recommendations - CIP - Centro de Integridade Pública


recommendations - CIP - Centro de Integridade Pública
For the Public Sector. The public sector faces challenges, but also has opportunities
to promote business integrity. The most critical challenge is that improving business
integrity requires political will, in the context of a country were economic and business interests are intermingled, and public integrity is still critical. Two points emerge
from this issue. The first is the need to ensure the effectiveness of state institutions in
law enforcement. Of particular importance is the enforcement of anti-corruption legislation and that related to economic crimes. The second is closely related to the first,
but concerns a particular area where the relationship between business and politics
has a prejudicial effect on business and public integrity: public procurement. There
are opportunities in the recently approved anti-corruption legislation, the Criminal
Code and a reasonably sound legal framework with potential to promote public and
business integrity and based on international standards. An additional advantage is
the existence of a set of institutions, some in place others not, responsible for promoting public integrity, among them the Central Anti-Corruption Office and its provincial
branches, the Office for Financial Information, the Competition Authority, the Central
and Local/Sector Public Ethics Commissions, among others. Although still deficient
(in terms of reliability and accuracy in the type of crimes), reporting on implementation of the anti-corruption legislation provides a good starting point for identifying
the main bottlenecks. The ratio of the number of cases initiated by the Public Prosecutor and taken to court, and the cases judged, can provide a good starting point for
analysing the effectiveness of anti-corruption measures.
Thus, in line with the above, the recommended actions for this stakeholder area are:
In the short term:
• Use the results of the BICA to identify a set of actions to address critical areas of
business integrity to be included in the matrix of activities under the private and
public sector dialogue;
• Create a procurement oversight mechanism comprising government, the business sector and civil society, building on the existing experience of the Business
Integrity Pact Against Corruption for procurement;
• Improve information on economic crimes in the State of Justice Report, to encourage the judiciary to adopt more effective measures;
In the medium term:
• Government, civil society and donors should support improvements to the
judiciary’s capacity to deal with business integrity cases and economic crimes
through more specialization of judges;
• Revise legislation to create a specific subsection in the criminal courts to deal
with corruption cases;
• Improve the organizational capacity of enforcement agencies, such as UFSA
for procurement, the Central Public Ethics Commission for conflict of interest, the
Central Agency for Victim and Whistle-blower Protection, ATM for monitoring the
application of the IFRS;
• Regulate and review existing legislation to improve its effectiveness in promoting business integrity, especially
o The Public Ethics Law
o The Victim and Whistle-blower Protection Law
• Improve capacity to follow up GIFIM’s investigations by the Criminal Investigation Police, the Public Attorney Offices and the judicial system;
• Revise procurement legislation to improve checks and balances, including the
external monitoring of procurement processes, as proposed in the BIPAC.
For the business sector, one paramount element for business integrity is to cultivate
a culture of transparency. Access to information on business is very low. Companies
are relucinformation for a sound analysis), this, per se, speaks for itself about business
integrity. Opaque companies cannot be good drivers of business integrity and lack of
transparency is in itself a sign of weak integrity. Thus, promoting a culture of transparency in companies means stimulating proper reporting on all areas defined in the legislation (operations, relations with stakeholders and financial), and making this information available to stakeholders and the general public. But, looking further, Mozambican
business sector integrity must be seen in the historical perspective that influenced the
existence of a relatively small entrepreneurial class, decapitalized, with weak management skills and with part of it heavily dependent on the state and political connections.
This combination of elements poses challenges to the promotion of business integrity.
So an appropriate starting point for sound interventions in this area is a profound understanding of the context and incentives for business integrity in Mozambique.
In terms of short-term actions:
• Business associations stimulate and support companies to share and disseminate their experiences in business integrity management;
• In a joint effort, government, donors, business associations and civil society carry out an analysis of the drivers, constraints, actors, opportunities, incentives and
risks for business integrity in Mozambique. This could be an ongoing exercise, to
allow for a continuous update.
In the medium term:
• Promote growing adherence and the adoption of business integrity instruments by companies, and improve their monitoring and reporting by business
• Improve the responsiveness and accountability of public enterprises to citizens
through more interventions by the Administrative Court and Parliament to guarantee compliance with the existing legal framework;
• Business association and government support for the development of national
companies’ capacity for general and integrity management. This means supporting the adoption of management and reporting standards (accounting and auditing) in line with existing legislation, as well as disclosure;
• Civil society and government should identify and list companies and entities
(public and private) subject to the disclosure of information obligation under the
Right to Information Act.
For civil society, its activism has been geared towards the public sector and to certain areas with a higher negative social impact, such as extractive industries. The business sector as such has not been an area of action and interest for CSOs. At the same
time, the media have weaknesses and sustainability challenges, including financial
and technical/professional quality. These constraints pose challenges for the independence of the media, due to potential dependence on the business sector, and a lack
of technical quality to report on business, thus weakening checks and balances in this
area. If civil society is to have a greater role in checks and balances related to companies, to promote business integrity, it is necessary to strengthen the role and independence of the media in this area. This can be achieved through more technical training on business integrity issues for the media, for better reporting on this area. CSOs
generally could include or aggregate business as part of their governance monitoring
activism. The civil society entities that can better play this role are the trade unions,
because of their direct interaction with companies and relative advantage in terms of
their knowledge and experience in the sector.
In this area, concrete actions are:
• Capacity building in business integrity and promoting specialization in the media sector through training (short-term) and scholarships for academic training
(medium term), to increase the frequency and technical quality of media coverage
of the business sector;
• Build civil society capacity to monitor the business sector, through capacity
development and strategic alliances or coalition-building between governanceoriented civil society organizations and trade unions.
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