A pos Arts Deve natio Resea Admi relate game Work corre learn


A pos Arts Deve natio Resea Admi relate game Work corre learn
 Post-docctoral Fello
owship (M/F)
A posst‐doctoral fellowship is available forr PhD holderrs under the scope of prroject RL6‐MAT – Media,, Arts and Techn
nologies, NO
00061, financed by thhe Europea
an Regionall Development Fun
nd (FEDER), through Norrth Portugal Regional Op
perational Prrogramme (O
ON2), and byy natio
onal funds, th
hrough FCT/M
MEC, in the ffollowing conditions. Reseaarch Area: C
Computer Gra
aphics / Seri ous Games
Admiission requirrements: Ph
hD holders inn the scientific area of C
Computer Grraphics, or a
another areaa relateed with Info
ormatics or C
Computer Sccience on topics associatted with thee developme
ent of digitall gamees / serious ggames. Prefe
erred factorrs: the quan
ntity and q
quality of sc
cientific publications, eexperience in research
ects and on the
t developm
ment of appllications for projects. Other preferrred factors are
a expertise
in de
esign and de
evelopment of digital gaames / serious games, virtual reallity, procedu
ural contentt
generration, simulation, and evaluation
off the usabilitty and/or user experiencce.
Workk plan: Thiis fellowship
p has, as overall objective, to develop neew methodo
ologies and
d correesponding platforms, adequate to thhe design an
nd developm
ment of serioous games for f effectivee learning. The work plan inclu
udes the studdy of the staate of the art, the develoopment of a method forr ed on learni ng objective
es, the devellopment of aa dedicated platform byy desiggning seriouss games base
nding a gamee engine, the implementtation of tecchniques for procedural content gen
neration and
d the d
developmentt of a frame
ework for thhe evaluatio
on and certification of ccompetencie
es based on
n serious games. Legislation and regulations: Law No. 440/2004, of August 18th
h, as amendded by Decrree‐Law No.. 202/22012 of August 27th, and amended by Decree‐LLaw No. 233//2012, of Occtober 29th a
and Law No.. 12/20013, of Janu
uary 29th, and Decree‐LLaw No. 89//2013, of 09
9 July (Statuus of Scientiffic Research
h Fellow
w); Regulam
mento de Bolsas B
de Innvestigação da Fundaçã
ão para a CCiência e a Tecnologiaa (http://www.fct.p
ml.pt) and Regulameento de Bolsas daa Univeersidade do Porto. Placee of work: Th
he work will be developeed in the De
epartment off Informaticss Engineering, Faculty off Engin
neering, Uniiversity of Porto, P
Portuugal, under the scientific guidancee of Professsor António
o Fernaando Coelho. Durattion of the Fellowship: This fellowsship will last for six months, startingg in January 2014, on an
n th
exclusive basis, and may be renewed, butt not exceed
ding the concclusion date of the project (June 30 h 2015). Valuee of the gran
nt: The grant correspondds to a monthly wage off € 1,495.00 according to the valuess regulated by FCT,, (http://alfa.fct.mctes.ptt/apoios/bollsas/valores)). Selecction method
ds: Curricculum evalu
uation for all candidates and intervie
ew for seleccted candidaates in the fiinal stage off the sselection pro
ocess. The ra
ating is 70% for Curriculum Evaluatiion (35% Cuurriculum, 20
0% Scientificc Domaains and 15%
% Research E
Experience inn the Scientiffic Area) and 30% for thee Interview. Jury: Presid
dente — Anttónio Fernan
ndo Coelho
1º vo
ogal efetivo –– A. Augusto Sousa 2º vo
ogal efetivo –– Rui Pedro A
Amaral Rodrrigues 1º vo
ogal suplentee – Alexandre
e Valle de Caarvalho 2º vo
ogal suplentee – Luís Teixe
eira Notiffication of re
esults: The fiinal evaluati on results w
will be dissem
minated thro ugh an orde
ered list with
h the sttandings, sen
nt to applicants via emaiil. Dead
dline for application form
m and submiission of app
plications: Applications are w
welcome from 17‐01‐20114 until 30‐0
01‐2014 Applications mu
ust be fo
ormalized bby email to [email protected] witth CC: to
o [email protected]
pt, indicatingg the refereence of the project on the subjectt (FEUP‐BPD
D‐MAT). Thee appliccation must submitted w
with the folloowing docum
ments: motivvation letterr, academic qualification
n certifficates, detaiiled CV, ID (p
passport), annd other docu
uments deem
med relevantt by the cand

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