Publications of Axel Steinhage


Publications of Axel Steinhage
Publications of Axel Steinhage
Doctoral thesis
A. Steinhage. Dynamical Systems for the Generation of Navigation Behavior (Ph.D. thesis). Number
ISBN 3-8265-3508-1 In: Berichte aus der Physik. SHAKER-Verlag, Aachen, Germany, 1998.
Diploma thesis
A. Steinhage. Dynamik der Relativen Koordination. (Diploma thesis), Faculty for Physics and
Astronomy, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany, 1993.
Book chapters
C. Lauterbach, A. Steinhage, A. Techmer. A Large-Area Sensor System Underneath the Floor for
Ambient Assisted Living Applications. In: S. C. Mukhopadhyay and O. A. Postolache (eds.)
Pervasive and Mobile Sensing and Computing for Healthcare", pages 69--87, Springer Verlag
2013, (ISBN 978-3-642-32537-3).
A. Steinhage, C. Lauterbach. SensFloor and NaviFloor: Large-Area Sensor Systems Beneath your Feet.
In: Nak-Young Chong, Fulvio Mastrogiovanni (eds.) Handbook of Research on Ambient
Intelligence and Smart Environments: Trends and Perspectives, IGI Global Hershey, PA
(USA), 2011 ( ISBN13: 9781616928575)
I. Iossifidis, A. Steinhage. Robot Control based on Nonlinear Dynamics. In: Prassler et al. (eds.)
Advances in Human Robot Interaction, Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics (STAR) Vol. 14,
Springer, 2005 (ISBN: 3-540-23211-7).
A. Steinhage, M. Rantzer, B. von Niman, L. Dainesi, and A. Zucchella. User-Interface-Technology and
–Techniques, In: Rahim Tafazolli (ed.) Technologies for the Wireless Future, pages 60—73,
John Wiley & Sons, 2005 (ISBN: 0-470-01235-8)
I. Iossifidis, A. Steinhage. Dynamical Systems: A Framework for Man-Machine-Interaction. In: Kluev,
D'Attelis, Mastorakis (editors) Advances in Automation, Multimedia and Video Systems and
Modern Computer Science, WSES-press, 2001.
A. Steinhage und W. von Seelen. Dynamische Systeme zur Verhaltensgenerierung eines
anthropomorphen Roboters. Forschungsbericht der 16. Fachgespräche Autonome Mobile
Systeme, AMS 2000, pages 260--269, published in the series Informatik aktuell, Springer
Verlag, 2000 (ISBN 3-540-41214-X).
Articles in refereed journals
C. Lauterbach, A. Steinhage Innovative Sensorsysteme: Fußböden melden Unfälle, in: Health &Care
Management, Holzmann Medien GmbH&Co.KG, Ausgabe 1-2, 2011, pp. 20-21
C. Lauterbach, A. Steinhage. SensFloor®: - Unterstützung und Sicherheit zu Hause und in der Pflege,
Kongressband zu „Intelligente Objekte und mobile Informationssysteme im Gesundheitswesen
am 18.-19.5.10“, Erlangen, Deutschland, German Medical Science (GMS), Deutsche Zentralbibiothek für Medizin, 2011
C. Lauterbach, A. Steinhage. Large-area smart textiles, in: Technical Textiles 4/09 (2009), IBP
International Business Press Publisher, Frankfurt, Germany, pp. E188-189 (englisch), pp. 200201 (deutsch)
C. Lauterbach, A. Steinhage. Ambient Assisted Living, in Elektronik scout 2011, 2010, Weka Fachmedien GmbH, pp. 38-41
C. Lauterbach, A. Steinhage, A. Techmer, M.M. Jakob, C.S. Nowakowski, W. Pessenhofer. Large-area
smart textiles, in: Y. Sun, G. Chen, S. S. Wang: Word Journal of Engineering 7 (2) 2010, pp.
A. Steinhage, C. Lauterbach,. SensFloor - Support and Safety for an Independent Life, MST News No.
4/09, VDI/VDE –Innovation + Technik GmbH, 2009, p. 17
C. Lauterbach, A. Steinhage. Large-area smart textiles, in Technical Textiles 4/09, 2009, IBP International Business Press Publisher, Frankfurt, Germany, pp. E188-189 (englisch), pp. 200-201
A. Steinhage und C. Lauterbach: SensFloor®: Ein sensitiver Fußboden für Sicherheit, Homecare und
Komfort, Sensor Magazin (1): 21-23, 2008
K. Crisler et al., A User-Centered Approach to the Wireless World. In: Visions of Future Wireless
World and Enabling Technologies, IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 42 No 9 pp 56--62,
September 2004, IEEE Publications.
T. Bergener, C. Bruckhoff, P. Dahm, H. Janßen, F. Joublin, R. Menzner, A. Steinhage and W. von
Seelen. Complex behavior by means of dynamical systems for an anthropomorphic robot.
Neural Networks (12): 1087-1099, 1999.
D. Jancke, W. Erlhagen, H.R. Dinse, A.C. Akhavan, M. Giese, A. Steinhage and G.Schöner. Parametric
population representation of retinal location: Neuronal interaction dynamics in cat primary
visual cortex. The Journal of Neuroscience, (19(20)):9016-9028, 1999.
A. Steinhage and G. Schöner. Self-calibration based on invariant view recognition: Dynamic approach
to navigation. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 20:133-156, 1997.
T. Bücher, C. Curio, J. Edelbrunner, C. Igel, D. Kastrup, I. Leefken, G. Lorenz, A. Steinhage and W.
von Seelen. Image Processing and Behaviour Planning for Intelligent Vehicles. IEEETransactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 50, No. 1, February 2003.
Refereed contributions to proceedings
A. Steinhage, C. Lauterbach (invited) SensFloor® - a large-area sensor system based on smart textiles,
Techtextil- & Avantex Symposium Juni 11-13, Frankfurt, Germany (2013)
A. Steinhage, C. Lauterbach. Ein Sensorfußboden zur Verbesserung der Pflegequalität: Ergebnisse des
SensFloor-Projekts, AAL-Kongress 2013, Berlin, Germany
A. Steinhage, C. Lauterbach. Sicherheit, Komfort und Assistenz: Der großflächige Sensorfußboden,
Proceedings to RehaCare 2012, Düsseldorf, Germany
A. R. Köhler, C. Lauterbach, A. Steinhage, J. C. Buiter, A. Techmer. LCA and eco-design of a textilebased large-area sensor system. Joint international congress and exhibition Electronic Goes
Green 2012, September 9-12, Berlin, Germany (2012)
C. Lauterbach, A. Steinhage (invited). A Large-area Sensor System for Ambient Assisted Living, In:
Toward Optimal Healing Environments: Proc. of Symposium on Assistive Systems for Social,
Personal, and Health Interaction 2010/2011, Samueli Institute (2012) pp. 59-63
C. Lauterbach, A. Steinhage, A. Techmer (invited). Large-area wireless Sensor System based on Smart
Textiles. 9th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices, SSD’12, March
20-23, 2012 Chemnitz, Germany (2012)
A. Steinhage, C. Lauterbach. Markteinführung eines AAL-Produkts aus Hersteller- und Kundensicht:
Praxiserfahrungen mit der SensFloor-Matte, AAL-Kongress 2012, Berlin, Germany
A. Steinhage, C.Lauterbach. Betreuungsunterstützung mit Komfort: Ein textiles Sensorsystem in Bett
und Boden, Proceedings to Rehacare 2011, Düsseldorf, Germany
C. Lauterbach, A. Steinhage. SensFloor®: - Unterstützung und Sicherheit zu Hause und in der Pflege,
Kongressband zu Intelligente Objekte und mobile Informationssysteme im Gesundheitswesen
am 18.-19.5.10, Erlangen, Deutschland, German Medical Science (GMS), Deutsche
Zentralbibiothek für Medizin (2011) pp.
A. Steinhage und C. Lauterbach: Unterstützung der Pflege von dementen oder sturzgefährdeten
Personen mittels kapazitiver Sensormatten. In: Tagungsband. 4. Deutscher AAL-Kongress
Berlin 2011, VDE-Verlag Berlin, Offenbach, Germany
A. Steinhage, C. Lauterbach (invited), SensFloor® A Large-Area Sensor System for Ambient Assisted
Living, Energy Harvesting and Wireless Sensor Networks Conference Munich, Germany, (2011)
A. Steinhage, C. Lauterbach. SensFloor® und SensBed®: Hilfe zur Vermeidung von Sturz und
Fixierung. Altenpflege 2011, Nürnberg, Germany, 2011
A. Steinhage, C. Lauterbach. The sensitive floor – Support and safety for an independent life.
Proceedings to RehaCare 2010, Düsseldorf, Germany
C. Lauterbach, A. Steinhage, A. Techmer, M.M. Jakob, C. Steinig-Nowakowski, W. Pessenhofer:
Large-area smart textiles, Proceedings II of NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Textile
Composites, 18.-21.5.2009, Kiev, Ukraine, World Journal of Engineering 7(2) 2010, pp. 266271
A.Steinhage and C. Lauterbach: Monitoring Movement Behavior by Means of a Large-Area Proximity
Sensor Array in the Floor, Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Behaviour Monitoring and
Interpretation, BMI'08, pp 15-27, Kaiserslautern, Germany, September 2008
A. Steinhage und C. Lauterbach: Ein AAL Sensorsystem für Sicherheit, Homecare und Komfort. In:
Tagungsband 1. Deutscher AAL-Kongress Berlin 2008, S. 37-42, Februar 2008, VDE-Verlag
Berlin, Offenbach, Germany (ISBN: 978-3-8007-3076-6)
A. Steinhage und C. Lauterbach: SensFloor®: Ein grossflächiges Sensorsystem für Ambient-AssistedLiving Anwendungen. In: Proceedings MikroSystemTechnik Kongress Dresden 2007, S. 10911094, Oktober 2007, VDE-Verlag Berlin, Offenbach, Germany (ISBN: 978-3-8007-3061-2)
J.P. de la Cruz-Guiterrez, A. Steinhage: An architecture for Learning Percepts Based on Dynamic
Neural Fields, In: U.J. Ilg , H.H. Bülthoff and H.P. Mallot (eds.) Proceedings of the 5th
Workshop Dynamic Perception 2004 Tübingen, Germany (ISBN: 3-89838-059-9)
A. Steinhage: Advanced User-Interface Technologies for Mobile Applications, Proceedings of the 13th
Wireless World Research Forum, Jeju Island, Korea, March 2005
A. Steinhage: A Virtual Personal Assistant as Natural User Interface, Proceedings of the 11th Wireless
World Research Forum, Oslo, Norway June 2004
A.V. Bogdanov, G. Schöner, A. Steinhage, S. Sandven. Multiple classifier system based on attractor
dynamics, Proceedings of the IEEE Int. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS
2003, July, 2003
A. Steinhage. Tracking Human Hand Movements by Fusing Early Visual Cues. Proceedings of the 4th
Workshop on Dynamic Perception, Bochum 2002, (November 2002).
A. Steinhage. User Representation in Cyberspace: Ideas about Key-Applications for 3G and beyond.
Proceedings of the 6th Wireless World Research Forum, London 2002, 2002.
I. Iossifidis and A. Steinhage. Controlling a Redundant Robot Arm by Means of a Haptic Sensor. In:
ROBOTIK 2002: Leistungsstand - Anwendungen - Visionen, pages 269--274, VDI-Berichte
1679, VDI-Verlag, 2002.
O. Zielinski, T. Hengstermann, D. Mach, P. Wagner, A. Steinhage and C. Winkel. Multispectral
Information in Operational Marine Pollution Monitoring: A Data Fusion Approach.
Proceedings of the 5th Int. Airborne Remote Sensing Conference and Exhibition, IARSC,
Miami 2002, 2002.
C. Theis, I. Iossifidis, A. Steinhage. Image Processing Methods for Interactive Robot Control.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Robot-Human Interactive
Communication, ROMAN 2001, pages 424--429, IEEE-publications, 2001.
I. Leefken, A. Steinhage and W. von Seelen. Generating Complex Driving Behavior by Means of
Neural Fields. In: P. Levi, M. Schanz (editors), Autonome Mobile Systeme, AMS 2001, pages
71--79, Springer Verlag, Reihe Informatik aktuell, 2001.
I. Iossifidis, A. Steinhage. Controlling an 8 DoF-Manipulator by Means of Neural Fields. Proceedings
of the International Conference on Field and Service Robotics, FSR 2001, YleisjäljennösPainopörssi Finland (publisher), 2001.
A. Steinhage, C. Winkel. Dynamical Systems for Sensor Fusion and Classification. Proceedings of the
IEEE 2001 International Geoscience and Remote sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2001, IEEEpublications, 2001.
A. Steinhage. Dynamic Neural Fields for Robot Control. Proceedings of the International Workshop on
Dynamical Neural Networks and Applications, DYNN 2000.
A. Steinhage. The dynamic approach to anthropomorphic robotics. Proceedings of the Fourth
Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, CONTROLO 2000 (ISBN 972-98603-0-0).
R. Menzner, A. Steinhage and W. Erlhagen. Generating Interactive Robot Behavior: A Mathematical
Approach. From Animals to Animats 6: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on
Simulation of Adaptive Behavior, SAB 2000, pages 135--144, The MIT-press, 2000.
A. Steinhage and C. Winkel. A robust self-calibrating data fusion architecture. Proceedings of the IEEE
International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2000, IEEE-publications,
A. Steinhage and T. Bergener. Learning by doing: A dynamic architecture for generating adaptive
behavioral sequences. In Proceedings of the Second International ICSC Symposium on Neural
Computation, NC'2000, pages 813-820, 2000.
U. Handmann, I. Leefken, A. Steinhage, and W. von Seelen. Behavior planning for driver assistance
using neural field dynamics. In Proceedings of the Second International ICSC Symposium on
Neural Computation, NC'2000, pages 565-571, 2000.
A. Steinhage. Nonlinear attractor dynamics: a new approach to sensor fusion. In McKee G.T. ,
Schenker P.S., (editors), Sensor Fusion and Decentralized Control in Robotic Systems II:
Proceedings of SPIE, volume 3839, pages 31-42. SPIE-publishing, 1999.
R. Menzner and A. Steinhage. Nonlinear attractor dynamics for guiding an anthropomorphic robot by
means of speech control. In H. Araujo and J.M.M. Dias, (editors), Proceedings of the
International Symposium on Intelligent Robotic Systems, SIRS, pages 177-180. University of
Coimbra, Portugal, 1999.
A. Steinhage, C. Winkel and K. Gorontzi. Attractor dynamics ro fuse strongly perturbed sensor data.
In: Stein T.I., (editor), Proceedings of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing
Symposium, IGARSS 99, volume II, pages 1217--1219. IEEE-publications, 1999.
A. Steinhage and G. Schöner. Dynamical systems for the behavioral organization of autonomous robot
navigation. In McKee G.T., Schenker P.S., (editors), Sensor Fusion and Decentralized Control
in Robotic Systems: Proceedings of SPIE, volume 3523, pages 160-180. SPIE-publishing,
T. Bergener and A. Steinhage. An Architecture for Behavioral Organization using Dynamical Systems.
In: C. Wilke, S. Altmeyer, and T. Martinetz, (editors), Abstracting and Synthesizing the
Principles of Living Systems, 3rd German Workshop on Artificial Life, GWAL '98, pages 3142. Verlag Harri Deutsch, 1998.
A. Steinhage and T. Bergener. Dynamical systems for the behavioral organization of an
anthropomorphic mobile robot. In R. Pfeifer, B. Blumberg, J.A. Meyer, and S.W. Wilson,
(editors), From Animals to Animats 5: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on
Simulation of Adaptive Behavior}, pages 147-152. The MIT Press/Bradford Books, 1998.
W. Maßberg, D. Weigt, M.A. Giese, A. Steinhage and G. Schöner. Modelle der Fertigungssteuerung:
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen bestehender Modelle der Fertigungssteuerung. WT Werkstatt
Technik, 7/8-98, pp 329-332, Springer-VDI-Verlag, 1998.
W. Maßberg, D. Weigt, M.A. Giese, A. Steinhage and G. Schöner. Selbstorganisierende
Fertigungssteuerung: Selbstorganisierendes Modell der Fertigungssteuerung auf der Basis
neuronaler Dynamik. WT Werkstatt Technik, 3/98, pp 97-100, Springer-VDI-Verlag, 1998.
A. Steinhage and G. Schöner. The dynamic approach to autonomous robot navigation. In Proceedings
of the IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, ISIE'97, pages SS7-SS12.
IEEE-publications, 1997.
H. Neven, A. Steinhage, M.A. Giese and C. Bruckhoff. Dynamical systems for vision-based
autonomous mobile robots. In P. Maes, M. Mataric, J.A. Meyer, J. Pollack and S.W. Wilson,
(editors), From Animals to Animats 4: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on
Simulation of Adaptive Behavior, Cambridge, MA, pages 113-123. The MIT Press / Bradford
Books, 1996.
D. Jancke, A.C. Akhavan, W. Erlhagen, M.A. Giese, A. Steinhage, H.R. Dinse and G. Schöner.
Population coding in cat visual cortex reveals nonlinear interaction as predicted by a neural
field model. In: C. von der Malsburg, W. von Seelen, J.C. Vorbrüggen and B. Sendhoff,
(editors), Artificial Neural Networks-Proceedings of the ICANN 96, Springer, 1996.
A. Steinhage, C. Lauterbach. SensFloor® A Large-Area Sensor System for Ambient Assisted Living ,
Energy Harvesting and Wireless Sensor Networks Conference Munich, Germany,
C. Lauterbach, A. Steinhage (invited). SensFloor® - a large-area sensor system beneath your feet, 10th
IPF Colloquium: Funtional Polymers and Composites for Applications in Organic Electronics
and Sensorics, Dresden, November 7-8, (2012)
C. Lauterbach, A. Steinhage, „SensFloor®: Sensitiver Bodenbelag zur Unterstützung selbständigen
Lebens im Alter", 5. öffentliches Statusmeeting mst-textil am 27.-28.6.11, Berlin, Germany
C. Lauterbach, A. Steinhage, SensFloor® and SensFloor® Mats – Textilebased Large-area Sensor
Systems, Smart Fabrics Conference 5.4.11, London, UK, 2011
C. Lauterbach, A. Steinhage SensFloor®: be flexible in material, design & application, Forum beflexible, Munich, Germany, 2011
C. Lauterbach, A. Steinhage. Großflächige Sensorböden für Ambient Assisted Living,
Kooperationsforum Textil und Sensorik 25.10.11, Regensburg, Germany, 2011
C. Lauterbach, A.l Steinhage. SensFloor – support and safety for an independent life, AAL Forum
2011, Lecce 26.-28.9.11, Italy, 2011
A. Steinhage, C. Lauterbach. The floor thinks too – sensitive flooring to support independent living in
old age. ITFORUM 2009, Berlin, Germany
W. von Seelen, I. Iossifidis, A. Steinhage. Visually guided behavior of an autonomous robot with a
neuronal architecture. Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Computational
Intelligence in Robotics and Automation, CIRA 2001, Workshop Vision-based object
recognition in robotics, 2001.
A. Mukovski, A. Steinhage. A connectionist motion planning paradigm: exploring the advantages of
Neural Fields. Proceedings of the 4th Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society 2001;
Vol.II, 28th Goettingen Neurobiology Conference. Thieme Verlag Stuttgart, p.~1036, 2001.
A. Steinhage. A dynamical systems model of complex navigation behavior. In N. Elsner and R. Wehner,
(editors), Göttingen Neurobiology Report 1998: New Neuroethology on the Move, Vol.I.
Thieme-Verlag Stuttgart, p. 21, 1998.
A. Steinhage. Dynamical systems for action selection and the generation of behavioral sequences in an
autonomously navigating system. In N. Elsner and H.U. Schnitzler, (editors), Göttingen
Neurobiology Report 1997, Vol.II. Springer Verlag Berlin, p. 1012, 1997.
A. Steinhage and G. Schöner. Dynamical systems generate navigation behavior. In N. Elsner and H.U.
Schnitzler, (editors), Göttingen Neurobiology Report 1996: Neuroethology and Artificial Life,
Vol.I. Springer Verlag Berlin, p. 48, 1996.
A.C. Akhavan, D. Jancke, W. Erlhagen, M.A. Giese, A. Steinhage, G. Schöner and H.R. Dinse.
Population coding in visual cortex reveals nonlinear suppressive interactions as predicted by a
neural field model. In N. Elsner and H.U. Schnitzler, (editors), Göttingen Neurobiology Report
1996: Brain and Evolution, Vol.II, p. 400, Thieme-Verlag Stuttgart
A. Steinhage. Dynamical Systems generate Navigation Behavior: Self-calibration by invariant
recognition of landmarks in a visual representation of space. In B. Poucet, J.C. Aurisset, X.
Briffault, and I. Israel, (editors), The Representation of Space, Proceedings of the European
Neuroscience Summer School 1996.
A. Steinhage and G. Schöner. Dynamical Systems Generate Navigation Behavior: Sensor-fusion,
Calibration and Invariant Landmark Recognition. Practice and Future of Autonomous Agents,
Proceedings of the ASI-AA-Conference 1995.
M.A. Giese, W. Erlhagen, A.C. Akhavan, D. Jancke, A. Steinhage, H.R. Dinse and G. Schöner.
Receptive field based population codes and their limitations in presence of cooperativity. In: N.
Elsner and R. Menzel, (editors), Göttingen Neurobiology Report 1995: Learning and Memory,
Vol. II, p. 465, Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart.
A.C. Akhavan, D. Jancke, M.A. Giese, W. Erlhagen, A. Steinhage, G. Schöner and H.R. Dinse.
Population Representations in Cat Visual Cortex: Position-Dependence of Orientation
Selectivity. In: N. Elsner and R. Menzel, (editors), Göttingen Neurobiology Report 1995:
Learning and Memory, Vol.II, p. 464, Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart.
M. Silva, A. Steinhage, U. Müller-Wilm and G. Schöner. Inter-leg coordination in the walking crayfish:
Dynamic theory and experiment. In D. Richter and N. Elsner, (editors), Göttingen
Neurobiology Report 1992: Rhytmogenesis in neurons and networks. Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart,
Advised diploma-, bachelor- and Ph.D.-theses:
Stefan Östrich. Lokalisierung von mobilen Robotern mit RFID-Technologie (Bachelor Thesis),
Published at the Intelligent Mobile Systems Lab, Fachhochschule Dortmund, Germany,
September 2010
André Kammerl. Tracking Trajectories with the SensFloor Sensor System (Diploma Thesis), Published
at the Fakultät für Informatik und Mathematik, Universität Passau, Germany, May 2007
Darío Alonso. Generation and Organization of the Behavior of Autonomous Assistants for HumanMachine Interfaces (Ph.D. Thesis, to be published), University of Sevilla, Spain
I. Iossifidis. Dynamische Systeme zur Steuerung anthropomorpher Roboterarme in autonomen
Robotersystemen (Ph.D. Thesis). Number ISBN 3-8325-1305-1, LOGOS-Verlag, Berlin,
Germany, 2006.
A. Erraki. Robuste Bildverarbeitungsverfahren zur Kopf- und Handgestenerkennung (Diploma Thesis),
Published at the Lehrstuhl für Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation, Technische Universität
München, Germany, 2002
I. Leefken. Nichtlineare Dynamiken zur Szenenrepräsentation und Verhaltensgenerierung in einer
Architektur zur Fahrerassistenz (Ph.D. thesis)}. ibidem-Verlag, Stuttgart, 2002
C. Winkel. Entwurf eines dynamischen Systems zur Sensorfusion (Ph.D. thesis). Number ISBN 389821-1541, ibidem-Verlag, Stuttgart, Germany, 2002.
T. Bergener. Eine lernfähige Architektur zur Organisation der Verhalten eines autonomen Roboters
(Ph.D. thesis). Series Konzepte neuronaler Informationsverarbeitung, Number ISBN 3-89821100-2, ibidem-Verlag, Stuttgart, Germany, 2001.
R. Menzner. A Unified Architecture for Speech-Controlled Robot Behavior Based on Nonlinear
Dynamics (Ph.D. thesis). Series Konzepte neuronaler Informationsverarbeitung, Number ISBN
3-89821-099-5, ibidem-Verlag, Stuttgart, Germany, 2001.
U. Handmann. Neuronale Informationsverarbeitung für Fahrerassistenzsysteme (Ph.D. thesis). Number
ISBN 3-89722-425-9, LOGOS-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 2000.
I. Iossifidis. Visuelle Navigation auf einem mobilen autonomen Roboter (Diploma thesis). Published at
the Institut für Physik, Universität Dortmund, Germany, 1999.
K. Gorontzi. Neuronale Dynamik zur multispektralen Sensorfusion: Quantifizierung von Ölschichten
auf Meeresoberflächen (Diploma thesis). Published at the Fakultät für Elektrotechnik, Ruhr
Universität Bochum, Germany, 1998.
D. Nass. Wahrnehmung und Sensorfusion für einen mobilen Roboter (Diploma thesis). Published at the
Fakultät für Elektrotechnik, Ruhr Universität Bochum, Germany, 1997.

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