Rob ert Fung`s Wa ter front Re de vel op ment Plan


Rob ert Fung`s Wa ter front Re de vel op ment Plan
On May 16 2000, the Fed er a tion of Portuguese Canadian Business and Pro fessionals , to gether with the Eu ro pean Un ion
Chamber of Commerce in Toronto
(EUCOCIT), and in partnership with the
cham bers of com merce and equiv a lent organi sa tions in To ronto of mem ber states of
the Eu ro pean Un ion, held The Fourth Annual Chair man’s Din ner. The func tion took
place at the Gov er nor Gen eral’s Suite of the
To ronto Hilton Ho tel, and was chaired by
the EUCOCIT’s current chairman, and
FPCBP’s Past Pres i dent, Armindo Silva.
The honourable guest speaker was His
Ex cel lency Dr. José Manuel Duarte De
Jesus, Am bas sa dor for Por tu gal to Can ada
who de liv ered a speech de scrib ing some of
the chal lenges fac ing the Eu ro pean Un ion
at the dawn of the 21st cen tury, and en tertained the ques tions of an at ten tive and inter ested au di ence.
FPCBP’s President Charles Sousa pre sented His Ex cel lency with a plaque pay ing
trib ute to our na tive cul ture. It was a fan tastic eve ning hon our ing our her i tage from the
his tor i cal past and of Por tu gal’s role in the
European Union in the mak ing of the future. We thank the am bas sa dor for shar ing
his insights on the challenges con fronted
and on outcomes attained by the Por tuguese Pres i dency of the Eu ro pean Un ion in
FPCBP, a member of the European
Cham ber, is pleased to be a par tic i pant in
facilitating commercial re lations and cul tural exchanges with the EU. EUCOCIT
ex ists to strengthen ties and to fos ter ed u cation and cultural links between EU and
Can ada.
Laura Lima, Di rec tor
Amassador Duarte de Jesus receives gift from
Charles Sousa, FPCBP Pres i dent
Robert Fung’s Waterfront Redevelopment Plan
Rob ert Fung
On Wednes day June 14, 2000 FPCBP mem bers and guests had
the great plea sure of hear ing Rob ert Fung speak about To ronto’s
wa ter front re de vel op ment plans heightened by the Olympic Bid
pro cess. The busi ness lunch was hosted at Lis bon by Night.
Rob ert Fung is a se nior part ner of Cap i tal West Group, a group
of se nior in vest ment bro kers pro vid ing cor po rate and fi nan cial advice and strategy in the area of merg ers, ac qui si tions and cap i tal
FPCBP Newsletter - October 2000
Mr. Fung’s re mark able back ground pre pares him well to be chair
of the Wa ter front Revitalisation Task Force whose chal leng ing respon si bil i ties in clude de vel op ing a stra te gic busi ness plan for the
de vel op ment and fi nanc ing of To ronto’s wa ter front that re quires
the dif fi cult mar riage agree ment be tween all three lev els of gov ernment. Mr. Fung has made major headlines in local newspapers
over the past year with his Task Force’s anal y sis of how the wa terfront should be revitalised. Regular Town Hall meetings have
taken place to bring the community on side with this plan. This
plan also goes a long way to improve chances of bringing the
Olym pics to To ronto in 2008.
Al though the revitalisation will likely go ahead re gard less of the
out come of the Olym pic bid, there are many chal lenges and in terest ing con cepts that are be ing stud ied. Some of these in clude, remov ing the Gardner Ex press Way and re plac ing it with ma jor boule vards hav ing many ar te rial route con nec tions. The con struc tion
of a new com mu nity down town that pro vides more pub lic ac cess to
the wa ter front through walk ways and bi cy cle paths is long over due
and most wel come!
Mr. Fung’s pro vided a peak into the fu ture of To ronto. Its all a
mat ter of money and pol i tics … lets hope we can make it work
sooner than later.
Luis Sal va dor, Ex ec u tive Di rec tor
… the harder the course the more re ward ing the tri umph
On be half of the board we would like to tiac Buick GMC Ltd., Louro Jewellers,
Sintra Wine Bar & Grill, Assaggio Res
thank the golf com mit tee and ac knowl edge Manuel Gaspar, CGA, Mackenzie Fi nantaurant.
all members who assisted in making this cial, Marbles of Portugal, Medeiros Pho Official 2000 Golf Win ner: Mr. Peter
year’s tour na ment a great suc cess. We es- tog ra phy, Mississauga Con ven tion Cen tre, Eftaxias, winner of FPCBP Golf Tour napecially like to thank our volunteers who Montepio Geral, Olympic Tool and Die ment 2000, is added to the hon our able list
were instrumental in selling
of this great event. As a take
raf fles and tak ing pic tures. But
home prize, all win ners re ceived
most of all we appreciate the
beautifully custom engraved
generous do nations of our
marble and glass carvings pro sponsors that enable such an
duced by Marbles of Portugal,
event to oc cur and which give
cour tesy of Amilcar Jacinto, and
FPCBP the ability to source
by Marco Benigno of Verrage
money for its schol ar ship fund.
Glass and Mirror Inc. who bev FPCBP endeavours to pro elled the FPCBP logo and prom imote pro fes sion als and to fosnently displayed the sponsor’s
ter busi ness within and out side
The takings from this event go
community and we thank our
towards FPCBP Scholarship
many mem bers and guests for
Fund. Once again your en thu si asparticipating in such a worthy
tic par tic i pa tion and gen er ous docause.
nations, of over $35,000, sur All contributors are equally
passed past performances and
recognized. But I wish I had
con tin ues the fine tra di tion of this
been the benefactor of one of José Nunes, Carlos Teixeira, Jack Dorian, Carlos Mar tins, best four some pre - great an nual event of the Fed er asented by Manuel Silveira, Mississauga Con ven tion Centre
the fol low ing prizes:
tion! A warm thank you to all !
Ma jor Spon sors:
Inc., Plasticap Inc., Progress Auto Col li• Joe Estaquio from Labatts Brew eries
No pas sa do dia 27 de Junho realizou-se
• Scotia Bank were lead sponsors that sion, Renaissance Convention Centre,
no Hockley Val ley Golf Re sort o “FPCBP
pro vided com pli men tary golf shirts to all Rogues Res tau rant, Royal Bank Fi nan cial Golf Tournament 2000”, o maior torneio
Group, Royal & Sunalliance, Rui dos de golf que a Federação jamais realizou.
Vidros, Shorewood Packaging Corp. Of Bateram-se novos recordes no número de
Hole-in-one Prizes:
jogadores, ajudantes, patrocinadores,
• 2000 Mercedes Benz C Class, do nated by Canada Ltd, Sottomayor Bank of Can ada,
Steinberg Morton Frymer, LL. B, The prémios, e não menos importante nas
Mercedes-Benz Can ada
Inc., receitas.
• 2000 Bu ick Re gal fea tur ing roundtrip to Regional
Participaram ao todo; 170 pessoas no
Ger many via Lufthansa and a set of axfli
54 “hole sponsors”, 12 “trophy
irons, donated by Laurie Williamson
Roofing & Sheet Metal Ltd.,
tivemos como prémios um
Pon tiac Bu ick GMC Ltd.
Auction Prizes: Vintage Ports donated Mercedes e um Bu ick (infelizmente a sorte
Putting Prize: Cus tom de signed la dies
não bafejou alguém) e, muito, muito mais…
18 kt ruby and di a mond din ner ring do nated by ICEP cour tesy of Jose An to nio Lamas
A lista de vencedores segue-se:
by Louis Louro Jr. of Louro Jew el lers
Sottomayor Bank Canada, Keyser Mason
Com o resultado espectacular de 74
Hole Sponsors: Accord Travel Inc.,
Assaggio Restaurant, Autostock, Banco Ball, Merit Metal Industries, Montepio pancadas saíu vencedor do troféu para
Geral, Rogues Res tau rant, Royal Bank Fi- homens o Sr. Peter Eftaxias, que assim
Comercial dos Açores, Banco Espirito
nancial Group, The Regional Insurance, repete a sua memorável vitória de 1998.
Santo, Banco Portugues do Atlantico, Bank
of Nova Sco tia, Blue Pages (Por tu guese Di- Car di nal Fu neral Homes, CIRV Ra dio In- Dado o grau de dificuldade deste percurso
ter na tional, CNF Con trac tors, Favas In sur- em Hockley Valley o nosso vencedor
rectory),, Cardinal
ance, Iberic Oil, Mackenzie Financial, conquistou a admiração de todos os
Funeral Homes, C.N.F. Contractors,
CFMT - Channel 47, CHIN Radio, CIRV Mississauga Convention Centre, Re nais- participantes e do próprio Joe Pinto,
sance Con ven tion Cen tre; do nated by Mar- organizador, que descreveu o resultado
FM 88.9, Corpap Inc., D. S. Teixeira & Asbles of Por tu gal, Verrage Glass and Mir ror como sendo “…de se tirar o chapéu!”.
sociates, Favas Insurance Services Inc.,
Vencedora do troféu para senhoras foi a
Fuller Lan dau, LLP, Her i tage Schol ar ship Inc.
Raf fle Prizes:
Carminda Barbosa, uma das oito
Trust Plan, Iberic Oil Company Limited,
IBG Corporation Computers Ind. Sales, • Roundtrip Airfare to Portugal for two, senhoras participantes, que com 99
cour tesy of Ac cord Travel Inc.
pancadas alcançou um resultado que foi a
Keyser Ma son Ball - Bar ris ters and So lic i•
Weekend getaway for two, courtesy of inveja de muitos que se consideram
tors, Labatt Breweries Ontario, Lanterna
Hockley Val ley Re sort.
Wine Bar & Grill, Laurie Wil liam son Pon• Fuller Landau LLP, Rogues Restaurant,
FPCBP Newsletter - May 2000
O melhor “foursome”, foi o de Carlos Teixeira, José Nunes,
Jack Dorian e Carlos Mar tins.
“The lon gest drive” foi ganho por Gus Costa, e “The clos est to
hole” por Da vid Costa.
“The putt ing con test” foi uma lin da brincadeira brilhantemente
ganha por Manny Coelho. Esteve em jogo uma bela prenda no
valor de $5,000.00, (wow!!!) oferta do Sr.Louis Louro da Louro
Para “hole in one” os prémios eram um Mercedes, cortesia de
Rui Gomes “o dos vidros”, e um Bu ick por cortesia de Laurie Williamson Pontiack Buick. Infelizmente nem um nem outro foram
O percurso em Hockley Val ley é conhecido por ser difícil, pois
assim o diz maioria, mas a recompensa é a ineguável beleza do
Joe Pinto
lugar. O tempo esteve perfeito, as conditções para jogar optimas, e
o jantar foi saboroso e bem servido. Em suma, um dia
sors” e voluntários, e à CIRV Radio, media sponsor e Hockley
simplesmente maravilhoso!
“Or ga- Val ley Re sort.
Para o ano que se avizinha, e com a vossa colaboração, será pelo
nizing Committee
tão bom ou melhor!
President’s Message
Chair man” gostava
de agradecer a
Jose Pinto, Di rec tor
todos os “sponIt gives me great plea sure to thank everyone who participate in our events
and contribute to our causes. I’m
pleased to re port that half way through
our year 2000 man date, we have par tic iIt is dis turb ing to come across young peo- earn ings also de pends on how high they’ve
pated in a wide va ri ety of events, which
ple par tic u larly, who ques tion the merit of ad vanced in their ca reer.
has provided us with record “general”
at tend ing school and of gain ing higher ac aHalf way through a ca reer, lack of sec ondrev e nues. In all we hope to well ex ceed
demic training as good insurance for a ary education represents on average be our budget of $100,000 for the year.
better and re ward ing fu ture. The jus ti fi ca- tween 10 and 40 percent lower earnings
This is apart from char i ta ble do na tions
tions put for ward are mostly mis guided or than with sec ond ary ed u ca tion com pleted.
and other trust funds such as our scholir rel e vant to the re al i ties of to day’s world.
arship program. In fact, scholarship
For the few scep tics, here are some re cent 2. Does higher education guarantee
spon sors keep com ing in with $11,000
sta tis tics (1998) from the OECD (Or gani- higher em ploy ment op por tu nity?
now held in trust and an other $16,000
sa tion for Eco nomic Co-operation and Deal ready pledged. Dur ing our as sis tance
vel op ment) which should be help ful to ed uFor young peo ple who have ex pe ri enced
at CIRV’s radiothon we processed an cators and to any one else facing the difficulty in obtaining em ploy ment this is
other $35,000 in visa re ceipts through
important. Statistics clearly show that
our charity trust. All told there have
higher education leads to better em ploybeen extensive collections through
1. Is it true that people with academic ment opportunity throughout the OECD,
FPCBP for the good of the com mu nity
train ing earn more?
although Portugal was an exception. In
and we are priv i leged to be able to play
1996 for nearly all OECD coun tries and bea small role in these endeavours. Con True, for the majority of OECD coun - tween the ages of 20 and 24, 15 per cent of
grat u la tions go to all of you who in spire
tries. Although more education does not young peo ple with sec ond ary ed u ca tion reand facilitate the workings of this or guarantee higher salaries, there are many mained un em ployed, ver sus 21 per cent of
gani sa tion. Your col lab o ra tion en ables
other factors besides academic qual i fi ca- those with no sec ond ary ed u ca tion. Por tuus to fos ter more pro grams that help to
tions, which af fect re mu ner a tion. Av er age gal was again the ex cep tion due to its less
solidify FPCBP’s strong foun da tion.
sal a ries in all OECD coun tries are sub stan- developed skills market. Nevertheless, in
Together, we continue to provide
tially higher for those with more school ed- Por tu gal, there was a greater ad van tage for
events to celebrate our community’s
u ca tion than for those with less.
those who com pleted sec ond ary ed u ca tion
achieve ments and sup port pro grams for
This is especially noticeable for those against those who have n’t.
our youth through ac a demic awards.
with higher ed u ca tion. For ex am ple a 30 to
It is ex pected that the rapid de vel op ment
It ap pears that we will ex ceed tar gets
40 year old with a uni ver sity de gree earns of tech nol ogy parks and lead ing-edge manthis year but more im por tantly we are
30 to 80 percent more than anyone who u fac tur ing in dus tries in Por tu gal will soon
as sured to keep our schol ar ship trust inonly com pleted sec ond ary school. In Por tu- shift the skills mar ket needs to wards those
tact for fu ture gen er a tions. On be half of
gal the premium is 70 to 80 percent. The of the more advanced coun tries which inFPCBP board of di rec tors, thank you!
dif fer ence in earn ings is more pro nounced clude Can ada
A. Charles Sousa
FPCBP Newsletter - October 2000
with age, and in most coun tries the high est
pre mium is reached around the age of 50.
For those with no de gree the dif fer ence in
Carlos Laborde-Basto, Di rec tor
Professor Jose C. Curto, of YORK
UNIVERSITY in Toronto, announces
Con ference
Co-Sponsored by The Department of
History and The Nigerian Hinterland
TRADE, on Oc to ber 12-15th, 2000
The focus of this conference is the
cultural, demographic, economic, lin guis tic, po lit i cal, and re li gious con nections be tween Brazil and Af rica dur ing
the era of the trans at lan tic slave trade.
Over 35 lead ing ex perts and ad vanced
graduate students from Canada, the
United States, Brazil, Europe, Af rica,
Central America, and the Caribbean
will present their most re cent re search
on these themes. Fur ther de tails go to:
Museu dos Pioneiros
na Casa de Portugal
Inaugurado a 13 de Maio do ano
corrente na Casa de Por tu gal o Museu
dos Pioneiros recheado de relíquias,
famílias dos nossos pioneiros, esteve
extremamente concorrido por muitos
visitantes que acorreram a reavivar as
memórias de um passado prestigiante,
cuja herança fará sempre parte do nosso
Para além da arte e paciência de
colaboradores, a iniciativa de José
Mário Coelho e apoio de Manuel da
Costa o novo Museu contou com o
patrocínio de várias entidades, en tre as
quais a Federação, o ACAPO, Royal
Bank e o pioneiro António Sousa.
Para quem ainda não visitou o Museu
informamos que se encontra no quarto
andar da Casa de Portugal, no 722 da
Col lege Street, em To ronto.
Palmira Almeida, Di rec tor
A Celebration of our Future
On Sat ur day, No vem ber 11th, 2000 the
Fed er a tion will be hold ing its 20th An nual
Dinner at the Mississauga Convention
Centre. This year the cho sen theme will
fo cus on the im por tance and the his tory of
our Scholarship Award Program. While
last year’s din ner was ded i cated to the accomplishments of our founding pioneers,
this year’s din ner will fo cus on the fu ture of
our community. The Federation and its
members have long been known for their
dedication to improving the educational
op por tu ni ties avail able to those in our community. This year’s dinner will celebrate
the past achievements of the Scholarship
Program and re cognise the long-standing
sup port from many of our mem bers to this
very worthwhile and deserving cause. In
addition we will, for the first time, award
schol ar ships to high school stu dents to inspire them to achieve higher lev els of ed uca tion. The ex pan sion of the schol ar ship
pro gram that in cludes high school stu dents
are sub ject to them be ing ac cepted into a recognised university in the coming year.
FPCBP wants to re cog nise the im por tance
of pro mot ing con tin u ing ed u ca tion and aca demic ex cel lence.
For many years we have helped young
mem bers of our com mu nity, not only fi nancially through scholarships, but more im portantly we aim to represent positively
that our com mu nity is stead fast in its commit ment to ed u ca tion. We all aim for the
bet ter ment of Por tu guese-Canadians and to
make avail able more op por tu ni ties for our
young adults. The suc cess of the schol arship pro gram is de pend ent upon the con tinued and very gen er ous sup port of our members. We look forward to the continued
sup port of our past do nors, as well as our
new do nors such as Luso-Golf in making
this year’s event a suc cess.
Po ten tial ap pli cants for one of the scholar ships are re minded that sub mis sion must
be no later then Oc to ber 20th, 2000. Ap plications are available at FPCBP offices or
through the Universities. You may also
con tact me at (905) 276-9111 for fur ther information.
Paul M. DeMelo, Vice-President
Book Signing - Maria Fatima de Toste
FPCBP had an op por tu nity to meet one of
our com mu nity’s spe cial tal ents. We had
the plea sure of at tend ing and sup port ing the
launch of a new book by Maria Fatima de
Toste. This event co in cided with our community’s reading week and took place at
Casa do Açores on Dundas Street.
It was easy to find one self en gulfed in the
warmth, pride and history of our cultural
past. Everyone reminisced about past
memories, experiences and new friend ships while re mem ber ing the lives of those
de parted who con trib uted tre men dously to
our com mu nity.
Maria de Fatima is a spe cial in di vid ual.
While work ing as a teacher, she earned her
Masters De gree in Psychology and still
found time to raise three chil dren. At the
young age of 50, Fatima re turned to uni versity and worked hard to obtain a Masters
de gree while jug gling fam ily com mit ments
and still lent a helping hand to Canadian
Food for Children, a community support
service for needy children around the
Her book en ti tled “Nas Redes do Sonho”
is her sec ond one. The first one “Imagens
do Mar” was re leased a few years ago. The
book contains many poems inspired from
dreams, past ex pe ri ences and folk lore. The
book covers our history, our soul, the is lands, the sea and how these have af fected
Fatima and oth ers like her. To read any of
these poems is to be transported back in
time to a world of dis cov ery. You can close
your eyes and be part of the past.
The eve ning was mem o ra ble. Over 125
guests and friends were in attendance to
toast Maria’s work. Excerpts from the
book were read aloud by a num ber of dis tinguished in dividuals while Fado music
filled the back ground. Tears could be seen
rolling down people’s eyes as they reflected on our her i tage.
Luis Sal va dor, Ex ec u tive Di rec tor
FPCBP Newsletter - October 2000
A Federação
agradece a:
VIRGIL PIRES (Merit Metal) pela
generosa oferta de dois conjuntos de
prateleiras, amplas e resistentes para a
nossa arrecadação onde já se acumulam
artigos e materiais compilados ao longo
de vinte anos de existência; e
JOSEPH ALVES (IBG Cor po ra tion)
pelo apoio e paciência dedicado à
informática, que tem vindo a ser
sucessivamente actualizada para fazer
face ao crescente volume de trabalho,
desencadeado pelos novos desafios que
regem a nossa actividade.
Palmira Almeida,
FPCBP Website
- Update
Have you visited our website at Did you leave us
your opin ion, ideas, crit i cisms and suggestions? We hope that in both cases
your re ply is “Yes”!
We are work ing on im prove ments to
the pre sen ta tion, con tent, lay out and appeal of our website such that it does best
what it is in tended to do – To serve you,
our mem bers! If you are not a FPCBP
member yet but you are interested in
what our mem bers do or have deal ings
with our com mu nity please feel free to
ex press your opin ion as well.
With many of us away during the
summer, installation of the directory
has been de layed. Not for long though
as the in for ma tion is ready and it is expected to show up on your monitor
Keep tuned to the website launch in
the FPCBP News let ter Vol. 20.
Our e-mail address has changed:
[email protected]. Please update your
ad dress books.
The FPCBP website com mit tee members
Laborde-Basto (tel. 905 403 4407) and
Laura Lima (tel.416 722 5663).
FPCBP Newsletter - October 2000
Cinco Séculos da Presença Portuguesa
no Canadá
Foi uma jornada literária organizada e
apresentada, com grande sucesso, no
Consulado de Por tu gal em To ronto, a 9 do
A seguir à apresentação pelo Dr. João
Perestrello decorreram uma série de
conferências, cheias de ritmo, logo pela
manhã de Sábado, contando com a
participação de António Augusto Joel
(Instituto Camões), Gilles Lavigne
(Université du Quebec), Ilda Januário
(OISE, Uni ver sity of To ronto), José Carlos
Teixeira (University of Toronto), John
Warkentin (York University), Manuela
Dias-Tatilon (York University), Manuela
Marujo (University of Toronto), Onésimo
Teotónio de Almeida (Brown Uni versity/USA), Peter Col lins (York Uni versity), Pricilla Doel (Colby College/USA),
Rena Helms-Park (York Uni ver sity) e Victor M.P. da Rosa (Uni ver sity of Ot tawa).
complementado com o documentário de
César Pedro, ilustrando a nossa presença
em Newfoundland e o fim da tarde foi
pautado com o lançamento do livro “The
Por tu guese in Can ada - from the Sea to the
City”, por J. Carlos Teixeira e Vic tor M. P.
da Rosa, com o apoio do Por tu guese Bookstore e o patrocínio do Montepio Geral e
Pro fes sor José Carlos Teixeira e Vitor Rosa
Banco Espírito Santo. Se não fosse a Casa
do Alentejo que cedeu um número
significativo de cadeiras, mais de metade
dos presentes que encheram a Galeria
Almada Negreiros teriam ficado de pé mas,
como não foi o caso, mantiveram-se até ao
fim para ouvir a Luso Can Tuna que
arrematou este encontro cul tural.
Palmira Almeida, Di rec tor
The Ontario Trillium Foundation is a
community-based organisation mandated
by the Government of Ontario to assist a
wide ar ray of groups within the Prov ince of
On August 16th we had the pleasure of
listening to Ms. Maya Saletto-Jankovic,
Project Manager of Trillium Foundation,
ad dress ing our busi ness fo rum held at Lisbon by Night Res tau rant. As ev i denced by
those in at ten dance, there is abun dant in terest to tap into this government-sponsored
fund and its many new re sources now available for com mu nity based ini tia tives.
The Ontario Trillium Foundation pro vides mon e tary as sis tance for a va ri ety of
ini tia tives in Arts & Cul ture, En vi ron ment,
Hu man & so cial Ser vices as well as Sports
& Rec re ation. Maya pro vided us with information about opportunities to benefit
from fund ing pres ently be ing missed by our
community. She described various pro grams and how in ter ested groups could approach the Foun da tion for as sis tance.
Overall the business forum provided
valu able in sights into one of the most ac ces si ble fund ing op por tu ni ties for com munity-focused groups and or gani sa tions.
Whether for spe cific pro jects or for op er ating budgets, there are funds and
non-monetary assistance available to our
com mu nity.
For a free brochure about the Ontario
Trillium Foundation and obtain ap pli cations, please con tact our of fice.
The Ontario Trillium Foundation pro vides grants to char i ta ble and non-profit organisations for initiatives in Arts & Cul ture, Environment, Human & Social
Ser vices and Sports & Rec re ation. Trillium
is an agency of the Min is try of Cit i zen ship,
Cul ture and Rec re ation and re ceives $100
million annually from the Government of
Ontario. For more information, call
Trillium at 416-963-4927 or e-mail at [email protected].
Joe Pimentel, Di rec tor
Millennium Golf Tournament 2000
James Car di nal pres ents award to Gus Costa
Adrian Ferreira re ceives award from Carlos Ferreira
Mar bles of Por tu gal, Verrage Glass & Mir ror and Scotiabank, tro phy sponsors
Armindo Silva pres ents award to Da vid Costa
Louis Louro, Jorge Ribeiro and An drew Ribeiro @ Mercedes (Hole-in-one)
Joe Eustáquio, Charles Sousa e Paul DeMelo
Gabriela Cavaco re ceives award from John Aurelio (Iberic Oil)
Tony Pereira pres ents Rogues award
FPCBP Newsletter - October 2000
Luso Golf
Da vid Costa re ceives award
Friends from Luso Golf are ac knowl edged for their gen er ous do na tion of
$10,000 to FPCBP schol ar ship trust fund.
Luso Golf Directors: José Clemente Borges, Nuno Rodrigues, Manuel
Oliveira, Joe Pinto, Joe Oliveira & Vic tor Oliveira.
All pho to graphs cour tesy of
Tibério Branco, on behalf of Ac cord Travel,
pres ents trip for two to
Luis Germano
Eugénio Medeiros,
Medeiros Photography
Armindo Silva,
Chairman of EUCOCIT
Charles Sousa
Di rec tor of EUCOCIT
(rep re senting FPCBP)
Por tu gal’s Am bas sa dor to Canada, Dr. José Manuel Duarte de
Adriano Codinha, pres i dent of Saco Fisheries
Business Forum
Rob ert Fung and mem bers of FPCBP
FPCBP Newsletter - October 2000
A Federação
Que o prazo de entrega das
candidaturas às Bolsas de Estudo
termina a 14 de Outubro próximo, com
a respectiva atribuição aos apurados no
nosso Jantar de Gala, agendado para 11
de Novembro, 2000, no Mississauga
Con ven tion Cen tre.
Para mais informações não hesite em
contactar Isabel Gomes, no nosso
537-8874, fax (416) 537-9706 ou
endereço electrónico: [email protected]
APACC’s Banff
Last May the Association of Por tuguese-American Chambers of Com merce held its 6th in ter na tional con ference in the breath-taking Rocky
Moun tains of Banff, Al berta. APACC
Por tuguese-American communities, lo cated
in continental Portugal, Acores and
through out North Amer ica, and in clude
the FPCBP. The primary mandate of
APACC members is the development
of mu tu ally pros per ous eco nomic, commercial and cultural re lations between
Por tu gal and North Amer ica.
APACC members offer associates a
va ri ety of ser vices in clud ing trade and
in vest ment in for ma tion.
The con fer ence was made pos si ble, in
part, by sup port and ac tive par tic i pa tion
of FLAD, ICEP and Banco Espirit
Santo. We look for ward to more such
events in fu ture.
To promote business activity, foster
professionalism, develop networking
op por tu ni ties, en hance po lit i cal vis i bility, encourage academic excellence
and, as the representative voice, ad vocate the prominence of our members
within and out side the Por tu guese Cana dian Busi ness and Pro fes sional community.
Começaram com a parada que foi um
belo espectáculo pelo colorido e
criatividade dos seus carros alegóricos
apresentados pelos clubes da ACAPO e a
participação de muitas empresas, tais
como, a Telecom Por tu gal representada por
um membro da nossa direcção, Laura
Lima. Foi um cortejo muito engraçado que
fechou ruas e atraíu multidões que
estivemos representados, no fim da fila
mesmo a seguir ao carro dos bombeiros que
transportava os políticos locais, contando
ainda com a presença da Ministra da
Igualdade Dra Maria de Belém e Maria
Elisa, jornalista da RTP, que vieram assistir
às comemorações.
Aproveitamos para agradecer a presença
de Silvy Moreira (past schol ar ship re cip ient) Sónia Gomes e de João Santos
(ex-presidente da Federação) que se
prontificaram a ajudar-nos a transportar o
nosso dístico ao longo da parada, a qual
colmatou no Trinity Bellwoods Park que
contou com dois dias de fes ta portuguesa.
Apesar da chuva, o parque esteve
apinhado, como sempre, por todos quantos
Rui Gomes at FPCBP booth
acorreram para saborear a música e
petiscos portugueses.
Mais uma vez a ACAPO está de parabéns
pela consecução, em pleno, das
comemorações do Dia de Por tu gal, fruto de
essencialmente por Joe Eustáquio e Mag gie
de Carvalho. Só nos resta agradecer o
terem-nos proporcionado um pavilhão
onde pudemos estar representados,
juntamente com outras causas que temos
vindo a apoiar, nomeadamente o projecto
“Educação 2000”, pela promoção da
literacia e “Porta Aberta” da Family Ser vices Associacion.
Palmira Almeida
FPCBP Women’s Council Community Update
FPCBP Women’s Council has the plea sure to an nounce a new pro gram launched
by the Working Women Com mu nity Centre (WWCC) to aid young Portuguese
women to in crease and ex pand their awareness of ca reer op por tu ni ties in To ronto.
The Working Women Com mu nity Centre has launched the Career Exploration
Mentorship Pro ject this sum mer, a re sult of
FPCBP’s member Ilda Furtado’s research
into ca reer ex plo ra tion. The May tree Founda tion has granted fund ing to WWCC for 3
years to spe cif i cally aid in this pro ject. The
Ca reer Ex plo ra tion Mentorship Pro ject
will consist of self-development workshops; 4-5 month mentorship component;
and a long-term career action plan for the
young women.
If you know any young women that fit the
fol low ing pro file, this pro gram could be the
op por tu nity that they have been wait ing for
to aid them in their ca reer:
• Por tu guese de scent,
• Under-educated
• Un em ployed or un der-employed
• 17-29 years old
Reg is tra tion to en rol in this pro gram will
take place from Sep tem ber 13, 2000 to September 22, 2000 at the WWCC office at
533 A Glad stone Av e nue, To ronto.
In “Op por tu nities for Us” pro posal, Ilda
Furtado re ported that many par tic i pants expressed interest in be com ing mentors to
the young women. This is a great op por tunity for the female Professionals of our
proud com mu nity to make a dif fer ence in
the lives of our struggling Portuguese
young women.
If you are in ter ested in be com ing a mentor to our young women, or know of any one
who could benefit from this program or
simply require more information, please
con tact Lidia Vieira at the WWCC at (416)
“Work like you don’t need the money,
love like you’ve never been hurt and dance
as if no body was watch ing”
Laura Lima
FPCBP, Di rec tor
FPCBP Newsletter - October 2000
PERFIL: Lídia Saragaço
Um exemplo de Ética e Profissionalismo
Regressa, tudo in dica, definitivamente a
Por tu gal depois de 28 anos de Canadá onde
teve um percurso comunitário intenso que
profissionalismo constantes.
Cresceu num ambiente de partilha e
solidariedade rodeada por várias famílias
que lhe incutiram o interesse pela vida
colectiva. Aprendeu a ler sózinha aos
quatro anos e depois de “devorar” os
escassos romances da colectividade,
formou aos seis anos um Grupo de Leitura,
pois dispunha de poucos meios, e
combinou com as vizinhas (quase todas
analfabetas) que se elas alugassem alguns
fascículos poderia lê-los para o grupo. Aí
desenvolveu o amor pelo drama e teatro ao
desenvolver a entoação e linguagem
gestual. Criou desenvoltura e granjeou
popularidade. Foi uma excelente aluna,
sempre eleita para Chefe de Turma e
desenvolvendo um respeito recíproco pelos
professores, chegando a organizar
protestos com o intuito de promover as
condições escolares.
Foi com imenso pesar que, aos treze anos,
deixou este ambiente e círculo de amigos,
emigrando para o Canadá. No entanto, ao
cabo de um ano e, com uma fluência
razoável em Inglês já participava no
“drama club” e no “de bat ing team” do seu
Liceu em Mississauga fundando, com a
sua melhor amiga, o grupo das “Nações
Unidas e Desprezados” para apoiar os
descriminação pelos grupos “in” de então.
Com esta actividade extra-curricular
cresceu a sua consciência política, vindo a
delinear-se, mais ainda, ao passar pela
Universidade “Laurentian” em Sudbury
onde, com o intuito de tirar um curso de
francófonos num curriculum considerado
também, em movimentos laborais na altura
em que decorria a maior greve dos mineiros
– indústria-chave para a maior parte das
famílias ali residentes - acabando por
enveredar pelas Ciências Políticas,
transferindo-se para a Universidade de
Otava onde obteve a licenciatura em
Ciências Políticas e Economia.
Em Otava envolveu-se na comunidade
portuguesa trabalhando na Escola Luís de
Camões e fazendo um programa de rádio
aos Domingos à noite, ambos a título
voluntário. Integrou-se, também, num
grupo de jovens criativos, publicando o
primeiro jornal (da oposição) de ideias e
artes da região de Ottawa-Hull –
experiência inesquecível que guarda de um
grupo coeso e democrático.
Em 1981 foi convidada para assistente
comunitária dos então trustees Rosário
Marchese e Pat Case, em Toronto, que
eram bastante progressistas e lhe
permitiram tomar o verdadeiro pulso da
situação da nossa comunidade. Nesse ano
conheceu o Zé Pereira e aí começou a sua
grande caminhada teatral. A Associação
Democrática serviu-lhe de sede para
ACAPO Celebrates Community Achievement
On Sunday, September 17th, 2000,
Allianca dos Clubes Portugueses do Ontario (“ACAPO”) pre sented its Award of
Merit to Mr. Tony Dionisio (Com mu nity
Work). In addition another 5 awards
were presented to Hildebrando Silva
(Fine Arts), Professor Carlos Teixeira
(Literature), An tonio Ribeiro (Media),
Antonio Amaro (Music) and Francisco
Bolota (Sports). We con grat u late all well
de served win ners and ACAPO for a fine
pre sen ta tion.
FPCBP was hon oured to be in cluded in
ACAPO’s festivities. The continuing
success of ACAPO and it’s symbol of
unity bring to gether our di verse range of
so cial clubs and as so ci a tions. While we
FPCBP Newsletter - October 2000
may main tain our re spec tive as so ci a tions
sep a rate, it is es sen tial for us to gar ner a
single “non-partisan” representative
voice for our com mu nity to fos ter greater
vis i bil ity and rec og ni tion.
As an as so ci a tion rep re sent ing our business and professionals community, we
thank ACAPO for its splendid con tri butions in an ef fort to stim u late more awareness of Por tu guese Ca na di ans in On tario
well-deserved merit awards presented
that af ter noon.
We wel come and en cour age ACAPO’s
continued growth and prosperity for the
ben e fit of us all!
Lídia Saragaço
desenvolver o seu potencial cultural e
sócio-recreativo na nossa comunidade.
Esteve envolvida no movimento de
mulheres pro-MDM, em manifestações
políticas e culturais chegando a fazer parte
da Direcção da Associação, durante dois
anos, procurando defender sempre as
causas justas e apoiar os mais
Investigou, a pedido do Ministério da
Justiça, a descriminação ra cial e sex ual no
sistema jurídico do Ontário para um
trabalho teatral e educativo. Trabalhou com
um grupo de teatro profissional na
elaboração do guião para a peça que viria a
ser apresentada du rante um ano em várias
cidades e vilas da província do Ontário,
acabando por participar como actriz.
Apoiou a legalização de pessoas
injustamente ignoradas pelo sistema de
emigração. Foi intérprete no “Doc tors Hospital” prestando valiosos serviços a todos
quantos deles careceram.
Teve uma participação activa na direcção
do Abrigo na consecução e melhoria de
condições e programas providenciados à
nossa comunidade e, por último, teve a
oportunidade de exercer um cargo criativo
e desafiante (na abordagem de temas ainda
considerados “tabu” na nossa comunidade)
que foi o de jornalista na CFMT
conservando sempre a ética profissional
que a caracteriza.
Só nos resta agradecer todo o apoio que
nos tem prestado, desejando-lhe felicidades
para as no vas opções e lamentando o vazio
irreparável que deixará en tre nós.
Palmira Almeida, Di rec tor
Symphony of Fire
On June 24th a num ber of our mem bers
enjoyed Portugal’s spectacular in ter national fire works dis play cho reo graphed to
mu sic dur ing Bensons & Hedges sum mer
of fireworks extravaganza at Ontario
Place. The special ef fects were dazzling
even though the weather was less than
co-operative. Still the fes tiv i ties were not
damp ened by the rain and the eve ning was
capped with plenty of dance & mu sic. Admirers got up close to a mi rac u lous per formance on the roof top of the Al li ance Pa vilions.
Sym phony of Fire cel e bra tions fea tur ing Por tu gal
Le ver age Life In sur ance – O que é?
É um plano de seguro estrategicamente
desenhado para criar um pacote de fundos
para compra duma pensão/reforma ex tra, a
qual poderá ser isenta de pagamento de
taxas, o que não acontece duma maneira
geral com as outras pensões.
Este plano é particularmente indicado
para indivíduos que no presente têm
ordenados altos, consequentemente, com
um escalão de taxa mar ginal elevada e, que
reconhecem a vantagem da proteção dum
seguro como veículo a usar, não só para a
proteção da família mas também para
minimizar as taxas a pagar no presente e no
período de aposentação.
Reconhecemos porém, a necessidade
deste investimento abranger um horizonte
de 15 a 20 anos para se conseguir resultados
excelentes. Vejamos como trabalha...
1 - Compra-se uma apólice “Universal
Life” a qual é baseada num investimento de
fundos que acumulam no processo “com pounding” e com prémios mensais ou
anuais à escolha do investidor entre um
mínimo e um máximo. Usando o prêmio
2 - No período da reforma, quando quiser,
o investidor pode submeter a apólice a um
banco onde contratará com o mesmo, a
forma como e quanto vai receber em pensão
por ano e por quantos anos. O banco
automaticamente vai juntando os juros em
débito ao balanço do empréstimo. Neste
caso os montantes recebidos não pagarão
taxas ao governo porque os empréstimos
são isentos destas. Os juros ao banco,
logicamente virão a ser pagos um dia pela
própria apólice.
3 - Por morte, na ordem natural das
coisas, o empréstimo do banco no seu todo
será descontado do beneficio do seguro e o
restante irá para o/s beneficiário/s da
Business and Professional Nominations
The annual Awards Dinner will soon
occur on November 11th and we seek
your nom i na tions so that we may re cognise those in di vid u als who you feel have
achieved marked suc cess. These are in divid u als who im press you with de vo tion to
their vocation and special care to their
com mu nity. If you or some one you know
mínimo; o resultado será a proteção do
seguro e pouco mais. Com o prémio
máximo; conseguir-se-á não só um
aumento substancial na protecção do
seguro mas também a possibilidade de
grandes ganhos no respeitante ao
investimento. Reparar que não indo além
do pagamento/prêmio máximo os lucros no
investimento por lei crescem livres de
is out stand ing in their in dus try or pro fession, please let us know. We are in vit ing
nom i na tions for the En tre pre neur and the
Pro fes sional of the Year. The awards will
be pre sented at FPCBP’s An nual Din ner.
We ask that all nom i na tions be mailed or
faxed to our of fices to gether with the candi date’s pro file.
apólice também isento de taxas.
Vejamos este cenário:
Um homem com 40 anos de idade,
não-fumador, ao comprar $500,000 de
seguro teria que pagar $14,133 ao ano por
15 anos. Ou seja, um investimento de
$211,990 no to tal. Aos 65 anos de idade a
acumulação de fundos (segundo a
ilustração feita) seria de $556,865 a
adicionar aos $500,000 do seguro, o que dá
a bonita quantia de $1,056,865 de valor na
sua apólice. Nessa altura, ele poderia
contratar com um banco para receber um
emprestimo con tra a sua apolice de seguro,
que lhe renderia $22,832 ao ano por 15 anos
(ou seja até aos 80 anos), totalizando assim,
um beneficio de $365,305 sem taxas como
Por morte do segurado o banco subtrairia
o total do empréstimo incluindo os juros,
deixando ainda um quinhão de $1,155,173
para a família aos 80 anos, de $1,469,567
aos 90 anos, e assim por diante.
Lembramos que, esta é uma ilustração entre muitas que poderiam ser desenhadas.
Idade, sexo, período de pagamento ou
recebimento, montante a segurar etc.são
factores preponderantes a considerar
porque ao mudar condições, os números
por certo seriam outros. Os lucros futuros a
adquirir não são garantidos, porque
dependem de resultados que oscilam com o
mercado, podendo ser mais ou menos do
que no exemplo dado.
Para mais informação sobre este assunto
contactar o seu agente ou conselheiro de
Art Sousa,
FPCBP Newsletter - October 2000
Luso Golf’s
Generous Donation
supports Youth
Last May 23rd was “health kick” day
for the many FPCBP mem bers who met
at the friendly Luso Golf Tour na ment.
Our hosts were most hos pi ta ble, the orga ni za tion was ex cel lent and the af ternoon was great fun! ! Our con grat u lations to Joe Borges and his crew for this
out stand ing event!
Special thanks are due to the Luso
Golf Tournament organizers for their
gen er ous do na tion of $10,000 towards
the Fed er a tion of Por tu guese Ca na dian
Busi ness and Pro fes sionals Schol ar ship
Fund which pro motes ac a demic ex cellence for our youth through its annual
schol ar ship programme.
We thank mem bers for con tin u ing to so licit and pro mote FPCBP’s good cause. By bol ster ing o ur
mem ber ship we can fur ther en hance our stand ing within the com mu nity. Your phil an thropic ef forts have helped to pro mote ed u ca tion and busi ness aware ness that ben e fit many and help to solid ify our prom i nence within the Ca na dian Busi ness en vi ron ment. Our goal is to sig nif icantly in crease our level of paid members so we may produce better programs and advocate more
ap pro pri ately the needs of our busi ness com mu nity. This is in ad di tion to the fol low ing:
Busi ness and Pro fes sional Fo rums:
Feb ru ary 8, 2000
Cross-cultural lun cheon with Pre mier Mike Har ris
at the To ronto Marriott Eaton Ho tel
Feb ru ary 24, 2000
March 11, 2000
An nual Gen eral Meet ing at 722 Col lege St. To ronto
Mo zam bique Re lief Fund Ef fort sup port ing the Aca cia Rubra Din ner
at Europa Ca tering and CIRV radiothon
April 19, 2000
Port Wine Tasting with Tay lor Fladgate & Yeatman
in con junc tion with ICEP & Body Soul of Por tu gal at the On tario Club
An nual Chair man’s Din ner with Eu ro pean Cham ber of Com merce,
fea tur ing H.E. Mr. Jose Manuel Duarte de Je sus,
Am bas sa dor of Por tu gal in Can ada, at the To ronto Hilton
May 19, 2000
May 23, 2000
An nual Sata Ex press Char ity Tour na ment by Luso Golf
with pro ceeds to FPCBP Schol ar ship Trust Fund
June 14, 2000
To ronto’s Wa ter front Re vi tal iza tion Plan fea tur ing Rob ert Fung
at Lis bon By Night.
Sym phony of Fire fea tur ing Por tu gal’s Benson & Hedges
Fire works dis play at Atlantis On tario Place
June 24, 2000
Au gust 16, 2000
Sep tem ber 13, 2000
Oc to ber 11, 2000
Oc to ber 30, 2000
De cem ber 10, 2000
Jan/Feb 2001
The On tario Trillium Foun da tion fea tur ing Maja Saletto-Jankovic
at Lis bon By Night
Eco nomic Brief ing fea tur ing Carlos Gomes,
Se nior Sco tia Bank Econ o mist (post poned).
Da vid Crombie, Olym pic Bid Com mit tee Pre sen ta tion,
at Europa Ban quet Hall
Star Al li ance in as so ci a tion with EUCOCIT, at Air Can ada Cen tre
Almoço de homenagem ao Sr. Crescêncio Ferreira, Vice-Consul,
at Dundas Ban quet Place
Prime Min is ter Jean Chretien, cross-cultural net work lun cheon,
lo ca tion TBD
Women’s Fo rum, Can di date’s De bate, In ter na tional Fo rum.
To be an nounced later.
Golf Tour na ment
1919 - 2000
June 27, 2000
Hockley Val ley Golf and Coun try Re sort Cen tre
An nual Gala Awards Din ner
The country bids farewell to former
prime min is ter Pi erre Elliot Tru deau.
He is re garded by many as a pi o neer in
our multi cul tural na tion. As a pol i ti cian
he helped change Canadian im mi gration laws, opening Canada’s doors to
peo ple around the world. He was a man
who persevered the creation of civil
rights and the patriation of Canada’s
constitution. There is no de ny ing Trudeau’s influence. He personified Can ada, with mag netic per son al ity that exerted a mas sive out pour ing of emo tion
in his life as in his death. Canadians
from all back grounds will miss him.
FPCBP Newsletter - October 2000
No vem ber 11, 2000
at The Mississauga Con ven tion Cen tre.
We re mind stu dents to sub mit ap pli ca tions be fore Oc to ber 14, 2000. We also en cour age members to please sub mit nom i na tions for Busi ness and Pro fes sional Awards as soon as pos si ble.
Welcome FPCBP’s New Office Administrator
Please welcome to our office, Isabel
Gomes. You will be hear ing a new voice
and see ing a new face at the FPCBP of fices.
Isabel has re placed Palmira Almeida as Office Administrator. We also congratulate
Palmira in her new role at the Portuguese
Con sul ate.
Isabel co mes to us with a vast list of credentials and experience. She grew up in
Luanda, An gola. There she earned an arts
de gree and later be came a teacher. In Toronto, Isabel studied at Ryerson
Polytechnical In sti tute and George Brown
Col lege. Here Isabel be gan teach ing ESL.
Isabel says that she loves the richness of
multiculturalism. “I enjoy traditions and
the sense of be long ing and the se cu rity that
those val ues pro vide”.
Isabel will man age the of fice and keep us
all in formed reg u larly. She will be available to serve FPCBP mem bers, Mon day to
Friday, from 11:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.
Don’t hes i tate to call her at (416) 537-8874.
On be half of all mem bers, wel come aboard
Isabel and good luck!
FPCBP’s 2000 Board of Directors
Our Board of Di rec tors are man dated to build on FPCBP’s strong foun da tion. These vol un teers are proud to serve the best in ter ests of its mem bers
and work with them to pro mote a non-profit or gani sa tion in unit ing busi ness and pro fes sional peo ple of Por tu guese or i gin. Its mis sion is to pro mote
busi ness ac tiv ity, fos ter pro fes sion al ism, de velop net work ing op por tu ni ties, en hance po lit i cal vis i bil ity, en cour age ac a demic ex cel lence and, as the
rep re sen ta tive voice, ad vo cate the prom i nence of its mem bers within and out side the Por t u guese Ca na dian Busi ness and Pro fes sional com mu nity.
A board of 12 di rec tors and 3 trust ees gov erns FPCBP. They are ac count able to all mem bers in main tain ing and pro mot ing, through var i ous subcom mit tees, FPCBP’s im age and to pro vide or gan ised events through out the year. This in cludes, among other things, monthly busi ness fo rums, an
an nual golf tour na ment and es pe cially the An nual Awards Gala where rec og ni tion is given to out stand ing achieve ment in the busi ness com mu nity
and in ac a demic ex cel lence. FPCBP is proud to fos ter the old est and larg est schol ar ship pro gram in the Por tu guese com mu nity.
Board of Di rec tors:
A. Charles Sousa
Paul de Melo
Manny Gaspar
Luis Sal va dor
Palmira Almeida
Rui Gomes
Carlos Laborde-Basto
Laura Lima
Eugénio Medeiros
Jose Pimentel
Joe Pinto
Artur Sousa
Elected Trustee:
Manny Coelho
Past Pres i dents:
Pres i dent
Armindo Silva
João Santos
Fernando Costa
João Neves
Frank Alvarez
Nellie Pedro
Arnaldo Santos
Raimundo Favas
Almiro Fonseca
Luís Arruda
Ricardo de Cas tro Lopo
Da vid Costa
Im me di ate Past Pres i dent
Louis Louro, Jr.
Membership Directory
Many of you have up dated your ad dress and phone num bers; but, we en cour age those who have not been con tacted to com plete the regis tra tion form be low and re turn it to the FPCBP of fice im me di ately. We also wel come those who wish to be come new mem bers. Please
con tact the of fice ad min is tra tor who would be happy to take down your in for ma tion.
FPCBP Newsletter - May 2000

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