Lista - Recuperação Paralela - 3º ano Postado em 22.06.2016


Lista - Recuperação Paralela - 3º ano Postado em 22.06.2016
Professor(a): Luciano Tadeu
3ª série
Ensino Médio
Turma: A ( ) / B ( )
Segmento temático:
A 10-year-old Brazilian boy holds his two-month-old brother, who was born with microcephaly.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has warned that the Zika virus outbreak in Latin America could turn into a
global pandemic. Many scientists say the outbreak could be more serious than the Ebola virus. Ebola killed over
11,000 people in West Africa in 2014 and 2015. The WHO estimated that the Zika virus could infect four million
people by the end of 2016. The virus has been advancing across South and Central America in the past year. Dr
Margaret Chan, Director-General of the WHO, warned that Zika is "spreading explosively". She added that it has
quickly gone from being a mild threat to being frightening. Warmer weather means the mosquito that carries the virus
is also spreading worldwide.
The Zika virus is linked to a large rise in birth defects in Brazil and surrounding countries. In particular, scientists say
it causes a disease called microcephaly, which is a neurological condition that occurs because a child’s developing
brain doesn’t grow properly. Health officials in Brazil reported that around 4,000 babies were born with microcephaly
last year. This compares to fewer than 150 cases in 2014. The Colombian government has just reported that more
than 2,100 pregnant women in Colombia are infected with the virus. There is no vaccine for Zika and it will be difficult
to find one. A doctor said a vaccine would have to be tested on pregnant women.
Who warned that the Zika outbreak could become a global pandemic?
Where did Ebola kill more than 11,000 people?
How many people could the Zika virus infect by the end of 2016?
What is the job title of Dr Margaret Chan?
What is the Zika virus linked to large rises in?
How many babies were born with microcephaly in Brazil last year?
What did the article say is difficult to find?
Leia o texto e responda à questão 8 em português.
04 April 2007
Scientists have discovered a way by which they can convert A, B and AB-type blood groups into O-type blood. The
technique could lead to a dramatic increase in the worldwide stocks of blood available for transfusion. This report
from Neil Bowdler:
O-type blood can be transfused safely into humans of any blood-type without medical risk - the problem is that it's
not always readily available for those who desperately need blood. Now an international team of scientists believe
they have found a way to convert A, B and AB blood types into O-type, making it safe to use in transfusions.
Professor Martin Olsson of Lund University Hospital in Sweden is one of the report's authors.
What have the scientists discovered?
Read the text and choose the correct answers.
What is one thing that should not happen because of family meetings?
a) Families make stronger connections with one another. b) Families find solutions to problems.
c) Families have fun together. d) Families improve communication. e) Families criticize one another.
Why should families use the “Go Around” method during family meetings?
a) Because each person should ask one question to the person speaking.
b) Because it allows each family member a chance to speak.
c) Because it’s a positive way to start the meeting.
d) Because it helps family members set and keep goals.
e) Because each family member should offer a solution to every problem.
After sharing something good that happened, what should family members share next?
a) They should share problems related to their sisters.
b) They should share some cake or play a game.
c) They should share solutions to one another’s problems.
d) They should share something negative from the past week.
e) They should share their goals for the next week.
Why does Dr. Holbrook feel that sharing problems is important?
a) It gives family members a chance to fight about the things they disagree on.
b) It helps family members remember to write them down.
c) It helps family members find solutions to one another’s problems.
d) It’s fun to hear about the problems different family members are having.
e) It helps family members stay calm, cooperative and connected.
Why is it important to write down each family member’s goal for the week?
a) It’s a way to help family members reach their goals.
c) It’s essential to end the meeting on a positive note.
b) It’s a way to offer praise and support.
e) It’s easy to forget goals when you’re busy with doctor’s appointments.
d) It’s a way to remember when the next meeting will be.
In line 8, “Everyone in the family, from little children to grandparents, is supposed to attend,” is the same as saying…
a) Family members are allowed to go to business meetings or soccer games instead of going to the family meeting.
b) Only children and older people need to go to the family meeting.
c) All family members, young and old, may go to the meeting, but they don’t have to.
d) Children and older people are not allowed to go to the family meeting.
e) All family members, independent of their age, are expected to go to the meeting.
In line 21, “Family members need to stay calm when discussing problems” is the same as saying…
a) Family members should not attempt to control their emotions.
b) Family members must never express what they really think.
c) Family members can get irritated and upset with each other.
d) Family members should try not to get irritated with one another.
e) Family members are free to say whatever they want.
Read the texts and choose the correct answers.
Os noticiários destacam acontecimentos diários, que são veiculados em jornal impresso, rádio, televisão e internet.
Nesse texto, o acontecimento reportado é a
a) ocorrência de um incêndio em um presídio superlotado em Honduras.
b) questão da superlotação nos presídios em Honduras e na América Latina.
c) investigação da morte de um oficial das Nações Unidas em visita a um presídio.
d) conclusão do relatório sobre a morte de mais de trezentos detentos em Honduras.
e) causa da morte de doze detentos em um presídio superlotado ao norte de Honduras.
O livro Vidas Secas de Graciliano Ramos retrata a vida de pessoas que vivem no sertão brasileiro e o sacrifício delas
para sobreviver. Tendo como tema a luta pela sobrevivência diante do flagelo da estiagem, o autor traz em seus
personagens muito da alma nordestina nos traços de Fabiano e sua família.
Este livro foi publicado em 1938 e tem como temática:
a)The violence in Brazil.
b)The drought and oppression in the Northeast of Brazil.
c)The crisis in Brazilian politics.
d)The floods in the South of Brazil.
e) The natural beauties of the North of Brazil.
Na tira da série For better or for worse, a comunicação entre as personagens fica comprometida em um determinado
momento porque
a) as duas amigas divergem de opinião sobre futebol.
b) uma das amigas desconsidera as preferências da outra.
c) uma das amigas ignora que o outono é temporada de futebol.
d) uma das amigas desconhece a razão pela qual a outra a maltrata.
e) as duas amigas atribuem sentidos diferentes à palavra season.
Read the text answer the questions in English.
Do you have a room in your house which you just don’t like? Before you consider spending a bundle on an interior
decorator, you might consider another possibility. You can get your house fixed for free through one of the most
popular types of reality TV shows: home decorating programs.
“My husband Mike and I hated our living room,” says Diane Butler, of Syracuse, New York. “But we didn’t have much
money and, more than that, we didn’t know what to do. Then I saw a TV show which changed my life – Out for the
Weekend – and now our living room, which was pretty ugly, is brand new.”
Says Jeremy Green, the producer of Out for the Weekend, “We receive applications from people who want to surprise
their partners. We send the partner away for the weekend and then fix up the problem room with the person who
stays behind.”
In the case of Diane and Mike, the producers arranged for Mike’s best friend, who owned a fishing boat, to invite Mike
to go fishing for a weekend. Mike didn’t know that designers, carpenters, seamstresses and a television crew would
spend the weekend at his house.
“You should’ve seen their living room,” says Billy Lagrange, an interior decorator for the show. “It was awful! It was
dark, cluttered, uncomfortable and old-fashioned – very 1962. And, worst of all, everything was purple and pink.”
Legrange decided to give the living room a boost by removing the dark purple carpet and putting in a wood floor. The
pink sofa, which was stained and dirty, was replaced by a light yellow one. The walls, which were dark pink, were
painted a cheerful green.
Diane says, “Then they started going a little bit crazy, I think. They used sticks and branches from our backyard to
make picture frames and lamps.” Legrange explains, “That’s not all. Mike’s an outdoor type of guy, so what could be
better than bringing the outside in? We painted a tree on the living room wall and glued fake leaves on it. It was
When Mike came home on Sunday night, his wife and the entire design team were waiting for him. “I liked my new
living room,” Mike says, “But when everyone had left, Diane and I decided to repaint that ridiculous wall with the tree.
But the rest was great.” The best part, says Diane, is that they didn’t spend a cent, “Except for that extra can of
Why didn’t Mike and Diane redecorate their living room themselves?
What kind of people apply to the Out for the Weekend TV program?
What did the interior decorator think about Mike and Diane’s living room?
Why did Legrange paint a tree on the wall?
What did Mike and Diane do after the TV crew had left?
Os noticiários destacam acontecimentos diários, que são veiculados em jornal impresso, rádio, televisão e
internet. Nesse texto, qual é o acontecimento reportado?
Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 jul. 2012.
Uma campanha pode ter por objetivo conscientizar a população sobre determinada questão social. Na
campanha realizada no Reino Unido, o que a frase “A third of the food we buy in the UK ends up
being thrown away” enfatiza?
Translate this newspaper headline into Portuguese “CREWS TACKLE NORWICH AIRPORT HANGAR BLAZE”.
Read the cartoon.
The ewe
a) is happy about her relationship.
b) is sad because her internet is not working.
c) does not like going to restaurants without Internet and network connections.
d) seems to be unhappy with her relationship.
e) is excited about her new relationship.
The lion and the ewe
a) do not use computers.
b) are using different social networking services.
c) do not accept strange “people” on their profiles.
d) are using the same social networking services.
e) do not have profiles on social networking services.
In “This relationship just isn’t working for me anymore”, isn’t working was used to
a) say that something has just started.
b) say that something was done in the past.
c) say that something will be done in the future
d) say that something happens every day.
e) say that something is in progress
Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 jan. 2015.
Uma equipe de pesquisadores acredita ter identificado como começou a epidemia de ebola na África Ocidental: com
um garotinho brincando perto de uma árvore oca que abrigava vários morcegos infectados. Com base no texto acima,
os morcegos em questão
a) costumam atacar seres humanos que se aproximam das árvores que servem de abrigo para seus filhotes.
b) foram atraídos pelas árvores que cercam o pequeno vilarejo de Meliandou, onde morava o garoto Emile.
c) são capturados pelos moradores de Meliandou e servem de alimento em tempos de escassez na pequena vila.
d) devem ser imediatamente exterminados como a única estratégia para evitar novas epidemias do vírus Ebola.
e) podem controlar doenças como a Malária, por conseguirem comer o mesmo peso de seu corpo em insetos.
O primeiro ano é um período crítico para a adaptação do estudante à universidade. O ingresso no
ensino superior é uma transição que traz potenciais repercussões para o desenvolvimento físico e psicológico dos
jovens estudantes. De acordo com o texto anterior, o fenômeno conhecido nos
Estados Unidos como “Freshman 15”
a) precisa ser urgentemente revisto, pois inúmeros estudos comprovam que não há o suposto
aumento de peso atribuído aos estudantes do primeiro ano de faculdade, desmistificando, assim,
o conceito.
b) depende de um conjunto de fatores, dentre os quais o consumo elevado de bebidas alcoólicas
e a má-alimentação, para produzir o efeito do ganho de peso em estudantes do primeiro ano de faculdade.
c) provoca prejuízos financeiros incalculáveis para as universidades que são obrigadas a oferecer assistência médica
aos estudantes do primeiro ano de faculdade que desenvolvem algum tipo de patologia.
d) prejudica substancialmente o rendimento acadêmico, fazendo com que um percentual elevado de estudantes
universitários abandonem a faculdade depois de concluir o primeiro ano de graduação.
e) carece de estudos científicos rigorosos, o que inviabiliza a delimitação de uma estratégia eficaz das universidades
para evitar os efeitos do aumento de peso dos estudantes do primeiro ano de faculdade.
De acordo com o texto anterior, a bactéria Yersinia pestis:
a) ocorreu somente em dois momentos da história da humanidade, separados entre si por oito séculos.
b) provocou a queda do imperador Justiniano, acusado de não ter se empenhado para controlar a doença.
c) causou a morte de mais da metade dos residentes de Roma durante o reinado de Justiniano, em 541 D.C.
d) atacou inicialmente na Alemanha, transferindo-se, posteriormente, para outras nações da Europa.
e) parece, segundo pesquisadores, ter sido responsável pelo golpe final no declínio do Império Romano.
O uso do apóstrofo acompanhado da letra s na fala do garoto remete
a) à forma contrata que equivaleria a “Charlotte is”.
b) à construção do plural dos substantivos próprios.
c) a uma forma de configurar uma relação de posse.
d) a uma maneira informal de expressar o verbo has.
e) a uma parte indissociável do substantivo “Charlotte”.
Disponível em: <
O tráfico de seres humanos, quaisquer que sejam as razões a ele subjacentes – exploração sexual
ou laboral –, é uma violação fundamental dos direitos humanos. Na medida em que afetam sobretudo grupos
vulneráveis como as mulheres e as crianças, as entidades de combate ao tráfico humano centram a sua ação em
torno de objetivos que visam a proteção desses grupos e a prevenção e a luta contra esse fenômeno. A peça
publicitária anterior se destina a
a) sensibilizar o leitor quanto ao valor da vida humana, convidando-o a ajudar a colocar um fim
no tráfico de seres humanos.
b) divulgar um tratado internacional assinado por vários países que se comprometeram a pôr um
fim ao tráfico de seres humanos.
d) estimular o leitor a contribuir financeiramente para uma entidade civil que resgata vítimas do
cruel tráfico de seres humanos.
d) denunciar os países cuja legislação proporciona abertura para que traficantes de seres humanos
continuem agindo impunemente.
e) promover uma reflexão histórica sobre a comercialização de seres humanos em diversos
países banhados pelo Oceano Atlântico.
Ao conversar sobre a previsão do tempo, o texto mostra
a) o aborrecimento do cidadão britânico ao falar sobre banalidades.
b) a falta de ter o que falar em situações de avaliação de línguas.
c) a importância de se entender sobre meteorologia para falar inglês.
d) as diferenças e as particularidades culturais no uso de uma língua.
e) o conflito entre diferentes ideias e opiniões ao se comunicar em inglês

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