1866 - 2016 Herinnering - Missão Redentorista Suriname


1866 - 2016 Herinnering - Missão Redentorista Suriname
1866 - 2016
Congregatie van de
Allerheiligste Verlosser
Missionarissen Redemptoristen
284 jaar
1732 – 2016
150ste verjaardag van
de Redemptoristen
missie in Suriname
150th anniversary of the
Redemptorist Mission in Suriname
1866 - 2016
150 anos da Missão
Redentorista no Suriname
1866 - 2016
roers en zusters, na 150 jaar een herinnering aan het begin van de
Missie der Redemptoristen in Suriname. Kloosters en huizen, de
bevolking, de eerste missionarissen. Batavia en de Zalige Petrus
Donders, Apostel van Suriname. De Apostolische Vicarissen en de oprichting
van het Bisdom. De Kathedrale Basiliek en andere kerken die gebouwd
werden. De belangrijke rol van de religieuzen en andere congregaties.
De Zusters van Paramaribo. Het seminarie en de eerste roepingen. De
gezamelijk missie met de Brazilianen. Onze tijd... en vele wonderen en
tekenen. Waardevolle foto’s om God te loven die ons in Christus heeft
uitverkoren om het evangelie steeds op een nieuwe manier te prediken.
Bid voor ons!
ear Brothers, after 150 years a remembrance of the start of the Redemptorist Mission in Suriname.
Convents and homes, the people, the first missionaries. Batavia and Blessed Peter Donders, Apostle of
Suriname. The Apostolic Vicars and the creation of the diocese. The Basilica Cathedral and other churches
built. The important role of religious and other congregations. Sisters of Paramaribo. The seminar and
the first vocations. Mission together with Brazilians. The present days… and many miracles and wonders.
Precious photos to praise God who has chosen us in Christ to preach the gospel in a ever new way.
Pray for us!
ueridos irmãos, depois de 150 anos uma lembrança do início da Missão Redentorista no Suriname.
Conventos e casas, o povo, os primeiros missionários. Batávia e o Beato Pedro Donders, apóstolo do
Suriname. Os vigários apostólicos e a criação da diocese. A Catedral Basílica e outras igrejas construídas.
O importante papel das religiosas e outras congregações. Irmãs de Paramaribo. O seminário e as primeiras
vocações. Missão junto aos brasileiros. Os tempos de hoje... E tantos milagres e prodígios. Fotos preciosas
para louvar a Deus que nos escolheu em Cristo para evangelizar de modo sempre novo.
Rezem por nós!
ls apostel en ware volgeling van St. Alfonsus is de
Redemptorist een man met sterk geloof, vervuld van de
vreugde van de hoop, met een vurige liefde, brandend
van ijver en nederig van hart, een man ook van volhardend gebed.
Zo deelt hij als blijmoedige volgeling van zijn Zaligmaker Christus
in diens mysterie en verkondigt hij dit mysterie in evangelische
eenvoud van leven en woord. Zo is hij met verloochening
van zichzelf beschikbaar voor elk moeilijk werk om mensen
overvloedige Verlossing te brengen.
Constituties nr. 20
trong in faith, rejoicing in hope,
burning with charity, on fire
with zeal, in humility of heart
and persevering in prayer, Redemptorists
as apostolic men and genuine disciples
of Saint Alphonsus follow Christ the
Redeemer with hearts full of joy; denying
themselves and always ready to undertake
what is demanding, they share in the
mystery of Christ and proclaim it in Gospel
simplicity of life and language, that they
may bring to people plentiful redemption.”
Constitution no. 20
ortes na fé, alegres na esperança,
fervorosos na caridade, inflamados
no zelo, humildes e sempre dados
à oração, os redentoristas, como homens
apostólicos e genuínos discípulos de
Santo Afonso, seguindo contentes a Cristo
Salvador, participam do seu ministério e
anunciam-no com evangélica simplicidade
de vida e de linguagem, pela abnegação de
si mesmos, pela disponibilidade constante
para as coisas mais difíceis, a fim de levar
aos homens a copiosa redenção.”
Constituição no 20
Het begin van de Missie
der Redemptoristen in
The beginning of
the Redemptorist
Mission in Suriname.
Início da Missão
Redentorista no
p 30 juli 1865, vertrouwt Paus Pius IX het Vicariaat Suriname
toe aan de Nederlandse Redemptoristen, met goedkeuring van
de Algemene Overste Pater Nicolaas Mauron. Tot Apostolisch
Vicaris wordt Pater Johannes Swinkels benoemd (25 september 1865).
Hij werd tot bisschop gewijd op 15 oktober 1865. Monseigneur Swinkels
komt in Paramaribo, hoofdstad van Suriname, een Nederlandse kolonie,
op 20 februari 1866 met de eerste Redemptoristen aan.
Vanaf deze datum starten de Missionarissen Redemptoristen een
nieuwe missieloopbaan, bijzonder gericht op de evangelisatie van de
armen en verlatenen via de prediking, assistentie aan de zieken, in het
bijzonder aan melaatsen, en de invoeging van het missionaire aspect.
Velen missionarissen (Mgr. Swinkels, Mgr. Schaap, Mgr. Wulfingh,
Mgr. Van Roosmalen, Mgr. Kuijpers, Pater Lemmens, Frater Anselmus
Bonten, Frater Frans Harmes, Frater Willem van Wollenberg, etc) zijn
hier geweest en hebben diepe sporen achtergelaten in de Evangelisatie
en bij de bouw van de kerk in Suriname. Onder hen valt de figuur van
Petrus Donders op, apostel van de melaatsen, indianen en negers. Onze
Zalige is erkend en wordt beschouwd als nederige apostel van de Kerk
van God in Suriname.
n July 30, 1865, Pope Pius IX trusts the Dutch Redemptorists, with the approval of the
Superior General Father Nicolaus Mauron, the Vicariate of Suriname. Father Johannes
Swinkels (25 September 1865) was appointed as Apostolic Vicar and then consecrated as
bishop on October 15, 1865; Mgr. Swinkels reaches Paramaribo, capital of Suriname, a Dutch
colony, with the first Redemptorists, on February 20, 1866.
From this date, the Redemptorist Missionaries began a new journey through the explicit mission
of preaching the Word, being present among the poor and abandoned, giving assistance to
the sick, especially the lepers, and missionary insertions. There were many missionaries (Mgr.
Swinkels, Mgr. Schaap, Mgr. Wulfingh, Mgr. Roosmalen, Mgr. Kuijpers, Father Lemmens, Brother
Anselmus Bonten, Brother Frans Harmes, Brother Willem van Wollenberg, etc.) who have
passed through this land and left deep marks on Evangelization and construction of the church
in Suriname. Among them, is the figure of Blessed Peter Donders, apostle of the lepers, indians
and blacks. Our Blessed is recognized and considered the humble apostle of the Church of
God in Suriname.
o dia 30 de julho de 1865, o Papa Pio IX confiou aos redentoristas holandeses, com
aprovação do superior-geral Padre Nicolaus Mauron, o Vicariato do Suriname. É nomeado
vigário apostólico o Padre Swinkels (25 de setembro de 1865), sendo consagrado bispo em
15 de outubro de 1865; Mgr. Swinkels chega a Paramaribo, capital do Suriname, colônia
holandesa, com os primeiro redentoristas, no dia 20 de fevereiro de 1866.
A partir desta data, os missionários redentoristas iniciam uma nova jornada de missão por
meio da pregação explícita da Palavra, da presença no meio dos pobres e abandonados, da
assistência aos enfermos, especialmente os leprosos, e da inserção missionária. Muitos foram
os missionários (Mgr. Swinkels, Mgr. Schaap, Mgr. Wulfingh, Mgr. Roosmalen, Mgr. Kuijpers,
Padre Lemmens, Irmão Anselmus Bonten, Irmão Frans Harmes, Irmão Willem van Wollenberg,
etc.) que passaram por aqui e deixaram marcas profundas na evangelização e na construção
da Igreja no Suriname. Dentre eles, destaca-se a figura do Beato Pedro Donders, apóstolo dos
leprosos, índios e negros. Nosso beato é reconhecido e considerado o apóstolo humilde da
Igreja de Deus no Suriname.
Batavia en de Zalige
Petrus Donders, Apostel
van Suriname.
Batavia and the Blessed
Peter Donders, Apostle of
Batávia e o Beato Pedro
Donders, Apóstolo do
The Apostolic Vicars
and the creation of
the Diocese.
De Apostolische Vicarissen
en de oprichting van het
Os vigários
apostólicos e a
criação da Diocese.
Mgr Johannes B. Swinkels, C.Ss.R. (1866–1875)
Funda Nos In Pace – Vestig ons in de vrede
Mgr J.H. Schaap, C.Ss.R. (1875–1889)
Copiosa Apud Eum Redemptio – Bij Hem is overvloedige verlossing
Mgr Wilhelmus Wulfingh, C.Ss.R. (1889–1906)
Succurre Miseris – Sta de verschoppelingen bij
Mgr J.C. Meeuwissen, C.Ss.R. (1907–1912)
Adeamus Cum Fiducia – Laten wij met vertrouwen gaan
Mgr Th.A.L.M. van Roosmalen, C.Ss.R. (1912–1946)
Deus Fortitudo Mea – God is mijn kracht
Mgr Stephanus Kuijpers, C.Ss.R. (1946–1970)
Iter Para Tutum – Bereid ons een veilige weg
Mgr Aloysius Zichem, C.Ss.R. (1970–2003)
Amore Traxit Omnia – Door de liefde heeft hij alles tot zich getrokken
De Kathedrale Basiliek
en andere kerken die
gebouwd werden.
The Basilica Cathedral
and other constructed
A Catedral Basílica
e outras igrejas
De belangrijke rol van
de religieuzen en andere
congregaties. De Zusters
van Paramaribo.
The important role of religious
people and other congregations.
Sisters of Paramaribo.
O importante papel das religiosas
e outras congregações. Irmãs de
The seminar and
the first vocations.
Het seminarie en de
eerste roepingen.
O seminário e as
primeiras vocações.
De gezamelijke missie met
de brazilianen.
The Brazilian Missionaries.
Mission with the Brazilians.
Os Missionários brasileiros.
Missão junto aos brasileiros.
Deze tijd…
The present days...
Os tempos de hoje...
VERLOSSER (Der Redemptoristen)
Mertens en Nellius Tyndall zijn niet meegerekend
Er zijn 173 priesters en 73 fraters redemptoristen
uit Nederland naar Suriname gekomen van 1866
tot 1997. Onder hen is een pater uit Engeland en
een pater uit St. Thomas. 3 werkten eerst in Brazilië
en 3 vertrokken van Suriname naar Brazilië. De
Surinaamse redemptoristen zoals pater Henri
Rikken, pater Harry Moesai, Mgr. Aloysius Zichem
en pater Waldie Wong Loi Sing zijn meegeteld en
de Surinaamse fraters Edgar Alamake en Hendrik
Biswane ook. De Surinaamse redemptoristen Adriaan
omdat zij in Nederland en Brazilië gewerkt hebben.
Later, vanaf juni 2001, zijn enkele Braziliaanse
redemptoristen naar Suriname gekomen, op het
moment vier (04). Bisschop Emeritus Mgr. Aloysius
Zichem, gerekend bij de Nederlandse groep is nu de
enige en laatste. Het jaar 1947 is het hoogtepunt: er
waren toen 42 paters en 26 fraters. Frater Ferdinand
van de Berg was er 62 jaar lang in Suriname en pater
Hendrik Ruyter 60 jaar.
In 1997 werd de vice-provincie van Suriname,
als onderdeel van de provincie van Nederland,
opgeheven bij gebrek aan leden. Na 1997 zijn
nog enkele Nederlandse redemptoristen met een
persoonlijk contract met het bisdom gebleven. De
laatste Nederlandse redemptorist vertrok in 2010.
Enkelen zijn als onderwijzer naar Suriname gekomen
en zijn daar pas aan de priesterstudie begonnen.
Enkelen waren nog novices. In 1895 waren 7 paters
en 4 fraters werkzaam in het onderwijs.
Suriname was een wingewest van Nederland met
een plantage-economie (1667). Slaven werden
daartoe ingevoerd. De slavenhandelaars en het
koloniaal bestuur waren aanhangers van de
gereformeerde religie. Katholieken waren in het
bestuur niet getolereerd. Toch waren er heel kort
enkele Franciscanen uit Zuidelijk Nederland. Pas in
1786 is het de katholieken geoorloofd een kerk op
te richten. Enkele Nederlandse diocesane priesters
kwamen maar stierven of vertrokken snel. Zo af en
toe kwam er een katholieke priester en vanaf 1817
de definitieve vestiging. Een paar diocesane priesters
kwamen naar Suriname en er waren er enkelen toen
de redemptoristen in 1866 daar kwamen.
De redemptoristen in 1732 gesticht door de H.
Alfonsus de Liguori in Napels als een religieuze
congregatie bijzonder gericht op de evangelisatie
van de armen via de prediking, breidde zich uit
over Europa. Ook in België, van waaruit het eerste
redemptoristenklooster te Wittem in 1836 werd
gesticht. Daar groeide het aantal leden, zoals bij
vele andere ordes en congregaties. In de jaren 50
en 60 van de 19e eeuw werden zij gevraagd voor
de missie op de Antillen, Oost-Indië (Indonesia)
en Zuid-Afrika. De groep meende nog te klein
te zijn voor een dergelijk werk. In 1865 zocht de
Congregatie van de Propaganda Fide, met de
zorg voor de missies, contact met de algemene
overste van de redemptoristen in Rome om de
Nederlandse redemptoristen te vragen de zorg
voor de kerk van Suriname op zich te nemen (ius
commissionis). Eind augustus 1865 kwam men
tot overeenstemming. Er werd een apostolisch
vicaris benoemd (Johannes Swinkels) en bisschop
gewijd en 2 paters en 1 frater (een broer van Mgr. J.
Swinkels en die na een half jaar stierf) werden voor
dit avontuur benoemd. Ze werden eind november
1865 voor de tocht vanuit Den Helder opgeroepen
maar vanwege gebrek aan wind vertrok het schip
pas februari 1866. Op 26 maart 1866 kwam de
groep aan. Twee van de aanwezige priesters,
Peerke Donders en Jan Romme sloten zich in 1867
bij de redemptoristen aan.
De spiritualiteit van de redemptoristen heeft als
thema: Copiosa apud eum redemptio, bij God is
overvloedige verlossing. Dus God als bevrijder,
bijzonder van de armen. Het kloosterleven bestond
uit gemeenschappelijke oefeningen/bijeenkomsten
zoals meditatie, morgen- en avondgebed,
geestelijke lezing, rozenkrans bidden. De Heilige
Regel en de Constituties waren de leidraad. De
onderhouding van de Heilige Regel was streng en
gecontroleerd. De kloosteroverste moest eenmaal
per jaar alles controleren (visitatie) en er verslag
van maken. De leden moesten steeds herinnerd
worden aan de punten van de visitatie.
De redemptoristen kenden eigenlijk geen
parochiewerk, maar waren voor retraites,
missies, meditaties. In Suriname moesten ze het
parochiewerk aanpakken. Zij hadden geen speciale
opleiding voor Suriname tijdens hun opleiding in
hun studiehuis te Wittem. Ze moesten zo ongeveer
alles in de nieuw situatie uitvinden. De apostolisch
vicaris was tegelijk ook kloosteroverste, tegelijk
overste van de pastorie van de kathedraal en
tegelijk de overste van de kerk. Toen het aantal
leden in Suriname toenam werden de taken ook
uitgesplitst. De paters en fraters werden ook in
de districten geplaatst: niettemin moesten ze de
gemeenschappelijke oefeningen onderhouden.
Enkele paters en fraters hebben het klooster verlaten
en zijn in Suriname of in Nederland uitgetreden.
De priesters waren bezig met parochiewerk, in
stad en districten en later, in het bosland. Dat
eiste dat ze de lokale taal Sranan moesten leren.
Bovendien werden mensen uit China, Brits-Indië
en Java als contractarbeiders aangevoerd. De
priesters leerden de talen, wanneer zij voor een
bepaalde groep benoemd werden. Ook werden
aparte internaten opgericht voor Javaanse jongens
en 2 voor Javaanse meisjes, voor wezen, voor de
Hindoestanen, voor kinderen van het bosland.
In de jaren 60 van de 20e eeuw is dat systeem
afgebouwd vanwege het opkomend nationalisme.
De redemptoristen werden bij hun opbouw van
de lokale kerk geholpen door de Franciscanessen
van Roosendaal (1856), door de Liefdezusters van
Tilburg (1894), door de Zusters Franciscanessen
van Oudenbosch (1925), de lokale congregatie van
de Zusters van Paramaribo (1932) door de Oblaten
van Maria (1949), leden van de Graal (1948), de
Zusters Missionarissen van Maria (1972) en de
Salvatorianen (1982). De lokale clerus nam heel
langzaam in aantal toe.
Paters namen goede initiatieven. In Tamarin aan
de Cottica werd een centrum gebouwd met een
houtzaagmolen. In Coronie werd een rijstpolder
ingericht met een rijstpelmolen. Groningen in
de Saramacca zag een bijeentelt met kassen
ontstaan. Bij km 25 aan het Pad van Wanica
werd het landbouwproject voor Hindoestaanse
jongeren opgericht, Girjapur. De melk een
groenten werd in Paramaribo verkocht en van de
melk maar zusters van Tilburg kaas. Een belangrijk
werkgelegenheidsproject was de oprichting
van de Vlechtschool die heel wat vrouwen iets
opgeleverd heeft. Frater Frans Hames bouwde de
kathedraal. Fraters werden baas van de drukkerij
Van Der Boomen. De kalender De Bonte Vlinder
werd begonnen. Frater Anselmus Bonter was een
professionele musicus en was organist een dirigent
in de kathedraal. Frater Donatus Bruinincx leidde de
houtzagerij achter de kathedraal en frater Andreas
van der Vlugt was enkele jaren voorzitter van de
Associatie van Surinaamse Farbrikanten toen hij
leider was van het agrarisch project Copieweg.
Enkele redemptoristen springen er uit. Allereerst
de vier die melaats zijn geworden: pater Johannes
Bakker, pater Johannes Broos, pater Felix Lemmens
en frater Justinus de Bres. Enkelen zijn verdronken
(frater Leo op de boot naar Nederland gestorven en
in zee begraven), frater Antonius in de Saramacca,
pater Nicolaas Spruyt (1957 in de Suriname) en pater
Petrus van der Pluym (in de Suriname,1961). Enkelen
zijn in het verkeer verongelukt (pater Wilhelmus
Voorbraak, pater Wilhelmus Spekman, pater Marius
Schippers) en een is vermoord (pater Andreas
Gerritsen, 1973). Mgr. Wilhelmus Wulfingh stierf
op de eerste dag op de boot naar Suriname, Hij is
met de boot in een loden kist meegenomen naar
Paramaribo en daar begraven). Frater Andreas v.d.
Vlugt is omgekomen bij de vliegramp van 1989.
Heel uitzonderlijk was pater Arnold Borret. Hij
was gedoctoreed in het Recht, kwam als griffier
van de Koloniale Staten in Suriname, werd lid van
de Koloniale Staten, wilde redemptorist (1882)
en priester (1883) worden. Helaas is hij al in 1888
overleden. Even opzienbarend was pater Felix
Lemmens. Hij was militair commandant van Fort
Nieuw-Amsterdam. Hij wilde ook kloosterling en
priester worden. Hij vertrok naar Wittem, werd
priester en keerde in 1888 terug. In 1902 toonde de
melaatsheid zich en hij is in 1906 in de katholieke
melaatseninrichting de Majella gestorven.
De missie had missiebladen als “Petrus Donders
Tijdschrift”, de “Clemensbode”. De kerk gaf een
krant uit “De Surinamer” en het “Zondagsblad”,
“De Katholieke Waarschuwer”, “De Katholiek”
en nu “Omhoog”. Diverse paters hebben
publicaties verzorgd zoals pater Cornelius van
Coll over Zeden en gewoonten, pater Adrianus
Bex met zijn spraakkunst van het Sranan, pater
Wilhelmus Ahlbrinck met zijn Encyclopaedie van
de Caraiben (1935), pater Cornelius de Klerk over
de Hindoestaanse immigratie en over Cultus en
Ritueel bij de orthodoxe Hindoes in Suriname,
pater Antonius Donicie een Grammaire van
het Sranan. Pater Franciscus Morssink en frater
Bernardus Stoop hebben bekendheid gegeven
aan het Afakaschrift. Er zijn katechismussen
en enkele zang- en gebedenboeken en enkele
bijbelgedeelten uitgegeven in het Sranan, het
Hindi, het Arowaks en het Caraibs. Pater Adrianus
de Groot maakte toneelstukken en schreef ook
in het Sranan en publiceerde woordregisters
in het Aukaaans en het Saramaccaans. Pater
Gysbertus Roest maakte het Surinaamse liturgische
lezingenboek Leysipisi.
De kerk heeft een bescheiden resultaat geboekt.
In aantal werd de katholieke de grootste religieuze
gemeente. Maar de klemtoon kwam niet op de
kwantiteit maar op de kwaliteit te liggen.
Toen het vicariaat bisdom werd in 1958 was een
slechts één Surinaamse priester redemptorist
(pater Moesai) en 2 diocesane priesters in Brazilië
(André Berenos en Rudolf Lim a Po). Ze zijn er
niet in geslaagd het kloosterleven aantrekkelijk te
maken. Mgr Theodorus van Roosmalen wijdde in
zijn periode 1912-1946 slechts één priester en nog
wel een Nederlander. Dat is een tegenvaller in de
opbouw van de kerk.
De kerk werd steeds Surinaamser in
plaats van Nederlands. Het Sranan werd
gebruikt, er kwam aandacht voor de eigen
cultuur van de bevolkingsgroepen, het
catechesemateriaal werd lokaal aangemaakt.
De redemptoristen ondersteunden het
gemeenschapsontwikkelingsproject voor het
bosland van de Pater Ahlbrinck Stichting (PAS)
en de opleiding van katechisten voor de dorpen
in het bosland en later voor het bisdomkader.
Redemptoristen hielpen mee de missie tot kerk te
maken, de parochies te structureren, en leden tot
diverse ambten op te leiden door overdracht en
vorming. Indifferentisme en secularisatie dienen
zich aan en de kerk kan zich daartoe gereed
maken, ook op nationaal niveau.
De kerk had grote moeite met de zeden en
gewoonten wat betreft huwelijk en gezin in
Suriname. In 1965 verklaarde het 2e Vaticaans
Concilie dat de andere religies ook waarden
hadden. Dat stuurde aan tot de dialoog der
godsdiensten. De kerk had niet alle waarheid in
pacht. Ook groeide de oecumene. De rijkdom van
de culturen werd onderschreven en het bisdom
aanvaardde dat gegeven in haar beleid, zeker in
een multiculturele en multireligieuze samenleving,
zoals de Surinaamse samenleving is.
De relatie met de omgeving nam toe, losser van
Nederland. De verbindingen in het Caribisch Gebied
groeiden en Suriname had daartoe een goede
bijdrage. Met een centraal seminarie op Trinidad waar
2 kandidaten zich voorbereiden op het priesterschap.
Het financiële kwestie is altijd zorgelijk. De
redemptoristen hebben het vicariaat en het
bisdom niet financieel onafhankelijk weten te
maken, ondanks allerlei pogingen daartoe. De
redemptoristen zijn er ook niet in geslaagd eigen
kader voor het bisdom op te leiden.
Tot heden zijn er diverse Nederlanders werkzaam
in het bisdom. De hoop, ontstaan na de
bisschopsbenoeming van de Surinamer Mgr.
Aloysius Zichem tot bisschop, op een eigen lokale
clerus is niet helemaal gerealiseerd. Er is wel een
fundament voor gelegd ook in Nederland, met
zoveel Surinamers. De missiebladen schetsten
een apart beeld van mens en milieu. Over en weer
kunnen vruchtbare relaties groeien.
De zorg voor het milieu in het deel van de Amazone
mag hoog op de agenda staan. Dat vraagt om
een aparte mentaliteit van alle mensen. Suriname
kan niet alleen attractief zijn voor toeristen en
proefschriftschrijvers. De redemptoristen hebben
tijdens de lange reizen in de korjaal op de rivieren
de statie en gratie van het oerwoud ervaren als een
uniek moment van zin en zaligheid.
There are 173 priests and 73 brothers
Redemptorists from the Netherlands who came to
Suriname from 1866 to 1997. Among them was a
priest from England and a priest from St. Thomas.
3 first worked in Brazil and three departed from
Suriname to Brazil. The Surinamese Redemptorists
as Father Henri Walker, Father Harry Moesai, Mgr.
Aloysius Zichem and Father Waldie Wong Loi
Sing are counted and the Surinamese brothers
Edgar Alamake and Henry Biswane as well. The
Surinamese Redemptorists Adrian Mertens and
Nellius Tyndall are not included because they have
worked in the Netherlands and Brazil. Later, from
June 2001, some Brazilian Redemptorists came to
Suriname. At the moment there are four brazilian
redemptorists. Emeritus Mgr. Aloysius Zichem, who
is included in the Dutch group is now the only
one in suriname. The year 1947 was the highlight:
there were then 42 priests and 26 brothers. Brother
Ferdinand Mountain was 62 years in Suriname, and
Father Henry Ruyter 60 years.
In 1997 the Vice-Province of Suriname, as part of the
province of the Netherlands, was dissolved in the
absence of members. After 1997 there still remained
some Dutch Redemptorists with a personal contract
with the diocese. The last Dutch Redemptorist left
in 2010. Some came as teachers to Suriname and
there begun to study for priesthood. Some were
only novices. In 1895, there were seven priests and
four brothers working in the education field.
Suriname was a colony of the Netherlands with a
plantation economy (1667). Slaves were imported
for this purpose. The slavers and colonial rulers
were followers of the Reformed religion. Catholics
were not tolerated in the board. However there
were quite a few Franciscans from Southern
Netherlands. Only in 1786, the Catholics were
allowed to establish a church. Some Dutch
diocesan priests arrived but died or left quickly.
Occasionally there was a Catholic priest and from
1817 the final settlement. A few diocesan priests
came to Suriname and there were a few when the
Redemptorists arrived here in 1866.
The Redemptorists, founded in 1732 by St. Alphonsus
Liguori in Naples, as a religious congregation
especially focused on the evangelization of the poor
through preaching, spreaded throughout Europe.
Also in Belgium, from where the first Redemptorist
monastery in Wittem was founded in 1836. There
the number of members increased, like many other
religious orders and congregations. In the 50s and
60s of the 19th century, they were asked for the
mission in the Antilles, East Indies (Indonesia) and
South Africa. The group was thought to be too
small for such a work. In 1865, the Propaganda Fide
Congregation, responsible for the mission, contacted
the Superior General of the Redemptorists in Rome
requesting the Dutch Redemptorists to care for the
church of Suriname (ius commissionis). End of August
1865 they came to an agreement. An apostolic vicar
was appointed (Johannes Swinkels) and consecrated
bishop and two priests and one brother (brother of
Mgr. J. Swinkels, who died after six months) were
nominated for this adventure. End November 1865,
they were called up for the trip from Den Helder but
due to lack of wind the ship sailed only in February
1866. On March 26, 1866 the group arrived. Two of
the priests present, Peerke Donders and Jan Romme,
joined the Redemptorist in 1867.
The theme of the spirituality of the Redemptorists
is: Copiosa apud eum Redemptio, with God there
is abundant redemption. Thus, God as liberator,
particularly for the poor. The monastic life consisted
of joint exercises / events such as meditation,
morning and evening prayer, spiritual reading, rosary
prayer. The Holy Rule and the Constitutions were
the guiding principle. The observance of the Holy
Rule was strict and controlled. The abbot checked
all once a year (visitation) and made a report.
Members were constantly reminded of the points of
the visitation.
The Redemptorists actually didn’t know parish
work, but were there for retreats, missions,
meditations. In Suriname they had to deal with
the parish work. They had no special training
for Suriname during their training in their study
house at Wittem. They had to invent just about
everything in the new situation. The apostolic
vicar was also abbot: abbot of the presbytery of
the cathedral, and the abbot of the church. When
the number of members in Suriname increased
the responsibilities were also divided. The fathers
and brothers were also placed in the districts,
though they had to maintain the common
exercises. Some priests and friars left the convent
and retired in Suriname or in the Netherlands.
The priests were engaged in parish work in the city
and districts and later, in the interior. This demanded
that they learned the local language Sranan.
Moreover, people from China, British India and
Java were brought as contract workers. The priests
learned the languages, when they were appointed
for a specific group. Separate boarding schools were
also established for boys and two for Javanese girls,
for orphans, for the hindoestani’s and for children of
the interior. In the 60s that system was being phased
out because of the rising nationalism.
To build the local church, the Redemptorists
received help from the Franciscans of Roosendaal
(1856), the Sisters of Charity of Tilburg (1894), the
Franciscan Sisters of Oudenbosch (1925), the local
Congregation of the Sisters of Paramaribo (1932),
the Oblates of Mary (1949), Members of the Grail
(1948), the Missionary Sisters of Mary (1972) and
the Salvatorians (1982). The local clergy increased
very slowly in number. The Fathers took good
initiatives. In Tamarin, at the Cottica a center was
built with a sawmill. In Coronie a rice polder was
equipped with a rice hulling mill. In Groningen
in Saramacca apiculture was iniciated. At km 25
in Pad van Wanica the agricultural project was
founded for Hindoestani’s youth, Girjapur. The
milk and vegetables were sold in Paramaribo
and from the milk the Sisters of Tilburg made
cheese. An important employment project was
the creation of the Braid School, that contributed
to many woman. Brother Frans Hames built the
cathedral. Brothers took the responsibility of the
printing office Van Der Boomen. They started the
calendar “De Bonte Vlinder”, Brother Anselmus
Bonten was a professional musician and organist
and was a conductor at the cathedral. Brother
Donatus Bruinincx led the sawmill behind the
cathedral and Brother Andreas van der Vlugt was
for several years Chairman of the Association of
Surinamese Manufactures when he was leader of
the agriculture project Copieweg.
Some Redemptorists stand out. The first four
became leper: Father Johannes Bakker, Father
Johannes Broos, Father Felix Lemmens and
Brother Justin Bres. Some drowned (Brother Leo
died on the boat in the Netherlands and was
buried at sea), Brother Antonius in Saramacca,
Father Nicolaas Spruyt (1957 in Suriname) and
Father Petrus van der Pluym (in Suriname,
1961). Some died from accident in traffic (Father
Wilhelmus Voorbraak, Father Wilhelmus Spekman,
Father Marius Schippers) and one was killed
(Father Andreas Gerritsen, 1973). Mgr. Wilhelmus
Wulfingh died the first day on the boat to
Suriname, He was taken by boat in a lead coffin
to Paramaribo and burried there. Brother Andreas
v.d. Vlugt was killed in the 1989 plane crash.
Quite exceptional was Father Arnold Borret.
He was Doctor in laws and came as clerk of
the Colonial States in Suriname, became a
member of the Colonial States and wanted to
become a Redemptorist (1882) and priest (1883).
Unfortunately he deceased in 1888. Equally
startling was Father Felix Lemmens. He was
military commander of Fort Nieuw Amsterdam.
He also wanted to become a monk and priest.
He went to Wittem, became a priest in 1888 and
came back. In 1902 he was affected by leprosy,
and he died in 1906 in the Catholic Lepers
organization Majella.
The mission published missionary magazines like
“Peter Donders Magazine, the Clemens Bode”. The
church published a newspaper “De Surinamer”
and the “Sunday Newspaper”, “De Katholieke
Waarschuwer”, “De Katholiek” and now “Omhoog”.
Several priests have cared for publications such as
pater Cornelius van Coll on Morals and Behaviours,
Father Adrianus Bex with its Grammar of Sranan,
Father Wilhelmus Ahlbrinck his Encyclopedia of the
Caribbean (1935), Father Cornelius de Klerk about
the Indian Immigration and Cultus and Ritual in
the Orthodox Hindus in Suriname, Father Antonius
Donicie a Grammaire of Sranan. Father Franciscus
Morssink and Brother Bernard Stoop have given
prominence to the Afakaschrift. There are catechisms
and some songs and prayer books and some Bible
passages published in Sranan, Hindi, Arowak and
the Carib. Father Adriaan de Groot wrote dramas
and also published word registers in Aukaaans and
Saramaccan. Father Gysbertus Roest made the
Surinamese liturgical reading book Leysipisi.
The church has made a modest result. In numbers
the Catholics became the largest religious
congregation. However, the emphasis was not on
the quantity but on the quality.
When the Vicariate became diocese in 1958
only one Surinamese was a Redemptorist priest
(Father Moesai) and two diocesan priests in Brazil
(André Bérénos and Rudolf Lim a Po). They didn’t
manage to make the monastic life attractive.
In his period (1912-1946), Mgr. Theodorus van
Roosmalen consecrated only one priest and it was
a Dutchman. This was a setback in the construction
of the church.
The church was always more Surinamese instead
of Dutch. Sranan was used, there was emphasis on
the culture of the communities, the catechetical
material was created locally. The Redemptorists
supported the community development project
of the Father Ahlbrinck Foundation (PAS) for the
interior and the training of catechists for the
villages in the interior as well and later for the
diocese framework. Redemptorists helped to make
the mission a church, to structure the parishes and
to train the members to various offices by transfer
and training. Indifference and secularization
presented themselves and the church prepared
itself for it, even at national level.
The church struggled with the habits and customs
regarding marriage and family in Suriname. In
1965, the second Vatican Council declared that
other religions have value. This iniciated the
dialogue of religions. The church did not have any
monopoly on the truth. Ecumenism grew as well.
The richness of the cultures was confirmed and the
diocese accepted this in her policy, especially in
a multicultural and multireligious society, as is the
Surinamese society.
The relationship with the social environment
increased and became less conected to the
Netherlands. The connections grew in the
Caribbean and Suriname had a good contribution
to this. With a central seminar in Trinidad where
two candidates are preparing for the priesthood.
The financial issue is always worrisome. The
Redemptorists did not succeed to make the
Vicariate and the diocese financially independent,
despite all attempts. The Redemptorists have also
not been able to train their own professionals for
the diocese.
Up to date, there are several Dutch working in
the diocese. The hope which raised following the
nomination of the Surinamese bishop Mgr. Aloysius
Zichem is not fully realized in its own local clergy.
A foundation has been laid in the Netherlands, with
many Surinamese. The mission magazines featured
a separate image of people and the environment.
On both sides fruitful relationships can grow.
Concerns for the environment in the part of the
Amazon may be high on the agenda. This requires
a special mentality from the people. Suriname can
not only be attractive to tourists and dissertation
writers. During long trips in the canoe on the rivers,
the Redemptorists have experienced the station
and grace of the interior as an unique moment of
meaning and salvation.
De 1866 a 1997, vieram da Holanda para o Suriname
173 sacerdotes e 73 irmãos redentoristas. Entre eles
estavam um padre da Inglaterra e um padre de St.
Thomas. Três misisonários trabalharam antes no
Brasil e outros três partiram do Suriname para o
Brasil. Os redentoristas surinameses como Padre
Henry Rikken, Padre Harry Moesai, Monsenhor
Aloysius Zichem e Padre Waldie Wong Loi Sing
estão incluídos e também os irmãos surinameses
Edgar Alamake e Henry Biswane. Os redentoristas
surinameses Adriaan Mertens e Nellius Tyndall não
estão incluídos porque eles também trabalharam
na Holanda e no Brasil. Mais tarde, a partir de junho
de 2001, alguns redentoristas brasileiros vieram
para o Suriname a pedido do governo geral dos
redentoristas. No momento, são quatro confrades
que atuam no Suriname. O bispo emérito, Mgr.
Aloysius Zichem, está contado no grupo holandês,
sendo o único missionário da Província Redentorista
da Holanda a residir no Suriname. O ano de 1947
foi o momento auge da missão, quando havia no
Suriname 42 sacerdotes e 26 irmãos redentoristas.
O Irmão Ferdinand van de Berg trabalhou 62 anos
no Suriname e o Padre Henry Ruyter, 60 anos. Estes
foram os que mais tempo ficaram no Suriname.
Em 1997, a Vice-província do Suriname, como
parte da Província dos Países Baixos, foi suprimida
devido à falta de membros. A partir de 1997 alguns
Redentoristas Holandeses que tinham um contrato
pessoal com a diocese ainda permaneceram no
país. O último redentorista holandês, sem contar o
bispo emérito, foi embora em 2010. Alguns vieram
como professores para o Suriname e começaram
ali os estudos para serem padres. Alguns eram
noviços. Em 1895, a Missão Redentorista contava
com sete sacerdotes e quatro irmãos que
trabalhavam como professores.
O Suriname foi uma colônia dos Países Baixos,
com uma economia agrícola (desde 1667). Os
escravos foram trazidos de diversos lugares com
a finalidade de trabalhar nas grandes fazendas
e sítios. O arregimentadores de escravos e o
conselho colonial eram seguidores da religião
reformada. Os católicos não eram bem aceitos
no país pelos colonizadores. No entanto, houve
por um período muito curto frades franciscanos
do sul da Holanda que deram assistência no país.
No entanto, somente em 1786 soi permitido
aos católicos estabelecer uma igreja. Alguns
sacerdotes diocesanos holandeses chegaram,
mas morreram ou foram embora rapidamente.
Ocasionalmente, um padre católico vinha residir
no Suriname e, em 1817, deu-se o estabelecimento
definitivo. Alguns sacerdotes diocesanos vieram
ao Suriname como missionários da Holanda
e eram poucos sacerdotes no país quando os
redentoristas chegaram ali em 1866.
Os redentoristas foram fundados em 1732 por
Santo Afonso de Ligório, em Nápoles, como uma
congregação religiosa especialmente focada na
evangelização dos pobres por meio da pregação.
Logo se espalharam pela Europa. Também na
Bélgica se instalaram, de onde o primeiro mosteiro
redentorista em Wittem foi fundado em 1836. Isso
fez com que o número de membros aumentasse,
como em muitas outras ordens e congregações
religiosas. Nos anos 50 e 60 do século XIX, os
redentoristas holandeses foram convidados para
a missão nas Antilhas, Índias Orientais (Indonésia)
e África do Sul. O grupo se achou muito pequeno
para tal trabalho. Em 1865, a Congregação
Propaganda Fide, com preocupação para a
missão, entrou em contato com o superior-geral
dos redentoristas em Roma para solicitar o envio
de redentoristas holandeses para assumirem e
cuidarem da Igreja no Suriname (ius commissionis).
No final de agosto 1865 chegaram a um acordo.
Um vigário apostólico foi nomeado (Johannes
Swinkels) e consagrado bispo; outros dois padres
e um irmão redentoristas (por sinal, este irmão
redentorista era irmão do Monsenhor Johannes
Swinkels, mas morreu depois de seis meses no
Suriname) foram nomeados para essa aventura. Eles
foram convocados em novembro de 1865 para a
viagem da cidade de Den Helder até o Suriname.
Mas, devido à falta de vento o navio partiu só em
20 de fevereiro de 1866. Em 26 de março de 1866
o grupo chegou. Dois dos sacerdotes holandeses
com estada no Suriname, Peerke Donders e Jan
Romme, juntaram-se em 1867 aos redentoristas.
A espiritualidade dos redentoristas tem como
tema Copiosa apud eum Redemptio, ou seja,
em Deus se encontra abundante redenção.
Deus é o libertador, redentor, especialmente dos
mais pobres. A vida nos conventos redentoristas
consistia em exercícios/atividades comuns, como
a meditação, de manhã e à noite, oração, leitura
espiritual, oração do rosário, etc. A Santa Regra e as
Constituições foram o princípio orientador de tudo.
A observância da Regra era rigorosa e controlada.
O reitor ou superior do convento tinha que
verificar tudo uma vez por ano (visitação) e fazer
um relatório. Os membros eram constantemente
lembrados de suas obrigações na visitação.
Os redentoristas, na verdade, não conheciam
trabalho paroquial, mas eram preparados para
retiros, missões, meditações. No Suriname eles
tiveram que lidar com o trabalho paroquial. Não
tiveram nenhum treinamento especial para a
missão no Suriname durante a formação na
casa de estudos em Wittem. Eles tiveram que
reinventar praticamente tudo na nova situação. O
vigário apostólico era ao mesmo tempo superior
da comunidade redentorista, coordenador do
presbitério e pároco da catedral. Quando o número
de membros redentoristas no Suriname aumentou,
aí as responsabilidades também foram divididas.
Os padres e irmãos foram enviados aos distritos,
embora tivessem que manter os exercícios comuns.
Alguns padres e irmãos deixaram o convento e
renunciaram à vida consagrada quer fosse no
Suriname e até mesmo nos Países Baixos.
Na cidade e nos distritos, e mais tarde no interior
das florestas, os sacerdotes estavam envolvidos
em trabalho paroquial e missionário. Isso exigiu
que eles aprendessem sranan, a língua local. Além
disso, pessoas da China, da Índia e da Ilha de Java
foram trazidas como trabalhadores contratados.
Os sacerdotes aprendiam as línguas quando eram
nomeados para um grupo específico. Também
foram estabelecidos internatos separados para
meninos javaneses e dois para meninas javaneses,
para os órfãos, para os hindus, para as crianças do
interior. Na década de 60 do século XX, esse sistema
foi eliminado por causa do nacionalismo crescente.
Os redentoristas não estavam sozinhos nessa
empreitada. Contaram com a colaboração, na
missão e na construção da igreja local, com
as irmãs franciscanas de Roosendaal (1856), as
irmãs filhas da Caridade de Tilburg (1894), as
irmãs franciscanas de Oudenbosch (1925), a
congregação local das irmãs de Paramaribo (1932),
os oblatos de Maria (1949), os membros do Cálice
(1948), as irmãs missionárias de Maria (1972) e os
salvatorianos (1982). O clero local cresceu muito
lentamente em número.
Vários padres tomaram boas iniciativas
missionárias. Em Tamarin, em Cottica, um
centro foi construído com uma serraria. Em
Coronie, onde existia uma plantação de arroz,
foi equipada uma fábrica de descasque de arroz.
Em Groningen, no distrito de Saramacca, surgiu
apicultura com estufas. No km 25 da avenida Pad
van Wanica, foi fundado o projeto agrícola para
juventude hindu, chamado de Girjapur. O leite e as
verduras foram vendidos em Paramaribo e as irmãs
de Tilburg faziam queijo do leite. Um importante
projeto de emprego foi a criação da Escola de
Tranças, que fez a diferença para muitas mulheres.
O Irmão Frans Hames construiu a catedral. Vários
irmãos redentoristas se tornaram coordenadores
da fábrica de imprensa Van Der Boomen. O
calendário “De Bonte Vlinder” foi iniciado. O Irmão
Anselmus Bonten era um músico profissional e era
organista e maestro na catedral. Irmão Donatus
Bruinincx era o coordenador da serraria atrás da
catedral e Irmão Andreas van der Vlugt, por vários
anos, foi presidente da Associação dos Fabricantes
Surinameses quando era líder do projeto agrário
Alguns redentoristas se destacaram. Em primeiro
lugar, os quatro que se tornaram leprosos:
Padre Jan Bakker, Padre Jan Broos, Padre
Felix Lemmens e Irmão Justin Bres. Alguns se
afogaram (Irmão Leo morreu no barco a caminho
para Holanda e foi sepultado no mar); Irmão
Antonius morreu no distrito de Saramacca; Padre
Nico Spruyt morreu em 1957 no Suriname; e
Padre Petrus van der Pluym morreu no Suriname
em 1961. Alguns morreram no trânsito (Padre
Wilhelmus Voorbraak, Padre Wilhelmus Spekman,
Padre Marius Schippers) e um foi assasinado
(Padre Andries Gerritsen, 1973). Mgr. Wilhelmus
Wulfingh morreu em seu primeiro dia de barco
pelo Rio Suriname. Ele foi levado de barco em um
caixão de chumbo para Paramaribo e enterrado
lá. Irmão Andreas v.d. Vlugt morreu no acidente
de avião de 1989.
Bastante excepcional foi Padre Arnold Borret.
Ele era doutor em Direito e veio como escrivão
dos Estados Coloniais no Suriname; era membro
dos Estados Coloniais e queria ser redentorista
(1882) e sacerdote (1883). Infelizmente, veio
a falecer em 1888. Igualmente surpreendente
foi Padre Felix Lemmens. Ele era comandante
militar do Forte Nieuw Amsterdam. Também
queria se tornar um misisonário e sacerdote. Ele
foi para Wittem, tornou-se padre e voltou em
1888. Em 1902 contraiu lepra e em 1906, morreu
no instituto de leprosos Majella.
A Missão Redentorista contava com alguns
subsídios, como a revista “Peter Donders”, a
revista “Clemensbode”. A diocese editava o
jornal “De Surinamer” e o “Jornal de Domingo”,
“De Katholieke Waarschuwer”, “De Katholiek”
e “Omhoog”. Vários padres publicaram
documentos, como Padre Cornelius Coll sobre
a moral e os bons costumes. Padre Adrianus
Bex com sua “Gramática de Sranan”; Padre
Wilhelmus Ahlbrinck com sua “Encyclopedia do
Caribe” (1935), Padre Cornelius de Klerk sobre
a imigração hindu e sobre seitas e rituais dos
hindus ortodoxos no Suriname; Padre Antonius
Donicie, um livro de gramática da língua Sranan;
Padre Franciscus Morssink e o Irmão Bernardus
Stoop fizeram publicidade à Afakaschrift. Há
catecismos e alguns livros de canto e oração
e algumas passagens da Bíblia publicados em
sranan, hindi, arowak e carib. Padre Adriaan de
Groot fez peças de teatro e também escreveu e
publicou dicionários em sranan, em aukaans e
saramaccaans. Padre Gysbertus Roest escreveu o
livro surinamês de liturgia, “Leysipisi”.
A Igreja teve um bom modesto resultado em suas
obras. Em número, a Igreja Católica tornou-se a
maior congregação religiosa no Suriname. Mas,
a ênfase não estava na quantidade, e sim na
Quando o vicariato apostólico foi elevado a
diocese em 1958, apenas um sacerdote surinamês
era redentorista (Padre Moesai) e dois padres
diocesanos estavam em missão no Brasil (André
Berenos e Rudolf Lim A Po). Os redentoristas e
outras congregações não conseguiram tornar a vida
religiosa consagrada atraente. Monsenhor Theodorus
van Roosmalen, no seu período de governo da
Diocese de Paramaribo (1912-1946), consagrou
apenas um sacerdote e esse era um holandês. Isso é
um retrocesso no crescimento da Igreja.
Aos poucos a Igreja se tornou cada vez mais
surinamesa em vez de holandesa. Foi usada a língua
sranan, houve ênfase na cultura do povo, o material
catequético foi criado localmente. Os redentoristas
apoiaram o projeto de desenvolvimento comunitário
para o interior com a Fundação Padre Ahlbrinck
(PAS) e a formação de catequistas para as aldeias
na floresta e depois para os estudos da diocese.
Redentoristas ajudaram a tornar a Igreja mais
misisonária, a estruturar as paróquias e treinar
os membros para várias serviços por meio
de conferências e treinamento. Indiferença e
secularismo emergiram e a Igreja pôde se preparar
para isso também no nível nacional.
Até o exato momento, vários holandeses de outras
congregações estão trabalhando na diocese. A
esperança que surgiu depois da nomeação do
primeiro bispo surinamês, Monsenhor Aloysius
Zichem, para ter o seu próprio clero local, não foi
plenamente realizado. Foi feita uma base para isso,
também na Holanda, com muitos surinameses.
Porém, não houve sucesso. As publicações da
missão mostravam uma imagem à parte do homem
e do meio ambiente. De ambos os lados relações
frutíferas podem crescer. A preocupação com
o meio ambiente nessa parte da Amazônia está
no topo da agenda. Isso exige uma mentalidade
especial de todas as pessoas. O Suriname não
só pode ser atraente para os turistas e escritores
de dissertações apenas. Os redentoristas
experimentaram durante suas longas viagens em
canoas nos rios a beleza e a graça da floresta como
um momento único de significado e salvação.
A Igreja tinha grande dificuldade com os modos
e costumes sobre o casamento e a família
no Suriname. Em 1965, o Concílio Vaticano II
declarou que outras religiões também tinham
valores, o que resultou no diálogo das religiões. A
Igreja não tinha toda a sabedoria. O ecumenismo
cresceu. A riqueza das culturas foi confirmada e
a diocese aceitou esse fato em suas orientações,
especialmente em uma sociedade multicultural e
multirreligiosa como a sociedade surinamesa.
A relação com o ambiente surinamês e com os
países caribenhos aumentou, mais desconectada
da Holanda. As conexões no Caribe cresceram
e o Suriname teve uma boa contribuição. Com
a criação do Seminário Maior em Trinidad, vários
candidatos se preparam para o sacerdócio.
A questão financeira é sempre preocupante. Os
redentoristas não conseguiram fazer o vicariato e
a diocese financeiramente independentes, apesar
de muitas tentativas para isso. Os redentoristas
também não conseguiram treinar e motivar os
próprios vocacionados para a diocese.
Congregatie Van de Allerheiligste Verlosser Generale Overste
Pater Michael Brehl C.SsR
Coördinator van de Conferentie van Latijns Amerika en het Caraibisch Gebied
Pater Manuel Rodriguez Delgado, C.Ss.R
Voorzitter van de Unie van Redemptoristen van Brazilië – URB
Pater Rogério Gomes, C.Ss.R.
Provinciale Overste van de Provincie St. Clemens
Pater Dr. Johannes Römelt, C.SsR
Missionarissen Redemptoristen in Suriname
Pater Rudolf Jacobus Croon, C.Ss.R
Pater Gilson da Silva, C.Ss.R
Pater Frederico Augusto de Oliveira, C.Ss.R
Frater Jorge Tarachuque, C.Ss.R
Grafisch project en lay-out
Agência Minha Paróquia
Herziene druk
Eurípedes Amparo
Zuster Judit Mawo
Paul Spapens (Tilburg)
Gino Rozenblad
Pater Virgilio C. Ss.R.
Archief Bisdom Paramaribo (Suriname)
Archief Provincie St. Clemens (Nederland)
Scala Gráfica e Editora
Editora Santuário

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