look In- side - Eastvalley Elementary School


look In- side - Eastvalley Elementary School
Eastvalley Elementary School
Eagle Eyes
Agora temos traduções em Português dos pontos mais importantes.
deste jornal
every child. one voice.®
a publication of
your PTA
Marlene Kassens, Co-President
[email protected]
Tammy Feilmeier, Co-President
[email protected]
The Eastvalley
On our wings,
We pledge to do our best,
In our country and in our school.
We fly beyond the common,
Being respectful to all people,
In all we do at Eastvalley.
September 2008
We would like to extend a warm welcome to
our new principal at Eastvalley. Ms. Karen
Wacker comes to us from Sedalia Park,
where she has held the role of Assistant Principal for the past five years. Prior to that,
Ms. Wacker has held various teaching positions before becoming an administrator. She
has taught in Dothan, Mobile, Gulf Shores,
and Bay Minette, Alabama. Additionally,
she held positions at Lindley Middle School
for three years, and Sedalia Park for seven
years. Her wide-range of experience in
teaching various levels also included a year’s stint in a high school in Guam.
Ms. Wacker received her Bachelors from the University of Alabama in Special Ed,
and her Masters from the University of South Alabama. In addition, she earned
her Educational Specialist Degree from the University of West Georgia in Educational Leadership.
She loves to travel! Some of Ms. Wacker’s favorite destinations include Cancun,
Hong Kong and Hawaii. She, also, has a passion for Reading - with some of her
favorite authors being Nora Roberts, John Grisham and Janet Evanovich. The
beach is amongst her favorite places to be – especially Gulf Shores. Karen is a
sports lover. She watches ESPN constantly, and listens to Sports Radio. She is a
huge Alabama football fan…. Roll Tide!
Fall Festival
To round out her list of favorites, we can tell you that purple is her favorite color;
seafood and Mexican are her favorite foods; Gone with the Wind and Bourne Trilogy are among her favorite movies; anything by Jimmy Buffett is her favorite music; and Mardi Gras is her favorite holiday. Lastly, Ms. Wacker’s favorite thing
to do at Eastvalley is to walk around and visit the classrooms to see what the children are learning.
We are so happy to have Ms. Wacker at Eastvalley, and look forward to many formative and exciting years ahead for our children.
For more information, visit our school website: http://eastvalley.typepad.com
From the Principal
September 2008
Dear Eagle Parents,
Welcome back to the 2008-2009 school year here at Eastvalley. I am your new principal
and I am so excited to be at such a wonderful school. The theme “Little School, Big Heart” is so
true. I have been welcomed by staff, students and parents alike with such enthusiasm that the transition has been very easy for me. I thank each and every one of you for that.
Our school day begins promptly at 7:50 each morning. Please make sure your child is at
school early enough to get to their class and get unpacked before the bell rings. If they are like me, my day is
not so great if I have to start it late. I like to have time to get myself prepared for the day before it actually begins. The best way to ensure they will have plenty of time before the bell rings is to put them on the school
bus each morning. That way, the student is on time and you aren’t using precious gas waiting in the carpool
The Cobb County folder that you received the first day of school contains so much important information for you to read. One item is very important to fill out with correct information and return to school as
soon as possible and that is the enrollment/registration form. We sent them back home to get updated information and need current numbers on file in case of emergency. Please send this back tomorrow if you have not
done so.
We will make a few changes for the safety of your child. One change is that we will not take phone
calls changing the way your child will go home after 1:00 p.m. Please make arrangements with your child and
write a note to the teacher if you have a change in dismissal plans. We do not take a child’s word that their
plans have changed for their own safety. Also, we will not dismiss students between 2:00-2:20 to ensure that
everyone is where they are supposed to be. If you need to pick up your child early, please come before 2:00.
Dismissal is the time of day when we need to be most vigilant so we can keep everyone safe. Help us do that
by following the new rules.
Here are a few reminders for parents to help us make the day run smoothly:
1. If you come to have lunch with your child or visit the classroom, please sign in at the office to get a visitor’s
pass. We need to know who is on campus at all times for the safety of the children.
2. If your child is absent from school due to illness, be sure to send a note to your child’s teacher when your
child returns. Please try to make all appointments after school or on days off so that children do not miss instructional time.
3. Check you child’s bookbag each night for any information from their teacher. Good communication between school and home will keep everyone on the same page with expectations for the children.
4. Please do not park in the neighborhoods when visiting Eastvalley. Please park at Eastside Baptist Church
when our parking lot is full. Neighbors have complained that streets and driveways are blocked with our cars.
Let’s be courteous to our neighbors.
5. Join PTA at your earliest convenience. All PTA memberships help fund programs and supplies for your
child’s classrooms.
Please join me in welcoming other new Eastvalley staff members: Kelly Stilwell (Kindergarten), Deidra
Amon (3rd grade), Kathryn Liddicoet (3rd grade), Sue Blue (Target), Joe Panetta (Resource), Shenny Staud
(Kindergarten Parapro), and Piper Phillips (Kindergarten Parapro). We are happy to have them as part of the
Eastvalley family.
Thank you for making Eastvalley so special by allowing us to teach your child(ren). We realize what a responsibility that is and we fully intend to do our best every hour of every day. We want you as our partner in
that endeavor so feel free to contact any of us at any time. We are looking forward to a great year.
Karen Wacker
For more information, visit our East Valley PTA website: www.eastvalleypta.org
De la Directora
Septembre 2008
Prezados Pais,
Bem vindos ao ano escolar de 2008 -2009 na Eastvalley. Sou a nova diretora e estou
muito feliz em participar desta escola maravilhosa. O tema “Escola pequena, coração grande” é
verdadeiro. Fui muit bem vinda pelos funcionários, estudantes e pais tem mostrado tanto entusiasmo que fez com que minha transição tenha sido muito fácil. Agradeço a todos.
Nossas aulas começam pontualmente às 7:50 da manhã. Por favor faça com que sua criança chegue em
tempo para chegar na sala de aula retirar seus livros antes do sino tocar. Se eles forem como eu, meu dia não
vai bem se começo atrasada. Gosto de ter tempo para me preparar antes do começo das atividades diárias. A
melhor maneira de ajuda-los a ter tempo suficientes antes que o sino toque é colocar-los no ônibus da escola.
Desta maneira, o estudante chega a tempo e nãose gasta gasolina na fila de carro.
A pasta do condado de Cobb que recebeu no primeiro dia de aula contém muitas informações importantes para serem lidas. Um ítem que necessita ser preenchido e devolvido à escola o mais rápido possível é a
folha de matrícula/registro. Enviamos a folha para ser preenchida com números de telefones que possamos nos
comunicar em caso de emergência. Caso ainda não devolveu, por favor devolva.
Faremos algumas mudanças para a segurança de sua criança. Não aceitaremos telefonemas com mudanças de transporte depois das 13:00hrs. Por favor decida antes ou mande uma nota com sua criança se houver mudança. Não podemos aceitar a palavra da criança com mudanças para sua própria segurança. Tamabém
não despidiremos alunos antre 14:00-14:20hrs. para assegurar-nos que os alunos estão onde devem estar. Se
você necessita retirar sua criança, por favor venha antes das 14:00hrs. Precisamos ser muito vigilantes na hora
da saída para que todos estejam seguros. Ajude-nos a cumprir estas regras.
Informações para os pais para nos ajudar a proporcionar um dia tranquilo:
1. Se você vem almoçar com sua criança ou visitar a sala de aula, por favor assine na secretaría. Precisamos
saber quem esta nas proximidades em todas as horas.
2. Se sua criança esta ausente devido doença, mande uma nota para o professor(a) quando ele(a) voltar. Tente
marcar consultas depois do horário escolar ou em dias que não tem aulas para que não percam instruções.
3. Olhe a Bolsa de sua criança todos os dias para comunicar-se com o professor. Boa comunicação entre
escola e a casa faz com que todos trabalhem para o bem da criança.
4. Por favor não estacione na vizinhança . Estacione no estacionamento da Igreja Batista Eastside quando
nosso estacionamente estiver lotado.. Os vizinhos tem reclamado que estão sendo bloqueados. Vamos ser gentis com nossos vizinhos.
Associe-se a PTA em breve. Todo arrecadamento ajuda com programas e compras de materiais escolares
para as classes.
Vamos dar as boas vindas aos novos funcionários da Eastvalley: Kelly Stiwell(Alfabetização), Deidra
Amon (3ra. série), Kathryn Liddiocoet(3ra. série), Sue Blue(Target), Joe Panetta(recursos), e Shenny
Staud(ajudante de alfabetizaçã). Estamos felizes em te-los como parte da família de Eastvalley.
Obrigada por fazer com que Eastvalley seja especial e por permitir que trabalhemos com sua(s) criança
(s). Sabemos da nossa responsabilidade e faremos o possível para fazer o melhor cada hora de cada dia.
Queremos que seja nosso compmpanheiro(a) neste empenho, porrisso, sinta-se a vontade de comunicar
-se conosco a qualquer hora. Esperamos ter um escolar ano maravilhoso.
Karen Wacker
For more information, visit our school website: http://eastvalley.typepad.com
September 2008
EASTVALLEY IS GOING GREEN! If you would like to eliminate this hard copy of the
monthly newsletter, and read the newsletter on-line on the Eastvalley PTA website going forward, please contact Sue Larsen, and let her know. Email Sue at [email protected].
You will be notified via email each month when the newsletter is available on-line.
Feeling unconnected?
For 2 ½ months we’ll get you out of your doldrums and give you a lasting connection to Eastvalley Elementary School. Just call 770.565.0195 or e-mail Paddy Phillpotts at [email protected], and we will get you on track
to help out with the Silent Auction. We need people that –
• Like to have fun.
• Want to work on a team.
Enjoy seeking out auction items.
Want to make a significant contribution to their child’s school.
We need many willing hands to make this a successful event. If you can give any time, no matter how large or
small, please consider being apart of the November 14th Silent Auction!
Silent Auction
Washington Mutual Banking Days!
Every Tuesday morning in the cafeteria from 7:30 until 7:50.
If you need an application, come and see Ashley Riley during that time. It takes 2 weeks to process the
application once it is received. Washington Mutual starts you off with .25 cents and then you can make
deposits every week. Every other deposit you make gets you a cool prize! If you have any questions,
please feel free to call Ashley Riley at 678.560.6500
For more information, visit our East Valley PTA website: www.eastvalleypta.org
September 2008
From Our PTA
DEL PTA (Asociación de
Padres y Maestros)
Dear Eastvalley Families,
The school year is off to a great start! We were
happy to see all of your smiling faces at last
week's Open House and general PTA meeting.
Remember, it's never too late to join the
PTA! We encourage you to buy memberships
for each person in your family for just $5 each.
Of those dues, $1.75 goes to the National PTA,
$1 goes to Georgia PTA, and the remaining
$2.25 stays at Eastvalley to help us put on programs like Art Print, Career Day, the Fall Festival, International Night, the Eastvalley Reading
Club (EVRC), Our New Math Club, Saturday
Science and many more! Your membership also
gets you discounts at some local merchants and
national vendors as well.
Prezadas Famílias de Eastvalley,
O ano escolar começou muito bem! Estamos felizes
de ter visto pessoas felizes na reunião do PTA .
Lembren-se, nunca é tarde demais para associar –se
ao PTA! Encorajamos para que cada membro de sua
familia seja membro por apenas $5.00. Deste fundo,
$1.75 vai para o PTA nacional, $1.00 vai para o PTA
da Geórgia e $2.25 fica na Eastvalley para ajudar
com programas educacionais tais como Artes, Dia da
profissão, Festival do Outona, Noit Internacional
Clube da leitura(EVRC), Clube de Matemática,
Sábado da Ciência e muito mai! Seu cartão de sócio
da direita a discontos em comércio.
We also need volunteers to help with the fun
events and educational programs at Eastvalley.
Check out the Eastvalley PTA Web site at
www.eastvalleypta.org to see where help is
needed, and contact Volunteer Coordinator Leslie Singer (770-977-2630 or
[email protected]) if you have time and
talents to donate! You don't have to make a big
commitment; we can find something for you to
do with the time you have.
Também necessitamos de voluntários para nos ajudar
em eventos educacionais da Eastvalley.
Por favor visite o site da Esastvalley
www.estavalley.org para saber onde precisamos de
ajuda e contacte a coordenadora de eventos Leslie
Singer (770-977-2630 ou
[email protected]).
Por favor compartilhe se você puder com seu tempo
ou talento! Você não precisa se comprometer por longas horas; encontraremos algo para você fazer com o
puco de tempo que tenha.
We'll need several volunteers for our Fall Festival on Sat. Oct. 4th from 11 – 3 pm.. You can
sign up through the website, by calling Leslie
Singer, or on the Fall Festival Sign-up poster at
the school.
Necessitamos de vários voluntários para o festival de
Outono no Sábado, 4 de Outubro das 11:0015:00hrs. Você pode se voluntariar pelo computador,
telefonar para Leslie Singer ou escrever-se no cartaz
do vestival na escola.
Hope to see you there!
Marlene Kassens and Tammy Feilmeier
Your Eastvalley PTA Co-Presidents 2008-2009
Esperamos ver vocês
Marlene Kassens and Tammy Feilmeier
Co-presidentes do PTA da Eastvalley 2008-2009
For more information, visit our school website: http://eastvalley.typepad.com
September 2008
On September 16, Cobb County voters will have the opportunity to vote to
renew the SPLOST (Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax) that is used to
fund capitol improvements for our schools. What does it mean to you as a
Cobb County taxpayer? The last SPLOST funded the addition of new classrooms decreasing the amount of portable classrooms from 700 to 400 over the
five year period. Computers and technology were upgraded throughout the
District with every computer older than five years replaced. Over the past decade, 21 schools, 1,982 classrooms were added to accommodate the growth throughout Cobb and Marietta. This SPLOST will shift the
funding to revitalize the schools:
Full replacement of three schools
Construction of 223 classrooms
Addition of 179 classrooms to existing facilities
Upgrade of Athletic facilities at every high school
Installation of artificial turf
Maintenance and renovation of parking lots, drainage, fencing, playground equipment, landscaping, HVAC and plumbing
Replacement of obsolete workstations and servers
Replacement of obsolete printers and copiers
Replacement of obsolete workstations for teachers
Improvements in school safety infrastructure
The SPLOST, if passed, will generate approximately $856 million in revenue to provide capitol improvements
throughout the Cobb and Marietta school systems. Those improvements include new and replacement classrooms, upgrades in technology, new safety measures, and maintenance projects. Before SPLOST, the school
district issued bonds that were repaid from property tax revenues, or used ad valorem tax revenues to fund
capital improvements. Both put the burden on property owners. The Cobb school district favors the pay as you
go format that SPLOST provides which eliminates the need to pay interest on the funding for the improvements. In addition, roughly 30% of the revenue will be paid for by non-Cobb residents, people who shop in
Cobb at places like Town Center and Cumberland, who stop to eat at restaurants here or who visit the amusement parks like Six Flags and Whitewater.
Please take time to learn what your area schools will receive from this SPLOST and then vote September
16th. If you have any questions or want to learn more please go to www.cobbk12.org and look at the
SPLOST III proposed improvements and the video in the Media section.
For more information, visit our East Valley PTA website: www.eastvalleypta.org
September 2008
No dia 16 de Setembro os eleitores do condado de Cobb terão a oportunidade de votar para a renovação do
Splost III(Opção de proposta especial para taxa de vendas) que é usada para financiar desenvolvimentos para
nossa escola. O que isto significa para os que pagam taxas? O último splosh financiou a construção de novas
salas de aulas o que ajudou a diminuir o número de trailers de 700 para 400 nos últimos cinco anos. Ajudou
também na compra de novos computadores e materiais tecnológicos em cada computador de mais de cinco
anos no distrito. Nos últimos doze anos , 21 escolas e 1,982 salas de aulas foram adcionadas para acomodar
o crescimento no condado de Cobb e Marietta. Este novo Splost trará fundos para renovar escolas nos seguintes:
• Renovação total de três escolas
• Contrução de 223 salas de aula
• Adcionamento de 179 salas de aulas em prédios já existents
• Renovação de quadras em cada escola de Segundo gráu
• Instalação de grama artificial
• Manter e renovar estacionamentos, cercas, equipamentos de parques, jardins, ar condicionados e
• Substituição de móvies e materiais de cafeteria
• Substituição de copiadoras
• Substituição de materias de ensino
Melhoras na segurança da estrutura das escolas
Se a proposta do Splost ganhar na eleição, promoverá uma média de $856 milhões de renda para melhoras
atravéz de todo o condado de Cobb e Marietta. Estas melhoras incluem a renovação ou substituição de salas
de aula, renovação de materiais tecnológicos, melhoras em segurança nas escolas e manutenção de progetos.
Antes do Sposh, o distrito escolar usava fianças que eram pagas pelos usuários que pagam taxas normais , ou
usuários que pagam taxas especiais(ed valorem) e isto colocava uma carga muito pesada na comunidade que
paga taxas. Além do mais, aproximadamente 30% do rendimento será pago por pessoas que não residem em
Cobb. Pessooas que compram em lojas como Town Center, Cumberland ou pessoas que usam restaurantes ou
parques tais como Six Flags e Whitewater.
Por favor aprenda mais em que sua escola vai ser favorecida pelo Splost e vote no dia 16 de Setembro. Se
você tem alguma dúvida, pergunta ou quer saber mais sobre isto, por favor acione o site www.cobbk12.org ou
procure o filme do Splost na biblioteca.
For more information, visit our school website: http://eastvalley.typepad.com
September 2008
What is the Eastvalley Reading Club? EVRC is a PTA sponsored program to motivate and improve reading
level and comprehension. The students read books from the EVRC book list and then take a computer test using the Accelerated Reader Software Program. EVRC books are available in each classroom, the media center
and the public library.
Be on the look out in your child’s backpack for information that will be sent home about the EVRC program;
how it works, point cutoff dates and BOOKS FOR BREAKFAST!
If you have any gently used books (fiction or nonfiction) please consider donating them to the EVRC Book
It's time for a new year of Girl Scouting! New troops are being formed and we
have openings in existing troops for girls in grades K - 12. To request troop
placement for your daughter, volunteer to be a troop co-leader and/or discuss
ways that adults can ensure troop availability, just email:
[email protected].
Be sure to include the following in your email: parent’s name and phone number, daughter’s name, grade and school.
For more information, visit our East Valley PTA website: www.eastvalleypta.org
Counselor’s Corner
September 2008
Tell us in the form of art, music, dance, video, photograph, or in writing! You are encouraged to participate in Reflections, the National PTA sponsored cultural arts program.
Eastvalley artists may submit entries in any or all of 6 art areas: literature, music, photography, visual arts,
dance choreography, and film/video production. Entries must reflect the student’s own interpretation of the
theme “WOW!” as well as adhere to the program rules established by National PTA. Reflections program
rules in Spanish and English are available on the East Valley PTA website (http://www.eastvalleypta.org/
index.html ) or Georgia PTA website (http://www.georgiapta.org/leadership-reflections.html ). A copy of
these guidelines and entry form will be available outside the office for students who are unable to download or
print the information.
The deadline for submitting entries to the Reflections collection box in the Media Center is Friday, September 26th.
Volunteers from the community with expertise in each art area will select our Eastvalley winners. All participants will receive certificates and winners will be honored at a special evening reception on Monday, October
27th. If you’d like to see awesome examples of entries in the past go to http://pta.browsermedia.com/
Any questions regarding Reflections may be directed to Jodi Podhaisky (770) 321-6382 or [email protected]
Fall Fundraiser
An Olympic sized thank you to all the students and families who sold Sally Foster products, magazines and Otis Spunkmeyer cookie dough! We are excited to find out how much we raised for
Eastvalley AND who our medal winners are. Look for all this information in the next newsletter. Thanks again for getting in the game and going for the gold with Sally and Otis!
For more information, visit our school website: http://eastvalley.typepad.com
September 2008
Dear Parents,
Welcome back to another fantastic school year at Eastvalley, and a special welcome to the new members of
our Eastvalley family. In addition to being your Music Specialist, I am also your Chorus Director, Performing
Arts Coordinator, and an Eastvalley parent of two boys. I would like to share with you my thoughts on Cobb’s
“Performing Arts Series.”
The mission for Cobb's Performing Arts Series is to encourage excellence in the arts, to support many forms of
artistic expression, and to make the arts available to all of Cobb's students grades K‑8. Many of you know that
through your Performing Arts Donations, Cobb sends all of our 2nd graders to see the Georgia Ballet at the
Jenny T. Anderson Theatre in Marietta, all of our 3rd graders to see a Theaterworks USA off-Broadway performance in Marietta, and all of our 5th graders to see and hear the full Atlanta Symphony Orchestra! But what
about all the Kindergarten, 1st, and 4th grade kids who are left behind at school? Through Performing Arts
funds, we bring in talented artists to perform here at Eastvalley for ALL of our students! Every Eastvalley student benefits directly from your Performing Arts donations.
How have we spent the money in the past? Last year, we hosted two performances by the world renowned Atlanta Percussion Trio, and two performances by actress Joanna Maddox performing as astronaut Dr. Mae Jemison. With your contributions, we will continue to bring talented performers to the Eastvalley stage. And remember, EVERY Eastvalley student will attend all of the performances that we bring in to our school.
Cobb depends on your $14 contributions (tax deductible) to bring these LIVE PERFORMANCES by educator/
entertainers into our schools and classrooms so that EVERY CHILD will experience the joy and awesome
wonder of the arts. If you have not already done so, please send in your Performing Arts student permission
slip, with or without a donation. The permission/donation slips came home in the folder on the first day of
school. If you need a new Performing Arts student permission slip, please send a note to your child’s home
room teacher, and we will provide a form. The Performing Arts Design Team will see to it that we bring in talented performing artists to inspire your children! Thanks for your support!
Tony Bernard, Music Specialist
Continued on page 15
For more information, visit our East Valley PTA website: www.eastvalleypta.org
September 2008
SILENT AUCTION ITEMS…. Be creative and have fun!
What Can You Donate?
Some ideas are as follows:
• End-of-season sales or current seasonal items.
• Creative items like gathering a group of friends to donate a themed dinner party, baskets or services.
• Offer gift certificates for your special talents, such as Christmas cookies or pies or seek out those you do
frequent business with to see if they will donate.
• Older students can donate services such as babysitting or yard work.
• Know anyone with event tickets or vacation homes that would be willing to donate?
Do you make things? We love artistic creations from jewelry, pottery, paintings and etc.
Questions or information – please contact Paddy Phillpotts at 770-565-0195 or 262-960-0528.
EVES Silent Auction Donation Form
East Valley Elementary School 2008 Annual Silent Auction Benefit
Donor/Business Name: _______________________________________________________________
Contact: __________________________________________________________________
Item Name and Description:
Please complete, and return to:
Eastvalley Elementary School, c/o Paddy Phillpotts
* * * For Office Use Only * * * For Office Use Only * * * For Office Use Only * *
Item is Here: (date)____________________
Item to be delivered (date)__________________________
Item to be picked up: (date and location)___________________________________________________
Certificate Item? Y / N Expiration Date of Certificate: _________________
For more information, visit our school website: http://eastvalley.typepad.com
September 2008
Dear Parents,
Get your pictures in the yearbook! The Yearbook Committee invites students and parents to submit photos
for the yearbook. If you’ve got great photos of school events, we’d like to see them. Our photographers can’t
be everywhere. Help us get as many photos as possible to create a terrific book everyone will want to have.
Here is how you can submit photos online:
• Log on to: images.jostens.com
• Enter Login ID: 1150787
• Enter Your Password: eagles
• Browse to select the photo(s) you wish to upload.
• Enter information about the photo and provide contact information in case the staff needs additional information.
• Click "Save Details".
It’s that easy! Submit your photos today! The last day to submit photos is 3/1/2009.
The Yearbook Committee will review all photos and determine final yearbook content. We cannot guarantee
that all submissions can be used in the book.
Order your yearbook online today at www.jostens.com.
The number one reason to join the Parent Teacher Association is to benefit your child. By joining you also
help Eastvalley. The PTA supports the school and your child’s education in many ways, including:
Art Programs
Class Supplies
Clinic Supplies
Physical Education
Safety and School Improvement
Staff Development
Reading programs
Math programs
Technology Needs
The PTA also lets you know what’s happening at Eastvalley. This newsletter is fully funded and staffed by the
PTA! To join go to our PTA website, download the form and send it back to your child’s teacher or contact
[email protected] for more information.
For more information, visit our East Valley PTA website: www.eastvalleypta.org
September 2008
Looks Who’s Talking Books
Look Who's Talking Books students stand out in reading for various reasons
such as being model readers, achieving personal goals, and/or making great progress.
Congratulations to our Look Who's Talking Books students for September:
Yael Saneros
Adeboye Adeoye
Avery Hawkins
John Bunch
Spencer George
First Grade:
Leo Giannoni
Kaylene Casteneda
Chau Vo
Maggie Favro
Raymond Shen
Fourth Grade:
Titus Hartono
Sloane Martin
Gayathri Ramasamy
William Antoniades
Second Grade:
Adrian Bryant
Mekyah Ree
William Schuster
Choyan Rahman
Margaret Jorgensen
Anna Freeman
Third Grade:
Mason Favro
Joseph Coles
Aidan Hansen
Sawyer Matthews
John Blosz
Alex Hoberg
Fifth Grade:
Jack Morgan
Grace Layne
Will White
Shakti Biswas
MID: Katlyn Lewis
Performing Arts Series continued . . .
Start Practicing Now!
The Eastvalley Student Talent Showcase will be held on Friday, April 17th at 6:30 PM in the Eastvalley Elementary School Cafeteria and is sponsored by the Eastvalley Eagle Chorus. Try-outs
will be a few months from now! Start practicing your special talent. See the Eastvalley Music
Class or Chorus BLOGs for more details.
Eastvalley Eagle Chorus Rehearsals Begin Soon
Eastvalley Eagle Chorus rehearsals begin on Tuesday, September 23, 2008. If your child is in chorus, please plan to pick him or her up inside the cafeteria promptly at 3:30 PM each Tuesday or
make arrangements for him or her to stay in Eastvalley’s ASP program (ASP registration required
as well as $7 ASP fee).
For more information, visit our school website: http://eastvalley.typepad.com
September 2008
The First Big Party of the school year is just around the corner---Eastvalley
Fall Festival, Saturday October
4th 11:00am-3:00pm. Come join your friends for a great day of Fun, Food and Entertainment.
Lots of Moonwalks
DJ and the “Kiss the Pig” contest
Carnival Games and Crafts
Great Food—(Hamburgers, Hotdogs, Nachos and more)
Popcorn and Snow Cones…
Call for Volunteers—If you would like to volunteer the day of the event please contact Doreen Waugaman at
[email protected]. We need our wonderful Eastvalley volunteers to make this big event a GREAT one.
Thank you for supporting Eastvalley…
EASTVALLEY - Sábado, 4 de Outubro
Venha Participar do
A primeira grande festa da escola esta chegando---Festa do Outono, da Eastvalley, Sábado 4 de Outubro das 11:00 –
15:00hrs Venha e traga seus amigos para se diverterem . Teremos música e comida.
Música com DJ e o concurso de “Beijar o porco”
Diversões, jogos, artesanatos
Muita comida—(Hamburgers, cachorro quente, Nachos e mais)
Pipoca, Gelo doce…
Precisamos de voluntários—Se você pode nos ajudar neste dia por favor contactar Doreen Waugman
[email protected]. Precisamos dos voluntários maravilhososo da Eastvalley para termos um evento
MARAVILHOSO neste dia.
Obrigada por ajudar a Eastvalley…
Welcome back everyone! I wanted to remind you of Eastvalley’s easiest ongoing
fundraising event: the Box Tops 4 Education Program. We earn cash for our school in two ways:
1 - Clipping Box Tops from participating product packages. 2 - Shopping on line through the Box Tops Marketplace
at btfe.com.
Last year our Eastvalley families and staff earned over one thousand dollars for our school- 10 cents at a time!
Help us keep up the good work. We will have our first school- wide collection on October 20th- 24th. If you are new
to Eastvalley, or if you are not familiar with the Box Tops Program, more information will be coming home soon in
your child’s communication folder.
Thank you for helping make Eastvalley one of the best elementary schools this side of anywhere!
Krissy Graba
Box Tops chairperson
For more information, visit our East Valley PTA website: www.eastvalleypta.org
Foundation Update
September 2008
The Eastvalley Foundation raises money for projects at Eastvalley. All of
the fundraising stays at the school and the Foundation board receives advice from parents and teachers on how to spend it. We are a 501(c) (3) tax
-exempt charitable organization. The EVESF’s goal is to support the enrichment and growth of every child at the school.
*2008 Technology Improvements: We did it!
We met our goal! The Foundation Board presented a check to Ms. Wacker at Open House
for the purchase of three more SMART
Boards. The school now has one for each
grade level. Five of the Boards were purchased through donations provided to the
Foundation. Please congratulate the Foundation on their fundraising efforts. They truly are a small group of people
doing big things!!!
*Earn an egg on the Eastvalley fundraising wall: The Foundation and PTA
are growing a tree at the entrance. Plant your nest egg! The EVESF will recognize your family’s donations this year with an egg on the fundraising tree.
Blue $0-$19 Yellow $20-$49 Silver $50-$99 Gold $100-$499 Faberge $500 or more
*Online Donations: Put 100% of your donations towards the much
needed upgrades and improvements at Eastvalley using PayPal
through the foundation website. Link to http://
eastvalleyfoundation.org/donations.php . Thank you in advance
for your donation and for supporting the Foundation and Eastvalley!
This corner of the newsletter is set aside for
the Eastvalley Elementary School
Foundation, EVESF. EVESF launched in
January 2003, is a 501(c) (3) tax-exempt
charitable organization and is incorporated
as an education nonprofit public foundation,
thereby enabling the Foundation to receive
employee-matching grants, educational
grants and endowments. The EVESF’s goal
is to support the enrichment and growth of
every child at Eastvalley!
The Foundation Members:
*Bricks: Consider purchasing a brick as a holiday gift, to commemorate your
child’s graduation, in memory of a loved one, a retiree, or as a special gift for a
favorite teacher or administrator. Proceeds from brick sales are tax deductible.
The minimum donation for a brick order is $30.00. If you need an order
form, please visit the Foundation website or email Alisha Hargett at
[email protected] .
Alisha Hargett, President
[email protected]
Vice President - Board Position
Currently Vacant
Gretchen Buchanan, Treasurer
[email protected]
Michelle Zimmerman, Secretary
[email protected]
Geoffrey Osborne, Web Administrator
[email protected]
Janice Ritt, Faculty Advisor
[email protected]
Patty Phillpotts, Board Member
[email protected]
Shari Sprigle, Board Member
[email protected]
Volunteer Opportunities
[email protected]
Email address:
[email protected]
Web address:
*Volunteers Needed: Looking for a way to support the school that won’t take
up too much of your time? We are looking for a few good people! Consider
volunteering your time and talents to the Foundation. The Board meets on the
third Thursday of each month for an hour and a half. We welcome all who
want to help and wish to make a difference in the lives of Eastvalley’s students.
*Foundation Mission Statement:
Eastvalley Elementary School
Foundation, Inc. is dedicated to
advancing the mission of Eastvalley
Elementary School. The Foundation
will extend resources to enrich education
and instill passion and desire for lifelong
*Employee-Matching: Many companies match the gifts of their employees, employee spouses, or retired employees. Please contact your
personnel department to find out about your company's program-you
could double your money or more! Encourage family and friends to support
Eastvalley with their respective employee-matching program. Contact a board
member if you need assistance with the required documentation for your company’s matching program.
For more information, visit our school website: http://eastvalley.typepad.com
September 2008
September 2008
Student Council Meeting, 2:30
Early Release, 12:10
Progress Reports go home
East Cobber Parade
Iowa Tests of Basic Skills, Grades 3
and 5
CHORUS Rehearsal Begins
Reflections Entries Due by 2:00 PM
29-30 Kindergarten City Day
October 2008
Visit Our Eastvalley Elementary
School Partners in Education
Don’t forget to stop by and visit our supporters in the community,
and thank them for supporting our children’s education.
East Lake
@ East Lake Shopping Center
1-3 BOOK FAIR continues
Kindergarten City Day (final day)
Curriculum Night , 6-7:30
Fall Festival, 11 AM
Student Council Meeting, 2:30
4th Grade Fire Safety
Next Eagle Eyes Deadline
If you're a PTA member, you can
put an ad in the Eagle Eyes
newsletter or on the Eastvalley
PTA web site
(www.eastvalleypta.org) for just
$5 each! If you want to advertise
your business, it's $50 for the
school calendar year or $10 per
month. Contact: Sue Larsen
([email protected]) for
newsletter advertising, Tony
Antoniades ([email protected]) for ads
on the Web site.
Wheeler Tax Services–Leslie Wheeler,
CPA-10 yrs+ experience. Personal, SelfEmployed and Business Taxes. Bookkeeping services also available. Call 770-3546270 or email [email protected]
for quote. Indian Hills Resident.
Lower Roswell Rd. across from Sewell Mill Park
2100 Roswell Road (Kroger Shopping Center
The Eagle Eyes is a publication of the Eastvalley Elementary School
PTA. Please send your contributions to Sue Larsen at
[email protected]. Our next newsletter deadline is
October 8th for the Oct/Nov issue going home on October 24th.
For more information, visit our East Valley PTA website: www.eastvalleypta.org

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