concentration in agronegócio avícola, participation


concentration in agronegócio avícola, participation
Levy Rei de França – Universidade de Rio Verde
[email protected]
Vera Maria Barbosa de Moraes – Universidade Estadual Paulista, Jaboticabal
[email protected]
José Gilberto de Souza – Universidade Estadual Paulista, Jaboticabal
[email protected]
In this study it is compared, the traditional broiler production model, a characteristic of the
South region, with the recently new broiler production model implanted in the Center-west
region. The general aim of this research is to determine the impacts of the new model
broiler production about the utilization of the classified integrated like medium and big rural
producers. They are specifically accomplished: a) the producers' classification in two
regions, according to the criterion adapted for the access to FCO, via Brazil's bank; b) the
integrated producers' distribution in the two regions; c) The analysis of the medium and big
producers participation into the new model broiler production. The interviews were
obtained through data with managers who take decision regarding to agroindustrie
activities in the district Videira as well as and the distritic of Rio Verde, the manager of the
Brazil's bank responsible for the access to FCO resources and questionnaires performed
by the integrated. It was searched 42 integrated, of a total of 78, in the district of Rio Verde
in the Center-west region and 104 integrated, of a total of 600, in the Videira district, in the
South region. With this number of questionnaires was possible to work with a reliable level
of 95% (equivalent to ó equal to 2), allowed equal maximum mistake to 5% in the two
regions being the values of “p” for the districts of Rio Verde and Videira belonged to 94%
and 91,4% respectively. These values are into the limits suggested by Gill (1999) and
Richardson et al. (1999) to researches in social sciences. Due to the
advances, the broiler
was absorbed by agroindustrie creating a different dynamics
towards other sectors of animal production, so that it became an excellent thermometer to
analyzes the effects of the neoliberal politicses associate to the new technologies. The
implantation of the investments of long term, using new technologies, increase the
competitiveness, through the increase scale and the exclusion increase. Through the
exclusion of the analysis it observes its occurrence: 1) due to the lack of the capacity of
investment, from those who don't have the minimum structure required; 2) due to the minor
of the quantity of the relative workers' to produce the same amount of product. Therefore it
is observed a contrast in State posture that is responsible to offer the necessary structure
for the new productive capacity and to assume the responsibility by the solution generation
of the activities that lost this capacity, through compensatory politicses. These are the
problems of the recent neoliberal politicses, because of this, it is necessary to foment the
debate and alimentate the discussion, highlighting the need to investments policies
simultaneous actions with compensatory politicses. When the work cost increases, all
innovation that reduce the total cost is welcome, saving whether the work or the capital,
stimulating new investments and creating an uncomfortable environment the managed
being mostly by State. Considering the access conditions in credit during the
implementation of the Buriti project, Fernandes Filho & Queiroz (2001) who underlined that
only the medium and big producers would be awarded. Analyzing this aspect Bernardes
(2002) commented that due to the warranties exigencies three times greater than the
financed value, it would be decreased mini producer participation in the project. It was
proved by the research, because 85,7% of the medium and big integrated producers
entailed to agroindustrie are located in the Center-west region and just 11,3% is located in
the South region. Since it is considered the beginning of the activities it also realizes that
the participation of the medium and big producers increased, from the medium and big
producers total entailed to agroindustrie, 85,7% began their activities in 2000. Thus the
results showed that in the new model production: a) The participation of the medium and
big producers Increased, as integrated b) The participation of the mini producers
decreased as it occurs in the traditional integrations in the South region. c) The quantity of
the necessary integrated decreased in order to produce relatively the same amount of
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