- Galerie Georg Nothelfer


- Galerie Georg Nothelfer
um Geboren am 12. August in Am agasaki, Hyogo Präfekt ur
Besucht die Kyot o Municipal School of Paint ing, wo er t radit ionelle
j apanische Malerei st udiert
Diplom an der Kunst akadem ie von Kyot o
Besucht das Cit y Art Cent re, Osaka, wo er die Grundregeln der
Ölm alerei lernt . Er beginnt sich an der west lichen Malerei zu
orient ieren
Mit glied der New Creat ion Art Associat ion
gründet zusam m en m it Akira Kanayam a, Saburo Murakam i und
At suko Tanaka die Gruppe Zero
Die Zero Gruppe wird aufgelöst und geht in die Gut ai Art
Associat ion über. Shiraga ist Gründungsm it glied der GUTAI ( neben
Fuj iko Shiraga, Akira Mukai, Saburo Murakam i, Shozo Shim am ot o,
Yasuo Sum i, At suko Tanaka, Chiyu Uem ae, Yozo Ukit a, Tsuruko
Yam asaki, Toshio Yoshida, Jiro Yoshihara)
Erst es Treffen m it dem französischen Kunst krit iker Michel Tapié,
der die Theorie der " L'art I nform el" ent wickelt e. Tapié arrangiert
Möglichkeit en für die Mit glieder der Gut ai Gruppe ihre Arbeit en in
Europa zu zeigen. ( z.B. die Teilnahm e an der Ausst ellung " Nul" des
St edelij km useum , Am st erdam 1965 und in der Mart ha Jackson
Gallery, New York 1958)
Beginn der Auseinanderset zung m it dem Buddhism us, dessen
akt iver Anhänger er bis heut e ist
Trit t in das buddhist ische Priest ersem inar des Enryaku Tem pels auf
dem Berg Hiei ein
lebt und arbeit et in Am agasaki
Am agasaki Cit zen's Cult ural Prize
Hyogo Prefect ural Cult ural Prize for Excellence
Dist inguished Service Medal for Cult ure
Hankyu Depart m ent St ore, Osaka ( m it Saburo Murakam i)
Galerie St adler, Paris
I nt ernat ional Cent re of Aest het ic Research, Galleria Not izie, Torino
Tokyo Gallery, Tokio
Gut ai Pinacot heca, Osaka
Tokyo Gallery, Tokio
Tokyo Gallery, Tokio
Shinanobashi Gallery, Osaka
Shinanobashi Gallery, Osaka
Tobi Gallery, Osaka
Kinet su Depart m ent St ore, Osaka
Shinanobashi Gallery, Osaka
Asahi Gallery, Kyot o
Miyako Gallery, Osaka
Tor Road Gallery, Kobe
Uhlandst raße 184 . 10623 Berlin . Telefon 030 881 44 05 . Fax 030 881 86 10
Corneliusst raße 3 . 10787 Berlin . Telefon 030 257 59 806 . Fax 030 257 59 807
E- m ail: not helfer@galerie- not helfer.de . www.galerie- not helfer.de
Miyako Gallery, Osaka
Tor Road Gallery, Kobe
Tokyo Gallery, Tokyo
Gendait ko Cent re Mini- Pinacot heca, Miyazaki
Gallery Haku, Osaka
Space Adesso, Ashiya ( m it Jiro Yoshihara)
Tokyo Gallery, Tokyo
" Sadam asa Mot onaga and Kazuo Shiraga" Wakayam a Prefect ural
Museum of Modern Art , Wakayam a
Gallery Be- Art , Kyot o
The Cont em porary Art Gallery, Seibu Depart m ent St ore, Tokyo
Hyogo Prefect ural Museum of Modern Art , Kobe
Galerie St adler, Paris
Cent re de la Vieille Charit é, Marseille
" Shiraga 1957- 62" Galleria Milano, Mailand
Gallery Haku, Osaka
Galerie Georg Not helfer, Berlin
Gallery Kuranuki, Osaka
" Kazuo Shiraga – Encount er of Body and Mat erial 1947- 89"
Am agasaki Cult ural Cent re, Am agasaki/ Hyogo
Tokyo Gallery, Tokyo
Gallery Kasahara, Osaka
Gallery Shirakawa, Kyot o
Tokyo Gallery, Tokyo
Galerie Georg Not helferm Berlin
Galerie St adler, Paris
" Kazuo Shiraga" Kit a Museum , Nara
Cent re Régional d'Art Cont em porain, Midi Pyrénées, Labége
Musée d'Art Moderne Reflect ion des Jacobins, Toulouse
Gallery Apa, Nagoya
Gallery m m g, Tokyo
Tokyo Gallery, Tokyo
Tokyo Gallery, Tokyo
Am agasakishinkit ashin Office, Osaka
Gallery Apa, Nagoya
Tokyo Gallery, Tokyo
Hyogo Prefect ural Museum of Modern Art , Kobe
Annely Juda Fine Art , London
Kazuo Shiraga zum 80. Geburt st ag – Bilder, Galerie Georg
Not helfer, Berlin
" 1 st Gut ai Exhibit ion" Ohara Hall, Tokyo
" 1 st art show of Gut ai on st age" Osaka, Tokyo
" The world of new art " Osaka, Tokyo
" XI Prem io Lissone- I nt ernazional par la Pit t ura" Lissone
" Met am orphesm es" Galerie St adler, Paris
" 4t h Exhibit ion of Japanese Cont em porary Art " Tokyo Met ropolit an
Art Museum , Tokyo
" Cont inue et Avant - gardes au Japon" I nt ernat ional Cent e of
Aest het ic Research, Turin
" Experim ent of Cont em porary Art " Nat ional Museum of Modern Art ,
Uhlandst raße 184 . 10623 Berlin . Telefon 030 881 44 05 . Fax 030 881 86 10
Corneliusst raße 3 . 10787 Berlin . Telefon 030 257 59 806 . Fax 030 257 59 807
E- m ail: not helfer@galerie- not helfer.de . www.galerie- not helfer.de
" Mirco Salon" Tokyo Gallery, Tokyo
" Salon de Tokyo" I set an Depart m ent St ore, Tokyo
" 5t h Exhibit ion of Japanese Cont em porary Art " Tokyo Met ropolit an
Art Museum , Tokyo
" 14 t h select ed Mast er Pieces" Nihonbashi Mit sukoshi, Tokyo
" Movem ent of t he Cont em porary Paint ings" Nat ional Museum of
Modern Art , Kyot o
" 1er Salon I nt ernat ional de Galleries Pilot es Lausannes" Musée
Cant onel des Beaux Art s, Lausanne
" 8t h Japan I nt ernat ional Art Exhibit ion" Tokyo Met ropolit an Art
Museum , Tokyo
" 16 t h Gut ai Exhibit ion" , Tokyo
" 17 t h select ed Mast er Pieces" Nihonbashi Mit sukoshi, Tokyo
" Sekihi 70" exhibit ed Expo'70, Osaka
" 4 art ist s in Hyogo" Hyogo Prefect ural Museum of Modern Art , Kobe
" The Japanese Modern Art " Hyogo Prefect ural Museum of Modern
Art , Kobe
" Jiro Yoshihara and Today's Aspect s of t he Gut ai" Hyogo Prefect ural
Museum of Modern Art , Kobe
" Japanese Modern Art – 20 years post war" Kyot o Cit y Art
Museum , Kyot o
" Cont em porary Art " Nara Prefecut al Art Museum , Nara
" The Movem ent s of Cont em porary Art Part I , t he 1950s" Tokyo
Met ropolit an Art Museum , Tokyo
" The Art of Today's Japan" Miyagi Prefecut ral Art Museum , Miyagi
" The t im e of t he change of t he cont em porary art – 1960s" The
Nat ional Museum of Modern Art , Tokyo und The Nat ional Mosdern
art Museum , Kyot o
" Panoram a of Japanese cont em porary piant ings" Toyam a
Prefect ural Museum of m odern Art , Toyam a
" View of 30 Japanese cont em porary paint ings aft er t he war"
Hiroshim a Prefect ural Art Museum , Hiroshim a
" Cont em porary art t hrough t he 20 years" Gum m a Prefect ural
Museum of Modern Art , Gum m a
" Cont em porary art by art ist s in kansai 1950- 1970" Yao Seibu Hall,
" Art ist s in Hyogo" Hyogo Prefect ural Museum of Modern Art , Kobe
" Hum an Docum ent s'84/ 85" Tokyo Gallery, Tokyo
" The Societ y for research for t he Yam am ura collect ion" Nat ional
Museum of Modern Art , Osaka
" Jiro Yoshihara and Gut ai" Ashiya Cit izen Cent re, Ashiya
" Gut ai and Cobra" Nat ional Museum of Modern Art , Osaka
" 40 years of cont em porary art " Museum of Cont em porary Art ,
" Japanese Cont em porary Paint ings" Nat ional Gallery of Modern Art ,
Neu Dehli
" Reconst ruct ions: Avant - garde art in j apan 1945- 65" Museum of
Modern Art , Oxford und Fruit m arket Gallerym , Edinburgh
" Group Gut ai- Pint ura y act ion" Museo Espanol de Art e
Cont em poraneo, Madrid
" Japanese Cont em porary Art Exhibit ion" Taipei Cit y Art Museum ,
" Japanese Art Today" Mandeville Gallery, universit y of carolina,
Uhlandst raße 184 . 10623 Berlin . Telefon 030 881 44 05 . Fax 030 881 86 10
Corneliusst raße 3 . 10787 Berlin . Telefon 030 257 59 806 . Fax 030 257 59 807
E- m ail: not helfer@galerie- not helfer.de . www.galerie- not helfer.de
San Diego
" The Ohara Museum Collect ion" , Tsukashin Hall, Osaka
" Today's black and whit e" Sait am a Prefect ural Museum of Modern
Art , Sait am a
" Japon des Avant Gardes 1910- 70" Musée Nat ional d'Art Moderne
cent re Georges Pom pidou, Paris
" Art Kit e Show" Wanderausst ellung zu neun j apanischen und zehn
int ernat ionalen Museen
" Locus of Feet 1988" Yurakucho Seibu Art Forum und
Wanderausst ellung ( Tsukashin Hall, Am agasaki, Okazaki Art
Museum for World Children, Fukuyam a Art Museum und Ohit a
Prefect ural Art Hall)
" Expression of Movem ent " sait am a Prefect ural Museum of Modern
Art , Sait am a
" Movem ent of Japanese Cont em porary Art " Toyam a Prefect ural
Museum of Modern Art , Toyam a
" The Visionary Yam am ura Collect ion" Hyogo Prefect ural Museum of
Modern Art , Kobe
" Shiga" The Mast erpieces of Niigat a Prefect ural Art Museum ,
Niigat a
" Art Collect ion" Wakayam a prefect ural Museum of Modern Art
" Japan and Aust ralia I nt erchange Exhibit on" Queensland Art
Gallery, Brisbane
" Creat ors of cont em porary art in Kyot o, Osaka and Kobe on Showa
20" Tot t ori Pefect ural Museum , Tot t ori
" Gut ai Unfinished Avant - garde group" Shot o Museum , Shot o
" St ream of Cont em porary Art " Toyam a Prefect ural Museum of
Modern Art , Toyam a
" Giappone Al l'avanguardia – I l Gruppo Gut ai Neglianni Cinquent a"
The Nat ional Museum of Modern Art , Rom
" Saga" Grand Palais, Paris
" Paint ings on Shows Post War" Him ej i Municipal Art Museum "
Him ej i
" Gut ai" Museum Darm st adt
" Line in Cont em porary Art " Sait am a Prefect rual Museum of Modern
Art , Sait am a
" Movem ent of Cont em porary Print s" Ashiya Municipal Art Museum ,
" Gut ai I 1954- 1958" Ashiya Municipal Art Museum , Ashiya
" Reconst ruct ed Gut ai Field Exhibit ion" Ashiya Park
" Blue Wave" Meguro Museum of Art " Tokyo
" Gut ai I I 1959- 1965" Ashiya Municipal Art Museum , Ashiya
XLV. Biennale Venedig
" The Gut ai Group 1955/ 56" Penrose I nst it ut e, Tokyo
" Japanese Art aft er 1945" Yokoham a Art Museum
" Cont em porary Calligraphy" Tokyo Gallery, Tokyo
" Charit y Auct ion for Hansin Disast er" Seibu Shinj uku PePe Salon
" Mem ory of Friends: Waichi Tsut aka and Shigeru I zum i" Keihan
Gallery, Moriguchi
" Art on 1953, Aft er t he War" Meguro Art Museum , Tokyo
" The Yam am ura Collect ion" Chiba Cit y Museum , Chiba
" Out of Act ion 1949- 79" Museum of Cont em porary Art , Los Angeles
( Wanderausst ellung nach Wien und Barcelona)
" Picaf – 2 nd I nt ernat ional Cont em porary Art Fest ival Pusan"
Uhlandst raße 184 . 10623 Berlin . Telefon 030 881 44 05 . Fax 030 881 86 10
Corneliusst raße 3 . 10787 Berlin . Telefon 030 257 59 806 . Fax 030 257 59 807
E- m ail: not helfer@galerie- not helfer.de . www.galerie- not helfer.de
Met ropolit an Art Museum , Pusan, Korea
" Out of Act ion" Museum of Cont em porary Art , Tokyo
" The Movem ent of 20 t h Cent ury in Art " Fukuoka Cit y Art Museum ,
" Gut ai" The Galerie Nat ionale du Jeu de Paum e, Paris
" Mem orial Eart hquake Disast er" Hyogo Prefect ural Museum of
Modern Art , Kobe
Accrochage I I , Galerie Georg Not helfer, Berlin
Aichi Prefect ural Museum of Art
Am agasaki Cit y Cent ral Hall
Am agasaki Cult ural Cent re
Daihonzan Honkhoj i Tem pel, Am agasaki
Ashiya Cit y Museum of Art and Hist ory
Chiba Cit y Museum of Art
Enryakuj i Kaikan
Enryakuj i Tem pel, Mount Hiei
Fukuoka Art Museum
Fukuyam a Museum ofArt
Him ej i Cit y Museum of Art
Hiroshim a Cit y Museum of Cont em porary Art
The Museum of Modern Art , I baraki
I waki Cit y Art Museum
The Kagawa Prefect ural Cult ural Cent er
Kasai Cit y Hall
Kit akyushu Cit y Museum of Art
Hyogo Prefect ural Museum of Modern Art , Kobe
Hyogo Prefect ural Public Hall, Kobe
The Museum of Art , Kochi
Kure Municpal Museum of Art
Hozan Kohset suin Tem pel, Kyot o
The Nat ional Museum of Modern Art , Kyot o
Cent re Régional d'Art Cont em porain Midi- Pyrénées, Labége
Musée Cant ini, Marseille
Mie Prefect ural Art Museum
The Miyagi Museum of Art
Kit a Modern Art Museum , Nara
Nara Prefect ural Museum of Art
Nerim a Art Museum
Niigat a Prefect ural Museum of Art
Doct or's Hall of Nishinari Ward
Ot ani Mem orial Art Museum , Nishinom iya
Ohara Museum of Art , Okayam a
Doct or's Associat ion of Osaka
The Nat ional Museum of Art , Osaka
Osaka Cit y Museum of Modern Art
Musée Nat ional d'Art Moderne Cent re Georges Pom pidou, Paris
The Museum of Modern Art , Sait am a
The Museum of Modern Art , Shiga
The Shizuoka Prefect ural Museum of Art
Takam at su Cit y Museum of Art
Uhlandst raße 184 . 10623 Berlin . Telefon 030 881 44 05 . Fax 030 881 86 10
Corneliusst raße 3 . 10787 Berlin . Telefon 030 257 59 806 . Fax 030 257 59 807
E- m ail: not helfer@galerie- not helfer.de . www.galerie- not helfer.de
Tochigi Prefect ural Museum of Fine Art s
The Hara Museum , Tokyo
The Nat ional Museum of Modern Art , Tokyo
Meguro Museum of Art , Tokyo
Tokyop Met ropolit an Art Museum
Museum of Modern Art , Toyam a
Toyot a Municpal Museum of Art
The Museum of Modern Art , Wakayam a
Yokoham a Cit y Museum
der Biographie, in:
$ gehend
" Annely Juda Fine Art , London 2001
Einzelne Bereiche wurden erweit ert .
Uhlandst raße 184 . 10623 Berlin . Telefon 030 881 44 05 . Fax 030 881 86 10
Corneliusst raße 3 . 10787 Berlin . Telefon 030 257 59 806 . Fax 030 257 59 807
E- m ail: not helfer@galerie- not helfer.de . www.galerie- not helfer.de

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