YCC Cruise 2015


YCC Cruise 2015
YCC Cruise 2015 Kirill Prokofiev, Manfred Willenbrock on behalf of TREVI, SPRITO and PRIMO crew Place •  2015 Cruise des1na1on: Azores islands in Northern Atlan1cs •  Ini1al idea appeared during the 2013 YCC cruise in Mallorca by Manfred, Dennis, Dan, Manuel and Ricardo. Possibly known by the Phoenicians and the Carthaginian since VI century b.c. Unpopulated when (re-­‐)discovered by the Portuguese in 1432. Colonized by emigrants from Portugal but also Flanders, BriSany, Scotland, Ireland and Italy: peasants and whalers. Presently: islands with stunning nature, almost untouched by mass tourism… Boats •  Three yachts rented from Sailazores: hSp://www.sailazores.pt •  One week (Horta, Faial; 5 – 12 September): –  PRIMO Dufour Grand’Large 450 (2014) Skipper: Michel Chevallier. –  SPIRITO Dufour Grand’Large 405 (2013) Skipper: Dennis Grier. •  Two weeks (Ponta Delgada, S.Miguel to Horta, Faial 29 August to 12 September): –  TREVI: Dufour Grand’Large 450 (2011) Skipper: Michel Cornevin. I1nerary 5h 10h Faial 5h 35h Graciosa 11h S.Jorge 12h 5h Terceira Pico SPIRITO (1 week): Horta (Faial), Velas (Sào Jorge), Angra do Heroismo (Terceira), Sào Roque do Pico (Pico), Horta (Faial). 23h 14h 43h S.Miguel 14h PRIMO (1 week): Horta (Faial), Madalena (Pico), Horta (Faial), Velas (Sào Jorge), Angra do Heroismo (Terceira), Praia (Graciosa), Horta (Faial). TREVI (2 weeks): Ponta Delgada (Sào Miguel), Vila do Porto (Santa Maria), Vila Franca (Sào Miguel), Angra do Heroismo (Terceira), Velas (Sào Jorge), Horta (Faial), Praia (Graciosa), Velas (Sào Jorge), Lajes (Pico), Horta (Faial). Weather condi1ons Weather on Azores is commonly known as “four seasons in one day”. It is warm, humid and it normally rains at least once a day. The wind condi1ons in September are moderate, but changing fast. All three boats experiences all types of winds between 0 Bf and 7 Bf. The swell of 1 to 3 m was present most of the 1me even in the absence of wind. Fun •  Sailing and living on board. •  VisiJng the islands: cheese factory on S. Jorge; Angra do Heroismo, UNESCO world heritage site; volcanic caves and lava tubes on Terceira; climbing mount Pico on Pico etc. •  Mee1ng friendly locals and trying local food. Acknowledgements Big thank you to Manfred and Dennis for keeping this idea alive over the years and to Ricardo, Perdo, Nuno and others for local organiza1on. Special thanks to Michel Cornevin, Jens Spangaard, Dennis Grier, Ricardo Gonçalo and Michel Chevallier for skippering and co-­‐
skippering YCC boats. And of course, BIG thank you to almost 20 enthusias1c YCC members who formed the crew of TREVI, SPIRITO and PRIMO. Without your parJcipaJon this magic ouJng would never happen! And finally… The 2015 YCC cruise to Azores has set the threshold very high. Will we be able to beat it in 2016? This primarily depends on par1cipa1on and help from the YCC members. Do you have a great sailing place in mind? Share it with the community! As every year, the cruising community is looking for experienced sailors to take skipper/co-­‐
skipper roles in 2016. Enthusias1c crew members are welcome at all levels of experience. 

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