Thema 11 Unit 2 File - Camden Haven High School e


Thema 11 Unit 2 File - Camden Haven High School e
Christians Geburtstag
In this unit you will learn:
• more about possessive pronouns
• about birthday celebrations in Germany
• about greeting cards and their messages
• about German music and how to express your preferences
Abbreviations: Kb
Kursbuch (Textbook)
Arbeitsbuch (Workbook)
Blackline master (worksheet)
Website CD or website:
More about possessive pronouns
First, a little revision about what to say when you receive a gift:
Do Web Fokus Übung 1 – Ich habe ein Geschenk für dich, by matching
the response to its picture. Click and drag the response to place it under
the appropriate illustration.
-1Camden Haven High School
euer = your
Last lesson you learned about unser (our) and euer (your).
You practised the forms of unser by completing exercises from your
Now you are going to practise euer by doing the same sort of exercises.
euer =‘your’ when talking informally to more than one person
eg. two children or a group of friends
(ii) use euer/eure when the accompanying noun is the subject of the verb
euren/eure/euer when the accompanying noun is the object of the verb.
If you need to refresh your memory, open your Kb to p103, Fokus b. Die
So, to practise, do
Ab p132, Ex 9 euer oder eure?
(subject forms) and
Ab p133, Ex 10 euren, eure oder euer
(object forms)
Check your Solutions and don’t forget to ask your teacher for help if you
need it.
Now do Web Struktur Übung 1.
The first task will practise unser forms, as subject forms (with Das ist ...)
and as object forms (with Sie haben ...). When you check your responses,
you will then proceed automatically to practise euer forms, again as subject
and object forms.
Check your answers and let your teacher know how you went.
-2Camden Haven High School
Kb p104 Struktur a. summarises what you have been learning about
possessive pronouns this unit (unser and euer) as well as last unit (sein
and ihr).
Look at this table very carefully, noticing how the endings vary according to
the gender and number (der, die, das, die[pl]) of the noun, and then also
according to the function (subject or object) of the noun.
Copy these tables into your Notebook, highlighting the variations in
Now a quick little exercise to really make you think:
(refer to your tables for help if needed)
Ab p133, Ex 11 Welche Geschenke mögen sie?
Check your Solutions.
NOTE: A full outline of all the possessive pronouns you have done so
far can be found at Kb pp154-5 Struktur Überblick.
Katrin mag ihre Geschenke!
-3Camden Haven High School
Birthday Celebrations and Greeting Cards
Time for a break from all that grammar! In this lesson you will learn about how birthdays are
celebrated, how to sing “Happy Birthday” in German and also about different greeting cards
and their messages.
Das Geburtstagkind
Kb p105 Infos describes what happens if you are the “Birthday child”
(which is what you are called, even if you’re 100! auch wenn du 100 Jahre
alt bist!)
Read the information carefully and listen to the birthday song:
Audio CD3 track 34.
Celebrations are not so different in Germany, are they?
Greeting cards and their messages
Listen to Audio CD3 track 35 while you read Leseseite (Kb p106).
Can you work out all the occasions and their greetings?
Test yourself and see if you can find greetings from p106 that say:
Happy Easter!
All the best for your Wedding Day!
Belated best wishes for your birthday!
I love you! (for Valentine’s Day)
Get better soon!
Best wishes for your birthday!
Happy Christmas!
Happy New Year (and a good slide into the year)
Check your answers against those at the end of this lesson. Make any
corrections necessary, then copy the list of Greetings and their meanings
into your Notebook.
-4Camden Haven High School
Now go to Ab p133 and do Ex 12 Viele Grüße.
Then do Ex 13 Was sagst du? (Ab p134).
When you have completed these exercises,
check your Solutions.
Finally a Web exercise to consolidate your knowledge of greetings for
special occasions:
Web Fokus Übung 2. Drag the correct greeting to match the picture.
To send to your teacher:
You must send your teacher a greeting card, written in German.
It can be a card you have made (paper, cardboard, etc) or it can be an
electronic one.
For possible websites, try these (but make sure you choose a free
[kostenlos] card!):
and there are some others in the Web Infos section.
Viel Glück!
Alles Liebe und Gute zum
Geburtstag, Mama!
-5Camden Haven High School
1. Easter:
Frohe Ostern!
2. Wedding: Alles Gute zum Hochzeitstag!
3. Belated:
Nachträglich herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag!
4. Valentine: Ich habe dich lieb!
5. Get well:
Gute Besserung!
6. Birthday:
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag!
7. Christmas: Frohe Weihnachten!
8. New Year: Gutes neues Jahr und einen guten Rutsch!
Music styles and expressing your preferences
Likes and dislikes
You should remember that in Thema 10 we met expressions we can use to
say how much we like something:
eg. Ich mag gern Fische, ich mag lieber Hamster, und ich mag am liebsten
Schlangen. Ich finde Hunde und Katzen langweilig.
To refresh your memory, do this listening exercise:
Ab p129, Ex 2 Wie finden sie ihre Geschenke?
Check your Solutions.
-6Camden Haven High School
Audio CD3 track 37.
We can use the same expressions to talk about our preferences in music.
Turn to Kb p103, Fokus c. Welche Musik hörst du gern?
Audio CD3 track 33.
As you read and listen to these examples, you will see that gern, lieber, am
liebsten have been used with the verb hören (to listen, to hear).
Ich höre gern Hip-Hop. Ich höre lieber Rock.
Ich höre am
liebsten Rap.
You will probably also notice that the instant and international availability of
modern music means that the names of the styles of music (eg. Jazz,
Rock, Rap) are very similar in German and English.
Now do Mach mit! 3 ii. (Kb p103) , writing two new dialogues which follow
the pattern of the dialogue in Fokus c., substituting different styles of
music. Give the people speaking names, too, not just A and B.
Send in or read this to your teacher.
A little more listening now, to practise these expressions:
Ab p129, Ex 3 Welche Musik hörst du gern? Audio CD3 track 38.
Check your Solutions.
-7Camden Haven High School
Be prepared to answer these types of questions when you are next talking
to your teacher:
Welche Musik hörst du gern?
Welche Musik magst du nicht?
Wie findest du ....Rap? ...Hip-Hop? ...Rock?...Jazz?...klassische
Musik? ...Techno?
Plan your answers here:
Ich höre gern ................................
Ich höre lieber ................................
aber ich höre am liebsten ....................................
Ich mag ........................................nicht.
Ich finde Rap .............................
Ich finde Jazz
...................................... etc.
Welche Musik hörst du gern?
Music in Germany
Firstly, to consolidate the work you did in Lesson 3, do this exercise:
Ab p136, Ex 15 Welche Musik hörst du gern?
Check your Solutions.
-8Camden Haven High School
Now to find out about what’s happening on the music scene in Germany.
Look at the photos of German bands on Kb p105, Rammstein, Kraftwerk
and Tic Tac Toe. Although these are only three examples, their music is
vastly different from each other.
There are more singers and groups listed on BLM 11.1 . Read through
this list.
Using the websites given on those pages and the others provided here,
investigate the current music scene in Germany.
Write your answers to the questions in the box at the bottom of Kb p105.
List if you can the Top Ten on the charts in Germany at the moment, as
Send this to your teacher with this TP.
Hörst du gern Popmusik?
-9Camden Haven High School