoramento e adaptação, descoberta,
composição e seleção de serviços, entre outras, não especificam atributos de qualidade, deixando em aberto quais métricas
serão usadas ao se instanciar a proposta. Com relação aos
dados especı́ficos, conclui-se que desempenho, disponibilidade
e confiabilidade são prioridade como atributos de QoS em
SOC. Segurança, escalabilidade e custo, no entanto, tiveram
menor evidência no trabalhos analisados em nosso estudo,
sendo consideradas possı́veis lacunas de pesquisa.
SLA no âmbito de composição (dinâmica) e adaptação de
serviços e contribuı́ram com 4 publicações e no perı́odo do
mapeamento. Particular destaque para as contribuições que
lidam com reconfiguração de serviços em Service-Oriented
Architecture [27], [28], [29], com restrições de QoS fim-afim.
No Brasil em particular, o grupo que mais tem contrbuı́do
com o tema no perı́odo do estudo foi o grupo de Rubira
et al. com foco em confiabilidade e disponibilidade (particularmente tolerância a falhas), quanto a QoS, e aspectos
dinâmicos de SOC (monitoramento & adaptação, coordenação
& comunicação, composição) [30], [31], [32].
C. Questão de Pesquisa 3
Quais grupos de pesquisa, no Brasil e no mundo, mais
publicam no contexto desse estudo?
D. Questão de Pesquisa 4
Para responder a esta questão, identificamos os três
principais grupos de pesquisa que mais contribuı́ram com
publicacções em SOC no contexto de QoS. Na ferramenta que
implementamos para automatizar esse mapeamento é possı́vel
identificar vários outros grupos de pesquisa. Mas por uma
questão de limitação de espaço, listamos nesse artigo apenas
os três grupos que mais se destacaram. Esses grupos foram
classificados conforme segue:
Grupo S-Cube – Identificamos que dos quatros grupos que
mais contribuı́ram no âmbito desse estudo estão pesquisadores
cuja afiliação está inserida direta ou indiretamente no contexto
do grupo europeu S-Cube [12]. No perı́odo do nosso estudo, o
grupo S-Cube contribuiu com 10 publicações relevantes para
esse contexto. São os seguintes autores Schahram Dustdar
(Vienna University of Techonology) e Raffaela Mirandola (Politecnico di Milano) com seus colaboradores Valeria Cardelini
e Emiliano Casalicchio ambos de Universitá di Roma “Tor
Vergata”. Em particular, percebemos que Mirandola e seus
colaboradores têm contribuı́do em pesquisas relacionadas a
monitoramento e adaptação no contexto de confiabilidade,
disponibilidade e desempenho como pode ser percebido com
as publicações [16], [17], [18], [19], [20]. Dustdar e seus
colaboradores, por sua vez, têm contribuı́do em composição
de serviços em ambientes dinâmicos no escopo de SLA, com
destaque para o VRESCO (Vienna Runtime Environment for
Service-Oriented Computing) [21].
Daniel Menasce et al. – Menascé e seus colaboradores
têm tradicionalmente contribuı́do com pesquisas relativas a
QoS, em particular no âmbito de desempenho, incluindo os
diversos fóruns da área [22], [23]. No perı́odo do nosso
estudo, Menascé et al. contribuı́ram com 6 publicações e
destacaram-se no contexto de SLA nas áreas de descobrimento
& seleção e monitoramento & adaptação [24], [25], [26].
Menascé et al. contribuem com o SASSY [24], um arcabouço
que gera automaticamente arquiteturas de software candidatas
e seleciona aquela que melhor se adequa ao objetivo de QoS.
Num outro trabalho [25], eles apresentam um algoritmo que
encontra a solução para otimização na busca de provedores de
serviço com restrições de custo e tempo de execução.
Kwei-Jay Lin et al. – O grupo de Lin (University of
California, Irvine) tem contribuı́do também com 6 publicações
e em vários aspectos de SOC. Em particular, no contexto de
Qual o foco da contribuição de pesquisa realizada em
SOC e relacionada com qualidade de serviço?
Com o intuito de responder a esta questão, foi feita uma
avaliação da distribuição dos artigos em relação ao tipo de
pesquisa (conforme discutido na Seção II). O bubble plot na
Figura 7 apresenta tal distibuição, novamente sendo importante
ressaltar que o número total de artigos nos gráficos é superior
ao número total de artigos analisados— uma vez que alguns
artigos apresentam contribuições tanto em termos de uma
nova solução proposta quanto em termos de avaliação e/ou
validação. Por exemplo, Huang et al. propõe um modelo
estocástico para representar e raciocinar sobre dependabilidade
em um ambiente de SOC, ao mesmo tempo que valida
formalmente tal proposta por meio de provas de teoremas [33].
Avaliacão Experiência
Fig. 7.
Bubble plot com a distribuição envolvendo tipos de pesquisa e
Esta investigação revelou que 155 artigos, isto é, 42.5%
do total apresentam, além de uma nova solução relacionada à
qualidade de serviços em SOC, uma validação da proposta por
meio de experimentos e simulações empı́ricas (e.g. [34], [35],
[33], [36]). Por outro lado, 163 artigos ou 44.8% são propostas
de soluções que não apresentam validações empı́ricas, isto
é, carecem de experimentos que demonstrem a viabilidade e
benefı́cios da(s) técnica(s) propostas. Entre esses artigos podemos citar [37], [38], [39], [40]. Finalmente, 33 artigos (9%)
foram classificados como avaliação, sendo que 10 apresentam,
além de uma nova solução relacionada à qualidade de serviços
em SOC, uma avaliação de técnicas correlatas em casos de
uso reais, avaliando as limitações e benefı́cios das soluções
existentes, e 23 artigos (6.3%) avaliam em casos de uso reais
propostas existentes identificando seus benefı́cios e limitações.
Esses números revelam que a área de pesquisa de qualidade
de serviço em SOC ainda está em uma fase de amadurecimento
naquilo que se refere ao uso e adoção em casos de uso reais
das propostas, dada o baixo percentual dos artigos classificados
como avaliação (9%), o que indica a necessidade de mais
pesquisas capazes de comparar diferentes técnicas já existentes. Também observou-se que um percentual significativo
das contribuições simplesmente apresentam novas abordagens
ou fazem comparações envolvendo a própria técnica proposta
Com base nos resultados evidenciados por esse MS, é
possı́vel confirmar vários aspectos relevantes. O resultado
desse mapeamento mostra que a maior parte dos trabalhos
publicados lida com monitoramento e adaptação (30.49% ),
seguida de modelos de QoS & linguagens (31.32% ), descoberta & seleção (30.77% ), composição (28.85% ). Esses
resultados indicam o foco dado a aspectos não funcionais,
dinâmicos e que podem sofrer variações devido a concorrência
e possı́veis falhas dos serviços em tempo de execução.
Mas também indicam o foco em propostas que visam a
representação e a escolha da melhor configuração de modo
a atender aos nı́veis globais desejáveis ou necessários de QoS
para um conjunto de serviços. No contexto de SOC, os dados
gerais nos induzem a concluir que desempenho, disponibilidade e confiabilidade são prioridade como atributos de QoS em
SOC. Segurança, escalabilidade e custo, no entanto, tiveram
menor evidência no trabalhos analisados em nosso estudo.
Um futuro estudo com base em cada um desses atributos
separadamente pode servir de base para se ter um panorama
mais especı́fico em cada uma dessas áreas. Mas entendemos
que, devido à abrangência de cada um desses tópicos, tornarse-ia inviável tratar dessa questão em nosso estudo.
Quanto aos grupos que mais contribuı́ram com publicações
para o contexto desse mapeamento, os 3 lı́deres são os
seguintes: (1) o S-Cube (com foco em monitoramento &
adaptação, assim como composição dinâmica), (2) Menascé et
al. (com foco em descobrimento & seleção, assim como monitoramento & adaptação) e (3) Lin et al (composição dinâmica e
adaptação). Percebemos também que suas contribuições se encaixam na áreas de SOC que mais de destacaram em nosso estudo. Finalmente, em relação ao tipo de pesquisa em qualidade
de serviço em SOC, consideramos que a mesma ainda está em
uma fase de amadurecimento, onde um percentual significativo
das contribuições simplesmente apresentam novas abordagens
ou fazem comparações envolvendo a própria técnica proposta.
Na próxima seção apresentamos algumas ameaças à validade
do nosso estudo, bem como as estraégias que seguimos para
que as mesmas fossem contornadas.
Por fim, conforme observamos na Seção IV-D, pesquisas
em qualidade de serviço em SOC ainda estão em uma fase
de amadurecimento naquilo que se refere ao uso e adoção
em casos de uso reais das propostas. Dado que 44.8% dos
trabalhos mapeados não realizam validação e que apenas 9%
conduzem uma avaliação em caso de uso real, não podemos
confirmar nossa hipótese inicial de que pesquisas relativas a
QoS em SOC estejam próximas a um patamar de amadurecimento, conforme o ciclo de maturação de Redwine et al. [4].
A discrepância entre o número de pesquisas com validação e
aqueles do tipo avaliação pode estar diretamente relacionada
à dificuldade de adoção e implementação das propostas em
cenários reais, em contraste às simulações realizadas em
ambientes controlados de experimentação. Essa pode ser uma
realidade importante identificada na pesquisa com foco em
SOC no contexto de QoS. Também é importante ressaltar que
o ciclo de maturação identificado por Redwine et al. [4] pode
não representar a realidade das pesquisas dos últimos 10 anos.
Essa hipótese poderia ser verificada num trabalho futuro de
modo a se obter uma melhor comparação entre a maturidade
esperada e aquela identificada pelo presente MS.
As possı́veis ameaças aos resultados dessa pesquisa, bem
como a generalizaçã dos mesmos, são descritas nessa seção,
conforme a classificação apresentada em [41].
A Validade de construção está relacionada às decisões
operacionais que foram tomadas, durante o planejamento do
estudo, com o intuito de responder às questões de pesquisa.
As principais construções do nosso estudo buscam definir
os componentes de SOC (que deram origem a faceta de
contribuição), definir o perı́odo de publicações significativo
para o estudo e realizar o mapeamento sistemático em si.
Quanto ao primeiro item, além de não existir um consenso
entre os elementos constituintes da Computação Orientada
a Serviços, existe uma certa sobreposição entre os mesmos.
Nesse sentido, as definições do projeto S-Cube [12] foram
essenciais para possibilitar uma classificação mais precisa
dos trabalhos. Quanto ao perı́odo das publicações, o nosso
objetivo era identificar tendências de pesquisa na área de
QoS em SOC, e o fato de não termos considerado trabalhos
publicados após dezembro de 2012 pode representar uma
ameaça aos nossos resultados. Por outro lado, consideramos
que trabalhos publicados entre janeiro de 2002 e dezembro de
2012 permitem-nos avaliar um perı́odo bastante significativo
do estudo, conforme ilustrado na Figura 1. Além disso, consideramos que uma avaliação parcial do ano corrente (2013)
poderia levar a avaliações inconclusivas quanto à tendência do
estudo. Por fim, quanto à terceira ameaça de construção, para
realizar nosso estudos seguimos as diretrizes de referência de
Kitchenham [9] para definir as questões de pesquisa, critério
de busca e protocolo do estudo.
A Validade interna estabelece a relação causal garantindo
que certas condições levem de fato a outras condições. Em
particular, a ameaça nesse sentido consiste na seleção incompleta ou inadequada das contribuições ou a tendenciosidade
da visão individual de cada pesquisador envolvido. Um estudo
abrangente como este, envolvendo quatro pesquisadores, leva
a algum risco nesse sentido, uma vez que a classificação dos
artigos pode envolver certo grau subjetividade na interpretação
de cada faceta. Com o intuito de minimizar tal ameaça,
algumas reuniões objetivaram esclarecer as facetas do estudo,
enquanto que outras serviram para realizar avaliações em
pares. Foram feitas diversas discussões entre os autores deste
trabalho sempre que a análise de um artigo resultava em
dúvidas quanto sua classificação. Finalmente, a seleção correta
pode ser percebida tanto pela definição adequada do protocolo
na Seção II quanto por resultados conclusivos como aqueles
apresentados por principais grupos na Seção IV-C.
A Validade externa está relacionada com a possibilidade
de generalização do nosso estudo. Esse é um aspecto muito
importante que está relacionado ao escopo do nosso estudo,
que tem como objetivo entender a pesquisa realizada em
QoS / SOC. Por outro lado, o termo QoS é bastante amplo,
sendo inviável realizar um estudo compreensivo sobre todos
os atributos de qualidade relacionados a SOC (segurança,
performance, tolerância a falhas etc.). Nesse sentido, e conforme discutido na seção II, a nossa string de busca se
restringiu aos termos quality of services, quality of service
e QOS. Tais termos deveriam aparecer em algum campo de
metadados de um artigo (como tı́tulo, resumo ou palavraschave) para que o mesmo fosse recuperado pelo minerador
desenvolvido. Ou seja, não generalizamos nossos resultados
para pesquisas desenvolvidas em uma área especı́fica de QOS,
mas sim para a área de QOS de forma mais genérica. Como
trabalho futuro, temos o interesse de reproduzir mapeamentos
sistemáticos para algumas áreas especı́ficas de QOS (tratamento de exceções, segurança, etc).
Esse artigo apresenta um mapeamento sistemático na
área de Qualidade de Serviço em Computação Orientada
a Serviços, visando identificar (a) o tipo e maturidade da
pesquisa realizada; (b) os atributos de qualidade e componentes de SOC considerados; e (c) os principais grupos
interessados no tema. Os dados obtidos traçaram um panorama
da pesquisa relacionada, servindo de insumo e orientação para
o aprofundamento de novas pesquisas nas diferentes tópicos
envolvidos e identificando aspectos importantes da maturidade
da pesquisa dentro do perı́odo avaliado. Consideramos que
a definição dos tópicos mais relevantes de QoS em SOC
como uma faceta de classificação, constituiu também uma
das contribuições do artigo ao final do estudo. Além disso,
determinou-se quais aspectos de qualidade tiveram maior
destaque entre as pesquisas avaliadas, evidenciando não só
o interesse dos pesquisadores, mas também possı́veis lacunas
de pesquisa em termos de QoS em ambientes orientados a
serviços. Por fim, foi possı́vel a identificação de grupos de
pesquisa mais ativos na área em questão, o que possibilita o
aprofundamento dos resultados por meio de técnicas de snowballing e também fornece um ponto de partida para revisões
sistemáticas de literatura.
Como trabalho futuro, consideramos aprimorar a ferramenta
de mapeamento criada para viabilizar esse estudo de modo
a permitir melhor usabilidade com as bibliotecas digitais
e viabilizar o uso de técnicas como snowball. Quanto ao
mapeamento sistemático em si, pretendemos utilizar a base
de dados aceita para a realização de uma revisão sistemática
da literatura (Systematic Literature Review) com vistas a uma
avaliação mais aprofundada dos trabalhos avaliados, como
por exemplo, seus benefı́cios e limitações, assim como suas
contribuições relativas à arquitetura de software.
A confiabilidade está relacionada ao grau de objetividade de
um estudo, em que uma possı́vel replicação levaria a resultados
parecidos. Com a infraestrutura que disponibilizamos para
a realização de mapeamentos sistemáticos, podemos tanto
estender essa investigação em um trabalho futuro quanto
convidarmos outros pesquisadores para replicar tal avaliação1 .
Em particular, a estratégia de sı́ntese e interpretação escolhidas
podem trazer diferentes insights, mas acreditamos que as
tendências observadas devem permanecer as mesmas.
1 Acessı́vel
em conta guest pelo endereço
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aCCountS: Uma arquitetura orientada a serviços para
flexibilizar a tarifação em nuvens de infraestrutura
Nayane Ponte∗ , Fernando Trinta∗ , Ricardo Viana∗ , Rossana Andrade∗ , Vinı́cius Garcia† & Rodrigo Assad‡
∗ Grupo
de Redes de Redes de Computadores, Engenharia de Software e Sistemas
Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza - CE
Email: {nayaneviana, fernandotrinta, ricardoviana, rossana}
† Centro de Informática – Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife - PE
Email: [email protected]
‡ USTO.RE – Recife, PE
Email: [email protected]
Abstract—Cloud Computing is a recent paradigm where
different IT resources such as applications or hardware are
quickly provisioned to customers through a pay per use model.
Substantial research has already been conducted concerning
pricing services in cloud computing, but they lack on flexibility
to establish how services are accounted. These services seem
also very dependent on specific cloud infrastructures. This paper
proposes an architecture for charging cloud services decoupled
from specific providers. This service is complemented by a
domain specific language that allows the creation of flexible
pricing policies. Such policies aims at supporting cloud billing
requirements collected from a survey, allowing the construction
of rules that meet different customer profiles. Based on this
architecture, a prototype has been implemented and tested to
validate our proposal in two different cloud infrastructures. These
experiments aims at testing (i) the correctness of the charging flow
between two components (server and agent) and (ii) the invoice
A computação em nuvem (do inglês, Cloud Computing)
é um tema em grande evidência tanto na indústria quanto na
academia. Segundo Vaquero et al [1], o termo computação em
nuvem refere-se a um conjunto de recursos virtuais de fácil uso
e acesso, que podem ser dinamicamente reconfigurados para se
adequarem a uma carga de trabalho variável, permitindo uma
otimização no uso de tais recursos. Em geral, estes recursos
são provisionados aos seus usuários como serviços.
A literatura sobre computação em nuvem apresenta três
modelos de entrega de serviços que podem ser vistos como
sobreposições em diferentes nı́veis da pilha de uma infraestrutura de TI. No nı́vel mais alto estão as aplicações, ou Software
como Serviço (SaaS - do inglês, Software as a Service), nas
quais os clientes podem utilizar sistemas de software com fins
especı́ficos, e que são acessados, em geral, a partir de um
navegador Web. No nı́vel intermediário está a Plataforma como
Serviço (PaaS - do inglês, Platform as a Service), que oferece
tanto um ambiente de desenvolvimento quanto execução de
aplicações, incluindo frameworks, ferramentas de desenvolvimento e testes de aplicações para nuvens especı́ficas. Nestes
dois nı́veis, o usuário da nuvem não controla ou administra a
infraestrutura subjacente, como rede, servidores, sistema operacional. No nı́vel mais baixo, a Infraestrutura como Serviço
(IaaS, do inglês Infrastructure as a Service) oferece máquinas
virtualizadas com sistemas operacionais próprios, onde clientes
podem instalar e configurar aplicações de acordo com seus
interesses. Neste último nı́vel, o cliente da nuvem tem controle
sobre as configurações das máquinas virtuais, porém não sobre
a infraestrutura da nuvem.
Independente do modelo utilizado, recursos em
computação em nuvem são tipicamente explorados por
um modelo de pagamento por uso (do inglês, pay-as-you-go),
com garantias oferecidas pelo provedor do serviço através
de acordos de garantias de serviço (do inglês, Service Level
Agreements). Em consequência, a tarifação de serviços é
apontada como uma caracterı́stica chave para computação em
nuvem[2], oferecendo desafios interessantes de pesquisa a
serem estudados. Segundo Lucrédio e Silva [3], ferramentas
e mecanismos que facilitem o monitoramento e tarifação
de recursos, auxiliando as funções administrativas de
gerenciamento da infraestrutura da nuvem são imprescindı́veis
para o sucesso da computação em nuvem.
Este trabalho aborda o tema de oferta de serviços em
nuvem ao apresentar uma arquitetura, baseada em um modelo
de referência [4], para um serviço de tarifação chamado
aCCountS (a Cloud aCcounting Service), voltado para nuvens
de infraestrutura. Nesse serviço, o administrador pode definir
polı́ticas de tarifação de seus recursos de modo rápido e
simplificado, por meio de uma DSL - Linguagem de domı́nio
especı́fico (do inglês, Domain Specific Language), intitulada
aCCountS-DSL. Esta proposta tem como objetivo principal
definir uma solução que melhore a flexibilidade de como os
recursos de um provedor de IaaS podem ser precificados e
tarifados. Para alcançar tal objetivo, a linguagem aCCountSDSL foi especificada com objetivo de atender diversas questões
em aberto no âmbito da contabilização em nuvem, como
a definição de polı́ticas de cobrança flexı́veis, de fácil de
manutenção e que atendam a diferentes objetivos de cobrança
(lucro, bem estar social ou preço justo).
Por meio dos artigos encontrados em nossa revisão literária,
vários trabalhos citam diferentes critérios (consumo médio
de CPU e memória, storage, dentre outros) como elementos
interessantes para compor o preço final do aluguel de máquinas
virtuais em nuvens. Estes elementos podem ainda tornar a
cobrança mais flexı́vel e compreensı́vel (as regras de tarifação)
aos clientes de serviços de nuvem. Por meio da aCCountS-
DSL é possı́vel criar regras para tarifar diferentes recursos ou
requisitos propostos. Ela evita a reprogramação do componente
de contabilização da nuvem, alterando apenas suas regras, que
são atualizadas dinamicamente pelo sistema.
Para validação da proposta, um protótipo do aCCountS foi
implementado e testado em duas infraestruturas de nuvens
distintas. Estes experimentos objetivaram testar a corretude
do (i) fluxo de tarifação entre os dois componentes (agente
e servidor) e do (ii) cálculo da fatura. É válido ressaltar
que o projeto de uma solução de tarifação envolve muitos
aspectos além da flexibilidade, como por exemplo, segurança
e escalabilidade. Porém, no contexto deste trabalho, estes
aspectos não são abordados.
Este artigo está organizado em seis seções. A partir desta
introdução, a segunda seção aponta trabalhos relacionados à
proposta aCCountS. A terceira seção apresenta uma visão geral
sobre o funcionamento do aCCountS. Em seguida, a seção
4 apresenta sua arquitetura destacando seus componentes e a
linguagem aCCountS-DSL. A seção cinco descreve a avaliação
experimental e a análise da nossa proposta. Por fim, a sexta
seção apresenta conclusões e trabalhos futuros.
A tarifação em nuvem ainda é um campo recente de
pesquisa. Porém, durante a fase inicial deste estudo foram
realizadas pesquisas nas quais foram encontrados artigos e
trabalhos que já exploraram o tema. Nesta seção são apresentados alguns destes trabalhos que contribuem para a proposta
O trabalho de Silva et al [5] teve um papel importante neste
levantamento inicial ao apresentar um estudo de mapeamento
sobre a tarifação em computação em nuvem. Neste mapeamento, um trabalho em destaque é a proposta de Ruiz-Agundez
et al [4] para um processo de tarifação para recursos computacionais. Este trabalho é apontado como a única referência para
uma taxonomia completa de um processo de contabilização e
tarifação de recursos, conforme descrito na Figura 1.
O fluxo de tarifação proposto por Ruiz-Agundez et al [4]
é composto de oito tarefas, nas quais o resultado de uma serve
como entrada para uma tarefa seguinte. A primeira tarefa é
a medição e sua função é monitorar o uso de recursos na
nuvem. Estes recursos podem ser o consumo de CPU ou
memória de uma determinada máquina virtual. A segunda
tarefa é a mediação, que refina os dados recebidos da tarefa
anterior, transformando-os em dados mais fáceis de serem
manipulados pelas próximas etapas. Após a mediação, a tarefa
de contabilidade tem por funções a filtragem, a coleta e
a agregação das informações sobre o uso de recursos por
um determinado cliente. Como resultado de sua execução,
registros de sessão são enviados para a cobrança, que realiza
as tarefas relacionadas a geração dos registros de cobrança para
um cliente especı́fico. A tarefa de precificação é responsável
por definir as operações que serão realizadas no cálculo da
tarifação. A tarefa cobrança realiza o cálculo da cobrança a
partir dos dados medidos pela nuvem (contabilidade) e dos
valores dos recursos monitorados (precificação). Em seguida,
tarefa de faturamento recebe os registros de cobrança realizados durante um perı́odo de tempo, para então calcular a fatura
completa. Caso o faturamento calculado seja de um cliente de
Fig. 1.
Fluxo de tarifação, adaptado de Ruiz-Agundez et al [4]
outra máquina virtual ou nuvem, esses dados são repassados
para a tarefa roaming, cuja função é enviá-lo para a máquina
virtual ou nuvem onde o cliente possua cadastro. Por fim, a
fatura também é enviada à tarefa de compensação financeira,
que realiza o cumprimento do pagamento da fatura.
Outra preocupação do estudo proposto pelos autores é a
forma que a polı́tica de tarifação é implementada. Segundo
Ruiz-Agundez et al [4], cada provedora de nuvem desenvolve
seu sistema de contabilização próprio e o codifica diretamente na infraestrutura da nuvem, dificultando manutenções na
polı́tica de negócios. Na proposta de Ruiz-Agundez et al [4],
diferentes requisitos de nuvem foram levados em conta, com
objetivo de tornar a tarifação flexı́vel, permitindo a alteração
das polı́ticas de forma fácil. Porém, para validar seu modelo, o
fluxo descrito na Figura 1 foi implementado em um serviço de
tarifação comercial, chamado de JBilling1 , o que impede que
maiores detalhes a respeito da solução possam ser estudados.
Trabalhos interessantes também podem ser obtidos no
campo da computação em grade, e que podem ser aproveitados
para a computação em nuvem. Caracas e Altmann [6] propõem
tarifar os serviços de uma grade levando em consideração
fatores como a quantidade de recursos, o tempo no qual tais
recursos foram utilizados, a qualidade do serviço e o perfil do
usuário. Além disso, é proposta uma definição dinâmica de
preços, na qual a tarifação utiliza componentes da infraestrutura da grade para disponibilizar dados para o faturamento. Já
Narayan [7] propõe que os esquemas de tarifação deveriam
levar em consideração não apenas os perfis de hardware
utilizados e seu tempo de uso, mas o próprio uso dos recursos,
como memória, CPU e disco.
Além de estudos acadêmicos, foi também verificado como
a indústria utiliza a tarifação em serviços de computação em
nuvem. A utilização desses serviços de tarifação disponı́veis no
mercado, tais como JBilling e Cloud Billing2 , são baseadas em
BRMS - Business Rule Management System (Sistemas de regras
de negócios). Apesar desse tipo de sistema proporcionar uma
facilidade na definição das regras de negócio por usuários que
não tem conhecimentos em programação, segundo Hartmann
Software Group [8], (i) os BRMS não são otimizados para
tarefas computacionais que requerem alto processamento, (ii)
não são ambientes ideais para escrever algoritmos complexos
(diminuindo a eficiência do mecanismo de regras e tornando
difı́cil para os usuários definirem formas mais complexas) e
(iii) perturbações em seus modelos de objeto (ou regras) podem
ter implicações em todo o sistema (dado que as regras são
definidas por outras regras ou modelos de objetos, criando um
caminho de dados para realizar a inferência).
Outra questão levantada nos artigos estudados é quanto
ao objetivo da polı́tica de tarifação. Segundo Caracas [6],
uma polı́tica de tarifação de uma provedora de nuvem busca
alcançar tipos diferentes de finalidades, tais como maximizar
os lucros, maximizar o bem estar social ou definir um esquema
de preço justo. A forma como os serviços de nuvem são
cobrados no mercado não parece justa quando dois clientes que
requisitam instâncias iguais na nuvem pagam o mesmo preço,
mesmo o primeiro utilizando 90% dos recursos da máquina
virtual instanciada, enquanto o segundo usa apenas 10% de
uma instância semelhante. Também não parece pensar no bem
estar social, quando não se preocupa com o grande gasto de
energia nos centros de dados, não promovendo incentivos a
clientes que aceitariam medidas com propósito de diminuir a
demanda por energia [6].
Tomando por base os trabalhos encontrados relacionados
à tarifação, o aCCountS utiliza partes de cada um deles. No
caso do Ruiz-Agundez et al [4], seu processo de tarifação
é utilizado, porém sem a tarefa de roaming. O aCCountS
define uma linguagem de domı́nio especı́fico para definição
de polı́ticas com a possibilidade de definir um conjunto de
recursos monitores. Nestas polı́ticas, os critérios propostos
por Caracas e Altmann [6] podem ser explorados. Por fim,
as polı́ticas definidas na linguagem aCCountS-DSL também
podem utilizar a proposta de Narayan [7], contabilizando a
quantidade de recursos consumidos, como por exemplo, dando
desconto a usuário que consome apenas 50% de seus recursos
na nuvem.
aCCountS - Cloud aCCOUNTing Service
Com base nos estudos levantados, este trabalho propõe
uma nova forma de contabilização para serviços em nuvem.
Essa proposta constitui-se de dois elementos. O primeiro é
um serviço de tarifação em nuvem, que possui seu fluxo
de execução na proposta de Ruiz-Agundez et al, explicada
anteriormente. O serviço é formado por dois componentes,
o agente de monitoramento e o componente de tarifação.
O agente monitora os recursos das máquinas virtuais e o
componente interpreta regras de tarifação definidas pela provedora de nuvem (administrador), contabiliza a utilização destes
recursos e gera uma conta de tarifação para o cliente. O
segundo elemento é uma linguagem de domı́nio especı́fico,
chamada aCCountS-DSL, que permite a administradores de
nuvem definirem regras de tarifação para recursos de sua
infraestrutura no serviço. A Figura 2 mostra uma visão geral
sobre o aCCountS.
Fig. 2.
Visão Geral da Proposta
Em linhas gerais, pode-se separar a utilização do serviço
em duas etapas. Na etapa inicial é feita sua configuração.
Nela, o administrador da nuvem precisa definir os parâmetros
de tarifação, ou seja, quais serão os recursos monitorados
nas máquinas virtuais de sua nuvem, e que serão utilizados
para composição das regras de tarifação. Em geral, estes
recursos incluem uso de CPU, memória, disco, tempo de uso,
transações em bancos de dados, serviços e software utilizados,
dentre outros. Após esta definição, faz-se necessário estabelecer valores (parâmetros de precificação) para os recursos que
serão monitorados. Na proposta do aCCountS, a precificação
é fortemente atrelada ao conceito de perfil de uma máquina
virtual. Este perfil refere-se às possı́veis configurações das
máquinas virtuais que podem ser instanciadas na nuvem, de
forma semelhante ao que acontece em infraestruturas de nuvem
conhecidas, como Amazon EC2 ou GoGrid. Por exemplo, na
Amazon AWS, o usuário pode escolher entre instâncias do
tipo Micro, Pequena, Média, Grande e ExtraGrande[9]. Cada
uma destas instâncias tem valores diferentes para seu uso.
Com estes parâmetros definidos, o administrador pode criar
as polı́ticas de tarifação de sua nuvem utilizando a aCCountSDSL. Neste caso, as polı́ticas definem as diferentes práticas em
relação a cobrança pelo uso de recursos de suas máquinas virtuais instanciadas. Estas polı́ticas podem incluir uma tarifação
apenas pelo tempo de uso de uma máquina virtual, ou podem
agregar taxas em relação ao uso dos recursos de rede, média
de consumo de memória, quantidade de transações no banco
de dados, além de descontos por economia de energia, SLA
ou perfil do cliente. Almeja-se utilizar os diferentes requisitos
de contabilização para criar uma polı́tica flexı́vel.
A segunda etapa diz respeito à execução do serviço. Para
isto, em cada máquina virtual, um agente é responsável por
coletar informações dos parâmetros de tarifação e repassá-las
a um repositório. De posse das informações sobre consumo
de recursos das máquinas virtuais e de como os recursos
devem ser tarifados, o tarifador pode então gerar uma conta
de consumo para clientes da nuvem.
Para melhor especificar cada uma destas etapas, a próxima
seção aborda em mais detalhes (i) a arquitetura do serviço
Fig. 3.
Diagrama de componentes UML com os principais elementos de aCCountS
proposto e (ii) a linguagem de domı́nio especı́fico, aCCountSDSL
O iParameters faz uma chamada ao aCCountS-Service,
solicitando quais parâmetros deverão ser monitorados. Esses
parâmetros já foram configurados com os recursos que
serão medidos e a forma de medı́-los. Para exemplificar
esta configuração, o Código 1 mostra variáveis que foram
cadastradas para medir uso de CPU, memória e disco, com
a respectiva forma de capturar seus valores para o sistema
operacional Linux na Amazon EC2.
A arquitetura do aCCountS é representada na Figura 3, por
meio de um diagrama de componentes UML. Nesta figura,
os elementos marcados com o estereótipo Entity representam
abstrações que denotam dados manipulados na proposta aCCountS. Os demais componentes da arquitetura assumem o
papel de gerenciadores destes recursos e exercem papel de
processamento das etapas do fluxo de tarifação. A arquitetura
aCCountS possui dois macro-componentes: (i) o aCCountSAgent e o (ii) aCCountS-Service. O primeiro representa o
agente de coleta de informações, e que deve estar presente
em cada máquina virtual em execução na nuvem. O segundo
representa um serviço que recebe os dados monitorados, e que
através da configuração de seus sub-componentes, consegue
gerar a tarifação das máquinas virtuais associadas a um determinado cliente.
A divisão do aCCountS em macro-componentes foi motivada pela ideia de um serviço de tarifação em nuvem desacoplado da infraestrutura da mesma. Com isto, objetiva-se a
concepção de um componente reutilizável, no caso o serviço,
que pode ser utilizado para realizar o processo de tarifação
para diferentes nuvens de infraestrutura.
Código 1.
Definição dos recursos a serem medidos - Amazon EC2
{ "cpu": uptime | awk -F’: ’ ’{print $2}’ | awk -F’, ’ ’{
print $1}’,
"memoria": free -m|grep Mem|awk ’{printf("%f", $3/$2)}’,
"armazenamento": df -k ’/dev/disk/by-label/cloudimg-rootfs
’ | grep udev | awk ’{printf("% f", $3/$4)}’ }
O iResources periodicamente envia ao aCCountS-Service
as informações de uso da máquina virtual para o cálculo da
fatura. O Código 2 mostra um exemplo de um arquivo JSON
enviado pelo aCCountS-Agent via iResources. Nas próximas
duas sub-seções serão descritos em mais detalhes como os subcomponentes aCCountS-Agent e aCCountS-Service operam
para o estabelecimento do fluxo de tarifação.
Código 2.
A comunicação entre o aCCountS-Agent e o aCCountSService é realizado por meio de troca de mensagens no
formato JSON3 . Como ilustrado na Figura 3-(b), o aCCountSService fornece uma API para comunicação com o agente.
A interface iParameters serve para que o aCCountS-Agent
obtenha do serviço, quais são os recursos (parâmetros) a serem
monitorados e como estes devem ser obtidos da máquina
virtual onde o agente está sendo executado. Já a interface
iResources permite que o agente envie os registros de medição,
a partir dos recursos monitorados. Dessa maneira, qualquer
empresa de nuvem pode criar seu próprio agente para tarifar
seus serviços, desde que mantendo a compatibilidade com a
API fornecida.
Exemplo de um registro de medição
{ "cpu": 0.06068, "memoria": 0.54445, "armazenamento":
0.05128 }
A. O Agente - aCCountS-Agent
O aCCountS-Agent é formado pelos sub-componentes
AgentReceptorManager, o MeteringVM, MediatorVM e pelo
AgentSendManager, como modelado pelo diagrama de componentes mostrado na Figura 3 - (a). Cada sub-componente do
aCCountS-Agent realiza um passo para atender a funcionalidade de monitoramento de recursos de uma máquina virtual.
Estes passos são (i) identificar os recursos que devem ser
monitorados, (ii) realizar a medição e (iii) a mediação destes
recursos, e por fim, (iv) enviar as informações de consumo
para o aCCountS-Service.
Na arquitetura do aCCountS-Agent, o AgentReceptorManager é responsável por buscar no aCCountS-Service os
parâmetros (API iParameters), interpretá-los e enviá-los ao
sub-componente MeteringVM. Um AgentReceptorManager de
uma máquina virtual está associado a uma máquina no
aCCountS-Service por meio de um identificador único (id).
Na requisição dos parâmetros, o agente utiliza este identificador, permitindo ao aCCountS-Service reconhecer a polı́tica
de tarifação da máquina virtual e quais recursos que devem
ser monitorados, para então, fornecê-los de forma correta
ao agente, de acordo com seu sistema operacional. Cada
parâmetro recebido pelo AgentReceptorManager é um arquivo
JSON com uma lista dos recursos e seus respectivos comandos para serem monitorados a partir do Sistema Operacional
implantado na máquina virtual. Dado que os (i) parâmetros
e seus comandos de execução, (ii) a polı́tica definida para
tarifação da máquina virtual e (iii) seu perfil de precificação
foram definidos na primeira parte do processo, a etapa de
configuração do aCCountS está completada.
Por meio dos comandos passados pelo AgentReceptorManager, o MeteringVM mede a utilização de cada recurso
na máquina virtual em uma certa frequência predeterminada e
envia esses registros para o componente MediatorVM que os
intermedia. O MediatorVM recebe os dados medidos, calcula
a média de utilização dos recursos e a cada hora, gera um
registro de medição. Esses registros são conduzidos para o
AgentSendManager, que os expede, uma vez ao dia, para o
aCCountS-Service (API iResources).
Os tempos de medição e de envio dos registros ao serviço
podem ser configurados pela administrador da infraestrutura
de nuvem, mas a configuração padrão no MeteringVM indica que os dados são monitorados a cada minuto, enquanto
o MediatorVM realiza suas funções em intervalos de uma
hora. Esta decisão pretende não sobrecarregar a rede com
informações de medição a cada minuto no tráfego de dados
entre agente e serviço, nem o próprio aCCountS-Service. O
aCCountS-Service com posse das informações de consumo de
uma máquina virtual inicia seu processo de tarifação por meio
dos seus sub-componentes, como especificado na próxima subseção.
B. O Serviço - aCCountS-Service
Como foi declarado, o aCCountS-Service foi idealizado
para ser um serviço de tarifação para qualquer provedora de
nuvem. Para isto, é necessário instalar um agente nas máquinas
virtuais em execução, de tal modo que estes agentes busquem
os parâmetros (recursos e comandos para serem monitorados)
no aCCountS-Service (interface iParameters), para em seguida
monitorar o uso da máquina virtual e enviar ao serviço os
registros de mediação (média de uso dos recursos) ao serviço
(interface iResources).
A tarifação de cada máquina virtual é processada por
meio dos sub-componentes do aCCountS-Service, que recebem
os registros de medição e geram uma fatura mensal para
o cliente. Esses sub-componentes são o ResourcesManager,
o AccountingManager, o PriceManager, o ProfileManager,
o BillingManager e o ClientManager. O PriceManager é
ainda subdivido em outros três componentes, a saber: PolicyManager, DSL-Compiler e ChargeManager. A arquitetura
do aCCountS-Service é ilustrada na Figura 3-(c) por meio de
um diagrama de componentes UML.
No aCCountS-Service, o ResourcesManager tem a função
de enviar os parâmetros para o agente, quando solicitado. Duas
entidades são manipuladas por este componente: o Resources
e o CommandsResources. A primeira representa os recursos
a serem monitorados, enquanto a segunda, os comandos que
os agentes devem executar para medir tais recursos. Esta
configuração deve ser feita pelo administrador da provedora
da nuvem, que cadastra todos os recursos que poderão ser
monitorados por ela e os seus respectivos comandos. Em
nosso protótipo, esta configuração é feita por meio de uma
interface Web. O ResourcesManager ao ser consultado pelo
agente, recebe o identificador da máquina virtual. Por meio
deste identificador, sua polı́tica de tarifação é recuperada. Com
isto, o ResourcesManager verifica na polı́tica quais recursos
precisam ser medidos e os envia por meio de parâmetros
(recursos e comandos) ao agente.
Já o AccountingManager tem a função de receber os
registros de medição do agente e ativar o componente PriceManager para contabilizar os registros recebidos. Este componente é responsável por gerar a função de precificação para
contabilizar os registros de medição, além de calcular o custo
do serviço e gerar as cobranças. Estas tarefas são distribuı́das
entre seus sub-componentes: PolicyManager, DSL-Compiler e
O PolicyManager gerencia a criação das polı́ticas de
tarifação. Essas polı́ticas são definidas através da DSL proposta nesse trabalho que será descrita com mais detalhes
na sub-seção IV-C. O DSL-Compiler compila a polı́tica de
tarifação definida e gera uma função de precificação, enquanto
o ChargeManager utiliza a função definida para calcular os
registros de cobrança por meio dos recursos monitorados no
agente e dos preços dos recursos (requisitados do componente
O componente ProfileManager é responsável por gerenciar
o perfil das máquinas virtuais do agente. Ele manipula duas
entidades: o Resources que representa cada recurso, e o Price
que representa os preços desses recursos. Estes componentes
são cadastrados pelo administrador da provedora de nuvem
durante o processo de configuração do serviço. No ProfileManager, além dos recursos e seus preços, deve-se cadastrar
os perfis disponı́veis na infraestrutura da nuvem, definindo a
quantidade de memória, armazenamento em disco e tipo de
processador das máquinas virtuais que podem ser instanciadas.
Os registros de cobrança calculados pelo ChargeManager
são enviados para o componente BillingManager, cuja principal função é somá-los para geração da fatura que será enviada
para o ClientManager ao final de cada mês, caso o modelo de
tarifação seja pós-pago. Caso o modelo da polı́tica de tarifação
seja pré-pago, uma mensagem é enviada para a provedora da
nuvem no momento em que o total de créditos do cliente
for esgotado. O valor do crédito é medido pelo agente e
enviado para o AccountingManager via iResources. Com essa
informação a provedora da infraestrutura de nuvem pode tomar
providências pela continuidade ou não da oferta de serviços ao
cliente cujo crédito se esgotou.
C. A DSL de tarifação - aCCountS-DSL
No contexto deste trabalho, uma polı́tica de tarifação é
definida como um conjunto de regras que estabelece a forma
como recursos das máquinas virtuais de um cliente são tarifados. A aCCountS-DSL é uma linguagem de domı́nio especı́fico
textual para criação de polı́ticas de tarifação em nuvens de IaaS
dentro da proposta aCCountS.
O projeto da aCCountS-DSL foi elaborado a partir de requisitos obtidos dos trabalhos relacionados previamente descritos,
bem como a partir de exemplos da indústria, com destaque
para a Amazon EC2, uma vez que esta se trata da principal
fornecedora de serviços de infraestrutura em nuvem do mundo,
segundo Marten Mickos4 . Para ilustrar esta influência, na etapa
de configuração (primeira parte do processo de tarifação), o
perfil da máquina é definido no aCCountS-Service pelo administrador, que precifica os recursos que serão contabilizados. Um
conjunto de requisitos de tarifação determina o valor de um
perfil, muito semelhante ao que ocorre na Amazon EC2, em que
os diferentes requisitos definem as diferentes instâncias e seus
preços. Por exemplo, uma instância localizada na Virgı́nia, cuja
polı́tica é sob-demanda e o perfil da máquina é small-instance
custa $ 0.06 por hora de uso. Se sua polı́tica for reservada
por um ano, custará $ 0.034 por hora de uso. Se o perfil da
máquina modificar, passando para medium-instance, o custo do
serviço passará a $ 0.12 por hora de uso. A aCCountS-DSL
busca permitir que qualquer nuvem possa definir suas regras
e criar sua polı́tica de tarifação através de uma linguagem que
atenda aos requisitos utilizados pela Amazon e aos requisitos
apontados nos trabalhos relacionados apresentados na seção
II. Os requisitos utilizados pelo aCCountS são apresentados a
1.1 - Garantia de alocação: Algumas polı́ticas de tarifação
promovem maior garantia à nuvem do que outras, impactando
nos custos dos seus recursos. A Amazon[9] utiliza três modelos e os mesmos são suportados pela linguagem e serviço
propostos. São eles: (i) sob-demanda, que permite ao cliente
pagar pela capacidade computacional utilizada por hora, sem
nenhum compromisso de longo prazo, (ii) Reservado, que
oferece a opção de um pagamento único e acessı́vel para cada
instância que o cliente deseja reservar e, em troca, um desconto
significativo sobre a custo de utilização dos serviços para essa
instância, e (iii) Lance, que é concedido por meio de leilão
dos recursos subutilizados, sem uma garantia sobre o tempo
de disponibilidade do serviço. Este requisito é definido no
momento da configuração do perfil, na qual os preços dos
recursos variam conforme seu requisito.
1.2 - Modelo de pagamento: Os modelos propostos pela
Amazon atualmente são pós-pagos. Entretanto, outros serviços
de tecnologia aumentaram sua utilização através de planos
pré-pagos, como a telefonia móvel e a Internet móvel [10].
Dessa maneira, a linguagem proposta reconhece dois modelos
possı́veis de pagamento. O primeiro é o modelo pré-pago, no
qual um cliente paga antes de utilizar os recursos, podendo
limitar seu uso pelos créditos comprados. Já o modelo póspago reflete o modo tradicional em que um cliente contrata
um plano de utilização e paga após o uso, em geral numa
frequência mensal. Estes modelos foram influenciados pela
proposta de Elmroth [11] e pelos serviços de tecnologia citados
O modelo de pagamento é suportado pela arquitetura pro4 7a8babfe-7b50-472ebbb8-1619d153ada4&utm source=lslibrary&utm medium=ui-thumb
posta, entretanto ainda não está completamente funcional no
protótipo implementado. A aplicação desse requisito acontece
em quatro etapas, sendo que as três primeiras ocorrem no
momento de configuração do serviço, enquanto a quarta ocorre
durante a execução do mesmo. A primeira etapa acontece na
configuração dos parâmetros, em que o administrador define os
recursos de modelo de pagamento e crédito, e os associa a um
determinado cliente. A segunda etapa ocorre quando da criação
dos perfis das máquinas, e leva em consideração o modelo da
polı́tica. No caso, definem-se preços maiores para perfis com
modelo pré-pago. A terceira etapa permite ao administrador
configurar os tempos de medição e de envio de dados para o
serviço. Já na última etapa, o agente faz medições dos recursos
de crédito e de tipo de modelo de pagamento.
1.3 - Forma de contabilização: Segundo alguns autores
[12], [6], [11], [7], um serviço em nuvem consome diferentes
recursos e em quantidades diferentes, sendo portanto justo
pagar apenas pelos recursos consumidos, evitando que aqueles
que utilizem pouco paguem o mesmo que outros que sobrecarregam o sistema. Desta forma, este requisito estabelece que
um cliente possa ser tarifado por uso dos recursos (Ex: uso de
10% de CPU de uma máquina virtual em uma hora custa $
0.003) ou por tempo de uso (1h de uso de uma máquina custa
$ 0.3) ou ainda por uma opção hı́brida definida pela provedora
de nuvem. Esse requisito é suportado na definição da polı́tica
de tarifação.
1.4 - Perfil de hardware: máquinas com diferentes capacidades de processamento e disponibilidade de armazenamento
e memória apresentam preços diferentes. Por exemplo, na
Amazon EC2, uma instância Linux com perfil small (com
disponibilidade de recursos pequena) custa $ 0.06 por hora,
enquanto que o perfil medium aumenta seu valor para $ 0.12
por hora. Se o perfil escolhido for large, o custo aumenta para
$ 0.24 por hora. Este requisito é suportado pela arquitetura por
meio da configuração dos perfis das máquinas. O administrador
deve levar em consideração o tipo de hardware para precificar
os recursos do perfil.
1.5 - Utilitários: Na configuração de uma máquina virtual
para um cliente, recursos adicionais podem ser associados
à tarifação. Por exemplo, clientes podem ser tarifados pelo
uso de software proprietário (como o sistema operacional
Microsoft Windows), por serviços disponibilizados pela provedora de nuvem (como elasticidade automática) ou por uso
de centro de dados localizados em regiões estratégicas com
maior disponibilidade ou recursos adicionais. Por exemplo, no
centro de dados da Amazon EC2 localizado na Virgı́nia (EUA),
uma instância small utilizando o Linux custa $ 0.06 por hora,
enquanto no centro de dados da Amazon situado em São Paulo,
a mesma instância custa $ 0.08 por hora. Em geral, software,
serviços e datacenters requerem custos adicionais à provedora
de nuvem, sendo portanto, requisitos a serem considerados na
definição da polı́tica de tarifação.
1.6 - Bem Estar social: Este conceito relaciona-se com
a ideia de se promover descontos na fatura do cliente em
determinadas situações, como o uso de máquinas virtuais
configuradas visando a economia de energia [13], grande
quantidade de recursos utilizados por um cliente especı́fico
[12], recursos da nuvem sub-utilizados [6] e ainda questões
que atendam aos SLAs (multa às provedoras, quando houver
alguma violação nesses acordos) [12]. Esses requisitos são
definidos nas regras de cobrança.
Para melhor ilustrar o uso da aCCountS-DSL, o Código
4 apresenta a definição de uma polı́tica, intitulada SobMedUsoPosPlus. Seu nome referencia alguns dos requisitos
que ela atende, a saber: Sob-demanda(garantia de alocação),
Media(perfil de máquina), Uso(forma de contabilização), Pospago(modelo), Plus, por contabilizar questões a mais (requisitos Utilitários e de Bem estar social). Nela são definidas
dez variáveis para auxiliar a definição das regras: taxaCentralDados, memoria, cpu, armazenamento, transacaoBD, upload,
descontoEnergia, descontoUsuario, desconto e custo.
A partir da definição dos requisitos e de como é fornecido
o suporte aos mesmos, a flexibilidade da tarifação é alcançada
pela combinação das várias possibilidades de tarifação em
polı́ticas que possam atender diferentes tipos de clientes (com
necessidades, recursos e perspectivas diferentes) e atender a
diferentes objetivos de cobrança por parte das provedoras de
nuvem (lucro, bem estar social e preços justos).
O conjunto de requisitos apresentado serviu de base para a
definição da linguagem aCCountS-DSL. Através dela podese definir diferentes conjuntos de regras para atender aos 12
diferentes requisitos propostos. Eles podem ser combinados 3
entre si, criando uma sequência de instruções (regras) para 4
definir a polı́tica de tarifação. De modo a ilustrar seus prin- 6
cipais elementos, o Código 3 apresenta a estrutura geral de 7
uma polı́tica descrita usando a linguagem. Ressalta-se que seu 89
objetivo maior é a flexibilidade na definição das polı́ticas de 10
tarifação, de modo a utilizar diferentes recursos das máquinas 11
virtuais de uma nuvem de infraestrutura, que possam ser 1312
medidos e precificados.
Código 4.
memoria = instance.memoria * $memoria;
cpu = instance.cpu * $cpu;
armazenamento = instance.armazenamento * $armazenamento;
transacaoBD = instance.transacaoBD * $transacaoBD;
upload = instance.upload * $upload;
Código 3.
Definição de uma polı́tica de tarifação com a aCCountS-DSL
Polı́tica de tarifação criada por meio da aCCountS-DSL
Policy SobMedUsoPosPlus {
var {
taxaCentralDados, memoria, cpu, armazenamento;
upload,transacaoBD, custo, descontoEnergia;
descontoUsuario, desconto;
descontoEnergia = 0;
descontoUsuario = 0;
taxaCentralDados = 0.14;
Policy nome_da_politica [extends outra_politica] {
var {
definicao das variaveis auxiliares para
definir regras de negocio;
definicao de regras de negocio atraves
de operacoes aritmeticas e logicas;
return valor_da_cobrança;
if (instance.economiaEnergia >= 0.5 ){
descontoEnergia = 0.03;
if (instance.memoria >= 0.8 ){
descontoUsuario = 0.05;
if (instance.armazenamento >= 0.8 ){
descontoUsuario = 0.04;
custo = memoria + cpu + armazenamento + transacaoBD +
upload + + instance.servico +
desconto = instance.sla + descontoEnergia +
custo = custo - custo * desconto;
Os elementos que estruturam a polı́tica são definidos da 29
seguinte forma: O elemento policy representa o nome de uma
polı́tica especı́fica. Este elemento divide-se em duas seções. 31
Na primeira seção, especificada pela palavra-reservada var, 32
são definidas variáveis auxiliares que servirão para compor as 33
regras de tarifação. Como restrição da linguagem, as variáveis
utilizadas só podem guardar valores numéricos de ponto flutuante, uma vez que as polı́ticas tipicamente trabalham com
manipulação de valores deste tipo. A segunda seção, chamada
rules, define as regras de composição da polı́tica de tarifação
por meio de atribuições, comandos de seleção e operações
aritméticas sobre variáveis e valores reservados na linguagem.
As regras definidas na linguagem representam as regras de
negócio da polı́tica, e são definidas em função dos recursos
medidos em cada máquina virtual. Ao final da definição de
uma polı́tica, utiliza-se a palavra-reservada return, seguida da
variável que representa o cálculo final do custo para uma
polı́tica de tarifação, em função dos valores calculados nas
De modo a facilitar a definição de novas polı́ticas, podese reutilizar uma polı́tica pré-definida, similarmente a ideia
de herança (especialização), bastante conhecida em linguagens
de programação. De modo semelhante, variáveis e regras da
polı́tica pré-definida são reaproveitadas, além de se permitir
que novas regras e variáveis sejam introduzidas ou ainda
sobrepostas. Para isso, usa-se, após o nome da polı́tica, a
palavra reservada extends e em seguida, a polı́tica que se quer
return custo;
Um aspecto fundamental para a polı́tica de tarifação é
que a mesma precisa ter acesso aos valores definidos durante
a configuração do serviço em relação aos recursos tarifados
e seus respectivos preços. Para este propósito, a aCCountSDSL utiliza dois elementos. O primeiro é representado pela
expressão instance.recurso, que representa o valor de um
recurso monitorado (Por exemplo, percentual médio de uso
de memória) em uma instância de uma máquina virtual. O
segundo é representado pelos valores definidos na precificação
dos recursos, e que são acessados utilizando como prefixo
o sı́mbolo $. Esses valores são recuperados a partir dos
componentes do aCCountS-Service.
O suporte à execução das polı́ticas definidas na linguagem
aCCountS-DSL é feita pelo DSLCompiler. Este componente
atua como um compilador, verificando sintaticamente as
polı́ticas e gerando versões das mesmas para outras linguagens, que então podem ser executadas. No caso particular de
nossa proposta, o DSLCompiler teve uma grande influência do
Xtext5 , um framework open-source para o desenvolvimento de
DSLs. O Xtext permite que a partir da definição das regras de
sintaxe da linguagem, sejam gerados seus analisadores léxico e
sintático, além da personalização de um gerador de código, no
qual pode-se associar os comandos da DSL desenvolvida com
os de alguma outra linguagem de programação. Especificadamente para o aCCounts, escolheu-se Ruby, uma linguagem
de crescente popularidade para desenvolvimento de aplicações
Web de modo ágil e rápido. Porém, sua caracterı́stica mais
importante para nossa proposta é o fato da mesma interpretar
dinamicamente seu código-fonte. Com isso, o código gerado
pelo Xtext pode ser integrado naturalmente ao serviço, em
tempo de execução, permitindo que modificações nas polı́ticas
sejam refletidas de imediato na tarifação dos recursos.
variáveis e regras. Com isso a polı́tica Res1MedUsoPosPlus
contém onze variáveis, sendo dez da polı́tica estendida e a
décima primeira, a variável local taxaFixa. Esta nova variável
representa taxa paga pelo firmamento do contrato de 1 ano,
que no contexto da polı́tica vale $ 0.0014 mensais. A regra
atribuı́da à variável custo é redefinida, e uma nova polı́tica é
definida com poucas linhas de código.
Código 5.
No processo de geração de código para uma polı́tica de 67
tarifação, o DSLCompiler entende que as ocorrências instance 8
são recursos medidos na máquina virtual. Estes valores devem 9
ser recuperados no AccountingManager, que através do nome 10
da variável, retorna os dados dos recursos medidos em uma
máquina virtual em um determinado perı́odo. Já as variáveis
iniciadas com $ equivalem aos preços dos recursos e, por
sua vez, devem ser obtidos no componente ProfileManager,
através da entidade Price, que retorna o preço correspondente
ao recurso identificado. Como detalhado na explanação sobre
os componentes do aCCounts, os nomes definidos para os
recursos são previamente configurados no componente ResourcesManager, e para simplificar os processos, o nome do
preço é, por convenção, o mesmo nome do recurso. Com isto, o
DSLCompiler consegue gerar um código executável em Ruby,
com regras equivalentes às definidas na DSL proposta de forma
bem simples, uma vez que as construções da aCCountS-DSL
são restritas a operações aritméticas, comandos de seleção e
reutilização de regras.
Na polı́tica SobMedUsoPosPlus, os valores de instance.economiaEnergia e instance.sla são medidos na máquina
virtual. Eles representam porcentagens de economia de energia
realizada por um usuário e de violação no acordo de serviço
(por exemplo, tempo que a máquina ficou indisponı́vel), evidenciados na máquina virtual respectivamente. Esses valores
são calculados com a finalidade de verificar as configurações
das máquinas virtuais do usuário e o quanto elas promovem
a economia de energia, baseado em análises de desempenho
[14] e, no caso do SLA, o quanto os acordos de qualidade de
serviços são atendidos ou violados.
instance.cpu, instance.armazenamento, instance.transacaoBD,
instance.upload são medidas de processamento na máquina
virtual. As variáveis descontoEnergia e descontoUsuario
são definidas a partir de comandos de seleção declaradas na
polı́tica, atendendo a requisitos relacionados ao Bem estar
social e Utilitários. A taxaCentralDados, definida na polı́tica
com o valor de $ 0.14 mensais, é um valor pago pelo uso das
máquinas do centro de dados da provedora de nuvem.
O Código 5 exemplifica o caso da extensão de uma polı́tica
pré-existente, em que é utilizado a palavra reservada extends.
Na polı́tica Res1MedUsoPosPlus, seu nome evidencia alguns dos requisitos que ela atende: Reservada 1ano (garantia
de alocação), Media (perfil de máquina), Uso (forma de
contabilização), Pos-pago (modelo), Plus (requisitos Utilitários
e Bem estar social). Ela estende a polı́tica SobMedUsoPosPlus,
representada na Figura 4 e dessa forma reutiliza todas suas
Polı́tica criada por meio da aCCountS-DSL usando extends
Policy Res1MedUsoPosPlus extends SobMedUsoPosPlus{
var {
custo, taxaFixa;
rules {
taxaFixa = 0.0014;
custo = custo + taxaFixa;
return custo;
Após a configuração realizada (polı́ticas definidas por meio
da aCCountS-DSL, preços e recursos determinados no perfil
das máquinas), a execução do serviço pode ser iniciada para
o aCCountS realizar a tarifação das nuvens que a utiliza.
Para a análise da proposta foram realizados experimentos
no aCCountS e na aCCountS-DSL, a partir da prototipação de
uma aplicação Web, utilizando o framework Ruby on Rails. A
escolha de Ruby permitiu implementar as interfaces utilizadas
pelo agentes como serviços Web, com a troca de mensagens
obedecendo o formato JSON. Para persistência de dados foi
utilizado um banco de dados NoSQL, o MongoDB, que deu
suporte à dinamicidade e desempenho que o serviço precisava.
As informações persistidas incluı́ram as polı́ticas, as relações
de herança e os dados de uso das máquinas. Do lado do agente
também foi usado o mesmo framework, porém não como
uma aplicação Web, mas sim, uma aplicação convencional
executada como uma tarefa no sistema operacional hospedeiro,
com periodicidade pré-definida. Essas tarefas são responsáveis
por todas as atividades do agente, requisitando as variáveis a
serem medidas, coletando dados de uso, efetuando a mediação
e enviando os últimos ao serviço aCCountS. Para armazenamento temporário dos dados no agente, usou-se o banco de
dados SQLite, de forma a tornar leve e rápido o processamento
dos dados de uso em cada máquina virtual. O protótipo pode
ser acessado no endereço
Devido ao uso do framework Ruby on Rails, as principais
ideias implantadas por ele foram seguidas no desenvolvimento
do protótipo, como: (i) DRY (don’t repeat yourself ), estimulando a reutilização de código entre componentes, e (ii) Convention over Configuration (Convenções sobre Configurações),
de forma a minimizar a necessidade de configurações para o
projeto funcionar, precisando apenas seguir as recomendações
do framework (como nomes de arquivos, localização de pastas,
etc.). Da mesma forma, alguns padrões de projeto foram
adotados durante o desenvolvimento, tanto por o framework
influenciar nesse uso, quanto por decisões de projeto para
o funcionamento da arquitetura do protótipo. São eles: (i) o
padrão MVC (model-view-controller), usado na estruturação
das camadas da aplicação, tanto no serviço quando no agente;
(ii) REST (Representational State Transfer), usado no serviço
para a disponibilização de recursos através de rotas para
acesso do agente; (iii) Singleton, principalmente no agente, que
deve ter referência única para o recebimento de informações,
monitoramento da máquina e envio de dados para o serviço;
(iv) Template Method, tendo seu uso nas classes geradas pelo
compilador da DSL, de forma a ter-se métodos genéricos que
se adaptam de acordo com o código gerado e (v) Observer,
acoplado ao padrão MVC e, assim, utilizado na arquitetura do
sistema para disparar métodos em caso de mudança de estado
em objetos.
A Figura 4 ilustra uma funcionalidade: a tela de
manipulação das máquinas ou instâncias do aCCountS-Service.
Na parte superior da tela está disposto um menu com opções
para o gerenciamento de recursos (variables), perfis (profiles),
polı́ticas (policies) e máquinas (machines). Para cada uma
destas opções é possı́vel criar, alterar e remover itens. No caso
da tela apresentada, o administrador da provedora de nuvens
pode cadastrar instâncias, e associá-las a uma polı́tica de
tarifação e um perfil criados anteriormente, e disponibilizá-las
aos clientes. O mesmo escolhe, então, uma para ser utilizada na
tarifação de sua máquina virtual em que o perfil de hardware
corresponda suas necessidades.
Em nossos testes foram implantadas máquinas virtuais em
diferentes provedoras de nuvem, cada uma associada a uma
polı́tica de tarifação diferente. Por meio desses testes, buscouse mostrar que o fluxo de tarifação entre os dois componentes
(agente e servidor) ocorre de forma correta. Para verificar se a
tarifação também estava correta, foi realizado o envio de dados
de medição fictı́cios ao serviço, que permitiu comparar os
resultados calculados pelo aCCountS com os valores esperados
como resposta.
A. Avaliação do aCCountS
Para validação do fluxo de tarifação foram criadas três
máquinas virtuais na Amazon e três máquinas virtuais no
Windows Azure, onde foi implantado o aCCountS-Agent. Associadas a essas máquinas, foram criadas três combinações
de polı́tica/perfil, de modo que se utilizou as mesmas
configurações nas duas nuvens. As polı́ticas definidas para
cada nuvem e seus perfis correspondentes são: (i) simplesUsoSobPos, com Garantia de alocação sob-demanda, Modelo
de pagamento pós-pago, Perfil de máquina pequena, Forma
de contabilização por uso de CPU, memória e armazenamento (Uso CPU/h: $ 0.006, Uso memoria/h: $ 0.006, Uso
armazenamento/h: $ 0.006) e taxa de uso da máquina ou centro
de dados $ 0.14; (ii) simplesTempoSobPos, com Garantia de
alocação sob-demanda, Modelo de pagamento pós-pago, Perfil
de máquina pequena, Forma de contabilização por tempo de
uso da máquina (Tempo de uso da máquina/h: $ 0.06); e (iii)
simplesUsoRes1Pos, com Garantia de alocação reservada 1
ano (taxa fixa: $ 0.0014), Modelo de pagamento pós-pago,
Perfil de máquina pequena, Forma de contabilização por uso
de CPU, memória e armazenamento (Uso CPU/h: $ 0.0034,
Uso memória/h: $ 0.0034, Uso armazenamento/h: $ 0.0034) e
taxa de uso da máquina ou centro de dados $ 0.14.
No experimento, as seis máquinas virtuais foram executadas do dia 26 de junho de 2013, às 12h e 05 minutos até
o dia 03 de julho, às 4h e 05 minutos e seus registros de
medição (calculados a cada hora) utilizados para validação
do fluxo de tarifação. Na tabela I são mostrados seis dos
Tabela I.
EC2 E Windows Azure
Polı́tica (Nuvem)
Registro de Medição
{“cpu”: 0.01545, “memoria”: 0.80414,
“armazenamento”: 2.7e-05}
`‘cpu”=¿0.075, “memoria”=¿0.8302205,
{“tempoUso”: 1.0}
Reg. Cobrança
$ 0.00492
{“cpu”: 0.06428, “memoria”: 0.79215,
“armazenamento”: 0.05129}
$ 0.00545
$ 0.00448
$ 0.06000
$ 0.00366
$ 0.06000
960 registros de medição recebidos pelo aCCountS-Service
(três de cada provedora de nuvem) e os registros de cobrança
calculados. Dessa forma, verificou-se a corretude ao passo
que os recursos medidos nas máquinas foram os previamente
definidos no aCCountS-Service e os registros de faturamento
foram calculados conforme as definições nas polı́ticas e a partir
dos dados enviados pelo agente.
B. Avaliação da aCCountS-DSL
Para validação da linguagem aCCountS-DSL foram criadas
dez polı́ticas de tarifação, combinando os diferentes requisitos
apontados nesse trabalho. Cada polı́tica de tarifação foi testada
com três conjuntos de valores fixos dos recursos associados a
três casos de teste para o sistema. Desta forma, conhecia-se
de antemão o valor esperado da fatura. Por meio de um script,
esses dados foram enviados para o aCCountS-Service realizar
a tarifação por meio das polı́ticas definidas no aCCountS-DSL.
No experimento foram utilizados três casos de testes (conjuntos de valores fixos dos recursos, os registros de medição)
para verificar a corretude da tarifação em relação às diferentes
polı́ticas definidas. Estes casos de teste estão definidos na
Tabela II.
Tabela II.
Casos de teste
{ “economiaEnergia”: 0.3, “memoria”: 0.5, “cpu”: 0.5, “armazenamento”: 0.5, “transacaoBD”: 0.5, “upload”: 0.5, “software”: 0.07, “servico”: 0.07, “sla”: 0.03}
{“economiaEnergia”: 0.5, “memoria”: 0.8, “cpu”: 0.8, “armazenamento”: 0.8, “transacaoBD”: 0.8, “upload”: 0.8, “software”:0.07, “servico”: 0.07, “sla”:0.0}
{“economiaEnergia”: 0.0, “memoria”: 0.3, “cpu”: 0.3, “armazenamento”: 0.3, “transacaoBD”: 0.3, “upload”: 0.3, “software”: 0.14, “servico”: 0.07, “sla”: 0.0}
Na Tabela III podem ser observados os resultados obtidos
a partir da aplicação dos registros especificados como casos
de testes mostrados na Tabela II em cada uma das polı́ticas
descritas anteriormente.
Tabela III.
Caso de
Teste 1
Caso de Teste 2
Esperado Obtido
0.30504 0.30504
0.28710 0.28710
0.28272 0.28272
0.25220 0.25220
Caso de Teste 3
Esperado Obtido
0.36800 0.36800
0.36160 0.36160
0.35900 0.35900
0.33000 0.33000
Pelo resultado do experimento, constatou-se que em todos
os casos de teste, o serviço calcula o valor de tarifação como
Fig. 4.
Screenshot do protótipo da arquitetura aCCountS - associação entre clientes, perfis e polı́ticas
esperado. Desta forma, conclui-se que o cálculo da fatura é
realizado de forma correta, e que a linguagem aCCountS-DSL
pode ser utilizada com segurança para tarifação de serviços
de infraestrutura em computação em nuvem, definindo regras
A tarifação de recursos é uma caracterı́stica fundamental
da computação em nuvem. Através de um levantamento bibliográfico foi possı́vel verificar que existem muitos desafios de
pesquisa relacionados ao tema. Guiado por estes estudos, este
trabalho busca melhorar a flexbilidade na definição de como
são definidos e tarifados os recursos oferecidos por provedores
de nuvens de infraestrutura. Foram definidos e apresentados
(i) uma arquitetura para sistemas de tarifação em nuvem
independente de um provedor especı́fico, (ii) o aCCountS,
serviço de tarifação desenvolvido a partir da arquitetura proposta e (iii) uma linguagem de tarifação flexı́vel, a aCCountSDSL, que permite definir polı́ticas de cobrança flexı́veis para
atender diferentes perfis de clientes (necessidades, recursos,
perspectivas) e diferentes objetivos das provedoras de nuvem
(lucro, bem estar social, preço justo).
Com os experimentos realizados no aCCountS e na linguagem aCCountS-DSL, foi mostrado que a partir da arquitetura proposta é possı́vel desenvolver um sistema capaz de
tarifar serviços de infraestrutura em nuvem de forma correta
e independente. Com base na DSL apresentada, pode-se criar
polı́ticas de tarifação flexı́vel e de fácil modificação. Dessa
forma, esse trabalho atendeu ao seu objetivo, trazendo uma
solução para os problemas de tarifação apresentados e, com
isso, pôde contribuir com a área de tarifação em computação
em nuvem.
Como trabalhos futuros pode-se citar a extensão do serviço
para atender requisitos de segurança, disponibilidade e escalabilidade, que são de suma importância para utilização de
serviço de tarifação em nuvem.
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AspectJ-based Idioms for Flexible Feature Binding
Rodrigo Andrade∗ , Henrique Rebêlo∗ , Márcio Ribeiro† , Paulo Borba∗
Informatics Center, Federal University of Pernambuco
Email: rcaa2,hemr,[email protected]
† Computing Institute, Federal University of Alagoas
Email: [email protected]
Abstract—In Software Product Lines (SPL), we can bind
reusable features to compose a product at different times, which
in general are static or dynamic. The former allows customizability without any overhead at runtime. On the other hand,
the latter allows feature activation or deactivation while running
the application with the cost of performance and memory consumption. To implement features, we might use aspect-oriented
programming (AOP), in which aspects enable a clear separation
between base code and variable code. In this context, recent
work provides AspectJ-based idioms to implement flexible feature
binding. However, we identified some design deficiencies. Thus,
to solve the issues of these idioms, we incrementally create three
new AspectJ-based idioms. Moreover, to evaluate our new idioms,
we quantitatively analyze them with respect to code cloning,
scattering, tangling, and size by means of software metrics.
Besides that, we qualitatively discuss our new idioms in terms of
code reusability, changeability, and instrumentation overhead.
Keywords: Software Product Lines; Aspect-Oriented Programming; Idioms; Flexible Feature Binding.
A Software Product Line (SPL) is a family of softwareintensive systems developed from reusable assets. By reusing
such assets, it is possible to construct a large number of different products applying compositions of different features [1].
Depending on requirements and composition mechanisms,
features should be activated or deactivated at different times. In
this context, features may be bound statically, which could be,
for instance, at compile time or preprocessing. The benefit of
this approach is to facilitate the applications’ customizability
without any overhead at runtime [2]. Therefore, this static
feature binding is suitable for applications running on devices
with constrained resources, such as certain mobile phones. On
the other hand, features may be bound dynamically (e.g. at
run or link time) to allow more flexibility, with the cost of
performance and memory consumption. Furthermore, if the
developers do not know, before runtime, the set of features that
should be activated, they could use dynamic feature binding
to activate features on demand.
To support flexible binding for feature code implemented
using aspects [3], which we focus on this work, we proposed
Layered Aspects [4]. This solution reduces several problems
identified in a previous work [5], such as code cloning, scattering, and tangling [4], [6]. Although these goals are achieved to
some extent, Layered Aspects still presents some deficiencies.
It may introduce feature code scattering and instrumentation
overhead to the flexible feature binding implementation. Additionally, applying Layered Aspects demands several changes,
which could hamper the reuse of the flexible feature binding
Hence, to address the Layered Aspects issues and still
have low rates of code cloning, scattering, and tangling, we
define three new idioms based on AspectJ [7], which we call
increments, as they incrementally address the Layered Aspects
issues. In our context, we use the terminology idiom instead
of pattern because our increments are more AspectJ specific
and address a smaller and less general problem than a pattern.
The first increment addresses part of the issues with the aid
of Java annotations. The second increment uses the @AspectJ
syntax [8] to address more Layered Aspects issues, although,
because this syntax does not support intertypes, it may introduce problems, such as feature code scattering. In this context,
due to AspectJ traditional syntax limitations, our final idiom
uses an internal resource of AspectJ’s compiler to address all
the issues without introducing @AspectJ syntax problems.
To evaluate these idioms, we extract the code of a total
of 13 features from four different product lines and we apply
each new idiom plus Layered Aspects to implement flexible
binding for these features. Then, to evaluate whether our new
idioms do not present worse results than Layered Aspects
with respect to code cloning, scattering, tangling, and size,
we quantitatively assess the idioms by means of software
metrics. To this end, we use five metrics: Pairs of Cloned
Code, Degree of Scattering across Components [9], Degree
of Tangling within Components [9], Source Lines of Code,
and Vocabulary Size. Additionally, we discuss the four idioms
regarding three factors: their code reusability, changeability,
and instrumentation overhead based on our four product lines
and also on our previous knowledge about this topic [4], [6].
As result of this evaluation, we conclude that our final new
idiom incrementally addresses these three factors and does not
present worse results regarding the software metrics.
In summary, the contributions of this paper are:
We identify deficiencies in an existent idiom to implement flexible feature binding;
We address these deficiencies by incrementally defining three new idioms to implement flexible feature
We apply these four idioms to provide flexible binding
for 13 features from four case studies;
We quantitatively evaluate the three new idioms plus
the existent one with respect to code cloning, scattering, tangling, and size by means of software metrics;
We discuss the idioms regarding reusability, changeability, and code instrumentation overhead;
We provide the source code and sheet used in this
paper [10].
At last, we structure the remainder of this paper as follows.
In Section II, we present the motivation of our work, detailing
the Layered Aspects issues. Section III introduces our three
new idioms to address these issues. In Section IV, we present
responsible for dynamically activating or deactivating feature
code execution. It may vary from a simple user interface
prompt to complex sensors, which decide by themselves
whether the feature should be activated [6]. In our case, the
driver mechanism reads a property value from a properties
file. For instance, if we want to dynamically activate the Total
feature, we would set total=true in the properties file. We
do this for simplicity, since the complexity about providing
information for feature activation is out of the scope of this
To implement dynamic binding for the Total feature, we define TotalDynamic, as showed in Listing 3. Line 3 defines
an if pointcut to capture the driver’s value. To allow dynamic
feature binding, Lines 5-8 define an adviceexecution
pointcut to deal only with before and after advice. Thus,
it is possible to execute those pieces of advice defined in
TotalFeature aspect (Listing 1) depending on the driver’s
value. For instance, the feature code within a before or
after advice in TotalFeature aspect is executed if the
driver condition is set to true in Line 3 of Listing 3. In this
case, the adviceexecution pointcut does not match any
join point in TotalFeature because the driver is negated in
Line 6, and therefore, the feature code is executed. On the other
hand, if the driver condition is false, the adviceexecution
pointcut matches some join points. However, feature code is
not executed because we do not call proceed. Additionally,
returning null in Line 7 is not harmful when the feature
is deactivated because Layered Aspects does not use the
adviceexecution pointcut for around advice [4].
the evaluation of Layered Aspects and our three new idioms
regarding code cloning, scattering, tangling, and size as well as
a qualitative discussion. Finally, Section V presents the threats
to validity, Section VI discusses related work, and Section VII
concludes this work.
This section presents the Layered Aspects issues by showing the implementation of flexible binding for the Total optional feature of the 101Companies SPL. This product line is
based on a Java version of the 101Companies project [11].
In this context, the Total feature represents the total salary
of a given employee, the sum of all department salaries, or
the sum of all company salaries. We do not use the same
application from our previous work [4] as a toy example because we believe that the 101Companies project is best known
nowadays, which makes the understanding easier. Besides that,
the application we used before has not been supported for a
long time1 .
As mentioned in the previous section, to implement flexible
binding time, we could use the Layered Aspects idiom, which
makes it possible to choose between static (compile time)
and dynamic (runtime) binding for features. Basically, the
structure of this idiom includes three aspects. One abstract
aspect implements the feature code whereas two concrete
subaspects implement static and dynamic feature binding.
Using the 101Companies Total feature as an example, in
Listing 1, we illustrate part of this feature code. It consists of
pointcuts (Line 3), advice (Line 6), intertype declarations (Line
11), and private methods, which we omit for simplicity.
Albeit we do not show all the code in this paper, we provide it
elsewhere [10]. To apply Layered Aspects, we need to change
the TotalFeature aspect by including the abstract
keyword in Line 1. This allows the concrete subaspect to
inherit from TotalFeature, since only abstract aspects can
be inherited in AspectJ [8].
Listing 1: TotalFeature aspect
1 privileged aspect TotalFeature {
3 pointcut newAbstractView ( AbstractView c t h i s ) :
e x e c u t i o n ( A b s t r a c t V i e w . new ( . . ) ) && t h i s ( c t h i s ) ;
6 v o i d around ( A b s t r a c t V i e w c t h i s ) : n e w A b s t r a c t V i e w ( c t h i s ) {
proceed ( c t h i s ) ;
c t h i s . t o t a l = new J T e x t F i e l d ( ) ;
9 }
11 p r i v a t e J T e x t F i e l d A b s t r a c t V i e w . t o t a l ;
13 }
Listing 3: Layered Aspects TotalDynamic aspect
1 aspect TotalDynamic extends T o t a l F e a t u r e {
3 pointcut driver () : i f ( Driver . isActivated ( " t o t a l " ) ) ;
5 O b j e c t around ( ) : a d v i c e e x e c u t i o n ( ) && w i t h i n ( T o t a l F e a t u r e )
&& ! d r i v e r ( ) {
return null ;
8 }
10 p o i n t c u t n e w A b s t r a c t V i e w ( A b s t r a c t V i e w c t h i s ) :
T o t a l F e a t u r e . n e w A b s t r a c t V i e w ( c t h i s ) && d r i v e r ( ) ;
12 }
To implement static binding, we define TotalStatic,
which is an empty concrete subaspect that inherits from
TotalFeature aspect, as we illustrate in Listing 2. Thus, we
are able to statically activate the feature execution by including
both aspects in the project build.
Listing 2: TotalStatic subaspect
1 aspect T o t a l S t a t i c extends T o t a l F e a t u r e
Before explaining the dynamic feature activation or deactivation, we first need to introduce an important concept used
throughout this paper: the driver [4]. This is the mechanism
Thereby, Layered Aspects design states that the pieces
of around advice of the feature code must be deactivated
one-by-one because the adviceexecution pointcut could
lead to problems when the driver states the feature deactivation [4]. For such scenario, we would miss the base
code execution, since the around advice matched by the
adviceexecution would not be executed and consequently, the proceed() of the around advice would not be
executed either, which leads to missing the base code execution
that is independent of the activation or deactivation of features.
Thus, to avoid this problem, Layered Aspects associates the
driver with each pointcut related to an around advice defined
in TotalFeature as showed in Lines 10 and 11. These
lines redefine the newAbstractView pointcut and associate
it with the driver. Thus, the code within the around advice
defined in Listing 1 is executed only if the driver’s value is true,
that is, the feature is activated. The redefinition of pointcuts for
such cases is the reason why the TotalDynamic needs to
inherit from TotalFeature [4], and consequently the latter
needs to be an abstract aspect, since AspectJ does not provide
a way to inherit from a concrete aspect.
In this context, we may observe three main issues when
applying Layered Aspects to implement flexible feature binding.
First, the adviceexecution pointcut unnecessarily
matches all pieces of advice within the feature code, including
around advice. As mentioned, the adviceexecution is
used only for before and after advice. This issue may
cause overhead in byte code instrumentation. Additionally,
returning null within adviceexecution pointcut is not
a very elegant solution, even though this situation is not errorprone, as mentioned.
The second issue is the empty concrete subaspect to implement static feature binding. We have to define it due to the
AspectJ limitation, in which an aspect can inherit from another
only if the latter is abstract. So this subaspect is imperative for
static feature activation, since it is necessary to allow feature
code instantiation. This may increase code scattering because
we need an empty subaspect for each abstract aspect that
implements feature code. For instance, we had to implement
15 empty concrete aspects to implement static binding for our
13 selected features.
Another issue is the pointcut redefinition, which is applied
when a pointcut within the feature code is related to an
around advice. In this context, if there are a large number
of around advice, we would need to redefine each pointcut
related to them, which could lead to low productivity or even
make the task of maintaining such a code hard and errorprone. Besides that, this could hinder code reusability and
changeability. It may hinder the former because these pointcut
redefinitions may hamper reusing the flexible binding implementation. Additionally, it hinders the latter when introducing
a new driver for example, as we would need to associate the
driver to each pointcut.
Hence, we enumerate the main goals we try to address in
this work:
1. To prevent adviceexecution pointcut to unnecessarily
match around advice;
2. To avoid the empty concrete subaspect to implement static
3. To eliminate the need of redefining each pointcut related to
an around advice within the concrete subaspect to implement
the dynamic binding.
We believe that defining new idioms that address these
issues may bring benefits, such as code scattering reduction, increase of reusability and changeability, and decrease
of instrumentation overhead. We discuss these improvements
throughout the next sections.
A. First increment
For this increment, we try to prevent adviceexecution
pointcut to match around advice within feature code, which
corresponds to the first issue. To achieve that, we use an
AspectJ 5 mechanism, which includes the support for matching
join points based on the presence of Java 5 annotations [8].
Listing 4: Around advice annotated
1 abstract privileged aspect TotalFeature {
4 v o i d around ( A b s t r a c t V i e w c t h i s ) : n e w A b s t r a c t V i e w ( c t h i s ) {
proceed ( c t h i s ) ;
c t h i s . t o t a l = new J T e x t F i e l d ( ) ;
7 }
8 }
In this context, we create an AroundAdvice annotation
and we use it to annotate all pieces of around advice within
the feature code, as showed in Line 3 of Listing 4. Hence,
we can prevent adviceexecution pointcut to match any
of these annotated advice when applying dynamic binding.
To implement the static feature binding, we include
the TotalFeature and TotalStatic aspects plus the
Total class in the project build. In its turn, to implement the
dynamic feature binding, we change the adviceexecution
pointcut by adding the !@annotation(AroundAdvice)
clause. Thus, this pointcut does not match the pieces
of around advice defined in TotalFeature. In Listing 5, we show the adviceexecution pointcut with the
!@annotation(AroundAdvice) clause, which is the
part that differs from Listing 3.
Therefore, we resolve the first Layered Aspects issue.
However, the other two issues remain open. To address them,
we continue demonstrating more increments next.
Listing 5: TotalDynamic aspect with the first increment
1 aspect TotalDynamic extends T o t a l F e a t u r e {
3 v o i d around ( ) : a d v i c e e x e c u t i o n ( ) && w i t h i n ( T o t a l F e a t u r e )
&& !@annotation(AroundAdvice) {
i f ( D r i v e r . i s A c t i v a t e d ( " t o t a l " ) ) { proceed ( ) ; }
6 }
7 }
In this section, we illustrate our three new idioms. To
perform this, we apply each idiom to implement flexible
binding for the Total feature from the 101Companies SPL. We
point out the advantages and disadvantages of each increment
and how they address the issues presented in Section II. The
last increment corresponds to the AroundClosure in which we
address all the issues.
Moreover, for the examples in the following sections, we
consider the same 101Companies SPL source code. More
specifically, we replicate this source code so that we could
apply each idiom for the code of its features.
B. Second increment
For this increment, we try to address the second and third
Layered Aspects issues, which correspond to avoiding the
empty concrete subaspect to implement static binding and to
eliminating the need of redefining each pointcut related to
around advice, as explained in Section II.
To achieve that, we use the new @AspectJ syntax [8],
which offers the option of compiling source code with a
plain Java compiler. This syntax demands that the feature code elements are annotated with provided annotations,
such as @Aspect, @Pointcut, @Around, @Before, and
@After. Listing 6 shows part of the TotalFeature class,
which contains feature code similarly to Listing 1. The main
differences are the annotations in Lines 1, 4, and 7, which are
used in collusion with their parameters to define an aspect,
pointcut, and advice, respectively.
However, the @AspectJ syntax presents some disadvantages. First, there is no way to declare a privileged
aspect [8], which is necessary to avoid creating an access
method or changing base code element’s visibility, such as
handling [8]. Furthermore, the pointcut and advice definitions
within the annotation statement are verified only at weaving
time rather than compile time with the traditional syntax. This
could hamper code maintenance and error finding. Therefore,
in the next increment, we try to keep addressing the three
Layered Aspects issues without using the @AspectJ syntax.
changing from private to public to be visible within
TotalFeature class. Indeed, we had to change or add
get methods for eight program elements only within the
Total feature code. Second, this new syntax does not support
intertype declarations [8]. Therefore, we need to define an
additional aspect, which is implemented with the traditional
AspectJ syntax, containing the needed intertype declarations.
C. Final increment: AroundClosure
Now, we improve our previous increment by addressing
all the three Layered Aspects issues presented in Section II,
but without introducing the @AspectJ syntax deficiencies. To
achieve that, we still need to avoid these three issues and use
the traditional AspectJ syntax.
The AroundClosure idiom does not demand any changes
in the feature code implementation showed in Listing 1. Thus,
to provide flexible binding to the Total feature with AroundClosure, we need Total class plus the TotalFeature,
and TotalDynamic aspects, as showed in Listing 1, and 8,
In this context, since TotalFeature is not an abstract
aspect like in Layered Aspects or our first increment, it is not
necessary to have an empty abstract aspect to implement static
feature binding. We just include the TotalFeature aspect
and Total class in the project build to statically activate the
Total feature.
Further, to implement the dynamic feature binding, we
define the TotalDynamic aspect, as illustrated in Listing 8.
We define a generic advice using adviceexecution pointcut that works with before, after, and around advice.
Hence, we do not need to redefine each pointcut within the
feature implementation that is related to an around advice.
Thereby, TotalDynamic does not extend TotalFeature,
so the abstract aspect is no longer needed.
More specifically, to deal with dynamic feature binding, we
just call proceed() in Line 4, so the feature code within the
advice defined in TotalFeature is executed normally. We
have to define the around advice as returning an Object in
Line 2 to make it generic, avoiding compilation errors when
an around advice, that is not void, is present in the feature
Listing 6: Total feature with the second increment
1 @Aspect
2 class TotalFeature {
@Pointcut("execution( && this(cthis)")
5 p u b l i c v o i d n e w A b s t r a c t V i e w ( A b s t r a c t V i e w c t h i s ) {}
8 void around1 ( AbstractView c t h i s , P r o c e e d i n g J o i n P o i n t pjp ) {
pjp . proceed ( ) ;
c t h i s . t o t a l = new J T e x t F i e l d ( ) ;
11 }
12 }
Despite these limitations, we could eliminate the empty
concrete aspect to implement the static feature binding. Since
TotalFeature of Listing 6 is a class rather than an
abstract aspect, we are able to instantiate it without the
concrete subaspect. In this way, to statically activate Total
feature, we need to include the TotalFeature and Total
classes, and the TotalFeatureInter aspect, which is the
aspect containing intertype declarations, as explained.
To implement the dynamic feature binding, we use
an adviceexecution pointcut, which matches before,
after, and around advice. Hence, we do not need to
redefine pointcuts related to around advice. Therefore, we
address the third Layered Aspects issue. Listing 7 illustrates
how this increment deals with dynamic feature binding. Lines
4-14 define an adviceexecution pointcut using the @AspectJ syntax in a similar way to the one defined in Listing 3.
Besides the syntax, the difference is dealing with scenarios that
the feature is dynamically deactivated. Thus, we define the
proceedAroundCallAtAspectJ method in a separate
class and call it in Line 10, which allows us to call the
proceed join point of the matched pieces of advice defined
within TotalFeature. Hence, even if the Total feature is
dynamically deactivated, the execution of other functionalities
are not compromised [4].
Listing 7: TotalDynamic class with second increment
1 @Aspect
2 public c l a s s TotalDynamic {
3 @Around ( " a d v i c e e x e c u t i o n ( ) && w i t h i n ( T o t a l F e a t u r e ) " )
4 public Object adviceexecutionIdiom ( JoinPoint thisJoinPoint ,
ProceedingJoinPoint pjp ) {
Object r e t ;
i f ( Driver . isActivated ( " t o t a l " )) {
ret = pjp.proceed();
} else {
ret = Util.proceedAroundCallAtAspectJ(thisJoinPoint);
return r e t ;
13 }
14 }
Listing 8: TotalDynamic aspect with AroundClosure
1 aspect TotalDynamic {
2 O b j e c t around ( ) : a d v i c e e x e c u t i o n ( ) && w i t h i n ( T o t a l F e a t u r e ) {
i f ( Driver . isActivated ( " t o t a l " )) {
return proceed ( ) ;
} else {
return U t i l . proceedAroundCall ( t h i s J o i n P o i n t ) ;
8 }
9 }
Albeit we address the three Layered Aspects issues with
our second increment, it still presents some undesired points.
First, the @AspectJ syntax is limited: it does not support
privileged aspects, intertype declarations, and exception
On the other hand, it is not trivial to deal with the scenario
in which the feature is dynamically deactivated due to around
advice. This kind of advice uses a special form (proceed) to
continue with the normal base code flow of execution at the
corresponding join point. This special form is implemented by
generating a method that takes in all of the original arguments
to the around advice plus an additional AroundClosure object
that encapsulates the base code flow of execution [12], which
has been interrupted by the pieces of advice related to the feature and afterwards interrupted by the adviceexecution
pointcut. Thus, in Line 6, we call the proceedAroundCall
method passing as argument thisJoinPoint, which contains reflective information about the current join point of the
TABLE I: Case study and features
feature code advice that adviceexecution is matching.
Case study
Listing 9: The proceedAroundCall method
1 s t a t i c Object proceedAroundCall ( JoinPoint t h i s J o i n P o i n t ) {
3 Object [ ] args = t h i s J o i n P o i n t . getArgs ( ) ;
4 i n t i = ( args . l e n g t h − 1 ) ;
i f ( args [ i ] i n s t a n c e o f AroundClosure ) {
return ( ( AroundClosure ) args [ i ] ) . run ( args ) ;
7 }
8 }
To avoid missing the base code flow of execution when
the feature is dynamically deactivated, Listing 9 defines part
of the proceedAroundCall method. First, we obtain an
array with the arguments of the matched advice through
the thisJoinPoint information in Line 3. By means of
this array we obtain the AspectJ AroundClosure object.
Thus, we directly call the AroundClosure method run in
Line 6, which executes the base code. This run method is
automatically called under the hood by the proceed of each
around advice. However, since we miss this proceed when
the feature is dynamically deactivated, we need to manually
call run so that we do not miss the base code execution.
As explained, this idiom uses the AroundClosure
object, which is an internal resource of AspectJ’s compiler. Therefore, to the correct operation of this idiom, the
AroundClosure object must be present in the compiler.
Albeit our focus is only AspectJ, other AOP-based compilers
also include this object [13], [14].
At last, by means of our new AroundClosure idiom,
we address the Layered Aspects issues without introducing
the @AspectJ syntax problems. Therefore, we recommend
developers to use AroundClosure instead of LayeredAspects,
although the other increments could be used as idioms as
well. Furthermore, AroundClosure brings some advantages
with respect to code reusability, changeability, and byte code
instrumentation. Besides that, it does not worsen the metrics
results with respect to code cloning, scattering, tangling, and
size. We discuss these matters in Section IV.
In this section, we explain our evaluation. In Section IV-A,
we quantitatively evaluate our new idioms and Layered Aspects in a similar way we did in our previous work [4] to
avoid bias. Besides that, we discuss our three new idioms and
Layered Aspects regarding code reusability, changeability, and
instrumentation overhead in Section IV-B.
In this context, we consider 13 features of four case
studies: two features of 101Companies [11], eight features
of BerkeleyDB [15], one feature of ArgoUML [16], and two
features of Freemind [17]. Besides 101Companies, the other
three case studies are the same from our previous work [4].
This is important to show the gains obtained with the new
idioms on the top of the same features. In this way, we avoid
biases such as implementing flexible binding for feature that
present different degree of scattering or tangling. In Table I,
we map the 13 features to the respective case study. These
case studies represent different sizes, purposes, architectures,
granularity, and complexity. Moreover, the code of their features present different types regarding feature model, such as
optional, alternative, and mandatory features [18].
To perform our evaluation, we follow four main procedures.
However, we only execute the third and fourth procedures for
the BerkeleyDB case study, as we discuss in Section V-A.
Icons and Clouds
Total and Cut
EnvironmentLock, Checksum,
Delete, LookAheadCache, Evictor,
NIO, IO, and INCompressor
First, to create the product lines from the original code
of these case studies, we assigned the code of their features
by using the prune dependency rules [19], which state that
"a program element is relevant to a feature if it should be
removed, or otherwise altered, when the feature is pruned from
the application". By following these rules, we could identify
all the code related to the features. We choose this rule to
reduce introducing bias while identifying feature code.
Second, we extracted part of this code into AspectJ aspects.
We say part because some feature code do not need to be
extracted into aspects, as it could be localized in classes. The
code within these classes is not extracted into aspects because
the whole class is only relevant to the feature, so it should
not exist in the base code by following the prune dependency
rules. Additionally, there are references to the elements of
these classes only within the feature code. Each feature code
is localized in a different and unique package, which contains
aspects and, possibly, classes.
Third, to evaluate our three new idioms and Layered
Aspects, we applied each one of our three new idioms plus
Layered Aspects to implement flexible binding for the 13
features of the four case studies.
For the 101Companies, we apply each one of our three new
idioms plus Layered Aspects to implement flexible binding for
two features. This product line has nearly 900 lines of code
whereas 300 of feature code.
For BerkeleyDB, we apply the four idioms to implement
flexible binding for eight features of the BerkeleyDB product
line [15]. This product line has around 32000 lines of code
whereas the eight features sum up approximately 2300 lines
of code. This allows us to test our new AroundClosure idiom
and the increments in a large and wide used application.
For ArgoUML, we create a product line by extracting the
code of one feature into AspectJ aspects. Then, we apply the
four idioms presented to implement flexible binding for these
features. Our ArgoUML product line has nearly 113000 lines
of code and 200 of feature code.
For Freemind, we also extract the code of two features into
AspectJ aspects. Then, we apply the four idioms to provide
flexible feature binding for these two features. The Freemind
product line has about 67000 lines of code and both features
have approximately 4000 lines.
Fourth, we collect the number of lines of code (LOC) of
relevant components, such as feature or driver code, to provide
as input to compute the metrics. We use the Google CodePro
AnalytiX2 to obtain the LOC and we use sheets to auxiliary the
computation of the metrics. Moreover, we detail the selected
metrics and results in Section IV-A. At last, we provide all the
source code and sheets elsewhere [10].
A. Quantitative analysis
To drive the quantitative evaluation of our idioms, we
follow the Goal-Question-Metric (GQM) design [20]. We
structure it in Table II. We use Pairs of Cloned Code in
Section IV-A1 to answer Question 1, as it may indicate a
design that could increase maintenance costs [21] because a
change would have to be done twice to the duplicated code.
To answer Question 2, we use Degree of Scattering across
Components [9] in Section IV-A2 to measure the implementation scattering for each idiom regarding driver and feature
code. To answer Question 3, we measure the tangling between
driver and feature code considering the Degree of Tangling
within Components [9] metric in Section IV-A3. Furthermore,
Source Lines of Code and Vocabulary Size are well known
metrics for quantifying a module size and complexity. So,
in Section IV-A4, we answer Question 4 measuring the size
of each idiom in terms of lines of code and number of
components. Albeit we show only part of the graphs and data
in this section, we provide them completely elsewhere [10].
Questions and Metrics
Q1- Do the new idioms increase
code cloning?
Pairs of Cloned Code
Q2- Do the new idioms increase driver
and feature code scattering?
Degree of Scattering
across Components
Q3- Do the new idioms increase tangling
between driver and feature code?
Degree of Tangling
within Components
Q4- Do the new idioms increase lines
of code and number of components?
Source Lines of Code
Vocabulary Size
Evaluate idioms regarding
cloning, scattering, tangling,
and size of their flexible
binding implementation
for features
from a
software engineer viewpoint
1) Cloning: To answer Question 1 and try to determine
that our new idioms do not increase code cloning, we use the
CCFinder [22] tool to obtain the PCC metric results. CCFinder
is a widely used tool to detect cloned code [23], [24], [25].
Equally to our previous work [4], we use 12 as the token
set size (TKS), and use 40 as the minimum clone length (in
tokens), which means that to be considered cloned, two pairs
of code must have at least 40 equal tokens.
In general, the four idioms present similar results. There
is no code replication for eight features out of 13 regarding
the four idioms. Additionally, the idioms lead to low PCC
rates for the code of these five features that present code
replication [10]. Therefore, our new idioms do not increase
code cloning. This is the answer for Question 1.
2) Scattering: To answer Question 2, we use DOSC to
analyze feature and driver code scattering for each idiom.
Feature and driver are different concerns, so we analyze them
Driver. In Figure 1, we present the results regarding the
DOSC metric. The only idiom that presents driver scattering is
our new first increment. This occurs due to the annotations we
must add to around advice defined within the feature code, as
explained in Section III-A. This may hinder code reusability
and changeability. However, our first increment reduces the
byte code instrumentation, as we discuss in Section IV-B.
Additionally, feature Cut does not present an around advice,
therefore there is no AroundAdvice annotation in its code.
The NIO and IO features only present one around advice
each, thus there is no need to add the AroundAdvice
annotation, as only one pointcut redefinition implements the
Fig. 1: DOSC for driver
Furthermore, Layered Aspects [4] and our new second
increment do not present any driver code scattering, since their
driver are implemented within a unique separate component for
each idiom. Specially, our AroundClosure idiom, which is the
best solution proposed, do not present driver code scattering
either due to the same reasons.
Feature. Figure 2 illustrates the DOSC results. In this
context, our new second increment presents a disadvantage
comparing to the others. This happens because the @AspectJ
syntax, which is used by the second increment, does not support intertype declarations. Thus, as explained in Section III-B,
this idiom needs an additional AspectJ aspect (traditional syntax) to implement the intertype declarations, which contributes
to scatter feature code across at least two components. On
the other hand, features NIO and IO do not present intertype
declarations within their implementation. Thus, our second
increment does not scatter feature code in these cases.
Differently from driver code scattering, the implementation
of these two idioms are similar regarding feature code. Thus,
our first increment and Layered Aspects present similar results.
Additionally, the AroundClosure idiom only presents feature
code scattering when more than one aspect is used to implement feature code, which is the case of the Delete feature.
At last, we answer Question 2 saying that our first increment increases driver code scattering whereas our second
increment increases feature code scattering. However, our final
solution (AroundClosure) does not present driver scattering
and lower scattering rates for feature.
3) Tangling: This section answers Question 3 by investigating the extent of tangling between feature and driver code.
According to the principle of separation of concerns [26], one
should be able to implement and reason about each concern
Equally to our previous work [4], we also assume that the
greater is the tangling between feature code and its driver code,
provide all data and graphs elsewhere [10].
Fig. 2: DOSC for feature
the worse is the separation of those concerns. In this way, we
measure the Degree of Tangling within Components (DOTC).
In Figure 3, we show the DOTC metric results. Only
our first increment presents tangling between two concerns:
driver and feature. This happens due to the AroundAdvice
annotation included within the aspects that implement feature
code. On the other hand, our second increment and AroundClosure present no tangling between driver and feature code.
For example, Listings 7 and 8 contain only driver code by
following the prune dependency rule, that is, the code defined
within TotalDynamic class and aspect is relevant only to
driver concern. In this way, these idioms comply with the
results obtained for Layered Aspects.
At last, we conclude that our first increment increases the
tangling between driver and feature code. However, our second
increment and AroundClosure does not present tangling at all.
This answers Question 3.
Fig. 3: DOTC
4) Size: To identify the idiom that increases the size of its
implementation, we try to answer Question 4, which is related
to the size of each idiom in terms of lines of code and the
number of components. For this purpose, we use the SLOC
and VS metrics.
In this context, the differences between the four idioms
is insignificant for SLOC and VS metrics. For instance, the
Icons feature presents between 2155 and 2186 source lines
of code for the smallest and largest idiom implementation,
respectively. This represents a difference of only 1.41% of the
feature implementation. Similarly, the differences between the
four idioms for the VS metric results are also insignificant.
Therefore, we answer Question 4 stating that our new idioms
do not increase lines of code and number of components. We
B. Qualitative discussion
In this section, we qualitatively discuss Layered Aspects
and our three new idioms in terms of code reusability, changeability, and instrumentation overhead. Several works choose
similar approaches to qualitatively discuss their implementations [27], [28], [29], [30].
1) Reusability: The reusability concerns to how easily we
can reuse the flexible binding implementation using an idiom.
Therefore, we are interested in checking what we need to do to
reuse a given idiom code when applying it to another feature.
Layered Aspects and First increment. We may have to
perform several changes to reuse the code of the implementation of these idioms. Only if the features we aim at applying
flexible binding do not present any around advice within
its implementation, then we would perform few changes to
reuse the code of these idioms between the features, since the
adviceexecution pointcut is reused as it applies to all
before and after advice. However, Layered Aspects and
our first increment redefine the pointcuts related to around
advice, which hinders reuse since these redefined pointcuts are
associated to a particular feature. Hence, this compromises the
overall reusability of the implementation of both idioms.
Second increment and AroundClosure. Few changes
are needed to reuse the code of both idioms. The
adviceexecution pointcut matches all the pieces of advice within the feature implementation, it does not matter
whether they are before, after, or around. Thus, our
second increment and AroundClosure are easily reused, since
the difference between one dynamic feature binding to another
is only the aspect that the adviceexecution pointcut
should apply (within clause in Listing 7 and 8) and the
input to the driver. For example, if we want to apply the
AroundClosure idiom to the Cut feature, we could reuse the
code of this idiom used in Total feature. In Listing 8, we would
alter TotalFeature to CutFeature in Line 2, which
corresponds to the aspect that contains the Cut feature code
and "total" to "cut" in Line 4, which represents the Cut
feature property in the properties file used for the driver in our
2) Changeability: Changeability is related to the amount of
changes we need to perform in the application or in the idiom
to implement flexible feature binding. Hence, we are interested
in how difficult or time consuming the task of applying a
flexible feature binding implementation through an idiom is.
Layered Aspects and First increment. Applying these idioms demands several changes to implement flexible binding
for a feature. For Layered Aspects, all pointcuts related to
an around advice defined within the feature implementation
are redefined in the aspect that implements dynamic feature
binding. Hence, if the 101Companies SPL is being modified
to support flexible binding, we need to change the aspect
containing feature code (TotalFeature) to support pointcut
redefinition and we would need to redefine each pointcut
related to around advice in order to associate it with driver
code. Similarly, our first increment also demands these pointcut
redefinitions and we need to introduce the annotations in the
around advice, as explained in Section III. This could require
a lot of changes.
Second increment and AroundClosure. Applying these idioms demands few changes to implement flexible binding for
a feature. As explained in Section III, the second increment
and AroundClosure do not redefine pointcuts. Hence, neither
major changes nor altering feature code are needed.
3) Instrumentation overhead (CIO): Now, we are interested
in avoiding pointcuts that unnecessarily match join points. If
we can exclude all the unnecessary instrumentation, we may
gain in runtime due to the less instrumentation provided by
the AspectJ compiler.
Layered Aspects. Implementing flexible feature binding
with this idiom may lead to instrumentation overhead because
its adviceexecution pointcut matches more join points
than necessary. The code of this idiom instruments all the
pieces of advice within the feature implementation. However,
the pieces of around advice are handled by the redefined
pointcuts. This may lead to an overhead in the runtime as
adviceexecution to avoid instrumentation overhead.
In this way, the advicexecution pointcut only matches
before and after advice, which eliminates the unnecessary
instrumentation caused by the use of Layered Aspects.
Second increment and AroundClosure. This increment and
AdviceClosure do not present instrumentation overhead because their adviceexecution pointcut matches all the
pieces of advice within the feature implementation only once.
Hence, there is no unnecessary instrumentation.
At last, we also provide all the source code used in this
work and useful information for researchers to replicate our
work [10].
In this section, we discuss some threats to the validity of
our work. We divided it in threats to internal and external
A. Threats to internal validity
Threats to internal validity are concerned with the fact that
the assessment leads to the results [31]. Therefore, in our work,
these threats encompass the introduction of bias due to the
selection of certain procedures, such as the way of feature
code is assigned. Additionally, we discuss decisions that might
introduce errors in our work and how we tried to circumvent
BerkeleyDB refactoring. Our BerkeleyDB case study was
originally refactored by Kästner et al. [15]. The code of its
features was extracted into aspects. However, this extraction
was not in accordance with the way we extracted the implementation of features of the other case studies. Therefore, we
refactored the code of BerkeleyDB product line’s features so
as to comply with the other feature implementations. Indeed,
we followed the same procedures in order to refactor these
implementations, such as the prune dependency rule.
Feature code identification. We cannot assure that the
extraction of our selected features does not present bias because the task of identifying feature code is in a certain way
subjective. This could be a hindrance to researchers that might
try to replicate our work. Indeed, there could be unconformities
between feature code identified by different researchers [32].
However, we tried to minimize such a unreliability in
two ways. First, we used the prune dependency rules [19] to
identify feature code. These rules define some procedures that
the researcher should follow to avoid introducing bias in the resulting extracted feature code, as we mentioned in Section IV.
Second, only one researcher identified the implementation of
the selected features. We believe that restricting the number of
people decreased unreliability.
B. Threats to external validity
Threats to external validity are concerned with generalization of the results [31].
Selected software product lines limitations. To perform
our assessment, we selected four SPLs. They are written
in Java and the feature code is implemented using aspectoriented programming. Therefore, we cannot generalize the
results presented here for other contexts, such as different
programming paradigms or languages.
Nevertheless, the combination of Java and AspectJ can be
used together in SPLs, which reinforce the significance of our
new idioms. So the increments presented could be applied to
other SPLs that comply with the technologies we considered.
Multiple drivers absence. In this work, we only consider
applying one driver at a time. However, we realize that some
applications may depend on several conditions to activate or
deactivate a certain feature. For instance, Lee et al. utilize a
home service robot product line as case study [33]. This robot
changes its configuration dynamically depending on the environment brightness or its remaining battery. It would demand
at least two drivers to (de)activate some of its features in our
context. Furthermore, the driver related boolean expression
could become complex and hard to maintain, since simple
boolean operations such as AND or OR may not work.
Therefore, we reinforce that the mechanism that provides
information to the driver is out of the scope of this work.
Our proposal is to abstract the way our idioms receive this
information. Even considering a complex boolean expression,
its evaluation could be only true or false, and this is what our
driver implementation needs to know. Nevertheless, we plan
to study these scenarios in future work.
AspectJ compiler dependence. As explained in Section III, our AroundClosure idiom depends on an internal
resource of AspectJ’s compiler. Thereby, this idiom may not
work when applied in scenarios where a different compiler is
However, besides AspectJ compiler, which is popular, other
well-known compilers, such as the ones used for CaesarJ [13]
and ABC [14] also include the resource needed to apply
AroundClosure idiom. Thus, we believe our idiom covers at
least three popular compilers.
Besides Layered Aspects, we point out other researches
regarding flexible binding times as well as studies that relate
aspects and product line features. Additionally, we discuss how
our work differs from them.
Rosenmüller et al. propose an approach for statically generating tailor-made SPLs to support dynamic feature binding
time [34]. Similarly to part of our work, they statically choose
a set of features to compose a product that supports dynamic
binding time. Furthermore, the authors describe a featurebased approach of adaptation and self-configuration to ensure
composition safety. In this way, they statically select the
features required for dynamic binding and generate a set
of binding units that are composed at runtime to yield the
program. Additionally, they implement their approach in one
case study and evaluate it with concern to reconfiguration
performance at runtime. Their contribution is restricted to
applications based on C++, since they use the FeatureC++ language extension [35]. In contrast, our contribution is restricted
to applications written mostly in Java, since we use AspectJ to
provide flexible feature binding. In this way, our contribution
applies to a different set of applications.
Lee et al. propose a systematic approach to develop dynamically reconfigurable core assets, which lies in the management
of dynamic binding time regarding changes during the product
execution [33]. Furthermore, they present strategies to manage
product composition at runtime. Thus, they are able to safely
change product composition (activate or deactivate features)
due to an event occurred during runtime. However, the authors
only provide conceptual support for a reconfiguration tool with
no actual implementation.
Trinidad et al. propose a process to generate a component
architecture that is able to dynamically activate or deactivate
features and to perform some analysis operations on feature
models to ensure that the feature composition is valid [36].
They apply their approach to generate an industrial real-time
television SPL. However, they do not not consider crosscutting
features, which is very common based on our experience. In
contrast, our approach works with crosscutting features.
Dinkelaker et al. [37] propose an approach that uses a dynamic feature model to describe variability and uses a domainspecific language for declaratively implementing variations
and their constraints. Their work has mechanisms to detect
and resolve feature interactions dynamically by validating an
aspect-oriented model at runtime.
Marot et al. [38] propose OARTA, which is a declarative
extension to the AspectBench Compiler [14], which allows
dynamic weaving of aspects. OARTA extends the AspectJ
language syntax so that a developer can name an advice,
which allows referring to it later on. It is possible that aspects
weave on other aspects. Therefore, they exemplify how to
dynamically deactivate features in runtime situations (e.g.
features competing for resources, which may be deactivated to
speed up the execution). By using AspectJ, we would have to
add an if() pointcut predicate to the pointcut of the advice
that contains feature code. This may lead to a high degree
of driver code scattering. Thus, as shown in Section IV, our
AroundClosure idiom does not present such issue.
Rosenmüller et al. present an approach that supports static
and dynamic composition of features from a single base
code [39]. They provide an infrastructure for dynamic instantiation and validation of SPLs. Their approach is based
on FOP [40] whereas our work uses AOP. Additionally,
they use an extension called FeatureC++ [35] to automate
dynamic instantiation of SPLs. However, the usage of C++ as a
client language may introduce some specific problems. Static
constructs when using dynamic composition, virtual classes,
semantic differences when comparing static and dynamic compositions are examples of such problems [39]. Albeit our work
uses only Java as a client language, we did not observe these
problems in our implementations.
An alternative proposal considers conditional compilation
as a technique to implement flexible feature binding [41].
This work discusses how to apply conditional compilation
in real applications like operating systems. Similarly to what
we describe in our work, developers need to decide what
features should be included to compose the product and their
respective binding times. However, the work concludes that, in
fact, conditional compilation is not a very elegant solution to
provide flexible feature binding. Hence, for complex variation
points, the situation becomes even worse.
Another proposal to implement flexible feature binding,
which is also our previous work, considers aspect inheritance [6]. It defines an idiom that relies on aspect inheritance
through the abstract pointcut definition. This solution states
that we have to create an abstract aspect with feature code
and an abstract pointcut definition, then we associate this
driver with the advice. Furthermore, we create two concrete
subaspects inheriting from the abstract one in order to implement the concrete driver. Despite of the fact that this solution
enhances some weaknesses found in the literature, it is worst
than the idioms presented in our previous work [4].
Chakravarthy et al. present Edicts [5], which is an AspectJbased idiom to implement flexible feature binding. The idea
is to scatter feature code across one abstract aspect and two
concrete subaspects. Then, the programmer implements the
driver by adding if statements within the pieces of advice.
However, our previous work [4] identified issues regarding
code cloning, scattering, tangling, and size when applying
Edicts to provide flexible feature binding. In this way, we
reduce these issues with Layered Aspects and moreover, we
fix the Layered Aspects issues with the AroundClosure idiom
proposed in this work.
In this work, we identify deficiencies in an existing
AspectJ-based idiom to implement flexible feature binding in
the context of software product lines. To improve this idiom,
we incrementally define a new idiom called AroundClosure.
The creation of AroundClosure is performed increment-byincrement, which means that every increment corresponds to
an improved idiom. To evaluate our new idioms, we perform
an assessment regarding code cloning, scattering, tangling, and
size. Furthermore, we qualitatively discuss these idioms with
respect to code reusability, changeability, and instrumentation
overhead. To achieve our conclusions, we base our analysis in
13 features of four different product lines and in our knowledge
acquired during our research and previous work.
We would like to thank colleagues of the Software Productivity Group (SPG) for several discussions that helped to
improve the work reported here. Besides that, we would like to
acknowledge financial support from CNPq, FACEPE, CAPES,
and the Brazilian Software Engineering National Institute of
Science and Technology (INES).
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Towards Validating Complexity-based Metrics for
Software Product Line Architectures
Anderson Marcolino, Edson Oliveira Junior, Itana Gimenes
Tayana U. Conte
Informatics Department
State University of Maringá
Maringá-PR, Brazil
Email: [email protected], {edson, itana}
Institute of Computing
Federal University of Amazonas
Manaus-AM, Brazil
Email: [email protected]
Abstract—Software product line (PL) is an approach that
focuses on software reuse and has been successfully applied
for specific domains. The PL architecture (PLA) is one of the
most important assets, and it represents commonalities and
variabilities of a PL. The analysis of the PLA, supported by
metrics, can be used as an important indicator of the PL
quality and return on investment (ROI). This paper presents the
replication of a controlled experiment for validating complexity
metrics for PLAs. In particular, in this replication we are focused
on evaluating how subjects less-qualified than the subjects from
the original experiment evaluate complexity of a PLA by means
of generated specific products. It was applied a PLA variability
resolution model of a given PL to a sample of subjects from
at least basic knowledge on UML modeling, PL and variability
management. Apart of the selection of different subjects, the
same original experiment conditions were kept. The proposed
PLA complexity metrics were experimentally validated based on
their application to a set of 35 derived products from the Arcade
Game Maker (AGM) PL. Normality tests were applied to the
metrics observed values, thus, pointing out their non-normality.
Therefore, the non-parametric Spearman’s correlation ranking
technique was used to demonstrate the correlation between the
CompPLA metric and the complexity rate given by the subjects
to each derived product. Such a correlation was strong and
positive. The results obtained in this replication shown that
even less-qualified subjects, compared to the subjects from the
original experiment, are able to rate the complexity of a PLA by
means of its generated products, thus corroborating the results
of the original experiment and providing more evidence that the
composed metric for complexity (CompPLA) can be used as a
relevant indicator for measuring the complexity of PLA based
on their derived products.
Keywords—Correlation Analysis, Emprical Validation, Metrics, Replication, Software Product Line Architecture.
In recent years, the software product line (PL) engineering
[11] has emerged as a promising reusability approach, which
brings out some important benefits, such as increases the
reusability of its core assets, while decreases the time to market. One of the most important assets of a PL is its architecture
(PLA). The PLA 1 plays a central role at the development of
products from a PL as it is the abstraction of the products
that can be generated, and it represents commonalities and
variabilities of a PL [20].
1 In
this work, we are only taking into account the PL logical architecture.
The evaluation of a PLA must be supported by a set of
metrics [6]. Such metrics must both evidence the quality
of a PL and serve as a basis to analyze the managerial
and economical value of a PL. The PLA must explicit the
common (similarities) and variable (variabilities) aspects of a
PL. The variability impact analysis on the PL development
can determine the quality and the aggregated value of a PL
for an organization. Metrics for a PLA are applied to a set of
assets from which variants can be generated rather than one
specific product. Thus, it is necessary to define specific PLA
metrics to provide effective quality indicators with regard to
the overall PL development and evolution.
Therefore, metrics for PLA complexity were proposed in
previous works [14], [15]. These metrics were defined to
provide an indicator of how complex is a PLA by measuring
its derived PL products. Complexity is measured based on
McCabe’s Cyclomatic Complexity (CC) [12]. PLA evaluation
is essential for providing an indicator of a PL quality taking
into account the behavior of the generated products. As the
PLA is one of the most important asset of a PL, by taking into
consideration two or more quality attributes measured from a
given PLA, one can perform trade-off analysis for identifying
which quality attribute(s) must be prioritized for the evolution
and development of a PL [16].
An initial experimental validation of the complexity metrics,
the original experiment, was done in [15], providing initial evidence that such metrics can be used as complexity indicators
for PLAs. Thus, this paper aims to provide more evidence
that the proposed PLA complexity metrics can be used as
a relevant indicator of PLA complexity by carrying out an
internal replication of the original experiment.
The replication is justified in [13] [19], and must be conducted to ensure more robust evidence sets that can support
generally applicable conclusion.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section
II presents the description of the complexity metrics; Section
III presents the original experiment previously carried out
and its results; Section IV discusses how the replication was
planned and carried out; Section V analyzes the differences
between the two experiments (original and replication); and
Section VI presents the conclusions and directions for future
A Software Product Line (PL) represents a set of systems
sharing common features that satisfy the needs of a particular
market or mission segment [11], [17]. This set of systems
is also called a product family. The family’s members are
specific products developed in a systematic way from the PL
core assets. The core asset has a set of common features as
well as a set of variable parts, which represent later design
decisions [17]. The composition and the configuration of such
assets yield specific products.
PL adoption has been increasing in recent years. Success
stories from several companies have been reported in the
literature, including: Philips, Bosch, Nokia, and Toshiba [11].
The benefits obtained with the PL approach include [11]:
better understanding of the domains, more artifact reuse, and
less time to market. The adoption of a PL approach requires
long term management, since the benefits are not immediately
obtained. A wide variety of products should be produced to
consolidate the PL adoption and, therefore, provide a return
on investment (ROI) [3]. In order to produce PL products and
to take advantage of PL benefits, there must be an intensive
PL architecture design and evaluation, as well as an efficient
variability management.
The PL architecture (PLA) plays a central role to successfully generate specific products taking into account the
development and evolution of a PL. It abstractly represents
the architecture of all potential PL products from a specific
domain. The PLA addresses the PL design decisions by
means of their similarities, as well as their variabilities [20].
Organizations should continuously evaluate the quality of their
products by managing their PL evolution and variabilities.
Thus, the PLA evaluation should be taken into consideration
as one of the most important activities throughout a PL life
cycle [11].
Architecture evaluation is an important activity of software
design. Informal evaluations, based on use case scenarios, for
instance, are widely performed. However, most of the time
they do not generate accurate results [11]. Although there
are more rigorous and consolidated evaluation methods in
the literature, such as Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method
(ATAM) and Software Architecture Analysis Method (SAAM)
[5], the evaluation of a PLA [11], [17] requires particular
attention due to variability issues. Such an evaluation should
take into account issues such as: the relevant quality attributes
of a PLA; the time when the PLA is evaluated; and the
techniques and metrics used to evaluate the PLA [7].
The evaluation of a quality attribute-based PLA can be
used as a parameter for evaluating a PL in general [7]. By
trading-off the PLA quality attributes it is possible for PL
managers and architects to prioritize which quality attribute
must be taken into consideration during PLA evolutions. This
occurs because the PLA quality attributes take into account
variabilities, which can be used as a parameter to the quality
evaluation of an overall PL. The evaluation of a PLA also
requires a set of quality attribute metrics that can provide
evidence of the PL quality, thus serving as the basis to analyze
the managerial and economical values of a PL [3].
Hoek et al. [8] present a set of metrics to evaluate a
PLA with regard to its structural soundness quality attribute.
Rahman [18] proposes a set of metrics to evaluate the component structure of a PLA based on quality attributes. Both
work propose metrics to support the evaluation of a PLA.
However, they do not take into consideration PLA variabilities
represented in PLA models to support quantitative analysis and
improve qualitative analysis. This means that their work does
not allow the analysis of PLA behavior based on variabilities
which is interesting to analyze the PLA return on investment.
The proposed complexity metrics for PLA [14]–[16] were
composed based on the Cyclomatic Complex (CC) [12] and
Weighted Methods per Class (WMC) [4] metrics. The CC
metric measures the quantity of decision logic represented by
the number of paths to be tested in a source code. The WMC
metric is the sum of the CC metric for each concrete method in
an object-oriented class. Each metric measures the complexity
of class, interface and component and were used in the original
experiment [15].
The complexity metrics taken into consideration in this
paper are as follows [15]:
CompClass: measures the complexity of a class. It is the
value of WMC metric for a class. This metric is represented
by the following formula:
W M C(M tdi ),
• n = # of concrete methods (Mtd) of a class (Cls)
Interfaces always have CompClass value 0.0 as they do not
provide concrete methods.
CompPLA: measures the complexity of a PLA. It is the
sum of the metric CompClass (Equation 1), for each class in
a PLA. This metric is represented by the following formula:
CompPLA(PLA) =
CompClass(Clsi ),
• nCls = # of classes with associated variability
• Clsi is the ith class of a PLA
Once the PLA complexity metrics were proposed, they must
be experimentally validated to provide initial evidence of their
capability to be used as relevant indicators for PLA complexity. Figure 1 depicts the activities to gathering evidence to
experimentally validate the proposed metrics.
Proposition and theoretical validation of the complexitybased metrics were done in [14]. An original experiment to
g Evidence to Validate Complexity-based Metrics for Product-Line Architectures [
Gathering Evidence to Validate Complexity-based Metrics for Product-Line Architectures ]
Com plexity-based Metrics for Product-Line Architectures
Propose Com plexitybased Metrics for
Validate Com plexity
Validate Com plexity
Experim entally
Experim ent
Initial Evidence of
Com plexity Metrics Validation
Experim ent
Gathering Evidence to
Validate the Proposed
Com plexity-based
More Evidence of
Com plexity Metrics Validation
Figure 1.
The Process of Gathering Evidence to Validate Complexity-based Metrics for PLAs.
validate the metrics was carried out in [15] and summarized in
Section III. Section IV presents the replication of the original
experiment and Section V discusses how more evidence to
validate the proposed metrics is gathered.
the AGM UML class model; and
the resolution model containing the variabilities to be
resolved at class level.
5) Hypothesis Formulation: the following hypotheses were
tested in this study3 :
• Null Hypothesis (H0 ): There is no significant correlation between the PLA complexity metric (CompPLA) and the subject’s complexity rating for each
PLA configuration; and
• Alternative Hypothesis (H1 ): There is a significant correlation between the PLA complexity metric
(CompPLA) and the subject’s complexity rating for
each PLA configuration.
6) Experiment Design: all the tasks had to be solved by each
of the subjects.
This section presents the original experiment planned and
carried out in [15].
A. Definition
Based on the Goal-Question-Metric (GQM) template [1],
the goal of the original experiment was: analyze collected
metrics from UML models and source code, for the purpose
of validating, with respect to the capability to be used as PLA
complexity indicators, from the point of view of software
product line architects, in the context of the generation of
specific products from the the Software Engineering Institute’s C. Operation
Arcade Game Maker (AGM) PLA by graduate students of the
1) Preparation: when the original experiment was carried
University of Waterloo (UWaterloo), University of São Paulo
out, all of the subjects had graduated in the Software En(ICMC-USP), and State University of Maringá (UEM).
gineering area,
in which they have learned how to design
w UML, 1-1 C:\Users\Edson\Dropbox\orientacoes\mestrado\2012-2014 - Anderson
at least object-oriented (OO) class diagrams using UML.
B. Planning
In addition, all of the subjects had experience in applying
1) Context Selection: the experiment was carried out in an
PL and variability concepts to OO systems designed using
academic environment.
UML. The material prepared to the subjects consisted of:
2) Selection of Subjects: a group of Software Engineering
graduate students from ICMC-USP, UEM, and UWater• the AGM PL description;
loo. They have experience in the design of product lines
• the AGM PL core asset class diagram;
and variabilities using UML.
• a variability resolution model, which the subjects
3) Variable Selection: the independent variables were the
must resolve the variabilities to generate one AGM
AGM2 PL and its class model. AGM was created by the
configuration; and
Software Engineering Institute (SEI) to support learning
• a test (questionnaire) describing complexity conand experimenting based on PL concepts. It has a comcepts, which the subjects had to rate the associated
plete set of documents and UML models, as well as a
complexity of each generated AGM configuration
set of tested classes and source code for three different
based on linguistic labels, composed of five values:
games: Pong, Bowling, and Brickles. The dependent
extremely low, low, neither low nor high, high and
variables were the complexity of each product generated
extremely high.
from the AGM PLA.
2) Execution: the subjects were given the material described
4) Instrumentation: the objects were:
in Preparation (Section III.C - 1). It was required to each
• a document describing the AGM PL;
3 As the metric CompPLA is a composition of the CompClass metric, it is
only taken CompPLA into consideration for the validation purpose.
subject to generate one AGM configuration. It was done
by following instructions on how to resolve the AGM
variability resolution model, and how to rate the complexity associated to the configurations generated from
the subjects view point. All the tasks were performed
by each subject, with no time limit to solve them. In
addition, the CompPLA value of each configuration was
divided by the CompPLA value of the overall AGM PLA,
thus resulting in a value ranging from 0.0 to 1.0.
3) Data Validation: the tasks realized by the subjects were
collected. It is considered the subjects subjective evaluation reliable as we make it clear that the subjects
complexity rating are essential, thus we asked them to
be as honest as possible. In addition, the process of
answering the complexity rating was explained previously, increasing the reliability of the answer gave by
the subject.
resulted in a strong positive correlation (ρ = 0.93)
(Equation 4). It means that there is evidence that the
complexity metrics are significantly correlated to the
complexity of a PLA and, therefore, the experiment null
hypothesis (H0 ) (Section III-B) must be rejected.
ρ(Corr.1) = 1− 30(3062 −30) ∗293.5 = 1−0.07 = (4)
Obtained results of the original study lead to understand
that there is evidence that the metric CompPLA is a relevant
indicator of PLA complexity based on its correlation to the
subject’s rating for the given AGM PL.
D. Validity Evaluation
Collected data summarized by the experiment team calculating the metric CompPLA for the thirty AGM configurations
generated by the subjects, as well as verifying the complexity
rating of such configurations.
1) Descriptive Statistics: Figure 2 presents the CompPLA
observed values plotted in a boxplot. It shows the CompPLA values distribution, with sample size (N = 30) and
median value (µ) 0.5895.
2) Normality Tests: Shapiro-Wilk and Kolmogorov-Smirnov
normality tests were conducted for the CompPLA metric
distribution values. The results of both tests show that
the distribution is non-normal at a significance level of
95%. Therefore, a non-parametric statistical method must
be used to analyze the obtained data.
3) Spearman’s Rank Correlation: as CompPLA distribution
is non-normal, the non-parametric Spearman’s Correlation (ρ) was applied to support data interpretation. This
method allows establishing whether there is a correlation
between two sets of data. The values of correlation is
applied in a scale that ranges from -1.0 to 1.0, as follows
(Figure 3): -1.0 - perfect negative correlation, between
-1.0 and -0.49 - strong negative correlation, between -0.5
and -0.01 - weak negative correlation, 0 - no correlation
at all, between 0.01 and 0.49 - weak positive correlation,
between 0.5 and 0.99 - strong positive correlation, and
1.0 - perfect positive correlation. Equation 3 presents the
Spearman’s ρ formula:
n(n2 −1)
d2i ,
where: n is the sample size (N)
The following correlation (Corr.1) was performed:
CompPLA and the subjects complexity rating, which
shows that the understanding of complexity by the subjects corroborates to the CompPLA metric, establishing
how to measure complexity in PLA. Such a correlation
Threats to Conclusion Validity: the only issue taken
into account as a risk to affect the statistical validity
is the sample size (N=30), which must be increased
during prospective replications of this study in order to
effectively reach the conclusion validity.
Threats to Construct Validity: our dependent variable
is the complexity metric CompPLA. Subjective measures
were proposed for such a metric, as linguistic labels,
collected based on the subjects rating. As the subjects
have experience in modeling OO systems using at least
class diagrams, their ratings were taken as significant.
The construct validity of the metric used as the independent variable is guaranteed by some insights (theoretical
validity) carried out on a previous study of metrics for
PLA [14].
Threats to Internal Validity: the following issues were
dealt with:
– Fatigue effects. The experiment lasted for 69 minutes
in average (33 minutes at least and 98 minutes at
most), thus fatigue was considered not relevant. In
addition, the variability resolution model contributed
to reduce such effects.
– Measuring PLA and Configurations. As PLA can
be analyzed based on its products (configurations),
measuring derived configurations provides a means
to analyze PLA quality attributes by allowing the
performing of trade-off analysis to prioritize such
attributes. Thus, it was considered valid the application of the metrics to PLA configurations to rate
the overall PLA complexity.
– Other influence factors. Influence among subjects
could not really be controlled. Subjects realized
the experiment under the supervision of a human
observer. Thus, this issue did not affect the study
Threats to External Validity: two threats were identified:
– Instrumentation. It was tried to use a representative
class diagram of real cases. However, the PL used
1) Descriptive Statistics: Figure 1 presents the CompPLA
observed values (Table II) plotted in a boxplot.
ρ = 1−
n(n2 −1)
size (N )
d2i , wh
Box Plot of CompPLA
AGM Experiment 2v*30c
- 1.0
strong negative
weak negative
- 0.5
perfect negative
no corre
Figure 2.
Spearman’s R
Median = 0.5895
= (0.505, 0.821)
Non-Outlier Range
= (0.4, 1)
The Original
Boxplot [15].
1. 2.Boxplot
for the
We performed the following
PLA and the subjects complex
the understanding of complexity
to the CompPLA metric, estab
plexity in PLA.
Table III presents the Spearm
Corr.1. The Spearman ρ coeffi
is calculated as follows:
ρ(Corr.1 ) = 1− 30(3062 −30) ×
1 − 0.07 = 0.93
weak positive
strong positive
weak negative
strong negative - 0.5
Normality Tests:
We can
that the1.0
CompPLA values distribution (Figure 1) is non-normal. In
Thus, according to Figure
perfect negative
perfect positive
no correlation
spite of it, Shapiro-Wilk and
Kolmogorov-Smirnov normalcorrelation
correlation correlation (ρ(Corr.1 ) = 0.93) b
ity tests were conducted to make sure of it.
and the subjects complexity ra
Figure 3. Spearman’s Rank Correlation Scale [15].
The following
hypothesis were proposed for both normalBased on the proposed corr
ity tests with regard to the CompPLA metric:
reject the null hypothesis H0
in the experiment is• non-commercial,
and tacit knowledge
hypothesis H1 (Sect
Null Hypothesis
assumptions can be madedistribution
on this issue.isThus,
[19].are significa
complexity metrics
normal, i.e., the significance value (p) is
experimental studies taking
of PLA.
greater than 0.05 (p > 0.05); and
- 1.0
organizations must be done.
– Subjects. 17 students claim that they had industrial
experience. Obtaining well-qualified subjects was
difficult, thus we took into consideration advanced
graduate students from the Software Engineering
academia as we understand the feasibility of using
students as subjects [9].
According to Juristo and Gómez [10], replication is a key
component of experimentation. Experimental results form a
body of knowledge as long as they are considerably confirmed.
Such a confirmation might be achieved by means of replications and results analysis. Once similar results are obtained,
there is evidence that the study is closer the reality to which
it was carried out allowing one to generalize its conclusions.
As the original experiment sample size is small, we needed
to replicate such an experiment to gather more evidence for
validating the complexity metrics by improving the conclusion
The gathering of evidence to validate complexity metrics
is based on the framework FIRE, proposed by [13] as a
joint project, called READERS, between the University of
Maryland and the University of São Paulo. FIRE defined
is considered an Internal Replication, which was planned
and carried out by the same research group of the original
experiment. External replications are setting up for prospective replications by different universities, such as, Pontifical
Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul and Pontifical
Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro.
This replication type was rigorous, according to Basili et al.
[2], in which one aims at duplicating the original experiment
under the same original conditions. This kind of replication
increases the accuracy of the original experiment conclusions.
A. Defining the Replication
The goal of this replication was: analyse collected metrics
from UML models and source code, for the purpose of
validating, with respect to the capability to be used as PLA
complexity indicators, from the point of view of software
product line architects, in the context of the generation of
specific products from the SEI’s Arcade Game Maker (AGM)
PLA by graduate students.
B. Planning the Replication
Hypothesis Formulation: the following hypothesis were
tested in this replication:
– Null Hypothesis (H0 ): There is no significant correlation between the PLA complexity metric (Comp-
PLA) and the subject’s complexity rating for each
PLA configuration; and
– Alternative Hypothesis (H1 ): There is a significant correlation between the PLA complexity metric
(CompPLA) and the subject’s complexity rating for
each PLA configuration.
The replication planning follows exactly the planning of
the original experiment (Section III-B) with regard to: context
selection, variable selection, instrumentation, and experiment
design. However, for this replication, the subjects selection
was made by convenience only selecting a group of Software
Engineering graduate students only from the State University
of Maringá (UEM). Therefore, the objective in this replication
was to identify the capability of less-qualified subjects on
rating the complexity of PLAs.
The subjects were considered less-qualified according to the
answers given in the questionnaire of characterization. In such
a questionnaire, the subjects chose only one of the following
alternative based on their PL and variability management
1 I have never heard about PL.
2 I have ever read about PL.
3 I have basic experience in PL with regard to: PL development cycle and its activities (domain and application
engineering). However, I do not have any experience with
variability management.
4 I have moderate experience. I know every concept presented in the previous option. With regard to variability
management, I know what are variation points and variants and I am able to resolve variabilities and specify
binding times (design time, link time, runtime).
5 I have advanced experience in PL. I know every concept
presented in the previous option. With regard to variability management, I know every concept from the previous
option plus resolution models, existing variability management approaches, and how to represent variabilities
(by using UML and feature models).
In order to keep the subjects with almost the same PL
and variability management knowledge, a session training
regarding PL and variability management was performed to
the subjects.
C. Conducting the Replication
1) Preparation: the original experiment results shown that
CompPLA can be used as an important PLA complexity
indicator by taking into account expert subjects. However,
in this replication we are focused on selecting subjects
that have moderate experience in designing class models
in UML and almost none in designing PL and variabilities in UML to identify their capability of rating the
complexity of PLAs.
The subjects characterization is presented as follows:
• 8 (eight) subjects never used UML for modeling
• 18 (eighteen) subjects have basic experience in UML
9 (nine) subjects have moderate experience in UML
• 13 (thirteen) subjects never heard about software
product lines;
• 11 (eleven) subjects have read about software product
• 8 (eight) subjects have basic experience in software
product lines; and
• 3 (three) subjects have moderate experience in software product lines.
Instrumentation was the same as the original experiment,
as the subjects must assign one complexity label (Section
3.3 - 2) to each generated configuration.
2) Execution: subjects were divided into two blocks. The
experiment was carried out in two sessions, one with 20
students and one with 15 students. Two sessions were
conducted, to attend the availability of subjects.
3) Data Validation: tasks performed by the subjects were
collected. We consider all the 35 subjects subjective rating
D. Replication Analysis and Interpretation
The CompPLA metric was calculated for each configuration.
1) Descriptive Statistics: Figure 4 presents a boxplot with
sample size (N=35) and median value 0.841.
2) Normality Tests: Shapiro-Wilk and Kolmogorov-Smirnov
normality tests were applied to the AGM sample. Both
normality tests indicated that for a sample size (N=35),
mean value of 0.8006, standard deviation value of (σ)
0.1330, and median (x̃) value of 0.841, the CompPLA
sample is non-normal.
3) Spearman’s Rank Correlation: as in the original experiment, the non-parametric technique of Spearman’s correlation was applied for the CompPLA sample and to the
subjects complexity rating for each AGM configuration.
Therefore, Corr.2 was defined. Equation 5 shows the
Corr.2 calculated Spearman correlation value based on
data from Table I.
ρ(Corr.2) = 1− 35(3562 −35) ∗4.446 = 1−0.63 = (5)
Therefore, according to Equation 5, there is a weak
positive correlation between the CompPLA value and the
subject’s complexity rating, as Corr.2 = 0.37. Such a correlation value provides evidence that the null hypothesis
of this replication study (Section IV-B) must be rejected
whereas the alternative hypothesis must be accepted.
Thus, such a replication study corroborates, by evidence,
the original experiment by taking the CompPLA metric as
a relevant indicator of PLA complexity based on derived
E. Replication Validity Evaluation
1) Conclusion Validity: this risk was minimized as in the
original experiment it was taken a sample of 30 subjects
Figure 4.
The Replication Data Boxplot.
Table 3: Elements for Calculating
the Spearman’s Table
Correlation for the CompPLA and the Subject’s
Complexity Rating Samples.
|ra − rb |
|ra − rb |
Extremely High
Extremely High
Extremely High
Extremely High
Extremely High
Extremely High
Extremely High
Extremely High
Extremely High
Extremely High
Extremely High
Neit.Low nor High
Extremely High
Neit.Low nor High
Extremely High
Neit.Low nor High
Extremely High
Neit.Low nor High
Extremely High
Neit.Low nor High
Neit.Low nor High
and in this replication it was taken 35. The results of
the replication corroborated the results of the original
2) Construction Validity: the main difference between the
original experiment and this replication was the subjects
characterization. However, it was alleviated as the objective of this replication is analyze the capability of lessqualified subjects on rating the complexity of PLAs.
3) Internal Validity: the following threats were dealt in this
• Accuracy of the Subjects Responses: to minimize
this threat, each generated product from the AGM
PLA was checked whether it is valid; and
Fatigue Effects: the experiment taken in average 63
minutes. Thus, fatigue was not a critical issue in this
4) External Validity: instrumentation was the main external
threat as the UML class model used for this replication
was the same used in the original experiment. New
experiments must be planned and conducted by applying
a real (commercial) PL to allow generalize conclusions.
Figure 5.
Figure 6.
Excerpt of the AGM PLA.
Example of an AGM Brickles Game Configuration.
Figure 7.
Example of an AGM Pong Game Configuration.
The overall experiment (original plus replication) analysis
aims at gathering evidence to validate complexity metrics
for PLAs. This validation is based on the correlation of the
complexity metrics and the subjects complexity rating taken
into account the subjects experience. Such a correlation is
calculated based on the normality of the two sets of values
(CompPLA metric and the subject rating).
Figure 5 presents an excerpt of the AGM PLA. Subjects
created 35 specific products (configurations), based on such
a PLA. Figure 6 and Figure 7 show two possible products
created by subjects from the AGM PLA. For each created
configuration, the subjects assigned a complexity rate. The
CompPLA metric was calculated, enabling the correlation
between complexity metric values and complexity assigned
by the subjects.
As the original experiment sample (N=30) was non-normal,
the Spearman’s ranking correlation was applied and it provided
the value 0.93, which means a strong positive correlation. This
value was more than expected, as PL is an emerging topic in
software engineering.
Taking into consideration the replication presented in this
paper, the sample (N=35) was non-normal as the original
experiment. Thus, Spearman’s correlation was also applied.
Such a correlation resulted in the value 0.37, which means a
weak positive correlation. We initially expected a lower value
than 0.37 based on the replication subjects characterization
analysis. However, it was confirmed that even with lessqualified subjects, than the original experiment, we obtained
a positive correlation.
We can observe that the samples sizes (original and replication) were almost the same. Such samples were non-normal
and the Spearman’s rank correlation was used to provide
a value in the Spearman’s scale, reflecting the correlation
level of CompPLA and the subjects complexity rating for
the original experiment and this replication. The replication
provided evidence that the CompPLA can be used as a relevant
indicator for PLA complexity, which confirms the original
obtained evidence.
The main difference between the original experiment and
its replication is the subjects characterization. While in the
original experiment the subjetcs were more qualified, its replication took into account five more subjects, but less-qualified
compared to the original sample. This replication might lead
us to infer that even not well-qualified subjects are able to
state how complex is a PL product based on its PLA. It may
(i) metrics are measuring what they must measure; and
(ii) the amount of variability in the resolution model, which
was given the subjects to generate a PL product, does not
lead to a misunderstanding of the PLA and consequently
the appropriate generation of a PL product.
If (ii) is true, this replication provided initial evidence
to investigate whether the variability representation approach
used to model variability in the PLA class diagram is effective, contributing to improve the diagram readability by each
Evaluation of the quality of a PL is an essential issue in the
context of the PL approach. One might analyze the quality of
a PL by means of its PLA and derived products. This kind
of analysis can be supported by metrics, which provides both
quantitative and qualitative ways to interpret quality factors of
PLs, as shown in Section II.
This paper presented the gathering of evidence to validate
complexity-based metrics for PLAs by means of:
(i) the analysis of the original experiment previously carried
(ii) the replication of such an original experiment; and
(iii) an analysis of the differences between the original and
replicated experiments taking into account different subjects characterization to gathering evidence to validate
such metrics for PLAs.
An original experiment was replicated, keeping the same
original conditions. The CompPLA composed metric for PLAs
was applied to several AGM PL configurations, as well as
subjects rated the complexity of such configurations based
on their experiences. Thus, normality tests were applied to
the sample and the Spearman’s rank correlation supported
the data analysis of this replication. Obtained results from
this replication corroborated previous results from the original
experiment, providing evidence that CompPLA can be used as
a relevant PLA complexity indicator.
Although this replication corroborated the original experiment, it is clear that new replications must be conducted and
the application of the complexity metrics to a real/commercial
PL must be performed to allow generalizing the conclusions.
Directions for future work include:
(i) plan and conduct one or more external replications
keeping the same conditions as this one, but improving
the subjects selection by taking into consideration more
qualified subjects aiming at reducing the threats to the
(ii) replicate this experiment in industry, with a group of
practitioners taking the FIRE framework into account
(iii) plan and conduct a new experiment for PLA extensibility
metrics allowing one to perform trade-off analysis of
PLA quality attributes; and
(iv) analyze the consolidated data provided by all replications
to provide a means to generalize the conclusions with
regard to complexity-based proposed metrics for PLA.
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A SPL infrastructure for supporting scientific
experiments in petroleum reservoir research field
Fernanda Y. S. Foschiani
Leonardo P. Tizzei
Cecı́lia M. F. Rubira
Instituto de Computação - Unicamp
Campinas, São Paulo - Brasil
Email: [email protected]
Instituto de Computação - Unicamp
Campinas, São Paulo - Brasil
IBM Research, Brasil
Email: [email protected]
Instituto de Computação - Unicamp
Campinas, São Paulo - Brasil
Email: [email protected]
Abstract—Computational resources are commonly used in the
research field, in order to facilitate data and services sharing.
The frequent study of new research methodologies, the software
diversity, simulators and data involved in experiments, lead to the
necessity of environments that provide facilities for technology
use and matching. Aiming to support the software diversity,
the proposed solution is a scientific workflow environment that
allows the researchers to create their own personalized workflows,
using components provided by the development team as well as
developed by themselves, regardless of the language being used.
The basis for this environment is a component based software
product line. The proposed extractive method for the product line
development is supported by a software reengineering framework
and uses existing modeling techniques. One case study was
performed to evaluate some aspects, including the components
reuse enhancement and the workflow customization capability.
This study case had a positive result, showing that the proposed
solution allows the researchers to customize their workflows.
Recursos computacionais vêm sendo muito utilizados não
só nas indústrias, como também no desenvolvimento da
pesquisa, beneficiando o trabalho das comunidades cientı́ficas e facilitando o compartilhamento de dados e serviços
computacionais. Esse é o contexto de e-Science, em que a
computação torna-se parte integrante e fundamental para o
sucesso na realização de pesquisas cientı́ficas das mais variadas
áreas [1]. Nesse contexto está inserido o UNISIM [2], um
grupo de pesquisa que atua na área de Simulação Numérica e
Gerenciamento de Reservatórios de Petróleo.
Os sistemas desenvolvidos pelo UNISIM visam fornecer
aos pesquisadores da área de petróleo (engenheiros de reservatórios de petróleo, economistas da área, geólogos, etc.)
infraestruturas de software que os auxiliem na tomada de
decisões e que sejam úteis na automatização de tarefas que
utilizam a simulação numérica de reservatórios.
O uso destas infraestruturas, integradas às simulações
numéricas, permitem pesquisadores a executarem experimentos cientı́ficos de forma a reproduzir ambientes reais e modelar
comportamentos dinâmicos de reservatórios. Um experimento
é uma forma bem conhecida pelos pesquisadores para apoiar a
formulação de novas teorias. O workflow cientı́fico é definido
como o template do experimento, onde a sequência das atividades estão descritas [3]. Ele é o principal recurso do experimento cientı́fico, e serve como uma abstração para representar
o encadeamento de atividades para experimentação [4].
Entre as infraestruturas de software desenvolvidas pelo
UNISIM, está o sistema UNIPAR, desenvolvido em parceria
com a Petrobras. O sistema UNIPAR apoia funcionalidades da
área de simulação de reservatórios, como análises de incerteza
e risco de desenvolvimento de campos de petróleo, análises
econômicas, e distribuição e paralelização de simulações
em clusters. Utilizando o UNIPAR, os pesquisadores podem executar experimentos cientı́ficos modelando diversos
cenários prováveis de um reservatório através da combinação
de variações de seus atributos, tais como porosidade e permeabilidade da rocha.
Um dos principais desafios enfrentados pelos pesquisadores
do UNISIM é a dificuldade de modificação do UNIPAR para
a inclusão de novas teorias e metodologias de pesquisa nos
experimentos. Pesquisadores desenvolvem suas ferramentas
utilizando linguagens de programação como C, Python, e MatLab. Mas essas ferramentas são difı́ceis de serem integradas ao
UNIPAR por serem desenvolvidas em linguagens que não são
as utilizadas pelo sistema. O UNISIM conta com uma equipe
de desenvolvimento e manutenção associada ao UNIPAR, e
a cada nova metodologia criada pelo pesquisador, um pedido
de modificação (do inglês change request) é enviada para essa
equipe. Essa situação acaba por atrasar o processo de pesquisa,
uma vez que o pesquisador precisa esperar até que uma nova
versão do sistema seja liberada para continuar seus estudos.
Do ponto de vista da equipe de desenvolvimento e
manutenção, uma das maiores dificuldades do sistema
UNIPAR é o fato de o sistema demandar um grande esforço
de manutenção. Isso se deve ao fato de que o UNIPAR possui
aproximadamente 223 KLOC e seu crescimento de forma não
planejada acarretou em muito código duplicado e altamente
acoplado. Alterações que teoricamente deveriam ser simples,
acabam levando muito tempo para serem implementadas.
Existem diversas soluções comerciais para apoiar a
pesquisa na área de petróleo, como os simuladores numéricos
de reservatórios, dentre os quais podemos citar os simuladores
IMEX, STARS, GEM, ECLIPSE, sistemas para modelagem
geológica de reservatórios, como o Petrel, sistemas que combinam simuladores e técnicas de otimização, como o CMOST,
etc. A maioria dessas soluções são sistemas isolados que não
permitem a comunicação e transferência de dados entre outros
sistemas, necessitando de uma infraestrutura que realize a
integração entre essas soluções. Esta transferência de dados
é bastante complexa devido ao fato de cada sistema possuir
diferentes tipos e formatos de dados de entrada e saı́da.
Dentre os sistemas citados, o Petrel apoia a inclusão de novos
componentes, entretanto, demanda o uso de linguagens de
programação especı́ficas, o que muitas vezes é uma tarefa não
trivial para pesquisadores da área de petróleo.
Linhas de produtos de software (LPS) e desenvolvimento
baseado em componentes (DBC) são técnicas de engenharia
de software que possuem relatos na literatura ([5], [6]) indicando que podem contribuir para a redução de custo e
tempo de manutenção de software. Este trabalho propõe uma
infraestrutura de apoio à execução de experimentos cientı́ficos,
tendo como base uma LPS baseada em componentes, chamada
UNIPAR-LPS (desenvolvida a partir do sistema UNIPAR).
A infraestrutura apoia a organização e armazenamento dos
componentes e dados utilizados em experimentos cientı́ficos na
área de petróleo, e seu uso permite aos pesquisadores combinar
componentes da LPS integrando-os (ou não) a componentes
desenvolvidos por eles ou terceiros, ou apenas reproduzir novas
configurações com os mesmos componentes, facilitando assim
o trabalho dos pesquisadores na criação de experimentos. Além
disso, com a UNIPAR-LPS, pesquisadores podem reutilizar
dados e conhecimento cientı́fico dos experimentos através da
recuperação de dados experimentos gerados anteriormente.
A solução foi implementada utilizando um método de
extração de LPS proposto, que é baseado no arcabouço da
Reengenharia Orientada a Caracterı́sticas (ROC) [7], combinando técnicas de modelagem existentes na literatura dos
métodos PLUS, UML Components e FArM.
Existem na literatura vários trabalhos que abordam LPS
no contexto de e-Science. O trabalho de Ogasawara et. al [8]
fornece uma abordagem para apoiar as etapas de concepção
e utilização de workflows cientı́ficos utilizando conceitos de
LPS. No trabalho de Costa et al. [9], utiliza-se as vantagens
oferecidas pelo uso conjunto de modelos de caracterı́sticas
e ontologias para a obtenção de uma LPS para geração de
workflows cientı́ficos em um domı́nio previamente estabelecido. Soluções como Taverna [10] proveem ambientes de
gerenciamento de workflows com o objetivo de realizar o
projeto e a execução de experimentos cientı́ficos na web,
voltados para a área de Ciências Biológicas. A maioria dos
trabalhos citados têm o foco na concepção dos workflows, e
não na inclusão de novos componentes. Diferentemente dos
trabalhos citados acima, o foco deste trabalho é prover uma
infraestrutura com a qual pesquisadores possam criar seus
próprios experimentos (re)utilizando componentes prontos ou
desenvolvidos por eles mesmos. Esses componentes podem ser
desenvolvidos em qualquer linguagem de programação (por
exemplo Python, MatLab, C).
A principal contribuição deste trabalho é prover uma
infraestrutura de apoio à pesquisa na área de petróleo, que
possibilita pesquisadores incluir componentes próprios na
LPS (sem a necessidade de conhecimento programação) e
(re)executar experimentos cientı́ficos utilizando ou não componentes próprios, além de melhorar o reúso de experimentos
em termos dados e conhecimento. Para tanto, definimos um
método que mostra como pode-se extrair uma LPS a partir de
um sistema legado, baseado no arcabouço da ROC.
A solução foi avaliada utilizando experimentos cientı́ficos
anteriormente criados por pesquisadores, extraı́dos do Banco
de Casos, uma ferramenta web interna do UNISIM. Vários
experimentos cientı́ficos foram reproduzidos na UNIPAR-LPS
a fim de verificar se: (i) a infraestrutura criada é capaz de
substituir funcionalmente o sistema legado UNIPAR, (ii) verificar o reúso de funcionalidades comuns para módulos internos
do UNIPAR, e (iii) verificar a possibilidade de inclusão de
novos componentes à infraestrutura, tanto pelo pesquisador
quanto pelo desenvolvedor. Os estudos de caso apresentaram
resultados positivos, indicando que a solução proposta facilita
a modificação da UNIPAR-LPS, e permite aos pesquisadores
a personalização de fluxos de trabalho, auxiliando assim o
processo de pesquisa cientı́fica.
O restante deste artigo é apresentado da seguinte forma:
a Seção II apresenta fundamentos teóricos sobre linhas de
produtos de software, desenvolvimento baseado em componentes e estilos arquiteturais, necessários para o entendimento
deste trabalho, bem como uma descrição do sistema UNIPAR.
A Seção III apresenta alguns trabalhos relacionados. A abordagem proposta e a infraestrutura criada são detalhadas na
Seção IV. Na Seção V são apresentados três estudos de caso e
a análise dos resultados obtidos. Finalmente, na Seção VI são
discutidas as conclusões deste artigo, destacando suas principais contribuições e indicando possı́veis trabalhos futuros.
A. Variabilidade e Modelo de Caracterı́sticas
Um dos principais conceitos de uma LPS é a variabilidade, que é a habilidade mudar ou customizar um sistema.
Para definir e gerenciar os pontos comuns e as variabilidades
em LPS são utilizados modelos de caracterı́sticas (do inglês
feature model). Uma caracterı́stica (do inglês feature) é um
aspecto importante e visı́vel ao usuário, uma qualidade ou
funcionalidade de um software ou sistema [11].
Caracterı́sticas podem ser mandatórias (necessárias para
todos os membros da LPS), opcionais (necessárias para alguns
membros da LPS), e alternativas (sugere a existência de
alternativas e que pelo menos uma deva ser selecionada). O
modelo de caracterı́sticas representa as caracterı́sticas de uma
famı́lia de produtos em um domı́nio, as relações entre elas, e
suas semelhanças e diferenças (variabilidades).
B. Reengenharia Orientada a Caracterı́sticas
Abordagens extrativas de adoção de LPS aplicam o processo de reengenharia a sistemas de software já existentes
para a criação da LPS. Os sistemas passam pelo processo de
engenharia reversa para serem entendidos e para que sejam
extraı́dos seus requisitos, e depois pelo processo de engenharia
avante (durante a concepção da LPS). Reengenharia Orientada
a Caracterı́sticas é um arcabouço proposto por Kang et al.
[7] que utiliza a abordagem de reengenharia para a adoção
extrativa de LPS. Ele é composto por cinco fases, sendo
que as duas primeiras correspondem à engenharia reversa dos
sistemas legados.
Na Fase 1, Recuperação da Arquitetura, é realizada
a extração de componentes e informações arquiteturais do
sistema legado. Na Fase 2, Modelagem de caracterı́sticas,
com base nas informações recuperadas e no conhecimento do
domı́nio, é gerado um modelo de caracterı́sticas da aplicação
As três próximas fases correspondem à engenharia da LPS.
Considerando possı́veis oportunidades de negócio e alterações
de tecnologia, na Fase 3, Refinamento do modelo de caracterı́sticas, os modelos de caracterı́sticas dos sistemas legados
são atualizados e unificados, dando origem ao modelo de
caracterı́sticas refinado. Na fase de Projeto da LPS, Fase 4,
com base no modelo de caracterı́sticas refinado e princı́pios
de engenharia, são desenvolvidos os artefatos e projetada
a nova arquitetura e componentes para a LPS. Na Fase 5,
Implementação da LPS, a LPS é desenvolvida.
C. Método PLUS
O método PLUS (Product Line UML-Based Software
Engineering) [12] é baseado em UML (Unified Modeling
Language) e tem como objetivo explicitar as variabilidades
e os pontos em comun de uma LPS através de casos de uso
e modelos de caracterı́sticas. O método é composto de quatro
etapas brevemente descritas a seguir.
Modelagem de Requisitos: Assim como as caracterı́sticas,
os casos de uso e seus atores são classificados como obrigatórios, opcionais, e alternativos, identificados pelos esteriótipos <<kernel>>, <<optional>>, e <<alternative>>,
respectivamente. Esta etapa consiste da concepção do modelo
de casos de uso, do modelo de caracterı́sticas, e, com os
modelos prontos, é realizado o relacionamento entre eles.
Análise para LPS: Composta de quatro modelos: (i) modelo estático, define as entidades estáticas e seus relacionamentos na LPS; (ii) modelo dinâmico, criado a partir de diagramas
UML para representar a interatividade e mensagens do sistema;
(iii) modelo dinâmico de máquina de estados, define os estados
de cada entidade, seus ciclos de vida e proveem um meio
de interpretação para elas; e (iv) modelo de dependência de
caracterı́sticas, determina as dependências de cada classe com
as caracterı́sticas dos sistemas.
Projeto para LPS: Composta de duas fases: (i) arquitetura
de software, fase na qual são definidos a estrutura arquitetural
e os padrões de projeto para o desenvolvimento da LPS; (ii)
projeto de software baseado em componentes, onde a LPS é
dividida em componentes e definidas as interfaces entre eles.
Engenharia da Aplicação de Software: São desenvolvidos
dos membros da LPS, utilizando os modelos desenvolvidos nas
etapas anteriores.
Apesar do PLUS ser bastante detalhado nas duas primeiras
etapas, ele é superficial em termos do projeto da LPS, onde
considera-se a utilização de outro método em conjunto. Neste
projeto utilizamos o método FArM.
D. Método FArM
O método FArM Feature-Architecture Mapping [13]
propõe quatro transformações aplicadas no modelo de caracterı́sticas visando criar uma arquitetura inicial (baseada em
componentes) de LPS.
Remoção de caracterı́sticas NRA e resolução de caracterı́sticas de qualidade: Caracterı́sticas não relacionadas à
arquitetura (NRA) são aquelas que não são consideradas
requisitos significantes para a arquitetura, e podem ser fı́sicas
ou de negócio. Essas caracterı́sticas são removidas do modelo
e depois aquelas que representam requisitos de qualidade
são integradas àquelas que representam requisitos funcionais.
Caso não existam caracterı́sticas funcionais passı́veis de serem
integradas com as de qualidade, pode-se incluir uma nova
caracterı́stica funcional para a integração. O objetivo desta
integração é manter a representação das caracterı́sticas de
qualidade na arquitetura.
Transformação baseada nos requisitos arquiteturais: Requisitos arquiteturais que não tenham sido representados no
modelo, mas que exercem influência sobre a arquitetura, devem ser representados explicitamente como caracterı́sticas e
integrados com caracterı́sticas existentes ou criadas para representá-los, assim como ocorre com as caracterı́sticas de qualidade. O objetivo é contrabalancear a influência que usuários
finais possuem na especificação do modelo de caracterı́sticas.
Transformação baseada nas relações de interação entre
caracterı́sticas: São especificadas as comunicações e introduzidas relações de interação entre elas. As relações podem
ser de três tipos: (1) tipo 1 - usa (relaciona duas caracterı́sticas
onde uma usa a funcionalidade de outra); (ii) tipo 2 - modifica
(relaciona duas caracterı́sticas onde o funcionamento correto
de uma altera o comportamento de outra), e (iii) tipo 3 contradiz (relaciona duas caracterı́sticas onde o funcionamento
correto de uma contradiz o comportamento de outra). Após
esta etapa, é feita uma nova transformação com base em dois
critérios: (i) critério 1: o tipo de relação entre as caracterı́sticas, e critério 2: o número de relações de interação entre
caracterı́sticas. Baseado nesses critérios, caracterı́sticas devem
ser integradas ou novas caracterı́sticas podem ser adicionadas.
Transformação baseada nas relações de hierarquia entre
caracterı́sticas: Nessa transformação as caracterı́sticas são
classificadas em dois tipos e de acordo com três relações
de hierarquia: (i) supercaracterı́stica e (ii) subcaracterı́stica
e as relações: (i) tipo especialização: uma subcaracterı́stica
especializa uma supercaracterı́stica, (ii) tipo agregação: uma
subcaracterı́stica é parte de uma supercaracterı́stica, e (iii) tipo
alternativa: as subcaracterı́sticas representam alternativas para
a supercaracterı́stica. O método propõe que todas as relações
de hierarquia do modelo de caracterı́sticas transformado sejam
de um dos três tipos definidos. Relações inválidas devem ser
removidas e novas relações podem ser criadas. Feito isso,
as supercaracterı́sticas são mapeadas para componentes que
proveem acesso às funcionalidades dos componentes que implementam as subcaracterı́sticas. A variabilidade das caracterı́sticas e seus relacionamentos são mantidos nos componentes.
A fim de criar uma arquitetura inicial da LPS, são utilizados
estilos arquiteturais de referências para especificar as relações
entre os componentes identificados. Esta arquitetura não é a
final da LPS pois o método não prevê a identificação das
interfaces, nem a especificação da assinatura de seus métodos.
E. Processo UMLComponents e o Modelo COSMOS*
O UML Components [6] é um processo de desenvolvimento de sistemas de software baseado em componentes,
visando o reúso de componentes e a facilidade de manutenção
e modificabilidade do sistema, obtendo assim um ganho de
produtividade e qualidade.
O processo UML Components propõe diagramas utilizados
para especificar as interfaces dos componentes e suas relações,
entre eles o diagrama de comunicação, utilizado para documentar como os objetos estão vinculados e quais mensagens
trocam entre si durante o processo .
COSMOS* (Component Structuring Model for Objectoriented Systems) [14] é um modelo de estruturação de componentes para mapeamento de arquiteturas de componentes
em linguagens de programação. Ele define elementos para a
implementação de componentes e conectores, participantes da
composição de software.
O modelo COSMOS* preocupa-se principalmente em
garantir reusabilidade (promovida pelo baixo nı́vel de acoplamento do sistema, uma vez que os componentes interagem
somente através de conectores, e um componente não tem
conhecimento dos demais), adaptabilidade (possibilidade de
modificar ou substituir um componente que participa de uma
composição de software, isolando o maior número possı́vel de
modificações na implementação dos conectores) e modificabilidade (apenas a interface do componente é conhecida do
usuário, possibilitando assim a modificação da implementação
do componente sem afetar a sua utilização).
COSMOS* é independente de plataforma tecnológica,
sendo possı́vel adaptar o modelo para o uso com C++, linguagem de desenvolvimento utilizada neste projeto.
F. Sistema UNIPAR
Como já dito na Seção I, o sistema UNIPAR é desenvolvido
pelo UNISIM [2], e busca disponibilizar aos pesquisadores
sistemas para apoiar a pesquisa cientı́fica na área de petróleo.
O sistema conta com cinco módulos. Cada módulo pode
ser entendido como uma parte do sistema responsável por
uma linha de pesquisa especı́fica. Os módulos MAI e MEC,
utilizados neste trabalho, são brevemente explicados a seguir.
Módulo de Análise de Incertezas e Risco (MAI): Aborda
a metodologia para a quantificação do impacto de incertezas
geológicas na avaliação de reservatórios de petróleo. Tal
metodologia baseia-se na simulação de modelos que representam os possı́veis cenários do reservatório, utilizando uma
combinação dos atributos incertos que o caracterizam. Os
modelos de simulação do MAI são construı́dos utilizando as
técnicas estatı́sticas árvore de derivação (AD) e/ou hipercubo
latino discreto (HCLD).
Módulo de Análise Econômica (MEC): Realiza cálculos
de ı́ndices econômicos para poços, grupos de poços e campos de petróleo, possibilitando o estudo da viabilidade de
um projeto de exploração de petróleo. Para efetuar tais
cálculos, são utilizadas informações resultantes de uma simulação do comportamento da produção no campo, aplicando
parâmetros econômicos (preço do barril de óleo, custos de
produção/injeção de fluidos, etc) definidos pelo usuário.
Existem ainda ferramentas complementares a estes
módulos, por exemplo conversores de arquivos de saı́da (formato XML) para formato texto ou planilhas Excel, e validadores de dados de entrada e saı́da, que também não foram
consideradas no projeto.
Como mencionado na Introdução, o sistema UNIPAR é
complexo, seu código é fortemente acoplado, e foi implementado por pessoas distintas e utilizando linguagens distintas, tais
como Java, C# e C/C++. Das 223 KLOC do UNIPAR, 136
KLOC foram consideradas neste trabalho O módulo MAI tem
82 KLOC e o MEC 54 KLOC.
Costa et al. [9] propõe a PL-Science, uma abordagem
que combina ontologias e modelos de caracterı́sticas para
o desenvolvimento de LPSs cientı́ficas, ou seja, que utiliza
workflows cientı́ficos. A abordagem PL-Science se beneficia
da semântica especificada pelas ontologias e da variabilidade
especificada nos modelos de caracterı́sticas para facilitar a
escolha e organização de workflows cientı́ficos. A abordagem
pode ser usada de forma complementar a nossa abordagem,
uma vez que a PL-Science foca na especificação de modelos
do domı́nio, nossa proposta foca na especificação do projeto
arquitetural de LPSs.
Ogasawara et al. [8] introduz o conceito de linhas de experimento que é uma abordagem sistemática para composição
de workflows cientı́ficos em diferentes nı́veis de abstração.
Esse nı́veis de abstração são de certa forma similares ao
conceito de variabilidade em LPSs, ou seja, atividades podem
ser modeladas com um nı́vel de abstração alto (i.e. pontos
de variação) e cada atividade pode ser materializada por
diferentes atividades concretas (i.e. variantes). Além disso,
essa abordagem é apoiada por uma ferramenta chamada de
GExpLine [15]. Tanto o trabalho de Ogasawara et al. quanto
esta proposta visam aumentar o reúso de software no contexto
de workflows cientı́ficos. Contudo, enquanto Ogasawara et al.
foca na gerência de variabilidade por meio do conceito de
linha de experimento (e suas abstrações), nossa abordagem visa
construir o workflow usando técnicas de LPSs e componentes.
Acher et al. [16] descrevem uma abordagem rigorosa
para modelar,compor serviços parametrizados em um workflow cientı́fico. Essa abordagem utiliza práticas de LPSs para
modelar a variabilidade e apoiar a composição dos serviços
de forma consistente. Uma similaridade entre a abordagem
de Acher et al. e a nossa é que ambas utilizam o modelo
de caracterı́sticas para identificar a variabilidade do workflow.
Entretanto Acher et al. focam na modelagem, composição e
verificação da consistência dos serviços que compoem um
workflow, esta abordagem na modelagem e projeto arquitetural
baseado em componentes que compõem um workflow.
Taverna [10] é um ambiente de gerenciamento de workflow cientı́fico utilizada para compor e executar experimentos
cientı́ficos na área de Bioinformática, disponibilizando acesso
a diversos web-services da área. Apesar de ser um ambiente
bastante completo, ele exige o uso de uma linguagem de
manipulação e execução própria do Taverna, deixando os
cientistas dependentes do ambiente de execução.
Na área petrolı́fera, pode-se citar o software Petrel[17],
um software comercial muito utilizado na pesquisa cientı́fica,
desenvolvido pela empresa Schlumberger. A partir do Petrel, cientistas podem desenvolver workflows colaborativos e
integrar conhecimento de diferentes disciplinas. É possı́vel
desenvolver plug-ins personalizados para o Petrel por meio
do framework Ocean, que disponibiliza ferramentas .NET e
oferece interfaces estáveis e amigáveis para o desenvolvimento
de software. O Petrel só aceita plug-ins desenvolvidos a partir
deste framework. A desvantagem é que um pesquisador não
pode integrar seu próprio plug-in ao Petrel, a não ser que ele
tenha o desenvolvido utilizando Ocean.
A solução proposta neste trabalho é uma infraestrutura
de apoio à execução de experimentos cientı́ficos na área de
petróleo, que tem como base uma LPS baseada em componentes, chamada UNIPAR-LPS, desenvolvida a partir do
sistema legado UNIPAR.
A infraestrutura foi implementada utilizando um método
de extração de LPS baseado no arcabouço da Reengenharia
Orientada a Caracterı́sticas (ROC) [7]. A escolha do arcabouço
ROC para a extração da LPS deve-se ao fato de ele propor a
extração de uma LPS a partir de um sistema legado, que é
o caso do UNIPAR. Além disso, o ROC trata tanto a análise
de requisitos (feita na etapa de engenharia reversa do sistema
legado) quanto a etapa de análise, projeto e implementação da
LPS baseada em caracterı́sticas. Associado ao ROC, utilizamos
técnicas de modelagem do método PLUS, o método FArM
para a criação da arquitetura inicial da LPS baseada em
componentes e técnicas do processo UMLCompnents para a
especificação das interfaces entre os componentes.
Apesar de não existir nenhuma particularidade que impeça
seu uso em outro domı́nio, a infraestrutura proposta foi testada
apenas no domı́nio cientı́fico da área de petróleo. Por isso, não
podemos afirmar que ela é genérica.
Por questão de espaço, nem todos os artefatos gerados
durante a construção da solução proposta foram exibidos.
Os artefatos podem ser vistos na dissertação referente a este
projeto [18].
Figura 1.
Visão geral da infraestrutura
Desenvolvedores mantêm a LPS atualizando componentes
e adicionando novos componentes ao núcleo de artefatos.
Pesquisadores podem utilizar componentes existentes, implementar novos componentes e utilizá-los em seus workflows.
B. Execução de
Como mostra a 2, para a execução de um experimento
cientı́fico utilizando o sistema UNIPAR, são necessárias três
atividades: (1) Planejamento do Experimento, (2) execução do
UNIPAR e (3) Análise dos Resultados. Utilizando a UNIPARLPS, a execução é parecida, porém a atividade (2) é dividida
em três passos: (2.1) onde o usuário resolve as variabilidades
da UNIPAR-LPS a fim de selecionar as caracterı́sticas que
farão parte do produto que será gerado, (2.2) onde o usuário
gera o arquivo de especificação do workflow, indicando quais
componentes e parâmetros deverão ser executados e em que
ordem, e (2.3) é a execução do workflow através da linha
de comando. São estes passos que permitem a geração de
produtos personalizados.
A. Visão Geral da Solução Proposta
A infraestrutura fornecida será utilizada tanto pelos
pesquisadores do UNISIM, para a composição de workflows
cientı́ficos que definem os experimentos cientı́ficos, quanto
pela equipe de desenvolvimento do UNISIM, que dará continuidade ao desenvolvimento e manutenção da UNIPAR-LPS.
Uma caracterı́stica na UNIPAR-LPS é sempre mapeada para
um componente ou parâmetro de componente, e quando mapeada para um componente, a adição desta nova caracterı́stica
pode ser feita pelos próprios pesquisadores, sem necessidade
do trabalho da equipe de desenvolvimento. O componente deve
ser adicionado ao núcleo de artefatos da LPS, e é independente
de linguagem de programação.
Se esses componentes não fazem parte de nenhum dos
produtos (i.e. experimentos) da LPS, então sua utilização neste
contexto pode trazer inconsistências. Por isso, componentes
desenvolvidos por terceiros devem ser incluı́dos na LPS de
forma consistente com os demais componentes. Existem regras
de composição no modelo de caracterı́sticas.
A infraestrutura proposta permite a criação de produtos
personalizados para os pesquisadores, gerados utilizando componentes da UNIPAR-LPS, ou componentes desenvolvidos por
eles mesmos ou terceiros, desde que os componentes respeitem
as interfaces de entrada e saı́da dos componentes que com
eles se conectam. A Figura 1 mostra como desenvolvedores e
pesquisadores interagem com a infraestrutura.
Figura 2.
Atividades para a execução do UNIPAR e da UNIPAR-LPS
É necessário que o usuário especifique algumas
informações sobre o experimento, tais como, o simulador que
será utilizado, nome do modelo base de simulação, atributos
para o projeto, etc. Esses dados iniciais devem ser informados
em um arquivo de entrada comum a todos os componentes
da LPS, em formato XML. Logo no inı́cio da execução,
o componente central da UNIPAR-LPS, responsável pela
execução do workflow, gera uma cópia deste arquivo com
o nome default.xml para que todos os componentes da
UNIPAR-LPS consigam encontrar as informações necessárias.
Também através de um arquivo XML, o pesquisador
compõe o workflow utilizando os componentes existentes e/ou
adicionando seus próprios componentes, desde que os novos
componentes respeitem as interfaces de entrada e saı́da dos
componentes que com eles se conectam. A UNIPAR-LPS
possui um componente central que é o responsável por validar
o workflow gerado e continuar ou não a execução. Também
é neste arquivo que são informados os parâmetros e seus
respectivos valores para cada componente que será executado.
A infraestrutura proposta é independente de linguagem de
programação, uma vez que o fluxo de dados entre componentes ocorre apenas por meio de informações persistidas em
Para garantir o compartilhamento de dados, propõe-se a
criação de um novo componente, responsável por armazenar na
LPS as informações dos experimentos executados, e também
responsável por copiar um experimento para uma área em
disco compartilhada. Muitas vezes, dados de experimentos são
confidenciais, principalmente quando o experimento envolve
um reservatório real e não sintético. Por isso, é necessário
tomar cuidado com a privacidade dos dados. Propomos que
o pesquisador indique ao componente de compartilhamento
de dados, através de um parâmetro, se ele deseja que seus
dados sejam públicos ou privados. Caso sejam públicos, podese copiar o experimento para o local compartilhado com
permissão do diretório para todo o grupo de pesquisa. Caso
seja privado, deve-se copiar com permissão apenas para o
pesquisador responsável pelo experimento.
O método proposto para a adoção de LPS foi aplicado ao
sistema UNIPAR para a construção da UNIPAR-LPS. Cada
uma das fases do método é explicada, mostrando como foi
aplicada ao sistema UNIPAR.
D. Fase 1: Engenharia Reversa da UNIPAR-LPS
A Engenharia Reversa pode ser definida como um processo
de análise de um sistema, a fim de identificar os componentes
desse sistema e seus relacionamentos, e criar representações
do sistema em uma outra forma ou em um nı́vel mais alto
de abstração. Ela objetiva a extração de documentação de
projeto a partir do código, representando uma atividade ou
um conjunto de técnicas que visam facilitar a compreensão de
um sistema existente.
Conforme proposto pelo arcabouço da ROC, esta fase
é composta por duas atividades: (1.1) Recuperação da Arquitetura e (1.2) Modelagem de caracterı́sticas dos sistemas
legados. A fase tem como entrada o código legado do sistema
UNIPAR e como saı́das a arquitetura recuperada e o modelo
de caracterı́sticas do sistema legado, como visto na Figura 4.
C. Construção da UNIPAR-LPS
Como já visto na Seção II, uma das maneiras de adotar a
engenharia de LPS é utilizando uma abordagem extrativa. Ela
é apropriada nos casos em que se têm artefatos de sistemas
existentes que podem ser reutilizados, e ainda mais apropriada
quando os sistemas têm uma quantidade significativa de partes
em comum e também diferenças significativas entre eles [19],
como é o caso do sistema UNIPAR. Além disso, não é
necessário realizar extração de todos os sistemas preexistentes
de uma só vez, pode-se fazer incrementalmente. Por estes
motivos, a abordagem extrativa foi adotada para a realização
deste projeto.
Propomos um método extrativo para o desenvolvimento de
uma LPS baseada em componentes, implementada a partir
de um sistema legado. As metodologias utilizadas foram
escolhidas pelo fato de todos os modelos propostos por elas,
com exceção do modelo de caracterı́sticas, serem baseados em
UML, e são conhecidos boa parte dos desenvolvedores e tem
bastante apoio de ferramentas. Esse método foi aplicado ao
sistema UNIPAR para a geração da UNIPAR-LPS.
Para facilitar a compreensão deste método, pode-se representá-lo através de quatro fases principais (Figura 3): (1)
Engenharia Reversa da LPS, (2) Análise da LPS, (3) Projeto
da LPS e (4) Implantação da LPS.
Figura 4.
Fase de Engenharia Reversa do método proposto
Fase 1.1: Recuperação da Arquitetura do UNIPAR. A
recuperação da arquitetura visa melhor compreensão do sistema legado, e assim auxiliar na migração para uma abordagem
de engenharia de linhas de produtos. As arquiteturas legadas
são analisadas e se possı́vel utilizadas na implementação da
LPS, mais precisamente para o desenvolvimento do núcleo de
Uma vez que o método proposto é baseado em caracterı́sticas, o modelo de caracterı́sticas é essencial para o desenvolvimento da LPS. A recuperação da arquitetura neste projeto
é responsável por identificar as relações entre os módulos do
sistema UNIPAR e entender seu funcionamento para, a partir
dos artefatos obtidos, construir o modelo de caracterı́sticas do
sistema legado. Sugere-se aqui a recuperação de uma visão
estática e uma visão dinâmica.
Pelo fato do UNIPAR ser um sistema grande e possuir
código estruturado, optou-se por recuperar uma visão estática
de alto nı́vel, apenas para documentar o relacionamento de
seus módulos. Foi gerado um diagrama com uma visão macro
da comunicação entre os módulos e as bibliotecas.
Para compreender o funcionamento de cada módulo, foram
gerados workflows de alto nı́vel e detalhados para cada um
Figura 3.
A partir dos workflows é possı́vel identificar as tarefas que o
módulo deve realizar e também como a escolha de parâmetros
de execução influencia seu funcionamento. A recuperação da
Método de extração de LPS proposto (adaptado de [20])
Figura 5.
Figura 6.
Fase 2: Análise da LPS
arquitetura foi realizada sem o uso de técnicas ou ferramentas
automatizadas, mas apenas com o conhecimento do domı́nio.
Fase 1.2: Modelagem de Caracterı́sticas do UNIPAR.
Com base nos workflows gerados, construiu-se um modelo de
caracterı́sticas para cada um dos módulos do sistema UNIPAR.
A notação para a modelagem de caracterı́sticas utilizada no
projeto é a notação proposta por Kang et al. [11].
Fase 3: Projeto da LPS
Fase 2.3: Relacionamento entre Casos de Uso e Modelo
de caracterı́sticas. Tanto os casos de uso quanto o modelo de
caracterı́sticas representam requisitos do sistema. O método
PLUS sugere que sejam criadas tabelas para representar os
relacionamentos entre os casos de uso e as caracterı́sticas, que
não são necessariamente de um-para-um. Eventualmente um
caso de uso pode se associar a mais de um elemento no modelo
de caracterı́sticas e vice-versa.
Nesses modelos foram representadas todas as caracterı́sticas de cada um dos módulos, indicando quais são obrigatórias,
opcionais e alternativas, bem como explicitadas as regras
de composição. Todas as atividades do fluxograma foram
mapeadas em uma ou mais caracterı́sticas.
A rastreabilidade da variabilidade entre os dois modelos
facilita a manutenção e evolução da variabilidade [21], uma
vez que ao alterar um caso de uso sabe-se exatamente qual ou
quais caracterı́sticas são afetadas com esta alteração. Ou seja,
o relacionamento feito entre os casos de uso e caracterı́sticas
são fundamentais para a evolução da LPS.
E. Fase 2: Análise da UNIPAR-LPS
Para realizar este relacionamento foram geradas três
tabelas. A primeira foi alimentada com todos os casos de uso
gerados. A segunda foi gerada contendo todas as caracterı́sticas
do modelo de caracterı́sticas da LPS. Por fim, a última tabela é
a responsável por fazer o relacionamento entre os casos de uso
da primeira tabela com as caracterı́sticas presentes na segunda.
Por falta de espaço, essas tabelas não foram apresentadas no
artigo mas podem ser encontradas na dissertação [18].
Durante esta fase, é desenvolvido um modelo de requisitos
onde os requisitos funcionais do sistema são definidos em
termos de atores e casos de uso. Ela é composta por três atividades: (2.1) Modelagem de Caracterı́sticas, (2.2) Modelagem
de Casos de Uso e (2.3) Relacionamento entre Caracterı́sticas
e Casos de Uso.
O artefato de entrada desta fase é o modelo de caracterı́sticas do sistema legado, gerado na Fase 1. Como saı́das da fase,
é gerado um modelo de caracterı́sticas refinado, modelos de
casos de uso, e é criada uma tabela relacionando os casos de
uso e as caracterı́sticas.
Fase 2.1: Modelagem de caracterı́sticas da UNIPARLPS. Nesta fase, o objetivo é gerar o modelo de caracterı́sticas
da LPS. Para tanto, os modelos de caracterı́sticas dos módulos
do sistema UNIPAR foram analisados, unificados, refinados, e
alguns novos requisitos foram adicionados, gerando um único
modelo de caracterı́sticas que representa a UNIPAR-LPS.
Fase 2.2: Modelagem de Casos de Uso. Para especificar
os requisitos funcionais de uma LPS, é importante capturar
os requisitos comuns a todos os membros da famı́lia (obrigatórios), os opcionais e alternativos. Assim sendo, foram
gerados casos de uso para todos os cenários de execução
dos módulos do sistema UNIPAR, identificando-os com os esteriótipos <<kernel>>, <<optional>>, e <<alternative>>.
F. Fase 3: Projeto da UNIPAR-LPS
Esta fase é composta por três atividades: (3.1) Aplicação
do Método FArM, utilizado para a geração de uma arquitetura
inicial para a LPS, (3.2) Especificação de Diagramas de
Comunicação e (3.3) Especificação de Interfaces.
A entrada desta fase é o modelo de caracterı́sticas refinado
e os modelos de casos de uso, gerados na Fase 2, e como saı́da
temos a arquitetura final da LPS, diagramas de comunicação e
documentos de especificação das interfaces dos componentes.
As seções a seguir detalham as atividades desta fase.
Fase 3.1: Método FArM. O método FArM (Seção II-D) é
composto de quatro transformações feitas em cima do modelo
de caracterı́sticas refinado, sendo que a última transformação
resulta na arquitetura sugerida, baseada em componentes. O
modelo de caracterı́sticas resultante após as transformações do
método FArM tem 33 caracterı́sticas.
Após as transformações, as caracterı́sticas são mapeadas
para componentes. As supercaracterı́sticas são mapeadas para
componentes que proveem acesso às funcionalidades dos componentes que implementam as subcaracterı́sticas. As relações
entre as caracterı́sticas são mantidas nos componentes.
Com base em estilos arquiteturais e arquiteturas de referência, foram especificadas as relações entre os componentes
resultantes da quarta transformação.
Fase 3.2: Especificação das Interfaces de Componentes.
A última atividade da Fase 3 consiste na especificação das
interfaces entre os componentes. Com base nos componentes
identificados na arquitetura obtida após a execução do método
FArM, Fase 3.2, e com base nos casos de uso gerados na Fase
2, foram gerados diagramas de comunicação que representam
todos os possı́veis fluxos de casos de uso (i.e., obrigatórios,
opcionais e alternativos). Estes diagramas serão utilizados
na próxima atividade (Fase 3.3), para a especificação das
interfaces providas e requeridas de cada componente.
No caso deste projeto, escolhemos a arquitetura pipeand-filter para a arquitetura da LPS, onde os filtros são os
componentes e os pipes são arquivos. Ou seja, os componentes
comunicam-se através de arquivos. O UNIPAR utiliza arquivos
formato XML, e este formato foi mantido para facilitar a
migração para a LPS. Foram gerados arquivos do tipo XSD
para todos os formatos de arquivos aceitos pelos componentes
da LPS, e utilizamos documentos para especificá-los.
G. Fase 4: Implementação da UNIPAR-LPS
Nesta fase os componentes são implementados. No caso
deste projeto, os produtos não são gerados nesta fase, uma
vez que o pesquisador resolve a variabilidade e escolhe as
caracterı́sticas que seu produto terá no momento da concepção
do workflow. Estas escolhas são informadas em um arquivo de
especificação que representa um workflow cientı́fico.
Com base nos modelos gerados nas atividades anteriores, os componentes da LPS são desenvolvidos de forma
incremental, populando o núcleo de artefatos. Neste projeto,
os componentes foram desenvolvidos a partir do código do
sistema UNIPAR e foi utilizado o modelo COSMOS* (Seção
II-E) para a padronização. A maioria do código do sistema
UNIPAR é escrito nas linguagens C/C++ e por este motivo
C++ foi a linguagem escolhida para a implementação dos
A variabilidade do sistema foi implementada em dois
nı́veis: (i) em nı́vel arquitetural, através da inserção e/ou
remoção de componentes variantes (i.e. opcionais ou alternativos), (ii) em nı́vel de implementação, através da
parametrização dos componentes. Ou seja, existem componentes obrigatórios, opcionais e alternativos, assim como existem parâmetros para especificar o comportamento requerido
de cada componente.
Como dito na Seção IV, na UNIPAR-LPS a variabilidade foi implementada tanto em nı́vel arquitetural quanto por
parâmetros de execução. Foi gerado um documento (Figura
7), a partir do modelo de caracterı́sticas após a última transformação do FArM, com informações de como a caracterı́stica
foi implementada na UNIPAR-LPS. Com este documento o
pesquisador pode visualizar e escolher as caracterı́sticas que
seu produto terá, ou seja, resolver a variabilidade da LPS, e
gerar o arquivo de especificação do workflow.
Em alguns componentes os parâmetros indicam qual subcomponente deve ser executado. Pode-se citar como exemplo
o componente Metodologia, mostrado na Figura 1. Ele tem
quatro subcomponentes que especificam o tipo de metodologia
a ser utilizada: AS, AD, HCLD e EC. Para que seja executada a
metodologia AS, por exemplo, deve-se escolher o componente
Metodologia e passar o parâmetro ‘-s‘.
Foi gerado um componente chamado Workflow, para o
apoio à execução dos experimentos cientı́ficos. É este componente que implementa a função principal da arquitetura callreturn da solução proposta. Ele é responsável pela validação
do workflow cientı́fico a ser executado, bem como responsável
pela chamada dos componentes que o compõem. A definição
do fluxo de trabalho feita pelo pesquisador é a premissa do
workflow cientı́fico.
Foram conduzidos três estudos de caso a fim de avaliar
qualitativamente a solução, acerca de três objetivos principais:
(i) verificar se a solução proposta é viável; (ii) a reusabilidade
de componentes e workflows cientı́ficos, e (iii) capacidade de
modificação da UNIPAR-LPS.
A análise qualitativa se mostrou adequada uma vez que ela
visou o entendimento de como a abordagem afetou o contexto
onde foi aplicada, e não uma generalização.
Os experimentos utilizados nos estudos de caso foram
extraı́dos do Banco de Casos do UNISIM, uma ferramenta
web interna onde são armazenados todos os experimentos
realizados pelos pesquisadores do grupo.
A. Estudo de Caso: Reconstrução do Produto MAI
Neste estudo de caso, o Produto MAI foi reconstruı́do a
partir dos artefatos disponibilizados pela UNIPAR-LPS e sua
execução foi comparada com a execução do Módulo MAI do
sistema UNIPAR. Para tanto, executou-se um experimento já
existente feito utilizando o MAI, que trabalha com o campo
de petróleo de Namorado, um campo real, localizado na
Bacia de Campos, no Rio de Janeiro. Para este estudo de
caso executamos o MAI utilizando a metodologia Análise de
Sensibilidade (AS).
O propósito deste estudo de caso é verificar a capacidade
da UNIPAR-LPS de reproduzir o módulo MAI do sistema
legado UNIPAR. Para isso, executamos o MAI utilizando a
metodologia de Análise de Sensibilidade, com um experimento já existente. Depois especificamos um workflow que
gerou o produto MAI, derivado da UNIPAR-LPS, e executamos o mesmo experimento no produto gerado. Ao final das
execuções, analisamos os resultados obtidos e os arquivos
A fim de facilitar a migração, os arquivos de entrada
de dados necessários para os módulos do UNIPAR foram
mantidos na UNIPAR-LPS.
Para escolher os componentes e parâmetros a fim de reproduzir exatamente a execução do sistema UNIPAR, utilizamos
um documento gerado na Fase 4 (Seção IV-G) do método
proposto, para o qual foi dado o nome de Configura
Produto. A Figura 7 mostra parte do modelo com as
variabilidades resolvidas (marcadas na cor cinza) para este experimento. As linhas tracejadas informam como a caracterı́stica
foi implementada.
MEC. Apesar dos módulos MAI e MEC do sistema UNIPAR
terem partes iguais, eles possuem muito código duplicado.
Neste estudo utilizou-se o workflow cientı́fico especificado
no estudo de caso anterior (Seção V-A), alterando apenas
o parâmetro do componente metodologia para que ele
executasse a metodologia Econômica. Para validar o produto
gerado, comparamos sua execução com a execução do módulo
MEC. Ao final das execuções, os resultados obtidos e arquivos
gerados foram analisados.
Os arquivos de entrada de dados do módulo MEC foram
mantidos na UNIPAR-LPS. Sendo assim, as informações que
seguem referentes à preparação dos arquivos de entrada são
válidas tanto para o MEC quanto para a UNIPAR-LPS.
O workflow gerado para o estudo de caso anterior foi
reaproveitado na execução deste estudo de caso, apenas foi
alterado o parâmetro enviado ao componente metodologia, que
agora passa a chamar o componente de cálculos econômicos.
Foi utilizado novamente o documento Configura Produtos
para escolher os componentes e parâmetros a fim de reproduzir
exatamente a execução do módulo MEC do sistema UNIPAR.
Figura 7.
Depois de todos os arquivos gerados corretamente no
diretório de trabalho, a UNIPAR-LPS foi executada.
Variabilidade resolvida para a reconstrução do produto MAI
Para utilizar as supercaracterı́sticas, deve-se utilizar o componente indicado. As subcaracterı́sticas são escolhidas através
de parâmetros para os componentes de sua supercaracterı́stica.
Para simplificar a figura, foram exibidos somente os componentes e parâmetros utilizados neste passo do estudo de caso.
Além do arquivo que especifica as informações básicas da
execução do experimento (arquivo base, simulador, tempos,
etc), é necessária a geração do arquivo que especifica o
workflow cientı́fico. Neste arquivo são especificados todos
os componentes e parâmetros de execução que compõem o
produto que será gerado. Tendo os componentes e parâmetros
escolhidos, geramos o arquivo mostrado na Figura 8.
Figura 8.
Workflow que representa a execução do MAI
Depois de todos os arquivos gerados corretamente no
diretório de trabalho, a UNIPAR-LPS foi executada.
B. Estudo de Caso: Reconstução do Produto MEC
Neste estudo de caso a execução da metodologia de Análise
de Econômica da LPS foi comparada à execução do módulo
MEC, mas o foco é o reúso dos componentes utilizados
no estudo de caso anterior. Neste estudo, executou-se um
experimento já existente do MEC.
O objetivo deste estudo de caso foi avaliar a capacidade
da UNIPAR-LPS em relação à reutilização de componentes
de software e também avaliar a reconstrução do produto
C. Estudo de Caso: Adição de um componente na UNIPARLPS
No caso particular da solução proposta neste trabalho, uma
nova caracterı́stica, por exemplo uma nova metodologia de
estudo de campos de petróleo, pode ser adicionada à LPS
pelo usuário final, e pode corresponder a um componente de
software desenvolvido pelo próprio pesquisador, como também
pode ser algum sistema de software desenvolvido por terceiros.
O objetivo deste estudo de caso é avaliar a adição de uma nova
variante à LPS e utilizá-la na execução de um experimento
A intenção deste estudo de caso foi avaliar a facilidade
de modificação da UNIPAR-LPS através da inserção de uma
nova variante à UNIPAR-LPS. Utilizou-se o mesmo fluxo de
trabalho especificado no Estudo de Caso: Reconstrução do
Produto MAI, apresentado na Seção 8, apenas alterando a
metodologia utilizada para a metodologia desenvolvida pelo
novo componente.
Para que uma nova metodologia fosse incluı́da à LPS,
foi necessário criar uma nova variante no modelo de caracterı́sticas, em um ponto de variação existente, neste caso
Metodologia, e a implementação desta caracterı́stica é dada
através da inclusão de um novo artefato no núcleo de artefatos
Criamos um componente ”caixa-preta” desenvolvido em
MatLab que, tendo como entrada um modelo numérico de um
reservatório, gera 10 modelos derivados. O intuito do componente desenvolvido é substituir o componente Metodologia
disponı́vel na UNIPAR-LPS por um novo componente. Este
novo componente poderia corresponder à implementação de
qualquer nova metodologia desenvolvida por um pesquisador
do UNISIM, em qualquer linguagem de programação. Para que
o componente possa ser utilizado no experimento, é necessário
que sua interface de saı́da siga a especificação de interface
de entrada definida para o próximo componente que será
executado pelo workflow. O componente criado foi chamado
de metodologia-personalizada. É necessário que o
executável do novo componente seja adicionado no diretório
de executáveis da UNIPAR-LPS.
Trabalhos futuros que complementam este projeto envolvem a integração da UNIPAR-LPS a uma máquina de
execução de workflows cientı́ficos.
Depois de todos os arquivos gerados corretamente no
diretório de trabalho, a UNIPAR-LPS foi executada.
D. Resultados
Pelo fato dos resultados gerados na execução dos módulos
do sistema UNIPAR serem idênticos aos resultados gerados na
execução dos produtos gerados pela UNIPAR-LPS (produtos
gerados a partir da especificação dos workflows), fica claro
que a UNIPAR-LPS atingiu o primeiro objetivo, substituir o
sistema legado UNIPAR.
Pode-se concluir que o método proposto para o desenvolvimento de uma LPS a partir de um código legado é viável, uma
vez que a partir dele conseguimos coletar as caracterı́sticas do
sistema UNIPAR e reproduzi-las na UNIPAR-LPS. No total,
18 das 32 caracterı́sticas existentes na UNIPAR-LPS foram
testadas nos estudos de caso e funcionaram corretamente.
Os dois primeiros estudos de caso especificaram workflows
cientı́ficos que geraram produtos derivados da UNIPAR-LPS
capazes de reproduzir os módulos MAI e MEC do sistema
UNIPAR. Os dois produtos gerados pela UNIPAR-LPS utilizavam o mesmo conjunto de componentes, mostrando assim
a possibilidade de reutilização de componentes em diferentes
produtos. O terceiro estudo de caso mostrou que é possı́vel
a inclusão de um novo componente à LPS, independente da
linguagem de programação utilizada para sua implementação,
sem a intervenção da equipe de desenvolvimento do UNISIM.
Os três estudos de caso apresentaram resultados positivos,
indicando que a UNIPAR-LPS é capaz de substituir o sistema
UNIPAR e mostrando-se fácil de ser adaptada para a utilização
de novas metodologias de pesquisa, através da adição de novos
Este trabalho apresenta uma infraestrutura para executar
workflows cientı́ficos, e a base desta infraestrutura é uma
LPS em componentes, chamada UNIPAR-LPS, desenvolvida a
partir do sistema UNIPAR. Foi proposto um método extrativo
de adoção de LPS a partir de sistemas legados, e este método
foi utilizado para implementar a UNIPAR-LPS a partir do
Utilizando a infraestrutura criada, a variabilidade da
UNIPAR-LPS é resolvida pelo pesquisador no momento da
composição do workflow cientı́fico. Os produtos são gerados
de maneira personalizada, permitindo pesquisadores a compor seus experimentos utilizando os componentes prontos da
UNIPAR-LPS e adicionando (ou não) componentes desenvolvidos por eles ou terceiros, sem a necessidade da solicitação
de alteração para a equipe de desenvolvimento.
Os resultados dos estudos de caso realizados proveram
evidências que a manutenção do código tornou-se mais fácil,
a capacidade de modificação do sistema, compartilhamento de
dados e reúso de componentes foram melhorados.
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thesis, Universidade Federal de Juı́z de Fora, 2010.
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e-Science: An overview of workflow system features and capabilities,”
Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 25, no. 5, pp. 528–540, 2009.
E. Ogasawara, L. Murta, C. Werner, and M. Mattoso, “Linhas de
experimento: Reutilização e gerência de configuração em workflows
cientı́ficos,” in 2nd Wksp. on E-Science, 2008, pp. 31–40.
K. C. Kang, S. Kim, J. Lee, K. Kim, E. Shin, and M. Huh, “Form: A
feature-oriented reuse method with domain-specific reference architectures,” Annals of Software Engineering, vol. 5, pp. 143–168, 1998.
J. Cheesman and J. Daniels, Eds., UML Components. Addison-Wesley,
K. Kang, M. Kim, J. Lee, and B. Kim, “Feature-oriented re-engineering
of legacy systems into product line assets–a case study,” Software
Product Lines, pp. 45–56, 2005.
E. Ogasawara, C. Paulino, L. Murta, C. Werner, and M. Mattoso,
“Experiment line: Software reuse in scientific workflows,” in Scientific
and Statistical Database Management, ser. Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, M. Winslett, Ed. Springer, 2009, vol. 5566, pp. 264–272.
G. C. B. Costa, R. Braga, J. M. N. David, F. Campos, and W. Arbex,
“PL-Science: A scientific software product line,” Procedia Computer
Science, vol. 18, pp. 759–768, 2013.
“myGrid Project,” uRL: Acesso em: 27 jul.
K. C. Kang, S. Cohen, J. Hess, W. Novak, and S. Peterson, “Featureoriented domain analysis,” CMU/SEI, Tech. Rep., 1990.
H. Gomaa, Designing Software Product Lines with UML: From Use
Cases to Pattern-Based Software Architectures. Addison Wesley, 2004.
P. Sochos, M. Riebisch, and I. Philippow, “The feature-architecture
mapping (FArM) method for feature-oriented development of software
product lines,” in Proc. of the Annual IEEE Intl. Symposium and Wksp.
on Engineering of Computer Based Systems. IEEE Computer Society,
2006, pp. 308–318.
L. A. Gayard, C. M. F. Rubira, and P. A. C. Guerra, “COSMOS*: a
COmponent System MOdel for Software Architectures,” Instituto de
Computação, UNICAMP, Tech. Rep. IC-08-04, 2008.
D. de Oliveira, E. Ogasawara, F. Seabra, V. Silva, L. Murta, and
M. Mattoso, “GExpLine: a tool for supporting experiment composition,”
in Provenance and Annotation of Data and Processes. Springer, 2010,
pp. 251–259.
M. Acher, P. Collet, P. Lahire, and R. France, “Managing variability
in workflow with feature model composition operators,” in Software
Composition. Springer, 2010, pp. 17–33.
F. Y. S. Foschiani, “Uma abordagem de linhas de produtos de software para apoiar e-science,” Master’s thesis, Instituto de Computação,
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in Intl. Wksp. on Software Product-Family Engineering. Springer, 2002,
pp. 282–293.
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of legacy systems into product line assets–a case study,” Software
Product Lines, pp. 45–56, 2005.
K. Berg, J. Bishop, and D. Muthig, “Tracing software product line
variability: from problem to solution space,” in Proc. of the Conf. of
the SAICSIT. Republic of South Africa: SAICSIT, 2005, pp. 182–191.
BISTFaSC: An Approach To Embed Structural
Testing Facilities Into Software Components
Marcelo Medeiros Eler
Paulo Cesar Masiero
School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities
University of Sao Paulo
Sao Paulo – SP
[email protected]
Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science
University of Sao Paulo
Sao Carlos – SP
[email protected]
Abstract—Component-based applications can be composed by
in-house or COTS (Commercial off-the-shelf) components. In
many situations, reused components should be tested before their
integration into an operational environment. Testing components
is not an easy task because they are usually provided as black
boxes and have low testability. Built-in Testing (BIT) is an
approach devised to improve component testability by embedding
testing facilities into software components usually to support
specification-based testing. Such components are called testable
components. There are situations, however, in which combining
specification and program-based testing is desirable. This paper
proposes a BIT technique designed to introduce testing facilities into software components at the provider side to support
structural testing at the user side, even when the source code is
unavailable. An implementation to generate testable components
written in Java is also presented. The approach was firstly
evaluated by an exploratory study conducted to transform COTS
components into testable components.
Component-Based Software Development (CBSE) is a
reuse-based approach that defines techniques to build systems
by putting existing software components together. According
to Szyperski, software components are units of composition
with contractually specified interfaces and context dependencies [1]. A software component implements specific functionalities that may be shared by several applications. The
functionalities provided by a component can be only used
via operations exposed by its interfaces. Component-based
applications can use in-house or COTS (Commercial off-theshelf) components.
CBSE brings many benefits to software development and
maintenance [2]. Components are assumed to reach a high
level of quality assurance in a short period of time. Due to
market pressure, applications composed by such components
are expected to inherit this high level of quality [3]. Experience
showed, however, that this assumption is not necessarily true
in practice [4], [3], [5].
Beydeda and Weyuker state that the component provider
might not be able to anticipate all possible application context
and technical environment in which the component might be
used [3], [4]. Thus, the quality assurance conducted by the
component provider might not be effective. This scenario gives
to component users the responsibility of testing the reused
components before gluing them together.
Testing COTS, however, is not an easy task, because
they present low testability. Testability has been defined as
the degree to which a system or component facilitates the
establishment of test criteria and the performance of tests to
determine whether those criteria have been met [6]. Components present low testability because they are usually provided
as a black-box and the source code is seldom available to
conduct program-based testing [3]. Component users are thus
forced to use only specification-based techniques. Moreover,
component users also suffer from lack of information because
relevant documentation and data to derive test cases and plans
might not be available.
Several Metadata and Built-In Testing (BIT) approaches
have been proposed to mitigate the problem of lack of information and low testability. Metadata are intended to provide
component users with relevant information to conduct and
to evaluate testing activities. These information may be test
scripts, the inner structure of the component or invocation
sequence constraints, for example [7].
BIT approaches improve component testability by adding
testing facilities at the provider side to support testing activities
at the user side. Such facilities are usually operations to control
and observe a state machine, to evaluate invariants, to validate
contracts or sequence constraints, and to generate or execute
test cases automatically [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13].
Metadata and BIT approaches indeed contributed to
improve components testability, especially to support
specification-based testing. However, there could be situations
in which black-box testing of components is not deemed
sufficient and combining implementation and specificationbased testing techniques is desirable. In fact, these two
techniques are meant to find different types of failures and
their combined application may provide higher confidence
The main purpose of this paper is to present an overview
of the approach called BISTFaSC (Built-In Structural Testing
Facilities for Software Components) that was designed to
improve components testability by embedding testing facilities into software components to support program-based testing techniques. Components with testing facilities are called
testable components, as in traditional BIT techniques. They
have probes inserted by instrumentation to record information
about their execution (paths and data exercised). Tester components are associated with testable components to define the
boundaries of a test session and to generate coverage analysis
based on the information collected during a test session.
BISTFaSC is a generic approach that can be applied to
different technologies and platforms since it only defines
guidelines to transform software components into testable
components. However, to validate our approach, we also
present an implementation to generate testable components
written in Java. This implementation is used to validate the
feasibility of the approach by means of an exploratory study.
The exploratory study is used to present how testable components can be used at the user side during testing activities.
This paper is organized as follows. Section II presents
basic concepts of built-in and structural testing. Section III
introduces the main concepts of BISTFaSC and Section IV
shows its Java implementation. Section V presents an exploratory study conducted to validate and to understand the
main concepts of the approach. Section VI discusses the related
work and Section VII provides some concluding remarks and
future directions.
control flow from node 3 to node 5. The requirement (x,1,4)
means that variable x is defined in node 1 and it is used in a
computation in node 4. Test cases should be created to exercise
all possible definition and use pairs.
1 public int calcFactorial(int N)
3 int x=N; //node 1
4 if (x<1) //node 1
return 1; //node 2
6 else
while (x>1) //node 3
N=N*(--x); //node 4
return N; //node 5
10 }
Fig. 1.
Source code and the CFG of the operation calcFactorial
Test requirements
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
(1,2), (1,3), (3,4), (3,5), (4,3)
(N,1,5), (N,1,4), (N,4,5), (x,4,(3,5)), (x,4,(3,4)), (x,1,4),
(x,1,(3,4)), (x,1,(3,5)), (x,1,(1,2)), (x,1,(1,3))
A. Structural Testing
Testing is the process of executing a program with the
intent of finding faults [14]. Structural testing focuses on
testing the structure of a program. Test cases are generated to
exercise the internal logic considering instructions, paths and
data. Test data is derived from the implementation according
to criteria used to determine whether the program under test
is completely tested [15], [14]. Three well known structural
criteria are the following: all-nodes, all-edges and all-uses.
The all-nodes and all-edges criteria consider the execution
control of the program and they are known as control-flow
criteria [16]. It is common to adopt a model called ControlFlow Graph (CFG) to represent the inner structure of the
program to support the analysis of control-flow criteria. In this
particular graph, each node represents a block of instructions
without flow deviation and each edge represents a possible
transition from a block to another. The all-nodes criterion
requires that every node of the CFG be executed at least once,
while the all-edges criterion requires the execution of every
edge at least once.
The all-uses criterion takes information about the program
data flow. Rapps and Weyuker [17] proposed an extension of
the CFG called Def-Use Graph (DUG) to add information related to variable usage. The classical all-uses criterion requires
that every definition of a data object and its associated use be
executed at least once.
Structural testing criteria are used to derive test requirements that should be met by test cases execution. Examples
of test requirements is presented in Figure 1, which shows
an example of a Java method and its CFG associated. The
structural test requirements of the method calcFactorial
are presented in Table I. The all-nodes requirements define
which blocks of instructions should be executed by the test
cases. The all-edges requirements define which transitions
from a node to another should be exercised at least once. In
the all-uses requirements, (x,4,(3,5)) means that the variable
x is defined in node 4 and used in a decision that takes the
After executing the test cases, a coverage analysis is performed to measure how many test requirements were satisfied,
which indicates how much of the structure of the program was
actually exercised during the test session.
B. Built-In Testing (BIT)
According to Harrold et. al [7], the lack of information
regarding COTS brings many problems to the validation, to
the maintenance and to the evolution of component-based
applications. BIT is one of the approaches that stands out
from the literature to handle the issue of lack of control and
information in component testing.
BIT is an approach created to improve the testability of
software components based on the self-testing and defectdetection concepts of electronic components. The general idea
is to introduce functionalities into the component to provide
its users with better control and observation of its internal
state [10], [11], [12]. A component developed under the BIT
concepts can also contain test cases or the capability to
generate test cases. Such components are commonly called
testable components.
Components without testing facilities are called regular
components in the remainder of this paper. Interfaces and operations of regular components are called, respectively, regular
interfaces and regular operations. When a regular component
becomes a testable component, it has a regular interface with
regular operations as well a testing interface with operations
to support testing activities.
Based on the concepts of BIT, an European group called
Component+ designed a testing architecture composed by
three components [8], [9], [10], [11], [12]:
Testable Component: it is the component under test
which incorporates testing facilities.
Tester Component: implements or generates test cases
to test the regular operations of the testable component.
Handler Component: it is used to throw and handle
exceptions. This component is especially important in
fault-tolerant systems.
The testable components of the Component+ architecture
have testing interfaces, whose operations control a state machine to support model based testing. A generic example of a
testable component is presented in Figure 2. Component users
can set component testers to testable components. Component
testers execute test cases against testable components, evaluate
autonomously its results and output a test summary [18].
testing facilities into software components at the provider
side to support structural testing at the user side, but without
revealing the source code of the component. Figure 3 shows
an illustration of the approach.
1 - Develops
5 – Creates
Testable Component
Controls and
4 - Develops
A Component+ testable component.
A testable component can operate in two modes: in normal
and in maintenance mode. The testing capabilities of the
testable component are turned off in the normal mode and
they are turned on in the maintenance mode.
Atkinson and Gross [9] proposed a BIT method integrated
with the KobrA approach [19] to validate contracts between
components and their users during deployment time. Lima
et. al [20] developed a model-driven platform to generate
testers according to this method. Brenner et. al [21] developed
an environment in which tasks can be set to activate tester
components in many situations to perform testing activities
during runtime. This environment can also react according to
the test results. For example, the system can be shut down and
components can be replaced.
There are situations in which COTS have no BIT capabilities. Barbier et. al [22] created a library called BIT/J and a set
of tools to allow users to introduce testing facilities into COTS
developed in Java. BIT/J generates the testable and the tester
components automatically. The testable component code must
be changed to manually include states and possible transitions.
The tester component code must also be changed to include
test cases. Bruel et. al [23] proposed an evolution to the BIT/J
library using aspect oriented programming.
In summary, BIT approaches focus on providing support to
specification-based testing, which is a natural alternative given
the black box nature of software components. The approach
presented in this paper, on the other hand, proposes facilities
to support structural testing.
3 – Turns into
Fig. 3.
Fig. 2.
2 - Instruments
Components are usually provided as a black box and source
code is seldom available to users who cannot conduct programbased testing [3]. The BISTFaSC approach was devised to improve the testability of Component-Based Systems by adding
An illustration of the BISTFaSC approach
The BISTFaSC approach was designed to be used by component providers since they should be interested in providing
components with high testability to their users. Testability is an
important quality indicator since its measurement leads to the
prospect of facilitating and improving a test process [24], [25].
Then, providing components with high testability can represent
an advantage in competition [3].
In BISTFaSC, component providers develop regular components and include structural testing facilities by instrumentation. Components with structural testing facilities are called
testable components to comply with the BIT approaches found
in the literature. The providers also develop tester components
to control and observe testable components, according to the
recommendations proposed by the Component+ architecture
[9], [10], [11], [12]. Both testable and tester components are
packed and made available to external users.
Component users purchase a component with testing capabilities and develop a test driver to execute test cases
against the testable component. The test driver uses the tester
component to put the testable component in testing mode
(as the maintenance mode in Component+) and execute the
test cases to exercise the regular operations of the testable
component. Then, the tester component is used again to put
the testable component in regular mode and generate coverage
BISTFaSC is a generic approach and may be possibly used
to create testable components with any implementation technology and platform. This approach only provides guidelines
to help providers creating testable components and users to
use the available structural testing facilities. These guidelines
are presented in details as follows.
A. Guidelines To Create Testable Components At The Provider
1) Development of the Regular Component: this stage represents the regular component engineering activities conducted
to develop components. Regular components, in this paper, are
components that do not have any intended testing facilities to
support testing activities at the user side. Component providers
employ specific programming tools and languages to develop
their regular components for specific target platforms or frameworks. They can also develop test cases to perform quality
assurance activities.
2) Instrumentation of the Regular Component: the purpose
of this activity is to modify the regular component to give
it the capability to support the structural testing at the user
side. This modification process is called instrumentation. Instrumented regular components are called testable components.
Instrumentation is a technique in which probes are inserted
into all the component’s code. Probes are instructions placed
in specific locations of the code to log execution data.
The implementation of the probes depends on which information must be collected during the component execution.
The information to be collected depends on the structural
testing criteria supported by the testable component. If the
testable component provides coverage analysis only for the
all-nodes and the all-edges criteria (control flow), for example,
the probes must log information about execution paths. If the
testable component also provides coverage analysis for the alluses criterion (data-flow), for example, the probes must also
log data related to variable definition and usage. The data
collected by the probes must be stored somewhere. A database
or an XML file could be used, for example.
The instrumentation process must also collect and store the
test requirements of the component according to the criteria
employed to implement the probes. The test requirements
could be sent to a database or written in an XML file, for
example. A standard format to express the test requirements
of the component and the data collected from its execution
must be defined. If, for example, the test requirement for the
deviation flow from Node 12 to Node 17 is expressed as Node
12 -> Node 17, the probes must register this information
using the same pattern when the deviation flow goes from
Node 12 to Node 17 during the component execution. This
is important because the coverage analysis will use the log
generated by the probes to define which test requirements were
satisfied and which were not.
Probes are instructions that record data into files or
databases (I/O operations), which may slow down the performance of the component. To avoid the overhead that may be
brought by probes execution, BISTFaSC defines that testable
components should operate in two modes: in regular and
in testing mode. The probes should be turned off when the
testable component is in regular mode and should be turned
on when the testable component is in testing mode. In general,
testable components operate in testing mode only when they
are being executed in the context of a test session.
The instrumentation process can be manually done by the
providers or fully automated by a tool. Performing this process
manually, however, brings many effort to providers and it
is also error prone. Then, BISTFaSC recommends that this
process is performed by a tool that should be implemented
according to the target implementation.
3) Development Of The Tester Component: the instrumentation process collect test requirements and insert probes
into regular components that are transformed into testable
components. This process, however, only prepares the testable
component to generate data to support structural testing. The
objective of this activity is to develop the tester component
that controls and observes the testable component.
The tester component interface must expose operations to
define the boundaries of a test session (control) and to generate
a coverage analysis report based on the information collected
from a test session (observe). The boundaries of a test session
can be defined by operations developed to start and to finish
a test session. The testable component starts to operate in
testing mode when the operation of the tester component to
start a test session is called. Consequently, the probes of the
testable components are turned on at this point and start to log
execution data. The testable component must return to normal
mode and the probes must be turned off when the operation
of the tester component to finish the test session is invoked.
The tester component also defines an operation to report
the coverage analysis of a test session execution. When this
operation is requested, the tester component use the log generated by the probes and the test requirements of the testable
components to calculate the coverage measure. The coverage
report may be presented in many ways. BISTFaSC suggest
four coverage analysis profiles:
Operations: presents the coverage for all operation of
each class of the component (considering an object
oriented implementation).
Interface: presents the coverage for the operations of
the component’s interface.
Classes: presents the coverage for each class of the
Component: presents the coverage for the whole component.
The tester component may also expose other operations to
provide users with more testing facilities, but it must at least
expose operations to define the boundaries of a test session
(control) and to perform coverage analysis (observation). It is
important to notice that the operations to support the testing
activities are not inserted into the testable component, but they
are exposed by the tester component. The interface of the
regular component remains the same and it still can be used
only through the interface.
4) Packing The Testable And The Tester Component: the
goal of this activity is to pack all resources related to the
testable component. The component provider must pack the
testable component and its libraries and resources along with
the tester component and the resource (database or file, for
example) used to record the test requirements of the testable
component. All these assets must be packed together because
the testable and the tester component will be executed at the
user side. The tester component, for example, needs to access
the test requirements to generate the coverage analysis report.
B. Guidelines To Use Testable Components At The User Side
Component users receive the package with the testable and
the tester component along with all resources and libraries
required. There is no difference between using a regular
component or a testable component in a regular mode. Testable
components in regular mode have no testing facility activated
and the tester component is not required.
transform regular components into testable components. Figure
5 presents a simplified architecture of the BITGen tool.
The component user cannot use the testing facilities provided by testable components directly. The user can only
invoke the regular operations of the testable component. The
tester component must be called to put the testable component
in testing mode before conducting structural testing activities.
Figure 4 shows an illustration of this process.
Fig. 5.
Fig. 4.
An illustration of a test session conducted by a testable component
The user calls an operation of the tester component to
start a test session. The tester component access the testable
component and change it to the testing mode. From this point
on, every execution of the testable component will be logged
by its probes. Then, the user executes a test set against the
testable component, calling its regular operations. Next, the
user invokes the tester component to finish the test session.
The tester component returns the testable component to the
regular mode. Finally, the user invokes the operation of the
tester component to produce a coverage analysis report, which
should be generated by the tester component.
For the sake of simplicity, regular components are implemented in Java without considering any specific details of
component platforms (such as EJB). Components are packed
into JAR files along with resources and libraries required.
The instrumentation process of this particular implementation inserts probes into regular components to collect control
(all-nodes and all-edges) and data-flow (all-uses) data. Performing this process manually requires much effort and is error
prone. Thus, we decided to develop a tool called BITGen to
The simplified architecture of the BITGen tool.
BITGen receives a regular component packed within a JAR
file and generates another JAR file containing its testable version. If BITGen receives a JAR file called Comp.jar, for example, it generates a package with the name Comp_BIT.jar.
Figure 6 presents the model of the testable component package generated by BITGen. The package contains the tester
(BITTester) and the testable component, an XML file for the
test requirements, a class called CoverageMode and the
CoverageAnalysis components of the JaBUTi tool. The
CoverageAnalysis components of JaBUTi are used by
BITTester to calculate the coverage and CoverageMode
is used to format the coverage report according to the profiles
suggested by BISTFaSC (see Section III-A3).
Testable Component
BISTFaSC is a generic approach and may be applied for
any component implementation, technology or target platform.
We validate the main concepts of the approach by means of
an implementation of testable and tester components written
in Java. We show, in this section, how the regular Java
components are instrumented and how they are controlled
and observed by the tester components. The use of testable
components generated by this particular implementation is
presented in the next section.
Fig. 6.
<<XML file>>
Model of the testable component package generated by BITGen.
BITGen uses the instrumenter components of the JaBUTi
(Java Bytecode Understanding and Testing) tool [26] to instrument the regular component. JaBUTi is a structural testing
tool that implements intra-method control-flow and data-flow
testing criteria for Java programs. The instrumentation is based
on the Java bytecode and it is supported by BCEL (Byte
Code Engineering Library). During instrumentation, the test
requirements regarding the control and data-flow criteria are
written to an XML file.
The tester component associated to the testable component is automatically generated by BITGen. Figure 7 shows
the interface of the tester component. The tester component is called BITTester and exposes operations to control (startTesting and stopTesting) and to observe
(getCoverage) the testable component.
BISTFaSC is intended to be used by component providers
to produce testable components for their clients. In this implementation, however, component users can also transform Java
COTS into testable components since BITGen instrumentation
is based on Java bytecode and the source is not required.
void startTesting(sessionID)
String startTesting()
void stopTesting()
String getCoverage(sessionID, covMode)
String getCoverage(sessionID, covMode, className)
Fig. 7.
Interface of the tester component generated by BITGen.
The operation String startTesting() initiates a
test session and puts the testable component in the testing
mode, i.e., it turns on the probes of the testable component. Control and data-flow data are collected by probes and
recorded into a trace file when the testable component is
executed in this mode. The return of this operation is an
identifier automatically generated for the test session initiated.
This identifier is also used to name the trace file generated
during the testable component execution. If the test session is
identified by ”1234”, for example, the trace file generated is
the following: trace_1234.trc.
The operation void startTesting(sessionID)
has the same effect as the operation mentioned before, but
it receives a session identifier instead of generating it. This
operation is useful mainly when the tester wants to perform
one coverage analysis for several test sessions recognized by
the same identifier. In this case, all information regarding the
testable component execution is stored into the same trace file.
The operation void stopTesting() finishes a test
session by turning off the probes. No information is recorded
about the testable component execution from this moment on.
An exploratory study was conducted to investigate the
feasibility of BISTFaSC and to understand the effects of
the testable component on a test session executed at the
user side. The investigation was performed considering the
Java implementation of the approach and a component called
XmlWriter was used. XmlWriter is an open source component that is publicly available in the component provider
website1 . This component is used to output XML code and the
user may layer other functionalities on top of the core writing,
such as on the fly schema checking, date/number formatting,
specific empty-element handling and pretty-printing.
A. Instrumentation
This study was performed from the point of view of a component user, but first we had to transform XmlWriter into
a testable component using the BITGen tool. Figure 8 shows
the graphical user interface of BITGen. The tool requires the
name and the JAR file with the component to be instrumented,
and a local path to write the testable package and to store
the data collected by the probes (trace file). After pushing
the Generate button, BITGen instrumented XmlWriter
and generated a package called XMLWriter_BIT.jar. This
package contains all classes, components and resources presented in Figure 6.
The operation String getCoverage(sessionID,
covMode) is used to achieve a coverage analysis of a test
session identified by the parameter sessionID. The report
is presented according to the parameter covMode (see Section
III-A3). In this particular operation, there is no difference
between the Operations and Interface coverage mode.
The coverage will be presented for all operations of the
component for both profiles.
The operation String getCoverage(sessionID,
covMode, className) also generates a coverage analysis. The difference from the previous operation is that a class
name may be specified as an input parameter. A coverage
analysis only for the specified class is generated when the
Classes profile is used. A coverage analysis is generated
only for the operations of the specified class as well when the
Interface profile is employed.
When one of the getCoverage operation is called,
the tester component (BITTester) finds the trace file associated with the test session identifier and sends it to the
CoverageAnalysis components of JaBUTi. This component uses the XML file that contains the test requirements of
the testable component to calculate the coverage according to
the implemented criteria. Finally, BITTester uses the class
CoverageMode to format the coverage report according
to the requested profile (Component, Classes, Interface or
Fig. 8.
User Interface of BITGen
Once the regular component is fully developed and packed
along with its libraries and resources, the effort to transform it
into a testable component is really low. Considering this implementation, the component provider only has to provide the
information required by BITGen and the testable component
is generated automatically.
B. Test Session
An Eclipse project was created to evaluate the testable version of XmlWriter. The package XmlWriter_BIT.jar
was included into the library references of the project and
a test scenario was created. The providers of XmlWriter
also published a JUnit test set to test its operations. Instead
of creating new test cases to XMLWriter, we used this test
set, which is presented in Listing 1. The set up and a tear
down method was included in this investigation to control
and observe the testable component following the sequence
diagram presented in Figure 4. In the set up phase the tester
component is invoked to start a test session and in the tear
down it is called to stop the test session and to get a coverage
The setUp method runs only once before the test cases
execution because of the annotation @BeforeClass. The
tester component BITTester is instantiated in Line 8 and
a test session is started in Line 9. The identifier of the test
session is recorded by the variable sessionID.
The tearDown method runs only once after the test
cases execution because of the annotation @AfterClass.
The test session is finished in Line 14 and the coverage
report is requested in Line 16. In this case, the coverage was
requested to be presented for the whole component profile
(CoverageMode.COMPONENT). The coverage returned as
a String and it was written in the output console of the
application (line 17).
Listing 1.
55 }
r e t u r n ”<?xml v e r s i o n = \ ” 1 . 0 \ ” e n c o d i n g =\”UTF−8\”?>” +
”<!−−U n i t t e s t −−>” +
”<u n i t >” +
”< t e s t o r d e r =\”1\” l a n g u a g e =\” e n g l i s h \”/> ” +
”<a g a i n o r d e r =\”2\” l a n g u a g e =\” e n g l i s h \”><
a n d A g a i n / </ a g a i n>” +
”</ u n i t >” ;
Lines 20 to 55 show common JUnit test cases. These test
cases were created by the component provider and reused in
this investigation.
Table II presents the coverage analysis obtained from
the execution of the test set. The first column shows the
testing criteria considered during the coverage analysis. The
second column displays the amount of test requirements for
a specific criterion considering the whole component, i.e., it
is the sum of the number of test requirements generated for
all operations of all component classes. The third column
presents the amount of test requirements that was covered by
the test session execution considering the whole component.
The fourth column shows the coverage percentage, which is
calculated by CovTReq over TReq.
Test set of XmlWriter.
public c l a s s XmlWriterTest{
private s t a t i c BITTester b i t T e s t e r ;
private s t a t i c String testSessionID ;
s t a t i c void setUp ( ) {
b i t T e s t e r = new B I T T e s t e r ( ) ;
testSessionID = bitTester . startTesting () ;
The coverage achieved is low for all criteria. Listing 2
shows an excerpt of the code used to get the coverage report
at different granularity levels (presentation profiles). In these
cases, the tester can investigate which classes and/or operations
are not being exercised satisfactorily.
p u b l i c s t a t i c v o i d tearDown ( ) {
bitTester . stopTesting () ;
String coverage ;
coverage= b i t T e s t e r . getCoverage ( testSessionID ,
CoverageMode .COMPONENT) ;
System . o u t . p r i n t l n ( c o v e r a g e ) ;
18 }
20 @Test
21 p u b l i c v o i d t e s t X m l W r i t e r 0 1 ( ) throws I O E x c e p t i o n {
S t r i n g W r i t e r sw = new S t r i n g W r i t e r ( ) ;
X m l W r i t e r xw = new S i m p l e X m l W r i t e r ( sw ) ;
xw . w r i t e E n t i t y ( ” u n i t ” ) ;
xw . e n d E n t i t y ( ) ;
xw . c l o s e ( ) ;
a s s e r t E q u a l s ( sw . t o S t r i n g ( ) , ”<u n i t />” ) ;
28 }
30 @Test
31 p u b l i c v o i d t e s t X m l W r i t e r 0 2 ( ) throws I O E x c e p t i o n {
S t r i n g W r i t e r sw = new S t r i n g W r i t e r ( ) ;
X m l W r i t e r xw = new S i m p l e X m l W r i t e r ( sw ) ;
sw = new S t r i n g W r i t e r ( ) ;
xw = new S i m p l e X m l W r i t e r ( sw ) ;
xw . w r i t e X m l V e r s i o n ( ” 1 . 0 ” , ”UTF−8” ) ;
xw . writeComment ( ” U n i t t e s t ” ) ;
xw . w r i t e E n t i t y ( ” u n i t ” ) ;
xw . w r i t e E n t i t y ( ” t e s t ” ) . w r i t e A t t r i b u t e ( ” o r d e r ” , ” 1 ” ) .
( ” language ” , ” english ” ) . endEntity ( ) ;
xw . w r i t e E n t i t y ( ” a g a i n ” ) . w r i t e A t t r i b u t e ( ” o r d e r ” , ” 2 ” ) .
w r i t e A t t r i b u t e ( ” language ” , ” english ” ) . w r i t e E n t i t y ( ”
andAgain ” ) . e n d E n t i t y ( ) . e n d E n t i t y ( ) ;
xw . e n d E n t i t y ( ) ;
xw . c l o s e ( ) ;
a s s e r t E q u a l s ( sw . t o S t r i n g ( ) , g e t T e s t 2 O u t p u t ( ) ) ;
45 }
47 p r i v a t e S t r i n g g e t T e s t 2 O u t p u t ( ) {
Listing 2.
Script used to get different presentations of the coverage.
01 c o v e r a g e = b i t T e s t e r . g e t C o v e r a g e ( t e s t S e s s i o n I D ,
CoverageMode . ALL CLASSES ) ;
02 System . o u t . p r i n t l n ( c o v e r a g e ) ;
04 c o v e r a g e = b i t T e s t e r . g e t C o v e r a g e ( t e s t S e s s i o n I D ,
CoverageMode . ALL OPERATIONS ) ;
05 System . o u t . p r i n t l n ( c o v e r a g e ) ;
07 c o v e r a g e = b i t T e s t e r . g e t C o v e r a g e ( t e s t S e s s i o n I D ,
CoverageMode . INTERFACE OPERATIONS , ” S i m p l e X m l W r i t e r ” ) ;
08 System . o u t . p r i n t l n ( c o v e r a g e ) ;
Table III presents the coverage obtained for each class
of the component (Lines 1 and 2 of Listing 2). The table
shows the coverage percentage and the number of covered test
requirements over the number of test requirements (CovTReq/TReq) for each class and criterion. This report shows that
the coverage reached for the class XmlUtils is practically
0% for all criteria. XmlUtils is not exercised probably
because SimpleXmlWriter uses only one of its operations.
That is why the coverage of the whole component is too
low, even when the coverage for SimpleXmlWriter and
AbstractXmlWriter are reasonable.
72% (29/40)
50% (3/6)
1% (1/54)
70% (22/31)
100% (1/1)
0% (0/52)
66% (56/84)
0% (0/154)
Table IV presents the coverage obtained for each operation
of SimpleXmlWriter (Lines 7 and 8 of Listing 2). This
table shows only the coverage percentage for each operation
and criterion. The sign "-" indicates the absence of test
requirements for that criterion. This usually happens when the
method has only one node. Then, there are no test requirements
for edges and uses. The tester can use this report to see which
operations were not exercised and which operations need to
be extensively tested.
C. Performance Overhead Analysis
We performed an analysis to measure the performance
overhead brought by the testable component probes. We
measured the time it took to execute the test set presented
in Listing 1 100 times. First, we tested the regular version of XmlWriter. Next, we executed the test set against
XmlWriter_BIT in regular mode, i.e., the startTesting
operation was not invoked then the probes were deactivated.
Finally, we tested XmlWriter_BIT in testing mode, i.e., the
startTesting operation was called before the probes were
activated. Table V shows the results of this analysis.
XmlWriter BIT (probes off)
XmlWriter BIT (probes on)
44 ms
47 ms
460 ms
The testable components generated by BITGen have their
size enlarged by extra code and libraries. The component
classes are extended by the probes inserted during instrumentation. Table VI shows a comparison between the size (in bytes)
of XmlWriter classes before and after the instrumentation.
All classes
Size before
Size after
SimpleXmlWriter presents the smallest overhead of
the Component because it has 15 short operations which
does not require too many probes to be instrumented.
AbstractXmlWriter has only 4 small operations which
are usually calls to abstract or interface operations. The size
overhead presented by this class is in the average considering
all classes (27%).
The component user has not spent much effort to use the
testing facilities of the testable component to conduct structural
testing activities. Considering this particular implementation
and the JUnit framework, the user had to add only 12 extra
lines (Lines 06 to 10 and Lines 12 to 18) into the test set code.
D. Size Overhead Analysis
The overhead brought by the testable component is minimal when the probes are off. When the probes are on, however,
the component execution is 10 times slower. Even with this
great overhead brought by the probes when they are on,
we believe that it is not significant in general because the
probes will be on only when the component is under test. The
probes are turned off when the component is integrated in an
operational environment and in this case the overhead is lower
and have less significant impact on the overall performance.
However, it may be critical to many real time systems.
XmlUtils presents the greatest overhead size of the
component. XmlUtils is smaller and has less operations than
SimpleXmlWriter, but its operations are bigger and have
more control flow deviations and variable usage. This makes
a difference regarding the test requirements generated for the
structural testing criteria (see Table III). XmlUtils generates
more test requirements than SimpleXmlWriter considering
all criteria. The more test requirements are generated for a class
the more probes are required to trace its execution.
The size overhead is not so important when components are
used in enterprise environments where space and memory are
usually widely available. However, it may be crucial when it
is embedded into devices with space and memory restrictions.
Regarding size overhead, the major problem of the testable
components generated by BITGen is the size of the libraries
and components required to perform the coverage analysis.
Coverage analysis requires components of the JaBUTi tool and
libraries to manipulate XML data and Java bytecode. These
libraries and components add at least 1MB to the testable
component size. Again, it is not a significant overhead in
enterprise environments, but it is relevant for restricted devices.
The overhead problem brought by extra components and
libraries, however, is not related to the generic approach
BISTFaSC. The restriction is imposed by its Java implementation which could be improved by reducing the number of
library dependencies. The alternative to overcome this situation
is to use two versions of the component: a testable version to
conduct testing activities and a regular version to embed into
devices with restrictions.
Several approaches have been proposed in the literature
as an attempt to improve component testability and support
testing activities on the user side. The already mentioned
BIT approaches (see Section II-B) introduce testing facilities into software components to control state machines and
execute/generate test cases, validate contracts and invocation
sequences, for example [9], [10], [11], [22], [23], [12], [13],
The BISTFaSC approach is similar to most of these approaches since it also introduces testable and tester components
associated. Testable components have testing facilities that can
be turned on and off. The difference is that BISTFaSC introduces testing facilities to support structural testing while the
other approaches usually support specification-based testing.
Testable components are intended to generated by the
component providers in classical BIT approaches and also
in BISTFaSC. When COTS are not equipped with testing
facilities by their providers, however, component users can use
the Java implementation of the approach to instrument Java
COTS. This process is similar to the approach supported by
the BIT/J library [22].
Teixeira et. al [27] proposed a tool based on JaBUTi [26]
to support the structural testing of Java components. The
component provider can instrument the component and create
test cases for it. The component user receives the instrumented
component that is packed with test cases, test case descriptions
and coverage information. The user thus can use the tool
to create test cases using the JUnit framework and get a
coverage analysis on the test set execution. This coverage can
be compared to the coverage reached by the provider during
development time and test cases packed with the component
can be reused.
There are many differences between BISTFaSC and the
tool proposed by Teixeira et. al [27], although they are meant to
support structural testing of software components. BISTFaSC
follows the concepts of BIT and defines a tester component
to the testable component. Moreover, the testing facilities
that support structural testing activities are embedded into the
component code and libraries therefore no supporting tool is
Eler et. al and Bartolini et. al proposed an approach to
produce testable services with structural testing capabilities
[28], [29]. Their approach is similar to BISTFaSC because
they propose to transform regular services into testable services
by instrumentation. In this case, however, the testable service
has to implement the operations to define the boundaries
of a test session and to get the coverage information. The
coverage information is generated by a third party service
instead of being calculated by the testable service itself. The
testable components of BISTFaSC do not have their operations
augmented and the testing facilities are implemented by the
tester component associated. Moreover, the coverage information is internally calculated then no third party component is
components and the component user has only to add a few
extra code into their test class to take advantage of the testing
facilities provided by testable components.
The performance overhead brought by the probes added
during instrumentation is not significant when the probes are
off (regular mode), but it may be significant for real time
applications. The size overhead is also not relevant considering
enterprise environments, but it may be significant if the target
environment is a device with space and memory restrictions.
We believe this approach can bring benefits to CBSE, since
it allows users applying both specification and implementation
based testing techniques. Combining these two testing techniques may provide higher confidence to component providers
and users.
Moreover, there are several software engineering approaches in which components are used as the building blocks
of applications, such as object oriented frameworks, serviceoriented computing and software product lines. Testable components can contribute with the testing activities conducted for
all of these type of applications.
The coverage information alone cannot help testers to
improve their test set to increase the coverage when it is low. It
only gives a clue of how much of the component was exercised
during a test session, which is valuable information itself. As
future work, we intend to propose metadata to help testers to
understand which test cases should be created to improve the
coverage achieved, but without revealing the source code. The
idea is to use test metadata as suggested by Harrold et. al [7]
and used by Eler et. al [28] for testable services.
We also intend to explore how structural testing facilities
could be used to perform component monitoring and regression
test case selection and reduction. Moreover, we would like to
perform more rigorous evaluation of the approach with bigger
components. We also want to evaluate the usability of the
approach at the user and at the provider side.
The authors would like to thank the Brazilian funding
agency CNPq for its support.
This paper presented a BIT solution to introduce facilities
into software components at the provider side to support
structural testing activities at the user side. The approach is
generic and it is called BISTFaSC. A Java implementation of
the approach was presented and used to perform an exploratory
study by generating Java testable components of third party
components. The exploratory study showed that the component provider does not have much effort to generate testable
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Using Thesaurus-Based Tag Clouds to Improve Test-Driven Code Search
Otavio Augusto Lazzarini Lemos∗ , Adriano Carvalho∗ , Gustavo Konishi∗ ,
Joel Ossher† , Sushil Bajracharya‡ , Cristina Lopes†
∗ Science and Technology Department – Federal University of Sao Paulo at S. J. dos Campos – Brazil
{otavio.lemos, konishi, adriano.carvalho}
† Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences – University of California at Irvine
{jossher, lopes}
‡ Black Duck Software, Inc.
[email protected]
by Bajracharya et al. [1]. VMP states that the likelihood of
two people choosing the same term for a familiar concept
is only between 10-15% [5].
A way to circumvent this problem is to present different
options to the user based on the initially chosen term. Similar
keywords can be automatically investigated and presented
visually to the user according to their frequency in the code
base. Tag clouds are visual aids adequate for this context,
because the size and color of the terms can be presented
according to their relevance in the repository.
In this paper, we propose the use of thesaurus-based tag
clouds to improve TDCS. A thesaurus of the same language
in which the code in a given repository is written is used
to explore similar terms for a given initial keyword taken
from the method name. Each of these terms are searched in
the repository and the tag cloud is formed according to their
frequency in the code base. The terms are also weighted and
colored according to where they appear in the full qualified
names of matching methods. The closer the terms are to the
method name, the larger their weight.
We implemented the proposed approach as an extension to
CodeGenie [4], a Java- and Eclipse-based TDCS tool. Since
CodeGenie is based on Sourcerer [6], an infrastructure with
a code repository mostly in English, a thesaurus based on
that language was used. To have an idea of the effectiveness
of our approach, an exploratory study with example searches
was conducted. Our initial investigation shows that the tag
clouds can improve the result set, when the initially selected
method name is replaced by the most frequent related term.
We also noticed that our approach can be specially useful for
non-native speakers of the language in which the repository
is based. These users may initially select terms that are not
commonly used to name the desired functions, thus reducing
the possibility to retrieve good results.
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows.
Secion II presents backgound information about TDCS,
CodeGenie, and Tag Clouds, and Section III presents our
thesaurus-based tag clouds approach to TDCS. Section IV
presents details about our implementation using CodeGe-
Abstract—Test-driven code search (TDCS) is an approach to
code search and reuse that uses test cases as inputs to form the
search query. Together with the test cases that provide more
semantics to the search task, keywords taken from class and
method names are still required. Therefore, the effectiveness
of the approach also relies on how good these keywords are,
i.e., how frequently they are chosen by developers to name
the desired functions. To help users choose adequate words
in their query test cases, visual aids can be used. In this
paper we propose thesaurus-based tag clouds to show developers
terms that are more frequently used in the code repository
to improve their search. Terms are generated by looking up
words similar to the initial keywords on a thesaurus. Tag
clouds are then formed based on the frequency in which these
terms appear in the code base. Our approach was implemented
with an English thesaurus as an extension to CodeGenie, a
Java- and Eclipse-based TDCS tool. Our evaluation shows
that the approach can help improve the number of returned
results. We also noticed the visual aid can be especially useful
for non-native speakers of the language in which the code
repository is written. These users are frequently unaware of
the most common terms used to name specific functionality in
the code, in the given language.
The increasing availability of open source code in the
Internet has made possible code reuse through searches
made upon open source software repositories [1]. Although
this type of reuse can be relatively effective, it generally
relies mostly on keywords, regular expressions, and other
more syntactic information about the function to be found.
Test-driven code search (TDCS) was proposed as a form
of code search and reuse that makes use of more semantic
information available on test cases1 [4].
Although exploratory studies have shown that TDCS can
be effective in the reuse of auxiliary functions, its success
also relies on keywords extracted from test cases (e.g., the
searched method name). If the user selects these names
poorly, few results will be returned. This issue is related
to the vocabulary mismatch problem (VMP) as discussed
1 Similar test-driven code search approaches were also proposed by other
researchers [2, 3]
public class RomanTest {
public void testRoman1() {
assertEquals("I", Util.roman(1));
nie, and Section V presents exploratory evaluation of the
approach. Section VI presents related work and, finally,
Section VII concludes the paper.
public void testRoman2() {
assertEquals("II", Util.roman(2);
TDCS makes use of test cases to describe a desired
feature to be searched, the same way test cases are used
in Test-Driven Development [7]. Figure 1 shows the basic
TDCS process. To describe a missing feature in a project,
test cases are designed in the Integrated Development Environment (IDE). The search facility is triggered and a
query is formed based on information available on the test
cases. In the IDE, the developer can explore results by
weaving, testing, and unweaving them. Also involved in this
process is a program slicing service and a repository access
service, which provides access to self-contained code pieces.
Whenever the developer feels satisfied with a particular code
result, it can be left woven into the project. Unweaving of
a code result at any time can also be performed [4].
Figure 1.
public void testRoman6() {
assertEquals("M", Util.roman(1000));
Figure 2.
An important element of such systems are counters used to
number sections, pages, etc. An Arabic to Roman function
could be implemented to present counters as Roman numerals. Figure 2 presents sample test cases in JUnit for a static
method implementation of the function. After implementing
the JUnit test cases, the user triggers the CodeGenie search
facility by right-clicking on the test class and selecting the
CodeGenie Search menu option shown in Figure 3.
TDCS process [4].
TDCS was implemented as an Eclipse2 plugin named
CodeGenie. The Code Services side is provided by
Sourcerer, a source code infrastructure that provides
all support needed to perform TDCS. CodeGenie formulates queries that contain three parts: (1) keywords
present in the full qualified name of the desired
method; (2) return type of the method; and (3) parameter types of the method. For example, given a test
case with the assertion assertEquals("trevni",
Util.invert("invert")), CodeGenie formulates the
following query:
fqn contents:(util invert)
m ret type contents:(String)
m sig args sname:String
The query above means: “look for a method that contains
the terms ‘util’ and ‘invert’ somewhere in the full qualified
name, returns a String, and receives a String as a parameter”.
1) Example: To show how TDCS is used in practice, we
show an example of search conducted using CodeGenie [4].
Consider the development of a document editing system.
Partial JUnit test class for an Arabic to Roman function.
Figure 3.
CodeGenie search being triggered [4].
CodeGenie sends the query to Sourcerer which, in turn,
returns code results. The keywords are initially formed by
the method and class names. In the example, ‘util’ and ‘roman’ are the initial keywords. By default, every information
on the test cases is used to generate the query, i.e., class
name, method name, and method signature. Figure 4 shows
CodeGenie’s Search View with the results related to the
referred example.
The developer can examine, weave, and test a result by
right-clicking on it and selecting ‘Integrate Slice’ and ‘Test
Slice’. Integrated results can be detached by selecting the
- accessed in 06-27-2012.
Figure 4.
CodeGenie Search View [4].
‘Detach Slice’ option. When a result is integrated, it appears
as ‘[currently integrated]’ in the Search View, and it can be
tested using the test cases designed for the search. When a
result is successful against the test cases, a green bullet at its
right-side is used to mark it, and the test results are appended
to the result label. Red bullets and yellow bullets are used
for failing candidates and yet-to-be tested candidates. As
results are tested, they are rearranged in the Search View, so
that green ones appear first, yellow ones appear second, and
red ones appear in the bottom. There is also a second-level
ordering for green results according to the execution time
of the test cases. The user can also preview the code of a
result by using the CodeGenie Snippet Viewer [4].
Note that the query formed by CodeGenie also contains
keywords that are important to its effectiveness. If the user
ever selects them poorly, few results will be returned. To
help obtaining good terms for keywords, visual aids such as
tag clouds can be applied.
earlier manifests itself as the gap between the situation
and solution models [9]. Developers implement code using
words that describe the solution model while users seeking
to reuse code might use words that come from their situation
models. In general purpose search engines such as Google,
such mismatch is reduced by the abundance of linguistically
rich documents. Information retrieval models work well on
natural languages but tend to be ineffective with source code,
which is linguistically sparse. Approaches such as TDCS
take advantage of the richness of source code structure, but
the VMP is still relevant because users also rely in the choice
of good keywords.
A way to reduce this problem is to apply visual aids
that can present similar terms to the ones initially chosen
by users before the search task takes place. As commented
earlier, tag clouds are specially suited for this context since
they can present similar words with visual richness based
on the frequency in which these words appear in the code
repository. There are several ways to explore analogous
keywords when constructing the tag clouds, such as using
similarity algorithms like the one proposed by Bajracharya
et al. [1]. In this paper we use a simpler approach that makes
use of thesauri.
The idea behind the thesaurus-based tag cloud is to form
the cloud from synonyms of a given initial term, assigning
weights to the returned results according to their relevance
in the code base. In TDCS the tag cloud is used to search
all synonyms of a given keyword taken from the method
name. For example, while searching for a method initially
named sum that adds two numbers, the cloud would show the
A. Tag Clouds
Tag clouds are visual presentations of a set of terms in
which text attributes such as size, weight, or color are used
to represent features of the associated terms [8]. Tag clouds
can also be used to navigate in a set of terms, emphasize
information, and to show results of a search task.
Although initial evidence has shown that TDCS can be
useful in the reuse of open source code [4], some problems
still affect its effectiveness. As discussed by Bajracharya
et al. [1], in code search and reuse, the VMP mentioned
words addition, aggregation, and calculation, according to
the frequency in which each term appears in the repository.
In this way, developers can visualize which terms are more
common than others, and change their initial choices. Figure 5 shows the thesaurus-based tag cloud creation process,
as implemented in CodeGenie (see Section IV).
First, according to the TDCS approach, the user creates a
test set for the desired functionality. Then, the name of the
method to which the test cases are targeted is extracted to
form the initial term. The synonyms of this term are looked
up in the thesaurus base. Each of the returned synonyms is
searched in the code repository – in our case, in Sourcerer
– and information about their frequency is given to the tag
cloud generator. The tag cloud is then generated and shown
to the user, who has the option of changing the method name
used in the test cases with a search and replace task. Finally,
the user can rerun the search using the more adequate term.
Initially, one might think that using synonyms to search
for source code would introduce too much noise. However,
since we make sure these terms are searched in a source
code repository – more specifically in full qualified names of
code entities –, the tag cloud will only present terms related
to code. In this way, the thesaurus-based tag clouds allow
“taking a peek” at the repository before running the actual
search. Such a quick look makes the search more prone to
return better results.
region of Eclipse’s Editor, the user can access the Synonyms
Editor, and insert or remove terms. Figure 6 shows the
Synonyms Editor interface.
To create thesaurus-based tag clouds, we need a synonyms
database. For that reason, we have set up a relational MySQL
5.13 database with a set of words and related synonyms.
English was used because the majority of code available on
Sourcerer is written in that language. However, it is important to note that other languages can be used, and switching
between them is straightforward. Also note that other types
of dictionaries can be used, such as domain-specific thesauri.
For our implementation, a synonyms search application
was developed separately from CodeGenie. This application
has access to the thesaurus database and executes simple
SQL queries that, through the use of servlets, makes the
synonyms search available to CodeGenie. In this way, CodeGenie can search for synonyms of any term by simply
accessing the servlet4 .
Depending on the domain in which the developer is
working on, other domain-specific terms can come up and
be considered as a synonym of a given term. Therefore, we
also implemented the functionality of inserting and removing
synonyms to the initial thesaurus database, however, only
allowing for the removal of words not originally in the
thesaurus. That is, for security reasons, original words in
the thesaurus cannot be removed. With a right-click on any
Figure 6.
Synonyms Editor.
Once the synonyms of a term are gathered, to create
the tag cloud we need to calculate the frequency in which
they appear in Sourcerer’s code base. To calculate such
frequency, we use Sourcerer’s search service, whose input
is a query in the format: contents:(term). The contents field
limits the search to packages, classes, and method names
of the entities in the data base. Such query returns a set
of all occurrences of the given term, allowing for a trivial
calculation of its frequency. However, such approach could
bring performance problems because each synonym term
would have to be searched individually by the search service.
Depending on the number of terms, the tag cloud generation
would be inefficient because it would require too much
communication time with the server. To cope with such
problem, we used the OR operator supported by Lucene5 ,
a high-performance, full-featured text search engine library
written in Java, which is used in Sourcerer. Such operator
supports the inclusion of several terms in the query, resulting
in a set containing all occurrences of all searched terms.
The query format with the use of the OR operator is the
following: contents:(term1 OR term2 OR term3 ).
- accessed in 06-27-2012.
newer version of CodeGenie with tag clouds makes use of WordNet [10] instead of the older thesaurus.
- accessed in 06-27-2012.
initial term
search for synonyms
extract term
search using CodeGenie
Test case
alter test case
create test case
Thesaurus base
search terms on Sourcerer
Figure 5.
Tag cloud
Thesaurus-based tag cloud creation process.
Another characteristic that can be extracted from the
results is the the position of the term in the entity’s full
qualified name. It is clear that the more to the right
the term appears, the more the probability of the entity to be related to the searched functionality. For instance, suppose the synonym terms we are looking for are
sum and calculation, and the returned entities containing
such names are
and It is clear that the first
term is more likely to define the searched functionality, since
it matches a method name in the repository. Therefore, such
term should be enhanced in the cloud. To represent such
characteristic in the cloud, we also used color intensity: the
higher the weight of the term in the result set, the higher
the intensity of green in its presentation in the cloud.
The tag cloud interface was created using the Zest/Cloudio6 Java library, which supports the creation of clouds
in different sizes and colors. Zest/Cloudio also supports
dimensioning of the cloud and selection of terms.
In the thesaurus tag cloud generator interface, the user
can execute the following commands: (1) Replace a term:
replaces the originally selected term with the new term
and rerun the search on CodeGenie; (2) Create new tag
cloud: based on the selected term, creates a new tag cloud,
supporting the browsing through terms until finding the most
adequate; and (3) Edit synonyms: lists the synonyms of
generate cloud
feed with frequency info
the original term, and makes it possible to add terms to
or remove terms from the thesaurus.
We have conducted a preliminary evaluation of the approach presented in this paper. In order to check whether
using the thesaurus-based tag clouds would improve the
result set, we have developed test cases to search for six
different functions, according to the TDCS approach. The
selected functions are auxiliary features commonly used
in software projects. Two recent studies have shown that
auxiliary functions – also called programming tasks – are
frequently target by queries issued to a popular and large
code search engine [11]; and that they are important for
software projects in general [12]. A senior computer science
undergraduate student with good Java knowledge developed
the sample test sets7 . Since he is a non-native English
speaker, his choices of keywords might not be the most
Based on the test sets, we searched for the desired
functions using CodeGenie. The number of returned results
was recorded. Then, to compare the initial outcome to the
results using our approach, we generated tag clouds based
on the keywords extracted from the same test sets, and
replaced the method names with the most relevant term in
the clouds. We then executed the search again in CodeGenie,
and recorded the results.
7 The
- accessed in 06-27-2012.
third author of this paper.
The searches that were made using CodeGenie considered
the class and method names of the desired functionality to
be reused. The selected class and method names were the
following:, a function to add two integers;
Array.arrange, a function to sort elements in an array;
Array.separate, a function to split integer elements of an
array; File.weave, a function to merge contents of two files;
QueryUtil.same, a function to check query strings equality;
and Util.invert, a function to reverse strings.
Figure 7 shows the generated tag clouds. Based on these
clouds, the initially selected terms were replaced in the following manner: total was replaced by sum (see Figure 7(a));
weave was replaced by merge (see Figure 7(b)); arrange was
replaced by sort (see Figure 7(c)); separate was replaced by
split (see Figure 7(d)); and same was replaced by equal (see
Figure 7(e)).
Table I
Legend: TC = Tag Cloud
without TC
with TC
Table I the number of returned results for each case. Note
that in all six samples the use of tag clouds enlarged significantly the number of returned results (almost tenfold, on
average). A paired Wilcoxon signed-rank test revealed that
the means are significantly different at 95% confidence level
(p-value=0.01563). We applied the Wilcoxon test because a
Shapiro-Wilk normality test on our data showed evidence
that the results with the use of tag clouds do not follow a
normal distribution (p-value=0.002674). The usefulness of
our approach is particularly evident in the sixth example,
where no results were returned before using the tag cloud,
and two adequate results were returned afterwards.
By analyzing the results, we noted that our approach
increases recall, but not necessarily precision. However, we
believe the TDCS process itself supports high precision,
when we consider the use of test cases and the interface
of the desired function in the queries (a previous evaluation
shows evidence of this [4]: all candidates that passed the
tests in the study were relevant). These two mechanisms
filter out unwanted results: only candidates that match the
desired interface and are successful against tests can be
considered to implement the intended function. For instance,
in the second example where 180 results were returned after
the use of tag clouds, by executing the test cases we can
exclude spurious results, and a single working candidate is
enough for the success of the search. This does not mean
we need to test all candidates, because experimenting with
some will probably be sufficient to reach a working result
(remember that for the actual search, besides running the
tests, we also consider parameter and return types in the
query, so it is unlikely to have the majority of returned results
as irrelevant).
We noticed the thesaurus-based tag clouds can be specially useful for non-native speakers. For instance, consider
the examples shown in Table I. As commented earlier, an
undergraduate student with good Java knowledge chose the
terms used in the searches. He is a Brazilian Portuguese
native speaker. It makes sense for him to choose the word
“separate” to define the splitting of contents of an array
because the most adequate word in Portuguese for this
function would be separar. Also, invert makes much more
sense than revert, because the Portuguese word inverter is
the one used with the intended meaning, while reverter is
more frequently used to mean revert in the sense of going
back to a previous state. As Portuguese is a Latin-based
language, the closest words in English more natural to be
chosen are the likewise Latin-based “separate” and “invert”.
However, the tag cloud helps choosing a more common
English word used to define such functions, i.e., “split” and
In any case, we believe the thesaurus-based tag clouds can
be useful not only for non-native speakers, but for anyone
using CodeGenie. It is clear that developers are not always
aware of the most common term used to define a given
function, even when the repository is written in a native
language. This is specially the case when developers are
unfamiliar with the domain they are currently working on.
A. Threats to Validity
The validity of our initial study is threatened by several
factors. In particular, the study had only a single subject.
However, we are currently running a larger survey with
professional developers and computer science undergraduate
students to gather realistic keywords that would be chosen
by the users.
Initial analysis of the results shows that several subjects do
choose inadequate keywords similar to the ones mentioned
before, corroborating our initial results. For instance, from
the 27 subjects that already responded to our survey – among
them 13 professional developers –, almost 50% (16) chose
the term ‘invert’ instead of ‘revert’ for the string reversion
Software reuse has been widely explored in software
engineering since the 1960s [3, 16–18]. Several aspects
of reusability make it a hard problem, including creating
reusable assets, finding these assets, and adapting them to a
new application [3]. Several approaches to solve this problem have been proposed, but only recent work explore code
available in open source repositories. Next, we sample some
(a) total
(b) weave
(c) arrange
(d) separate
(e) same
(f) invert
Figure 7.
Tag clouds for the sample terms.
software reuse and query expansion proposals, comparing
them to TDCS and the approach presented in this paper.
Reiss [3] argues that most early reuse techniques did
not succeed because they required either too little or too
much specification of the desired feature. Signature or type
matching used by themselves do not seem to be effective,
although PARSEWeb shows that it can provide more interesting results in combination with textual search. Full
semantic matching requires the specification of too much
information, and is thus difficult to accomplish. TDCS uses
test cases, which are generally easy to check and provide.
In a recent work, Reiss [3] also incorporates the use of test
cases and other types of low-level semantics specifications
to source code search. He also implements various transformations to make available code work in the current user’s
context. However, in his approach, there is no slicing facility
and therefore only a single class can be retrieved and reused
Code reuse: An approach similar to TDCS was proposed by Podgurski & Pierce [19]. Behavior Sampling (BS)
is a retrieval technique that executes code candidates on a
sample of inputs, and compares outputs to an oracle provided
by the searcher. However, differently from TDCS, inputs for
the desired functions are randomly generated and expected
outputs have to be supplied by users. TDCS implements
the the ability to retrieve code based on arbitrary tests,
an extension to BS considered by Podgurski & Pierce.
PARSEWeb [20] is a tool that combines static analysis,
text-based searching, and input-output type checking for a
more effective search.
at a time. Moreover, the presented implementation is a web
application, which also requires code results to be copied and
pasted into the workspace in an ad hoc way. CodeGenie has
the advantage of being tightly integrated with the IDE: code
candidates can be seamlessly woven to and unwoven from
the workspace.
Hummel et al. [2] also developed a tool similar to CodeGenie, named Code Conjurer. The tool is more proactive
than CodeGenie, in the sense that code candidates are recommended to the user without the need of interaction. However,
the slicing facility presented by CodeGenie is more fine
grained – at method level –, and Code Conjurer does not
deal with the vocabulary mismatch problem targeted by the
tag cloud-based approach presented in this paper. In fact,
the tool implements an automated adaptation engine, but
it deals only with the interface specification (i.e., not with
Modern CASE tools are bringing sophisticated search
capabilities into the IDE, extending traditionally limited
browsing and searching capabilities [21–26]. These tools
vary in terms of the provided features, but some common
ideas that are prevalent among them are the use of the
developer’s current context to generate queries and the
integration of ranking techniques for the search results.
CodeGenie also shares such features, bringing the use of
test cases to provide a more sophisticated solution.
Tag clouds are also used in the Sourcerer API Search
(SAS) [27]. The difference between SAS and CodeGenie
is that the latter is tightly integrated with the IDE, and thus
the user can access tag clouds directly from the development
environment. Moreover, CodeGenie makes use of test cases
to form queries, while SAS is mostly based on keywords.
Another difference is that tag clouds generated by SAS are
not based on thesauri, but on an API similarity algorithm.
More recently, Yang and Tan [30] proposed an approach
that identifies word relations in code, by leveraging the
context of words in comments and code. The idea is to
find words that are related in code, but not in English.
For such pairs, lexicals like Wordnet cannot help. Their
approach could also be applied to CodeGenie, to improve
the dictionary used in the formation of tag clouds, with
a secondary code-related synonyms database. In fact, we
are currently working on an extension to our approach that
incorporates such idea.
Most of the query reformulation approaches that were
proposed in the past focus on concept location within a
project, and mainly to identify code that must be dealt with
in a particular software engineering task. The difference
between such approaches and ours is that our goal is to help
finding code – more specifically, methods – inside large open
source repositories, with the intent of reusing it.
However, other sophisticated NLP techniques incorporated by them could also be explored in the generation of
our tag clouds. For instance, morphology changes could be
applied to search other morphological forms of a given term.
This could improve the effectiveness of our thesaurus-based
tag clouds.
In this paper we have presented an approach that applies
thesaurus-based tag clouds to improve TDCS. The tag clouds
are formed by using an initial term extracted from the input
test set, and generating synonyms from this term. Synonyms
are then looked up in a code base, being presented in the
tag cloud according to their frequency and weight in the
repository. Initial evaluation has shown that the tag clouds
can enlarge the set of returned candidates of a given search
whose initial term would not be the most adequate.
Future work includes generating tag clouds based on API
similarity instead of synonyms. More support for non-native
speakers to better explore TDCS is also an interesting line
of investigation. Dictionaries could be used to translate the
initial term to the equivalent word in the intended language.
This type of support would allow users to improve their
chances of finding relevant code.
Another line of future work we are currently investigating
is automatically expanding the code search queries. The idea
shares the basic principle of the thesaurus-based tag clouds,
but instead of generating the cloud, the query itself is automatically expanded with similar terms. Such approach would
skip the tag cloud examination and changing of initially
developed test cases. However, the tag cloud approach would
still be relevant in cases where the developer wants to check
for terms in the repository before creating the test cases for
the search.
As commented in Section V-A, we are also running a large
survey to measure the impact of the mismatch vocabulary
problem in the context of code search, particularly with
Query expansion: The application of Natural-Language
Processing (NLP) to code and concept search has been
proposed by earlier approaches. For instance, Shepherd
et al. [28] combines NLP and structural program analysis
to locate and understand concerns in a software system.
The basic difference from our approach is that the concern
location is targeted towards code in a local project, not in a
code repository. Moreover, Shepherd et al.’s approach [28]
requires more interaction, since similar terms have to be
chosen by the user iteratively to construct the expanded
queries. CodeGenie supported by tag clouds only require
the user to choose a more adequate term once to reissue the
Gay et al. [29] have proposed an IR-based concept location approach that incorporates relevance feedback from
the user to reformulate queries. The proposed approach,
however, is not directed to code reuse, but for concept
location within a given project. Moreover, such as Shepherd
et al.’s approach, is requires more user interaction.
non-native English speakers. Such study will provide a basis
to better undesrtand this problem and consequently improve
our tag cloud and query expansion approaches.
The authors would like to thank FAPESP for financial
support (Otavio Lemos, grant 2010/15540-2).
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MTP: Model Transformation Profile
Magalhães, A. P.; Andrade, A.; Maciel, R. P.
Computer Science Department, Federal University of Bahia
Salvador, Brazil
{anapfmm, aline, ritasuzana}
Abstract—Model Driven Development (MDD) is a software
development approach that makes intensive use of models
allowing not only reuse of code but also reuse of models produced
along the entire software development life cycle. At the core of
MDD is a transformation chain that transforms input models
into output models until code generation enabling software
development automation. However, despite the importance of the
development automation provided by MDD, there is a lack of
modeling strategies to support transformation specification: they
are usually specified in natural language and implemented
directly in code. As a result, it is difficult to adopt best practices
of software development and enable reuse. This paper proposes a
model transformation profile (MTP) suitable for the
transformation specification since requirements elicitation.
MTP provides specifications independent of platform that can be
reused to generate code in different transformation languages.
This profile is a specialization of UML to the transformation
domain taking advantage of the large number of tools that
supports this language widely used by industry and academy.
Keywords—model transformation specification; model driven
development; model transformation development
Model Driven Development (MDD) is a software
development approach that makes intensive use of models to
represent systems at different levels of abstraction that can be
reused to generate new applications or generate applications in
many different platforms.
Model Driven Architecture (MDA) [9] is a MDD
framework proposed by OMG [14] which has three levels of
models corresponding to different abstraction levels of the
development: the first level corresponds to the requirement
phase where the models are independent of computation; in
the second level the models incorporate solutions from
computation engineering in the design and are independent of
the platform; and in the third level the models incorporate
platform features to generate code.
The life cycle of MDD/MDA is based on a transformation
chain which is responsible for the conversion of models in
order to preserve consistency among them. The models at high
abstraction levels are transformed into models at lower
abstraction levels until code. Transformations play an
important role in MDD/MDA enabling process automation
and reuse of models in different applications.
The development of transformations requires good
practices of software engineering such as modeling languages,
development processes, tools and so on. In [2], the authors
propose treating transformations as models. In this context,
works have been proposed [6][3][5] covering some aspects of
transformation development, such as specific modeling
languages. Usually these works use notations that depend on
the transformation implementation language and lack support
for the entire transformation development life cycle.
The scenario in actual practice is that transformations are
usually specified in an ad-hoc way using natural language and
are implemented directly in code [4], [12]. This is considered
a bottleneck of the widespread adoption of MDD by industry
Aiming to contribute in changing this scenario, we propose
a MDA conceptual framework to model transformation model
in different abstraction levels enabling its implementation in
different platforms and its reuse. The framework comprises:
(i) a UML transformation profile, named Model
Transformation Profile (MTP), to be used as a transformation
modeling language; and (ii) a MDA development process,
named Transformation Development Process, which covers
the entire transformation development life cycle from
requirements until code.
The MTP profile defines the required concepts to specify
model transformations. MTP is also platform free, which
means that the models can be transformed into code in many
different transformation languages (e.g. QVT [11], ATL [1]).
The generation of code in many platforms increases
productivity and portability. MTP uses UML diagrams and
OCL expressions in its specification. As a UML MTP profile
can make the development of transformations accessible by
non-experts in transformation domain because UML is widely
known and used in industry and academy with many modeling
tools available.
The Transformation Development Process is specified
using an instance of SPEM [10], the OMG Process Modeling
Language (PML). It aggregates the advantages of MDA
through the specification of transformation models in different
abstraction levels, and in a semi-automatic way allowing the
reuse of model transformations in other transformation
This paper details the MTP profile showing its syntax and
semantic elements. This profile is the core of the framework
because it is essential for the definition of the MDA
Transformations Process, i.e. the tasks of the processes are
defined according the MTP profile.
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents
some concepts about model to model transformation; Section
3 presents an overview of the Conceptual Framework; Section
4 details the MTP profile; Section 5 shows the evaluation of
the approach in an explanatory study; Section 6 presents the
related works; and finally Section 7 concludes this work and
presents the next steps to be taken in this research.
This section presents the proposed framework to develop
model transformations comprising: a MDA Transformation
Development Process; and the MTP profile to support the
process modeling tasks.
Transformations are classified in two types: model to
model (M2M) transformations or model to text (M2T)
transformations when they generate code as output from input
models. This work covers M2M transformations.
The framework enables the development of model to
model (M2M) unidirectional transformations. It uses a
standard modeling language that is suitable for the
transformation domain and provides an MDA process that
covers the entire software development life cycle for the
generation of model transformations.
A model transformation can be defined as a triple T =
<MMs, MMt, R>, where MMs is a set of source metamodels,
MMt is a set of target metamodels and R is a set of
relationships between MMs and MMt. These metamodels
comprise a set of elements and R relates elements from the
source metamodel (MMs) to elements of the target metamodel
(MMt). For example, in Fig. 1, the model transformation
(Mttrans) comprises a set R that relates the elements of the
source metamodels (MMs) to the elements of the target
metamodels (MMt). A metamodel describes an application
domain and is specified according to a metametamodel which
is a metamodel description language. In Fig. 1, the source
metamodel (MMs) and target metamodel (MMt) are described
using the same metametamodel (MMM).
Fig. 2 shows an overview of the transformation framework
structured in packages. As can be seen, the SPEM 2.0 and
UML 2.2 are metamodels instances of MOF metametamodel.
In the same way, the Transformation Process package is an
instance of SPEM 2.0 metamodel. It is defined using UML 2.2
diagrams (<<import>> stereotype) and comprises three
subpackages: the Method Content and Process packages
(according to SPEM) and the Transformation Chain package).
The MTP package specializes UML (<<import>> stereotype)
in a profile for the transformation domain. Additionally, the
Transformation Process applies the MTP profile as a
modeling language (<<apply>> stereotype)
A model M conforms to a metamodel MM if M is
syntactically correct with respect to MM and satisfies MM
constraints. A model M is syntactically correct with respect to
MM, if M is a proper instance of MM, that is, essentially the
objects in M are instances of metaclasses in MM and the links
in M are instances of associations in MM [3]. For example, in
Fig. 1 the model transformation Mttrans receives the input
model Ms that conforms to MMs and produces the output
model Mt that conforms to MMt.
The next subsection gives a brief description of the
Transformation Process package.
A. Transformation Process Package
The Transformation Process package contains the
definition of a MDA process to guide the development of
transformations. MDA comprises four model levels:
computational independent model (CIM); platform
independent model (PIM); platform specific model (PSM);
and code. In our framework, the CIM and PIM models are
specified in UML 2.2 diagrams stereotyped by the MTP
profile, while the PSM model is specified using the
metamodel of the implementation language chosen by the
developer to generate the transformation code.
The conformance relationship is necessary but it is not
sufficient to guarantee correctness of a model transformation.
It is necessary for the target models to preserve the semantic
of the source models. Therefore, a model transformation
metamodel must ensure that its instantiated model
transformation model satisfies some properties: syntactic
correctness to guarantee that the generated models conform to
the target metamodels; semantic correctness, to guarantee that
the generated models preserve the semantics of the source
models; completeness, to guarantee that the transformation is
able to process any input model which conforms to the source
conforms to
conforms to
conforms to
conforms to
Model Ms
conforms to
conforms to
Model Mt
Fig. 1. Example of model transformation structure (adapted from [13]).
Fig. 2. Conceptual framework overview.
models from conceptual view to computational view; (iii)
PIM2PSM to transform models from computational view to a
specific transformation language metamodel (e.g. QVT and
ATL); and PSM2Code that transforms the model instance of a
transformation implementation language to code.
According to SPEM, a process specification is divided into
two dimensions: static concepts and dynamic concepts. The
static dimension of the Transformation Process is defined in
the Method Content package and in the Transformation Chain
package and the dynamic dimension of the Transformation
Process is defined in the Process package.
The Method Content specification contains reusable
concepts that will be used to define processes. In our
framework it comprises five disciplines: (i) Specification and
Analysis, (ii) Design, (iii) Implementation, (iv) Verification
and Validation, and (v) Automation. Each one of these
disciplines has many tasks. For example, the Specification and
Analysis discipline has the following tasks: functional
requirement specification; non-functional requirement
specification; requirement detail; define relations; and detail
relation behavior. Each of these tasks are performed by roles,
they comprise steps and consume or produce artifacts. For
example, the transformation specifier role is responsible for
the specification of functional requirements that produce two
artifacts: a use case diagram and a class diagram.
A UML profile is an extension mechanism to define a
specific domain language using UML concepts and the
proposed MTP Profile is an UML extension for the model
transformation domain. Its main goal is provide a platform
free visual language, suitable for a model transformation
domain that might be used to develop model transformations
at a high abstraction level (by CIM and PIM models).
The MTP profile is at M2 level of OMG model layers
enabling model transformations to be designed as models
(instances of MTP). Model transformation models are used as
input of a transformation process (e.g. the proposed
transformation process introduced in section III) to enable the
model transformation model code generation.
According the MDA approach, the process is organized
(dynamic dimension) in four phases: Transformation
Conceptual View phase, corresponding to the CIM model;
Transformation Computational View phase, corresponding to
the PIM model; Transformation Platform View phase, for the
PSM model; and Code phase, for Code model. Each phase
may have some iteration which contains task Uses (selected
tasks from the method content). For example, the main goal of
the Transformation Conceptual View (CIM) phase is to define
the transformation requirements that will be transformed in
relations at the PIM phase.
MTP profile comprises two packages: MTPspec, used to
model the artifacts produced in the Transformation
Conceptual View phase (CIM); and MTPdesign, used to model
the artifacts produced in the Transformation Computational
View phase.
The metamodels of MTPspec and MTPdesign are
illustrated in Fig. 3 and 8 respectively and the defined
stereotypes that instantiate each UML metaclass is partially
shown in Table 1. A set of OCL constraints were used to
determine well-formedness criteria of MTP instantiated
models. The following subsections detail the MTPspec and
The Transformation Chain package automates the
proposed process to generate the transformations code at the
end of the chain. Four transformations were specified: (i)
CIM2CIM, to refine CIM model; (ii) CIM2PIM to transform
Fig. 3. MTPspec metamodel.
A. MTPspec
According to MTPspec (Fig. 3) a Model Transformation
comprises Model and Requirement which are responsible for
defining the transformation requirements.
Each Model Transformation has a name and an objective
description specified as attributes. The specification of a
model transformation model requires the definition of the
source and target metamodels (sourceMM and targetMM
associations). Considering these metamodels, the model
transformation model receives input models (inModel
association) conformed to the source metamodel and produces
output modes (outModel association) conformed to the target
A Requirement has a description and a type which
indicates if it is a functional or a non functional (specified as
attributes). A functional Requirement represents the mapping
of the elements of the source models to elements of the target
models of a transformation in a high abstraction level.
Requirements might be refined in some other Requirements
(refineReq association) and may also be composed of other
Requirements (compriseBy association). Requirements may
have Constraints defined in natural languages.
The Model concept represents models, metamodels and
metametamodels according to their Level (specified as an
attribute) that indicates the OMG model layer in which they
are defined (e.g. M3, M2, M1, M0).
To guarantee the conformance among models of different
levels (e.g. models of M1 level must conform to models of M2
level), some OCL constraints, were specified (Fig. 4).
The MTPspec is used in the first phase of the MDA
Transformation Process for requirements elicitation where
three types of UML diagrams can be used: the use case
diagram (Fig. 6) and the class diagram associated with the
object diagram (Fig. 7). Adopting the use case diagram we can
represent the transformation requirements and its composition
and refinement. The class diagram is more expressive and also
allows the specification of extra information in their attributes
such as the requirement type (functional or non-functional). In
our Transformation Process it is necessary to model the class
diagram because this is the input of the transformation to
generate the PIM model. However, we also have a
transformation (that refines the use case model into a class
model) for those who prefer developing requirement
elicitation in use case diagrams.
To illustrate the applicability of the MTP profile let us
consider the classical example of transforming a class model
to a database schema (that we call OO2RDBMS).
Fig. 6 shows the requirements identified for the
OO2RDBMS example of model transformation expressed in a
use case diagram. The transformation OO2RDBMS
(represented by the actor) performs four requirements
(represented by the use cases): Map class model, to generate a
schema from the class model; Map class, to indicate that
classes will be mapped in tables; Map attribute, to create
columns in the tables according to the class attributes; and
Map associations, to create the table foreign keys. An OCL
constraint (represented by a note) is also required to indicate
that it is not possible to have two attributes with the same
name in the same hierarchical class structure. It is specified in
a note linked to the Map attribute requirement.
The requirements elicitation using a class diagram are
shown in Fig. 7A.
Fig. 4. OCL constraint to guarantee the conformance among models of
different levels.
The class diagram (Fig. 7A) can be complemented with
extra information using an object diagram (Fig. 7B). For
example, the source and target metamodels and the input and
output models are specified as objects linked to the Model
Additionally, to guarantee the conformance of input
models and source metamodel and the conformance of output
models and target metamodel an OCL constraint (named
M1M2ConformanceElement shown in Fig. 5) was also
specified. It assures syntax correctness between models and
metamodels: all elements of a M1 model (e.g. the elements of
the input and output models) must be an instance of elements
of M2 model (e.g. elements of source and target metamodels).
Fig. 5. OCL constraint to guarantee model instantiations.
Fig. 6. Requirement specification of OO2RDBMS transformation in a use
case diagram.
represented by a use case, a requirement, represented by a
B. MTPdesign
The MTPdesign metamodel is shown in Fig. 8. It contains
the elements required for the design of the transformations:
Model Transformation that has a set of source and target
metamodels and input and output models instantiated from
Model; Relations; and the Constraints, now associated to
Relations and to Models.
Fig. 7. Requirements specification of OO2RDBMS transformation in a class
diagram (A) complementd by an object diagram (B).
In our OO2RDBMS transformation, the sourceMM and
targetMM are UML and RDBMS metamodels respectively and
the transformation receives a class model as input (defined as
the object model1 linked to the model transformation by the
inModel) and generates a DBSchema as output (defined as the
object model2 linked to model transformation by the
outModel). In the class diagram we can also define if a
Requirement is functional or non-functional specifying the
type attribute.
Each Model Transformation has a name and an objective.
The fact that the Model Transformations are composed of
(composedBy association) other transformations enable their
reuse, i.e. we can reuse existing transformations to compose
new ones.
Models are composed of Elements and each Element has a
set of Attributes (e.g. the Attribute name of the Element Class
in the UML metamodel).
In the class diagram shown in Fig. 7A the Map class
requirement comprises (<<include>> association) the
generation of a primary key for the table (Generate Identifier
requirement). Similarly, the Map attribute requirement is
refined in Map simple attribute and Map multivalored
attribute (represented by the UML specialization association)
according to each kind of attribute found in the class.
As said before, by our transformation process (section III
A) it is possible to automatically transform the requirements
mapped in a use case diagram into a class diagram. It is a one
to one mapping that generates for each requirement,
Fig. 8. TGMMdesign metamodel.
A Relation has a description with a brief documentation
about its purpose and an obligation attribute that indicates if
the relation is automatically processed or not. If the Relation
obligation is set to true, it will always be executed when the
input model has an element that matches the input element of
the Relation (e.g. matched rules in ATL). If the Relation
obligation is set to false it will be executed only when invoked
by another Relation. Relations may accept Parameters and
can be defined by a Pattern or detailed in a set of
RelationDetail. Our profile implements the patterns defined in
[7] such as the mapping pattern of one to one Relations where
attributes of the source element are copied to attributes of the
target element.
Using the RelationDetail, the user can specify how each
attribute of the target elements will be filled (e.g. the attribute
name of a target element can be settled by a specific string).
As mentioned before, the defined MTP stereotypes were
mapped to their instantiated UML metaclass and are partially
shown in Table 1.
Instead of adopting a pattern users may define their own
Relation behavior using the object diagram. Fig. 10 shows the
details of the definition of Model2Schema Relation using an
object diagram. The execution of this Relation will set the
attribute called name of the target element (targetAttrib) with
the string “DataBaseExe”. As a result a Schema called
“DataBaseExe” will be created from a class Model.
<<Model Transformation>>
Actor, class, package
Use case, class
Class, Component, acticity
Class, attribute, package
Model2Schema Relation uses the mapping pattern). The
attribute obligation can also be specified to indicate if the
Relation will be always executed (e.g. top relation in QVT).
A <<Model Transformation>> stereotype, for example,
can be used as an actor of the use case diagram, as a class in a
class diagram and as a package grouping Relations.
MTPdesign can be used with the following UML
diagrams: class diagrams, to map Relations between source
and target metamodels elements; object diagram, to detail each
rule definition; component diagram, to define transformation
composition and enable the creation of new transformations
reusing existing ones; and activity diagram, when it is
necessary to define the transformation control flow.
Fig. 9 shows a class diagram used to map the Model
Transformation Relations in our example (OO2RDBMS
model transformation).
Classes are structured in three packages. Two of them,
UML and RDBMS, are stereotyped by <<Model>> and
represent the source and target metamodels and their Elements
(e.g. UML metamodel contains the Element Class and the
Element Attribute). The third package (OO2RDBMS in the
middle) is stereotyped by <<ModelTransformation>> and has
the set of Relations that comprises the model transformation.
Each Relation receives an Element from the source metamodel
and produces one or more Elements for the target metamodel
(indicated by the arrows). The adopted pattern can be
specified as the Relation attribute appliedPattern (e.g. the
Fig. 9. Relation definitions in a class diagram.
Fig. 10. Object diagram detailing Model2Schema Relation.
The control flow of the relations might also be specified
using an activity diagram. Fig. 11 shows the control flow of
the OO2RDBMS model transformation. The transformation
begins executing Model2Schema Relation (we have already
set the obligation attribute as true). After that, the Class2Table
Relation is called (it can be compared with a post condition
specification in QVT). Finally, there is no sequence for the
other Relation executions.
An MDD process has a transformation chain composed of
many transformations (e.g. a MDA transformation chain may
has a CIM2PIM transformation, a PIM2PSM transformation
and a PSM2Code transformation). It is important to model the
architecture of the transformation chain and define what the
input and output models and the source and target metamodels
of each one of these transformations are. MTP allows the use
of a component diagram to specify the transformation chain
structure as shown in Fig. 12. Each transformation is
represented by a component (e.g. OO2RDBMS) and has two
required interfaces that represent its inputs, one for the source
Metamodel (e.g. UML) and the other for the input model (e.g.
ClassModel), and provides one interface that represents the
output of the transformation (e.g. RDBMS).
Fig. 11. OO2RDBMS Relations control flow.
consists of the specification of the transformation chain that
automates the middleware process. This transformation chain
has already been specified in an ad hoc way (using natural
language) and the transformations were implemented directly
in code in ATL language. Consequently, there is no
documentation except a brief description in natural language
and the ATL code.
Fig. 12. Transformation chain architecture.
A component diagram should be used to define a
transformation composition too. This allows reuse of existing
transformations to develop new ones.
After analyzing the existing brief description of the
transformations, we specified them using the proposed MTP
profile. The middleware process adopt some profiles (RMODP, BP and CCA) and its transformation chain comprises
four transformations: a CIM to CIM transformation (named
RM-ODP to BP that refines CIM models); a CIM to PIM
transformation (named BP to CCA); a PIM to PSM
transformation (named CCA to PSM); and a PSM to Code
transformation, to generate code in the selected platform. Due
to lack of space, this paper only shows the RM-ODP to BP
transformation specification. The description of this
specification is organized in the phases according to the
Transformation Process briefly described in section III (A):
Transformation Conceptual View phase, Transformation
Computational View phase and Transformation Platform View
The diagrams constructed during the development process
form a significant documentation of the transformation, but
not only this, as models, they can be used to generate
transformation in different transformation languages. After the
PIM specification using the MTPdesig profile, these diagrams
can be automatically / semi-automatically transformed into a
specific transformation language such as QVT and ATL (the
PSM models) and then generate the transformation code.
In order to evaluate the MTP profile we specified the
transformation chain of a real MDA process which has been
used in some projects in our laboratory [17][18][20]. Within
this scenario, we wanted to evaluate the profile expressiveness
in terms of structure and behavior specifications along the
transformation development life cycle. The evaluation was
guided by following the questions:
CIM –Transformation Conceptual View Phase. The main
purpose of this phase is to capture the transformation
Q1: The profile allows the transformation requirements
To help us in requirement elicitation we used an example
of a system which was developed in our laboratory using the
middleware process (Fig. 13). The objective of this software is
to manage paper writing. In Fig. 13A a use case diagram
models one of the user requirements called Design a Project,
to allow the creation of new projects (there were also other
requirements modeled in another use case diagram and it is
not shown here). By this, the Primary Author performs the
following actions: Form a group, Register the project, Define
roles and Define Author. The RM-ODP2BP transformation
was executed using this diagram as input and was transformed
in a class diagram. This diagram contains a central class
(representing the requirement) grouping other classes, one for
each action (Fig. 13B). Additionally, other classes were
created to represent the necessary input and output data.
Q2: Can we specify models and metamodels that are used
as input and output of each transformation along the entire
Q3: The profile allows the definition of the Relations and
its structure and behavior?
Q4: Can we model a transformation chain showing the
involved transformation and its relationships?
Evaluating a profile, such as MTP, is not an easy task due
to the complexity of identifying an adequate transformation
example that covers all the definitions. So we decided to
divide the evaluation into phases to better identify and deal
with problems as they emerged. First of all we used a classical
transformation, the transformation of a class model to a
RDBMS schema, partially shown in this paper. This example
served to illustrate the MTP metamodels and it demonstrated
the adherence of the defined concepts with the UML diagrams
as it was possible to represent every phase of the
transformation development life cycle with them. After that,
we used a real MDA process in the second evaluation,
illustrated in the next subsection.
Based on this example we defined the RM-ODP to BP
requirements shown in a use case diagram (Fig. 14).
A. Evaluation Description
To carry out the evaluation of the MTP profile we used the
MDA process for specific middleware services proposed in
[8], which encompass the specification and implementation of
portable specific middleware services. In this process through
a transformation chain system functional requirements are
decomposed until middleware service code. We will refer to it
in the rest of this paper as middleware process. The validation
Fig. 13. Example of software developed with the Middleware Process.
Fig. 14. RM-ODP to BP functional requirements in use case.
The actor represents the transformation and executes two
main requirements: Map user requirements and Map Actions,
which include the creation of the data definition model. We
also observed that it is necessary to indicate that each user
requirement should be described in a single use case diagram.
It was represented in a note as a constraint in natural language.
The use case diagram was transformed by our framework
in a class diagram ( Fig. 15A) where we add the requirement
type. An object diagram was also constructed to add extra
information such as the input and output models and source
and target metamodels. The class stereotyped by <<Model
Transformation >> contains the description of the
transformation. The object T1 comprises the identification of
the selected metamodels and models. For example, the
sourceMM was set to RM-ODP metamodel and the targetMM
was set to BP metamodel.
PIM – Transformation Computational View Phase. The
main goal of this phase is to define the transformation
Relation and model its structure and behavior. Based on the
class diagram with the Requirements (modeled in CIM phase
in Fig. 15) we use a CIM2PIM transformation to generate the
initial version of a map relations class diagram (Fig. 16) that
represents the transformation Relations.
The map relation diagram is composed of three packages:
a package for the RM-ODP metamodel (stereotyped as
<<Model>>) and their elements (represented by classes
stereotyped as <<Element>>); a package for the BP
metamodel (stereotyped as <<Model>>) and their elements
(represented by classes stereotyped as <<Element>>); and a
package for the model transformation (stereotyped as
<<Model Transformation>>) with a set of relationships
(classes stereotyped as <<Relation>>), one for each
requirement identified in the previews phase.
Fig. 15. RM-ODP to BP requirements modeled in a class diagram (A)
complemented by an object diagram (B).
Fig. 16. Map relation class diagram.
From these packages we can relate <<Element>> (from
RM-ODP metamodel) to <<Element>> (from BP metamodel)
defining the transformation Relations. The adopted pattern is
also defined as an attribute in each Relation, if necessary. For
example, the MapUserRequirements Relation relates the
Process Element (from RM-ODP metamodel) to a
BusinessProcess Element (from BP metamodel) and uses the
Refinement pattern. The MapAction Relation relates the Action
Element (from the RM-ODP metamodel) to four elements of
the BP metamodel (Activity, InputGroup, OutputGroup and
ProcessFlowPort) and does not use a pattern, its behavior will
be later defined. It is important to notice that in this diagram
we model what is transformed in what, not how an element is
transformed in other (except in cases where a pattern is used).
For the Relation that does not use patterns it is necessary to
define its behavior. The object diagram was used to specify
the MapActions behavior (Fig. 17). For each created element
of the output model we defined how the attribute name must
be assigned (assignExp attribute).
We modeled the complete transformation chain
architecture in a component diagram, as shown in Fig. 18. The
first transformation RM-ODP to BP (Fig. 18) receives as input
a DomainRequirement model which is a Use Case diagram
conformed to RM-ODP metamodel and generates as output a
class model (BusinessProcess) conformed to BP metamodel.
Fig. 17. MapRelation behavior in an object diagram.
Related to the first and second questions, the requirements
elicitation was satisfactory represented by the use case and
class diagrams. It was possible to represent requirements
composition and constraints when necessary.Besides that,
input and output models and metamodels were well defined
using classes attributes.
Fig. 18. Transformation chain architecture.
These models are the input of the BPtoCCA model
transformation that generates as output a class model
conformed to a CCA metamodel. These models are the input
of the CCAtoPSM model transformation that generates as
output a component model conformed to EJB metamodel.
The MTP profile covers the transformation specification
until this phase. After this, it is necessary to choose a
transformation implementation language and transform the
PIM model into a PSM model.
PSM - Platform View Phase. The main goal of this phase is
to add platform detail to the model transformation. We
decided to implement this transformation in QVT.
Our transformation process transforms the previous model
in a QVT class model as illustrated in Fig. 19. As can be seen,
the RM-ODP to BP (<<RelationalTransformation>>
stereotype) contains two input models mm1, instance of RMODP (<<relationDomain>>), and mm2, instance of BP
MapUserRequirements is represented by the stereotype
<<Relation>>. We now add some information specific to the
QVT platform such as the attributes isCheckable and
isEnforceable in the <<RelationDomain>>.
Once the specific model is complemented by the developer
with the platform information it is ready to generate code.
Some considerations about the validation. We had observed
that MTP could be applied to many UML diagrams allowing
different constructions (structural and behavioral) for this
transformations scenario.
Fig. 19. Part of the RM-ODP transformation instance of QVT.
Related to the third question, transformation structure was
modeled through the mapping of Relation in a class diagram
and by the component diagram. Relation behavior was
modeled using patterns and an object diagram, but we observe
the need to specify some other patterns due to the complexity
of the behavior definition using object diagrams. For example,
to use the object diagram the developer must know all the
metamodel elements and their attributes to define how the
relation should be processed.
The last question (fourth question) was about
transformation chain architecture which was well defined
using the component diagram. Through the use of components
to represent each transformation it was possible to model their
relations and input/output artifacts. However, we noticed the
need for a diagram to orchestrate the transformation. The
profile specification should be also improved by adding more
details to eliminate some ambiguity in using the concepts
because some concepts can be used in different UML elements
(e.g. <<Model Transformation>> can be a package, a class or
a component) and the process left this decision open.
There are some approaches to developing model
transformations that address specific languages and notations
supported by proprietary tools. They usually focus on specific
development aspects such as design and formal specifications
usually not covering all the phases presented in a system
development life cycle.
The MOF Query/View/Transformation (QVT), the OMG
proposed approach, is the most well known initiative to specify
and develop model transformation. QVT Specifications use the
Relation language which can be represented diagrammatically
in two ways: using the UML class diagram or using a
transformation diagram [11]. Although the class diagram is
widely used in industry, the complexity of the QVT
metamodels makes the diagram verbose and difficult to
understand. On the other hand, the transformation diagram
brings new notation with no portability for UML tools.
Additionally, QVT does not provide a process to guide the
developers in language usage.
A relevant work which can be compared to our profile is
the family of languages, named transML [6] to specify model
transformations. This family of languages contains diagrams
for the entire development life cycle providing support for
specification, analysis, design and code. However, the
proposed diagrams use a UML heavy extension with new
notations that makes it difficult to learn and to integrate with
the existing UML tools usually used. MTP also covers the
entire transformation development life cycle since
requirements to design and proposes a UML profile that has
been able to represent model transformation without the
necessity of use heavy extension.
In the direction of formal specification, [5] proposes a
visual, formal, declarative specification language to be used at
the initial stages of the development phases (analysis and
design) focusing on transformation correctness. Its purpose is
to specify what the transformation has to do and the properties
that the transformed models should satisfy, instead of
implementing the transformation. The specification is used to
automatically derive assertions that will be used to test the
[15] proposes a notation for transformation design. This
approach focuses on design and does not cover other stages of
the development life cycle such as requirement and analyze.
In [12], Trans-DV, a systematic approach to the
development of model transformation specifications is
proposed. It comprises a model transformation requirements
model, for the specification of transformation requirements and
metamodel elements; a model transformation specification
model, to specify structural and behavioral features; and a
formal template catalogue to facilitate the use of formal
verifications by non-experts in formal methods. Each one of
these models is developed in steps described to guide the
developer. However, the main goal of it is not transformation
implementation but to give support to the specification of
formal methods in the transformation development.
In summary, there are notations and languages for
modeling model transformation but most of them propose a
new notation or use heavy UML extensions and they do not
cover the necessities of specification of the entire
transformation development life cycle.
In this paper we presented a UML profile (MTP) to
develop model transformations at a high abstraction level
which is part of a transformation framework that comprises an
MDA process. This framework proposes a model
transformation model that enables the instantiation of
transformations in different platforms saving effort on the part
of developers in the entire transformation software
development phases. The proposed profile specifies the
knowledge of the transformation in an abstract way that
otherwise would only be embedded in code or in natural
We are currently investigating how to improve the profile
to provide some required transformation properties [16], for
example semantic correctness and completeness and other
facilities such as bidirectional transformation. Additionally, in
order to carry out a more accurate validation, we intend to use
the profile in an industrial case study. Besides that we are
adapting our current MDA environment named MoDerNe [21]
to support transformation process specification and enactment.
We would like to thanks Jandson S. Ribeiro Santos
(supported by PROPCI/UFBA 01-2012-PIBIC) for the
specification of the OCL constraints presented in this work.
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A Model-Driven Infrastructure for Developing
Product Line Architectures Using CVL
Amanda S. Nascimento
Cecı́lia M.F. Rubira
Rachel Burrows
Fernando Castor
Institute of Computing Institute of Computing Department of Computer Science
Informatics Center
University of Campinas University of Campinas
University of Bath
Federal University of Pernambuco
Campinas, SP, Brazil
Campinas, SP, Brazil
Bath, UK
Recife, PE, Brazil
[email protected] [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Abstract—Over recent years, software engineers have been
evaluating the benefits of combining Software Product Line
and Model-Driven Engineering, which is referred to as ModelDriven Product Line Engineering (MD-PLE), to achieve software
architecture evolvability. In general terms, existing solutions
for MD-PLE support high-level model refinement into lower
level abstractions in order to reach code implementation of
product line architectures. Nevertheless, the applicability of such
approaches is limited due to either the unsystematic processes
that do not clearly specify how to refine models to decrease
the level of abstraction, or the lack of automation support.
In this paper, we propose an infrastructure for MD-PLE. The
infrastructure encompasses a model-driven, systematic and semiautomated engineering method that combines a set of existing
process, tools, languages and models to implement product line
architectures. Common Variability Language (CVL) is adopted
to specify and resolve architectural variability explicitly and
systematically. We employ our solution to develop a family of
software fault tolerance techniques for service-oriented architectures. The results obtained suggest the proposed solution is useful
and efficient to implement product line architectures. We report
lessons learned from this case study and present directions for
future work.
Keywords-Software Product Lines; Model-driven Method;
Common Variability Language;
Currently, there is an increasing need to address software
architecture evolvability in order to gradually cope with new
stakeholders’ needs. At the same time, the software system’s
desired time-to-market is ever decreasing. This reality demands on software architectures’ capability of rapid modification and enhancement to achieve cost-effective software evolution. To face these needs, advanced software paradigms have
emerged. For instance, Model Driven Engineering (MDE) and
Software Product Line Engineering (SPLE) are two promising
cases in particular as they increase software reuse at the
architectural level of design [1], [2], [3].
MDE conceives software development as transformation
chains where higher level models are transformed into lower
level models [4]. In MDE, reuse is mainly achieved by means
of model transformations, which are built once but can be
enacted for a variety of input models that yield different
results [4]. Models are considered as first-class entities, are
used to capture every important aspect of a software system
for a given purpose, and are not just auxiliary documentation
artefacts; rather, they are source artefacts and can be used for
automated analysis and/or code generation [2], [5].
SPLE systematises the reuse of software artefacts through
the exploration of commonalities and variabilities among
similar products [6], [7]. Feature modelling is a technique
for representing the commonalities and the variabilities in
concise, taxonomic form [8], [2]. A key to the success
of SPL implementation is structuring its commonalities and
variabilities in Product Line Architectures (PLAs) in terms of
variable architectural elements, and their respective interfaces,
which are associated with variants [6]. Furthermore, SPLE
encompasses two sub-processes [6]: (i) domain engineering
aims to define and realize the commonality and the variability
of the SPL; and (ii) application engineering aims to derive
specific applications by exploiting the variability of the SPL.
The combination of MDE and SPLE, referred to as ModelDriven Product Line Engineering (MD-PLE), integrates the
advantages of both [1]. SPLE provides a well-defined application scope, which enables the development and selection of
appropriate modelling languages [2]. On the other hand, MDE
supports the different facets of a product line more abstractly.
For instance, architectural variability can be specified systematically by appropriate models, thus enabling (i) an automated
product derivation process in accordance with feature configurations, also called resolution models [9]; and (ii) an automated
generation of source code to implement PLA models [10], [2].
Model-driven engineering method to develop SPLs should describe systematically how to refine models to decrease the level
of abstraction to reach a code implementation. Nevertheless,
existing solutions for MD-PLE either do not define clearly the
sequence of models to be developed at each SPLE sub-process
and how models transformations are performed between the
different process phases [10], [1], or, if they do, they lack of
automation support [11], [5].
In this sense, we propose a model-driven infrastructure to
implement PLAs through a step-by-step refinement from highlevel models into lower level abstractions. The infrastructure
employs a set of existing process, tools and models, such
as model transformations are semi-automated. More specifically, to specify common and variable requirements of the
product line we adopt use case models, as suggested by Go-
maa [12], and feature models [8]. Second, the FArM (FeatureArchitecture Mapping [8]) method is adopted to perform a
sequence of transformations on the initial feature model to
map features to a PLA. Third, we explicitly and systematically specify architectural variability such that executing the
variability specification model with a resolution model will
yield a product model. In particular, our solution is based on
the Common Variability Language (CVL), a generic variability
modelling language being considered for standardization at the
Object Management Group (OMG) [9]. Finally, in accordance
with the PLA model, the source code generation is guided by
component-based development process and uses COSMOS*,
a component implementation model that materialises the elements of a software architecture using the concepts available
in object-oriented programming languages [13].
We have identified a set of supporting tools to specify
and validate the target models and automate model-to-model
transformations. We show the feasibility and effectiveness of
the proposed solution by employing it to implement a PLA
to support a family of software fault tolerance techniques
applied to service-oriented architectures (SOAs). The resulting
models are described in detail and lessons learned from
executing this case study are also presented. Contributions of
this work are twofold (i) a model-driven, systematic and semiautomated engineering method to develop PLAs; and (ii) to
promote the incorporation of CVL and its supporting tools in
a comprehensive engineering method for PLA implementation
ensuring that CVL models are effectively coordinated.
We present an overview of the main concepts, definition,
models, methods and languages encompassed by our solution.
A. Cosmos* Implementation Model
The COSMOS* model [13] is a generic and platformindependent implementation model, which uses objectoriented structures, such as interfaces, classes and packages,
to implement component-based software architectures. The
main advantages of COSMOS*, when compared with other
component models such as Corba Component Model (CCM),
Enterprise Java Beans, and .NET, is threefold. COSMOS*
provides traceability between the software architecture and
the respective source code by explicitly representing architectural units, such as components, connectors and configuration. Second, COSMOS* is based on a set of design
patterns, thus, it is considered a platform-independent model.
Thirdly, the set of design patterns employed by COSMOS*
can be automatically translated to source code. In particular,
our solution employs Bellatrix [14], an Eclipse Plug-in that
translates graphically specified software architectures (using
Unified Modelling Language - UML) to Java source code in
COSMOS*. Bellatrix allows the creation of a ‘skeletal’ system
in which the communication paths are exercised but which at
first has a minimal functionality. This ‘skeletal’ system can
then be used to implement the system incrementally, easing
the integration and testing efforts [15].
To address different perspectives of component-based systems, COSMOS* defines five sub-models: (i) a specification
model specifies the components; (ii) an implementation model
explicitly separates the provided and required interfaces from
the implementation; (iii) a connector model specifies the link
between components using connectors, thus enabling two or
more components to be connected in a configuration; (in) a
composite components model specifies high-granularity components, which are composed by other COSMOS* components; and (v) a system model defines a software component
which can be executed, thus encapsulating the necessary
dependencies. Figure 1 (a) shows an architectural view of a
COSMOS* component called CompA and Figure 1 (b) shows
the detailed design of the same COSMOS* component [13].
We have used UML notation in this paper to model architecture and detailed design and, in Figure1 (a), we have omitted
operations and attributes for the sake of clarity.
specification (CompA.specpackage) and implementation
(CompA.implpackage). The specification is the external view
of the component, which is also sub-divided into two parts:
one that specifies the provided services (CompA.spec.prov
package) and the other makes dependencies explicit
(CompA.spec.req package). For instance, IM anager and
IA are provided interfaces and IB is a required interface.
The COSMOS* implementation model also defines classes to
support component instantiation and to implement provided
interfaces. The CompA.impl package has three mandatory
classes: (i) a ComponentF actory class, responsible for
instantiating the component; (ii) a F acade class that realizes
provided interfaces, following the Facade design pattern; and
(iii) a M anager class that realizes IM anager interface and
provides meta-information about the component. ClassA and
ClassB are examples of auxiliary classes.
Fig. 1. (a) An architectural view and a detailed design of a COSMOS*
component; (b) A detailed design of the COSMOS* component
B. Software Product Lines (SPLs)
SPL engineering aims to improve development efficiency
for a family of software systems in a given domain [6].
1) Use Case Modelling for Software Product Lines: To
specify the functional requirements of a SPL, it is important to
capture the requirements that are common to all members of
the family as well as the variable ones. Gomaa [12] identifies
different kinds of use cases: kernel use cases, which are needed
by all members of the product line; optional use cases, which
are needed by only some members of the product line; and
alternative use cases, which are usually mutually exclusive
and where different versions of the use case are required by
different members of the product line. We refer to Gomaa [12]
for further details on how to identify and specify use cases.
2) Feature Models: A feature is a system property that is
relevant to some stakeholder [16]. A feature model represents
the commonalities among all products of a product line as
mandatory features, while variabilities among products are
represented as variable features. Variable features extensively
fall into three categories: (i) optional, which may or may not
be present in a product; (ii) alternative, which indicates a set
of features, from which only one must be present in a product;
and (iii) multiple features, which represents a set of features,
from which at least one must be present in a product [17], [3].
The feature model can also represent additional constraints
between features. Some examples of constraints are mutual
dependency, when a feature requires another, and mutual
exclusion, when a feature excludes another [17], [3].
3) Product Line Architectures (PLAs): A PLA is a key
artefact to achieve a controlled evolution and it should (i) be
consistent with the feature model; and (ii) represent the common and variable parts in a product line [6]. In PLAs, software
variability can be reached by delaying certain architectural
design decisions, which are described through variation points.
A variation point is the place at the software architecture
where a design decision can be made. Variants are the different
possibilities that exist to satisfy a variation point.
4) Feature-Architecture Mapping (FArM): By iteratively
refining the initial feature model, the FArM method enables
the construction of a transformed feature model containing
exclusively functional features, whose business logic can be
implemented into architectural components [8]. It is largely
accepted that FArM improves maintainability and flexibility of
PLAs [8]. The FArM transformation flow is shown in Figure 2
and is briefly described in the following.
Firstly, non-architecture-related features should be removed
from the initial FM. Quality features, in turn, can be resolved
by integrating them into existing functional features by enhancing their specification or by adding new features providing
functional solutions that fulfil the quality features and their
specifications. Secondly, architectural requirements (AR) are
identified (e.g. authentication and interoperability). AR can be
handled through direct resolution, integration in existing functional features and addition of new functional features. The
third interacts relation is used to model the communication of
features. A valid FArM interacts relation connects two features
where one feature uses the other feature’s functionality; and
the correct operation of one feature either alters or contradicts
the behaviour of the other feature. Once all interacts relations
between features are identified, features are then transformed
based on the type and the number of interacts relations.
The last transformation is based on the analysis of hierarchy
relations between super-features and their sub-features. The
sub-feature can specialize, be part of or present alternatives to
their super-feature. At this transformation, invalid hierarchy
relations are removed and their features remain without any
sub-features. Whenever it is necessary, new hierarchy relations
may be created [8]. In the last FArM iterations the system
architects commit to certain architecture and they can also
employ a specific architectural style by adapting components
to a particular style (e.g. a plug-in or a layered architecture).
Fig. 2.
The FArM method [8]
5) Common Variability Language (CVL): CVL has being
increasingly used to improve maintainability, readability and
scalability of architectural variability specifications [9], [18],
[19]. CVL supports the systematic specification of variability
over PLA models defined in any Domain Specific Language
(DSL) based on Meta Object Facility (MOF), such that executing the variability specification with resolutions will generate
a product model which conforms to the base DSL [9], as
illustrated in Figure 3. CVL encompasses three models (i) the
base model is described in a DSL based on MOF; (ii)
the CVL variability model defines variability on the base
model; and (iii) the resolution model defines how to resolve
the variability model to create product models in the base
DSL [9]. A CVL library can be used to represent additional
variant models in the base DSL. Due to space constraints, the
base, variability, and resolution models are described in detail
only in Section IV, in the context of the case study.
Fig. 3.
CVL transformation (or materialisation) [9]
We present a model-driven infrastructure that combines
existing methods, tools, models and languages to implement
Fig. 4.
A semi-automated model-driven method for developing product line architectures
PLAs, as illustrated in Figure 4. The infrastructure encompasses a semi-automated engineering method that supports a
step-by-step high-level refinement of models into lower level
abstractions. In summary, the infrastructure firstly enables
the identification and specification of common and variable
requirements and features of a SPL (Activities 1 and 2).
Secondly, features are realized by a component-based PLA
(Activities 3-5). Finally, features and their respective components are chosen which allowing for instantiation of a final
product (Activity 6). The resulting feature model, PLA model
and variability model are persisted in XMI (XML Metadata
Interchange) format, the standard proposed by the OMG for
MOF metadata exchange. The main activities of the proposed
method are described in detail in the following.
A. Activities 1-2: To Specify Use Case and Feature Models
These activities are concerned with the domain requirements
engineering which encompasses all activities for eliciting and
documenting the common and variable requirements of the
SPL [6].
1) Specification of Use Case Models: The input for this
activity consists of the product roadmap and domain knowledge. This may include, for example, specification, (pseudo)
codes and data flow diagrams related to the products needed.
The output comprises of reusable, textual and model-based
requirements. In particular, for specification of use cases, we
suggest the template proposed by Gomaa [12] (Section II-B1).
2) Specification and Validation of Feature Models: The
input for this activity is mainly composed by the use case
descriptions. The output comprises of a feature model and
feature specifications. At this stage, a feature model is specified in order to differentiate among members of the SPL
(Section II-B2). Use cases and features can be used to complement each other, thus enhancing variability descriptions [12].
A software engineer is responsible for specifying a feature
model that is consistent with the use cases. In particular, use
cases should be mapped to the features on the basis of their
reuse properties [12]. To specify and validate features models,
we adopted FaMa-FM, a largely accepted test suite to support
automated analysis of feature models [20]. For instance, we
test whether the feature model is valid and we verify the
number of products it encompasses.
B. Activity 3: To Map from Features to a PLA Model
The input of this activity consists of the feature model
and feature specifications. The output comprises of an initial
PLA. To specify the PLA, we adopt the FArM method
(Section II-B4). We emphasize that a correct specification of
feature realizations is essential for the derivation of correct and
intended products. This specification is frequently carried out
by a software engineer who has a great understanding of the
product line domain, making automation extremely difficult.
Although the transformation from features to a PLA model
is not automated, FArM encompasses a series of well-defined
transformations on the initial feature model in order to achieve
a strong mapping between features and the architecture. Consequently, the FArM method ensures that the feature model
is consistent with the PLA. Variability at the PLA implies
using variable configurations of components and interfaces
(i.e. provided and required interfaces) [6]. To guarantee
that components that need to be configured are successfully
coordinated, we adopt a component framework [6], [8]. Variation points are represented by locations in the framework
where plug-in components may be added. In addition, variants
are realized by specific choices of the plug-in. The explicit
integration of plug-in mechanisms in the PLAs reduces the
effort for the composition of the final products [8].
C. Activity 4: To Specify Architectural Variability
The input of this activity comprises of the transformed
feature model and the PLA model (i.e. the models resulting
from FArM transformations - Activity 3). The output consists
of a CVL variability model specifying architectural variability
as first-class entities. Although FArM is essential to drive the
specification of the PLA, it does not systematically define the
details of the transformations required to get a specific product
model according to a resolution model. To overcome this
gap, our solution employs CVL to specify software variability
explicitly and systematically at the PLA model (Section II-B5).
CVL ensures the consistency among the PLA model and its
products. By means of the CVL-Enable Papyrus Eclipse Plugin, the initial PLA is firstly specified in UML, a MOF-based
language. The resulting PLA model encompasses the base and
variant models, according to the CVL nomenclature (Figure 3).
Second, the transformed feature model is used to specify the
CVL variability model by using the CVL diagram (the CVL
Eclipse Plug-in). This plug-in also enables the definition of
how model elements of the base model shall be manipulated
to yield a new product model, as exemplified in Section IV.
D. Activity 5: To Translate PLAs to Implementation Models
The input of this activity comprises of the UML-based PLA
model. The output consists of a Java source model encompassing the COSMOS* sub-models (Section II-A) for each
architectural component and connector of the PLA model. The
PLA model (from Activity 3) is used as the basis for model
transformation from component-based software architectures
to detailed design of software components. In particular, we
adopt the Bellatrix case tool [14] to automate the generation
of Java source code in COSMOS* from UML component
based-models specified in XMI. By automatically generating
Java source code in COSMOS*, we ensure that the PLA
implementation is consistent with the PLA model.
E. Activity 6: To Generate Product Models
The input of this activity comprises of the UML-based PLA,
the CVL variability model and the COSMOS*-based source
code. The output consists of a product model architecture
and its respective COSMOS*-based implementation. Software
components, interfaces, and other software assets are not
created anew. Instead, they are derived from the platform by
binding variability [6], [9]. At this stage, a software engineer
is able to configure a specific product by choosing the set
of features required. For instance, it is necessary to create
a CVL resolution model (Section II-B5). The realizations of
the chosen features are then applied to the base model to
derive the product model by using the CVL Eclipse Plugin. That is, by using the product line and resolution models, specifics products are obtained by CVL model-to-model
transformation, which is in charge of exercising the builtin variability mechanisms of the PLA model. The product
architecture implementation is also derived by selecting the
appropriate COSMOS* components and connectors realising
the product model.
We present an illustrative application of the proposed solution to demonstrate its feasibility, effectiveness and present a
concrete example of our activities in practice.
A. A Family of Software Fault Tolerance Techniques for SOAs
We show the development of a PLA to support a family of
software fault tolerance techniques based on design diversity
applied to SOAs [21]. In summary, these techniques create
fault-tolerant composite services, FT-compositions, that leverage functionally equivalent services, or alternate services [22].
We felt this example was well suited to demonstrate our
solution as existing software fault tolerance techniques differ
in terms of (i) quality requirements (e.g. execution time,
reliability and financial costs), and (ii) types of alternates’
results that they are able to adjudicate (e.g. simple or complex
data types) that makes different techniques more suitable in
different contexts [21], [23]. Mass customization using a PLA
to support multiple fault tolerance techniques can be employed
to address different demands on solutions for FT-compositions.
We consider the following fault tolerance techniques: Recovery Block (RcB), N-Version Programming (NVP) and NSelf-Checking Programming (NSCP). In addition, we also
take into account the RcB’ and NVP’ techniques, indicating, respectively, the adoption of parallel execution of the
multiple versions combined with Acceptance Tests, and, the
fully sequential execution of the multiple versions combined
with voters [23]. In the following, we describe the activities
and models presented in Figure 4, but individual use case
descriptions are omitted due to space constraints. For the
specification of use cases, we took into account a set of roles
and functionalities that the service composition, in general,
should encompasses for the aggregation of multiple services
into a single composite service (e.g. interoperability capabilities; autonomic composition of services and; QoS-aware
service compositions; and business-driven automated compositions) [24]. Additional information for use case specification
was taken from domain knowledge of software fault tolerance
techniques based on design diversity such as the various types
of adjudicators and their operations [3], [25], [23], [21].
1) The Feature Model: Features were derived from use
cases descriptions (Figure 4 - Activity 1). In Figure 5 we show
an excerpt of the resulting feature model. The feature model
is an extension of the model proposed by Brito et al. [3]
and the one of our previous work [22]. In comparison with
these previous models, our revised feature model (i) identifies
different types of adjudicators (these subfeatures were omitted
in the figure to avoid an unreadable feature model); (ii)
explicitly distinguishes between different sequential execution
schemes; (iii) allows the combination of a parallel execution
scheme with acceptance tests (for instance, the RcB’ technique) and the combination of a fully sequential scheme with
voters (for instance, the NVP’ technique); and (iv) explicitly
states some aspects that are specifics to FT-compositions.
The Executive feature aims to orchestrate a software fault
tolerance technique operation. It is composed of seven mandatory features. The Consistency of input data feature presents
how the consistency of data is achieved, either implicitly
through backward error recovery, or explicitly through a syn-
chronization regime [23], [3]. The Execution scheme feature
represents the three possible ways for executing the alternate
services: conditionally or fully sequential execution and parallel execution [23], [21]. The Judgement on result feature
presents how the acceptance test should be performed, either
with an absolute criteria (involving the result of only one
alternate service), or a relative criteria (involving the results
of more than one alternate service) [3], [25]. The Adjudicator
feature captures a set of alternative features related to the
different ways that can be employed for detecting errors: by
acceptance testing (ATs), voting or comparison [3], [23], [21].
The Number of Alternate Services for tolerating f sequential
faults represents the number of alternate services to tolerate
f solid faults [23], [3], [25]. A solid software fault is recurrent under normal operation or cannot be recovered [25].
In contrast, a soft software fault is recoverable and has a
negligible likelihood of recurrence. Provided there are no fault
coincidences, an architecture tolerating a solid fault can also
tolerate a (theoretically) infinite sequence of soft faults [25].
The Alternate Services represent which alternate services will
be employed as part of the FT-composition. Alternate services
are defined by a common shared terminology so that service
selection can be achieved automatically [24]. The Suspension
of operation delivery during error processing feature indicates
whether the error recovery technique suspends the execution
when an error is detected [23], [3], [25]. In case the execution
is suspended, it is also necessary to define what the purpose of
the suspension is: either for re-executing the target operation
or only for switching to another result [3], [25].
According to the FaMa-FM [20] tool, the proposed feature
model (Figure 5) is a valid one and it encompasses 36 products
(taking into account the different subtypes of adjudicators).
2) The Product Line (PLA) Architectural Model: We
adopt the FArM (Section II-B4) to map from features to a PLA
(Figure 4 - Activity 3). Regarding the first transformation, our
initial feature model contains neither architecture-related nor
quality features; consequently, no transformations were performed at this stage. With respect to the second transformation,
we identified one architectural requirement: interoperability.
Products should provide its main functionalities via services
that are defined by means of well-defined interfaces that
should be neutral, platform- and language-independent. These
requirements were used to enhance the description of the execution scheme and adjudicator features that should provide
interoperable services. Related to the third transformation, we
analysed interacts relations, as follows.
The Judgement on Result and Suspension of Service Delivery during Error Processing are used, in fact encompassed by,
the Adjudicator and Execution Scheme features. Moreover, we
integrated the Implicit Consistency of Input Data feature into
the Conditional and fully sequential execution scheme features
and Explicitly Consistency of Input Data into Parallel Execution Scheme due to their usage interacts relations. Therefore,
execution schemes must provide all alternate services with exactly the same experience the system state when their respective executions start [23]. Regarding the fourth transformation
proposed by the FArM method, the # of alternative services
for tolerating f sequential faults feature and its subfeatures do
not present a valid hierarchy relation - they simply represent a
value assignment. We decided to remove theses features from
the transformed model. Due of this removal, we enhance the
specification of the adjudicators by explicitly specifying the
number of alternate services each type of adjudicator should
ideally employ to tolerant f sequential faults.
3) The CVL Models: At this stage, CVL was adopt to
explicitly specify architectural variability (Figure 4 - Activity
4). Figure 6 shows an excerpt of the transformed feature model
and PLA (from FArM transformations). We have omitted
architectural connectors and interface names for the sake
of clarity. More specifically, the transformed feature model
is represented by means of a variability specification tree
(VSpec) and the PLA model by using the base and variant
models. VSpec represents tree structures whose elements represent choices bound to variation points. To generate product
models, these choices are resolved by a resolution model and
propagated to variation points and the base model [9]. The
base and variant models are represented by means of software
component-based architectures by using UML. Through CVL
model-to-model transformation we are able to automatically
generate UML software architectures of the target software
fault tolerance techniques, which are our products. We represent the alternate services as software components to keep an
explicit representation of them.
In general terms, VSpec trees are similar to feature models
and deciding choices is similar to selecting features [9]. In
the VTSpec, in Figure 6, choices are represented by rounded
rectangle with their names inside. A non-dashed link and
dashed link between choices indicates that the child choice
is, respectively, resolved according to its parent [9] and is
not implied by its parent. For example, if the Executive is
resolved to true, its sub-features are also resolved to true,
whereas when Execution Scheme is true, its sub-features can be
resolved either positively or negatively. Choices have a group
multiplicity, indicated by a triangle, with a lower and an upper
bound (e.g. we can select up to n alternate services and exactly
one adjudicator).
A variation point is a specification of concrete variability
in the base model and it defines specific modifications to be
applied to the base model during materialisation. They refer
to base model elements via base model handles and are bound
to elements of the VSpec [9]. For instance, we represent
variability on the base model by means of FragmentSubstituition. A FragmentSubstitution is a choice variation point
which specifies that a fragment of the base model, called
the placement, may be substituted for another, called the
replacement. As illustrated in Figure 6, we created auxiliary
object models, which are not transformed to source code, to
define placements. The replacement objects, or variant models,
in turn, can be found into the CVL Library.
The resolution model is a structural replica of the corresponding VSpec model such that choices are positively or
negatively resolved [9], as exemplified in the Figure 6. In par-
# !
Fig. 5.
A Partial Feature Model for Software Fault Tolerance Techniques Applied to SOA (notation proposed by Ferber et al. [17])
Fig. 6.
Using CVL to explicitly and systematically specify and resolve variability at the PLA model
ticular, we always assume that a resolution model starts with
a set of resolutions - choices related to the mandatory features
(i.e. Executive, Adjudicator, Selector and Execution Scheme)
are always set to true, whereas alternative and multiple choices
must be resolved to true or false. In Figure 6, we select the
Parallel execution scheme, the Service 1, Service 2 and Service
3 as alternate services and we choose to judge the results
from the alternate services by using a median voter (Median
Vt). Therefore, after executing the CVL transformation, as a
resolved model, we have an architectural specification of the
N-Version Programming (NVP) with a median voter.
Finally, we emphasize that the CVL supports the definition of OCL (Object Constraint Language) constraints among
elements of a VSpec to define features constraints [9]. For
example, for the conditionally sequential execution scheme,
we should specify that this execution scheme implies in an
acceptance test as an adjudicator, thus, being able to discard
invalid configurations.
In Figure 7, which is semantically equivalent to the Figure 6,
there is an excerpt of the models we generated by means
of CVL Eclipse Plug-ins. From left to right, we have the
following models. First, we defined elements of the CVL library, for instance, variant models related to the different types
of adjudicators, execution schemes and alternate services.
Secondly, we have the base model which mainly encompasses
the mandatory features (or choices in CVL notation), with
the exception of auxiliary elements defined solely to support
the specification of placement fragments. Thirdly, we have
the model representing the software architecture of the NVP
software fault tolerance technique employing a median voter
as an adjudicator. Finally, we have the variability specification
tree in which variation points are defined and linked to the base
model and elements from the CVL library. In the variability
specification tree, the highlighted elements are part of the
resolution model in which is specified the choices related to
the instantiation of the NVP with median voter (Figure 4:
Activity 6). The CVL tool also supports validation operations
and the defined variability model was validated successfully.
4) The PLA Implementation: Bellatrix was used to materialise through model-to-model transformation the elements
of the UML-based PLA to JAVA source code in COSMOS*
(Figure 4 - Activity 5).
We proposed a model-driven and semi-automated infrastructure to define and manage PLAs. Our solution encompasses
a model-based method (i) to specify common and variable
use cases as proposed by Gomaa [12]; (ii) to specify a
feature model [17]; (iii) to map features to the PLA using
FArM [8]; (iv) to specify variability at the architectural level
using CVL [9]; (v) and to automate the generation of code related to the software architecture using COMOS* [13]. These
reused approaches have been validated, are well-documented
and explored in other domains [8], [9], [18], [19], [12].
Differently, in this work we document and explore how these
approaches and related tools can be used together to develop
PLAs. In particular, we employ this method to define a family
of software fault tolerance techniques for fault-tolerant service
compositions. We discuss lessons learned from executing this
case study.
Activities 1 and 2 (Figure 4) were adopted to specify common
and variable requirements, which was essential to achieve a
better understanding of the commonality and the variability
of the intended SPL and to define the set of applications
the SPL is planned for. To map from use cases to features
is an error-prone and time-consuming task. Although it is
a research challenge to fully automate this task, it could
be greatly benefitted if an initial feature model could be
automatically generated by analysing reuse properties of the
use cases. Under this circumstance, a software engineer could
incrementally refine this initial feature model by specifying
appropriate many-to-many associations [12].
Activity 3 specifies a feature-oriented development method
to map features to architectural components using FArM.
The transformation from the feature model to the PLA was
smoothly, although it is not automated. We could observe that
to map a feature to the PLA can be systematically performed
by carrying out the series of FArM transformations for the
feature at hand [8]. Furthermore, due to the encapsulation
of the feature business logic in one architectural component,
the effects of removing and updating features were localized.
As claimed by Sochos et al. [8], we noticed that FArM
improves maintainability and flexibility of PLAs. Nevertheless,
FArM does not (i) define the details of the transformations
required in order to generate product models in accordance
with feature configurations; and (ii) provide clear guidelines
on how to describe all the traceability links among the initial
and transformed feature models and the resulting PLA.
Activity 4 uses CVL to specify software variability as a firstclass concern. The CVL Eclipse Plug-in greatly facilitates
the specification and resolution of software variability. By
specifying variability systematically, we are able to produce
the right product models automatically given a resolution
model encompassing a set of preselected features (Activity
6). This formalization of product creation process improves
analyzability and maintainability [9], [18], [19]. In addition, by
using CVL, the specification of the PLA using UML does not
have to be extended or overloaded with variability. The base
and variant models are oblivious to the CVL model while the
CVL model refers to objects of the base model [9]. Because
of this separation of concerns, there may be several variability
models applying to the same architectural model which also
facilitates the evolution of these product line assets [9].
We noticed that there are several strategies for defining a
base model (Figure 3). One obvious choice is to define a complete model where CVL can remove features to get a specific
product model [19]. Another choice is to adopt a minimal
CVL model such that a product model will be generated by
adding features to the base model [19]. We preferred to use
neither maximum nor minimum, but somewhere in between.
We created auxiliary elements in the base model to represent
placement fragments. The variant models (found in the CVL
Library) were then used as replacements for these placement
fragments. This seemed to be the most practical way to specify
fragment substitutions in our software solution as it reduces
the number and complexity of substitutions.
Furthermore, we noticed that using the transformed feature
model, which is composed exclusively by functional features,
and the PLA from FArM was essential to guarantee a compact
variability specification and product realization layers as they
are required by CVL. It is due to the strong mapping, ensured
by FArM, from features to software components. Using CVL
with a minimal feature specification layer is a sufficient
condition to make a new product as quick as possible [18].
The learning curve of using the proposed method is an
important consideration due to the different types of tools
and documentation that is available for the activities. The
specification of use cases was easily performed as Gomaa [12]
presents a template for use case specifications. With respect to
the FaMa-FM, XML (eXtensible Markup Language), Lisp or
plain text can be used to load and save feature models [20].
Although there are many examples available illustrating the
feature model notations employed by FaMa-FM, in fact, a
GUI editor tool support is missing. With respect to FArM,
the transition from a feature model to a PLA is explained by
the authors in a short but comprehensive way as they provide
a running example illustrating each FArM transformation [8].
CVL is a relatively small language with clearly defined
Fig. 7.
Using CVL Eclipse Plug-in to specify architectural variability
semantics making it less time-consuming to learn it [18].
By being able to use the base DSL editor to select and
highlight fragments, it is not required to know the lower
level implementation details of CVL [18]. In our case, the
definition of fragments and substitutions on base models was
intuitive as we were familiar with our architectural model and
the Papyrus Eclipse Plug-in. CVL Plug-in requires ‘an old’
Eclipse version and some compatible libraries [9]. To find
some of the required libraries were a time-consuming task.
The COSMOS* implementation model also defines clear semantics which are in fact representative of software component
models. It was also straightforward to implement componentbased software architectures specifically due to the support of
Bellatrix (Activities 5 and 6).
The tasks to ensure consistency among models are not fully
automated. Under some refinements from high-level models
into lower level abstractions, a software engineer is responsible
for ensuring that models are consistent. Because it is an errorprone activity, we identified useful guidelines to facilitate the
accomplishment of this task (e.g. the method by Gomaa [12]
to map from use cases to features and FArM to map from
features to PLAs). Nevertheless, despite the smooth transition
from the feature model to the architecture, the process could be
greatly facilitated if there was one tool that provided support
for all the activities. This would achieve greater consistency,
traceability among models, efficiency and familiarity within
the development environment which would lessen the learning
curve. Unfortunately, it is difficult to find the support for
specific modelling needs (e.g. to model optional/ mandatory
features and architectural variability etc.) at the same time
as finding compatible tools that support a large range of the
specified activities.
Zhang et al. [10] propose a tool to compare the existing
potential product models to identify reusable assets such as
model fragments. A preliminary PLA model and a CVL
variability model can be automatically specified based on
the comparison results. Our solutions complement each other
as we can employ the CVL Compare tool to generate the
initial PLA model and they can use Bellatrix to generate
code automatically. The solution by Chastek el al. [11],
encompasses a set of process, and tools to ensure that models
are effectively coordinated. Our solution can be regarded as an
instantiation of their method engineering, which is described
in a higher level of abstraction. Their solution does not allow
the automatic generation of product models given a resolution
model, neither the automatic translation of the PLA model
to an implementation model. Unlike our solution, Chastek el
al. [11] present general guidelines to create test assets by using
the JUnit test framework.
Azanza et al. [1] present a MD-PLE, but they focus on
extracting product line artefacts from existing software applications. Our solution, in fact, can be regarded as a proactive
approach for mass-customization [7], which is appropriate
when the requirements for the set of products needed are
well defined and stable [7]. Buchmann et al. [26] propose
a MD-PLE for software configuration management systems.
They are able to instantiate an application-specific system,
which is executable, according to the selection of features. We
intend to reuse their solution to refine the COSMOS*-based
implementation of PLAs. To specify architectural variability
they develop a tool that maps features to corresponding
domain model elements by manually annotating elements of
the domain model with feature expressions. To specify and
manage these annotations is an error-prone activity. At this
point, we adopt CVL, a well-defined language for specifying
and resolving software variability.
A number of works have been using CVL to specify and
resolve software variability [9], [18], [19]. In particular, we
refer to the work by Svendsen et al. [18] for a detailed
description of how to use CVL, its main concepts, the CVL
tool support and a discussion on different strategies to choose
a base model and to create the CVL Library. One of the main
purposes of that work [18] is to show the applicability of
the CVL to support the transformation of an original (e.g.
a product line model) into a configured, new product model.
We proposed a comprehensive, semi-automated, systematic and model-driven engineering method for product line
architecture (PLA) development ensuring that models are
effectively coordinated. The method is supported by an infrastructure that encompasses a set of existing processes, languages and tools, which are consistent and interoperable. The
process involves extracting common and variable functional
requirements of the product line using use case models. To
differentiate among members of the product line, features are
extracted to form a feature model and subsequently mapped
to a component-based PLA model. Finally, using preselected
features, individual component-based product models are generated through model-to-model transformations. Our solution
employs Common Variability Language to specify and resolve
architectural variability and COSMOS*, a component implementation model, to realize the PLA. We presented well known
Eclipse Plug-ins that can be used to manage and validate the
models and to support model-to-model transformations.
To exemplify and evaluate the proposed solution, we employ
it to develop a PLA to support family of software fault tolerance techniques for fault-tolerant composite services. The results from this preliminary evaluation show the feasibility and
effectiveness of the proposed infrastructure to develop PLAs
and suggest directions for future work. We encountered some
problems related to the process of using multiple techniques
together. These limitations include issues with consistency of
artefacts, traceability among models and familiarity within the
development environment. To overcome these drawbacks, we
intend to employ an integrated environment that could handle
the entire process instead of using independent tools.
This research was sponsored by UOL (,
through its UOL Bolsa Pesquisa program, process number 20120217172801. Fernando is supported by CNPq
(306619/2011-3), FACEPE (APQ-1367-1.03/12), and by INES
(CNPq 573964/2008-4 and FACEPE APQ-1037- 1.03/08).
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A Reference Architecture based on Reflection for
Self-adaptive Software
Frank José Affonso
Elisa Yumi Nakagawa
Dept. of Statistics, Applied Mathematics and Computation
Univ Estadual Paulista - UNESP
Rio Claro, SP, Brazil
[email protected]
Dept. of Computer Systems
University of São Paulo - USP
São Carlos, SP, Brazil
[email protected]
Abstract—Self-adaptive Software (SaS) presents specific characteristics compared to traditional ones, as it makes possible
adaptations to be incorporated at runtime. These adaptations,
when manually performed, normally become an onerous, errorprone activity. In this scenario, automated approaches have been
proposed to support such adaptations; however, the development
of SaS is not a trivial task. In parallel, reference architectures are
reusable artifacts that aggregate the knowledge of architectures
of software systems in specific domains. They have facilitated the
development, standardization, and evolution of systems of those
domains. In spite of their relevance, in the SaS domain, reference
architectures that could support a more systematic development
of SaS are not found yet. Considering this context, the main
contribution of this paper is to present a reference architecture
based on reflection for SaS, named RA4SaS (Reference Architecture for SaS). Its main purpose is to support the development of
SaS that presents adaptations at runtime. To show the viability of
this reference architecture, a case study is presented. As result, it
has been observed that RA4SaS has presented good perspective
to efficiently contribute to the area of SaS.
Software systems have occupied an important role in the
modern society, operating in several segments, including public
and private institutions, airports, communication systems, and
so on. These systems must be sometimes prepared to their
functions in normal operation and available 24 hours per day,
seven days per week. Moreover, most of them must be prepared
to operate in adverse conditions, maintaining their integrity
of execution. Therefore, characteristics such as robustness,
reliability, scalability, customization, self-organization, and
self-adaptation are increasingly required by these systems. In
particular, the last three characteristics match with a specific
type of software systems, which represents the self-adaptive
systems1 . These systems make possible incorporation of new
features in runtime, i.e., adaptations without interrupting the
execution [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]. Software adaptation, when
manually performed, becomes an onerous (with regard to time,
effort, and money) and error-prone activity, mainly due to
involuntary injection of uncertainties by developers [7], [8],
[9], [10]. To overcome these adversities, automated approaches
have been adopted, as they are an alternative to maximize
the speed of SaS implementation and, at the same time, to
minimize developers’ involvement [11].
1 The term self-adaptive systems is used in different areas/domains. In this
paper, it will focus only in the software domain and, therefore, it will be
referenced as Self-adaptive Software (SaS).
In another perspective, reference architectures refer to a
special type of software architecture that have become an
important element to systematically reuse architectural knowledge. The main purpose of these architectures is to facilitate
and guide [12]: (i) the design of concrete architectures for new
systems; (ii) the extensions of systems of neighbor domains
of a reference architecture; (iii) the evolution of systems
that were derived from the reference architecture; and (iv)
the improvement in the standardization and interoperability
of different systems. Reference architectures can occur in
different levels of abstraction. For example, generic reference
architectures for service-oriented architectures, such as IBM’s
foundation architecture [13]. On the other hand, more specific
architectures can be found; for instance, architectures for econtracting [14], web browsers [15], software engineering
environments [16] have been proposed. However, in spite of
considerable relevance of such architectures, there is a lack of
architectures that support the development of SaS. Therefore,
SaS have been currently developed without concern with reuse
of previously acquired knowledge and experience, such as best
practices, guidelines, and better architectural styles for SaS.
In this scenario, the main goal of this paper is to present
a reference architecture for SaS, named RA4SaS (Reference
Architecture for SaS). This architecture is mainly based on reflection, an important resource for inspection and modification
of software entities2 at runtime. RA4SaS makes it possible
to more systematically develop SaS, which contains two main
functions: software monitoring and software adaptation at runtime without shareholders’ intervention. In order to observe the
viability of this architecture, case studies have been executed.
As main result, we have observed that this architecture can be
considered an important contribution to the area of SaS.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In
Section II, it is presented the background and related work.
In Section III, it is presented RA4SaS. In Section IV, it is
presented a case study. Finally, conclusions and perspectives
of future work are presented in Section V.
Reference architecture is a special type of architecture that
provides major guidelines for the specification of concrete
architectures of a class of systems [17]. In order to systematize
2 From this point onwards, SaS will be also referred to as software entities
or simply entities.
the design of such architectures, guidelines and processes
have been established [18], [19], [20], [21]. Moreover, the
effective knowledge reuse of reference architecture depends
not only on raising the domain knowledge, but also documenting and communicating efficiently this knowledge through
an adequate architectural description. Commonly, architectural
views have been used, together with UML (Unified Modeling Language) techniques, to describe reference architectures.
Considering their relevance as basis of the software development, a diversity of architectures has been proposed and
used, including for (self-*) software, i.e., software that are
capable of self-configuration, self-adaptation and self-healing,
self-monitoring, self-tuning, and so on [22], [23], [24], [25].
However, there is currently no reference architecture for SaS
domain, specifically architectures based on reflection.
Computational reflection, or simply reflection, can be defined as any activity performed by a system on itself, being
very similar to human reflection. The main goal of software
systems that present reflection is to obtain information about
their own activities, aiming at improving their performance,
introducing new capabilities, or even solving their problems by
choosing the best procedure. Therefore, the use of reflection
makes possible software to be more flexible and more susceptible to changes [1], [7], [8], [26]. Following, some main uses
of reflection for software adaptation are exemplified.
Borde [27] proposed a technique based on reflection for
software components adaptation with regard to structure and
behavior. Existing functionalities are preserved and others
(new requirements) are added, constituting a new software
component. This technique also provides control over the
number of modifications that can be applied to software
components, as these components can quickly increase in
size and, consequently, their reusability could be reduced.
In [28], the reflection is used as a mechanism for dynamic
adaptation of distributed systems. The author proposed an
RMI (Remote Method Invocation) extension, named XRMI
(eXtended RMI), which makes possible an application to
monitor and to manipulate remote invocations among components during a dynamic adaptation. This proposal is based
on the Proxy pattern, which makes possible remote objects
behave in a transparent way to the application as if they are
locally deployed. Tanter et al. [29] proposed a tool, named
Reflex, for software dynamic adaptation based on reflection
and Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP). This tool provides
both structural and behavioral facilities, adopting a reflection
model, which makes possible a selective, fine-grained control
of where and when reflections occur. Additionally, Janik &
Zielinski [30] developed a technique to adapt non-functional
requirements, leaving intact the functional level. The authors
proposed an AOP extension, named AAOP (Adaptable AOP),
which represents a set of adaptable non-functional aspects
that are integrated into the software at runtime. According
to Shi et al. [3] and Peng et al. [4], the reflection has been
used successfully in the software components reuse and it
has been implemented in large-scale in the reuse of software
architecture and its components. Both authors divided the
architecture into two levels: (i) meta level, which contains
the architectural components, information describing the baselevel as architecture topology, components, and connectors;
and (ii) base level, which can be considered as traditional
software architecture. Thus, it is observed that there are already
important initiatives of using reflection in the development of
software systems.
With regard to related work, reference architectures and
reference models (a higher level artifact compared with reference architecture) are found. Liu et al. [24] proposed a
reference architecture for service-oriented computing based on
self-organizing mechanism. The goal of this architecture is
building self-organizing software components, while keeping
the system complexity hidden from human system participants.
For this, the systems must be able of ensuring transparency in
the monitoring and modifications control in relation to their
Weyns et al. [22] also proposed a reference model, named
FOrmal Reference Model for Self-adaptation (FORMS), based
on reflection (reflective models and reflective subsystems). In
order to demonstrate its applicability, the FORMS model was
instantiated in two domains: MAPE-K model [31] (composition of autonomic systems) and robotic systems (unmanned
vehicle). Another reference model based on self-healing and
self-optimizing mechanisms was proposed by Weyns et al.
[25]. This model supports the development of decentralized
SaS, such as (i) intelligent cameras that collaborate to detect
and monitor traffic jams, and (ii) improvement of the quality
of services via redeployment of their components. In short,
this model reifies the basic constructs of SaS and extends
them with additional constructs to support the engineering of
decentralized SaS.
Finally, Kramer & Magee [23] presented an architectural
approach for self-managed systems (self-* or autonomic systems). The authors proposed an architectural model in two
levels (meta and base), both with reflective characteristics.
Modifications in the base-level (application) are managed by an
action plan (meta-level), which determines what modifications
can be implemented. These related works present evidence of
the relevance of reference architectures and reference models
for SaS; therefore, efforts to establish a reference architecture
is quite interesting, including architectures that explore reflection for SaS development.
RA4SaS aims at supporting the development of SaS that
presents as main functionalities the monitoring and adaptation
at runtime without the perception of involved (stakeholders). In
order to establish this architecture, a process to build reference
architectures, named ProSA-RA (Process based on Software
Architecture - Reference Architecture) [19] - illustrated in
Figure 1, was used. In short, to establish reference architectures
by using ProSA-RA, information sources are firstly selected
and investigated (in Step RA-1) and architectural requirements
are identified (in Step RA-2). After that, an architectural
description of the reference architecture is established (in Step
RA-3) and evaluation of this architecture is conducted (in Step
RA-4). Following, each step in presented in more details in
order to establish the RA4SaS.
A. Step RA-1: Information Source Investigation
In this step, information sources were identified, aiming
to elicit RA4SaS requirements. Different sources were considered, mainly related to reference architectures and reference
Table I.
Figure 1.
What will be adapted?
Attributes, software entities, architectural
components, etc.
Where will the adaptation occur?
Software system, software architecture, architectural components, etc
Who will perform the adaptation?
Autonomous systems, humans, both, etc
When will the adaptation be applied?
How often, anytime, constantly, etc
Why will it be adapted?
Errors in project, new requirements (users
or technology), etc
How will it be adapted?
Is there any action plan for adaptation?
Was the adaptation planned?, etc
Outline Structure of ProSA-RA (Adapted from [19])
models for SaS domain. Thus, the two sets of sources were:
(i) guidelines to development of SaS; and (ii) reference architectures and reference models for self-adaptive systems. The
purpose of the second source is to understand: (a) how the
dynamic behavior is represented of reference architectures and
reference models; and (b) what type of knowledge/element is
used to design the reference architectures and reference models
for SaS. It is worth highlighting that to identify information
sources for these sets, it was conducted a systematic review3 .
In this paper, for reasons of space, the details of this systematic
review are not presented. In short, after setting the review
protocol and conducting the selection process, 27 primary
studies were included as relevant for the context of this work.
From these studies, information was extracted to be basis of
our reference architecture, as presented below and grouped
in Set 1 and Set 2. Finally, it is noteworthy that the use of
systematic reviews to support gathering of information sources
and requirements elicitation is already investigated elsewhere
[34], [35].
Set 1 - Guidelines to development of SaS. As previously
mentioned, SaS has specific characteristics compared to a
traditional one, mainly regarding adaptations at runtime. Aware
to these characteristics, authors have proposed works intending
to minimize the deficiency existing in this area. Based on these
works, it is possible to identify and to establish a panorama of
the area of (self-*) systems. In order to establish this panorama
and to elicit the adaptation requirements of software systems,
it was opted to use the Kipling method (5W1H)4 , cited by
Salehie & Tahvildari [9]. Table I summarizes the questions of
this method related to adaptations in a software system and the
possible scopes of action. Information about the scopes will
be useful during the establishment of RA4SaS.
Still on this panorama, some authors, such as Kramer &
Magee [23], Salehie & Tahvildari [9] and Han & Colman
[36], report three common problems on the area of (self-*)
software systems: (i) the use of term (self-*) systems in different domains (e.g., engineering, computer science, medicine,
etc.); (ii) existence of many synonyms for (self-*) properties;
and (iii) difficulty of implementing software systems with
two or more (self-*) properties. Indirectly, these problems
3 Systematic review is a technique proposed by Evidence-Based Software
Engineering that enables to have a complete and fair evaluation about a topic
of interest [32], [33].
4 This method has six questions (What, Where, Who, When, Why and How)
and is called 5W1H, from “Six Honest Men” poem of R. Kipling in the book
“Just So Stories”. Penguin Books, London, 1902.
imply difficulties to establish development standards and to
consolidate the research area. In contrast, efforts of researchers,
such as Coulson et al. [2], Bradbury et al. [37], Salehie &
Tahvildari [9], Andersson et al. [8], and Villegas et al. [38],
have been directed to alleviate these problems and try to
reverse this scenario, establishing a relationship between the
primitive terms and their synonyms with quality factors of
software product [39], [40]. Table II summarizes the terms that
were considered in the RA4SaS design, aiming at aggregating
the related quality factors.
Table II.
Primitive term
Quality factor
Others terms, such as self-managing, self-governing, selfmaintenance, self-control, and self-organizing represent global
properties of self-adaptive software and, therefore, they did
not considered in RA4SaS. Besides that, the terms selfawareness, self-monitoring, and self-situated are considered
primitive properties, as presented in [8], [9], [38] and also
not considered.
Set 2 - Reference architectures for self-adaptive systems.
As previously mentioned, a systematic review was conducted
and its objective was to identify the following interests:
(i) how the dynamic behavior is represented in reference
architectures and reference models; and (ii) which type of
knowledge/element is used to design the reference architectures and reference models for SaS. From 27 obtained studies,
information for the both interests was extracted. For interest
(i), a set of six categories was created:
Block Diagrams (BD): a system diagram in which
the principal parts or functions are represented by
blocks connected by lines that show the relationships
of the blocks;
Formal Methods (FM): is process that uses formal
methods; for example, algebra CSP (Communicating
Sequential Processes), Z notation, etc;
Formal Notation for Business Process (FN): a
graphical representation for specifying business processes in a business process model; for example,
BPMN (Business Process Modeling Notation), BPEL
(Business Process Execution Language), etc;
Informal Notation (IN): is a kind of notation that
does not follow a formal or semi-formal method or
Layers Diagrams (LD): is a high-level representation for organizing physical artifacts. These diagrams
describe major tasks that the artifacts perform or
the major components. A layer can be subdivided in
sublayers that describe more detailed tasks; and
UML Diagrams (UD): a graphical language for visualizing, specifying, constructing, and documenting.
that enable the dynamic behavior of self-managed
software systems, and;
Supervisor systems: they are systems responsible
for monitoring the operation of another system. The
supervisors control changes (structural and/or behavioral) in supervised systems.
Figure 2 shows a mapping between the six categories
related to representation and ten categories related to type of
knowledge, as well as the number of found studies. It is noteworthy that some studies used more than one representation
and/or type of knowledge (note the solid lines that connect the
bubbles). Analyzing this mapping, it is possible to observe that
the following combinations are highlighted: (i) block diagrams
and autonomous subsystems; (ii) block diagrams and rule base;
(ii) formal methods and rule base; and (iii) layers diagrams
and computational reflection. In this direction, this mapping
aims at guiding the choice of techniques used to represent the
RA4SaS, as well as the knowledge/elements contained in this
For interest (ii), we identified the types of knowledge/elements used to design the dynamic behavior in reference architectures. We organized them in ten categories:
Action plane: it represents an actions sequence to
execute a specific activity in the software system;
Agents: they encompass the software agents, intelligent agents, and autonomous agents. They are software entities independent from the software system,
but that cooperatively work to assist the dynamic
Autonomous subsystems: they are subsystems that
implement the model (Monitor - Analyze - Plan - Executor) defined the architecture model of autonomic
Computational Reflection: it can any activity performed by a system on itself, being very similar to
human reflection;
Nature-inspired pervasive service ecosystems: they
should get inspiration from natural systems, by enabling modeling and deployment of services as autonomous individuals, spatially-situated in a system
of other services, data sources, and pervasive devices;
Process flow: it represents steps sequence for performing an activity. In this sequence, decisions can
be taken, characterizing the changes in the dynamic
behavior of software;
Rule base: it represents a set of rules that can be used
to represent a dynamic behavior of software. These
rules define which changes can perform at runtime.
In addition, these rules can be updated and others
can be added as a way to insert new behaviors to the
software systems and/or its architecture;
Service composition: they are new functionalities
that can be coupled at runtime so that the new
requirements are met;
Subsystems in layers: they are a set of subsystems
organized in layers so that one or more activities are
performed. These subsystems are autonomous units
Figure 2.
Representation vs. Type of knowledge
B. Step RA-2: Architectural Requirement Establishment
Based on information identified in the previous step, it was
established a set of architectural requirements for RA4SaS.
This set was classified in two subsets: (i) architectural requirements of SaS domain that were obtained from Set 1; (ii)
architectural requirements related to infrastructure of software
systems adaptation that were obtained from Sets 1 and 2. Table
III illustrates part of these requirements. First column refers to
the requirement identification (R-S, i.e., Requirement related
to Self-adaptive Software domain and R-I, i.e., Requirement
related to Infrastructure of adaptation); second column refers
to requirements description; and third column refers to concepts related to requirements. For instance, requirement RS2 (Table III) is related to Adaptation Criteria concept. This
same analysis was conducted to each requirement of RA4SaS.
As result, three concepts were identified: Development of SaS
(DS), Representation of SaS (RS), Infrastructure of SaS (IS).
This last one was specialized in Dynamic Compilation (DC),
managing the Number of Adaptations (NA), Action Plan (AP),
Restoring Execution (RE) state for adaptation, so on. Finally,
it is worth highlighting that these concepts were established
based on SaS literature, such as [8], [9], [36], [37], [38], as
well as experience of the authors in SaS development.
Table III.
The reference architecture must enable the development of SaS
that has a mechanism to define the adaptation level of software
The reference architecture must allow the development of SaS
that are able to reflect on current execution state, identifying
their structure and behaviors.
The reference architecture must enable the development of SaS
that are able to keep their representation after performed an
adaptation activity.
The reference architecture must allow the development of
SaS that are able to adapt by modifying their structure and
The reference architecture must enable the development of SaS
that are able to replace the software system (software entity)
at runtime, which represents the capacity to perform dynamic
compilation and dynamic loading of software entities without
restarting the application or redeploying its components.
The reference architecture must allow the development of
SaS that are able to control the adaptation number so that
do not quickly increase in size, making unfeasible for future
The reference architecture must enable the development of
SaS that are able to establish an action plan for software
adaptation, which represents a sequence of steps so that the
system software is adapted at runtime.
The reference architecture must allow the development of
SaS that are able to identify and report (diagnosis) problems
occurring when an adaptation activity is being performed.
The reference architecture must enable the development of
SaS that are able to fix problems (healing) at runtime when
an adaptation activity is being performed.
The reference architecture must allow the development of SaS
that has a mechanism able to preserve its execution state
(current information) when a software entity is being adapted.
Figure 3.
General representation of RA4SaS
and four additional modules: development module; action plan
module; adaptation rules module; and infrastructure module.
Following, it is presented a brief description of each module
and the details of chosen resources in the design of RA4SaS.
Development module. This module provides a set of
guidelines for SaS development (software entities). These
guidelines act the following phases: requirements analysis,
design, implementation and evolution (adaptation). In short,
software entities are developed containing only attributes,
constructors, and getters and setters methods. The business
logic of these entities is organized in another layer, as template
of source code5 . For example, when an entity is developed,
the persistence layer is generated automatically by the source
code module. Later, when this entity is adapted, its persistence
layer is regenerated. Thus, it is noticed that the developer
only focuses efforts on the development of software entities,
based on established guidelines, and the other activities are
done by automatic mechanisms. This strategy optimizes the
work in time and cost, and reduces the involuntary injection
of uncertainties.
C. Step RA-3: Architectural Design
As discussed in the previous section, a reference architecture can use more than one technique of representation
and/or type of knowledge. Based on these evidences, it was
opted in the design of RA4SaS by the following resources:
(i) types of knowledge/elements: action plane, autonomous
subsystems, computational reflection, rule base, and supervisor
systems; and (ii) technique of representation: block diagram,
layers diagrams, and UML diagrams. These resources were
considered sufficient to represent the RA4SaS and the relationship between its components, since they allow forming a
well-defined reflective environment for the development and
software adaptation at runtime. Figure 3 shows the general
representation of RA4SaS using block diagram (modules). This
architecture is composed by a core for adaptation (dotted line)
The evolution of the adaptive system can be considered
as a special issue, since aims to capture changes in a software
entity during its life cycle. Initially, when a system software or
software entity is developed, indirectly are defined your goals.
Similarly, when it is adapted, its goals are also modified. These
facts indicate that disordered adaptations can make that entity
can quickly increases in size and could not feasible their use
in future systems. Thus, in order to establish a management
on the adaptation number of software entities and their goals,
it was opted to use a base of metrics that allow evaluating
the complexity and behavior of entities. These metrics aim to
control the cohesion and granularity of entities, so that they
do not lose their flexibility/capacity of adaptation.
To finalize the description of this module, it is noteworthy
that the software entities operating in supervisor (meta-level)
- supervised (base-level) model. The adaptation occurs in four
steps: (i) interception of entity supervised, (ii) analysis of
feasibility, (iii) establishment of an action plan (Action plan
module), and (iv) implementation of changes in supervised
See the meaning of this template in the source code module
Infrastructure module. This module aims to provide
support for software entities adaptation at runtime. For this, it
has a set of mechanisms that act in various contexts. Among
them, three mechanisms are highlighted: (i) dynamic compiling
and dynamic loading, which must be enable to replace the
software entity at runtime without restarting the application or
redeploying its components; (ii) diagnosis of problems, which
must be enable to identify and report problems occurring when
an adaptation activity is being performed; and (iii) self-healing,
which must be enable to fix problems at runtime when an
adaptation activity is being performed.
Figure 4.
Autonomous control loop (adapted from [9], [41], [42])
(base-level). Section IV will present more details of this
adaptation process.
Action plan module. This module aims at assisting in
the adaptation activity of software entities. This module must
be able to control: dynamic behavior, individual reasons, and
execution state in relation to the environment. Upon existing
efforts in this direction, which answer the main questions
5W1H to adapt a software entity, the proposed Generic Feedback Loop [41] and model MAPE-K (Monitor, Analyze, Plan,
Execute and knowledge) [42] emerge as feasible solution to
an action plan for RA4SaS. Figure 4 shows the autonomous
control loop.
In short, the Monitor process has mechanisms that collect
data from sensors and converting them to behavioral patterns
and symptoms. This process is related to Where, When and
What questions in SaS. The Analyze process aims to correlate
the data obtained and to model complex situations. Thus,
the autonomous systems can learn from the environment and
predict future situations. It also helps to identify When and
Where the modifications must be applied. The Plan process is
responsible to create What will be adapted and How to apply
the changes in the software entity to achieve the best outcome.
The Execute process must provide the mechanisms that can
execute the established action plan. This process relates to the
questions of How, What, and When to change. Finally, the
monitors Sensors and Effectors are software entities to generate
a collection of data reflecting the state of the system and to rely
on in vivo mechanisms or autonomous subsystems to apply
changes, respectively [9], [41], [42].
Adaptation rules module. This module is responsible
for automatically extracting adaptation rule of software entity. For this, when an entity is developed and inserted into
the execution environment, a metamodel (reflection module)
is instantiated. Following, an automatic mechanism (named
rulesFactory) is responsible for extracting this entity
(metamodel) and creating a set of rules that describes its
structure and behavior. Once generated, these rules are stored
in the repositories (rule base) and reused when a search for
adaptation is performed. Finally, these rules are written using
the DROOLS6 framework template.
According to Salehie & Tahvildari [9], there are two approaches for adaptation of software entities: (1) internal, when
an entity, through mechanisms of the programming language,
can perform self-adaptation. However, this approach is limited,
as it can not detect its context information; and (2) external,
when a supervisor (manager) is the responsible to interpret
the context information and to apply them in software entities.
In general, only the second one is used in RA4SaS, since
the software entities are monitored and adapted by external
modules. In addition, this approach is specifically applied in
items (ii) (diagnosis of problems) and (iii) (self-healing) of this
module, presented previously.
Core of adaptation. This structure can be considered the
“heart” of RA4SaS, since there is a set of modules that is
responsible for managing software entity adaptation at runtime.
Basically, this core is organized in six modules: (i) search
module, (ii) annotation module, (ii) state module, (iv) source
code module, (v) reflection module, and (vi) adaptation module. From among these modules are highlighted the reflection
and adaptation modules, since they act as software entities
metarepresentation, and adaptation “orchestrator”, respectively.
Following, a brief description of each module is presented.
Search module. This module aims to assist in the search for
software entities in the execution environment when an adaptation activity is invoked. Basically, this module has two search
methods: (i) semantic metamodel7 , which can be defined as
the description of the set of concepts and notations used
to define a model. This description represents structure and
behavior information of software entities that are transformed
in a model of semantic relationship (Entity-Entity, EntityAttribute, Entity-Method, or Entity-Attribute-Method); or (ii)
technical information, which are specified only in technical
information of systems software (Entity, Attribute, or Method)
in the template format. These templates are converted as input
parameters to search in the rule repository.
Annotation module. This module aims to assist the software
engineer in the definition of adaptation level of software
entities in the development stage. This information is used
by the reflection module to identify what information can be
modified (removed and/or added), thus a metadata (annotation)
indicating the adaptation level supported by this entity must be
present. Furthermore, this module has a functionality to verify
if the annotations were inserted correctly, since without this
information, the reflection module can not identify what will
be adapted.
State module. This module aims at preserving the current
execution state of software entity. When an entity is selected
The same metamodel that will be presented in the reflection module.
for adaptation, information contained in its current state must
be preserved. The entity is modified and the information is
reinserted so that the execution is not interrupted. Basically,
this module should have two functionalities to convert an
entity into a file (.xml) and vice versa. The choice of XML
(eXtensible Markup Language) to perform these operations is
related to the following facilities: files handling (reading and
writing), integration with different programming languages,
and implementation facility.
Source code module. This module aims to generate the
source code of new software entity (adapted) based on instantiated metamodel in reflection module. To execute this operation,
the software engineer must provide a software entity template
based on the architectural pattern (logical layer, persistence
layer, and others). Basically, this module should have three
functionalities to generate the source code that meets the
adaptation interests: (i) structural, when only one or a list
of attributes should be added or removed from the entity.
In this case, specifically, the getters and setters methods that
manipulate these attributes are modified; (ii) behavioral, when
only a list of methods should be added or removed from the
entity; and (iii) structural and behavioral, when one or a list
of attributes and one or a list of methods should be added
or removed from the entity. Finally, it is noteworthy that this
module has a mechanism for version control of entities source
code, preventing them from being overlapped and keeping
versions of all stakeholders.
Reflection module. This module is organized in two submodules. The first one aims at assisting in the “disassembly”
and “assembly” of software entity. For this, it uses annotation
module to obtain the adaptation level supported by entity. With
this information, the disassembly process can be started, and
structural and behavioral information (attributes and methods)
are recovered via reflection and inserted into a metamodel8 ,
which is inside of second submodule. After instantiating this
metamodel, new information according to adaptation interests
can be added or removed, generating a new metamodel. This
new metamodel is transferred to the source code module to
create the new software entity. Figure 5 shows this metamodel.
As it can be observed, this metamodel makes possible
the adaptation of object-oriented software systems or that
make use of the structure of classes as units of software
systems, as it can noticed the presence of classes (Clazz),
attributes (FieldClass) methods (MethodClass), so on.
This strategy can be considered relevant for developers, since
they can develop adaptive software entities in a notation close
to their expertise area.
Adaptation module. Broadly speaking, this module can
be considered as RA4SaS “orchestrator”, since it performs
calls and coordinates all activities of the other modules (Core
of adaptation). In closer examination, this module acts as
supervisor system of software entities, monitoring their requisitions in the execution environment. For this, this module
implements a well-defined process to adapt a software entity
at runtime. In short, an entity is disassembled (metamodel),
adapted (new information), and reassembled automatically as
an “assembly line”. In addition, an important characteristic for
8 Logical information model that specifies the modeling elements used
within another (or the same) modeling notation [43].
Figure 5.
Metamodel of software entity
this module is the ability to interpret the errors messages when
a software entity is being dynamically compiled/loaded, since
these messages are useful information for the corrections in
the source code. Finally, it is important to emphasize that this
process must be performed automatically by software engineering tools, intending to reduce implementation complexity
and minimize uncertainties generation. Thus, RA4SaS intends
to emerge as a feasible solution for software adaptation at
D. Step RA-4: Reference Architecture Evaluation
Aiming at improving the quality of RA4SaS, an inspection based on checklist was conducted. This checklist makes
possible to look for defects related to omission, ambiguity,
inconsistence and incorrect information that can be present in
the architecture. Besides that, aiming at observing the viability
of RA4SaS, as well as its capability to develop SaS, case
studies were conducted, and the results obtained are presented
in the next section.
Before starting the presentation of this case study, two
considerations must be emphasized. The first one is that the
RA4SaS was instantiated by using Java programming language9 , as it meets the requirements presented in Section III.
For space reasons, the implementation details are not presented
in this paper. The second one refers to adaptation process
existing in RA4SaS. This process represents a sequence of
steps (orchestration of modules) so that a software entity is
adapted. Figure 6 shows the adaptation process of RA4SaS.
The adaptation process of RA4SaS presented in Figure 6
is organized in nine steps, which are executed as an “assembly
line”. Initially (Step A), the adaptation level supported by the
software entity is verified, since it will be used in making
the metamodel (Step C). Step B is responsible for preserving
the current execution state of software entity at that moment.
Figure 6.
RA4SaS Adaptation Process
This information will be reused in Step I, if the software
entity has not changed domain (goal). In Step C, the software
entity is “disassembled” and a metamodel is instantiated. This
metamodel has the structural and behavioral information of
software entity, besides its adaptation level obtained in Step
A. Step D basically consists of establishing an action plan for
entity adaptation. However, this is a complex, macro activity
(dotted line) that is formed by four steps (D, E, F, G). The
action plan should establish adaptation criteria so that the entity
goals do not become unviable (preventing future adaptations).
In order to achieve it, the rule base must be used (Step E), since
it provides guidelines regarding the feasibility of adaptation
and goals.
The procedure of adaptation (action plan) must be established, based on the structural and behavioral requirements
(Step E) and 5W1H model (Section III-C). Based on this
process and adaptation information, a new metamodel is
generated (Step G), which will be transferred to the source
code module. Finally, the source code of software entity is
generated (Step H) and compiled so that it can be inserted
into the execution environment (Step I). On this last step, it is
worth mentioning that if the entities changes do not impact on
the domain change (goals), the preserved information (Step B)
are reinserted in these new entity to replace the old ones in the
execution environment. The replacement of entity is performed
transparently to its stakeholders, since they have no perception
of the changes in relation to the preservation of the execution
status and the new generated instances.
After illustrated the adaptation process, we will present
the case study. As previously mentioned, the software entities
adaptation can occur in both structural and/or behavioral
changes. For reasons of space, a structural adaptation was
chosen, since it is considered sufficient to show the applicability of RA4SaS in the adaptation of a software entity.
The chosen example shows the adaptation at two levels:
(i) new functionalities association, which corresponds to the
addition of new information (classes) through the following
relationships: aggregation, composition or association. In this
paper, the composition relationship will used. (ii) extension
of new functionalities, which corresponds to the addition of
new information (classes) through the inheritance relationship.
Figure 7 shows the UML model for software entities and main
fragments used in the two levels of adaptation.
To illustrate the new functionalities association, it will be
considered the modification of Customer software entity
(UML model - Lane a). Initially it was developed to act
in a local system and it will be adapted to act in a web
system with authentication (both are information systems for
the bookstore management). Based on this context, to adapt
this entity, a Login entity with two attributes (username
and password) must be created and added through the
composition relationship. To make these changes, a metamodel
of this entity (Lane a) was instantiated by reflection module
Figure 7.
Adaptation of customer software entity
so that the changes (Login entity) to be incorporated into
that. In lines 2 to 5 (Lane b) shows the creation of the
username attribute with the following items: access modifier,
type, and attribute name. The password attribute creation
was omitted, but it was created in a similar way. After that,
these attributes were added to the Clazz class (lines 8 to
9). Note that the constructor (line 7) class defines the entity
name in the metamodel. Finally, in the line 11, it can be
seen as is formed the composition relationship between the
entities. The first parameter (line 11) represents the entity that
is being created. The second and third parameters indicate
the name of the metamodel entity that will associate with
the new entity (first parameter), and cardinality between these
entities, respectively. The fourth parameter indicates the type of
relationship (composition) and navigability of this relationship
(Person to Login). The UML model (Lane b) shows the
Customer software entity after adaptation process.
To illustrate the extension of new functionalities, it will
be considered the modification of new Customer software
entity (UML model - Lane b). This entity acts in a web
system with authentication for bookstore management and
it will be adapted to act in school management system.
Similarly to the previous adaptation level, the metamodel was
instantiated so that a new entity was added. Initially, between
lines 2 and 5 (Lane c), it is possible to observe the creation
of academicRecord attribute that will be inserted into
Student entity (line 7). Finally, in the line 9, it can be seen as
is formed the relationship of inheritance between the entities.
The first parameter represents the entity that is being created.
The second parameter indicates the name of the metamodel
entity that will associate with the new entity (first parameter).
The third and fourth parameters indicate that there is not
cardinality, and the type of relationship (inheritance) between
these entities, respectively. Finally, the UML model (Lane c)
shows the Student software entity after adaptation process.
This paper presented RA4SaS that intends to support the
development of SaS. By using reflection, software entities
developed using this architecture are transparently monitored
and adapted at runtime, without the stakeholders’ perception.
To perform these operations, this architecture proposes to
use modules working in an “assembly line”, i.e., a software
entity is disassembled, adapted, and reassembled automatically
by these modules. The case study presented in this paper
shows good perspectives to apply structural adaptation of
software entities through automatic mechanisms. In addition,
it is noteworthy that behavioral adaptation is also supported
by SaS developed using RA4SaS. Based on this scenario, the
main contributions of this paper are: (i) for the SaS area by
providing a means that facilitates the development of SaS;
(ii) for the Reference Architecture area by proposing a first
reference architecture based on reflection; (iii) for the Software
Automation area, since the RA4SaS makes it possible to
develop software entities adaptable thought assembly line.
As future work, three goals are intended: (i) conduction of
more case studies intending to completely evaluate RA4SaS;
(ii) instantiation of RA4SaS for other programming languages;
and (iii) use of RA4SaS in the industry, since it is intended to
evaluate the behavior of RA4SaS when it is applied in larger
environments of development and execution. Therefore, it is
expected a positive scenario of research, intending to become
RA4SaS an effective contribution to the software development
This work is supported by PROPe/UNESP and Brazilian
funding agencies (FAPESP, CNPq and CAPES).
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