Ceias Romanas, à Moda de Apicius, no Complexo


Ceias Romanas, à Moda de Apicius, no Complexo
Ceias Romanas, à Moda de Apicius, no Complexo Monumental de Santiago da
Roman Menu
Apicius (n. em 25 a.C.), foi um nobre romano da pequena aristocracia. Legou-nos a
obra clássica De re coquinaria, síntese da arte de cozinhar greco-romana e do império.
Nos seus molhos, condimentos e pratos confeccionados, evocam-se outros gastrónomos,
como Terêncio, Varda (seria o imperador Heliogábalo?) e o imperador Vitélio (n. em
15 d. C). As Terras de Sicó constituem uma unidade geomorfológica, histórica e
cultural que corresponde ao oppidum de Conimbriga, um território já francamente
O Menu do Restaurante de Conimbriga é uma recriação do receituário de Apicius e
de mais de quatro dezenas de cozinhados da dieta mediterrânica, recolhidas no Maciço
Calcário de Sicó-Condeixa e Alvaiázere, preparados pela arte do chefe António Lagoa e
da sua equipa, aos quais se junta uma variada selecção de produtos regionais de todo o
país, representativos da alimentação funcional (saudável) e do bom gosto da cozinha
portuguesa. As crianças e os vegetarianos, não foram esquecidos.
Da nossa Carta de Vinhos escolhemos vinhos tintos produzidos com base nos
processos tradicionais de curtimenta, tornando-se macios e aromáticos, com um teor
alcoólico agradável e um aroma notável. Os brancos, de tons citrino e palha, são gordos
e possuem uma boa relação alcóol/ácido. São produzidos pelo processo de bica aberta.
Vinhos, licores e iguarias que pode adquirir na nossa Loja de produtos tradicionais.
Como é um almoço ou jantar à moda de Roma?
Os seus pratos são escolhidos de entre o Menu de Apicus e das Terras de Sicó, quentes
e frios:
Sopa de legumes
Sopa à Lavrador
Entradas (gustatio)
Salada de legumes das Terras de Sicó;
Salada de Espargos à Moda de Terêncio;
Legumes e frutos secos na “pela” com queijo do Rabaçal
Tarte de Bacalhau e orégãos;
Salada de Queijo do Rabaçal
Os pratos preparados (fercula)
Raia em Caldo de Mexilhão e Poejo Sobre Açorda com Espargos;
Filete de Polvo na Grelha
Bacalhau confitado sobre puré de grão ou chícharos
Pedaço de truta panado, estufadinho de favas e mexilhão,
Javali no Forno à moda de Apicius;
Empada de caça e frutos silvestres, com erva de Sta. Maria
Pedaço de vitelinha grelhado, com arroz de feijão;
Lombinho de porco e farinheira grelhados, arroz de cogumelos selvagens
Sobremesas (mensae secundae)
Broas de Mel
Ceias Romanas, à Moda de Apicius, no Complexo Monumental de Santiago da
Roman Menu
Apicius (b. 25 BC), was a noble Roman from the lower aristocracy. He left us the
classic work De re coquinaria, a synthesis of the art of Greek, Roman and Empire
cooking. In its sauces, seasonings and prepared dishes, other gastronomes are evoked,
such as Terence, Varda ( would he have been Emperor Elagabulus?) and the Emperor
Vitellius (b. 15 AD)
The region of Sicó constitutes a geomorphologic, historical and cultural unit that
corresponds to the oppidum of Conímbriga, a region with obvious similarities to the
Mediterranean regions.
The Menu of the Conimbriga Museum Restaurant includes a recreation of Apicus’
recipe collection, and also a number of recipes from the Mediterranean diet, with
elements collected from the hilly limestone region of Sicó, Condeixa and Alvaiázere, all
these prepared by chefs António Lagoa and Sónia Neves and his kitchen staff.
Furthermore, there is a selection of various regional products from all over the country,
representing functional (healthy) nourishment and the good taste of Portuguese cuisine.
Children and vegetarians haven’t been forgotten, with suggestions to suit their specific
To accompany each one of our dishes, we present you with a suggestion from our Wine
At our Shop of traditional products you can buy wine, liqueurs, confectionery and other
specialities (please ask our sales assistants for further information).
Olives marinated in fine herbs from the Sicó mountain range, finest quality olive oil and
short-cloved garlic
Rabaçal cheese topped with honey
Enchidos (type of smoked sausage) with broa (traditional Portuguese cornbread) and
bread from the Sicó Region
Meia-desfeita (traditional Portuguese dish with salt cod and chickpeas)
Mimos do chefe ( chef’s surprise choice)
Apicius’ chestnut broth with typical Portuguese black pudding Sicó farmhouse soup
Cream of mushroom soup, with herbs from Sicó, Condeixa and Alvaiázere mountain
Smooth tomato soup garnished with cheese marinated in Ansião olive oil
Gustatio (Appetizers)
Warm salt cod tart on a bed of softened onions and oregano
Game pie with red berries, sweet potatoes and St. Maria’s herbs
Breaded fillet of trout, embellished with stewed broad beans and mussels, strips of
crispy prosciutto
Ceias Romanas, à Moda de Apicius, no Complexo Monumental de Santiago da
Roman Menu
Terence’s salad consisting of asparagus wrapped in strips of salted meat
Vegetable salad from the Region of Sicó
Fercula (main dishes)
Poached ray in a mussel and pennyroyal broth, on bread soup with asparagus
[Wine Suggestion: Terras de Sicó - White]
Grilled octopus fillet, potatoes from the “rabusco” covered in saltpetre and steamed
broccoli. Finest quality olive oil from the Sicó countryside
Varda’s Scombrus (mackerel), dark bread and russet apple baked in the oven. Balsamic
vinaigrette and mint grown in the rivulet
Salt cod comfit in olive oil and rosemary on a chickpea or cow-pea purée and sautéed
cabbage sprouts or turnip leaves
Apicius’ wild boar baked in “Terras de Sicó” red wine, mountain herbs, fried broa and
glazed vegetables
Grilled pork loin grilled with its Farinheira (typical Portuguese smoked sausage), wild
mushroom rice and sautéed cabbage
Deer medallions browned with fresh tarragon, corn bread migas and chestnuts.
Vitellius’ pea purée. Thickened sweet and sour sauce of mature red wine.
Slice of grilled veal, with a drizzle of olive oil. Rice with kidney beans
For children
Breaded fish fillet accompanied by rice cooked with peas. Tomato sauce
Grilled veal/ pork, duchess potatoes and broccoli
Meatballs, Varda style
Fresh sausage, Lucania style
Vegetarian dishes
Apicius’ asparagus tart
Vegetables and dried fruit in the “pela” with Rabaçal cheese
Mensae Secundae (Dessert)
Cottage cheese ice-cream and red berries with chocolate sauce
Escarpiada with dried fruits and barriga de Freira (conventual pastry)
Portuguese sponge cake with drunken pear on Condeixa rice pudding
Walnut cake com Singeverga Monastery liqueur
Plate of Rabaçal cheeses and other traditional cheeses

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