Time and Place - at, in, on and to


Time and Place - at, in, on and to
Time and Place - at, in, on and to
Read the story below and complete with the prepositions:
I was born …..(in/on) Seattle, Washington …..(on/at) the 19th ……(in/of) April ……(at/in) 1961.
Seattle is …….(in/on) the State …….(from/of) Washington ……(on/in) the United States. That
was many years ago. Now, I live …….(at/in) Leghorn …….(on/in) Italy. I work …..(to/at) the
British School. I sometimes go
We use in with *months - in May
*seasons - in Winter
* country - in Greece
* city or town names - in New York
* times of the day - in the morning, afternoon or
BUT at night!
…….(to/in) a movie …….(on/at)
the weekend. I meet my friends
…….(at/in) 8 o'clock or later.
usually……(on/ in) August, I go
We use on with specific days - on Friday, on New
Year's Day, on April the 19th
American English - "on the weekend OR on
We use at with specific times - at 7 o'clock, at 6.15
at night
specific places in a city - at school
British English - "at the weekend OR at weekends"
We use to with verbs which show movement such as
go and come - He goes to school.
She returned to the store.
They are coming to the party tonight.
home …….(at/to) visit my family
…..(in/on) America. My family and
I go …….(to/in( the beach and
……(At/In) the evening, we often eat …….(in/at) a restaurant with our friends. Sometimes, we go
…….(in/to) a bar ……(on/at) night.
Fill in the gaps in this paragraph with the prepositions –{ in, on, at or to}.
Janet was born ……….. Rochester …….. December 22nd ………3 o'clock ……..the morning.
Rochester is ..........the state of New York ............the United States. Now, she goes ……..the
classes ………..the
university. She usually arrives ...........the morning ............8 o'clock.
…………..the weekdays, she likes driving ……….her friend's house ...........Canada. Her friend
lives ..........Toronto. She usually arrives …………9 ………..the evening and leaves
……….Sunday morning. …………Saturday, they often meet friends
.............. a restaurant.
……………..night, they sometimes go ………..a disco. ……… Summer,
example, they often go ………..the countryside.
………..July for
 Correct the errors:
I was born on a district of the main state on Brazil, São Paulo ; in April, 1965 on the afternoon on
a Monday day in 2 o’ clock P.M.
I keep on living on the same city. I work on an English school on the morning, on the afternoon
and in the night. When I finish my job I go at home with my husband. I don’t like to drive .
At the weekends normally we have dinner out or we go in family’s house. Sometimes on Summer
we go on the beach , river or waterfall. I have a good life.
 Change into English:
“ Margaret nasceu nos Estados Unidos ,mas vive no Canadá em Toronto desde Fevereiro de
2007.Ela trabalha em um escritório de computação porque a empresa dela
fabrica acessórios para
computadores. Ela começa o trabalho às 8:00 da manhã e termina as 5:00 da tarde. Ela almoça na empresa
porque a casa dela é longe do trabalho. Ela vai para o trabalho de carro porque é mais fácil.
Á noite normalmente ela assiste tv com a família, come o jantar e vai para cama às 10:00 porque
ela acorda todos os dias as 6:00 da manhã. No finais de semana quase sempre ela vai para os Estados
Unidos na casa de seus avós, porque ela tem visto permanente .Ela vive feliz no Canadá.”
Teacher Miriam dos Santos e Santos
Give Way Language School- All reserved copyrights
www.givewayschool.com.br- email: [email protected]
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