Produktflyer - Verlag Österreich


Produktflyer - Verlag Österreich
Culinary Tourism
Proceedings of the European Culinary Tourism Conference 2011
This volume contains papers and contributions presented at the
first 'European Culinary Tourism Conference', which took place in
Vienna, March 2011, as a joint event organized by the FHWien
University of Applied Sciences, Vienna, and the College of
Polytechnics Jihlava, Czech Republic. The conference
contributions comprise multidisciplinary approaches from
research in innovation systems, food culture, innovative food
concepts, product development, hospitality research, tourist
perception and behaviour and many others. A special focus is on
culinary tourism in border regions. In addition, the volume
presents the outcomes of workhops of culinary tourism providers
and experts, who discussed and developed further theoretical
and practical topics. This volume will appeal to all those who are
interested in culinary tourism in general and professionals,
researchers and students interested in different aspects in
FH-Prof. Mag. Michael Mair, Leiter des Instituts für Tourismus-Management,
FHWien-Studiengänge der WKW
Mag. (FH) Daniela Wagner, Bereichsleiterin touristisches Berufsfeld,
FHWien-Studiengänge der WKW
Weitere Informationen:
Mair/Wagner (Hrsg)
Culinary Tourism
Proceedings of the European Culinary Tourism
Conference 2011
Schriftenreihe für Forschung und Praxis der
FHWien-Studiengänge der WKW
Bandnummer: 1
202 Seiten, broschiert
ISBN: 978-3-7046-6301-6
Erscheinungsdatum: 22.6.2012
€ 32,95
Preise inkl gesetzlicher MwSt
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