the invitation


the invitation
Invitation to Seminar Talk
Processing Information with Small
Quantum Devices
Marco Tomamichel
School of Physics, University of Sydney
One of the predominant challenges when engineering future quantum information
processors is that complex quantum states are notoriously hard to prepare,
maintain and control. Hence, there will be severe limitations on the size of quantum
computers for the foreseeable future, and it is natural to ask: Can even a small
quantum device offer significant advantages over classical information processing?
I will discuss recent progress on such questions, with an emphasis on the novel
mathematical techniques that are required to tackle them.
First, in the context of channel coding, I will show how we can use results from
quantum hypothesis testing to characterize the fundamental limits of information
transmission. Second, in the context of quantum cryptography, I will show how an
entropic formulation of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle leads to a concise and
general security proof for quantum key distribution.
Monday, February 22, 2016, 10.00 am
Seminar room, Lab Building West, ground floor
This invitation is valid as a ticket for the IST Shuttle from and to Heiligenstadt Station. Please
find a schedule of the IST Shuttle on our webpage (note that the IST Shuttle times are
highlighted in lilac):
The IST Shuttle bus is marked IST Shuttle (bus line 242) and has the Institute Logo printed on
the side.
Institute of Science and Technology Austria | Am Campus 1 | 3400 Klosterneuburg

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