25 inscrições para uma vaga


25 inscrições para uma vaga
Encontre com mais rapidez e selecione mais adequadamente..
Mais fácil, mais rápido, mais barato e muito melhor! Pré-seleção com PEP: para os candidatos visitar o site da empresa.
Posições abertas (54)
Candidatos por mês 1000+
Motorista (m / f) (1) já não está na lista como a posição foi preenchida.
www.imde.net InSyst Master Data Establishment +41 31 312 0880
Encontre com mais rapidez e selecione mais adequadamente..
Mais fácil, mais rápido, mais barato e muito melhor! Descrição do trabalho para os candidatos. . .
. . . e clique em "candidatura on-line", que inicia o questionário.
Os candidatos devem fornecer detalhes a respeito de declarações que esclareçam os requisitos
www.imde.net InSyst Master Data Establishment +41 31 312 0880
Encontre com mais rapidez e selecione mais adequadamente..
Mais fácil, mais rápido, mais barato e muito melhor! O questionário para esclarecer os pré-requisitos básicos tem entre 20 e 40 itens.
Editar, adicionar e excluir é possível a qualquer momento.
www.imde.net InSyst Master Data Establishment +41 31 312 0880
Encontre com mais rapidez e selecione mais adequadamente..
Mais fácil, mais rápido, mais barato e muito melhor! Comparação com o procedimento anterior e o processo otimizado com PEP.
Applicants read the job offers as before. Those who click on “Online application’ . . .
. . .enters name, first name, etc. and submits
. . . enters name, first name, telephone and email
the application documents. If these are
and answers questions to clarify the basic
incomplete, the applicant is contacted.
prerequisites. Those who do not meet these
The documents are evaluated and placed in
automatically receive a rejection.
order of suitability (rejection/wait/invitation)
Those who meet answer a test regarding
potential that is fitting for the position.
HR views 100% of application documents. HR views ~10% of application documents.
General information, evaluation difficult.
Specific information, evaluation simple.
Quality moderate.
Quality good.
Time spent on each vacancy considerably.
Create questionnaire: one time 3-4 hrs
Those who have supplied application
documents that are complete, in order and
which show that they can be considered for
the position are invited for interview.
The applicants with the highest potential are
displayed at the top of the list.
After checking reality distance, k.o.-Items
and answers and profile values, 3 applicants
are called and one is invited to interview.
Inviting a number of applicants
Inviting few applicants
As many interviews are carried out as are
1 applicant is interviewed and appointed
required until a fairly suitable applicant is
1 to 3 interviews are carried out for each
found and employed (10 to 30 interviews
position to be filled. Hardly ever more.
depending on position).
Many interviews with non fitting persons
Few interviews with fitting persons
The selection process is dragging
The process is rapid.
on.Communication is unavoidable and
Communication is rare or non-existent.
manifold. Queries of “what is the situation
Administration is easy to manage.
with my application?” require a
Invitations and rejections are sent with a few
clicks of the mouse. All time overview.
Duration: Long
Duration: Short
www.imde.net InSyst Master Data Establishment +41 31 312 0880
Encontre com mais rapidez e selecione mais adequadamente..
Mais fácil, mais rápido, mais barato e muito melhor! Suitable applicants are lost or not invited for
PEP shows who meets the basic prerequisites
interview at all due to administrative criteria
and has a high level of potential
For the purpose of reducing expenditure, the
The best are directly compared with one
first fairly suitable person is employed in
another which simplify the selection of the
order to end the process.
most fitting to the company/team.
Quality of the applicant: Average
Quality: Good and very good
The quality of the clarification reduces with
Few, yet good interviews (with interview
the increasing number of applicants.
guides for clarifying the topics of interest).
Assessment criteria vary, as does the sequence Previously set criteria related to demands and
of events (different at the start to the end)
Variable, subjective, unequal
More structured, objective, equal for all
Working hours: 100%
Approx. 85% fewer
Approx. 50 to 80% lower
In the new procedure, the decision as to who is employed is made by people, as was the case
before; by the superiors and HR. Only the preparation of the decision is optimized.
Important questions for Recruiting Specialists concerning the pre-selection: Pre-selection
Continue to do the tedious, time‐
consuming pre‐selection yourself
Reading too many CV and interviewing many unsuitable candidates
Loosing good candidates due to slow pre‐
selection process to other companies
let it be done by “electronic interview” quickly and reliably?
only those who meet the basic requirements and have high potential?
identify the best quickly and win them for the own company?
Continue to take unnecessary risks
Continue conducting many interviews with less good candidates
Doing it slowly and more complicated and or
expensive than necessary
Go on as ever (and like others do it, too)
take decisions based on a more solid information base?
with high probability, only professionally really skilled ones?
make it faster, as easy as possible and save a lot of money?
or, try the with PEP optimized process as soon as possible?
www.imde.net InSyst Master Data Establishment +41 31 312 0880
Encontre com mais rapidez e selecione mais adequadamente..
Mais fácil, mais rápido, mais barato e muito melhor! "Inteligência é a capacidade de evitar trabalho, mas realizando o trabalho." - Linus Torvalds
"O progresso é feito por homens preguiçosos que procuram maneiras mais fáceis de fazer as
coisas." - Robert A. Heinlein
Lavar roupas no rio ou máquina de lavar roupa?
Vassoura ou aspirador de pó ou limpeza por robô?
A pé ou a cavalo ou de carro?
Carro ou transporte público ou reunião online?
Escreva uma carta ou fax ou e-mail?
E-mail ou chat no skype?
"Eu amo a liberdade de circulação que o meu telefone me dá.
Isso, definitivamente, transformou a minha vida "-. Richard Branson, Virgin
"Eu amo o luxo que a internet e o skype me proporcionam.
No táxi, aeroportos, hotéis, posso participar da maioria das reuniões, onde quer
que eu esteja. "
“Encontrar , achar o melhor e treina-lo bem.” mais fácil, mais rápido, melhor e mais
barato com PEP.
Leia x CV, entrevista x inadequados ou
"Entrevista eletrônica" e convidar apenas o melhor?
"Continue trabalhando duro e você pode obter tudo o que quiser." - Aaliyah
"Trabalhar duro e trabalho inteligente podem ser coisas diferentes." - Byron
Fazer tudo sozinho, ou comprar ou alugar? Trabalhando duro ou trabalhando inteligente?
"Os problemas modernos precisam de soluções modernas." - Corin Nemec
"Inteligência é a capacidade de evitar trabalho, mas realizando o trabalho." - Linus Torvalds
www.imde.net InSyst Master Data Establishment +41 31 312 0880

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