The Giger Group 1972– 2005 - Novaquatis


The Giger Group 1972– 2005 - Novaquatis
Environmental Research
The Giger Group 1972– 2005
Symposium: Analytical Sciences in Environmental and Geological Research
Tuesday, 20 September 2005
Group members and publications
Eawag: Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology
One third of a century of anlytical sciences
in environmental research
During 33 years Walter Giger and his colleagues were active in research, teaching and consulting in the field of trace analysis of organic pollutants in technical and natural systems.
The Giger group, has contributed substantially to increase our knowledge on the occurrence
of organic micropollutants and on their environmental fate and behaviour. Over the years,
they studied many classic and emerging contaminants among them petroleum hydrocarbons, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, polychlorinated solvents, detergent chemicals
(e.g. surfactants, phosphate substitutes, complexing agents, optical brighteners), toxic and
estrogenic nonylphenols, concrete admixtures, antibiotics, flame retardants, corrosion
inhibitors and biocides. Forefront trace analytical methods were developed for processoriented field studies, which were performed mainly in wastewater treatment and in natural
waters (rivers and lakes) but also in rain, fog, drinking water, lake sediments and sewage
sludges. An important objective was to provide information for environmental risk assessments and to propose mitigation measures to reduce the inputs of pollutants into the
aquatic environment. Based on the obtained research results, legal regulations and voluntary
actions were proposed aiming at the reduction of the residual levels in the environment.
Cover: Greifensee and the Glatt Valley catchment, an important field study area of the Eawag
research group headed by Walter Giger from 1972 to 2005.(Luftbild, Schweiz, Dübendorf)
Top: Summit of the Mönch, elevation 4099 m, Bernese Oberland, 1994.
Left: AACZ cabin, Fondei, 2002.
Right: Utokulm, SACh Conference, 2003.
Bottom: The Giger Group, Eawag, 2005.
Back cover: Windgällen, Maderanertal, 1993.
page 4
page 6 –7
page 8 – 26
Members of the Giger Group 1972 – 2005
Walter Giger
Martin Reinhard
Christian Schaffner
Fritz Zürcher
Lise-Marion Schlatter
Eva Molnar
Vlasta Drevenkar
Christina Müller
Robert Kummert
Jürg Meili
Stuart Wakeham
René Schwarzenbach
Jürg Schneider
Richard Bromund
Euripides Stephanou
Kurt Schellenberg
Eduard Hoehn
Robert Coney
Zelimira Vasilic
Martin Jones
1972 – 2005
1972 – 1976
1972 – 2005
1972 – 1980
1972 – 1975
1975 – 1978,
1980 – 1983,
1989 – 2005
1974 – 1975
1975 – 1980
1975 – 1977
1975 – 1976
1976 – 1978
1977 – 1983
1978 – 1981,
1983 – 1984
1980 – 1981
1980 – 1981,
1985, 1987,
1981 – 1982
1981 – 1982
Christian Leuenberger
Marijan Ahel
Helga Ponusz
James Graydon
Mark Loosdrecht
Yael Zelikovitz
Hans Senn
Antonio Marcomini
Fabiola Filipuzzi
James McEvoy
Josef Tremp
Jean Czuzwa
Paul Capel
Alfredo Alder
Steve McDow
Emily Heyerdahl
Silvio Capri
Gordon McFeters
Dea Renggli
Daniel Baschnagel
Thomas Wechsler
1981 – 1983,
1984 – 1986
1982 – 1983,
1984, 1990,
1983 – 1987
1983 – 1984
1985 – 1987
1985 – 1986
1985 – 1986
1985 – 1990
1985 – 1986
1986 – 1987
1986 – 2005
1986 – 1988
1987 – 1988
1987, 1988,
1988 – 1989
André Chaperon
Andri Caliesch
Ken Hart
Esther Werth
Sanja Fingler
Olaf Cirpka
Claudia Müller
Dagmar Krcmeryova
David Scheidegger
Thomas Poiger
Franz Günter Kari
Marc Suter
Jean-Claude Sonderegger
René Reiser
Jennifer Field
Tom Field
Beat Altenbach
Pilar Fernandez
Sabine Hilger
Adamantia Kampioti
Heidi Toljander
Christian Eggenberger
Margot Nölke
Mauro Zanette
Jean-Marc Stoll
Sonja Riediker
Carlo Kanz
Christa McArdell
Nina Schittli
Claudia Ruprecht
Séverine Dédier
Eva Golet
Barbara Horlacher
Sabine Ruckstuhl
Virginie Schwoerer
1989 – 1991
1989, 1990
1989 – 1990
1990 – 1995
1990 – 1994
1991 – 1994
1991 – 1999
1992 – 1997
1992 – 1994
1992 – 1994
1992 – 1996
1992 – 1993
1992 – 1994
1993 – 1994
1994 – 1997
1994 – 1999
1995 – 1996
1996 – 2005
1996 – 1997
1998 – 2002
1998 – 1999
1998 – 2001
1998 – 2000
Andreas Hartmann
Felix Wettstein
Slavica Ibric
Norriel Nipales
Franziska Pfister
Bettina Giger
Valentin Lanz
Christian Bachofen
Anke Göbel
Elvira Keller
Paul Hartmann
Andrian Strehler
Irene Xifra
Hong Anh Duong
Holger Kuch
Claudia Sulitzky
Barbara Bago
Frédéric Gabriel
Hajnalka Plüss-Csoka
Angela Thomsen
Ewa Felis
Quhangshu Zhai
Ngoc Anh Pham
Verena Schmid
Philipp Richle
Marco Zedda
Andreas Heidlberger
Dimitra Voutsa
Ngoc Ha Pham
Karin Ghilardi
Niels Jonkers
Andreas Buser
Holger Lutze
Hong Zhao
1999 – 2003
1999 – 2001
1999 – 2000
2000 – 2004
2001 – 2005
2001 – 2004
2001 – 2004
2001 – 2003
2001 – 2002
2002 – 2003
2002 – 2005
2002 – 2003
2003 – 2004
2003 – 2004
2003 – 2004
2003 – 2004
2003 – 2005
2004 – 2005
Dissertations at ETH Zurich
Martin Reinhard, 1977
Die Bildung von chlorhaltigen organischen Verbindungen bei der Chlorung
von natürlichem Wasser.
Christine A. Matter-Müller, 1979.
Sorptions- und Stoffaustauschprozesse refraktärer organischer
Leitsubstanzen in einer Belebtschlammanlage.
Josef Tremp, 1992.
Sources and Fate of Nitrated Phenols in the Atmospheric Environment,
Franz Günter Kari, 1994.
Umweltverhalten von Ethylendiamintetraacetat (EDTA) unter spezieller
Beruecksichtigung des photochemischen Abbaus.
Thomas Poiger, 1994.
Behavior and Fate of Detergent-derived Fluorescent Whitening Agents in
Sewage Treatment.
David Scheidegger, 1995.
Bestimmung von Alkoholpolyethoxylaten in Abwasserreinigungsanlagen
mittels Gaschromatographie, gekoppelt mit Massenspektrometrie mit
chemischer Ionisation.
Beat Altenbach, 1996.
Determination of Substituted Benzene- and Naphthalenesulfonates in
Wastewater and their Behaviour in Sewage Treatment.
René Reiser, 1997.
Occurrence and Fate of Detergent-derived Alkylbenzenesulfonates in Recent
Jean-Marc Stoll, 1997.
Fluorescent Whitening Agents in Natural Waters.
Sonja Riediker, 1999.
Benzene- and Naphthalenesulfonates in Landfill Leachates and Contaminated
Sabine Ruckstuhl, 2001.
Environmental Exposure Assessment of Sulfonated Naphthalene
Formaldehyde Condensates and Sulfonated Naphthalenes Applied as
Concrete Superplasticizers.
Eva Golet, 2003.
Environmental Exposure Assessment of Fluoroquinolone Antibacterial Agents
in Sewage, River Water and Soil.
Felix Wettstein, 2004.
Auftreten und Verhalten von Nonylphenoxyessigsäure und weiteren
Nonylphenolverbindungen in der Abwasserreinigung.
Anke Göbel, 2004.
Occurrence and Fate of Sulfonamide and Macolide Antimicrobials in
Wastewater Treatment.
External Dissertations
Marijan Ahel, 1987.
Biogeochemical Behaviour of Alkylphenol Polyethoxylates in the Aquatic
Submitted to the University of Zagreb, Croatia.
Patrick Lee Freguson, 2002.
Analysis and Fate of Sewage-Derived Polar Organic Contaminants in the
Coastal Marine Environment
Submitted to the State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA.
Hong Anh Duong, 2003.
Trihalomethane formation by chlorination of ammonium- and bromidecontaining groundwater in water supplies of Hanoi, Vietnam.
Submitted to the Hanoi University of Science, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Articles considered as citation classics are shown in bold with the number of
citations as listed in the Science Citation Index in September 2005.
Gabriel, F. L. P.; Giger, W.; Guenther, K.; Kohler, H. P. E., Differential degradation of
nonylphenol isomers by Sphingomonas xenophaga bayram. Applied and
Environmental Microbiology 2005, 71, (3), 1123-1129.
Gabriel, F. L. P.; Heidlberger, A.; Rentsch, D.; Giger, W.; Guenther, K.; Kohler, H. P.
E., A novel metabolic pathway for degradation of 4-nonylphenol
environmental contaminants by Sphingomonas xenophaga Bayram - ipsohydroxylation and intramolecular rearrangement. Journal of Biological
Chemistry 2005, 280, (16), 15526-15533.
Gerecke, A. C.; Hartmann, P. C.; Heeb, N. V.; Kohler, H. P. E.; Giger, W.; Schmid,
P.; Zennegg, M.; Kohler, M., Anaerobic degradation of decabromodiphenyl
ether. Environmental Science & Technology 2005, 39, (4), 1078-1083.
Giger, W., The Division of Analytical Chemistry of the Swiss Chemical Society joins
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry as a supporting partner. Analytical and
Bioanalytical Chemistry 2005, 381, (1), 5-5.
Giger, W.; Alder, A. C.; McArdell, C. S.; Molnar, E.; Golet, E. M.; Göbel, A.,
Antibiotikarückstände in Abwasser und Gewässern - Umweltanalytische
Studien über Einträge und Verhalten. GWA Gas, Wasser, Abwasser 2005, 1,
Göbel, A.; Thomsen, A.; McArdell, C. S.; Alder, A. C.; Giger, W.; Theiß, N.; Löffler,
D.; Ternes, T. A., Extraction and determination of sulfonamides, macrolides,
and trimethoprim in sewage sludge. Journal of Chromatography A 2005,
1085, 179-189.
Göbel, A.; Thomsen, A.; McArdell, C. S.; Joss, A.; Giger, W., Occurrence and
sorption behavior of sulfonamides, macrolides, and trimethoprim in activated
sludge treatment. Environmental Science & Technology 2005, 39, (11), 39813989.
Johnson, A. C.; Aerni, H. R.; Gerritsen, A.; Gibert, M.; Giger, W.; Hylland, K.;
Jurgens, M.; Nakari, T.; Pickering, A.; Suter, M. J. F.; Svenson, A.; Wettstein,
F. E., Comparing steroid estrogen, and nonylphenol content across a range of
European sewage plants with different treatment and management practices.
Water Research 2005, 39, (1), 47-58.
Aerni, H. R.; Kobler, B.; Rutishauser, B. V.; Wettstein, F. E.; Fischer, R.; Giger, W.;
Hungerbuhler, A.; Marazuela, M. D.; Peter, A.; Schonenberger, R.; Vogeli, A.
C.; Suter, M. J. F.; Eggen, R. I. L., Combined biological and chemical
assessment of estrogenic activities in wastewater treatment plant effluents.
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 2004, 378, (3), 688-696.
Alder, A. C.; McArdell, C. S.; Golet, E. M.; Kohler, H.-P. E.; Molnar, E.; Pham Thi, N.
A.; Siegrist, H.; Suter, M. J.-F.; Giger, W., Environmental exposure of
antibiotics in wastewaters, sewage sludges and surface waters in Switzerland.
In Pharmaceuticals in the environment: sources, fate, effect and risks, 2 ed.;
Kümmerer, K., Ed. Springer: 2004.
Göbel, A.; McArdell, C. S.; Suter, M. J. F.; Giger, W., Trace determination of
macrolide and sulfonamide antimicrobials, a human sulfonamide metabolite,
and trimethoprim in wastewater using liquid chromatography coupled to
electrospray tandem mass spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry 2004, 76, (16),
Hartmann, P. C.; Bürgi, D.; Giger, W., Organophosphate flame retardants and
plasticizers in indoor air. Chemosphere 2004, 57, (8), 781-787.
Hecht, S. A.; Gunnarsson, J. S.; Boese, B. L.; Lamberson, J. O.; Schaffner, C.;
Giger, W.; Jepson, P. C., Influences of sedimentary organic matter quality on
the bioaccumulation of 4-nonylphenol by estuarine amphipods. Environmental
Toxicology and Chemistry 2004, 23, (4), 865-873.
Duong, H. A.; Berg, M.; Hoang, M. H.; Pham, H. V.; Gallard, H.; Giger, W.; von
Gunten, U., Trihalomethane formation by chlorination of ammonium- and
bromide-containing groundwater in water supplies of Hanoi, Vietnam. Water
Research 2003, 37, (13), 3242-3252.
Giger, W., Environmental analysis - Editorial. Chimia 2003, 57, (9), 484-484.
Giger, W.; Alder, A. C.; Golet, E. M.; Kohler, H.-P. E.; McArdell, C. S.; Molnar, E.;
Schaffner, C., Neue Verunreinigungen in Abwasser und Gewässern. Bulletin
ETHZ 2003, 289, 46-49.
Giger, W.; Alder, A. C.; Golet, E. M.; Kohler, H. P.; McArdell, C. S.; Molnar, E.; Pham
Thi, N. A.; Siegrist, H., Antibiotikaspuren auf dem Weg von Spital- und
Gemeindeabwasser in die Fliessgewässer: Umweltanalytische
Untersuchungen über Einträge und Verhalten. In Spurenstoffe in Gewässern,
Track, T.; Kreysa, G., Eds. Wiley-VCH: 2003; pp 21-33.
Giger, W.; Alder, A. C.; Golet, E. M.; Kohler, H. P. E.; McArdell, C. S.; Molnar, E.;
Siegrist, H.; Suter, M. J. F., Occurrence and fate of antibiotics as trace
contaminants in wastewaters, sewage sludges, and surface waters. Chimia
2003, 57, (9), 485-491.
Giger, W.; Berg, M.; Pham, H. V.; Duong, H. A.; Tran, H. C.; Cao, T. H.;
Schertenleib, R., Environmental analytical research in Northern Vietnam - A
Swiss-Vietnamese cooperation focusing on arsenic and organic contaminants
in aquatic environments and drinking water. Chimia 2003, 57, (9), 529-536.
Golet, E. M.; Xifra, I.; Siegrist, H.; Alder, A. C.; Giger, W., Environmental exposure
assessment of fluoroquinolone antibacterial agents from sewage to soil.
Environmental Science & Technology 2003, 37, (15), 3243-3249.
McArdell, C. S.; Molnar, E.; Suter, M. J. F.; Giger, W., Occurrence and fate of
macrolide antibiotics in wastewater treatment plants and in the Glatt Valley
Watershed, Switzerland. Environmental Science & Technology 2003, 37, (24),
Pham, H. V.; Con, T. H.; Ha, C. T.; Ha, H. V.; Berg, M.; Giger, W.; Schertenleib, R.,
Investigation of arsenic removal technologies for drinking water in Vietnam. In
Arsenic Exposure and Health Effects V, Chappell, W. R.; Abernathy, C. O.;
Calderon, R. L.; Thomas, D. J., Eds. Elsevier: Amsterdam, 2003; pp 459-469.
Ruckstuhl, S.; Suter, M. J. F.; Giger, W., Sorption and mass fluxes of sulfonated
naphthalene formaldehyde condensates in aquifers. Journal of Contaminant
Hydrology 2003, 67, (1-4), 1-12.
Giger, W., Umgang mit Risikofaktoren. EAWAG news 2002, 53d, 3-5.
Giger, W., Produits chimiques: Facteurs de risque pour l'environnement et la santé.
EAWAG news 2002, 53f, 3-5.
Giger, W., Dealing with risk factors. EAWAG news 2002, 53e, 3-5.
Giger, W.; Alder, A. C., Sedimente – Archive für Detergentien. EAWAG news 2002,
52d, 10-11.
Giger, W.; Alder, A. C., Sediments – archives of detergents. EAWAG news 2002,
52e, 10-11.
Giger, W.; Alder, A. C., Les sédiments - archives pour détergents. EAWAG news
2002, 52f, 10-11.
Golet, E. M.; Alder, A. C.; Giger, W., Environmental exposure and risk assessment of
fluoroquinolone antibacterial agents in wastewater and river water of the Glatt
Valley Watershed, Switzerland. Environmental Science & Technology 2002,
36, (17), 3645-3651.
Golet, E. M.; Strehler, A.; Alder, A. C.; Giger, W., Determination of fluoroquinolone
antibacterial agents in sewage sludge and sludge-treated soil using
accelerated solvent extraction followed by solid-phase extraction. Analytical
Chemistry 2002, 74, (21), 5455-5462.
McArdell, C. S.; Alder, A. C.; Golet, E. M.; Molnar, E.; Nipales, N. S.; Giger, W.,
Antibiotika: Kehrseite der Medaille. EAWAG news 2002, 53d, 21-23.
McArdell, C. S.; Alder, A. C.; Golet, E. M.; Molnar, E.; Nipales, N. S.; Giger, W.,
Antibiotiques - Le revers de la médaille. EAWAG news 2002, 53f, 21-23.
McArdell, C. S.; Alder, A. C.; Golet, E. M.; Molnar, E.; Nipales, N. S.; Giger, W.,
Antibiotics - The Flipside of the Coin. EAWAG news 2002, 53e, 21-23.
Ruckstuhl, S.; Suter, M. J. F.; Kohler, H. P. E.; Giger, W., Leaching and primary
biodegradation of sulfonated naphthalenes and their formaldehyde
condensates from concrete superplasticizers in groundwater affected by
tunnel construction. Environmental Science & Technology 2002, 36, (15),
Alder, A. C.; Giger, W.; Reiser, R.; Schaffner, C.; Ahel, M.; Albrecht, A.,
Detergentienchemikalien in Seesedimenten. In Moderne Wasch- und
Reinigungsmittel - Umweltwirkungen und Entwicklungstendenzen,
Oldenbourg Industrieverlag GmbH: München, 2001; Vol. 54, pp 289-301.
Alder, A. C.; McArdell, C. S.; Golet, E. M.; Ibric, S.; Molnar, E.; Nipales, N. S.; Giger,
W., Occurrence and fate of fluoroquinolone, macrolide, and sulfonamide
antibiotics during wastewater treatment and in ambient waters in Switzerland.
In Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in the Environment,
Daughton, C. G.; Jones-Lepp, T. L., Eds. American Chemical Society:
Washington D.C., 2001; Vol. 791, pp 56-69.
Berg, M.; Tran, H. C.; Nguyen, T. C.; Pham, H. V.; Schertenleib, R.; Giger, W.,
Arsenic contamination of groundwater and drinking waiter in Vietnam: A
human health threat. Environmental Science & Technology 2001, 35,
(13), 2621-2626. (>80 citations).
Giger, W.; Berg, M., Arsenhaltiges Grundwasser in Hanoi – Schweizerischvietnamesische Forschungspartnerschaft. Neue Zürcher Zeitung 22.8.2001,
2001, p 56.
Giger, W. and Committee on Drinking Water Contaminants , Classifying Drinking
Water Contaminants. National Academy Pres: Washington, D.C. 2001.
Golet, E. M.; Alder, A. C.; Hartmann, A.; Ternes, T. A.; Giger, W., Trace
determination of fluoroquinolone antibacterial agents in solid-phase
extraction urban wastewater by and liquid chromatography with
fluorescence detection. Analytical Chemistry 2001, 73, (15), 3632-3638.
(>60 citations).
Nguyen, H. M.; Pham, H. V.; Giger, W.; Berg, M., Simultaneous determination of
polar and apolar organo-phosphorus pesticides and triazine herbicides by
solid-phase microextraction (SPME) in aqueous samples. Analytical Science
2001, 17 (Suppl.), a375-a378.
Ruckstuhl, S.; Suter, M. J. F.; Giger, W., Rapid determination of sulfonated
naphthalenes and their formaldehyde condensates in aqueous environmental
samples using synchronous excitation fluorimetry. Analyst 2001, 126, (11),
Ahel, M.; Giger, W.; Molnar, E.; Ibric, S., Determination of nonylphenol
polyethoxylates and their lipophilic metabolites in sewage effluents by normalphase high-performance liquid chromatography and fluorescence detection.
Croatica Chemica Acta 2000, 73, (1), 209-22Ahel, M.; Molnar, E.; Ibric, S.;
Giger, W., Estrogenic metabolites of alkylphenol polyethoxylates in secondary
sewage effluents and rivers. Water Science and Technology 2000, 42, (7-8),
Min, N. H.; Ha, P. N.; Pham, H. V.; Giger, W.; Berg, M., Determination of polar and
non-polar pesticides in aqueous solutions by solid phase microextraction
(SPME) and gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Journal of
Analytical Sciences of the Vietnam Analytical Sciences Society 2000, 5, (3),
Riediker, S.; Ruckstuhl, S.; Suter, M. J. F.; Cook, A. M.; Giger, W., pToluenesulfonate in landfill leachates: Leachability from foundry sands and
aerobic biodegradation. Environmental Science & Technology 2000, 34, (11),
Riediker, S.; Suter, M. J. F.; Giger, W., Benzene- and naphthalenesulfonates in
leachates and plumes of landfills. Water Research 2000, 34, (7), 2069-2079.
Suter, M. J. F.; Giger, W., Trace determinants of emerging water pollutants:
Endocrine disruptors, pharmaceuticals, and specialty chemicals. Chimia 2000,
54, (1-2), 13-16.
Giger, W. and Committee on Drinking Water Contaminants, Setting Priorities for
Drinking Water Contaminants. National Academy Press: Washington, D.C.,
Giger, W., Emerging chemical drinking water contaminants. In Identifying future
drinking water contaminants, National Academic Press: Washington, D. C.,
1999; pp 112-119.
Poiger, T.; Kari, F. G.; Giger, W., Fate of fluorescent whitening agents in the River
Glatt. Environmental Science & Technology 1999, 33, (4), 533-539.
Suter, M. J. F.; Riediker, S.; Giger, W., Selective determination of aromatic
sulfonates in landfill leachates and groundwater using microbore liquid
chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry 1999,
71, (4), 897-904.
Albrecht, A.; Reiser, R.; Luck, A.; Stoll, J. M. A.; Giger, W., Radiocesium dating of
sediments from lakes and reservoirs of different hydrological regimes.
Environmental Science & Technology 1998, 32, (13), 1882-1887.
Kanz, C.; Nolke, M.; Fleischmann, T.; Kohler, H. P. E.; Giger, W., Separation of
chiral biodegradation intermediates of linear alkylbenzenesulfonates by
capillary electrophoresis. Analytical Chemistry 1998, 70, (5), 913-917.
Poiger, T.; Field, J. A.; Field, T. M.; Siegrist, H.; Giger, W., Behavior of fluorescent
whitening agents during sewage treatment. Water Research 1998, 32, (6),
Stoll, J. M. A.; Giger, W., Mass balance for detergent-derived fluorescent whitening
agents in surface waters of Switzerland. Water Research 1998, 32, (7), 20412050.
Stoll, J. M. A.; Ulrich, M. M.; Giger, W., Dynamic behavior of fluorescent whitening
agents in Greifensee: Field measurements combined with mathematical
modeling of sedimentation and photolysis. Environmental Science &
Technology 1998, 32, (13), 1875-1881.
Alder, A. C.; Siegrist, H.; Fent, K.; Egli, T.; Molnar, E.; Poiger, T.; Schaffner, C.;
Giger, W., The fate of organic pollutants in wastewater and sludge treatment:
Significant processes and impact of compound properties. Chimia 1997, 51,
(12), 922-928.
Giger, W., Trace determinations of individual organic pollutants - 25 years of
research at the Swiss Federal Institute for Environmental Science and
Technology (EAWAG). Chimia 1997, 51, (10), 729-732.
Giger, W.; Sigg, L., Homage to Werner Stumm, Kurt Grob, and Jürg Hoigné. Chimia
1997, 51, (12), 859-860.
Giger, W.; Sulzberger, B., EAWAG – A key player in environmental research. Chimia
1997, 51, (12), 857-858.
Kohler, H. P. E.; Angst, W.; Giger, W.; Kanz, C.; Müller, S.; Suter, M. J. F.,
Environmental fate of chiral pollutants - the necessity of considering
stereochemistry. Chimia 1997, 51, (12), 947-951.
Reiser, R.; Toljander, H.; Albrecht, A.; Giger, W., Alkylbenzenesulfonates in recent
lake sediments as molecular markers for the environmental behavior of
detergent-derived chemicals. In Molecular Markers in Environmental
Geochemistry, Eganhouse, R. B., Ed. 1997; Vol. 671, pp 196-212.
Reiser, R.; Toljander, H. O.; Giger, W., Determination of alkylbenzenesulfonates in
recent sediments by gas chromatography mass spectrometry. Analytical
Chemistry 1997, 69, (23), 4923-4930.
Stoll, J. M. A.; Giger, W., Determination of detergent-derived fluorescent whitening
agent isomers in lake sediments and surface waters by liquid
chromatography. Analytical Chemistry 1997, 69, (13), 2594-2599.
Stoll, J. M. A.; Poiger, T. F.; Lotter, A. F.; Sturm, M.; Giger, W., Fluorescent
whitening agents as molecular markers for domestic wastewater in recent
sediments of Greifensee, Switzerland. In Molecular Markers in Environmental
Geochemistry, Eganhouse, R. B., Ed. 1997; Vol. 671, pp 231-241.
Sulzberger, B.; Canonica, S.; Egli, T.; Giger, W.; Klausen, J.; von Gunten, U.,
Oxidative transformations of contaminants in natural and in technical systems.
Chimia 1997, 51, (12), 900-907.
Suter, M. J. F.; Alder, A. C.; Berg, M.; McArdell, C. S.; Riediker, S.; Giger, W.,
Determination of hydrophilic and amphiphilic organic pollutants in the aquatic
environment. Chimia 1997, 51, (12), 871-877.
Suter, M. J. F.; Riediker, S.; Zipper, C.; Kohler, H. P. E.; Giger, W., Polar organic
compounds in landfill leachates. Analusis 1997, 25, (7), M23-M25.
Ahel, M.; Schaffner, C.; Giger, W., Behaviour of alkylphenol polyethoxylate
surfactants in the aquatic environment. 3. Occurrence and elimination of their
persistent metabolites during infiltration of river water to groundwater. Water
Research 1996, 30, (1), 37-46.
Fernandez, P.; Alder, A. C.; Suter, M. J. F.; Giger, W., Determination of the
quaternary ammonium surfactant ditallowdimethylammonium in digested
sludges and marine sediments by supercritical fluid extraction and liquid
chromatography with postcolumn ion-pair formation. Analytical Chemistry
1996, 68, (5), 921-929.
Giger, W., Spurenstoffe in der Umwelt. EAWAG News 1996. 40d, 3-7.
Giger, W., Substances-traces dans l'environnement. EAWAG News 1996. 40f, 3-7.
Giger, W. Micropollutants in the Environment. EAWAG News 1996, 40e, 3-7.
Kari, F. G.; Giger, W., Speciation and fate of ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA) in
municipal wastewater treatment. Water Research 1996, 30, (1), 122-134.
Poiger, T.; Field, J. A.; Field, T. M.; Giger, W., Occurrence of fluorescent whitening
agents in sewage and river water determined by solid phase extraction and
high performance liquid chromatography. Environmental Science &
Technology 1996, 30, (7), 2220-2226.
Suter, M. J. F.; Reiser, R.; Giger, W., Differentiation of linear and branched
alkylbenzenesulfonates by gas chromatography tandem mass spectrometry.
Journal of Mass Spectrometry 1996, 31, (4), 357-362.
Altenbach, B.; Giger, W., Determination of Benzenesulfonates and
Naphthalenesulfonates in Waste-Water by Solid-Phase Extraction with
Graphitized Carbon-Black and Ion-Pair Liquid-Chromatography with UV
Detection. Analytical Chemistry 1995, 67, (14), 2325-2333.
Field, J. A.; Field, T. M.; Poiger, T.; Siegrist, H.; Giger, W., Fate of Secondary Alkane
Sulfonate Surfactants During Municipal Waste-Water Treatment. Water
Research 1995, 29, (5), 1301-1307.
Kari, F. G.; Giger, W., Modeling the Photochemical Degradation of
Ethylenediaminetetraacetate in the River Glatt. Environmental Science &
Technology 1995, 29, (11), 2814-2827.
Ahel, M.; Giger, W.; Koch, M., Behavior of Alkylphenol Polyethoxylate
Surfactants in the Aquatic Environment. 1. Occurrence and
transformation in sewage treatment. Water Research 1994, 28, (5), 11311142. (>280 citations).
Ahel, M.; Giger, W.; Schaffner, C., Behavior of alkylphenol polyethoxylate
surfactants in the aquatic environment. 2. Occurrence and
transformation in rivers. Water Research 1994, 28, (5), 1143-1152.
(>200 citations).
Ahel, M.; Hrsak, D.; Giger, W., Aerobic Transformation of short-chain alkylphenol
polyethoxylates by mixed bacterial cultures. Archives of Environmental
Contamination and Toxicology 1994, 26, (4), 540-548.
Ahel, M.; Scully, F. E.; Hoigne, J.; Giger, W., Photochemical degradation of
nonylphenol and nonylphenol polyethoxylates in natural waters.
Chemosphere 1994, 28, (7), 1361-1368.
Field, J. A.; Field, T. M.; Poiger, T.; Giger, W., Determination of secondary alkane
sulfonates in wastewaters by solid-phase extraction and injectionport
derivatization gas chromatography mass spectrometry. Environmental
Science & Technology 1994, 28, (3), 497-503.
Giger, W.; A. C. Alder; P. Fernández; E. Molnar, Wasch- und Reinigungsmittel: vom
reaktivem zum praeventiven Umweltschutz. EAWAG News 1994. 36d, 26-29.
Giger, W.; A. C. Alder; P. Fernàndez; E. Molnar, Produits à lessive et détergents: de
l'écologie réactive à l'écologie préventive. Nouvelles del'EAWAG 1994. 36f,
Giger, W.; A. C. Alder; P. Fernàndez; E. Molnar, Detergents and cleaning agents:
from reactive to preventive environmental protection. EAWAG News 1994.
36e, 26-29
Ahel, M.; Giger, W., Partitioning of alkylphenols and alkylphenol polyethoxylates
between water and organic solvents. Chemosphere 1993, 26, (8), 1471-1478.
Ahel, M.; Giger, W., Aqueous solubility of alkylphenols and alkylphenol
polyethoxylates. Chemosphere 1993, 26, (8), 1461-1470.
Ahel, M.; McEvoy, J.; Giger, W., Bioaccumulation of the lipophilic metabolites
of nonionic surfactants in freshwater organisms. Environmental
Pollution 1993, 79, (3), 243-248. (>170 citations).
Flühler, H.; Giger, W.; Waldvogel, A., Results of ETHZ-project Wabolu (water, soil,
and air) – Prolog. Water Air and Soil Pollution 1993, 68, (1-2), R9.
Hart, K. M.; McDow, S. R.; Giger, W.; Steiner, D.; Burtscher, H., The correlation
between in-situ, real-time aerosol photoemission intensity and particulate
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon concentration in combustion aerosols. Water
Air and Soil Pollution 1993, 68, (1-2), 75-90.
Hart, K. M.; Tremp, J.; Molnar, E.; Giger, W., The Occurrence and the fate of organic
pollutants in the atmosphere. Water Air and Soil Pollution 1993, 68, (1-2), 91112.
Poiger, T.; Field, J. A.; Field, T. M.; Giger, W., Determination of detergent-derived
fluorescent whitening agents in sewage sludges by liquid chromatography.
Analytical Methods and Instrumentation 1993, 1, (2), 104-113.
Tremp, J.; Mattrel, P.; Fingler, S.; Giger, W., Phenols and nitrophenols as
tropospheric pollutants - Emissions from automobile exhausts and phase
transfer in the atmosphere. Water Air and Soil Pollution 1993, 68, (1-2), 113123.
Field, J. A.; Giger, W.; Cook, A. M., Anaerobic degradation of LAS. Chemical &
Engineering News 1992, 70, (15), 3.
Field, J. A.; Miller, D. J.; Field, T. M.; Hawthorne, S. B.; Giger, W., Quantitative
determination of sulfonated aliphatic and aromatic surfactants in
sewage sludge by ion-pair supercritical fluid extraction and
derivatization gas chromatography mass spectrometry. Analytical
Chemistry 1992, 64, (24), 3161-3167. (>100 citations).
Giger, W.; Poiger, T.; Altenbach, B., Hydrophile Umweltchemikalien: Nachweis und
Umweltverhalten von Sulfonaten. Chemische Rundschau 1992, Jahresheft,
Giger, W., Schaffner, C., Kari, F. G., Ponusz, H. , Reichert, P. ; Wanner, O.,
Auftreten und Verhalten von NTA und EDTA in Schweizerischen Flüssen.
EAWAG News 1992. 32d, 27-31.
Giger, W., Schaffner, C., Kari, F. G., Ponusz, H. , Reichert, P. ; Wanner, O.,
Présence et comportement du NTA et de l'EDTA dans les rivières suisses.
Nouvelles de l'EAWAG 1992. 32f, 27-31.
Srdoc, D.; Horvatincic, N.; Ahel, M.; Giger, W.; Schaffner, C.; Bronic, I. K.; Petricioli,
D.; Pezdic, J.; Marcenko, E.; Plenkovicmoraj, A., Anthropogenic influence on
the C-14 activity and other constituents of Recent lake sediments - a casestudy. Radiocarbon 1992, 34, (3), 585-592.
Capel, P. D.; Leuenberger, C.; Giger, W., Hydrophobic organic chemicals in urban
fog. Atmospheric Environment Part A - General Topics 1991, 25, (7), 13351346.
Giger, W.; Czuczwa, J.; Leuenberger, C.; Tremp, J., Organische Inhaltsstoffe in
nassen atmosphärischen Depositionen. In Luftschadstoffe und ihre
Erfassung, Jutzi, W., Ed. Verlag der Fachvereine: Zürich, 1991; pp 17-29; 3037.
Alder, A. C.; Siegrist, H.; Gujer, W.; Giger, W., Behavior of NTA and EDTA in
biological wastewater treatment. Water Research 1990, 24, (6), 733-742.
Capel, P. D.; Gunde, R.; Zurcher, F.; Giger, W., Carbon speciation and surface
tension of fog. Environmental Science & Technology 1990, 24, (5), 722-727.
Giger, W., Anreicherungsverhalten von Tensiden in Klärschlamm, Böden und
Sedimenten. In Münchener Beiträge zur Abwasser-, Fischerei- &
Flussbiologie, Oldenbourg Verlag München Wien: 1990, 44
Umweltverträglichkeit von Wasch- und Reinigungsmitteln, pp 414-429.
McDow, S. R.; Giger, W.; Burtscher, H.; Schmidtott, A.; Siegmann, H. C., Polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons and combustion aerosol photoemission. Atmospheric
Environment Part a-General Topics 1990, 24, (12), 2911-2916.
McFeters, G. A.; Egli, T.; Wilberg, E.; Alder, A.; Schneider, R.; Snozzi, M.; Giger, W.,
Activity and adaptation of nitrilotriacetate (NTA) degrading bacteria - Field and
laboratory studies. Water Research 1990, 24, (7), 875-881.
Paulson, S. E.; Pandis, S. N.; Baltensperger, U.; Seinfeld, J. H.; Flagan, R. C.;
Palen, E. J.; Allen, D. T.; Schaffner, C.; Giger, W.; Portmann, A.,
Characterization of photochemical aerosols from biogenic hydrocarbons.
Journal of Aerosol Science 1990, 21, S245-S248.
Czuczwa, J.; Katona, V.; Pitts, G.; Zimmerman, M.; Deroos, F.; Capel, P.; Giger, W.,
Analysis of fog samples for PCDD and PCDF. Chemosphere 1989, 18, (1-6),
Giger, W., Organische Verunreinigungen im Klärschlamm: Herkunft und Verhalten in
der Umwelt. EAWAG News 1989. 28d, 8-11.
Giger, W., Pollutants organiques dans les boues d'épuration: origine et
comportement dans l'environment. Nouvelles de l'EAWAG 1989. 28f, 8-11.
Giger, W.; Alder, A. C.; Brunner, P. H.; Marcomini, A.; Siegrist, H., Behaviour of LAS
in sewage and sludge treatment and in sludge treated soil. Tenside
Surfactants Detergents 1989, 26, 95-100.
Jones, K. C.; Stratford, J. A.; Waterhouse, K. S.; Furlong, E. T.; Giger, W.;
Hites, R. A.; Schaffner, C.; Johnston, A. E., Increases in the polynuclear
aromatic hydrocarbon content of an agricultural soil over the last
century. Environmental Science & Technology 1989, 23, (1), 95-101.
(>100 citations).
Marcomini, A.; Capel, P. D.; Lichtensteiger, T.; Brunner, P. H.; Giger, W., Behavior of
aromatic surfactants and PCBs in sludge treated soil and landfills. Journal of
Environmental Quality 1989, 18, (4), 523-528.
Siegrist, H.; Alder, A.; Gujer, W.; Giger, W., Behavior and modeling of NTA
degradation in activated sludge systems. Water Science and Technology
1989, 21, (4-5), 315-324.
Tremp, J.; McDow, S. R.; Leuenberger, C.; Czuczwa, J.; Giger, W.,
Wechselwirkungen zwischen Luftfremstoffen und Niederschlägen. Teil 5:
Organische Spurenstoffe. Mitteilungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft
Luzern 1989, 30, 111-133.
Waldvogel, A.; Bader, J.; Bohm, H.; Collett, J.; Giger, W.; Heimgartner, R.; Hogl, D.;
Luthi, R.; Oberholzer, B.; Schumann, T.; Schiesser, H. H.; Schmid, W.;
Stahelin, J.; Steiner, M.; Tremp, J., A multidisciplinary field experiment to
study scavenging processes. Journal of Aerosol Science 1989, 20, (8), 11631166.
Brunner, P. H.; Capri, S.; Marcomini, A.; Giger, W., Occurrence and behavior of
linear alkylbenzenesulfonates, nonylphenol, nonylphenol monophenol
and nonylphenol diethoxylates in sewage and sewage sludge treatment.
Water Research 1988, 22, (12), 1465-1472. (>110 citations).
Capel, P. D.; Giger, W.; Reichert, P.; Wanner, O., Accidental input of pesticides into
the Rhine River. Environmental Science & Technology 1988, 22, (9), 992-997.
Czuczwa, J.; Leuenberger, C.; Giger, W., Seasonal and temporal changes of organic
compounds in rain and snow. Atmospheric Environment 1988, 22, (5), 907916.
Giger, W., Fate of Environmental pollutants on their way from wastewaters to
groundwater. Fresenius Zeitschrift für Analytische Chemie 1988, 330, (4-5),
Leuenberger, C.; Czuczwa, J.; Heyerdahl, E.; Giger, W., Aliphatic and polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons in urban rain, snow and fog. Atmospheric Environment
1988, 22, (4), 695-705.
Leuenberger, C.; Czuczwa, J.; Tremp, J.; Giger, W., Nitrated phenols in rain –
atmospheric occurrence of phytotoxic pollutants. Chemosphere 1988, 17, (3),
Marcomini, A.; Capel, P. D.; Giger, W.; Hani, H., Residues of detergent-derived
organic pollutants and polychlorinated biphenyls in sludge amended soil.
Naturwissenschaften 1988, 75, (9), 460-462.
Marcomini, A.; Filipuzzi, F.; Giger, W., Aromatic surfactants in laundry detergents
and hard surface cleaners - linear alkylbenzenesulfonates and alkylphenol
polyethoxylates. Chemosphere 1988, 17, (5), 853-863.
Marcomini, A.; Giger, W., Behaviour of LAS in sewage treatment. Changes in the
homologue and isomer distributions of linear alkylbenzenesulfonates. Tenside
Surfactants Detergents 1988, 25, 226-229.
Ahel, M.; Conrad, T.; Giger, W., Persistent organic chemicals in sewage
effluents. 3. Determinations of nonylphenoxy carboxylic acids by highresolution gas chromatography mass spectrometry and high
performance liquid chromatography. Environmental Science &
Technology 1987, 21, (7), 697-703. (>120 citations).
Brechbühler, B.; Giger, W., Kurt Grob and high-resolution gas chromatography.
Chimia 1987, 41, (7-8), 250-252.
Czuczwa, J.; Leuenberger, C.; Tremp, J.; Giger, W.; Ahel, M., Determination of trace
levels of phenol and cresols in rain by continuous liquid liquid extraction and
high performance liquid chromatography. Journal of Chromatography 1987,
403, 233-241.
Giger, W.; Ahel, M.; Koch, M.; Laubscher, H. U.; Schaffner, C.; Schneider, J.,
Behavior of alkylphenol polyethoxylate surfactants and of nitrilotriacetate in
sewage treatment. Water Science and Technology 1987, 19, (3-4), 449-460.
Giger, W.; Brunner, P. H.; Ahel, M.; McEvoy, J.; Marcomini, A.; Schaffner, C.,
Organische Waschmittelinhaltsstoffe und deren Abbauprodukte in Abwasser
und Klärschlamm. GWA Gas, Wasser, Abwasser 1987, 67, 111-122.
Giger, W., Leuenberger, C.; Czuczwa, J.; Tremp, J;, Organic micropollutants in the
atmosphere: Determinations, origins and behaviour in rain, snow and fog.
EAWAG News 1987, 23, 13-15.
Giger, W., Leuenberger, C.; Czuczwa, J.; Tremp, J;, Impuretés organiques en traces
dans l'atmosphère: analyse, origine et comportement dans la pluie et le
brouillard. Nouvelles de l'EAWAG 1987, 23, 10-12.
Gou, X. M.; Fowler, M. G.; Comet, P. A.; Manning, D. A. C.; Douglas, A. G.; McEvoy,
J.; Giger, W., Investigation of 3 natural bitumens from Central England by
hydrous pyrolysis and gas chromatography mass spectrometry. Chemical
Geology 1987, 64, (3-4), 181-195.
Kuhn, E.; van Loosdrecht, M.; Giger, W.; Schwarzenbach, R. P., Microbial
degradation of nitrilotriacetate (NTA) during river water/groundwater
infiltration: laboratory column studies. Water Research 1987, 21, (10), 12371248.
Marcomini, A.; Capri, S.; Giger, W., Determination of linear alkylbenzenesulfonates, alkylphenol polyethoxylates and nonylphenol in wastewater
by high performance liquid chromatography after enrichment on
octadecylsilica. Journal of Chromatography 1987, 403, 243-252.
(>100 citations).
Marcomini, A.; Giger, W., Simultaneous determination of linear alkylbenzenesulfonates, alkylphenol polyethoxylates, and nonylphenol by high
performance liquid chromatography. Analytical Chemistry 1987, 59, (13),
1709-1715. (>140 citations).
McEvoy, J.; Giger, W.; Schaffner, C.; Ahel, M.; Brunner, P. H., The occurence of
detergent-derived organic micropollutants in sewage sludges and soils
amended with sludge. In Current Perspectives in Environmental
Biogeochemistry, Giovannozzi-Semanni, G.; Nannipieri, P., Eds. NCR-IPRA:
Rom, 1987; pp 107-122.
Schaffner, C.; Ahel, M.; Giger, W., Field studies on the behavior of organic
micropollutants during infiltration of river water to groundwater. Water Science
and Technology 1987, 19, (7), 1195-1196.
Siegrist, H.; Alder, A.; Gujer, W.; Giger, W., Verhalten von organischen Komplexbildnern NTA und EDTA in Belebungsanlagen. VSA Verbandsbericht 1987,
347, 101-109.
Ahel, M.; Giger, W.; Koch, M., Behaviour of nonionic surfactants in biological wastewater treatment. In Organic Micropollutants in the Aquatic Environment,
Bjørseth, A.; Angeletti, G., Eds. Reidel Publ. Comp.: Dordrecht, Holland,
1986; pp 414-428.
Comet, P. A.; McEvoy, J.; Giger, W.; Douglas, A. G., Hydrous and anhydrous
pyrolysis of DSDP Leg-75 kerogens - a comparative study using a biological
marker approach. Organic Geochemistry 1986, 9, (4), 171-182.
Giger, W., Spurenverunreinigungen in der Atmosphäre. Technische Rundschau
1986, 78, (39), 78-81.
Giger, W.; Ahel, M.; Koch, M., Das Verhalten von Alkylphenolethoxylat-Tensiden in
der mechanisch-biologischen Abwasserreinigung. Vom Wasser 1986, 67, 6981.
Kuhn, E.; van Loosdrecht, M.; Schwarzenbach, R. P.; Giger, W., Microbial
degradation of nitrilotriacetate (NTA) in groundwater: laboratory studies under
aerobic and anaerobic conditions. In Organic Micropollutants in the Aquatic
Environment, Bjørseth, A.; Angeletti, G., Eds. Reidel Publ. Comp.: Dordrecht,
Holland, 1986; pp 349-353.
Marcomini, A.; McEvoy, J.; Brunner, P. H.; Giger, W., Occurrence and behaviour of
detergent-derived organic chemicals in sewage treatment and sludge. In
Recycling International, Thomé-Kozmiensky, K. J., Ed. EF/ Verlag für
Energie- und Umwelttechnik: Berlin, 1986; Vol. Vol. 2, pp 917-920.
McEvoy, J.; Giger, W., Determination of linear alkylbenzenesulfonates in sewage
sludge by high-resolution gas chromatography mass spectrometry.
Environmental Science & Technology 1986, 20, (4), 376-383.
McEvoy, J.; Giger, W., Origin of hydrocarbons in Triassic Serpiano oil shales Hopanoids. Organic Geochemistry 1986, 10, (4-6), 943-949.
Schaffner, C.; Ahel, M.; Giger, W., Behaviour of organic micropollutants during
infiltration of river water into ground water; results of a field study in the Glatt
Valley, Switzerland. In Organic Micropollutants in the Aquatic Environment,
Bjørseth, A.; Angeletti, G., Eds. Reidel Publ. Comp.: Dordrecht, Holland,
1986; pp 455-458.
Ahel, M.; Giger, W., Identifikacija specificnih organskih zagadiva la u rijeci Savi
kromatografskim metodama visokog razlucivanja i spektrometrijom masa
opremljenom racunalom. Kemija u Industriji 1985, 34, 295-309.
Ahel, M.; Giger, W., Determination of alkylphenols and alkylphenol
monoethoxylate and diethoxylate in environmental samples by high
performance liquid chromatography. Analytical Chemistry 1985, 57, (8),
1577-1583. (>180 citations).
Ahel, M.; Giger, W., Determination of nonionic surfactants of the alkylphenol
poylethoxylate type by high performance liquid chromatography.
Analytical Chemistry 1985, 57, (13), 2584-2590. (>130 citations).
Giger, W.; Conrad, T., Phosphatersatzstoffe in Waschmitteln und ihre aquatische
Umweltverträglichkeit. In Wasser Berlin '85, Wissenschaftsverlag Spiess:
Berlin, 1985; pp 362-377.
Ward, C. H.; W. Giger; P. L. McCarty , Eds., Ground Water Quality, John Wiley &
Sons, 1985.
Leuenberger, C.; Giger, W.; Coney, R.; Graydon, J. W.; Molnar-Kubica, E.,
Persistent chemicals in pulp mill effluents - Occurrence and behavior in an
activated sludge treatment plant. Water Research 1985, 19, (7), 885-894.
McEvoy, J.; Giger, W., Accumulation of linear alkylbenzenesulfonate surfactants in
sewage sludges. Naturwissenschaften 1985, 72, (8), 429-431.
Schwarzenbach, R. P.; Giger, W., Behavior and fate of halogenated hydrocarbons in
ground water. In Ground Water Quality, Ward, C. H.; Giger, W.; McCarty, P.
L., Eds. J. Wiley & Sons: New York, 1985; pp 446-471.
Schwarzenbach, R. P.; Giger, W.; Schaffner, C.; Wanner, O., Groundwater
contamination by volatile halogenated alkanes - Abiotic formation of volatile
sulfur compounds under anaerobic conditions. Environmental Science &
Technology 1985, 19, (4), 322-327.
Ahel, M.; Giger, W.; Molnar-Kubica, E.; Schaffner, C., Organic micropollutants in
surface waters of the Glatt Valley, Switzerland. In Analysis of Organic
Micropollutants in Water, Angeletti, G.; Bjørseth, A., Eds. D. Reidel Publ. Co.:
Dordrecht, 1984; pp 280-288.
Giger, W., Das Verhalten organischer Waschmittelchemikalien in der
Abwasserreinigung und in Gewässern. EAWAG News 1884, 18, 1-7.
Giger, W.; Ahel, M.; Schaffner, C., Determination of Organic Water Pollutants by the
Combined Use of High-Performance Liquid Chromatography and HighResolution Gas Chromatography. In Analysis of Organic Micropollutants in
Water, Angeletti, G.; Bjørseth, A., Eds. D. Reidel Publ. Co.: Dordrecht, 1984;
pp 91-109.
Giger, W.; Brunner, P. H.; Schaffner, C., 4-Nonylphenol in sewage sludge –
Accumulation of toxic metabolites from nonionic surfactants. Science
1984, 225, 623-625. (>330 citations).
Giger, W.; Sturm, M.; Sturm, H.; Schaffner, C.; Bonani, G.; Balzer, R.; Hofmann, H.
J.; Morenzoni, E.; Nessi, M.; Suter, M.; Wolfli, W., C-14/C-12 ratios in organic
matter and hydrocarbons extracted from dated lake sediments. Nuclear
Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B – Beam Interactions
with Materials and Atoms 1984, 233, (2), 394-397.
Graydon, J. W.; Grob, K.; Zürcher, F.; Giger, W., Determination of highly volatile
organic contaminants in water by the closed-loop gaseous stripping technique
followed by thermal desorption of the activated carbon filters. Journal of
Chromatography 1984, 285, (2), 307-318.
Schaffner, C.; Giger, W., Determination of nitrilotriacetic acid in water by highresolution gas chromatography. Journal of Chromatography 1984, 312,
(NOV), 413-421.
Schneider, J. K.; Gloor, R.; Giger, W.; Schwarzenbach, R. P., Analytical fractionation
of dissolved organic matter in water using online carbon detection. Water
Research 1984, 18, (12), 1515-1522.
Schwarzenbach, R. P.; Giger, W.; Grob, K., Jr., Gas chromatography. In Water
Analysis, Minaer, R. A.; Keith, L. H., Eds. Academic Press Inc.: London, 1984;
Vol. Vol. III, pp 167-251.
Giger, W.; Schwarzenbach, R.; Hoehn, E.; Schellenberg, K.; Schneider, J. K.;
Wasmer, H. R.; Westall, J.; Zobrist, J., Das Verhalten organischer
Wasserinhaltsstoffe bei der Grundwasserbildung und im Grundwasser. GWA
Gas, Wasser, Abwasser 1983, 63, 517-531.
Jones, D. M.; Douglas, A. G.; Parkes, R. J.; Taylor, J.; Giger, W.; Schaffner, C., The
recognition of biodegraded petroleum-derived aromatic hydrocarbons in
Recent marine sediments. Marine Pollution Bulletin 1983, 14, (3), 103-108.
Leuenberger, C.; Coney, R.; Graydon, J. W.; Molnar-Kubica, E.; Giger, W., Schwer
abbaubare organische Stoffe in Abwässern der Zellstoffherstellung: Auftreten
und Verhalten in einer biologischen Kläranlage. Chimia 1983, 37, (9), 345354.
Schwarzenbach, R.; Giger, W.; Hoehn, E.; Schellenberg, K. H.; Schneider, J., Das
Verhalten halogenierter Verbindungen im Grundwasser und bei der
Grundwasserbildung. DVGW Schriftenreihe. Wasser 1983, Nr 34, 179-196.
Schwarzenbach, R. P.; Giger, W.; Hoehn, E.; Schneider, J. K., Behavior of
organic compounds during Infiltration of river water to groundwater –
Field studies. Environmental Science & Technology 1983, 17, (8), 472479. (>120 citations).
Schaffner, C.; Stephanou, E.; Giger, W., Determination of nonylphenols and
nonylphenolethoxylates in secondary sewage effluents. In Analysis of Organic
Micropollutants in Water, Bjørseth, D.; Angeletti, G., Eds. D. Reidel Publ.:
Dordrecht, Boston & London, 1982; pp 330-334.
Stephanou, E.; Giger, W., Persistent organic chemicals in sewage effluents.
2. Quantitative determinations of nonylphenols and nonylphenol
ethoxylates by glass capillary gas chromatography. Environmental
Science & Technology 1982, 16, (11), 800-805. (> 130 citations).
Giger, W.; Schaffner, C., Determination of phenolic water pollutants by glass
capillary. In Advances in the Identification and Analysis of Organic Pollutants
in Water, Keith, L. H., Ed. Ann Arbor Publ. Inc.: 1981; Vol. 1, pp 141-154.
Giger, W.; Schaffner, C., Groundwater pollution by volatile organic chemicals. In
Quality of Groundwater, van Duijvenbooden, W.; Glasberger, P.; van Lelyveld,
H. , Eds. Elsevier Sci. Publ. & Co.: 1981; Vol. 17, pp 517-522.
Giger, W.; Schaffner, C., Unsaturated steroid hydrocarbons as indicators of
diagenesis in immature Monterey Shales. Naturwissenschaften 1981, 68, (1),
Giger, W.; Schaffner, C.; Hollerbach, H.; Kalbfus, W.; Wachs, B.; Wagner, H.; Müller,
G.; Müller, H., Art und Herkunft der Kohlenwasserstoffe in Sedimenten des
Bodensees. Erdöl & Kohle 1981, 34, (1), 451.
Giger, W.; Stephanou, E.; Schaffner, C., Persistent organic chemicals in
sewage effluents. 1. Identifications of nonylphenols and
nonylphenolethoxylates by glass capillary gas chromatography mass
spectrometry. Chemosphere 1981, 10, (11-1), 1253-1263. (>100 citations).
Matter-Müller, C.; Gujer, W.; Giger, W., Transfer of volatile substances from
water to the atmosphere. Water Research 1981, 15, 1271-1279.
(>100 citations).
Schneider, J.; Schwarzenbach, R. P.; Hoehn, E. H.; Giger, W.; Wasmer, H. R., The
behaviour of organic pollutants in a natural river - groundwater infiltration
system. In Quality of Groundwater, van Duijvenbooden, W.; Glasberger, P.;
van Lelyveld, H., Eds. Elsevier Sci. Publ. & Co.: 1981; Vol. 17, pp 565-568.
Giger, W.; Schaffner, C.; Wakeham, S. G., Aliphatic and olefinic Hydrocarbons in
Recent sediments of Greifensee, Switzerland. Geochimica et Cosmochimica
Acta 1980, 44, (1), 119-129.
Matter-Müller, C.; Gujer, W.; Giger, W.; Stumm, W., Non-biological elimination
mechanisms in a biological sewage treatment plant. Progress in Water
Technology 1980, 12, (6), 299-314.
Wakeham, S.; Schaffner, C.; Giger, W., Diagenetic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
in Recent sediments: structural information obtained by high performance
liquid chromatography. In Advances in Organic Geochemistry, Douglas, A. G.;
Maxwell, J. R., Eds. Pergamon Press: Oxford, New York, 1980; pp 353-363.
Wakeham, S. G.; Schaffner, C.; Giger, W., Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in
Recent lake sediments. 2. Compounds derived from biogenic precursors during early diagenesis. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 1980,
44, (3), 415-429. (>280 citations).
Wakeham, S. G.; Schaffner, C.; Giger, W., Polycyclic Aromatic hydrocarbons in
Recent lake sediments. 1. Compounds having anthropogenic origins.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 1980, 44, (3), 403-413.
(>190 citations).
Schwarzenbach, R. P.; Molnar-Kubica, E.; Giger, W.; Wakeham, S. G., Distribution,
residence time, and fluxes of tetrachloroethylene and 1,4-dichlorobenzene in
Lake Zurich, Switzerland. Environmental Science & Technology 1979, 13,
(11), 1367-1373.
Wakeham, S. G.; Schaffner, C.; Giger, W.; Boon, J. J.; Deleeuw, J. W., Perylene in
sediments from the Namibian Shelf. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 1979,
43, (7), 1141-1144.
Deleze, G.; Paumgartner, G.; Karlaganis, G.; Giger, W.; Reinhard, M.; Sidiropoulos,
D., Bile acid pattern in human amniotic fluid. European Journal of Clinical
Investigation 1978, 8, (1), 41-45.
Giger, W.; Molnar-Kubica, E., Tetrachloroethylene in contaminated ground and
drinking waters. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
1978, 19, (4), 475-480.
Giger, W.; Molnar, E., Organische Spurenstoffe in natuerlichen Gewaessern. ETHBulletin 1978, 11/140, 10-11.
Giger, W.; Molnar-Kubica, E.; Wakeham, S., Volatile chlorinated hydrocarbons in
ground and lake waters. In Aquatic Pollutants - Transformation and Biological
Effects, Hutzinger, O.; Lelyveld, I. H. v.; Zoeteman, B. C. J., Eds. Pergamon
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Giger, W.; Roberts, P. V., Characterization of persistent organic carbon. In Water
Pollution Microbiology, Mitchell, R., Ed. J. Wiley & Sons: New York, 1978; Vol.
Vol. 2, pp 135-175.
Giger, W.; Schaffner, C., Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in
the environment by glass capillary gas chromatography. Analytical
Chemistry 1978, 50, (2), 243-249. (>170 citations)
Kummert, R.; Molnar-Kubica, E.; Giger, W., Trace determination of
tetrachloroethylene in natural waters by direct aqueous injection high pressure
liquid chromatography. Analytical Chemistry 1978, 50, (12), 1637-1639.
Erdmann, W.; Giger, W.; Hellmann, H.; Kölle, W.; Niemitz, W.; Segeberg, E.;
Schaffner, C.; Stieglitz, L.; Wenzlow, B. Leitfaden zur Unterscheidung von
biogenen und mineralölbürtigen Kohlenwasserstoffen; 1977; 44 pp.
Giger, W., Inventory of organic gases and volatiles in the marine environment.
Marine Chemistry 1977, 5, (4-6), 429-442.
Giger, W.; Molnar-Kubica, E., Tetrachloroethylene in contaminated ground and
drinking waters. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology 1977,
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Molnar-Kubica, E.; Giger, W., Micropollutants organique dans les eaux souterraines
et les eaux potables / Organic trace contaminants in ground and drinking
waters. Nouvelles de l'EAWAG 1977. 7, 1-3.
Paumgartner, G.; Deleze, G.; Karlaganis, G.; Giger, W.; Reinhard, M.; Sidiropoulos,
D., Finding of 3-beta-hydroxy-5-cholenoic acid in human amniotic fluid.
Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift 1977, 107, (15), 529-531.
Giger, W.; Reinhard, M.; Schaffner, C.; Zürcher, F., Analyses of organic constituents
in water by high resolution gas chromatography in combination with specific
detection and computer assisted mass spectrometry. In Identification and
Analysis of Organic Pollutants in Water, Keith, L. H., Ed. Ann Arbor Science
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Reinhard, M.; Drevenkar, V.; Giger, W., Effect of aqueous chlorination on the
aromatic fraction of diesel fuel – Analysis by computer-assisted gas
chromatography mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography 1976, 116,
(1), 43-51.
Zürcher, F.; Giger, W., Flüchtige organische Spurenkomponenten in der Glatt. Vom
Wasser 1976, 47, 37-55.
Giger, W.; Schaffner, C., Aliphatic, olefinic, and aromatic hydrocarbons in Recent
sediments of a highly eutrophic lake. In Adv.ances in Org.anic Geochemistry,
Campos, R.; Goni, J., Eds. Madrid, 1975; pp 376-390.
Giger, W.; Blumer, M., Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the environment –
Isolation and characterization by chromatography, visible, ultraviolet,
and mass spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry 1974, 46, (12), 1663-1671.
(>170 citations).
Giger, W.; Reinhard, M.; Schaffner, C., Charakterisierung aromatischer
Kohlenwasserstoffe. Vom Wasser 1974, 43, 343-358.
Giger, W.; Reinhard, M.; Schaffner, C.; Stumm, W., Petroleum-derived and
indigenous hydrocarbons in Recent sediments of Lake Zug, Switzerland.
Environmental Science & Technology 1974, 8, (5), 454-455.