“Gata Brasileira” (Brazilian Babe)


“Gata Brasileira” (Brazilian Babe)
Zumba with Karla H April 4-10, 2011
Hello Lovely Ladies,
Check out the new format for Z-Mail! I’m a page designer in addition
to being an editor and writer at the Durango Herald, so I couldn’t resist
adding a little Zumba-style flavor to my weekly e-mails. I thought it
would be fun to highlight a “regular” student each week who is making
progress on wellness goals through Zumba. Let’s inspire each other!
This is the power of group fitness.
Z Student
of Zee Week
Class Schedule This Week
Monday: 6:30-7:30 p.m. @ Durango Rec Center
Tuesday: 12-1 p.m. @ Durango Dance
Thursday: 12-1 p.m. @ Durango Dance
Saturday: 11 a.m.-12 p.m. @ Durango Rec Center
Sunday: 11 a.m.-12 p.m. @ Durango Dance
H Durango Community Recreation Center: 2700 Main Ave.; just north of fairgrounds complex
H Durango Dance: 1120 Main Ave.; northeast corner of 11th & Main. The cost is $10 drop-in or $75
for book of 10 class tickets; exact cash or checks, please. Bring a friend & get free playlist CD!
New Song & Video Link
This week we’ll warm up with a slow, sassy Axé song called “Gata
Brasiliera” (Brazilian Babe). Click here to see the video: http://www.
Learn about Axé and read the Portugese translation below.
Cultural Notes
Axé (say ah-SHAY) is a popular music genre originating in the state
of Bahia in Brazil approximately in 1986, fusing different Afro-Caribbean genres. The term axé comes from the Yoruba peoples of Western
Africa. It is the name they gave to the life force; the concept is similar
to the Eastern idea of qi, or chi. Axé dance movements are a fusion
of styles: samba, hip-hop, African dance and capoeira (a Brazilian
martial arts/dance form).
ZQuote of Zee Week:
“Oh, I can do this. The videos were hard,
but I can follow you. This is easy!”
– BP employee attending her first live Zumba class
Mary Lou Murray
The tall, lovely, red-headed
Mary Lou is a veteran of
Power Dance and tap, but
decided to try Zumba because
she has “rebar in her back,” she
said with a laugh.
Mary Lou is an accountant
and artist. She takes Zumba at
Durango Dance because Latin
dance challenges her, and helps
loosen up her lower back. Since
starting the class in November,
she has lost at least a half-inch
around her waist.
She is 55. “I never lie about
my age,” she said. Dance
has always been a part of her
fitness routine. “You have to
take care of your body. You
have to use it.”
To encourage people to try
Zumba, or stick with it, she
would tell them to not to be
too self-conscious.
“The camaraderie is great.
You don’t have to be perfect.
The more you let it rip, the
more fun you have.”
“Gata Brasileira” (Brazilian Babe)
Vejam que cenario, que monumental.
Quebradeira brasileira, charme especial.
Filha do vento bagunçou meu pensamento.
Que swing. Que swing. Que beleza.
Look what a wonderful landscape, what a monument
Great Brazilian swing, a girl with special charm.
Child of the wind, you confused my mind
What a nice swing you have, what a nice swing you have. Very good.
Balança o corpo feito um furacao.
Chego a ter falta de fôlego, palpitação.
Me dê um beijo, e eu te abro minha vida como cartas sobre a mesa.
Shake your body like a hurricane.
I even lose my breath, my heart just pounds
Give me a kiss, and I’ll open my heart to you like cards laid on the table.
Linda, saiba que você chegou aqui pra iluminar meu samba.
Veio forte, meio sem querer.
Abusou da sorte, me deixou de perna bamba.
Pretty girl, I want you to know that you’ve come just to make my samba lively
You’ve come razing all around, but almost without any intention
You make fun of your luck, I am trembling for you
Ja está claro. vejo o dia amanhecer, mas a esperança não morreu ainda.
Não me canso, quero te querer, a gata brasileira linda.
Muito mais que linda.
The sky is already bright, I watch as it dawns, but I didn’t give up hope.
I’d never give up on loving you. I want to love you beautiful Brazilian babe.
You’re more than beautiful.
Eu quero ouvir o grito da galera...
Vem comigo que vai ser legal.
Eu quero ouvir o grito da galera...
Da gata brasileira, patrimônio federal.
I wanna hear the crowd saying it out loud
Come with me, this is gonna be so great
I wanna hear the crowd saying it out loud
Brazilian babe, heritage of the nation
E muito brilho pr’uma pessoa só.
a sua imagem tem o significado da beleza.
eu quero todo mundo, ê.
No movimento, ô.
Too much glow for just one girl
Her image is the picture of the beauty
I wanna hear everybody saying, ê
Dancing to the move, ô
Malhe bum, malhe bum, malhe bum...
Keep on exercising the booty... :)
Elevando o pensamento, pra manter a chama acesa.
Já tô completamente enfeitiçado por essa mulher.
é um objeto de cobiça, todo mundo quer.
Uma maravilha como essa ninguem nunca viu
é a gata brasileira, patrimonio do brasil
Raise your spirit up to keep our flame burning
I’m totally under the spell of this girl already
She’s an object of temptation, everybody wants her
Such a marvelous pretty thing, no one has ever seen
She’s the Brazilian babe, heritage of Brazil.
Facebook: “Zumba With Karla”
Watch more videos here!
Phone: 769-4154
E-mail: [email protected]

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