bbc persion


bbc persion
Prova: 28/07/13
Directions: Answer questions 33 to 40 based on Text I.
Text I
Human beings have been fighting each other since prehistoric times, and people have been
discussing the rights and wrongs of it for almost as long.
The Ethics of War starts by assuming that war is a bad thing, and should be avoided if possible,
but it recognizes that there can be situations when war may be the lesser evil of several bad choices.
War is a bad thing because it involves deliberately killing or injuring people, and this is a
fundamental wrong - an abuse of the victims human rights.
The purpose of war ethics is to help decide what is right or wrong, both for individuais and
countries, and to contribute to debates on public policy, and ultimately to government and individual
War ethics also leads to the creation of formal codes of war (e.g. the Hague and Geneva
conventions), the drafting and implementation of rules of engagement for soldiers, and in the
punishment of soldiers and others for war crimes.
The three key questions are:
Is it ever right to go to war?
When is it right to fight?
What is the moral way to conduct a war?
The discussion of the ethics of war goes back to the Greeks and Romans, although neitner
civilization behaved particularly well in war.
In the Christian tradition war ethics were developed by St Augustine, and later by St Thomas
Aquinas and others.
Hugo Grotius (1583-1645), a Dutch philosopher and author of De Jure Belli Ac Pacis (The
Rights of War and Peace), wrote down the conditions for a just war that are accepted today.
Cicero argued that there was no acceptable reason for war outside of just revenge or selfdefence - in which he included the defence of honor.
He also argued that a war could not be just unless it was publicly declared and unless
compensation for the enemy’s offence had first been demanded.
Cicero based his argument on the assumption that nature and human reason influenced a
society against war, and that there was a fundamental code of behavior for nations.
Adapted from Shtml
Acessado em 14/03/2013
Questão 33
The main purpose of this text is to
(A) alert readers about all the disadvantages related to wars.
(B) show that moral rules of behavior concerning wars had long been discussed.
(C) prevent humans from engaging or fighting.
(D) influence societies to follow their nature and therefore, justify their warlike behavior when facing future
Gabarito AFA
Gabarito: Letra B.
A questão exige do candidato a compreensão do propósito principal do texto. A opção A está errada
em função do fragmento “all disadvantages”. A opção B está correta pois, mostra as regras morais de
comportamento relativas à guerra que há muito tempo vem sendo debatidas. As opções C e D estão erradas
uma vez que as ideias expressas não condizem com o texto.
Questão 34
War ethics’ intention, according to the text, is to show that:
(A) even the enemies deserve a fair treatment.
(B) in a war every violent action can be justified.
(C) individual actions shouldn’t be controlled.
(D) it’s wrong not to kill your opponent.
Gabarito: Letra A.
Questão interpretativa.
A partir da leitura do 3o e 4o parágrafos, alternativa A é a que melhor corrobora com a ideia expressa.
Questão 35
According to the first paragraph, it’s correct to state that:
(A) only after fighting for a long time humans began to worry about the correctness of their fights.
(B) people always cared for their anemies rights.
(C) in prehistoric times people were more peaceful.
(D) fighting and talking about fighting have happened for just abaout the same time.
Gabarito: Letra D
Questão interpretativa.
O enunciado exige a compreensão somente do primeiro parágrafo. O ponto de análise é o uso do Present
Perfect Progressive que expressa a noção de que uma ação começa no passado continua no presente e
provavelmente se perpetuará no futuro. A opção D menciona que guerrear e falar sobre guerra vem ocorrendo
há aproximadamente ao mesmo tempo “for almost as long”.
Questão 36
The best defition for the word ‘drafting’ (line 18) is a/the
(A) concluded idea about an assumption.
(B) system of regulations only for the high ranking officers.
(C) written version that is not in its final form.
(D) personnel who select the drafted soldiers.
Prova: 28/07/13
Gabarito: Letra C.
Questão lexical.
A opção correta é a letra C, pois deixa claro a definição da palavra rascunho (‘‘drafting’’).
Questão 37
In the phrase “should be avoided” (line 3) the modal verb expresses
(A) a sense of obligation.
(B) something that is probable.
(C) confidence that something will happen.
(D) the idea of what is right to do.
Gabarito: Letra D.
A questão aborda o recorrente assunto “Modal Verbs”. O candidato deve ser capaz de fazer a leitura
correta do modal “should” na passagem referida. Dentre as opções, a D expressa a melhor definição (a ideia
do que é correto fazer).
Questão 38
Choose the alternative in which the determiner ‘neither’ is used with the same meaning as the one in italics
in the text.
(A) ‘My brother can’t swim. Me neither.’
(B) ‘I neither smoke nor drink.’
(C) ‘Kate doesn’t like technology. Neither does Linda.’
(D) ‘Can you come on Monday or Tuesday? ‘I’m afraid neither day is possible.’
Gabarito: Letra D.
Questão gramatical.
A questão versa sobre o tema “Determiners”.
Na opção A “Neither” é traduzido como eu também não.
Na opção B “Neither” aparece como conjunção correlativa neither...nor (nem um... nem outro).
Na opção C “Neither” é usado com forma de corroborar com uma ideia negativa mencionada anteriormente.
Na opção D “Neither” aparece em uma estrutura análoga a usada no texto (neither + noun +verb).
Questão 39
The verbal construction of the underlined in the text expresses the notion of an action:
(A) complete in the past.
(B) that no longer lasts.
(C) repeated over a period of time.
(D) already arranged to do but didn’t happen.
Gabarito AFA
Gabarito: Letra C.
A questão tempo verbal (Presente Perfect Progressive). Deve-se perceber, portanto, que a ação repetese com o tempo (ideia de continuidade).
Questão 40
Mark the only sentence below that has the same function of the Modal verb in bold (line 4).
(A) ‘Children under 8 are not allowed to swim here’, the sign says.
(B) In the UK, pubs must close at ten. I’ts a rule.
(C) “May I have your attention?” The principal asked the students before the classes started.
(D) My father said to me: “I can be dangerous, watch out!”
Gabarito: Letra D.
Esta questão também aborda o tema Modais. O candidato deve ser capaz de associar que o modal
“may”tem a mesma função de “can” na opção D, uma vez que ambos expressam possibilidade.
Directions: Answer questions 41 to 48 based on Text II.
Text II
On September 11, 2001, nineteen militants assodated with the Islamic extremist group al-Qaeda
hijacked four airlines and carried out suicide attacks against targets in the United States. Two of the planes
were flown into the towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, a third plane hit the Pentagon just
outside Washington, D.C., and the fourth plane crashed in a field in Pennsylvania. Often referred to as
9/11, the attacks resulted in extensive death and destruction, activating major U.S. initiatives to combat
terrorism and defining the presidency of George W. Bush. Over three thousand people were killed during
the attacks in New York City and Washington, D.C., including more than four hundred police officers and
At 8:45 a.m., on a clear Tuesday morning, an American Airlines Boeing 767 loaded with twenty
thousand gallons of jet fuel crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center in New York City. The
impact left a wide, burning hole near the 80th floor of the 110- story skyscraper, instantly killing hundreds
of people and trapping hundreds more in higher floors. Eighteen minutes after the first plane hit, a second
Boeing 767- United Airlines Flight 175-appeared out of the sky, turned sharply toward the World Trade
Center and crashed into the south tower near the 60th floor. The collision caused a massive explosion that
showered burning fragment over surrounding buildings and the streets below. America was under attack.
The attackers were Islamic terrorists from Saudi Arabia and several other Arab nations. Reportedly
financed by Saudi fugitive Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaeda terrorist organization, they _____________ (1)
in retaliation for America’s support of Israel, its involvement in the Persian Gulf War and its continued
military presence in the Middle East. Some of the terrorists had lived in the United States for more than a
year and _______________ (2) flying lessons at American commercial flight schools.
As millions watched the events unfolding in New York, American Airlines Flight 77 circled over
downtown Washington, D.C., and banged into the west side of the Pentagon military headquarters at 9:45
a.m. Jet fuel from the Boeing 757 caused a devastating inferno that led to the structural collapse of a
portion of the giant concrete building. Less than fifteen minutes after the terrorists struck the nerve center
of the U.S. military, the horror in New York took a catastrophic turn for the worse when the south tower of
the World Trade Center collapsed in a massive cloud of dust and smoke. At 10:30 a.m., the other Trade
Prova: 28/07/13
Center tower collapsed. Close to three thousand people died in the World Trade Center and its vicinity,
including an impressive three hundred and forty three firefighters and paramedics, twenty three New York
City police officers and thirty seven Port Authority police officers who were struggling to complete an
30 evacuation of the buildings and save the office workers trapped* on higher floors.
Meanwhile, a fourth California-bound plane- United Flight 93-was hijacked about forty minutes after
leaving Newark International Airport in New Jersey. Because the plane had been delayed in taking off,
passengers on board learned of events in New York and Washington via cell phone calls to the ground.
Knowing that the aircraft was not returning to an airport as the hijackers claimed, a group of passengers
35 and flight attendants planned a rebellion. One of the passengers, Thomas Burnett Jr., told his wife over the
phone that “I know we’re all going to die. There are three of us who are going to do something about it.
I love Vou, honey.” Another passenger- Todd Beamer-was heard saying “Are Vou guys ready? Let’s roll”
over an open line.
The passengers fought the four hijackers and are suspected to have attacked the cockpit with a fire
40 extinguisher. The plane then flipped over and sped toward the ground, crashing in a rural field in western
Pennsylvania at 10:10 a.m. All forty-five people aboard were killed. Within two months, U.S. forces had
effectively removed the Taliban from operational power, but the war continued. Osama bin Laden, was
finally chased and killed by U.S. forces in Abbottabad, Pakistan.
Adapted from Shtml
Acessado em 14/03/2013
Questão 41
Choose the alternative containg the correct verbal tenses to complete the gaps (1) and (2) in the text.
(A) won’t act / have been taking
(B) are acting / haven’t taken
(C) didn’t act / took
(D) were acting / had taken
Gabarito: Letra D.
Questão sobre tempo verbal. O terceiro parágrafo narra ações passadas usando passado simples
(“were”e “financed”), desta forma deve-se permanecer com a ideia de passado, eliminando assim, as
opções A e B. A opção C por sua vez apresenta uma ideia que vai de encontro ao que está expresso na
passagem. Sendo assim, a opção D, que apresenta Past Continuous( ...“eles estavam atacando”...) e Past
Perfect(...“tinham feito aulas de vôo”...), é a opção correta.
Questão 42
One of the main reasons of the Al Qaeda attacks was:
(A) a necessity of taking initiatives to force George W. Bush out.
(B) the retaliation against the contribuition given to Israel by the USA.
(C) because the Middle East had lost previous wars against the USA.
(D) to incite terrorism in New York and Washington, D.C.
Gabarito: Letra B.
Questão Interpretativa.
De acordo com o parágrafo 3, uma das principais razões do ataque da Al Qaeda foi a retaliação contra a
contribuição dos Estados Unidos dada a Israel.
Gabarito AFA
Questão 43
Consider the following statements based on the text:
I. Almost three thousand people were saved in the World Trade Center.
II. The hijackers of the United Flight 93 plane circled over downtown in Washington, D.C.
III. A fire extinguisher is supposed to be the weapon used by the passengers to attack the hijackers.
IV. The North tower was the second giant concrete building to collapse.
The correct ones are only
(A) I and III.
(B) I and II.
(C) III and IV.
(D) I, II and III.
Gabarito: Letra C
Questão interpretativa
Baseado no texto, a afirmativa I está errada já que menciona a salvação de quase 3 mil pessoas, porém
o texto relata ,de fato, a morte de 3 mil. A afirmativa II está errada porque não foi o vôo 93 que circulou sobre
Washinton D.C, e sim o vôo 77. A afirmativa III está correta, pois fala sobre o uso de um extintor como arma
utilizada pelos passageiros para atacar os terroristas (Linhas 39-40). A afirmativa IV também está correta uma
vez que nos informa sobre o segundo colapso de uma grande estrutura de concreto- Torre Norte (Linhas 26-27).
Questão 44
According to the text, “some terrorists had lived in the United States for more than a year [...]”. It means that
the terrorists
(A) lived in the US before the attacks.
(B) were still living in the US when the tragedy happened.
(C) had plans to move to America after the deadly events.
(D) intended to leave the US.
O tema da questão é Past Perfect. O candidato deve perceber a lógica do tempo das ações na frase. Duas
ações ocorrem no passado, uma antes da outra. Alguns terroristas moravam nos Estados Unidos há mais de
um ano ( ação anterior ao ataque). Esta informação é deduzida pela presença do Past Perfect (‘‘had lived’’).
Questão 45
The word “meanwhile” (paragraph 5) indicates in the text that
(A) many events happened at different times.
(B) a short event interfered in a longer one.
(C) two events were happening at the same time.
(D) an important event would come to pass.
Prova: 28/07/13
Gabarito: Letra C.
Questão Lexical.
“Meanwhile” significa “enquanto isso”, logo a alternativa correta é a letra C, pois expressa dois eventos
que estavam ocorrendo ao mesmo tempo.
Questão 46
The verb “learned” (line 33) has the same meaning as:
(A) talked about
(B) heard
(C) looked for
(D) typed
Gabarito: Letra B.
Questão lexical.
O verbo “learned” no contexto pode ser substituído por “heard”, uma vez que os passageiros ouviram as
notícias pelo celular.
Questão 47
The sentence “Thomas Burnett Jr. told his wife over the phone that ‘I know that we’re all going to
die’ “is similar in meaning to Thomas Burnett Jr.
(A) said his wife he knew they were all going to die.
(B) said that he knew they were all going to die.
(C) asked if he knew they were all going to die.
(D) told “I know we’re all going to die”.
Gabarito: Letra B
Além do candidato ter que dominar o conceito de mudança de tempo verbal (Present Simple - Past
Simple) faz-se necessário a noção do uso correto do reporting verb “say”. Said (that)... ou Said to somebody
(that)... A opção A está errada pela ausência da preposição to (said to his wife).
Questão 48
Mark the right option to complete the statement.
If the plane hadn’t been delayed in taking off, the passengers _____________ about the events
in New York and Washington.
(A) wouldn’t have known
(B) shouldn’t have know
(C) Would know
(D) hadn’t known
Gabarito AFA
Gabarito: Letra A.
Questão sobre Conditionals (-if clause). O terceiro conditional (If the plane hadn’t been delayed) exige que
a oração principal apresente estrutura verbal “would + Present Peferct.” Opção correta letra A.
A prova AFA 2013/2014 contém 02 textos de nível médio, sendo que o segundo aborda um
tema de domínio público. A prova apresenta 03 questões lexicais, 05 questões interpretativas e 08
questões gramaticais. Diferentemente do ano anterior, há prevalência de tópicos gramaticais.
Em uma visão global, a prova exige um nível médio do candidato tanto de interpretação quanto
estruturas gramaticais.
Elaine Marques
Pedro Savelli

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