Inglês 11 2014 versao 1-III


Inglês 11 2014 versao 1-III
Teste Intermédio
Parte III – Produção e interação escritas
Versão 1
Duração do Teste: 90 minutos (Atividades A e B = 40 minutos + Atividade C = 40 minutos) | 27.02.2014
11.º Ano de Escolaridade
Nome do aluno:
Classificação (subtotal):
Assinatura do professor:
Assinatura do encarregado de educação:
Utilize apenas caneta ou esferográfica de tinta indelével, azul ou preta.
Não é permitida a consulta de dicionários nas Atividades A e B.
Não é permitido o uso de corretor. Em caso de engano, deve riscar aquilo que pretende que não
seja classificado.
Escreva, de forma legível, a resposta a cada item no espaço indicado no enunciado do teste.
Para cada item, apresente apenas uma resposta.
As cotações dos itens encontram-se no final do enunciado do teste.
TI de Inglês | 11.º Ano – fev. 2014 | V1 • Página 1/ 6
Items 1 to 8
Rewrite the following sentences (1-8) without changing their meaning.
You have to write one or more words.
1.  I’m afraid I have to complain about the Internet service you are providing.
I’m afraid I have to make a
about the Internet service you are providing.
2.  They were unable to agree on a holiday destination.
They were unable to reach
on a holiday destination.
3.  She’s the most intelligent person I’ve ever met.
anybody I know.
4.  She’s an enthusiastic musician.
She’s really keen
5.  The shop closed at 7 o´clock and I arrived after that.
When I
6.  He waited outside the director’s office in order to have a word with him.
He waited outside the director’s office so
7.  “Don’t open that file. It’s a virus!” my sister said.
My sister warned me
8.  The problem was really difficult. I was unable to solve it.
It was such
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English in America offers language courses. You are interested in attending one of their courses.
While surfing the net, you came across the following advertisement for one of their courses.
Learn English in Colorado – 3 weeks with a Family + SKI: $1975
For further information contact Ms Lara Lewis – [email protected]
Write an email (60-80 words) to English in America about the advertisement.
Say why you are writing, explain why you are interested in this particular course and ask for further information.
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Atividade A .............................................................................................................. 15 pontos
15 pontos
Atividade B .............................................................................................................. 10 pontos
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Teste Intermédio de Inglês
Parte III – Produção e interação escritas
Versão 1
Nome do aluno:
The magazine Lights, camera, action! is promoting a film review competition. The prize for the winner is the
online publication of the review and a visit to a film studio. To enter the competition, you have to write a review
of the last film you saw.
Step one
hink about the information you want to use in your review and how you can organise it in a
logical/coherent way.
In note form, write an outline/plan of the text here.
TI de Inglês | 11.º Ano – fev. 2014 | V1 • Página 5/ 6
Step two
Now, following your outline/plan, write the review (150-220 words).
Atividade C .................................................................................................................................. 25 pontos
Subtotal . .............................................................. 50 pontos
TI de Inglês | 11.º Ano – fev. 2014 | V1 • Página 6/ 6

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