BMsflia - Deputy NIm Mbtixo (ArcM-GovvMnant p«rty) otdt


BMsflia - Deputy NIm Mbtixo (ArcM-GovvMnant p«rty) otdt
BMsflia - Deputy NIm Mbtixo (ArcM-GovvMnant p«rty) otdt • tpMeh
ytstevday In th* Chaobtr* to amounea "in tlw nmm of an alMMntaxy
pzlneipal of huaan aolldarlty" that tha altuation "of tha 4,000 Jaws
who llva in Syria ia baecaing fxlghtfully «raa ainoa a faw waaks,"
Ha atatad that ha did not «i«h to "intarfaza in intarnal affaira of
othaz- countriaa" but ajq;>raasad elaarly that "it ia not lawful for ua to
zaaain duob and atill toward intamational txaatiaa vhan thay an
attaakad and whan tha alamantary principals of husan rig^ta ara
- Tha aituation of tha 4»000 Jawa who live in Syzia - ha continuad, is
baeoBing frightfully worse siiioe tha last faw waaka# with i^prisonaant
and aaquaatration of zalavant important aaifbava of that eollaetivlty«
as wall as savaral aaaauna of opprasaiva natuxa, thua making Ufa of
those jaws practically unst^jpartabla.
Tha infoznationa ravaal that violant tortusaa ara appliad to tha
ii^iriaonad Jaws through alaetzleal shocks* axtraetion of nails»
cigamtta burns, ill-traatnsnt and raping of maidana whom sftar baing
burnt in various parts of the body are abandoned in tha Jewitf) quartar
of tha town*
Soaa of tha houaas of the jaws were aat on fira and restrictiona of the
lowest natuxa against human rights were also inpoead.
Aaongat othar zaatrictions, pravaila tha prohibition of axit fron Syzia
of tha jawa and alao neving raatrictiona liidtad to an araa of 3
kiloaatraa of tiialr hMSa, A govaztnantal c<»mittaa for Jawiah aattara,
constitutad by rapraaantatiwa of tha Mniatry of Interior holda control
over the 4,000 s^an jaws, watching every novaaant and conatantly
intarrogatifig thaa. Their properties cannot be sold and tha public and
•ilitary Syrian personnel are prohiUtad to purdiasa in any Jewish
cocaaarcial establiahaant*
Ouarla-feird, 17/11/71
cala contra Israel
Siria e ucusa<la de
pcrseguir os> jiicleus
Brasilia 'Socursal) — O
Deputado N'liia Rlbelro 'Arenaoarlocat
uni discurso ontem
oa Cainara. para anunclar. "em
nome rte um i>rlndplo elemcitiar
de solidarlertadc humana". que
a siUiacao
4 nil iudeiis que
rivf rn na Siria vem se agravanrio a.ssustarioramente ha algumas seraanas."
Ressalvou que nao dese.i;\va
' interffrir cm questoes de soberanla interna de outros paises",
mas dPixou ciaro que "nao nys
e lic'.to tambem quedar-nos mudos e inennes. q«anto tratados
irHomacionats sao feridos. quando prtncipios elementares do6
direltos que consagram a dlfcnldade da tKssoa humana sao
— A situaeao rio< 4 mil Judeas que vlvem na Siria — conllnuou - vein sc agravando assustadoramente desde ha alfuma-s semanas, com a prlsao e m questros de tlguras destacftdas
daciucla coleclvidade, bem como
diversas medldaf de carater
opi'csslva. tomando a vida daquelesjudeus pratlcamenle tn^uporUvel.
As informagoes revelam. que
vioienta-s torturas s5o submetldfts aos ludeus presos, atravSs
rt'.' choques eleirlcos, extra<;4o
de unhas, queimarturas de cig?rrns. .spvlcianicnto dP mi^as.
qur dopois de qufiniatUs rm'varias regimes d<i corpo sSo abandcnadas no balrro judcu.
AlRuma.s casas de Judeus foram incendladas e impostas resir'.coes que alentam contra a
(iienldade do ser humano.
Dentre tats restricoes, de«ti\"am-s€ a prolbicao de saida de
judeas da Siria e limitados seus
movimentos numa 4rea de tris
qullometros de suas casa£. Um
comlte governamental para aisuncos .tudeus, constltuido por
represenCantes do Mlnisterio do
Interior e da Segurantii mantem sob controlp os 4 mil Ju­
deus sirios. fiscalizando qualquer
movtmento e tnterrogando-os
constanteinente. As proprledades
nao podem set vendldas e m
funcionirlos publicos e mlUt^
res sirioB impedidos de compru
em qualquer estabelecimento eomerclal Judeu.