trabalho completo - 52ª Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de


trabalho completo - 52ª Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de
52a Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de
Zootecnia: Otimizando Recursos e Potencialidades
Belo Horizonte – MG, 19 a 23 de Julho de 2015
Water retention capacity of young bulls meat from different categories
Érica Peron Tofólo¹*, Camila Mottin2, Daniele Maggioni Chefer3, Rodrigo Augusto Cortez Passetti4, Tatiane
Rogélio Ramos1, Jairo Andrés Pardo Guzmán5, Ivanor Nunes do Prado6
¹Graduando em zootecnia – UEM, BRA. e-mail: [email protected]
²Mestrando em ciência animal – UEL, BRA. Bolsista do CNPq. e-mail: [email protected]
Docente da Faculdade Integrado de Campo Mourão, BRA. e-mail: [email protected]
Mestrando em zootecnia – UEM, BRA. Bolsista do CNPq. email: [email protected]
Graduado em medicina veterinária e zootecnia – UT, CO. email: [email protected]
Docente titular do Programa de Pós-graduação em Zootecnia, UEM, BRA. Bolsista do CNPq. e-mail: [email protected]
Abstract: The consumers have become increasily demanding and pursued on the shelf life of supermarket
products that meet their demands of quality. Therefore, the production chain of beef should invest in
technologies that enable the delivery of these products. The less water loss directly involves quality of meat
to be consumed, with better organoleptic characteristics. Thus, in this study we evaluated the thaw water
losses, effect of aging time and meat cooking from two racial groups: ZZ - Bos indicus (nelore, n=10)
finished in pasture and TT – F1 (½ nelore vs. ½ aberdeen angus, n=10) finished in feedlot, male, intact and
different maturity times of 1, 4, 7 and 14 days. There were no differences in losses by thawing and
maturation in ZZ group (p>0,05), but in the TT group there was lower losses on days 7 and 14. The cooking
losses of nelore beef was lower in 1 and 14 days of aging (p>0,05). The animals showed losses as expected
for each racial group, and there was a reduction in both the thawing, aging, and cooking on the 7 days of
ageing in both groups.
Keywords: cooking, young bulls, tenderness, thawing
Capacidade de retenção de água da carne de bovinos em diferentes categorias
Resumo: O consumidor tem se tornado cada vez mais exigente e buscado na gôndola do supermercado
produtos que atendam suas exigências quanto à qualidade e preparo. Portanto, a cadeira produtiva da carne
bovina deve investir em tecnologias que possibilitem o fornecimento desses produtos. A menor perda de
água implica diretamente na qualidade da carne que será consumida, apresentando características
organolépticas superiores. Com isso, nesse trabalho avaliou-se as perdas de água por descongelamento,
maturação e cocção de carne provenientes de dois grupos raciais: ZZ – Bos indicus (nelore, n=10)
terminados a pasto e TT - meio sangue (½ nelore vs. ½ aberdeen angus, n=10) terminados em confinamento,
machos, não castrados e em diferentes tempos de maturação 1, 4, 7 e 14 dias. Não houve diferenças nas
perdas por descongelamento e maturação no grupo ZZ (p>0,05), porém no grupo TT verificou-se menor
perda nos dias 7 e 14. Quanto as perdas por cocção os animais puros tiveram menores perdas de água nos
dias 1 e 14 de maturação (p>0,05). Os animais apresentaram perdas dentro do esperado para cada grupo
racial, sendo que houve uma redução tanto no descongelamento, maturação, e cocção no dia 7 de maturação
em ambos grupos.
Palavras–chave: bovinos de corte, cocção, descongelamento, maciez
The meat consumption plays an important role in feeding the population and has great growth
potential in the market. In addition, the supply chain must pay attention to the quality of meat that is
becoming increasily essential, due to the increase of consumer demand's and the high competitiveness of
domestic and foreign markets (Andriguetto, 2001).
Conservation methods are absolutely essential for prolonging the shelf life, the most commonly are
applied to meat chilling, freezing, heat treatment, dehydration, irradiation and maturation. The quality of the
meat during storage is affected by the water holding capacity. When the muscle tissue water retention
properties are low, moisture loss and hence the weight loss during storage will be large (Aberle et al., 2001)
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52a Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de
Zootecnia: Otimizando Recursos e Potencialidades
Belo Horizonte – MG, 19 a 23 de Julho de 2015
Water retention capacity is determined by the amount of water lost by application of an external force
such as cutting, heating, grinding or pressing of the muscular tissue. A smaller beef water holding capacity
will result in loss of nutritional value by the released water loss, and result in drier and less meat tenderness
(Pinheiro, 2008)
Weight loss by thawing is the loss of water released by cells that were cut or broken by the increased
internal pressure during thawing and this may cause an increase in water loss, affecting meat tenderness.
Otherwise, are the cooking losses that occur during the preparation process of the meat for consumption on
which is calculated as the difference between the initial and final weight of the samples (Shanks et al. 2002).
Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the water retention capacity and the defrost water loss and
cooking of beef meat of different categories.
Material e Methods
This research was conducted with samples obtained from Longissimus dorsi muscle between the 9º
and 10º rib from two animal categories: ZZ - Bos indicus (nelore, n=10) and TT – F1 (½ nelore ½ vs.
aberdeen angus, n=10), male, intact. The first group had more than 24 months of age and were finished in
grazing system. The second group had about 18 months and were finished in feedlot. The animals were
slaughtered in commercial abattoir in the city of Campo Mourão-PR in September 2014. The experimental
units consisted of an average weight of 173,42 ± 29,26 grams fillets from the bones of carcasses cooled 24
hours after slaughter. The D1 threads (1 day aging) were weighed, vacuum packed and frozen suitably at a
temperature of -18°C, and the other maintained under refrigeration at 0°C ± 1 until they reach the aged for
different periods: 1, 4, 7 and 14 days and stored under the same conditions of the samples. For thawing
losses and ageing time analysis the samples were thawed in cold storage at a temperature between 2 and 4°C
for 24 hours, and then weighed on a semi-analytical balance. They were then packaged in aluminum paper
and baked in a heated electric grill 180°C until the internal temperature reached 72°C and after cooking and
cooling, the samples were weighed again to obtain the data for the cooking fluid loss.
Results and Discussion
It can be seen in Table 1 that the animals TT group showed smaller thawing losses and ageing at 7
and 14 days when compared to 1 and 4 days of ageing time (p<0,05) corroborating data found by Shanks et
al. 2002 and Bianchini et al., 2007. There was no significant differences (p>0,05) in thawing losses among
the days of ageing in ZZ group.
Table 1- Losses thawing and ageing time the Longissimus dorsi muscle from differents categories
Ageing time in vacuum (days)
7,84 % Aa
8,12% Aa
5,01% Aa
5,77% Aa
6,73% Ba
7,48% Aa
7,41% Aa
8,57% Ba
a, b
A, B
in line and
in column are different by t test at 5%; ZZ – Bos indicus and TT - F1 ½ nelore vs. ½ aberdeen angus.
When comparing the treatments (Table 2) F1 animals (TT group) showed greater losses of liquid
during cooking than nelores (ZZ Group) 1 and 14 days of ageing (P<0,05). The cooking process of raw
meats, the amount of solubilized collagen is less than matured meat, thus occurring lower proteolysis of
cathepsins, which released the extracellular medium, they are able to cleave collagen soluble collagen
insoluble. What leads us to believe that the differences found for losses during cooking between the different
genetic groups in meat 24 hours of cooling, may be related to collagen solubility (Andriguetto, 2006).
Another factor which may have influenced is the age of the animal and the type of muscle fiber, which are
expected to TT animals to lost more water, due to being younger and therefore having higher water
organisms and probably having the greatest number of glycolytic fibers.
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52a Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de
Zootecnia: Otimizando Recursos e Potencialidades
Belo Horizonte – MG, 19 a 23 de Julho de 2015
Table 2. Losses cooking the Longissimus dorsi muscle from differents categories
Ageing time in vacuum (days)
29,01% Aa
25,71% Aa
27,82% Aa
24,09% Ba
27,4% Aa
24,21% Aa
a, b
29,80% Aa
23,21% Ba
A, B
in line and
in column are different by t test at 5%; ZZ – Bos indicus and TT - F1 ½ nelore vs. ½ aberdeen angus.
The animals of the TT group had lower thawing losses over the days of aging and with that, it is
suggested that seven days of ageing is beneficial to reduce the amount of losses of the independent meat of
genetic group to which the animal is kept. Animals ZZ group had lower cooking losses when compared to
the other group, which may have been influenced by the chemical composition and type of muscle fiber..
Literature cited
Aberle, E. D.; Forrest, J. C.; Gerrard, D. E.; Mills, E. W. 2001. Principles of meat science. 4ª ed.
Kendall/Hunt, Iowa, 2001. 354p.
Andriguetto, C.; Jorge, A. M.; Roça, D. R. S.; Rodrigues, E.; Bianchini, W. 2006. Maturação da carne
bovina. Revista Eletrônica de Veterinária, 6:1-6.
Bianchini, W.; Silveira, A.C.; Jorge, A. M. Arrigoni, M. B.; Martins, C. L.; Rodrigues, E.; Hadlich, J. C.;
Andriguetto, C. Efeito do grupo genético sobre as características de carcaça e maciez da carne fresca e
maturada de bovinos superprecoces. 2007. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia, Viçosa, 36:2109-2117.
Pinheiro, R.S.B.; Jorge, A. M.; Francisco, C.L.; Aandrade, E. N. 2008. Composição química e
rendimento da carne ovina in natura e assada. Ciência e Tecnologia dos Alimentos. 28:154-157.
Shanks, B.C.; Wulf, D.M. and Maddock. 2002. The effect of freezing on Warner-Bratzler shear force
values of beef longissimus steaks across several postmortem aging periods. Journal of animal science.
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