

Atividades Adicionais
Módulo 4
1.(FUVEST) Transcreva na forma do passado:
a)She must go to Rio tonight.
b)He should take the chance which they offer to him.
2.(FUVEST) Reescreva colocando no passado:
a)In addition
a)Why must you leave so early?
b)Can‘t you stay longer?
c)We should remain together.
3.(FUVEST) Reescreva empregando no tempo correto
os verbos indicados:
If you had listened to me, you
tickets in advance, and now we
to see the play.
(to buy) the
(to be able)
4.(FUVEST) Complete usando if, unless ou so that:
a)She will hurt herself
b)John is going to drown
the river to save him.
she is careful.
nobody jumps into
5.(MACK) Indicate the alternative that best completes
the following sentence.
it rained hard, the plane took
a)In spite of – on
b)Unless – out of
c)If – out
d)Although – off
e)But – over
a)we could have traveled to the northeast
b)we could move to Rio de Janeiro
c)we would have to move somewhere else
d)we might spend our vacation there
e)we should live abroad
7.Kidney transplants:
a)are dangerous if your heart is not healthy.
b)get less publicity than heart transplants.
c)do not demand a long recovery.
d)are quicker to be performed.
e)depend more on immunology than heart transplants.
d)For example
e)For the reason that
9. Complete as sentenças com o tempo verbal apropriado:
(to spend) all of her money until
the end of this year.
(to bring) the documents by
tomorrow morning.
b)Qual foi o tempo verbal empregado?
10. When I met her, she
a)has already talked
b)had already talked
c) will have talked
to him.
d)have already talked
e)have already talk
11. Assinale a alternativa correta:
6.(MACK) Indicate the answer that best completes the
following sentence.
“São Paulo is terribly polluted; otherwise,
8. (FGV) In America the people came from many different
they brought many skills and talents
which have enriched that nation.
in this city since I was in high school.
a)have lived
b)will have lived
c)am living
d)would live
e)will live
(PAS-UEPG) Para resolver as questões de 12 a 16,
deve-se somar os valores das afirmativas corretas
em cada uma delas.
The story of the bicycle
As people try to use less energy, and find alternatives to
cars, more people are buying, and riding, bicycles. But where
did the bicycle come from? Who invented this “velocipede”?
You may be surprised to learn that the humble bicycle
was invented several years later than the railway locomotive!
But the two-wheeler has come a long way since the day it
was invented by a Scottish blacksmith, Kirkpatrick MacMillan,
back (it is said) in 1839.
MacMillan developed his bike from an older wheeled
vehicle, called a “hobby horse”. This was a wooden horse
with two wheels. The rider sat on the horse, and pushed
the vehicle along with his feet. It was not a very fast or safe
vehicle, since it had no steering and no brakes. MacMillan,
nicknamed Mad Pate, modified the hobby horse, by
adding a system of articulated bars. The rider could push
the bars back and forwards with his feet, and make the
back wheel go round. He could also steer the bike, as the
front wheel could be turned. To demonstrate his invention,
he cycled 60 miles to Glasgow! It must have been a terrible
journey, on the roads of the day! Pate‘s bike did not have
rubber tyres or springs.
Mad Pate was not recognized in his time, but other
people became interested in bicycles. Twenty-five years
later, a Frenchman called Pierre Lallemant designed and
patented the first bicycle with rotary pedals; and in 1876,
H.J. Lawson added another basic feature, “chain-drive”.
Other features, such as rubber tyres and gears, have
appeared since then; but the basic bicycle has not changed.
Since then, the bicycle has had a magnificent fortune.
Today, it is probably the most common form of transport in
the world, especially in the Third World, and because it is
nonpolluting and easy to ride, it has a big future as the town
vehicle of tomorrow. Thanks, Pate!
Adaptado de:,
acesso em agosto de 2011.
12. Com relação à primeira bicicleta, assinale o que for
01)Surgiu na Escócia.
02)Ainda não possuía pedais móveis.
04)Ainda não possuía pneus de borracha.
08)Já possuía uma roda dianteira dirigível.
02)O invento de Pate não lhe trouxe reconhecimento em sua época.
04)A pessoa que criou os pedais móveis criou
também a correia propulsora.
08)A bicicleta com pedais móveis foi criada anos
mais tarde por um francês.
15. Com relação ao que pode-se inferir do texto,
assinale o que for correto.
01)A bicicleta é muito utilizada nos países em
02)A bicicleta com pneus de borracha surgiu na
primeira metade do século dezenove.
04)Bicicletas são populares principalmente por
serem fáceis de manobrar e não poluentes.
08)Com os avanços da tecnologia, a bicicleta logo
estará obsoleta.
16. Com relação às conclusões a que se pode chegar
com a leitura do texto, assinale o que for correto.
01)Hoje, a bicicleta é utilizada principalmente em
cidades pequenas.
02)A bicicleta só é utilizada por pessoas de baixo
poder aquisitivo.
04)Apesar das diversas melhorias, basicamente a
bicicleta não mudou muito desde a sua criação.
08)Uma grande vantagem da bicicleta é que ela
não consome nenhum tipo de combustível.
13. Com relação ao segundo e ao terceiro parágrafos,
assinale o que for correto.
01)O ferreiro Kirkpatrick MacMillan era conhecido
pelo apelido de Mad Pate.
02)Para criar sua bicicleta, Pate inspirou-se em um
veículo mais antigo, em formato de cavalo de
04)A bicicleta de Pate era impulsionada por meio
de um sistema de barras articuladas.
08)O invento da bicicleta foi anterior ao da locomotiva ferroviária.
(PAS-UEPA) Leia atentamente o texto a seguir e
responda às questões de número 17 a 20.
Six questioned over boy‘s murder
August 26, 2007 – Updated 12:42 GMT (20:42 HKT)
14. Com relação ao terceiro e ao quarto parágrafos,
assinale o que for correto.
01)Pate fez uma longa e penosa viagem para
demonstrar a utilidade de seu invento.
Police said there was no indication why Rhys
was targeted.
LIVERPOOL, England (Reuters) – Police arrested another
teenager on Sunday in connection with the murder of
schoolboy Rhys Jones, while five others remained in
custody. The 15-year-old was detained as worshippers said
prayers for the schoolboy in churches across Liverpool.
Another boy, also aged 15, was bailed.
Detectives are questioning six teenagers over the
murder: Boys aged 15 and 16; two men aged 19 and girls
aged 15 and 18. Police said they have traced and spoken
to a dark-haired woman seen pushing a pram in the area
at the time of the shooting.
Rhys was remembered at church services across the city,
including the Anglican cathedral. “It challenges us all in our
faith," Canon Anthony Hawley, Acting Dean of Liverpool
Cathedral, told Sky News. “These tragedies do occur from
time to time and certainly in Liverpool we are not unfamiliar
with them. It is a challenge to people of all faiths to ask ‘just
who is my neighbor and where I stand in the community in
which I live?‘.”
As police renewed appeals for help in finding Rhys‘s
killer, Home Secretary Jacqui Smith announced plans to
try to get more guns off the streets. She said “drop-off zones”
could be set up to allow people to hand in weapons.
“Sometimes people ask friends or other members of their
family to look after their guns,” she told the News of the
World. “They know it is wrong and they want to find a way
to get that gun off their family member.”
On Saturday, police expressed concern at the lack of
evidence from the public and urged people to “stand up
and be counted”. Chief Superintendent Chris Armitt of
Merseyside Police said he would protect people scared of
reprisals from local gangs if they come forward. “We
understand that people are frightened, but people have got
to stand up and be counted,” he told reporters. “We have
not had the level of information about those key issues that
we would expect and that we want. “We understand those
concerns and I‘m trying to offer reassurance that we will do
something about protecting people.”
Rhys, 11, was shot dead outside a pub in the Croxteth
area of Liverpool on Wednesday in an attack that Prime
Minister Gordon Brown called a “heinous crime”. The
shooting was the latest in a spate of murders of young
people across Britain this year that have focused attention
on gang-related violence.
target: alvo
detained: detido
worshippers: devotos
prayers: orações
bailed: liberado
pram: carrinho de bebê
faith: fé
appeals: pedidos
drop-off zones: zonas de entrega
hand in: entregar
lack: falta
urge: pressionar
heinous: abominável
17. Liverpool ficou chocada com a morte do menino
Rhys Jones, de apenas 11 anos de idade. Sobre a
investigação de sua morte, é correto afirmar que:
I.Detetives têm interrogado alguns jovens, porém,
ainda não conseguiram encontrar o(s) culpado(s).
II.Aparentemente o crime pode estar ligado a uma
gangue de rua.
III.A polícia interrogou uma mulher que passeava
com seu filho no local e hora em que ocorreu o
tiroteio que matou Rhys.
IV.Um outro menino, de 15 anos de idade, também
foi baleado durante o tiroteio.
De acordo com as afirmativas acima, a alternativa
correta é:
a)I e II
b)III e IV
c)I, III e IV
d)II, III e IV
e)I, II e III
18. A morte de Rhys estimulou o governo a tomar
algumas medidas, como por exemplo:
a)desarmar a população.
b)mudar o sistema penal atual.
c)levar maior proteção às escolas.
d)mapear os bairros mais perigosos.
e)aumentar o número de policiais nas ruas.
19. No parágrafo 5, a polícia expressa o que espera da
população: “stand up and be counted.” Esta expressão idiomática significa:
a)levante-se e seja incluso na contagem.
b)fique de pé e faça a sua parte.
c) permita que os outros lhe vejam e possam contá-lo.
d)deixe que as pessoas conheçam sua opinião.
e)levante-se e deixe que as pessoas lhe enxerguem.
20. As palavras que melhor expressam o sentimento da
população de Liverpool em relação ao crime
ocorrido são:
a)frustração e união.
b)receio e surpresa.
c)indignação e medo.
d)preocupação e tolerância.
e)cooperação e incompreensão.
(PAS-UEPA) Leia o texto abaixo para responder às
questões de número 21 a 26.
Computer Skills for Senior Citizens
by Adam S
My aunt Blanche had an old Apple computer and often
during my visits, she would ask me to show her how to use
the computer. I found myself really wanting to work with
senior citizens and so I asked myself, “What am I good at and
what can I do to make their lives a little better?” With some
research I realized that there are many resources available to
senior citizens on the web, and even more importantly,
computers could help them remain vital and connected to a
broader community. It appeared the obvious answer to my
question would be to teach computer skills, but I was
somewhat skeptical that this would be a popular pastime for
[…] For my generation knowing how to use a computer
is an essential part of daily life. We are a techno-generation.
I expected many seniors would have limited exposure to
computers. Nevertheless, I decided to take on the challenge
and visited several local assisted living communities to
solicit interest in a computer class. […] Initially, only a few
people attended my weekly Saturday class. After a few
weeks, when word of my class had spread, more and more
people joined. I began to realize my preconceptions about
my students’ ability and willingness to learn were wrong.
The people in my class were eager to move into the
computer age and become internet literate. We started
with the basics such as what a mouse is and how it is used;
how to use Explorer to get to the internet; and explaining
what are Google,Yahoo and email.
[…] I have had a very rich and full experience teaching
this class. I have had the pleasure of meeting a variety of
people and have found that they each bring to the class their
own distinct personalities and experiences.
The older generation is often seen as having little in
common with my generation; separated by barriers of pop
culture, mannerisms, values, and technology. My experience
has shown me that the gap is really not as enormous as it first
appears. I have been able to form a connection with my
students. Sometimes we simply talk about the impact of new
technology and other times we discuss how the world has
changed during their lifetime. They have helped me appreciate
that teachers learn from students, as well as the other way
around. I started my class with the idea of wanting to help
senior citizens, but have learned as much about life from my
’students’ as I have taught them about computers. We have
come together to share common interests, bridge our
differences and develop a deep mutual respect. For me, this
experience is what community service should be all about.
acesso em 24/09/2009.
21. O texto “Computer Skills for Senior Citizens”, de Adam S,
a)uma entrevista.
b)um relato de viagem.
c)um treinamento de adolescentes.
d)um relato de experiência.
e)um curso de informática para jovens.
22. Ao planejar o curso, Adam percebeu que:
a)sua tia tinha interesse em frequentá-lo.
b)poderia utilizar seus conhecimentos para ajudar
a melhorar a vida dos seus alunos.
c)o curso seria um ótimo passatempo para seus
d)o uso de computador seria vital para seus alunos.
e)havia poucos recursos na web para a faixa etária
de seus alunos.
23. Com relação ao desenvolvimento do curso, analise
e julgue as afirmativas apresentadas em verdadeiras (V) ou falsas (F).
I.( )Todos os alunos iniciaram o curso na mesma
II.( )A turma era composta por alunos jovens e
III.( ) O curso foi direcionado a pessoas da melhor
IV.( )Além das noções básicas, os alunos aprenderam a usar a Internet.
V.( )As aulas aconteciam uma vez por semana,
aos sábados.
A alternativa que apresenta a sequência correta é:
a)F – F – V – V – F
b)V – F – V – F – V
c)V – V – F – F – V
d)V – F – V – F – F
e)F – F – V – V – V
24. No fragmento: “We have come together to share
common interests, bridge our differences and develop
a deep mutual respect”, a palavra em destaque
25. O autor relaciona as diversas barreiras existentes
entre as gerações. Suas concepções foram reformuladas, quando ele observou que:
a)é necessário divulgar os avanços das novas
b)a tecnologia é a maior barreira existente entre
c)os idosos têm poucas coisas em comum com os
d)é possível o compartilhamento de interesses e
assuntos comuns entre gerações.
e)a internet é o melhor meio para aproximar essas
26. Adam argumenta que houve uma grande troca de
aprendizado entre ele e seus alunos. Nesse sentido,
o autor concluiu que:
a)o trabalho comunitário deve ser baseado em
respeito mútuo, troca de experiências e compartilhamento de interesses.
b)é importante discutir com a comunidade sobre
as mudanças ocorridas no mundo ao longo dos
c)o trabalho comunitário faz com que os alunos
valorizem o trabalho do professor.
d)a diferença de conhecimento tecnológico entre
as gerações é superada em trabalhos comunitários.
e) todo trabalho comunitário deve ser desenvolvido
de acordo com as necessidades dos alunos.
(PAS-UFLA/Prouni) Instructions: Read text 2
carefully and choose the correct alternative for
questions 27 through 29.
Text 2
Depression is the term used to describe the most severe
type of recession in an economy. During the Great
Depression that began in 1929, for example, almost onethird of the United States work force was unemployed.
Hundreds of thousands of people were suddenly poor.
Many were thrown out of their apartments because they
could not pay their rent, or they had their homes taken
away when they could not pay their mortgages. Farmers
lost their farms, small business owners lost their business,
and many big business owners had trouble selling their
products and keeping their companies going.
A topic on which economists disagree is how to stop a
depression. Many people believe that President Ronald
Reagan was successful in stopping the recession of the
1970s by cutting taxes on corporations, removing other
restrictions on business, increasing military spending, and
cutting back on government social programs. Other
people believe that, although some people benefited from
Reagan‘s policies, many others fell into severe poverty as
a result. Furthermore, critics charge, the prosperity that
Reagan created lasted only a short time, and was followed
by more severe economic problems.
GALLAGHER, Nancy – Delta‘s key to the TOEFL test.
27. With what topic is paragraph 1 mainly concerned?
a)Effects of the Great Depression.
b)Causes of economic recession.
c)Economic hardship and unemployment.
d)The economy since 1929.
e)Government policies driving towards the Great
28. According to the passage, critics of President
Reagan believe:
a)The recession of the 1970s ended when Reagan
became president.
b)Reagan cut taxes and increased military spending
to stimulate the economy.
c) Reagan‘s policies created more wealth for a large
number of people.
d)Reagan‘s policies created a long-lasting prosperity.
e) Reagan‘s policies resulted in more serious economic
29. Which of the following should not be included in
the passage?
a)The Great Depression caused unemployment
and business failures.
b)President Reagan‘s childhood during the Great
Depression shaped his philosophy.
c) The most serious type of recession is a depression.
d)People disagree over the success of President
Reagan‘s economic policies.
e)Both high-income and middle-income people
were affected by the Great Depression.
30. (PAS-UnB)
Gilberto Dimenstein. O cidadão de papel.
São Paulo: Ática, 2005, p. 99.
What is the main message of the photo?
a)Those who contaminate their lungs pollute the
b)Those who pollute the atmosphere contaminate
c)Those who do not contaminate their lungs do
not pollute the atmosphere.
d)Those who wear masks do not contaminate
Respostas das Atividades adicionais
1. a) She had to go to Rio last night.
b)He should have taken the chance which they offered
to him.
14.01 + 02 + 08 = 11
2. a) Why did you have to leave so early?
b)Couldn‘t you stay longer?
c) We should have remained together.
16.04 + 08 = 12
3. would have bought – would be able
15.01 + 04 = 5
9. a) will have spent.
will have brought.
b)Future perfect
12.01 + 02 + 04 + 08 = 15
13.01 + 02 + 04 = 07