ingles - mod 10 - bim i


ingles - mod 10 - bim i
Questão 2
De acordo com o texto, os setores que ocasionam
as menores taxas de emissão de CO2 no mundo são
a) as formas de transporte que excluem os aviões,
indústrias variadas e de aquecimento.
b) os processos industriais diversos, o transporte
rodoviário e as indústrias de cimento.
c) os processos industriais diversos, de aquecimento e
as substâncias químicas.
d) o transporte rodoviário e outras formas de
transporte, menos os aviões.
e) as indústrias variadas, o transporte aéreo e outras
formas de transporte.
Why use biofuels for aviation?
The aviation industry has seen huge growth since its
beginning. Today, more than two billion people enjoy
the social and economical benefits of flight each year.
The ability to fly conveniently and efficiently between
nations has been a catalyst for the global economy
and has shrunk cultural barriers like no other transport
sector. But this progress comes at a cost.
In 2008, the commercial aviation industry produced 677 million tones of carbon dioxide (CO2). This is
around 2% of the total man-made CO2 emissions of
more than 34 billion tones. While this amount is smaller compared with other industry sectors, such as power generation and ground transport, these industries
have viable alternative energy sources currently available. For example, the power generation industry can
look to wind, hydro, nuclear and solar technologies to
make electricity without producing much CO2. Cars
and buses can run on hybrid, flexible fuel engines or
electricity. __________________-powered trains can replace ______________________ locomotives.
The aviation industry has identified the development of biofuels as one of the major ways it can reduce its greenhouse gas emissions. Biofuels provide aviation with the capability to partially, and perhaps one
day fully, replace carbon-intensive petroleum fuels.
They will, over time, enable the industry to reduce its
carbon footprint significantly.
Sustainable flight
TAM was the first airline in South America to carry
out an experimental flight using biofuel on November
22, 2010. Produced from the oil of 100% domestic nettlespurge, known in Portuguese as pinhão-manso, it
reduces carbon emissions by between 65% and 80%
compared with petroleum-derived kerosene, according to research. Besides, the plant does not threatens
the food chain, as it is not edible for humans nor animals. “Compared with other biofuels, the fuel from this
plant is very promising for the Brazilian scenario,” says
Paulus Figueiredo, TAM’s fuel manager. The next step
in the project is to implement a farming unit, in reduced scale, at
TAM’s Technological Center in São Carlos (SP), exclusively to conduct studies and make better cultivation
techniques viable. “The objective is to carry out studies
concerning technical and economic viability to build
a biofuel Brazilian platform based on nettlespurge,”
explains TAM’s CEO, Líbano Barroso. The experimental flight was a joint effort between TAM, Airbus, CFM
International (joint venture between U.S.’s GE and the
French Safran Group) and Air BP. The trip was authorized by Brazil’s National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC)
and by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA).
(TAM News, January 2011. Adaptado.)
Questão 1
De acordo com o texto,
a) a TAM pretende realizar estudos sobre o pinhãomanso em larga escala, em uma unidade agrícola em
São Carlos.
b) pretende-se realizar estudos, com patrocínio
estrangeiro, sobre a versatilidade da tecnologia do uso
do pinhão-manso em biocombustíveis.
c) pretende-se desenvolver uma plataforma brasileira
sobre o uso do pinhão-manso na produção de
biocombustíveis para a aviação.
d) a TAM realizará estudos sobre uma tecnologia para
viabilizar carregamentos de pinhão-manso no Brasil.
e) a TAM pretende implementar o uso de biocombustível
e reduzir estudos sobre técnicas agrícolas na região de
São Carlos.
Duas das razões apontadas para o desenvolvimento de biocombustíveis e sua utilização em aviões são
a) a eliminação das pegadas deixadas na história da
indústria aeronáutica e dos combustíveis derivados do
b) a redução das taxas de emissão de carbono pelos
aviões e do efeito estufa sobre o nosso planeta.
c) a eliminação do efeito estufa e das pegadas deixadas
na história da indústria aeronáutica.
d) a redução de combustíveis derivados do petróleo e
do custo das viagens aéreas.
e) a redução do custo elevado das viagens aéreas e das
taxas de emissão de carbono pelos aviões.
LISTA - EM3 ING 10 - BIM 2
Questão 3
Questão 4
The perils of counterfeit drugs go way beyond being
ripped off by dubious online pill-pushers. The World
Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 50 per cent
of all medicines sold online are worthless counterfeits.
In developing nations fake pills may account for as
much as 30 per cent of all drugs on the market. Even in
the developed world, 1 per cent of medicines bought
over the counter are fakes.
Some key events illustrate the risk these pose. In
Nigeria, 2500 children died in 1995 after receiving fake
meningitis vaccines. In Haiti, Bangladesh and Nigeria,
around 400 people died in 1998 after being given paracetamol that had been prepared with diethylene glycol
– a solvent used in wallpaper stripper. The fakers are
nothing if not market-aware: in the face of an outbreak of H5N1 bird flu in 2005, they began offering fake
What can be done? The WHO coordinates an umbrella body called the International Medical Products
Anti-Counterfeiting Taskforce (IMPACT), an industry
initiative that issues alerts when it finds anomalies in
the medicine supply chain. Such events include sudden
drops in wholesale prices, hinting at fakes coming onto
the market, or the mimicking of anti-counterfeiting features on packaging, such as holograms or barcodes,
says Nimo Ahmed, head of intelligence at the UK’s Medicine and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency.
As expressões carry out, edible, promising, step e
joint effort no texto significam, respectivamente,
a) carregar, comestível, prominente, etapa e esforço
b) carregar, saudável, promissor, parada e efeito
c) carregar, saudável, prominente, parada e esforço
d) realizar, comestível, promissor, etapa e esforço
e) realizar, saudável, prominente, passo e efeito
Questão 5
New Scientist, 10 July 2010, p. 18. Adaptado.
Questão 6
O texto informa que os falsificadores
a) atuam na venda de remédios no mercado atacadista.
b) roubam o selo de qualidade da Organização Mundial
da Saúde.
c) utilizam placebo nos medicamentos.
d) apresentam-se como representantes oficiais da
indústria farmacêutica.
e) estão sempre alertas à demanda do mercado.
Na fase escolar, é prática comum que os professores passem atividades extraclasse e marquem uma
data para que as mesmas sejam entregues para correção. No caso da cena da charge, a professora ouve
uma estudante apresentando argumentos para
a) discutir sobre o conteúdo do seu trabalho já
b) elogiar o tema proposto para o relatório solicitado.
c) sugerir temas para novas pesquisas e relatórios.
d) reclamar do curto prazo para entrega do trabalho.
e) convencer de que fez o relatório solicitado.
Europe’s economic distress could be China’s opportunity. In the past, the country has proved a hesitant
investor in the continent, but figures show a 30 percent
surge in new Chinese projects in Europe last year. And
these days Europe looks ever more tempting. Bargains
proliferate as the yuan strengthens and cashstrapped
governments forget concerns over foreign ownership
of key assets. On a recent visit to Greece, Vice Premier
Zhang Dejiang sealed 14 deals, reportedly the largest
Chinese investment package in Europe, covering a range of sectors from construction to telecoms.
Meanwhile, Irish authorities have opened talks with
Chinese promoters to develop a 240-hectare industrial
park in central Ireland where Chinese manufacturers
could operate inside the European Union free of quotas and costly tariffs. In time, that could bring 10,000
new jobs. “It’s good business,” says Vanessa Rossi, an
authority on China at the Royal Institute of International Affairs in London. “There’s big mutual benefit here.”
Europe needs money; China needs markets.
LISTA - EM3 ING 10 - BIM 2
outlawed TV, 1 in 5 Afghans had one. The global total is
another 150 million by 2013–pushing the numbers to
well beyond two-thirds of households.
Television’s most transformative impact will be on
the lives of women. In India, researchers Robert Jensen and Emily Oster found that when cable TV reached
villages, women were more likely to go to the market
without their husbands’ permission and less likely to
want a boy rather than a girl. They were more likely to
make decisions over child health care and less likely
to think that men had the right to beat their wives. TV
is also a powerful medium for adult education. In the
Indian state of Gujarat, Chitrageet is a hugely popular
show that plays Bollywoodsong and dance clips. The
routines are subtitled in Gujarati. Within six months,
viewers had made a small but significant improvement
in their reading skills.
Too much TV has been associated with violence,
obesity and social isolation. But TV is having a positive impact on the lives of billions worldwide, and as
the spread of mobile TV, video cameras and YouTube
democratize both access and content, it will become
an even greater force for humbling tyrannical governments and tyrannical husbands alike.
Newsweek, July 19, 2010, p. 6. Adaptado.
Questão 7
Segundo o texto, a China
a) aproveitou o momento da crise mundial e fez vários
investimentos no próprio país.
b) teve problemas econômicos similares aos dos países
europeus, mas conseguiu superá-los.
c) hesitava em investir em países asiáticos e perdeu
boas oportunidades na região.
d) aumentou seus investimentos na Europa no ano
e) ressurgiu como potência mundial após vários anos
de isolamento.
Questão 8
Afirma-se, no texto, que a Irlanda
a) negocia com a China o desenvolvimento de um
parque industrial que trará benefícios à Europa e à
própria China.
b) possui um plano de desenvolvimento que exime os
investidores de pagamento de impostos.
c) enfrenta sérios problemas de desemprego, que já
afetaram dez mil trabalhadores.
d) deseja fechar acordos que envolvam outros países
da União Europeia.
e) planeja as mudanças que pretende implementar
junto à Câmara Real de Negócios Internacionais,
em Londres.
Kenny, a development economist, is the author of a forthcoming book on
innovation, ideas and the global standard of living TIME, March 22, 2010.
Questão 9
De acordo com o texto, o argumento que melhor
justifica o título TV Will Save the World é:
a) a TV se tornará um meio ainda mais importante para
enfraquecer governos e maridos tirânicos.
b) a TV possibilitará melhoras na educação dos adultos,
principalmente no desenvolvimento das
habilidades de leitura.
c) a TV continuará exercendo um impacto positivo nos
países em desenvolvimento.
d) TV propiciará a diminuição da obesidade, da violência
e do isolamento social.
e) a TV trará melhoras para a vida de mulheres afegãs.
TV Will Save the World
In a lot of places, it’s the next big thing
Questão 10
LISTA - EM3 ING 10 - BIM 2
Forget Twitter and Facebook, Google and the Kindle. Forget the latest sleek iGadget. Television is still the
most influential medium around. Indeed, for many of
the poorest regions of the world, it remains the next
big thing – poised, finally, to attain truly global ubiquity.
And that is a good thing, because the TV revolution is
changing lives for the better.
Across the developing world, around 45% of households had a TV in 1995; by 2005 the number had
climbed above 60%. That’s some way behind the U.S.,
where there are more TVs than people, but it dwarfs
worldwide Internet access. Five million more households in sub-Saharan Africa will get a TV over the next five
years. In 2005, after the fall of the Taliban, which had
LISTA - EM3 ING 10 - BIM 2
Assinale a opção que mais se aproxima da ideia
central do texto.
a) O trabalho dignifica o homem.
b) Uma andorinha só não faz verão.
c) Quem tudo quer, nada tem.
d) A ociosidade é a mãe de todos os vícios.
e) Mais vale prevenir que remediar.