La figlia della tigre(Sheila #2)


La figlia della tigre(Sheila #2)
La figlia della tigre(Sheila #2)
by Torey L. Hayden
As a severely abused individual I related to this story. I grew up non trusting and still to this day aged 29 I cannot
take. Sheila the beautiful little girl in this story went through hell and back, and worse still was all at such a young
age. A teacher, this wonderful Author Torey Hayden too this little girl under her wing, she was blessed with
patients and best yet her heart was full of love, love for children, love for job, and she believed in the children she
taught and cared for.
In three days I have been mesmerized by "One Child, and Tiger Child" My heart longs to have someone like Torey
in my life who gives a Dam, Whilst reading Tiger Child I was telling Sheila to run into Toreys arms, Sheila needed
to be embraced, she needed to have warming loving arms wrapped around her frail body, Sheila's heart needed
to know she was loved and Torey did just that.
These two Books... One Child....Tigers Child....I highly recommend you read these. I cannot get Sheila and Torey out
of my head, still after reading these books I am left in tears.|Após o livro "A criança que não queria falar", esta
continuação deixou-me sem palavras. É uma mudança brusca na atitude de Sheila, antes uma menina calma e
bonita em relação a Torey Hayden mas depois alguém selvagem devido a Tprey a ter abandonado. Mostra-nos a
continuação e a persistência de Torey em ajudar a sua querida menina.
Torey Hayden sempre me fascinou, e já li uns quantos livros dela mas penso que "a criança que não queria falar" e
"a menina que nunca chorava" são os melhores livros dela - digo isto talvez por serem também os dois primeiros
livros que li dela.
Recomendo a todos, e de certeza que se vão emocionar com este relato de uma menina sozinha que é ajudada
apenas por Torey.|3,5*
Gostei mais do primeiro livro, talvez por a Sheila ser uma criança e chocar muito mais o que ia acontecendo.
No entanto, este livro contém partes tão revoltantes como no primeiro, mesmo a Sheila sendo mais velha.|I found
this book in short depressing. That wonderful little girl we meet in One Child is long gone. She feels confused and
No entanto, este livro contém partes tão revoltantes como no primeiro, mesmo a Sheila sendo mais velha.|I found
this book in short depressing. That wonderful little girl we meet in One Child is long gone. She feels confused and
angry at the world. To be honest I can see why she does. Not only her mother leaving her but her teacher as well?
And then living with her good for nothing father. Probably being abused at foster homes... the list goes on and on.
As far as I'm concerned she does have a reason to rant and rave at the world. Also time and time again she
mentions how things seemed different to her when she read One Child before it was published. It honestly made
me wonder about if Mrs. Hayden is stretching any truths there. After all, we remember what we want about
history. Or rather history is written by the victors, not the losers. I would be rather interested to read how Shelia
would remember that time and compare it.
This story just hit me as wrong. Maybe we saw more reality then we did in her other books. I'm not sure. All I know
is this book didn't sit well with me. I put it down several times and finished it more out of not having anything else
to read then any other reason|The Tiger's Child, the sequel to Torey Hayden's "One Child", I felt was not as good
as "One Child". I do commend Torey on all the dedication that she has shown this child throughout all of the
years, even after they lost contact with eachother for years, the connection still was there and brought them back
together. It was good to find out that "Sheila" survived all of the ordeals that was tossed her way and had gotten
on with her life. I was disappointed though on the career path that she had chosen for herself since she was a
brilliant child, but in a sense totally understand the decision that she made to work at McDonald's. Part of me
believes that this decision was based upon the multiple times her and Torey had shared McDonald's with
eachother. Then again part of me believes that she didn't want to deal with school anymore because of all the
"crap" she had to deal with both in and out of school. Overall, a good read and if you have read "one Child", then
you should also read this one.

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