Versão PDF N4 EN II - Sopormetal Company


Versão PDF N4 EN II - Sopormetal Company
January 14 | Quarterly Newsletter
Nº 4
Sopormetal has developed a solid foundations’ based work, to
I come this way to greet you all, wherever
allow following a whole evolutionary process of an increasingly demanding
you are, wishing you happiness, success,
market. This evolution is directly related to the brand’s expansion in interna-
health and prosperity in 2014.
tional markets, leading to the excellent results achieved by the company
Since 2009 the world crosses permanent
last year, and investment in I & D technology.
difficulties, which have had strong impact in
As result, this edition will include the presence in two more exhibi-
the world-wide economy and in the families’
tions located in different continents: the first one is the world's largest
life. However, SOPORMETAL and all its team
exhibition in its sector - Schweissen & Schneiden 2013 - Essen, Germany;
have been adverse to such decrease. 2013
that now ended, reflected the great increase
in the company’s distribution chain in more
the other one is the BIG 5 2013 exhibition in Dubai covering a key market
for the commercial goals and the company's expansion.
than 60 countries. This growth has been
Another theme is the corporate social responsibility in supporting
possible due to the commercial, industrial
charities. Internally it was taken a solidarity action which consisted in the
dynamics and quality , together with a great
preparation and sale of pumpkin jam, whose revenues were delivered to a
reply capa- city.
charity organization.
SOPORMETAL has been an example in
terms of affirmation and modernity growth,
assuming itself as a great world-wide player,
which must make us very proud.
We are particularly conscientious of the
difficulties but, although all the adversities,
our main priority will be quality politics’
This edition ends with the strong reference to the company’s
Christmas lunch and all activities involving this interaction between the
company, employees and respective family members, rewarding the end of
a year of dedication and commitment of the entire team.
We would like to conclude with best wishes of a prosperous 2014
to all our employees, partners and friends.
implementation, that together with competitive prices will allow reducing the markets’
existing difficulties.
SOPORMETAL is a progressing and growing
company and, in what to depend on all
team’s motivation and persistence, it will
continue to be. I invite you to follow hand in
hand all our developments On-line or in our
Apple Store app.
With hope, I renew the wishes of a HAPPY
Dr. Bruno Cadima
General Manager
September was marked by another edition of the largest
fair in the world of welding, the Schweissen & Schneiden.
To Essen came, from the five continents, more than
55,000 anxious visitors, waiting for the new features that producers, from more than 40 different countries, had carefully
prepared during these four years to present in the exhibition.
In this edition, Sopormetal had two great objectives, the
promotion of its new solutions in the Brazing field, and the presentation of its new facilities, emphasizing the investment in the
implemented technological renewal during these last years.
Inaugurated in March 2013, the new plant has a total
area of about 6.000 m2 where it is installed the most advanced
technology for the production of copper , silver, brass alloys and
With the productive capacity that it currently
withholds, the company can give a faster and more efficient
answer to the market needs, being prepared to answer to
future demands of the different markets.
The presentation of its products was handled by
the Commercial Team that, once more, showed a strong
presence supporting the interested parties in this market
segment. The Sopor Green, one of the new features
presented in the exhibition, is a new flux boric acid and
fluoride free, especially developed for specific applications
with specific melting points of copper, brass and steel. The
exemption of these two elements is highly benefic for the
work safety, as it eliminates the emission of harmful
fluorides for the atmosphere and human health.
During these six days, many were the ones that
shown interest in the presented solutions, having also the
chance to test some, in the tests’ bench provided for it. This
trade fair was also an excellent chance to find new business
opportunities, to review customers, partners and friends
who, day after day help to build the Sopormetal Group
universe. The success of our presence was well clear in the
new business opportunities and in the relations that were
In 2017 we will be again in Essen, to show the
quality of the solutions that we already developing!
BIG 5 2013
As affirmation in the Middle East market, Sopormetal
attended for the second time at in The Big 5 - International
Building & Construction Show. This edition presented 2742
exhibitors from 57 countries and a total of 74.474 visitors,
making it a reference exhibition in the sector.
The Middle East Market is a clear bet of Sopormetal,
since it is a market with an enormous potential and also an
opened door for the Asian and African market. The bet in this
market resulted in a substantial increase of the company’s
revenue comparing to the last year, being this the confirmation that all the implemented efforts are contributing to the
company’s success in this market in particular. This is also a
market where Sopormetal faces a strong competitor, very well
placed in the market for some years, but that Sopormetal with
its quality, technology and clear bet in the development of
new products, gradually looks for to conquer its place of
market, something that has come to notice itself.
In this last Big 5 Show edition, and in the pursuing of
the previous edition, we presented a wide range of products
but, this time, with a completely different image of packaging. This caught the attention of the target public particularly
of main market players. As complement, the company
provided a tests’ bench to make some of product technical
demos in different types of application.
BIG 5 2013 (cont.)
As pos-event analysis, one can conclude that had a
great number of visits to the booth and, most important that
about 90% of these visits were objective, meaning that, the
potential clients visited Big 5 searching for Sopormetal
For 2014 the company keeps great expectations
and, as habitually, will look for to be up to its competitors
through the reinforcement of its presence in this market,
offering a complete support to the customers.
We will attend the next edition to Big 5, with new
solutions, new products, and a more solid position in the
Middle East, along with all our customers.
The excellent results of Sopormetal have attracted the
attention of the national press that looks for success cases to
show what of better it’s made in Portugal.
On the 28th November 2013 an article dedicated to
Sopormetal was published in the site , with the title
"from gas meters to jewelry", emphasizing the evolution of the
company in the international market and its versatility thanks to
the investment in I&D in partnership with universities.
“Estamos a consolidar
um projeto de arranque
produtivo. Estamos a
trabalhar a 20% das
nossas capacidades
temos. A capacidade
tecnológica e produtiva
da empresa não estão
Com 28 anos de existência, a Sopormetal soube apostar no sector certo e hoje é o rosto do
sucesso no mundo. Presente em mais de 60 países, é líder de mercado no sector da brasagem
e tem crescido 30% por ano, registando um volume de negócios de sete milhões de euros. O
objetivo é agora criar uma empresa no Médio Oriente e uma plataforma de materiais no centro
da Europa.
nasce a exportação.
O negócio começava a crescer a olhos vistos
e então junta-se a Carlos o filho, Bruno
Cadima, em 2006.
Com o mercado nacional em queda e a
Sopormetal em contraciclo, é feita a mais recente aposta: novas instalações próprias, sediadas em Albergaria-a-Velha, com mais de
seis mil m2.
Para a consolidação deste projeto, que permitiu à empresa alargar a produção, passando
a fazer todo o ciclo até ao produto final, foi
de acordo com a gerência - preponderante o
apoio do IAPMEI.
“As empresas têm que andar para a frente. Se
param, morrem”, afirma Carlos Cadima.
Sempre a seguir esta filosofia, a Sopormetal
tem hoje distribuidores em mais de 60 países,
sendo que 90% do que produz é para exportação.
A empresa produtora de material de
brasagem, como varetas de soldaduras para
metais não ferrosos e de decapantes, tem
ainda presença física no mercado espanhol.
A Sopormetal Espanha, aberta desde 2009,
é responsável por um volume de negócios de
1,5 milhões de euros.
“O mercado nacional é a nossa base, pois foi
quem nos deu o ser e nós não nos esquecemos
disso. Mas o mercado nacional tem um teto e
exportar tornou-se imperativo no crescimento natural da empresa”, justifica a gerência.
C arlos Cadima trazia o “knowhow” da experiência como funcionário do sector e a paixão pela
soldadura. Soube uni-lo à sede de
colocar o nome Sopormetal no mundo.
Hoje, 28 anos depois, o sonho é bem real e ultrapassa já as humildes expectativas que tinha
quando iniciou o projeto.
Mas as duas décadas trazem uma história lon-
ga. Fundada em 1985, a empresa inicia-se
apenas com o serviço de compra e venda.
Primeiro no Porto, no Centro Comercial
do Campo Alegre, numa loja com apenas
10 m², mais tarde nuns escritórios em Albergaria-a-Velha, e depois num armazém
alugado na zona industrial da mesma cidade. É aqui que é introduzida a produção,
através da trefilagem e do corte, e que
A Sopormetal trabalha para todos os
sectores com mais incidência na refrigeração industrial, na indústria automóvel, na joalharia, no sector aeronáutico,
eletrónico e na energia.
A angariação de clientes é feita através
da presença em feiras internacionais e o
acompanhamento é permanente aos clientes. Doze funcionários estão responsáveis pela área comercial, sendo que
estes se deslocam ao estrangeiro com
alguma regularidade. Para 2014, está já
prevista a presença em cinco feiras no
Dubai, Itália, Polónia e Alemanha.
Sempre a ambiçãode serem
os primeiros
A Sopormetal trabalha com empresas
de referência a nível mundial, graças à
qualidade do produto que oferece. “Nós
não estamos a fazer o que os outros estão a fazer. Se não somos os primeiros a
nível de qualidade no mundo, somos os
segundos. Os terceiros é que não somos
de certeza”, garante Bruno Cadima.
Sem concorrência no panorama nacional, sendo a única empresa produtora
do sector na Península Ibérica, a
Sopormetal utiliza a marca própria
em quase tudo que produz. A matéria-
prima que utilizam é nacional.
Na empresa, 54 funcionários vestem a
camisola, 20 dos quais contratados no
último ano.
“Temos uma equipa sólida e coesa. São
primordiais no sucesso da empresa. Nós
queremos que as pessoas que aqui trabalham tenham orgulho na empresa”,
sublinha a gerência. Na empresa espanhola contam ainda com mais sete colaboradores.
Para trabalhar na Sopormetal, o principal requisito a ter em conta é a proatividade. Por isso, 80% dos colaboradores
são quadros médios-superiores e todos
eles recebem formação interna. A gerência oferece como incentivos um seguro
de saúde a cada funcionário e conjuges
diretos, o almoço e o pequeno-almoço
no refeitório e promoção salarial a quem
se mostra produtivo no trabalho.
Mas a tendência é que o número de
colaboradores aumente em função do
crescimento da empresa. “Estamos a
consolidar um projeto de arranque
produtivo. Estamos a trabalhar a 20%
das nossas capacidades reais para os
equipamentos que temos. A capacidade
tecnológica e produtiva da empresa
não estão potenciadas”, aponta Carlos
A Sopormetal tem agora como principal
objetivo consolidar a estrutura comercial e
apostar forte na tecnologia produtiva. A empresa está a desenvolver várias parcerias com
universidades que funcionarão como um
apoio ao laboratório existente.
Este ano, e mantendo a tendência de crescimento da empresa, a Sopormetal registou um
volume de negócios de sete milhões de euros. Um aumento de 30% face a 2012, num
registo que a gerência acredita que será para
Edition of the Enterprise Guide of Jornal de Notícias, published on
the 19th December 2013, entitled “SOPORMETAL - a world-wide
reference”. In this article the yearly growth of Sopormetal was
Plataforma de materiais
no centro da Europa
“Nós definimos como objetivo, há cinco anos,
que tínhamos de ter em dois anos uma faturação superior aos três milhões. Achamos
que seria difícil lá chegar, mas a verdade é que
hoje já mais do que duplicamos isso”, assume
com orgulho Bruno Cadima.
Pai e filho têm pela frente, ainda, muito trabalho. Parte do mundo está já conquistado,
mas é preciso solidificar a posição nesses
Nesse sentido, no primeiro semestre de 2014,
abrirá a Sopormetal no Médio Oriente. Também o laboratório vai ser alvo de um investimento no próximo ano: mais de 200 mil euros
em novos equipamentos.
“Não podemos produzir o ‘standard’, temos
Finally, Sopormetal was interviewed for an article of 3rd
highlighted (about 30% per year), also was distinguished its
que ir além disso”, diz a gerência. Mas os planos não se ficam por aqui. Em 2015, a empresa quer montar uma plataforma de materiais
no centro da Europa.
Para a administração, o segredo do sucesso
desta PME Líder é a proatividade e a humildade.
Como estratégias, Carlos e Bruno Cadima
apontam a tecnologia de produto e a qualidade, a boa formação técnica na área comercial e “antes de pousar o pé, saber se a base
está solidificada”.
Na hora de dar conselhos a outros empresários, a resposta é fácil: “A primeira
coisa a mudar é a mentalidade”. De mente
aberta e na rota do mundo, pai e filho sabem
bem do que falam.
international growth and its expansion strategy for emergent
Solidarity Project - Pumpkin jam sale
Sopormetal developed in the last festive period a
solidarity project that consisted of the cooking and sale of
pumpkin jam. This campaign aimed at to raise funds to
donate to the Social and Parochial Center of Stª Eulália
located in Vale Maior, Albergaria-a-velha, and that evolves
several different valences of social support: Day-care center,
kindergarten, CATL, Home Support Services and Conviviality
This action had the participation and dedication of all
Sopormetal Team that helped in the several involving process
stages: collection of pumpkins donated by the employees,
preparation and cooking of the pumpkin jam, packaging,
decoration, sale or purchase of the final product. The raised
funds reverted 100% to the Social and Parochial Center.
The idea is in the future to carry through more social
actions activities aimed at to benefit the biggest possible
number of institutions of social solidarity of Albergaria-a-Velha.
This Center is a Particular Social Solidarity Institution headquartered in Vale Maior that in the 8th of December 2013 celebrated 10 years of existence.
This institution offers Home Support Services
Beyond social answers to childhood and old age,
it also works with the Social Insertion Income and with
Treatment and Social Support.
The main objective of this work partnership, is to
provide to all chance equality so that every one of them can
become, presently and in the future, fulfilled individuals.
(HSS), Conviviality Center, Day-care center, kindergarten,
support to students and learning support after school
schedule and in school vacation time. It is also available a
physiotherapy centre and home physiotherapy support,
and in protocol with Albergaria-a-Velha council, school
canteens that daily support about 70 children. At this
moment it serves about 280 people from Vale Maior and
Albergaria-a-Velha, and employs about 42 people being
therefore the biggest employer force of Vale Maior.
Christmas’ Lunch
The Sopormetal Family grew, and with it all the ones
who are part of the Group. The Christmas’ lunch was exactly a
proof of this, gathering all employees and their families. The
event organization was prepared in detail, starting with the visit
to the new facilities, followed by a conviviality moment in the
Lounge Room, culminating in a lunch that took place in the
company’s facilities with a personalized catering service.
This was also a way to transmit the institutional values
of ethics, quality, dynamism, innovation and commitment, for
which Sopormetal prevails, and to show to its true dimension
and evolution.
The end of the lunch was marked by a motivational
message of future given by the company CEO - Eng. Carlos
Cadima - and with the delivery of a basket to all the employees,
and also a drawing of some Algarve vacations packages.
To Sopormetal this event meant the celebration of the
excellent results achieved in 2013, and that promote the objective to face the New Year with optimism, ambition and pride in
the long way, committing itself in accomplishing requirement
standards each time higher, always meeting the global market
The young’s Christmas
This conviviality was also
full of animation and entertainment
for the children, with recreational
activities that marveled the young:
face painting, an inflatable, an
artistic table to draw and paint,
culminating with the giveaway of
Short News
STEEL FAB - 2014
Sopormetal was present in STEELFAB for the first
The 10th Edition
time – Middle East trade show for the metal working,
metal manufacturing and steel fabrication industry
This annual show is held from January 20-23, 2014
at Expo Centre Sharjah, the main exhibitions and
128.000m² area.
The participation in this show aimed at to give continuity to the Sopormetal brand consolidation process
in the Middle East market.
Mostra Convegno Expocomfort - 2014
For the first time Sopormetal will be present in MCE Mostra Convegno Expocomfort. This biennial show
will take place between 18th and 21st of March in
Milan, Italy, in the enclosure of the Fieramilano.
Against the backdrop of the deteriorating economic
situation marked by some contrasting recovery
signs, the MCE reasserts its leadership as an event of
international reputation for the reference sectors:
heating, refrigeration and renewable energies.
The participation in this show represents the continuous be of Sopormetal in the European market.
We’ll be in Pavillion 22 | Hall H44.
Sopormetal Brazing Technology App
Check our products presentation video
directly in your Smartphone through QR
Code Reader app.
v 1.0
Technical Data
Coordination and Editing: Marketing Dep.
Publishing & Printing: Sopormetal, Lda.
PO Box 71 | 3850-091 Albergaria-a-Velha | Portugal
Circulation: 5000 Copies
Tel. +351 234 520 050 | Fax +351 234 520 059
E-mail: [email protected]