The store with Frigidaire is % betim place to


The store with Frigidaire is % betim place to
C H A M P L A I N ..•:•••''i'/.
oi»ph Beaudin of J^anklto
Sue,t •' spent Sunday -1&fc;
M*v and Mrs. A. Costello.
William PasHjuette of
M the * « ^ end in
& &£c!hel Webb came
^ h o s p i t a l Thursday.
s< Jean Champagne of Plattaspent last week in town the
of Jbier
parents, Mr. and Mira.U'5'
, . Margaret Senecal^spent
nday in Chateaugay.
MiB. Nettie Feryall motored to
lirifce for the week end.
^e. and Mrs. Harry R. Dunning
WfflSboro, N. Y,, called on re*
jtives la town Thursday,
I Dr. and Mrs. Sturdevant of Dftc|Id, Maine are in town visiting
sir daughter, Mrs. Oscar Brediberg,
| Mrs. H. P. Daggett returned to
attsburgh Tuesday after spendsome £ime in town visiting
I Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dunn reined Saturday from -the- South I here they spent the winter. 'They
opped in Washington, D. C., for
few days on their way north.
The Presbyterian Missionary Soety met with Miss Hannah CorJJ last Friday.
Miss Esther Stewart spent Sunty in town.
Mrs. Stanley Averill has gone to
ew York to visit her mother.
Miss Hannah Deal of Physicians
spital, Plattsburg, spent Sunday
her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
,_• Deal.
1 Mrs., Edward Dudley and daughir Miss Mansaret spent the day
1 Montreal last week.
I Mr. W. H. Doolittle left Saturfor New York, where he win
the week.
[Miss Beatrice Scriver is home
br the annual spring vacation.
[Miss Ina Slosson of West Chazy
nt the week end In town.
[ Laymen's Prayer uniting was
Id with Mr abd Mrs. C L. Stone
Tuesday evening.
Miw Ina Stossen and Mist Iren*
losson went to Malone Saturday.
Dr. George Oonyea was to
latlsburgh" Tuesday,
The Foreign Missionary Society
the Methodist church met with
G. R. Allen on Wednesday
[ Mr. Robert Hoyle is confined to
is home by lUbeas.
Sunday U * » t k of April tfce
Jaatata "The Crucifixion" will be
|yen in the Methodist church at
nplaln. It will be remembered
.-j was to have been given Good
riday but had to, be postponed on
ccount of sickBess, while it may
little late, much tune has
„_ spent in preparation and we
xe sure you will enjoy worship*_ God on Sunday n%bt Ustenpg to the Cantata, so plan to
ome and worship the King.
Mr. Rudolph Slosson of West
was in town last Sunday
r-.emoon. _
Mr. and Mrs. James Earle with
it. Raymond Stone, motor*a to
ontreal Sunday, being called
bete by the death, of Mr. John
Mrs. B. tS. King visited in Platti£
itttg Iaat week.
> Several cars were mired in the
ibove the Mhk Station <*
ay and Sunday last, while
tier cam proceeded without
MA | O R"l Y V
The store with Frigidaire
is %betim place to
Merchattts wliojtse Frigidaire
"electric refrigeration render a
service far beyond the bounds
of ordinary merchindising.
.They protect the health of
customers by keeping foods
of ^ny she* Additional equipmeat may be easily added
as. the demands for refir|geratipn increase,
So widely adaptable and
so economlcat has
fresh and wholesome. And proved to be that^ today,.
more than 500,
they find that JPrigid*
aire pays them a profit J M A E K B T S
are in use ia
in lower operating
an4 commercial estab*
costs* less waste, bet- GDRUGSTORES
ter sa|isfied^ustomers FLORAL SHOPS
Merchants are invited
and increased trade.
to caH at our
room or my
. * * * • - . . .
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney GoodseU of
i tailed on relatives to town
! Mf, ftnd Mrs. Porter of Beekvimk, baver,moved into fto$
Hubbard bflWt w " »
« :•'..-.•
^ear that the officer* * * E « l*rge loaa of wine on*
ia#t ***,
xt$k Beaudin bf Faranklin Cen«r spetit Sunday in( town.
Mr. and Mrs. F, M. Strickland
ii Tuesday for a weeks
trip to
i-v WMU^yMifctt*''
^ y ^ w v * * * * * iwp*"ie ^#«.;, «HBIPB» ****
ww™ »i '••, ,- • i
• iHteM* ;&Ceehan • «|>a. family .•• ?*»
tlwi b s i W h i W o c k o n:
""' wmt 'to tk#t *««»• •«* '°* '
st this #••*» < > ". , A
•"rlday. evening Pfof.' and
i.: C?oMing entert#toe4 the .towball te*m« and Mr. awl Mrs.
s e y
C o o n a n .
• ' . • ) • !•
" " ivacteiwiK-'v;
' • • -

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