World Cup Already Casting a Glow on a 2014 Site


World Cup Already Casting a Glow on a 2014 Site
T E X TO 01
November 11, 2010
World Cup Already Casting a Glow on a 2014 Site
NATAL, BRAZIL — When Julia Bakker, a teacher from the
Netherlands, was looking for a retirement home in 2006 in the
tropical northeast of Brazil, the World Cup soccer competition was
not on her mind.
After ―driving a rental car up and down the coast‖ of the state
of Rio Grande do Norte, Mrs. Bakker decided to buy a two-bedroom
bungalow set back from the beach in the fashionable resort of Pipa,
85 kilometers, or 53 miles, south of the state capital, Natal.
But the choice of Natal as one of the 12 host cities of the 2014
World Cup finals, to be held in Brazil, has given a lift to the local
economy — which was already benefiting from the country’s recent
prosperity — and its real estate sector.
Mrs. Bakker says she paid the equivalent of $60,000 for her property, with transfer taxes, notary’s fees and
the estate agent’s commission adding another 10 percent to the price.
―You can imagine how surprised I was to be offered 220,000 reals for the house by someone who got my
phone number from a neighbor. In dollar terms, in four years it has doubled in value,‖ says Mrs. Bakker, referring to
the $123,900 offer, which she refused.
According to Aidan Rankin, an economics analyst with the Property Frontiers real estate agency in Oxford,
England, Natal and the Rio Grande do Norte region in general have ―huge potential for future growth.‖ The agency is
selling properties in the area.
―Natal is the closest Brazilian city to Europe and a gateway to the country. It is also a city with a huge demand
for quality, affordable housing,‖ he says.
Property Frontiers is marketing apartments in an 86-unit building in Natal’s upmarket Petrópolis district, where
values have already increased by some 30 percent in the past two years, according to Mr. Rankin.
In Pipa, the agency Synergy Imóveis is marketing a detached house with three bedrooms, each with its own
bathroom, and 204 square meters of living space in the Ocean View condominium complex for 585,000 reals.
Adaptado -
1. Segundo o texto, Julia Bakker
a) Trabalha como professora em Natal.
b) Comprou um bangalô na praia da Pipa.
c) Mudou-se para Natal por causa da Copa de 2014.
d) Possui uma locadora de carros no Rio Grande do Norte.
2. A escolha de Natal como sede da Copa do Mundo de 2014
a) Causou um impacto positivo no setor imobiliário.
b) Não repercutiu, ainda, no mercado imobiliário.
c) Repercutiu negativamente no mercado imobiliário.
d) Está causando um aumento abusivo no preço dos imóveis da cidade.
3. Com base em informações contidas no texto, podemos afirmar que Julia Bakker
a) Vendeu seu imóvel pelo dobro do preço que ela comprou.
b) Teve um lucro de 10 por cento na venda do seu imóvel.
c) Recusou uma oferta de venda de mais de R$200.000 pelo seu imóvel.
d) Sugeriu a um amigo dela a compra de um imóvel vizinho ao seu.
CALL – Cen tro de Ape rfe içoam ento de L íngua e L inguagem – I PRÉ -S IMUL ADO DE INGLÊS / 2011
4. De acordo com um especialista econômico, não podemos afirmar que Natal é
a) A cidade brasileira mais próxima da Europa.
b) Uma cidade que possui imóveis com preços muito altos.
c) Possui um enorme potencial de crescimento no setor imobiliário.
d) Uma cidade em que os imóveis já valorizaram cerca de 30 % em dois anos.
T E X TO 02
Lonesome George- the World’s Rarest Animal
Posted by Matt Scott in Ecuador
The fragility of the natural world in Ecuador (and around the
world) can be summed up in just one word: George!
George, or Lonesome George as he is more commonly
known has come to be an unwitting star in the Galapagos Islands
as a symbol for conservationists and naturalists the world over.
Lonesome George is a Giant Tortoise from the small island
of Pinta in the north of the archipelago. Found by explorers in 1971
He was alone on the island and has since been classified as the
sole survivor of the Pinta tortoise (Geochelone elephantopus
abingdoni): this is the rarest species on the planet (being just one)
and George appears in the Guinness Book of Records as the
loneliest creature alive (despite the fact that over 50,000 tourists a year come to visit him).
Since his discovery George has been moved from Pinta Island to the Charles Darwin Research Station
(CDRS): founded in 1959 this science station, on the main island of Santa Cruz, is dedicated to the research and
preservation of the Galapagos species. When George was discovered several other species of Giant Tortoise had
already been declared extinct, and many others were critically endangered.
George is about 70 – 90 years old and with giant tortoises capable of living to almost 200 there is still time for
scientists to scour the Galapagos Islands for a mate. If this proves fruitless however there is still the hope that
science may progress to enable George to reproduce without a mate. Or his cooperation.
5. De acordo com o texto acima, George
a) É a maior e mais velha tartaruga do mundo.
b) É uma tartaruga gigante, que havia sido considerada extinta em 1971.
c) É uma espécie rara de tartaruga, descoberta em uma região do Equador.
d) Habita uma região muito frequentada por ambientalistas e naturalistas.
6. A descoberta de George
a) Foi destaque no Guinness Book of Records.
b) Passou a atrai cerca de 50.000 pessoas ao Equador.
c) Aconteceu no Charles Darwin Research Station em 1959.
d) Ocorreu após outras espécies de tartarugas gigantes terem sido declaradas extintas.
7. Assinale a única alternativa que não contém um exemplo de um grupo nominal.
a) The fragility of the natural world in Ecuador… [01]
b) Lonesome George is a Giant Tortoise… [06]
c) There are 11 different species… [13]
d) If this proves fruitless however… [22]
CALL – Cen tro de Ape rfe içoam ento de L íngua e L inguagem – I PRÉ -S IMUL ADO DE INGLÊS / 2011
T E XT O 03
The Impact of Media Violence on Children and Adolescents: Opportunities for Clinical
Eugene V Beresin
Over the past 30 years there has been extensive research on the
relationship between televised violence and violent behavior among youth.
Longitudinal, cross-sectional, and experimental studies have all confirmed
this correlation. Televised violence and the presence of television in
American households have increased steadily over the years. Studies reveal
that children watch approximately 28 hours of television a week, more time
than they spend in school. The typical American child will view more than
200,000 acts of violence, including more than 16,000 murders before age 18.
Television programs display 812 violent acts per hour; children's
programming, particularly cartoons, displays up to 20 violent acts hourly.
How does televised violence result in aggressive behavior? Some
researchers have demonstrated that very young children will imitate
aggressive acts on TV in their play with peers. Before age 4, children are unable to distinguish between fact and
fantasy and may view violence as an ordinary occurrence. In general, violence on television and in movies often
conveys a model of conflict resolution. It is efficient, frequent, and inconsequential. Heroes are violent, and, as such,
are rewarded for their behavior. They become role models for youth. The typical scenario of using violence for a
righteous cause may translate in daily life into a justification for using violence to retaliate against perceived
victimizers. Hence, vulnerable youth who have been victimized may be tempted to use violent means to solve
problems. Unfortunately, there are few, if any, models of nonviolent conflict resolution in the media. Additionally,
children who watch televised violence are desensitized to it. They may come to see violence as a fact of life and,
over time, lose their ability to empathize with both the victim and the victimizer.
Child and adolescent psychiatrists, pediatricians and other physicians can have a major impact on the effects
of media violence. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has created a list of recommendations to address
television violence. It suggests that physicians talk openly with parents about the nature and extent of viewing
patterns in their homes. Parents should limit television to 1-2 hours daily and watch programs with their children,
enabling them to address any objectionable material seen.
Physicians should make parents and schools "media literate," meaning they should understand the risks of
exposure to violence and teach children how to interpret what they see on television and in the movies, including the
intent and content of commercials. In doing so, children may be increasingly able to discern which media messages
are suitable. Schools and homes should teach children conflict resolution.
Physicians, in their role as health promoters, should become more active in educating the media to become
more sensitive to the impact of violence on youth. The arena of media violence is a new frontier where physicians
can promote health through public education and advocacy.
8. Segundo o texto, as crianças americanas
a) passam mais tempo em frente à televisão do que na escola.
b) despendem 20 horas por semana assistindo a desenhos animados.
c) assistem a 812 cenas de violência por hora em programas de televisão.
d) terão visto 200.000 assassinatos na televisão, antes de completar 18 anos.
9. O texto afirma que, em geral, a violência na televisão e nos filmes frequentemente expressa
a) situações dramáticas do dia-a-dia.
b) um modelo de solução de conflitos.
c) uma concepção perversa da realidade.
d) o desejo do público por ações violentas.
10. No enunciado “They become role models for youth” [p. 02], o vocábulo sublinhado se refere a
a) programas de televisão.
b) atos violentos.
c) conflitos.
d) heróis.
CALL – Cen tro de Ape rfe içoam ento de L íngua e L inguagem – I PRÉ -S IMUL ADO DE INGLÊS / 2011
11. Segundo o texto, a Academia Americana de Pediatria
a) recomenda que as crianças parem de ver televisão e saiam para brincar fora de casa.
b) sugere que os pais limitem a quantidade de horas que seus filhos passam diante da televisão.
c) recomenda que os pais conversem com seus filhos sobre a diferença entre realidade e fantasia.
d) culpa os pais por deixarem suas crianças assistirem a filmes e programas de televisão violentos.
12. De acordo com o texto, os médicos devem fazer com que os pais e a escola sejam “letrados em mídia”,
ou seja, pais e educadores devem
se reunir para discutir as consequências da exposição à violência na televisão.
assistir aos programas de televisão junto com as crianças e limitar o acesso das crianças à televisão.
estudar os riscos da exposição à violência na televisão, para determinar o que as crianças devem assistir.
compreender os riscos da exposição à violência e ensinar as crianças a interpretar o que elas veem na
televisão e nos filmes.
Número de acertos: ________
Nota da prova objetiva: __________
Nota da prova discursiva: __________
CALL – Cen tro de Ape rfe içoam ento de L íngua e L inguagem – I PRÉ -S IMUL ADO DE INGLÊS / 2011
T o d a s a s r esp os tas d ever ão ser r ed igi da s em po rtu guês ,
T E X TO 04
The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD) is being organized in pursuance of General
Assembly Resolution 64/236 (A/RES/64/236). The Conference will take place in Brazil on 4-6 June 2012 to mark the 20th
anniversary of the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), in Rio de Janeiro, and
the 10th anniversary of the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in Johannesburg. It is envisaged as
a Conference at the highest possible level, including Heads of State and Government or other representatives. The
Conference will result in a focused political document.
Objective of the Conference
The objective of the Conference is to secure renewed political commitment for sustainable development, assess the
progress to date and the remaining gaps in the implementation of the outcomes of the major summits on sustainable
development, and address new and emerging challenges
Themes of the Conference
The Conference will focus on two themes: (a) a green economy in the context of sustainable development and
poverty eradication; and (b) the institutional framework for sustainable development.
1. O que a Conferência Rio +20 estará celebrando no ano de 2012?
2. Quais os dois temas da Conferência citada no texto acima?
CALL – Cen tro de Ape rfe içoam ento de L íngua e L inguagem – I PRÉ -S IMUL ADO DE INGLÊS / 2011
T E XT O 05
3. De acordo com o cartum acima, o garoto escreveu um artigo para o site Wikipedia. O que dizia tal
4. O que o garoto sugere ao seu professor?
CALL – Cen tro de Ape rfe içoam ento de L íngua e L inguagem – I PRÉ -S IMUL ADO DE INGLÊS / 2011