Syllabus A taste of Berlin 2015 2016 - Hu


Syllabus A taste of Berlin 2015 2016 - Hu
A Taste of Berlin
Linda Heyden: [email protected]
Marie Schroer: [email protected]
[Please note: Office hours can be arranged if
Do., 16.00 – 18.00 + 4 excursions → 3 (!) SWS
Hausvogteiplatz 5-7, Raum 0323-26
Course requirements to obtain 5 credit points
– regular attendance (you may not miss more than 2 sessions and one excursion)
– active participation (based on the respective topics and the given reading assignments) in
class discussions and excursions
– presentation of written assignment and joint course project (in cooperation with the HU-students
of the seminar „Du bist, was du isst? - Ernährung: Diskurse, Inszenierungen“)
[Please note the customary no-plagiarism policy*]
Reading material will be made available digitally on moodle.
Note: „Taste of Berlin“ is a Tandem-Seminar which will take place in cooperation with the
interdisciplinary seminar „Du bist, was du isst? - Ernährung: Diskurse, Inszenierungen“ which is
also part of the bologna.lab program (Vielfalt der Wissensformen, VdW). BP-Students will spent
several classes and excursions with the regular HU-students to enrich each other's intercultural
learning experience and language skills and benefit from the diverse academic backgrounds.
Note: Class starts one week later, on 22.10.2015!!!
Introduction to food studies (2 SWS)
Excursion I (with VdW-students): Visit to Currywurstmuseum
→ Analysis (Food Sociology and Culture) (5 SWS)
Food semiotics
Group Project Discussion (with VdW-students) (3 SWS)
Historical landmarks and their cultural significance (3 SWS)
Food Migration I (5 SWS), Excursion II: Markthalle
Food Migration II (2 SWS)
Diet in the GDR and memory culture (Ostalgie) (2 SWS)
Workshop Session (with VdW-students) (2 SWS)
Christmas Dinner as a sociocultural event: Religion and tradition,
Excursion III: Weihnachtsmarkt Gendarmenmarkt (with VdW-students) (5 SWS)
Akademische Weihnachtsferien/ Academic Christmas Holidays
Akademische Weihnachtsferien/ Academic Christmas Holidays
Food linguistics, Food metaphors (with VdW-students) (3 SWS)
Food Art und Excursion IV (Film/Museum) (5 SWS)
Hipsters, LOHAS and regional products (2 SWS)
Food Reviews (2 SWS)
Blog Analysis, Workshop (with VdW-students) (2 SWS)
Project Presentation (5 SWS)
• Barthes, Roland (1981): Das Reich der Zeichen. 1. Aufl. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp (Edition Suhrkamp Neue Folge,
Bd. 77).
• Barthes, Roland (1982): Fur eine Psycho-Soziologie der zeitgenossischen Ernahrung. In: Freiburger Universitatsblatter 75,
• Barthes, Roland (1957): Mythologie. Paris.
[Barthes, Roland (1972): Mythologies. New York.]
• Bourdieu, Pierre (1984). Distinction. A social critique of the judgment of taste. London.
[Bourdieu, Pierre (2011): Die feinen Unterschiede. Kritik der gesellschaftlichen Urteilskraft. [Nachdr.]. Frankfurt am Main:
Suhrkamp (Suhrkamp-Taschenbuch Wissenschaft, 658).]
• Doblin, Alfred: Berlin Alexander Platz. DTV, 2011.
[Doblin, Alfred: Berlin Alexanderplatz. The story of Franz Biberkopf . London, 2011.]
• Fontane, Friederique C. (1903): Wie man in Berlin zur Zeit der Konigin Luise kochte. Ein gastronomischer Beitrag nach
dem im Jahre 1795 niedergeschriebenen Aufzeichnungen von F.C. Fontane, geb. Werner. Berlin.
• Greif, Mark (Hg.) (2012): Hipster. Eine transatlantische Diskussion. Berlin: Suhrkamp.
• Grewe-Volpp, C.; Halfmann, U.; Reinhart, W. (2003): Erlesenes Essen: literatur- und kulturwissenschaftliche Beitrage zu
Hunger, Sattheit und Genuss. Fur Ulrich Halfmann. Tubingen.
• Henderson, Heike (2004): “Beyond Currywurst and Doner: The Role of Food in German Multicultural Literature and
Society” Glossen 20. Kimmich, Dorothee und Schamma Schahadat (Hrsg.) (2012): Essen. Zeitschrift fur
Kulturwissenschaften. Bielefeld.
• Mawil: Restaurant or Kitchen. Berlin City Blog. Online.
• Mohring, Maren (2014): „Food for Thought: Rethinking the History of Migration to West Germany Through the Migrant
Restaurant Business.“ In: Journal of Contemporary History 49 (1), S. 209–227.
• Osthus, Dietmar (2000), Metaphern im Sprachenvergleich: eine kontrastive Studie zur Nahrungsmetaphorik im
Franzosischen und Deutschen, Frankfurt am Main.
• Regener, Sven (2004): Berlin blues. London: Vintage.
• Rudolph, Hedwig und Felicitas Hillmann (1998): „How Turkish ist the donar kebab? Turks in Berlin’s food sector”,
Scottish Geographical Magazine, 114:3, 138-147.
• Springer, Robert (1850): Berlin’s Strasen, Kneipen und Clubs im Jahre 1848. Berlin.
• Wandt, Heinrich (1954): 700 Jahre Weinhandel in Berlin 1254-1954. Berlin.