St. Ferdinand Parish - St Ferdinand Church


St. Ferdinand Parish - St Ferdinand Church
St. Ferdinand Church
Rectory: 5900 W. Barry Avenue
Chicago, IL 60634
(773) 622-5900
September 2nd, 2007
Photo by Romuald Gluch
Twenty-second Sunday
in Ordinary Time
Page Two
Twenty-second Ordinary Sunday
Mass Intentions
9:00AM— +Julia Koziol rq. Family
TUESDAY, Weekday
7:00 AM— Frank Mihevc rq. Marie Lucas
8:00 AM— God’s blessings for all Benefactors of St.
Ferdinand Parish
7:00 PM—Mass in Polish
7:00 AM— Mass in English
8:00 AM— + Jean Lasiewicz rq. Kevin Damhauser and
7:00PM — + Mass in Polish
7:00 AM— Mass in English
8:00 AM— + Sophie Wronowski rq. Audrey and Mitchell
7:00 PM—Mass in Polish
FRIDAY, Weekday
7:00 AM— +Margarete Leone Happy Birthday rq. daughter
8:00 AM— Special blessings for Miquel Duran rq. sister
7:00 PM—Mass in Polish
7:00 AM—Mass in Polish
8:00 AM— + Rose E. Coco
11:00AM—Wedding Liturgy:
Krzysztof Bielak and Katarzyna Paszkiewicz
1:00PM — Wedding Liturgy
Adrian Rybinski and Izabela Wisniewska
3:00PM — Wedding Liturgy:
Piotr Wojdyla and Ewa Krason
Vigil: Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
5:00 PM— +Anthony Campanaro, Sr. 6th Anniversary rq.
SUNDAY, Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:00 AM— Mass in Polish
8:30 AM— + Nick Palino rq. Family
10:30 AM— (Chapel) + Michael Flynn rq. Pat Flynn and
10:45 AM— Mass in Polish
12:30 PM— People of St. Ferdinand
3:00 PM— Mass in Polish
5:00 PM— + Angeline Kaminski 10th Anniversary
rq. Margaret Gallwitz
6:30 PM— Mass in Polish
September 2, 2007
The sanctuary lamps this week are lit for:
Rose and Ann Coco
Michael Flynn
Marriage Banns
3rd Publication
Krzysztof Bielak and Katarzyna Paszkiewicz
Adrian Rybiński and Izabela Wiśniewska
Piotr Wojdyła and Ewa Krasoń
2nd Publication
Daniel Rudzki and Barbara Taraska
1st Publication
Rafael Villar and Kathleen Araneta
Congratulations and best wishes to the couples married
in our church last week:
Steven Oster and Beata Bialon
Matteo Oliveri and Elizabeth Zepeda
Wojciech Bigos and Malgorzata Madej
We pray for God’s blessings upon them as they begin
their new life together.
We Welcome in
Abbey Maria, daughter of Fernando and
Patricia Anne (Rostan) Huerta
Gianna Vita, daughter of Vito Joseph and
Virginia (Hernandez) Radosta
Bianka Izabella, daughter of Artur and Agnieszka
(Bielska) Zaborowski
LABOR DAY, Mass Schedule
On Monday, September 3, 2007 there will be only one
tri-lingual Mass (English-Polish-Tagalog) at 9:00AM.
There will be no Mass at 7:00AM, 8:00AM and 7:00PM
September 2, 2007
Twenty-second Ordinary Sunday
Remember in Prayer
As members of the parish faith community, it is
our responsibility to remember both in concrete
and spiritual ways those who cannot celebrate
with us each week because they are ill. Those who are
sick in turn, remember all of us daily in their prayers and
in their sufferings. We experience many blessings because of their remembering us. And so...please remember
in your prayers:
Tom Anastos
Rosalie Anastos
Thomas D. Angarola
Joseph Balicki
Isabell Beyer
Delphine Bruce
Elizabeth Bruce
Alba Jennie Burroughs
Benito Cabanin
Sharon Carr
Mary Cleary
Anna Diks
Samuel DiVincenzo
Anna Dobjan
Marye Dorgan
Honor Draftz
Kenneth Duda
Paul Duda
Lillian Dziedzic
Marie Fitzgibbons
Alice Flannagan
Joseph Gagliano
Anetka Gałas
Marilyn Gibbons
Fatima Gomez
Bob Greenberg
Sam Grisanti
Ben Guttiula
Mary Hain
Mattias Hiller
Margery Janz
Janina Jaromiñska
Loretta Kamienski
Madeline Kocinski
Tad Koziol
Ada Ksiazkiewicz
June Landers
Helen Lipski
John Lodge
Carol Vachula
Sam LoDolce
Netta Lohrmann
Eleanor Loscuito
Elizabeth Ann Maher
Susan Maher
Gianni Marconi
Thomas McPeak
Lyman Meloche
Ann Monardo
Emily Moreno
Jerry Mullins
Kathleen Nemec
Rose Nygren
Leslie May O’Brien
Iris Otto
Patrick Pennington
Artur Pêza
Ed Pfeiffer
Jean Pudlo
Irene Rowe
James Rowe, Sr.
Consuelo Salinas
Alicia Schippits
Helen Schmitz
Ted Schulten
Gerry Simonek
Casmira Skripkus
George Smolen
Bill Smyczynski
Raymundo Soriano, Sr.
Tony Spano
Jim Steinhable
Rita Stubits
Estelle Stybur
Susan Swanson
Rose Toth
Minerva Watson
Julia Wawrzyniak
Bernice Zajac
Anna Zatłoka
Watch, O Lord, with those who wake, or watch, or weep
tonight, and give your angels charge over those who sleep.
Tend your sick ones, O Lord Christ, rest your weary ones, Bless
your dying ones, Soothe your suffering ones, pity your afflicted
ones, Shield your joyous ones, and for all your love's sake.
Page Three
A Prayer for the Armed Forces
Almighty God, stretch forth Your
mighty arm to strengthen and protect
the men and women of our Armed
Forces. As they face the myriad of
challenges and decisions that each day
is destined to bring, may they be anchored by their faith, protected by Your
presence and comforted by the knowledge that they are
loved by You and by this community of faith. Grant that,
meeting danger with courage, and all occasions with discipline and loyalty, they may truly serve the cause of justice and peace to the honor of your holy name, through
Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
May God keep you safe!
Daniel Guziec
SPC Jeffrey Foerster
Bryan Callan
Robert Peregrino
Readings and Psalms
for the Week
Monday: Memorial of St. Gregory the Great
Reading I1Thes 4:13-18
Psalm96:1 and 3,4-5, 11-12, 13
GospelLk 4:16-30
Reading1Thes 5:1-6, 9-11
Psalm27:1, 4, 13-14
GospelLk 4:31-37
ReadingCol 1:1-8
Psalm52:10, 11
GospelLk 4:38-44
ReadingCol 1:9-14
Psalm98:2-3ab, 3cd-4, 5-6
GospelLk 5:1-11
Friday: First Friday
ReadingCol 1:15-20
Psalm100:1b-2, 3,4,5
GospelLk 5:33-39
Saturday: The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
ReadingMi 5:1-4a ot Rom 8:28-30
Psalm13:6ab, 6c
GospelMt 1:1-16, 18-23 or 1:18-23
Page Four
Twenty-second Ordinary Sunday
September 2, 2007
21th Sunday in Ordinary Time, August 26, 2007
Loose Cash
$ 7,295.00
$ 3,319.00
$ 10,614.49
Total Contributed at (5) Masses in English:
Total Contributed at (4) Masses in Polish:
Assist the Church in Poland:
$ 5,297.00
$ 5,317.49
$ 3,030.00
Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Lest we think that today’s Gospel passage is a primer on how to host a dinner party, we need to remember that
the image of the banquet—particularly in Luke’s Gospel—is a primary way Jesus illustrates the reign of God. Meals of
all sorts, from the most commonplace to the most festive banquet, were a social phenomenon that his listeners understood. Being at table was an important means of communication for them. This is why Jesus got in so much trouble for
dining with sinners: his critics wouldn’t dine with them, believing they
would never dine at the banquet set by God Almighty. Today
we still are uncomfortable being at a meal table with those we do not like
or of whom we
do not approve. So Jesus used table images to upend many
of the expectations about order and place cards that were common in his
day. Such is the
upended table he describes today, where the puffed-up guest
gets deflated,
where the guest who is seated quietly at the foot of the table
is brought to the
place of honor by none other than the host himself.
To get ready for the upending we’ll experience at the heavenly banquet, Jesus tells us to use the tables of our
daily living. We ought not invite those we know or are related to; they may repay us and therefore we will not actually
have extended any hospitality at all. Rather, look to those who cannot repay the hospitality. Issue the invitation to anyone
who does not have the means to return one; bring all who are not able to get to the table by themselves. Be their nourishment, be their strength. Then you will join the feasting of the resurrection of the righteous. And what a gathering the Letter to the Hebrews describes! Infinite angels partaking in the festivities of the heavenly Jerusalem, all who have become
the firstborn to heaven in Christ their firstfruit assembled there, all the rejoicing spirits of the just ones, now made perfect, joined with Jesus. Then our joy will not be in the feasting or our particular place at the table, but in our oneness in
the covenant of eternal life won for us by the blood of Christ.
Today’s Readings: Sirach 3:17–18, 20, 28–29; Psalm 68:4–7, 10–11; Hebrews 12:18–19, 22–24a; Luke 14:1, 7–14
Copyright © 2006, World Library Publications. All rights reserved
September 2, 2007
Twenty-second Ordinary Sunday
Page Five
That We May Have Priests…
Roses to those on the Way of the Cross
It remains our sincere hope that through word and
deed, education and example, we young and old
one heritage or another, would all come to know
that our care for Our Church — His really, is done
through small and not so small gestures of help
and support. As a source of hope and inspiration it
is our intention to publish those names in print
who have done outstanding work in the course of
the week to “plant a rose” so to speak along the
way as we carry the cross in the glory of the victory “He” won. Our part though small can and
does grow. We might need to see the proof. The
names are both a thank you and attempt to have
lots of roses where ever “the cross” is.
Our sincere thank you to all who come to clean
the church every week. We are very grateful
and appreciate your time given to our parish.
Your help has been invaluable!
————————Just a reminder: We clean the Church on
Monday evening at 5:00 p.m. and Friday morning
at 10:00 a.m.
Two old-timers, Moe and Sid, were seated on a park
bench arguing about religion.
At one point Moe said, "Sid, you think you know so much
about religion. I'll bet you don't even know the Lord's
Sid pulls out his wallet, slaps down a $5 bill, and says,
"Here's $5 that says I do. Moe says, "And here's $5 that
says you don't. Let's hear it!
Sid begins, "Now I lay me down to sleep.
I pray the Lord my . . . ."
Before Sid could finish, Moe said,
"You sure fooled me. I didn't think you knew it."
Over 98% of the diocesan priests in
Chicago experienced their educational and spiritual formation in our
seminary system. To meet the challenge of priesthood,
today’s priests must master several skills including theology, pastoral skills, counseling, preaching, business and
personnel management as well as speaking in the seminary system of the Archdiocese of Chicago.
The Collection for the Seminary System for the Archdiocese of Chicago September 22-23, 2007.
Suicide, Illness, and Suffering
Have you been touched by suicide? Are
you suffering, or serving as a caretaker?
Do you need prayer? Turn to Stauros
U.S.A., founded by the Passionists to help
find meaning, hope, and peace in the midst
of suffering.
On September 7, Stauros is sponsoring “Suicide: They
Die Too Young”. Boasting a stellar lineup of speakers,
this conference is aimed at survivors of suicide death,
professionals, and all who work with young people. Full
information is at
The organization also publishes Suffering: The Stauros
Notebook. This unique quarterly is available in print or on
CD. Unlike academic journals, most articles are experiential, lending a sometimes raw and powerful feel yet always coming back to the hope that is ours through faith.
Call 773-484-0581 for a free sample copy.
You can also get a free email every month containing inspirational faith-filled writings. Email [email protected]
to have your name added to the list. Finally, Stauros
U.S.A. offers the Circle of Compassion prayer registry,
containing invocations sent in from all over the world.
Mercy Home for Boys and Girls, a 120 year old agency
serving at-risk
youth, is seeking
TUTORS for the
upcoming school
year. Please join
us for an hour each
week on a designated evening to
help with homework, test preparation and developing good study
skills. You don’t need to be a math expert! Our campuses
are in the West Loop and Beverly/Morgan Park.
For more info or an application, please contact us at [email protected], 312-738-7552 or
Thank you!
Page Six
Twenty-second Ordinary Sunday
September 2, 2007
…Catholic schools, like St. Ferdinand’s (PreK3-8)
stand apart from the rest. Catholic elementary school
students who go on to Catholic high schools graduate
at an average rate of 99 percent…
…and 93 percent attend college!
Teen Time here at St. Ferdinand begins next Sunday Sept. 9th right after
the 5:00PM Mass. The group meeting
time is from 6:00-8:00PM and will be
in the gym and cafeteria. All teens in
the parish are welcome to attend.
Come and see what it is all about.
Combined with above average national test scores and
an education rooted in moral values…
Catholic elementary schools like St. Ferdinand’s
(PreK3-8) really do
build better futures!
Visit St. Ferdinand Catholic School at
3131 N. Mason Avenue or call
(773) 622-3022 for information today.
Farewell Mass for Fr. Roman Rataj, our former Associate
Pastor who have entered the incardination process and
changed his assignment will be on Sunday, September 9,
2007 at 10:45 a.m. (bi-lingual) You are cordially invited
to come to thank Fr. Roman for his service at our parish
and wish him the best of luck on his new assignment!
[email protected]
Choose St. Ferdinand Catholic School.
Your child's future is worth it!
Preschool Pays
St. Ferdinand School is proud to offer a full day NAYCEaccredited early childhood educational programs five
days a week, for ages three and up. We have an excellent
preschool staff including our award winning state finalist
Mrs. Marta Ostrowska. Call to compare our prices with
your day care center. Some parents (single parent or hardship) are able to qualify for a special assistance program.
To register, call Andrea at 773 622-3022 for more information or to arrange a tour.
According to findings recently published in the April, 2006 American
School Board Journal, early childhood education is well worth the investment. A study conducted by
WestEd, found that early childhood education resulted in
the following:
In elementary school:
Higher scores on math and reading tests
Greater Language abilities
Less grade retention
Less need for special education and remedial work
Improved nutrition and health
Lower rates of child abuse and neglect.
There is still time to get your order in for September. All
orders are due in the church or rectory by Sunday, September 2nd or order on line until Noon on Wednesday,
September 5th. For the September sale Market Day is
offering FREE Cinnamon crunch french toast bites with
any purchase.
Please note the special pick up time for September is
from 9 to 10 on Saturday, September 8th.
The Women's Center is a problem pregnancy help center. Because of the care and concern of our staff, volunteers, and benefactors, each year over 1,000 women who
feel abortion is their only choice, decide in favor of life.
We provide practical help, including counseling, food,
clothing, baby furniture, referral services, etc. as needed.
If you are interested in being a part of our life saving
work, training sessions for counseling office volunteers
will be held at our Cicero and Foster Avenue office on
9/29, 10/6 and 10/13.
People are also needed to help clients obtain needed
items in our Cicero and Foster Ave. Family Room, especially on Saturdays. Call Katie at 773-794-8807 for information on these volunteer opportunities
5116 North Cicero Avenue
Chicago, IL 60630
September 2, 2007
Twenty-second Ordinary Sunday
Page Seven
Page Eight
Twenty-second Ordinary Sunday
September 2, 2007
September 2, 2007
Friendship Club — 10:00 AM—3:00PM
Scripture Study — 7:00 PM—8:30PM
Kropeczki — 6:00PM—7:30PM
Legion of Mary — 9:00AM
Confession in Polish — 6:00 PM—7:00PM
Pilgrim Virgin — 7:00PM — 9:00PM
Market Day — 8:00AM— 12:00 noon
Legion of Mary Mtg.—6:30 PM — 8:30 PM
School Mass — 8:00 AM — 9:00 AM
Eucharistic Adoration — 8:30AM —6:45PM
Jr. Legion of Mary Rosay—2:30PM
Polish Rosary Group Meeting—8:00AM— 10:00AM
Baptism in English — 1:45PM
To view the entire Parish Calendar,
access it from:
St. Ferdinand Parish’s
Three Religious Education Programs!
Are you considering Religious Instruction for your Child this Fall – Then consider Us!!
St. Ferdinand has these three (3) options
To meet your family’s religious instructional needs:
School of Religion
Parish School
Polish School
Monday through Friday
Weekly Sunday
Instruction from:
9:00AM to 10:30AM
Daily Religious Instruction
part of school’s regular
7:50AM – 2:30PM
Type of
How to
Religious Education For Grades
10:30AM to 11:30AM
Mass with Children and Families
Call School:
Andrea or Marta
(773) 622-3022
After 3:00PM
Call Parish Office
Religious Instruction
taught in Polish- part of
Sat. Polish School curriculum. Choose from
two (2) four hour sessions: Morning or
Daily Religious Instruction part
of school’s regular curriculum
PreK-3 to 8th Grade.
Weekly Mass at 8:00AM
normally on Thursdays.
Religious Instruction in
Polish as part of Saturday
Polish school curriculum.
Call School:
Marta or Andrea
(773) 622-3022
Call Polish School:
Sr. Genowefa
(773) 889-6432
Bulletin reminder:
All notices for the September 9th bulletin need to be in the rectory no later than 3:00 PM on Friday,
August 31th. You may bring your bulletin notices to the rectory in an envelope labeled “bulletin”; you may
fax them to 773/622-5903; or you may e-mail them to: [email protected]
Page Nine
Twenty-second Ordinary Sunday
Vision Screening
On the weekend of September 15/16, Dr. Sylwia
Szewczyk from Ideal Family Eye Care will be conducting
a vision screening at our parish. During this free checkup
it will be possible to determine if there is a need for
glasses and check the overall health of the eyes as well as
to find out of there are initial signs of cataract or glaucoma. Everyone is welcome to take advantage of this
opportunity. To register, please call 773-774-2200.
Di Rutigliano Bari – Chicago Chapter
San Ferdinando Church
At 12:30 in the afternoon, a solemn Mass in honor of SS
Crocifisso will be
celebrated. Following
the Mass will be a
procession in which the
members of the SS.
Crocifisso Society will
carry the statue on
their shoulders down
the following streets:
Mason to George to
Marmora to Barry
and back to the church,
with the intervention
of local authorities, both
civil and religious.
The Sicilian Band of
Chicago will play
during the procession.
Everyone is welcome
to participate.
Join Us for our
Saturday, September 22, 2007 at
Alta Villa Banquets, Addison, Illinois
Tickets: Adults $60 * Children under 12 $30
Cocktails at 6:30 pm Dinner at 7:30pm Music by: J Diamanti
For more information contact:
President: Tina Martire (630) 595-0640
Chairman Emeritus: Frank Pavone (773) 334-3250
Seeking Crafters
St. Celestine Teen Group Members are seeking crafters for their 15th Annual Craft Show.
The show will be held on Sunday, October
21st, from 8:30—1:00 pm at St. Celestine Parish.
St. Celestine is located in Elmwood Park, 3020 N. 76th
Ct. Spaces are available for $25.00. If interested in receiving an application or for further information please
call 708-453-2555 and ask for Kim.
presentation by Jason Evert, Catholic Apologist, for teens and
their parents. WEDNESDAY, October 3rd, 7:00 p.m.
St. Pascal Church, Irving Park & Melvina.
For information call 77-725-7641.
September 2, 2007
St. Constance Annual Dinner
St. Constance Parish, located at 5843 West
Strong Street in Chicago, presents its Annual Dinner Dance with Special Guest
Rev. Martin Borowczyk who is celebrating
his 65th year of Ordination. Our celebration will take place Saturday, October
13th, 2007, beginning with a bilingual
Mass at 4:30 pm followed with an Evening of Sheer Elegance and Entertainment at Lone Tree Manor Banquets,
7730 North Milwaukee Ave in Niles. The evening features: Appetizers & Cocktails at 6:30 pm, Family Dinner
at 7:30 pm. Dancing to the sound of the Stratus Band
from 9:00 pm to 2:00 am plus an Open Bar, Sweet Table,
Raffle and Silent Auction. Tickets are $60.00 per person.
Call (773) 545-8581 ext. 0 for tickets / or more information.
Chicago Boy Choir Auditions
All 3rd through 12th grade boys who like to sing, are invited to become
members of the
Choir for the 20072008
Students of parochial or public
schools, regardless
of race, or religion, or ethnic origin are eligible
for membership.
No prior musical experience is
necessary. Program includes music reading/theory, voice training, conducting; also opportunities to make new friends of around Chicagoland; to
develop self-discipline, self-confidence and an appreciation of excellence; local concert tours and an appearance
at the Baltimore Boy Choir Festival next May.
For more information and/or to schedule an audition,
please call Fr. Gene Winkowski (773) 286-2950. Practices take place on Tuesday evenings in Our Lady of Victory Convent, 5240 W. Agatite, Chicago, IL 60630.
The Women’s Center of Greater Chicagoland is in search of
an individual with an authentic Christian love for women
and their unborn children, faithfulness to the Magisterium of
the Catholic Church, strong leadership skills and experience
in counseling. Our Director of Client Services is retiring.
This position is responsible for management of 3 counseling
offices and a volunteer-run Family Room Resource Center.
Some program development and direct client counseling
required. Licensed Professional Counselor preferred. Bilingual in Spanish is a plus.
Please include a cover letter and salary requirements with
resume. Send resumes or inquiries to: Executive Director,
The Women’s Center, 5116 N. Cicero Ave., Chicago, IL
60630 or email to: [email protected]
September 2, 2007
Twenty-second Ordinary Sunday
Pielgrzymka do Matki Bożej
Płaczącej z La Salette
w Twin Lakes, WI
W tym roku 19-go
września minie 161 lat of
objawień na górze La
Salette w Alpach
francuskich, które
zapoczątkowały serię
objawień w Lourdes,
Gietrzwałdzie i Fatimie.
Po zakończeniu
nabożeństwa Mszy Swiętej, Drogi Krzyżowej oraz
Różańca, przewidziany jest czas wolny na zakupy
artykułów religijnych w przyklasztornym sklepiku
oraz mini-piknik połączony z loterią fantową.
W cenę biletu $50 włączony jest przejazd
luksusowym autobusem oraz dwa posiłki.
Bilety do nabycia po Mszach Św. W języku
polskim u członków Kół w tyle kościoła.
Po informacje i rezerwacje prosimy dzwonić do:
Melania Nowak (773) 637-8784
Helena Lesak (773) 745-7004
Ks. Roman Rataj rozpoczął proces inkardynacji
(oficjalnego przejścia z Archdiecezji Częstochowskiej do
Archidiecezji Chicago). W ramach tego procesu od
1 sierpnia, pracuje w angielsko-języcznej parafii St.
Francis Xavier w Wilmette.
Msza pożegnalna dla ks. Romana zostanie odprawiona
w niedzielę 9 września o godz. 10:45 rano. Pragniemy,
aby wszystkie grupy parafialne miały okazję
podziękować ks. Romanowi za Jego posługę w parafii
Św. Ferdynanda. Pamiętajmy w modlitwie ks. Romana,
aby dobry Bóg błogosławił Mu w dalszej posłudze
kapłańskiej w nowej parafii.
Page Ten
Koła Żywego Różańca wraz z duchowym
opiekunem ks. Tomaszem Sztanderą
zapraszają na 1-dniową Pielgrzymkę do
Sanktuarium Matki Boskiej
Częstochowskiej u Ojców Salwatorianów
Merrillville, Indiana,
w dniu 14 października, 2007
aby wspólnie celebrować zakończenie 90 rocznicy
Objawień Fatimskich.
Bilety w cenie $30 od osoby.
W cenę biletu wchodzi przejazd luksusowym autobusem
oraz posiłek. Wyjazd jest zaplanowany na 8:30 rano z
parafialnego parkingu, natomiast powrót około
godz. 6:00 wieczorem.
Po więcej informacji lub rezerwację prosimy dzwonić
Melanie Nowak (773) 637-8784
Heleny Lesak (773) 745-7004
Zapisy do sobotniej Polskiej Katolickiej Szkoły
Św. Ferdynanda odbędą się
dniach 4,5,6 września
od godz. 4:00 do 7:00 pm
(wtedy będzie można kupić podręczniki).
Przypominamy, że do 6 września powinna już być
zapłacona cała należność za szkołę.
Rozpoczęcie roku szkolnego 8 września:
godz. 9:00 am – I zmiana
godz. 1:00 pm – II zmiana
Jeśli tylko śpiewać chcesz,
dwa zespoły mamy - wiesz?,
Wszystkie dzieci zapraszamy,
Lecz o wiek tylko pytamy.
Kropki małe z s. Elą
Serduszka większe rozweselą
Dla Jezusa śpiewać chcemy,
Na spotkania zaraz mkniemy”.
Serdecznie zapraszamy do wspólnego śpiewu
w zespołach parafialnych „Kropeczki” i „Serduszka”.
Spotkanie organizacyjne odbędzie się
w niedzielę, 9 września
po Mszy Świętej o godz. 10.45.
Zespół Serduszka wraz z prowadząca p. Iwoną
zaprasza do Konwentu,
Kropeczki wraz z s. Elżbietą zapraszają do
Music Room/School
Page Eleven
Twenty-second Ordinary Sunday
Program Seminarium Biskupa Abramowicza
zaprasza do
na Dorocznym Bankiecie Seminarium
w niedzielę 9 września 2007 roku
o godz. 17:00 w Hotelu Marriott
540 N. Michigan Avenie
Bilety w cenie $175.00 od osoby są do nabycia w Seminarium.
Wszelkie ogłoszenia do książki pamiątkowej
mogą być przesyłane do dn. 17 sierpnia na adres:
Bishop Abramowicz Seminary Program
Development Office
743 N. Armour Street
Chicago, Il 60622
Kontakt: Tomasz Pels, tel. (312)-666-3675
e-mail: [email protected]
The Women’s Center [Centrum dla Kobiet] jest Ośrodkiem
pomocy dla kobiet w ciąży będących w trudnych sytuacjach.
Dzięki pomocy i staraniom naszych pracowników,
wolontariuszy i dobroczyńców, każdego roku ponad 1,000
kobiet, które myślały, że aborcja jest jedynym
rozwiązaniem, opowiadają się za życiem. Zapewniamy
praktyczną pomoc łącznie z fachową poradą, żywność,
odzież, mebelki dla dzieci, porady specjalistyczne itp. –
według potrzeb.
Jeżeli jesteście zainteresowani pracą na rzecz ratowania
ludzkiego życia, sesje dla wolontariuszy-doradców będą
prowadzone w naszych biurze przy 5116 N. Cicero Ave.
[Cicero i Foster] - 29 września oraz 6 i 13 października.
Potrzebujemy osoby do pomocy naszym klientom w
<Family Room> w ośrodku mieszczącym się przy 5116 N.
Cicero Ave. [Cicero i Foster], szczególnie w soboty. Po
dodatkowe informacje prosimy dzwonić do Katie na numer
Potrzebujemy obecnie pieluszki, mało używaną odzież na
okres ciąży o rozmiarach małym i bardzo dużym, odzież dla
dzieci o rozmiarach od 5 wzwyż. Aby uzyskać adres, gdzie
można te rzeczy przywieźć, prosimy do nas dzwonić na
numer 773-794-1313. Rodziny, które te rzeczy dostają są
Wam bardzo wdzięczne.
Potrzebne są również huśtawki dla niemowląt, łóżeczka,
prześcieradełka, wkładki zabezpieczające i łóżeczka dla
starszych dzieci. Będzie bardzo wielką pomocą dla nas jeśli
te rzeczy do nas dostarczycie. Jeśli nie możecie ich
dostarczyć zadzwońcie na numer 773-794-1313, a któryś z
September 2, 2007
Darmowe badania wzroku
W dniach 15 i 16 września, Dr. Sylwia Szewczyk
przeprowadzać będzie w naszej parafii przesiewowe
badania wzroku.
Równocześnie w
czasie badań
można będzie
określić ogólny
stan zdrowia oczu
pacjenta jak
również wykryć
początek chorób
takich jak jaskra,
zaćma czy też retinopatii związanych z cukrzycą lub
nadciśnieniem. Zapraszamy wszystkich chętnych do
skorzystania z darmowej konsultacji z
wykwalifikowanym lekarzem. Aby się zarejestrować
prosimy dzwonić na numer (773) 774-2200.
Bankiet honorujący ks. Marcina Borowczyka
Parafia Świętej Konstancji, znajdująca się pod adresem
5843 W. Strong Street w Chicago zaprasza na bankiet
honorujący Ks. Marcina Borowczyka, proboszcza
emeryta, który w
tym roku obchodzi
swoją 65-tą
rocznicę święceń
Uroczysta celebracja
odbędzie się w
sobotę, 13-go
października, 2007
roku. Uroczystości
rozpoczną się
Mszą św. (polskoangielską) o godz.
4:30 po południu po
czym nastąpi
bankiet w restauracji
Lone Tree Manoe,
pod adresem 7730 N.
Milwaukee Ave. w Niles. Koktajle i przystawki od
godz. 6:30 wieczorem, obiad o godz. 7:00 wieczorem.
Zabawa przy dźwiękach zespołu „Stratus Band” od
godz. 9-tej wieczorem do 2-giej po północy. Otwarty
bar, słodki stół, cicha aukcja .
Bilety w cenie $60 dolarów od osoby do nabycia w
biurze parafialnym.
W sprawie informacji i rezerwacji prosimy dzwonić na
numer (773) 545-8581 wew. 0.
W tej rubryce przybliżamy znaczenie
słów i pojęć , z którymi w Kościele się
stykamy, a nie zawsze zastanawiamy
się nad ich znaczeniem.
Magia: Przypisywanie siły działania słowom, czynnościom albo rzeczom i chęć władania przy ich pomocy Bogiem i ludźmi.
September 2, 2007
Twenty-second Ordinary Sunday
Page Twelve
"Dlaczego niewielu jest takich, którzy dostępują zbawienia?" Znamy odpowiedź, bo próbują wejść przez szeroką bramą.
Wyjaśniają to dwie ilustracje dochodzenia do zbawienia przez szeroką bramę.
Faryzeusze obserwowali czy Jezus będzie uzdrawiał w szabat.
Bóg dał mieszkańcom Izraela dzień wolny, szabat, aby tego dnia mogli Go spotkać i lepiej poznać. Faryzeusze uczynili z
szabatu taki dzień, który zakazuje Synowi Bożemu objawić wielkość i moc Boga przez uzdrowienie człowieka.
Jednocześnie oskarżyciele Jezusa zasiadając do
posiłku wybierają miejsca nadające im
znaczenia. Potrafią oceniać ważność miejsc
przy stole, nie potrafią zrozumieć sensu
szabatu, i tego kim jest Jezus uzdrawiający
ludzi ciężko chorych.
Wiele uczt opisywanych w Nowym
Testamencie wynika ze stosowania prawa o
dziesięcinach. Co trzy lata wszystko co było
dziesiątą częścią przychodów tego roku, nie
było oddawane lewitom na rzecz ich posługi,
lecz pozostawało w domu. Te środki miały być
przeznaczone na potrzeby "obcych, sierot i
wdów, aby jedli i nasycili się". Takich ludzi
zapraszają ci, którzy poszukują zbawienia przez wąską bramę. Postępują sprawiedliwie, a Bóg im błogosławi.
Próbujący wchodzić do zbawienia przez szeroką bramę zapraszają ludzi wpływowych, faryzeuszy, licząc na ich
Kiedy powróci Jezus Chrystus obłuda i niewiara, zostaną oddzielone od wiary i sprawiedliwości.
A wiara i wierność zostaną nagrodzone.
Watykan uruchomił linie lotnicze dla pielgrzymów
Watykan chce ułatwić pielgrzymom dotarcie do świętych miejsc, dlatego wynajął samoloty z taniej linii Mistral, które
z lotniska w Rzymie od 27 sierpnia wożą ludzi do Polski, portugalskiej Fatimy czy hiszpańskiego Santiago de
W Lourdes we Francji wylądował już pierwszy samolot należący do utworzonej z inicjatywy Watykanu kompanii
lotniczej Mistral Air. Specjalnością nowych tanich linii lotniczych ma być przewożenie pielgrzymów do
najważniejszych europejskich sanktuariów. Należący do linii lotniczych Mistral Air, Boeing 787 został udekorowany
białymi i żółtymi barwami Watykanu. Wylądował na lotnisku w Tarbes - Lourdes w południowo - zachodniej Francji.
Na jego pokładzie, oprócz licznych pielgrzymów, przybył także wikariusz generalny Rzymu, kardynał Camillo Ruini.
Kardynał Ruini powiedział, że sposoby odbywania pielgrzymek zmieniają się z biegiem czasu, ale ich głęboki cel
pozostaje wciąż ten sam - zbliżyć się do Boga.
Nowe linie lotnicze będą obsługiwać również inne sanktuaria w Europie. Pielgrzymi z Włoch będą mogli udawać się
dzięki nim do Santiago di Compostella w Hiszpanii, do Fatimy w Portugalii, a także do Częstochowy. Dyrekcja nowo
powstałej firmy liczy na około 150 tysięcy klientów rocznie.
Biuletynowe przypomnienie:
Wszystkie biuletynowe ogłoszenia na 9 wrzesnia prosimy dostarczyć do parafii nie później jak na
godzinę 3:00 po południu w piątek 31 sierpnia. Ogłoszenia też można dostarczyć wcześniej lub wysłać faxem na numer 773/ 622-5903, lub też wysłać pocztą elektroniczną na adres:
[email protected].
September 2, 2007
Twenty-second Ordinary Sunday
Page Thirteen
Copyright 2007 by John B. Reynolds ([email protected])
Meal-wise, I don't get out much. Oh, I travel for work quite a bit and eat a lot of expense report meals, but I'm a cheap date,
and Baker's Square is about as fancy as I get. And my family and I have had some nice vacations over the years, but other than
that expensive ski-resort dinner with edible flowers for our ten-year wedding anniversary, Gail and Sarah and Paul pretty much follow my lead. My folks were simple people with simple tastes, and I am my parents' son. To this day when I find myself at a wellappointed table for dinner--usually a wedding reception--I have to ask Gail which fork to use first. Jesus tells us his story of meal
etiquette in today's Gospel; here are two of my own...
Vignette No. 1. A dessert bar was set up as we were all eating our chicken at a business dinner years ago, and everyone was
invited to just serve themselves. Since my table was still working on the main course, I was one of the last people to get to the desserts, but I saw what I wanted--a fresh raspberry tart--and I waited in line for the sweets like everyone else. Well, like almost everyone else, for as the line shortened and as the raspberry tart supply--which I could see each step of the way--grew smaller, some guy
came out of nowhere when I was only two people away, and with a swooping arm and clawing hand like a cheap carnival crane, he
snatched up the very last tart. I was robbed.
Vignette No. 2. Cardinal Francis George came to my home parish a few years back to give a vocation awareness talk, and I
was happy to hear that he'd be joining us in the parish hall later for cake and coffee. As a member of our PPC at the time, however, I
was tapped for service when the service ended, so instead of heading directly to the hall to hobnob with the Godly and famous, I
hung around the church picking up fliers and such. Then, thinking more cake and coffee than Godly and famous when the work was
done, I went right for the treats when I reached the hall. What I didn't know was that His Eminence was still in the sacristy chatting
with the priests. A parish matron chided me gently and told me that no one could eat until our honored guest ate. Oops.
"...Everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted," Jesus tells us. Unwittingly, I had exalted myself at the Cardinal George get-together and somebody put me in my place. OK. But Raspberry Tart Guy
exalted himself, too, and he skated with my dessert. Where's the fair play? Where's the justice? Where's a parish matron when you
need one? But triviality aside, I get today's humility message. What I'm struggling with is Christ's direction that we not host our
friends and the wealthy, but rather, the sick and marginalized, "for you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous." We're all
called to follow Jesus' call in matters of social justice--which he explains today via a lesson in meal etiquette--but it's a hard call. And
pondering it now, I see that I've got lots more to worry about than which fork to use first, a lost tart, or a mis-step in front of an
St. Ferdinand Parish
Ladies of St. Anne - President: Mrs. Violet DelVecchio
Laudamus - Mr. Jarosław Buranicz
Legion of Mary - Presidents: Mr. Justo Evangelista & Mrs. Fely
Mrs. Dorota Gołda, Parish Secretary
Sr. Bernadetta Gościniak, Administrative Assistant
Legion of Mary, Juniors - President: Emma Camara
Irving Park Catholic Woman’s Club - Mrs. Dolores Schoewe
Market Day - Coordinator: Mrs. Kelly Trujillo
Polish & English Altar Servers - Fr. Mariusz Stefanowski
Mr. Andrew Warzocha, Director of Music and Liturgy
Polish Club of the Good Shepherd - President: Andrzej Parada
Mrs. Betty Hotcaveg, Lector Coordinator
Polish Rosary Group - Mrs. Helena Lesak
Deacon Irv Hotcaveg, Coordinator of Eucharistic Ministers &
Polish Saturday School - Director: Sr. Genowefa Potaczała
Ministers of Care
Ms. Jane Lohrmann, Scheduler of Ministers of Care to the Home- Polish School Parents’ Ass’n. - President: Władysława Mitoraj
Serduszka - Music Teacher - Miss Iwona Raszyk
RadoϾ - Miss Marzena Kulesza
Parish Council
St. Ferdinand Athletic Association - Director: Victoria Matthews
Ralph Barnhart - President, Mary Bucaro, Terri Calcitrai, Gilbert St. Ferdinand Family & School Association - President: Mrs.
Sharon Fanuke
DeJesus, Sophie Kass, Ken Presslak, Anthony Supan, Andrew
St. Ferdinand Parish Council - President: Mr. Ralph Barnhart
St. Ferdinand Polish Highlanders Club - President: Mr. Stanisław
Parish Organizations
St. Ferdinand School Board - Chairperson: Mrs. Mary Ann BarnAdult Scripture Study - Coordinator : Miss Ameriga Cesaroni
Boy Scout - Coordinator: Mr. Vince Clemente
St. Vincent DePaul Society - President: Mr. Ralph Barnhart
Friendship Club - President: Mrs. Patricia Flynn
Ushers Club - President: Mr. Peter Holod
Girl Scout - Coordinator: Mrs. Joyce McGinniss
Knights of Columbus - Mater Christi Council—Charles Calcitria,
Grand Knight
Support Staff
St. Ferdinand Church
5900 W. Barry Ave.
Chicago, IL 60634
St. Ferdinand Parish
(773) 622-5900
Rev. Zdzisław (Jason) Torba, Pastor
Rev. David J. Cortesi, Pastor Emeritus
Rev. William M. Holbrook, Associate Pastor
Rev. Mariusz Stefanowski, Associate Pastor
Rev. Tomasz Sztandera, Associate Pastor
Irwin Hotcaveg, Deacon
Ronald Weiner, Deacon
Weekday :
7:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m.
W ciągu tygodnia:
7:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. (anticipated)
7:00 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m. (Chapel)
12:30 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m.
10:45 a.m.
3:00 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
Monday—Saturday / od poniedziałku do soboty
6:30 p.m. — 7:00 p.m.
Saturday / Sobota
8:30 a.m. — 9:00 a.m.
First Friday of the month / Pierwszy piątek miesiąca
6:00 p.m. —7:30 p.m.
St. Ferdinand School - 773 622-3022
Dr. Lucine Mastalerz, Principal
Christian OutReach (COR) - 773 622-9732
Mrs. Lu Caravette, Director
Missionary Sisters of Christ the King - 773 889-7979
Sr. Genowefa Potaczała, Superior
Sr. Hiacynta Ratajczak
Sr. Elżbieta Barnowska
Sr. Bernadetta Gościniak
For Children: a pre-baptism class is required for baptism of the first
child. The class in English is held on the first Wednesday of each
month at 7:00 PM in the Convent, and in Polish on the last Tuesday of
each month at 7:30 PM in the church .
Upon registration the sacrament is celebrated in English at 1:45 PM
on the second and fourth Sunday of the month,. In Polish on the first
Sunday of the month at 1:45 PM and on the third Sunday of the month
at 3:00 PM Mass. Please call the rectory to register.
For Adults: Instructions are processed through the Rite of Christian
Initiation (RCIA). Contact local Director of Religious Education
(DRE) at the rectory ext. 366.
Must be arranged at least four months prior to the ceremony. Please
call the rectory.