Subjects of the first lecture – some materials


Subjects of the first lecture – some materials
Professor D. Schiek
Centre for European and Transnational Legal Studies, School of Law
[email protected]
Key Publications in English [from 2007]
Schiek, D (ed)
(2013) The EU Economic and Social Model in the Global Crisis: Interdisciplinary
Perspectives (Farnham: Ashgate)
— includes: Schiek, D ‘The EU’s Socio-economic Model(s) and the
Crisi(e)s – any Perspectives?’ 1-22
Schiek, D
REF 2014
(2012) Economic and Social Integration: The Challenge for EU Constitutional Law
(Cheltenham: Edward Elgar) [published as paperback in November 2013]
Schiek, D,
Liebert, U &
Schneider, H
(2011) European Economic and Social Constitutionalism after the Treaty of Lisbon
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2011)
Schiek, D &
Lawson, A
(2011) EU Non-Discrimination Law and Intersectionality: investigating the triangle
of racial, gender and disability discrimination (Farnham: Ashgate 2011)
— includes: Schiek, D ‘Re-embedding economic and social constitutionalism: Normative Perspectives for the EU’ 17-46
— includes: Schiek, D ‘Organising EU non-discrimination law
around the nodes of ‘race’ gender and disability?’ 12-27
Journal Articles
Schiek, D
(2016) Intersectionality and the Notion of Disability in EU Discrimination Law, 53
Common Market Law Review
Schiek, D
(2013) ‘The EU Constitution of Social Governance in an Economic Crisis: in Defence
of a Transnational Dimension to Social Europe’ 20 (2) Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 185-208
Schiek, D
(2012) ‘Enforcing Employment Discrimination Law – Potential Transplants from Italy to Britain and Vice Versa?’ 28 (4) International Journal of Comparative Labour
Law and Industrial Relations, 489–512
REF 2014.
Schiek, D
REF 2014
(2011) ‘Age discrimination before the ECJ – conceptual and theoretical issues’ 48
(3) Common Market Law Review, 777-799
Chapters in Books
Schiek, D
(2013) ‘Social Services of General Interest: the EU competence regime and a constitution of social governance’, in: Neergard, Ulla et al (eds) Social Services of General Interest in the European Union (Vienna: Springer) 73-94
Schiek, D
REF 2014
(2012) ‘Fundamental Rights Jurisprudence Between Member States Prerogatives
and Citizens’ Autonomy’ in: Micklitz, Hans & de Witte, Bruno (eds) The European
Court of Justice and the Autonomy of the Member States (Antwerp: Intersentia)
Professor Dr Dagmar S chiek – CV with publications April 2016
Schiek, D
(2008) 'The European Social Model and the Services Directive', In: U. Neergard, R.
Nielsen, L. Roseberry (eds.), The Services Directive - Consequences for the European Social Model and the Welfare State (Copenhagen: DØFV) 25-62
Key Publications in languages other than English
Schiek, D.
(2016, 2012, 2006, 2003) Europäische Kollektivvereinbarungen (European Collective
Agreements), in: Däubler (ed.) Tarifvertragsgesetz. Kommentar. Einleitung G. (BadenBaden: Nomos 4th ed. 2016), 268-322
Schiek,D. (ed) (2007) Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz - Ein Kommentar in Europäischer
Perspektive, (General Equal Treatment Act – A Commentary from a European Standpoint)
(Munich: Sellier European Publishers)
— includes: Schiek, Einleitung, Kommentierung des Allgemeinen
Teils (Concepts and ideas, critical evaluation of the Act’s general provisions), 3170
Schiek, D.
(2004) L’influence de la jurisprudence de la CJCE sur le droit du travail allemand,
(The Influence of ECJ Case Law on German Labour Law) in: Bulletin de droit comparé du travail et de la sécurité sociale (COMPTRASEC) 2003, Bordeaux : Université Montesquieu, 101-121
Kittner, M. &
D. Schiek
(2001) Kommentierung von Art. 9 Abs. 3 GG (treatise on the guarantee of freedom of association in the German constitution); in: Denninger, E. u.a. (Eds.)
Gemeinschaftskommentar zum Grundgesetz (Reihe Alternativkommentare) – AKGG (Neuwied & Kriftel: Luchterhand 3rd ed), volume 1, 99 pages
Schiek, D.
(2001) Kommentierung von Art. 20 Abs. 1-3, IV: Sozialstaatsprinzip (treatise on the
welfare state principle in the German constitution), in: Denninger, E. u.a. (Eds.)
Gemeinschaftskom-mentar zum Grundgesetz (Reihe Alternativkommentare) – AKGG (Neuwied & Kriftel: Luchterhand 3rd ed) volume 2, 83 pages
Schiek, D.
(2000) Differenzierte Gerechtigkeit? Diskriminierungsschutz und Vertragsrecht (Baden-Baden: Nomos), 498 pages (Habilitationsschrift Bremen 1999, i.e. thesis on which
acquisition of "venia legendi" was based, English translation of title: Justice Differentiated? - Protection
against Discrimination and (Civil) Contract Law)
Full list of publications (omitting book reviews and shorter articles/ case notes)
Schiek, D,
Ward, I
A Critical Introduction to European Law (4th edition, Cambridge University Press
Schiek, D
Europäisches Arbeitsrecht (4th edition, Nomos Publishers, 2018)
Schiek, D.
EU Discrimination Law and Policy – a critical appraisal (Edward Elgar, 2018)
Schiek, D
‘Revisiting intersectionality for EU Anti-Discrimination Law in an economic crisis –a critical legal studies perspective’ Sociologia del diritto (Sociology of Law), special issue in English on intersectionality, planned for 2016
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Professor Dr Dagmar S chiek – CV with publications April 2016
Schiek, D
(2016) ‘A Constitution of Social Governance for the European Union’ in: D Kostakopoulou, N. Ferreira (eds) The Human Face of the European Union: Is the EU Humane Enough?
Cambridge University Press
Schiek, D
(2016) Perspectives on social citizenship in the EU – from status positivus to status socialis activus via two forms of transnational solidarity, in D. Kochenov (ed) EU Citizenship
and Federalism: The Role of Rights, Cambridge University Press,
Schiek, D
(2016) Intersectionality and the Notion of Disability in EU Discrimination Law, 53 (1) Common Market Law Review, 53-63
Schiek, D. Oliver, Liz, Forde,
Christopher, et
Schiek, D.
(2015) EU Social and Labour Rights and EU Internal Market Law, Brussels: European Parliament, Policy Department A (web page: )
(2015) Proportionality in Age Discrimination Cases - a Model Suitable for Socially
Embedded Rights. In A. Numhauser-Henning & M. Rönnmar, eds. Age Discrimination and
Labour Law. Kluwer.
Schiek, D.
(2014) ‘Zwischenruf: Den Pudding an die Wand nageln? Überlegungen zu einer
progressiven Agenda für das EU-Anti-Diskriminierungsrecht’ [Short comment: To
Nail a Jellyfish? Finding a progressive agenda for EU anti-discrimination law] 47 (4)
Kritische Justiz 397-405
Schiek, D
‘The German Federal Constitutional Court’s Ruling on Outright Monetary Transactions (OMT) – Another Step towards National Closure?’ 15 German Law Journal
available at
Schiek, D.
‘Article 23: Equality between women and men’, in: Peers, Steven; Hervey, Tamara;
Kenner, Jeffrey; Ward, Angela (eds) The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights (Oxford:
Hart) 633-660
Schiek, D. &
Mulder, J.
Intersektionelle Diskriminierung im EU Recht – eine kritische Reflexion
[Intersectional Discrimination in EU Law – a critical assessment] in: Philipp, Simone;
Meier, Isabella; Apostolovski, Veronika; Starl, Klaus; Schmidlechner, Karin Maria
(eds) Intersektionelle Benachteiligung und Diskriminierung (Baden-Baden: Nomos)
Schiek, D (ed) The EU Economic and Social Model in the Global Crisis: Interdisciplinary Perspectives (Farnham: Ashgate), 224 pages
— includes: Schiek, D ‘The EU’s Socio-economic Model(s) and the
Crisi(e)s – any Perspectives?’ 1-22
Schiek, D
The EU Constitution of Social Governance in an Economic Crisis: in Defence of a
Transnational Dimension to Social Europe 20 (2) Maastricht Journal of European
and Comparative Law, 185-208
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Professor Dr Dagmar S chiek – CV with publications April 2016
Schiek, D.
Economic and Social Integration: The Challenge for EU Constitutional Law (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing – 308 pages, paperback edition)
Schiek, D
‘Gender Equality under the Charter of Fundamental Rights for the European Union
– a New Lease of Life for Positive Actions?’ in: J. Fejø; Neergaard, U.; Tvarnø, C,
Skovgaard Ølykke, G (eds) Festskrift Libera Amicarum et Amicorum in Honour of
Ruth Nielsen (Copenhagen: DJØF) 299-322
Schiek, D
‘Social Services of General Interest: the EU competence regime and a constitution
of social governance’, in: U. Neergard; Szysczak, E; van den Gronden, J; Krajewski,
M (eds) Social Services of General Interest in the European Union (Vienna: Springer)
Schiek, D.
REF 2014
Enforcing Employment Discrimination Law – Potential Transplants from Italy to
Britain and Vice Versa? 28 (4) International Journal of Comparative Labour Law
and Industrial Relations, 489–512
Schiek, D. & J. Equality and Economic and Social Life - Including Implications for the European UnMulder
ion, in: Westendorp, I. (ed) The Women’s Convention Turned 30: Achievements,
Setbacks and Prospects (Cambridge, Antwerp, Portland: Intersentia) 303-324
Schiek, D.
REF 2014
Economic and Social Integration: The Challenge for EU Constitutional Law (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing – 308 pages)
Schiek, D.
European Union Non-Discrimination Law: a multidimensional perspective, in: Navas Navarro, S. (ed) Iguales y Differentes ante el Derecho Privado (Valencia: Tirant
Lo Blanch), 61-82
Schiek, D.
Einleitung C: Tarifverträge und anders legitimiertes Recht, (Collective Agreements and
law derived from other sources of legitimacy) in: Däubler , W. (ed.) Tarifvertragsgesetz.
Kommentar, (Baden-Baden: Nomos 3rd ed), 203-221
Schiek, D.
Einleitung G: Europäische Kollektivvereinbarungen, (European Collective Agreements) in:
Däubler, W (ed.) Tarifvertragsgesetz. Kommentar. (Baden-Baden: Nomos 3rd ed),
Schiek, D.
Social Ideals and the Court of Justice of the European Union, in: Evas, T; Liebert, U
Lord, Ch (eds) Multilayered Representation in the European Union: Parliaments,
Courts and the Public Sphere, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 157-182
Schiek, D
REF 2014
‘Fundamental Rights Jurisprudence Between Member States Prerogatives and Citizens’ Autonomy’, in Micklitz, H & de Witte, B (eds) The European Court of Justice
and the Autonomy of the Member States, Antwerp: Intersentia, 227-258
Schiek, D.
Liebert, U & Schneider, H (eds) European Economic and Social Constitutionalism after the Treaty of Lisbon (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)
— includes: Schiek, D ‘Re-conceptualising European Economic and
Social Constitutionalism: A normative perspective’ , 17-46
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Professor Dr Dagmar S chiek – CV with publications April 2016
Schiek, D.
REF 2014
Age discrimination before the ECJ – conceptual and theoretical issues’ 48 (3) Common Market Law Review, 777-799
Schiek, D. &
A. Lawson
EU Non-Discrimination Law and Intersectionality: investigating the triangle of racial, gender and disability discrimination (Farnham: Ashgate, 2011)
Schiek, D.
‘Was Personalverantwortliche über das Verbot der mittelbaren
Geschlechtsdiskriminierung wissen sollten‘ (The prohibition of indirect sex discrimination –
important facts for human resource managers) in: Krell, G; Ortlieb, R and Sieben, B (eds)
Chancengleichheit durch Personalpolitik Wien: Gabler 6th ed, 41-58
— includes: Schiek, D ‘Organising EU non-discrimination law around
the nodes of ‘race’ gender and disability? 12-27
Schiek, D.
Constitutional Principles and Horizontal Effect: Kücükdeveci revisited 1 (3) European Labour Law Journal 368-378
Schiek, D.
EU non-discrimination law & policy: Gender in the maze of multidimensional
equalities (in: Körner, M. / Zimmer, R (eds) Geschlechtergerechtigkeit. Liber Amicorum Heide Pfarr (Baden-Baden: Nomos ), 472-488
Schiek, D.
Comparative Law and European Harmonisation – a match made in heaven or uneasy bedfellows? 21 (2) European Business Law Review, 203-225
Schiek, D.
Europe’s socio-economic constitution (“Verfasstheit”) after the Treaty of Lisbon in:
Dieterich et al (eds) Individuelle und kollektive Freiheit im Arbeitsrecht Gedächtnisschrift für Ulrich Zachert, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 162-176
Schiek, D.
‘Is there a social ideal of the European Court of Justice?’ In: Nielsen, R Neergard, U
and Roseberry, LM (eds) The Role of the Courts in Developing a European Social
Model - Theoretical and Methodological Perspectives (Copenhagen: DJØF), 63-96
Schiek, D. & European Union Non-Discrimination Law: Comparative Perspectives on MultidiV. Chege (eds) mensional Equality Law, (New York et al: Routledge-Cavendish),
— includes: Schiek, D, ‘From European Union non-discrimination
law towards multidimensional Equality Law for Europe’, 3-27
Schiek, D.
‘Trans-national Collective Labour Agreements in Europe and at European Level –
Further Readings of Article 139 EC’, in: M. Rönnmar (ed.) EU Industrial Relations v.
National Industrial Relations (Austin et al: Kluwer International) 83-103
Schiek, D.
The European Social Model and the Services Directive, in: U. Neergard, R. Nielsen,
L. Roseberry (eds), The Services Directive - Consequences for the European Social
Model and the Welfare State, (Copenhagen: DJØF) 25-62
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Professor Dr Dagmar S chiek – CV with publications April 2016
Schiek, D.
RAE 2008
Schiek, D.; L.
& M. Bell
Private rule-making and European Governance – issues of legitimacy, 32 (4) European Law Review, 443-466
Materials, Cases and Text on national, supranational and international non-discrimination law. (Series: Ius Commune Casebooks for the Common Law of Europe,
general editor: Walter van Gerven), London et al: Hart Publishing
– includes: Schiek, D ‘Indirect Discrimination’, 323-375
Schiek, D (ed) Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz - Ein Kommentar in Europäischer
Perspektive, Sellier European Publishers: Munich (General Equal Treatment Act - In a
European Perspective; see
– includes: Schiek, D ‘Einleitung, Entstehungsgeschichte, Normative
Grundlagen, Ziele und Konzeptionen, Auslegungsgrundsätze‘
(introduction, genesis, normative base, aims and concepts, principles of
interpretation), 9-60; Allgemeiner Teil: §§ 1-5 (commentary on general
provisions), pp 61-170, Schutz vor Benachteiligung im Zivilverkehr: §§
19-21 (protection against disadvantage in general contract law), pp. 309-356,
Schlussvorschriften: §§ 31-33 (final provisions) pp 423-425, Anhang:
Selbstregulierung (codes of conduct) pp. 451-490
Schiek, D
Europäisches Arbeitsrecht (European Labour Law), 3rd edition (Nomos: Baden-Baden)
(323 pages)
Schiek, D
‘Implementing Non-Discrimination Directives - Typologies for Legal Transplanting’,
in: 5 International Colloquia Europees Verzekeringsrecht - Colloques Internationaux
de droit européen de assurance, (Antwerp: Academia-Bruylant and Maklu-Uitgevers) 47-83
Schiek, D
Auslegung von § 17 KSchG im Lichte der Rechtsprechung des EuGH, Aspekte der
vor dem BAG schwebenden Verfahren, in: 54 (2) Arbeit und Recht, 41-44 (Annotation
to the ECJ Decision in Junk)
Schiek, D
Tarifverträge und anders legitimiertes Recht, (Collective Agreements and law derived from
other sources of legitimacy) in: Däubler, W. (ed.) Tarifvertragsgesetz. Kommentar Einleitung C, (Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2nd ed) 74-191
Schiek, D.
Europäische Kollektivvereinbarungen, (European Collective Agreements) in: Däubler (ed.)
Tarifvertragsgesetz. Kommentar. Einleitung G. (Collective Agreements Act, Commentary,
Introduction G) Baden-Baden: Nomos 2nd ed., 253-304
Schiek, D.
The ECJ Decision in Mangold – a further twist on effects of directives and constitutional relevance of Community equality legislation, in: 35 (3) Industrial Law Journal,
Schiek, D.
Grundsätzliche Bedeutung der gemeinschaftsrechtlichen Diskriminierungsverbote
nach der Entscheidung Mangold 54 (4) Arbeit und Recht 2006, 145-149 (in the framework of the “club of labour law journals”, the article on the fundamental relevance of EU non-discrimination principles after the ECJ’s decision in Mangold was published in parallel in German in
Arbeit und Recht and in English in the Industrial Law Journal)
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Professor Dr Dagmar S chiek – CV with publications April 2016
Schiek, D.
Europäisches Arbeitsrecht, (Baden-Baden: Nomos, Neuauflage) (European Labour Law
– revised edition)
Schiek, D.
‘Autonomous Collective Agreements as a Regulatory Device in European Labour
Law: How to Read Articles 139 EC’, 34 (1) Industrial Law Journal, 23-56
RAE 2008
Schiek, D. &, New governance for higher education institutions, prospects for female university
A. Kirschbaum careers and equality law, Numhauser-Henning, Ann (ed), Women in academia aiming high and falling short? Bulletin of Comparative Law Labour Relations, No
57, The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 57-82
Schiek, D.
RAE 2008
Broadening the Scope and the Norms of EU Gender Equality Law: Towards a Multidimensional Conception of Equality Law, 12 (4) Maastricht Journal of European
and Comparative Law, 427-466
Schiek, D.
Just a piece of Cloth? German Courts and Employees with Headscarves, 33 (1) Industrial Law Journal, 68-73
Schiek, D.
Was Personalverantwortliche über das Verbot der mittelbaren
Geschlechtsdiskriminierung wissen sollten, (The prohibition of indirect sex discrimination –
important facts for human resource managers) in: Krell, Gertraude et al (eds)
Chancengleichheit durch Personalpolitik (Vienna: Gabler 5th ed) 133-150
Schiek, D. & S. Proaktiver Schutz vor rassistischer Diskriminierung im Arbeitsrecht – lernen von
Südafrika? (pro-active protection against racialist discrimination in employment law – lessons from
South Africa?) (HBS Arbeitspapier Nr.84) Düsseldorf: Hans Böckler Stiftung 2004 (82
Schiek, D.
L’influence de la jurisprudence de la CJCE sur le droit du travail allemand, (The Influence of ECJ case law on German Labour Law) in: Bulletin de droit comparé du travail et de
la sécurité sociale (COMPTRASEC) 2003, 101-121
Schiek, D.
Gleichbehandlungsrichtlinien der EU - Umsetzung im deutschen Arbeitsrecht (EU
non-discrimination directives – implementation into German labour law) 21 (16) Neue Zeitschrift
für Arbeitsrecht 873-884
Schiek, D.
Diskriminierung wegen “Rasse” und ethnischer Herkunft - Probleme der
Umsetzung der RL 2000/43/EG im Arbeitsrecht, (Discrimination on grounds of ‚race‘ and
ethnic origin – problems of implementing directive 2000/43/EC in employment law), 51 (1) Arbeit
und Recht, 44-51
Schiek, D.
Die Hartz-Gesetze - EU-rechtliche Perspektiven (The „Hartz“ Legislation – EU law
perspectives), 36 (1) Kritische Justiz, 37-48
Schiek, D.
Critical Comparative Law – From a Labour Law Perspective”, in: Lichtenberg,
Lubach, Meuwissen, Schiek, D (eds.) HLS-Cahiers (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen) 197221
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Professor Dr Dagmar S chiek – CV with publications April 2016
Schiek, D.
Comparative Law and Economics – Opportunities and Dangers of Interdisciplinary
Transplants”, in: HLS-Cahiers, 49-69
Schiek, D.
Einleitung C: Tarifverträge und anders legitimiertes Recht (Collective Agreements and
law derived from other sources of legitimacy), in: Däubler, Wolfgang (ed.) Tarifvertragsgesetz. Kommentar (Baden-Baden: Nomos) (115 pages)
Schiek, D.
Einleitung G: Europäische Tarifverträge, (European Collective Agreements) in: Däubler,
Wolfgang (eds.) Tarifvertragsgesetz. Kommentar. (Baden-Baden: Nomos) (75
Schiek, D.
Anm zu BAG 3.4.2003 – 6 AZR 633/01 AP Nr 185 § 242 BGB, (Annotation to reference of
the Federal Labour Court to the European Court of Justice of 3 April 2003, in the leading collection of
employment case law)
Schiek, D.
Anm zu BAG 21.3.2002 – 6 AZR 108/01 AP Nr 2 § 23a BAT-O (Annotation to reference by
the Federal Labour Court to the ECJ of 21 March 2002, in the leading collection of employment case
Schiek, D.
Einleitung, Prinzipien und Ziele der Frauengleichstellungsgesetze, Geltungsbereich
der Frauengleichstellungsgesetze, Regelungen zur diskriminierungsfreien Personalpolitik (einschließlich Quotierung) in Frauengleichstellungsgesetzen, in.
Schiek, D u.a., Frauengleichstellungsgesetze des Bundes und der Länder –
Kommentar für die Praxis, (Frankfurt: Bund-Verlag) 49-126, 147-205, sowie
Einzelkommentierungen (principles and aims, scope of application, positive action measures and
provisions to avoid discrimination in: commentary on all women’s equality statutes for German public
Schiek, D.
Das neue Teilzeit- und Befristungsgesetz – ein Beispiel für Europäisches
Arbeitsrechts auf Grundlage einer Sozialpartnervereinbarung, (The new Act on part
time and fixted term work - an example for European employment law based on a social partner
agreement) 35 (1) Kritische Justiz, 18-44
Schiek, D.
RAE 2008
‘Elements of A New Framework for the principle of Equal Treatment of persons in
EC Law’, 8 (2) European Law Journal, 290-314
Schiek, D.
‘Torn between arithmetic and substantive equality? Perspectives on Equality in
German Labour Law’, 18 (2) International Journal for Comparative Labour Law and
Industrial Relations, 149-167
Schiek, D.
‘From Parental Leave to Parental Time: Effects of Directive 96/34/EC on German
employment law’, 31 (4) Industrial Law Journal, 361-369
Schiek, D.
Wertorientierungen im Arbeitsverhältnis – Differenz und Diskriminierungsschutz
als neue Anforderungen? (Values in the Employment Relationship – Diversity and Protection
against Discrimination as new Challenges?) In: Aigner, Tatjana and Heilmann, Joachim
(eds) Wertorientierungen im Unternehmen und Arbeitsrecht (Brussels: Peter Lang)
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Professor Dr Dagmar S chiek – CV with publications April 2016
Kittner, M. &
D. Schiek
Kommentierung von Art. 9 Abs. 3 GG (commentary on freedom of trade union association in
the German constitution); in: Denninger, E. u.a. (Eds.) Gemeinschaftskommentar zum
Grundgesetz (Reihe Alternativkommentare) AK GG Neuwied und Kriftel:
Luchterhand, 3. Aufl. Bd 1, 1-99 (Neuwied: Luchterhand)
Schiek, D.
Kommentierung von Art. 20 Abs. 1-3, IV: Sozialstaatsprinzip (commentary on the social
state principle in the German constitution), in: Denninger, E. u.a. (Eds.)
Gemeinschaftskommentar zum Grundgesetz (Reihe Alternativkommentare) AK GG
Neuwied und Kriftel: Luchterhand, 3. Aufl. Bd 2, 1-83
Schiek, D.
Europäische Betriebsvereinbarungen (European Works Council Agreements), 54 (4) Recht
der Arbeit, 218-236
Schiek, D.
Substantive Standards in European Contract Law - On an aspect of the possible relation of EC Contract Law and the Principles of European Contract Law , in: Lichtenberg, Meuvissen, Schiek, D (eds) HLS-Cahiers, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, 2001,
Schiek, D.
‘Equality as a Right - Lessons to be learned from EC Sex Equality Law for a Multi Dimensional EC Anti-Discrimination Law’, in: Appelt, Erna et al (ed.) Combating Racism - Affirmative Action as a Model for Europe? Oxford: Berg, 239-264
Schiek, D.
Differenzierte Gerechtigkeit: Diskriminierungsschutz und Vertragsrecht (BadenBaden: Nomos), 534 pages (Habilitationsschrift Bremen 1999, Justice differenciated?
Protection against discrimination and contract law)
Schiek, D.
‘Positive Action before the European Court of Justice - New Conceptions of Equality in Community Law?’ 16 (3) International Journal for Comparative Labour Law
and Industrial Relations, 251-275
Schiek, D.
EG-Recht contra Arbeitsrecht? Gedanken zum Verhältnis von Positiv- und
Negativintegration im Europäischen Arbeitsrecht. (EC law versus Labour Law? On the relation of positive and negative integration in European Labour Law) In: Wolmerath Martin et al
(eds), Recht und Soziale Arbeitswelt. Festschrift für Wolfgang Däubler (Frankfurt:
Bund-Verlag) 784-804
Schiek, D.
Freedom of Contract and a Non-Discrimination Principle- irreconcilable antonyms?
In: Loenen, Titia/ Rodrigues, Peter (ed.) Non-Discrimination Law: Comparative Perspectives (The Hague: Kluwer) 77-89
Schiek, D.
Contract Law, Discrimination and European Integration, in: Wilhelmsson, Thomas
and Hurri, Samuli (eds) From Dissonance to Sense: Welfare State Expectations, Privatisation and Private Law (Aldershot: Ashgate) 405-463
Schiek, D.
‘More Positive Action in Community Law - Case C-405/95, Marschall v Land Nordrhein-Westfalen’, 27 (2) Industrial Law Journal, 155-162
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Professor Dr Dagmar S chiek – CV with publications April 2016
Schiek, D.
‘Sex Equality Law after Kalanke and Marschall’ 4 (2) European Law Journal, 148 168
Schiek, D.
‚Draehmpaehl und die Folgen‘ (Consequences of the Draehmpaehl ruling) 53 (11)
Betriebsberater 586-587
Schiek, D.
Europäisches Arbeitsrecht (European Labour Law), Baden-Baden: Nomos-Verlag
Schiek, D.
Anm zu BAG 5.3.1996 1 AZR 590/92 (A) AP Nr 226 zu Art. 3 GG (H 1997, Bl. 590604) (Annotation to Federal Labour Court ruling implementing ECJ C-450/93 Kalanke, in the leading
collection of employment case law)
Schiek, D.
Formulararbeitsverträge mit Verkaufsfahrern (standard contracts with employees
delivering goods) 52 Betriebsberater, 310-317
Schiek, D.
Frauenförderung oder Diskriminierungsschutz? Perspektiven der „Frauenquote“
nach „Kalanke“ (Women’s preferential treatment or non-discrimination policy? Perspectives for
“women’s quotas” after the Kalanke ruling) 49 (2) WSI Mitteilungen 341-349
Schiek, D.
Geltungsbereich der Frauengleichstellungsgesetze, Regelungen zu
Frauenförderplänen und Quotierung in Frauengleichstellungsgesetzen, in. Schiek,
D u.a., Frauengleichstellungsgesetze des Bundes und der Länder - Kommentar für
die Praxis (Köln: Bund-Verlag) (comments on provisions on scope of application, equality plans
and women’s quotas in a commentary on all women’s equality acts in Germany)
Schiek, D.
Kalanke und die Folgen - Überlegungen zu EG-rechtlichen Anforderungen an
betriebliche Gleichstellungspolitik (Consequences of the Kalanke Ruling – deliberations on EC
law requirements for equal opportunities policies at enterprise level), 44 (4) Arbeit und Recht,
128 -135
Schiek, D.
‘Positive Action in Community Law - Case C-450/93, Kalanke v Freie Hansestadt
Bremen’, 25 (3) Industrial Law Journal 239 - 246
Schiek, D.
‘Lifting the Ban on Women’s Night Work in Europe - A Straight Road to Equality in
Employment?’, 3 (2) Cardozo Women’s Law Journal 309-333
Schiek, D.
Zweites Gleichberechtigungsgesetz für die Privatwirtschaft - Textausgabe mit
Kurzkommentierung, (Second Equality Act for privaten enterprises – text and commentary)
(Köln: Bund-Verlag) 195 pages
Schiek, D.
Die Schnecke Fortschritt kriecht rückwärts - das Zweite Gleichberechtigungsgesetz,
(A snail called progress retreats – the Second Equality Act) 13 (1) Streit, 1-13
Schiek, D.
Dienststelle, Personalvertretung und die Gleichstellung von Frauen im öffentlichen
Dienst, (Public authorities, personnell committees and women’s equality in publi services) 12 (1)
Der Personalrat 10-15
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Professor Dr Dagmar S chiek – CV with publications April 2016
Schiek, D.
Mitbestimmung über Arbeitszeitregelungen und Privatisierung bei der Post, (Codetermination on working time regulation and privatisation of the German post) Arbeitsrecht im
Betrieb, Sonderheft zur Postprivatisierung, 27-35
Schiek, D.
Die Bedeutung der Handelsvertreterentscheidung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts
für Verträge in neuen Produktionsstrukturen (The German Constitutional Court’s decision
on sales agents and it’s relevance for lean production), in: Krebs u.a.: Summum ius, summa
iniuria, Jahrbuch Junger Zivilrechtswissenschaftler 1994, Stuttgart u.a.: BoorbergVerlag, 1995, 45-62
Schiek, D.
Die EuGH - Entscheidung Kalanke - Folgerungen für antidiskriminierende
Maßnahmen im öffentlichen Dienst, (The ECJ judgment in Kalanke – consequences for antidiscrimination measures in public employment) 12 (3) Der Personalrat, 511-514
Schiek, D.
Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie - vereinbar mit der Gleichberechtigung ? (Reconciliation of professional and family life – reconcilable with equal rights?) 27 (4) Kritische Justiz
Schiek, D.
Recht der Gleichstellung von Frauen - Versuch einer Strukturierung von
Handlungsmöglichkeiten, (Law and Women’s Equality – structuring options for action) in:
Donhauser, Hemmerich, Irrgang, Klawitter (Eds.), Frauen-fragen, Frauenperspektiven (München: Schweitzer), 94 -112
Schiek, D.
Das Hessische Gleichberechtigungsgesetz, (The Hesse Equality Act) Der Personalrat ,
201 - 212
Schiek, D.
Betriebsräte bei der neuen Bahn (Works Councils in the New Trains), Arbeitsrecht im
Betrieb, Sonderheft zur Privatisierung der Bundesbahn (special edition on the
privatisation of German Rail), 25-33
Schiek, D.
2. Gleichberechtigungsgesetz - Änderungen des Arbeitsrechts, (The Second Equality Act
– changes to employment law) Arbeitsrecht im Betrieb, 450 -453
Schiek, D.
Nachtarbeitsverbot für Arbeiterinnen - Deregulierung im Namen der Gleichberechtigung ? (Baden-Baden: Nomos) (PhD thesis Hamburg, summary translated in
Cardozo Women’s Law Journal 1996, see above)
Schiek, D.
Eckpunkte für ein Nachtarbeitsschutzgesetz (Bullet-points for an Act on Night Work),
Soziale Sicherheit, 152 – 156
Schiek, D.
Das Berliner Landesantidiskriminierungsgesetz, (The Berlin Anti-Discrimination Act) 11 (3)
Streit , 95 – 101
Plander,H. & Forschung als Gegenstand von Werkverträgen, (research as a subject of contracts of
D. Schiek
services) 44 (3) Recht der Arbeit, 219 - 232
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