Kommunikationskompetenz NEGOTIATE


Kommunikationskompetenz NEGOTIATE
Stand: Dezember 2016
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Dear prospective participant!
Are your negotiations going as well as they could? What should you be aware of when negotiating in
English? This seminar is based on the win-win concept put forward by Harvard University.
What persuades me:
Don't cut what you can untie
Negotiating is more than haggling over a price. People take a particular position for a reason. This means
that you need to find out why they want it and then give them it – but on your terms. Most business
relationships are also longer term. So getting what you want and building a good relationship are difficult to
combine. Negotiations can also become very complex very quickly, which makes following a red line
essential. This seminar gives you the skills and the tools to plan, prepare and negotiate successfully.
What supports me:
Proper preparation prevents poor results
This program is based on a tripartite foundation which will enable the participant to properly prepare,
successfully negotiate and effectively maintain long-term business relationships:
1. The problem-solving ‘win-win’ concept by Harvard University
2. The 5-Phase approach to carrying out a negotiation
3. The 6 Win-Win Negotiation tools as well as other key personal development skills
Management tools you’ll receive:
Learn how to prepare with the HIT list in order to reach your goals.
Recognize the five phases of principled negotiating and how to move effectively through a negotiation.
Your behavior influences the relationship you have with your counterpart. Change your behavior to
change your results.
Strengthen your position by applying leverage.
What your benefits are:
Create better final deals and long-term working relationships.
Identify strengths and weaknesses in your negotiating process.
Analyze the importance and effectiveness of proper relationship building.
Assess your own personal negotiation attitude.
Management, corporate representatives and anyone who needs to make their negotiations more effective
and productive, for example:
 Top Management
 Department and division heads
 High potentials who have management experience
 Project managers
Day 1 – Begin: 09:00
Negotiation benchmark – First simulation with feedback
Introduction to Positional Bargaining vs. Negotiation
Negotiation Attitude Assessment
Phase 1 – Prepare; Phase 2 – Argue; Phase 3 – Propose
Language of Diplomacy
Roles within the negotiating team
Phase 4 – Repackage, Phase 5 - Close
Summaries and Adjournements
Second negotiation simulation with feedback
Finish ca. 17:00
Day 2 – Begin: 09:00
Opening closed questions and handling objections
Cultural tips and language hints
Third negotiation simulation with feedback
Summary and next steps
Evaluation and close
Finish ca. 17:00
By using interactive learning and teaching methods, you will be able to immediately transfer the concepts
learned to your own meetings quickly and easily.
Group discussions, peer and trainer feedback, workshop simulations, video analysis and numerous
simulations offer ample learning opportunities to practice and perfect the key points during the two days.
The tasks before, during and after the meeting are closely analysed after the simulations in both video and
personal feedback.
You will have ample opportunity to learn and perfect your negotiating skills in English.
Participation prerequisites:
Upper Intermediate to Advanced English knowledge is required.
Maximum number of participants:
We have limited the number of participants to 12 in order to meet the quality standards you expect.
Content in Detail:
Negotiation is a fact of life. You have an idea and you want the other person to accept your idea, which
means that you are going to have to reach an agreement. Whether you are discussing your salary with
your boss, buying a new or used car or discussing staying out late with your teenage daughter, you are in
a negotiating situation. Trading through negotiation is the foundation of human civilization.
In the hard sell situation, like at the bazaar or at the flea market, what happens after the deal is
unimportant. In the business world, however, the consequences of your “sale” are very important. Not only
is your “client” someone you may have to do business with in the future (which is very likely), but very often
it may be your own colleagues or boss that you will have to convince. In such a situation, you have to be
very interested in the consequences of your approach. The only way that any future dealings are able to
take place with the same person is if there is a basis of trust.
Negotiation is the process by which we search for the terms to obtain what we want from somebody who
wants something from us. The negotiator says, in effect: “If you give me some of what I want, then I will
give you some of what you want.”
Negotiating effectively in English is a skill that needs to be learned, practiced and perfected. In this two-day
seminar we begin by analyzing what negotiation is and what it isn’t. At the very beginning of the seminar,
we jump right in with a negotiation scenario to benchmark our own negotiation skills and to see where our
strengths and weaknesses lie. This session is followed up with observations and feedback from each other
and from the trainer.
The next step in the process is to closely look at positional bargaining versus negotiating. Many people
adopt a position and then defend it when they negotiate. This often leads to lack of flexibility, argument and
disagreement. The more the position is defended, the more entrenched the sides become. Ultimately
agreement is commonly reached when one side backs down or both sides make concessions.
With positional bargaining it is either “beat them or be beaten”. The win-win approach has its entrance
Discovering what your personal negotiation style is builds the next step in the seminar. We examine the
behavioral approach to negotiating, based on results and relationships in order to give you the negotiating
edge by setting up a trading atmosphere, rather than just a win-lose situation.
This builds the groundwork for the 5-phase Principled Negotiation approach, which we then work through
and analyze:
Prepare: Here we look at preparing the agenda, defining
objectives and what the negotiation outcomes should be.
Inform: This phase deals with agenda setting and clarifying
needs, wants and expectations at the table.
Propose: The key element in this phase is making the
proposal – giving them what they want, but on your terms
Package: Here we examine making proposals more specific
and adjusting the variables to the particular situation.
Close: The final phase looks at two different methods of
closing the negotiation and the outcome of a successful
A selection of negotiation simulations help to solidify the material covered, interspersed with cultural
awareness tips and language elements geared towards the non-native English speaker, so that
negotiations in future can be more efficient and productive. Join us and perfect your negotiation skills (in
Charles LaFond, MBA
born 1957 in USA
1 child, lives in Vienna
Trainer, coach and business person
Studied international Business (MBA) at Thunderbird School of Global
Management in AZ, USA (Marketing und Finance)
Pedagogy and German at St. John’s University in MN, USA
Specialization in presentation and negotiation skills
licensed trainer for Mind Mapping, Memory and Speed Reading
licensed trainer for LifeSuccess Coaching – Bob Proctor, USA
Work Experience
Founder of Into Results, Coaching und Training Institute for Communication
Over 16,000 hours training experience throughout Europe, in India and USA
Founding, development and expansion of own language school Business
Language Center, Vienna from 1984 to 2008
Adjunct Professor at Webster University, Vienna since 1992
Senior Lecturer at WU Wien Executive Academy since 2008
Trainer and Coach for HPS Hierhold Presentation Services 1997 – 2012
Founder and Director of the Buzan Centre Austria 1992 – 2000
1982 - 1984 Director of Berlitz Language school in Vienna
1981 – 1982 Management trainee at Berlitz Sprachschulen GmbH
Training focus
Negotiation skills
Presentation skills
Communication skills
Mind Mapping & Mental Literacy
LifeSuccess Coaching
Trattnerhof Tratsch Newsletter since 1986 – 2007
Present-Ability Newsletter (HPS) 2003 – 2012
The Pro-Am Caddie (Golfphrasen auf Deutsch und English) 2000
Short Course Series. English for Negotiating, Cornelsen Verlag, 2009
Life ain’t fair, but it’s fun
Enthusiastic skier, loves to travel and enjoys speaking at international
congresses and conferences.
English: Native speaker, German: excellent
am wko campus wien, Bauteil B, 5. und 6. Stock
Währinger Gürtel 97, 1180 Wien
Parkmöglichkeit in der Apcoa-Garage
Erreichbarkeit mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln:
U6 - Straßenbahnlinien 40, 41, 42 - Autobuslinien 37A, 40A
Ein abweichender Veranstaltungsort wird in den jeweiligen Einladungen gesondert bekannt gegeben.
EUR 850,- (keine USt. enthalten)
Im Preis enthalten: Seminarunterlagen sowie Vormittags-/Nachmittagspause und Mittagessen.
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Kundenservice / Anmeldung: Kathrin Haider
(01) 476 77- 5231
[email protected]
(01) 476 77 - 95231
Produktmanagement: Mag. Alexandra Konrad
(01) 476 77- 5234
[email protected]
(01) 476 77 - 95234
Fax-Nr. (01) 476 77 - 95231
[email protected]
WIFI Management Forum
Währinger Gürtel 97
1180 Wien
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Do, Fr 14.-15. Juni 2018
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