

Inga Katharina Koerte, M.D.
[email protected]
10/1999 - 09/2001
Albert-Ludwigs-University, Freiburg
Medical school, first and second year
10/2001 - 06/2006
Ludwig-Maximilian-University, Munich
Medical school, third to sixth year
Practical year:
Harvard Medical School, Boston
Dr. von Hauner’s Children’s Hospital, Pediatric Surgery, LMU
Universitäts-Kinderspital Beider Basel, Basel, Switzerland
Clinical Electives in Munich, San Diego/USA und Windhoek/Namibia
12/2002 - 12/2006
Institute of Experimental Surgery, LMU Munich
Doctoral thesis: Cytotoxicity of biodegradable tissue adhesives in vitro
12/2006 - 05/2008
Dr. von Hauner’s Children’s Hospital, LMU Munich
Resident in Pediatrics and Pediatric Neurology
Research Fellow, „Neuromodulation in congenital hemiparesis“
(German Research Foundation: BE 3235/1-1, STA 859/1-1, MA 3306/1-1)
Laboratory for Brain Stimulation, Harvard University, Boston
Minifellowship for Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
10/2009 - 12/2009
Psychiatry Neuroimaging Laboratory, Harvard University, Boston
Research Fellowship Diffusion Tensor Imaging
06/2008 -
Institute for Clinical Radiology, LMU Munich
Medical Resident in Radiology focussing on Neuroradiology
08/2011 -
Psychiatry Neuroimaging Laboratory, Harvard University, Boston
Senior Research Fellow Neuroimaging
Sports-related concussion. Studies in elite soccer players of different age groups using diffusion
tensor imaging (MR-DTI). Supported by the Else Kröner-Fresenius-Stiftung.
The Corpus Callosum - development and function. Studies of patients from school-age to adulthood
using neuronavigated transcranial magnetic stimulation and MRI-DTI. Supported by a Young
Investigator award from the Ludwig-Maximilians-University.
Physiological and altered motor development. Studies in children and young adults using MR-DTI,
transcranial magnetic stimulation and hand motor function tests. Supported by the Society for
MR Intracranial Pressure - non-invasive assessment of intracranial pressure, hemodynamic and
hydrodynamic characteristics of the healthy and diseased brain.
Neuromodulation in congenital hemiparesis. Supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
project number BE 3235/1-1, STA 859/1-1, MA 3306/1-1.
09/2005 -
Harvard-Munich-Alliance for Medical Education, LMU Munich
Member of selection committee, Tutor
09/2005 -
MeCuM Mentor, LMU Munich
Official Mentorship for medical students
04/2006 -
- Medical Curriculum Munich, LMU Munich
Tutor in Radiology and Pediatric Neuroradiology
07/2004 - 08/2005
Harvard-Munich-Alliance for Medical Education, LMU Munich
Scholarship for Medical Education at Harvard Medical School
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Travel scholarship to AACPDM Vancouver, Canada
10/2007 -
LMUexcellent Mentoringprogram, LMU Munich
Scholarship for Excellence in Research
07/2009 - 01/2011
LMU Förderung für Forschung und Lehre, LMU Munich
Research Grant for Young Investigators
10/2009 - 12/2009
Society for Neuropediatrics, Europe
Research Grant for Scientific Education
Radiological Society of North America, RSNA
Introduction to Research for Young International Academics, Chicago
MeCuM Mentor, LMU München
Mentor of the year 2010
Council for the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings, Lindau, Germany
Participant of the 61 Meeting of Nobel Laureates
07/2011 -
Robert-Bosch-Foundation, Germany
One of 20 stipends of the 2-year Fast Track Program for Excellence and
Leadership Skills for Outstanding Women in Science
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Neuroradiologie, Germany
Young Investigator Award “Marc-Dünzl-Prize”
11/2011 - 03/2012
Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, Germany
Scholarship for a 6-month research fellowship
04/2012 -
Else Kröner-Fresenius Stiftung, Germany
2-year research grant, one of three stipends of the Memorial Award
Berweck S, Walther M, Brodbeck V, Wagner N, Koerte I, Henschel V, Juenger H, Staudt M, Mall V.
Abnormal motor cortex excitability in congenital stroke. Pediatr Res. 2008 Jan;63(1):84-8. [IF 2008 2.604]
Koerte I, Nicolai T, Joppich I, von Schweinitz D, Dietz HG.
Type IV laryngotracheoesophageal cleft associated with microgastria and left lung hypoplasia: report of a
long-term survivor. Eur J Pediatr Surg. 2009 Apr;19(2):120-1. [IF 2009 0.74]
Koerte I, Heinen F, Fuchs T, Pomschar A, Stahl, R, Berweck S, Winkler P, Hufschmidt A, Reiser M, ErtlWagner B. Anisotropy of Callosal Motor Fibers in Combination with Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in
the Course of Motor Development. Invest Radiol. 2009 May;44(5):279-84. [IF 2009 4.85]
Schroeder S, Ertl-Wagner B, Schröder M, Britsch S, Weis J, Müller-Felber W, Nikolin S, Berweck S,
Koerte I Borggraefe I, Heinen F. Muscle biopsy substantiates long-term MRI alterations one year after a
single dose of Botulinum toxin injected into the lateral gastrocnemius muscle of healthy volunteers. Mov
Disord. 2009 Jul 30;24(10):1494-503. [IF 2009 4.014]
Borggraefe I, Kiwull L, Schaefer JS, Koerte I, Blaschek A, Meyer-Heim A, Heinen F. Sustainability of
motor performance after robotic-assisted treadmill therapy in children: an open, non-randomized baselinetreatment study. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2010 Jun;46(2):125-31 [IF 2010 2.246]
Schroeder S, Koerte I, Berweck S, Ertl-Wagner B, Heinen F. How doctors think - and treat with botulinum
toxin. (Letter). Dev Med Child Neurol. 2010 Sep;52(9):875-6 [IF 2010 3.264]
Koerte I, Eftimov L, Laubender R, Esslinger O, Schroeder S, Ertl-Wagner B, Wahllaender-Danek U,
Heinen F, Danek A. Mirror movements in healthy humans across the lifespan: effects of development and
ageing. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2010 Dec;52(12):1106-12 [IF 2010 3.264]
Koerte I, Pelavin P, Kirmess B, Fuchs T, Berweck S, Laubender R, Borggraefe I, Schroeder S, Danek A,
Rummeny C, Reiser M, Kubicki M, Shenton M, Ertl-Wagner B, Heinen F. Anisotropy of transcallosal
motor fibers indicates functional impairment in children with periventricular leukomalacia. Dev Med Child
Neurol. 2011 Feb;53(2):179-86 [IF 2011 2.918]
Milde-Busch A, Blaschek A, Heinen F, Borggräfe I, Koerte I, Straube A, Schankin C, von Kries R.
Associations between stress and migraine and tension-type headache: results from a populationschoolbased study in adolescents from grammar schools in Germany. Cephalalgia. 2011 May;31(7):774-85. [IF
2011 3.430]
Koerte I, Schankin C, Immler S, Lee SH, Laubender R, Grosse C, Eftimov L, Milde-Busch A, Reiser M,
Straube A, Heinen F, Alperin N, Ertl-Wagner B. Altered Cerebrovenous Drainage in Patients with Migraine
as Assessed by Phase-contrast MR Imaging. Invest Radiol. 2011 Jul;46(7):434-40. [IF 2011 4.593]
Connell L*, Koerte I*, Laubender RP, Morhard D, Linn J, Becker HC, Reiser, M, Brueckmann H, ErtlWagner B. Hyperdense Basilar Artery Sign - A Reliable Sign of Basilar Artery Occlusion? Neuroradiology.
2012 Apr;54(4):321-7. Epub 2011 May 17. * authors contributed equally. [IF 2011 2.824]
Ertl-Wagner B, Koerte I, Laubender RP, Kümpfel T, Blaschek A, Alperin N, Hohlfeld R. Non-specific
alterations of craniocervical venous drainage in multiple sclerosis revealed by cardiac-gated phasecontrast MR imaging. Mult Scler. 2012 Jul;18(7):1000-7. Epub 2011 Dec 22. [IF 2011 4.255].
Schroeder AS, Kling T, Huß K, Borggraefe I, Koerte IK, Blaschek A, Jahn K, Heinen F, Berweck S.
Botulinum Toxin Type A and B for the Reduction of Hypersalivation in Children with Neurological
Disorders: A Focus on Effectiveness and Therapy Adherence. Neuropediatrics. 2012 Feb;43(1):27-36.
Epub 2012 Mar 19. PMID: 22430158 [IF 2011 2.87]
Muehlmann M, Steffinger D, Peraud A, Lehner M, Heinen F, Alperin N, Ertl-Wagner B, Koerte IK. Noninvasive estimation of intracranial pressure: MR-based evaluation in children with hydrocephalus.
Radiologe. 2012 Sep;52(9):827-32. [IF 2011 0.611]
Pomschar A, Koerte I, Peraud A, Heinen F, Herber-Jonat S, Reiser M, Ertl-Wagner B. Hydrocephalus in
childhood: Causes and imaging patterns. Radiologe. 2012 Sep;52(9):813-20. [IF 2011 0.611]
Koerte IK, Kaufmann D, Hartl E, Bouix S, Pasternak O, Kubicki M, Forwell LA, Johnson AM, Echlin PS,
Shenton ME. A Prospective Study of Physician-Observed Concussion during a Varsity University Hockey
Season: Part 2 of 4: White Matter Integrity in Ice Hockey Players. Neurosurgical Focus. 2012 [IF 2011
Tittel I, Gülkan H, Hoffmann B, Kokott A, Detsch R, Ziegler G, Mutschler W, Schieker M. Cytotoxic effects
of hard tissue adhesives in vitro. Strategies in Tissue Engineering. June 2004. Würzburg. Cytotherapy,
2004, Vol 6(3): 285, P-17.
Tittel I, Gülkan H, Hoffmann B, Kokott A, Detsch R, Ziegler G, Sedlmayr N, Mutschler W, Schieker.
Cytotoxic effects of hard tissue adhesives in vitro. Poster Joint Meeting of Tissue Engineering Society
International (TESI) and European Tissue Engineering Society (ETES). October 2004. Lausanne,
Tittel I, Sedlmayr N, Gülkan H, Hoffmann B, Kokott A, Detsch R, Ziegler G, Mutschler W, Schieker M
Cytotoxicity of hard tissue adhesives in vitro. 8. Chirurgische Forschungstage, Oktober 2004.
Mannheim.Langenbecks Arch Surg 2004, Vol 389(5):461 [125]
Koerte I, Fuchs T, Haberl C, Stahl R, Gallistl G, Brodbeck V, Flatz W, Winkler P, Rummeny C,
Hufschmidt A, Bonfert M, Ertl-Wagner B, Heinen F. Combining TMS and MRI-DTI to differentiate functionstructure relationship in callosal motor development; ESMRN. Tuebingen May 2007.
Koerte I, Haberl C, Stahl R, Gallistl G, Brodbeck V, Flatz W, Winkler P, Rummeny C, Hufschmidt A,
Bonfert M, Ertl-Wagner B, Heinen F. Combining TMS and MRI-DTI to differentiate function-structure
relationship in callosal motor development; Poster AACPDM. October 2007, Vancouver, Canada.
Ertl-Wagner B, Koerte I, Stahl R, Bonfert M, Flatz W, Rummeny C, Reiser M, Heinen F. The corpus
callosum as a paradigmatic region for motor development: A study with diffusion tensor MR imaging (DTI)
and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). ECR 2008.
Fuchs T, Koerte I, Kirmess B, Berweck S, Henschel V, Muench J, Esslinger O, Heinen F, Danek A.
Corpus callosum und Motorik I - Computergestützte Untersuchung spiegelbildlicher Mitbewegungen.
GNP. April 2008. Jena.
Koerte I, Kirmess B, Fuchs T, Berweck S, Henschel V, Muench J, Danek A, Heinen F. Corpus callosum
und Motorik II - Transcallosal vermittelte Inhibition des motorischen Systems. Poster GNP. April 2008.
Berweck S, Hadyk T, Kuhnke N, Walther M, Koerte I, Henschel V, Jünger H, Staudt M, Mall V. Reduzierte
intrakortikale Inhibition bei kongenitaler Hemiparese - Läsion oder Kompensation? Poster GNP. April
2008. Jena.
Koerte I, Ertl-Wagner B, Berweck S, Stahl R, Heinen F. Anisotropie transcallosaler motorischer Bahnen Surrogatmarker motorischer Entwicklung? DGKJ. September 2008. München.
Fuchs T, Koerte I, Kirmess B, Berweck S, Henschel V, Muench J, Esslinger O, Heinen F, Danek A.
Corpus callosum und Motorik I - Computergestützte Untersuchung spiegelbildlicher Mitbewegungen.
DGKJ. September 2008. München.
Kirmess B, Koerte I, Fuchs T, Berweck S, Henschel V, Muench J, Danek A, Heinen F. Corpus callosum
und Motorik II - Transcallosal vermittelte Inhibition des motorischen Systems. DGKJ. September 2008.
Koerte I, Fuchs T, Kirmess B, Berweck S, Henschel V, Muench J, Esslinger O, Heinen F, Danek A.
Corpus callosum and motor function I – computer-based quantitative investigation of mirror movements.
Brain Stimulation, 2008, Vol 1(3): P-182
Koerte I, Kirmess B, Fuchs T, Berweck S, Henschel V, Muench J, Esslinger O, Danek A, Heinen F.
Corpus callosum and motor function II – transcallosal inhibition of the motor system. Brain Stimulation,
2008, Vol 1(3): P-188
Koerte I, Ertl-Wagner B, Berweck S, Stahl R, Brodbeck V, Heinen F. Corpus callosum and motor function
III – anisotropy of callosal motor fibers: a surrogate marker for motor development? Brain Stimulation,
2008, Vol 1(3): P-189
Koerte I, Alperin N, Ertl-Wagner B. MR-tomographic assessment of intracranial pressure. Invited speaker.
13. International MRI Symposium. January 2009. Garmisch-Partenkirchen. Germany
Koerte I, Immler S, Alperin N, Grosse C, Schankin C, Ertl L, Reiser M, Straube A, Heinen F, Ertl-Wagner
B. MR-tomographic assessment of hemodynamic and hydrodynamic characteristics in migraine patients.
ECR. March 2009. Wien. Austria
Koerte I, Kirmess B, Fuchs T, Berweck S, Danek A, Reiser M, Ertl-Wagner B, Heinen F. Diffusion tensor
imaging (DTI) of callosal motor fibers correlates with functional impairment in children with periventricular
leukomalacia. 53. Annual Meeting of the Deutschen Gesellschaft für Klinische Neurophysiologie und
Funktionelle Bildgebung DGKN März 2009.
Koerte I, Alperin N, Grosse C, Pomschar A, Immler S, Lee S, Reiser M, Heinen F, Ertl-Wagner B.
Comparison of normalized total cerebral blood flow (TCBF) between adolescents and adults assessed by
MR imaging. 53. Annual Meeting of the Deutschen Gesellschaft für Klinische Neurophysiologie und
Funktionelle Bildgebung DGKN März 2009.
Koerte I, Immler S, Alperin N, Grosse C, Schankin C, Reiser M, Heinen F, Ertl-Wagner B. MRtomographic assessment of hemodynamic and hydrodynamic characteristics in migraine patients. 53.
Annual Meeting of the Deutschen Gesellschaft für Klinische Neurophysiologie und Funktionelle
Bildgebung DGKN März 2009.
Koerte I, Kirmess B, Fuchs T, Berweck S, Danek A, Reiser M, Ertl-Wagner B, Heinen F. Diffusion tensor
imaging (DTI) of callosal motor fibers correlates with functional impairment in children with periventricular
leukomalacia. 35th Annual Meeting of the Society of Neuropediatrics April 2009. Neuropediatrics 2008,
Vol 39(5): 287(V36)
Grosse C, Lee S, Alperin N, Ertl L, Pomschar A, Koerte I, Heinen F, Reiser M, Ertl-Wagner B. MRtomographische, nicht-invasive Hirndruckmessung bei Kindern und jungen Erwachsenen. Deutscher
Röntgenkongress. RöFo. 2009, Vol 181: S130 (V201.2)
Immler S, Koerte I, Alperin N, Grosse C, Schankin C, Ertl L, Reiser M, Heinen F, Ertl-Wagner B. MRtomographische Bestimmung von hämo- und hydrodynamischen Parametern bei Migränepatienten.
Deutscher Röntgenkongress. RöFo. 2009, Vol 181: S243 (V412.3)
Schroeder S, Koerte I, Ertl-Wagner B, Schröder M, Britsch S, Weis J, Müller-Felber W, Nikolin S,
Berweck S, Borggraefe I, Heinen F. The time course of botulinum toxin type a within the muscle - in vivo
two year follow-up using MRI, ultrasound, and EMG substantiated by muscle histopathology. AACPDM.
Dev Med Child Neurol, 2009, 51 s5 p.55.
Blaschek A, Koerte I, Pomschar A, Ertl-Wagner B, Borggraefe I, Müller-Felber W, Heinen F. Altered
callosal anisotropy in patients with pediatric multiple sclerosis. EPNS. European Journal of Paediatric
Neurology; September 2009 Volume 13 (supplement 1), S101-2.
Koerte I, Kirmess B, Fuchs T, Berweck S, Danek A, Pomschar A, Flatz W, Reiser M, Heinen F, ErtlWagner B. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) of callosal motor fibers correlates with functional impairment in
children with periventricular leukomalacia. RSNA. December 2009. Chicago. USA
Koerte I, Ertl-Wagner B, Schroeder SA, Britsch S, Schröder M, Nikolin S, Weis J, Müller-Felber W,
Berweck S, Borggraefe I, Heinen F, Reiser M. Long-term MRI alterations one year after a single dose of
Botulinum toxin injected into the lateral gastrocnemius muscle of healthy volunteers. RSNA. December
2009. Chicago. USA
Ertl-Wagner B, Koerte I, Alperin N, Rapp P, Eftimov L, Grosse C, Herber-Jonat S, Reiser M. Reduced
ventricular compliance and enlarged ventricle volume in former extremely pre-mature infants. RSNA.
December 2009. Chicago. USA
Eftimov L, Koerte I, Ertl-Wagner B, Alperin N, P. Rapp, Pomschar A, Immler S, Heinen F, Lee A, Reiser
M. Non-invasive measurement of intracranial pressure in children with Idiopathic Intracranial
Hypertension: A pilot study. RSNA. December 2009. Chicago. USA
Grosse C, Rapp P, Pomschar A, Alperin N, Koerte I, Ertl-Wagner B, Reiser M. Noninvasive Measurement
of the Intracranial Pressure (ICP) with 3T MRTomography in Children and Young Adolescents. RSNA.
December 2009. Chicago. USA
Alperin N, Pomschar A, Lee S, Koerte I, Grosse C, Rapp P, Reiser M, Ertl-Wagner B. Evidence for
altered cerebral venous drainage in chronic mild traumatic brain injury by quantitative MR flow. ECR.
March 2010. Wien. Austria
Grosse C, Schell-Apacik C, Koerte I, Eftimov L, Reiser M, Ertl-Wagner B. Cutis marmorata
teleangiectatica congenita: An imaging diagnosis. ECR. March 2010. Wien. Austria
Eftimov L, Koerte I, Laubender R, Morhard D, Reiser M, Ertl-Wagner B. Hyperdense Basilar Artery Sign –
Is it really worth it? ECR. March 2010. Wien. Austria
Pelavin PE, Alvarado JL, Koerte I, Saito Y, Schneiderman J, Niznikiewicz MA, McCarley RW, Kubicki M,
Shenton ME. Motor Deficits Originating in the Extrapyramidal System in Chronic Schizophrenia: A
Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study. Poster presented at the 18th Harvard Psychiatry Annual Research Day,
Sponsored by the Mysell Committee, Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, March 24, 2010.
Koerte I, Immler S, Alperin N, Lee SH, Schankin C, Grosse C, Pomschar A, Rapp P, Steffinger D,
Straube A, Heinen F, Reiser M, Ertl-Wagner B. Altered cerebral venous drainage in patients with
migraine. E-Poster. ISMRM May 2010. Stockholm. Sweden
Koerte I, Pelavin P, Kirmess B, Berweck S, Reiser M, Kubicki M, Shenton M, Heinen F, Ertl-Wagner B.
Anisotropy of callosal motor fibers predicts functional impairment in children with periventricular
leukomalacia. Oral presentation. ASNR May 2010. Boston. USA
Koerte I, Immler S, Lee SH, Schankin C, Grosse C, Pomschar A, Rapp P, Steffinger D, Straube A, Reiser
M, Heinen F, Alperin N, Ertl-Wagner B. Altered Cerebral Venous Drainage in Patients with Migraine during
an Attack and during the Asymptomatic Interval. Oral presentation. ASNR May 2010. Boston. USA
Grosse C, Koerte I, Alperin N, Laubender R, Pomschar A, Reiser M, Ertl-Wagner B. MR-based
Intracranial Pressure Values in Childhood, Adolescence, and Adulthood. RSNA. December 2010.
Chicago. USA
Koerte I, Haberl C, Schmidt M, Lee S, Noam A, Ertl-Wagner B, Pomschar A, Rapp P, Steffinger D, Tain
RW, Reiser M. Robust pulsatility-based quantitation of blood and CSF flow rates by MRI: A multi-center
reliability evaluation. RSNA December 2010. Chicago. USA
Steffinger D, Fischer J, Koerte I, Alperin N, Reiser M, Ertl-Wagner B. MR-based measurement of
intracranial pressure – tips and tricks. ISMRM. May 2011. Montreal. Canada. 1. Poster Prize.
Koerte I, Connell L, Laubender RP, Morhard D, Linn J, Brueckmann H, Reiser M, Ertl-Wagner B. Low
sensitivity of the Hyperdense Basilar Artery Sign in Basilar Artery Occlusion. Oral presentation at the
RSNA December 2011. Chicago. USA
Ertl-Wagner, B, Koerte I, Blaschek A, Kuempfel T, Heinen F, Alperin N, Reiser M, Hohlfeld R. Increased
Secondary Venous Drainage in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis: Is It an Epiphenomenon? RSNA
December 2011. Chicago. USA.
Koerte I, Kaufmann D, Pelavin P, Eckbo R, Rathi Y, Reiser M, Kubicki M, Heinen F, Shenton M, ErtlWagner B. Differentiation of Transcallosal Motor Fibers of the Upper and Lower Extremities in
Professional Soccer Players as Demonstrated by a Two- Tensor Algorithm. Oral presentation at the
RSNA December 2011. Chicago. USA.
Koerte I, Pomschar A, Schick M, Lee S, Reiser, M, Plesnila N, Straube A, Heinen F, Alperin N, ErtlWagner B. Pronounced Secondary Venous Drainage and Increased Intracranial Pressure after Mild
Traumatic Brain Injury. Oral presentation at the RSNA December 2011. Chicago. USA.
Fisch B, Koerte I, Kümpfel T, Blaschek A, Laubender R, Steffinger D, Reiser M, Alperin N, Hohlfeld R,
Heinen F, Ertl-Wagner B. Cerebrovenöser Abstrom über sekundäre Venen in Abhängigkeit von der
Erkrankungsdauer bei Patienten mit Multipler Sklerose. Oral presentation at the Jahrestagung der
Gesellschaft für Neuropädiatrie. April 2012 Münster, Germany.
Muehlmann M, Koerte I, Laubender R, Steffinger D, Lehner M, Peraud A, Reiser M, Alperin N, ErtlWagner B. Non-invasive MR based estimation of ICP correlates with VP-shunt adjustment in patients with
hydrocephalus. Oral presentation at the Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Neuropädiatrie. April 2012
Münster, Germany.
Eisert E, Koerte I, Pomschar A, Laubender R, Steffinger D, Heinen F, Alperin N, Ertl-Wagner B. Total
cererbral blood flow during childhood and adolescence as assessed with phase-contrast imaging. Oral
presentation at the Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Neuropädiatrie. April 2012 Münster, Germany.
Koerte I, Pomschar A, Laubender R, Steffinger D, Heinen F, Reiser M, Alperin N, Ertl-Wagner B.Total
cerebral blood flow from childhood to early senescence as assessed with phase-contrast imaging. Oral
presentation at the Annual Meeting of the European Society of Radiology March 2012. Vienna, Austria.
Koerte I, Pomschar A, Laubender R, Steffinger D, Heinen F, Reiser M, Alperin N, Ertl-Wagner B.
Intracranial pressure across the life-span - a study with phase-contrast imaging. Oral presentation at the
Annual Meeting of the European Society of Radiology March 2012. Vienna, Austria.
Muehlmann M, Koerte I, Lehner M, Peraud A, Steffinger D, Laubender R, Reiser M, Alperin N, ErtlWagner B. Correlation of MR based intracranial pressure and shunt-adjustment in patients with
Hydrocephalus. ePoster at the Annual Meeting of the European Society of Radiology March 2012. Vienna,
Koerte I, Nicolai T, Joppich I, von Schweinitz D, Dietz HG.
Type IV laryngotracheoesophageal cleft associated with microgastria and left lung hypoplasia: report of a
long-term survivor. (Case report) Eur J Pediatr Surg. 2009 Apr;19(2):120-1. [IF 2009 0.743]
Schroeder S, Koerte I, Berweck S, Ertl-Wagner B, Heinen F. How doctors think - and treat with botulinum
toxin. (Letter). Dev Med Child Neurol. 2010 Sep;52(9):875-6 [IF 2010 3.264]
Scheidler J und Koerte I. Kapitel: Wirbelsäule und Spinalkanal in: Maximilian Reiser, Fritz-Peter Kuhn und
Jürgen Debu. Duale Reihe Radiologie 3. Auflage. Thieme Verlag 2011
Ertl-Wagner B, Koerte I. Fehlbildungen der hinteren Schädelgrube in: Radiologie up2date 1/2012. Thieme
Verlag 2012
Shenton ME, Hamoda HM, Schneiderman JS, Bouix S, Pasternak O, Rathi Y, Vu MA, Purohit MP, Helmer
K, Koerte I, Lin AP, Westin CF, Kikinis R, Kubicki M, Stern RA, Zafonte R. A review of magnetic
resonance imaging and diffusion tensor imaging findings in mild traumatic brain injury. Brain Imaging
Behav. 2012 Mar 22. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 2243819
Ertl-Wagner B, Koerte I. Fetale Magnetresonanztomographie in: Jorch; Fetoinfantile Neurologie, 1.
Auflage, 2012. Thieme Verlag.
Ertl-Wagner B, Koerte I. Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) in: Jorch; Fetoinfantile Neurologie, 1.
Auflage, 2012. Thieme Verlag.. Thieme Verlag.