- Colégio 24 Horas


- Colégio 24 Horas
Text I
The first step in avoiding both muddled
thinking and inaccurate expression is to
cultivate a sensitiveness to the exact meanings
of words. One does this by observing how
good writers and speakers use words and by
turning frequently to the dictionary for
information and guidance. But a quick glance
at a dictionary entry is a wasted opportunity.
While the book is open, one should read all the
definitions to learn the various ways in which
a word may be used. And since dictionaries
use language very concisely these definitions
cannot always be understood at a glance. One
must read them with close attention in order to
grasp distinctions between various shades of
meaning. Only in this way can one utilize the
dictionary to best advantage and develop a
vocabulary which is exact as well as extensive.
(Harlan W. Hamilton, "New Preface to
21. O autor recomenda o desenvolvimento de
uma sensibilidade ao sentido preciso das
(A) como um método de não formular
pensamentos moldados em expressões
(B) a fim de prevenir tanto pensamentos
confusos como expressões pouco claras.
(C) como uma regra para evitar mudanças de
pensamento e expressão.
(D) como um dos meios de impedir a confusão
entre pensamentos e expressões inadequadas.
(E) a fim de cultivar mudanças de pensamento
devidas a expressões inadequadas.
11. Dentre as causas da iminente extinção dos
grandes primatas, a mais recente, segundo o
texto, é:
(A) a exportação de madeira;
(B) os conflitos bélicos;
(C) a caça indiscriminada;
(D) o comércio ilegal de animais;
(E) a falta de proteção oficial aos animais.
12. Assinale a afirmativa que está em
desacordo com o texto:
(A) Tornou-se impossível calcular o número
exato dos grandes primatas existentes na África
por causa das guerras civis que assolam o
Zaire, Uganda e Ruanda.
(B) Os primatas servem como fonte de
alimento para compensar a desnutrição causada
pelos horrores da guerra na África.
(C) De um modo geral, a destruição do espaço
de sobrevivência dos macacos, a caça e os
conflitos armados são as causas da iminente
extinção dos primatas.
(D) Apesar dos esforços governamentais dos
países da África e da Ásia para preservar os
grandes macacos, ainda que sejam uma
prioridade, esses animais continuam em risco
de extinção.
(E) A extração da madeira faz com que o
hábitat daqueles animais se torne cada vez
mais estreito e pobre, ocasionando a
diminuição considerável de sua população.
13. Uma das alterações que se processou nas
passagens abaixo, transcritas do Texto IV, não
conserva o sentido original. Assinale-a:
(A) "... as florestas africanas são destruídas
numa alarmante taxa."
(linha 40) - Destroem-se, numa taxa alarmante,
as florestas africanas.
(B) "O gorila das montanhas foi listado como
seriamente ameaçado de extinção." (linhas 1516) _ Foi seriamente ameaçado de extinção o
gorila listado das montanhas.
(C) "... que em alguns anos poderão estar
reduzidos a alguns poucos..." (linha 9) _ ... que
poderão estar reduzidos, em alguns anos, a
apenas alguns...
(D) "Os orangotangos disputam espaço com as
grandes madeireiras na Malásia e Indonésia."
(linhas 35-36) _ Na Malásia e Indonésia, é
disputado espaço entre as grandes madeireiras
e os orangotangos.
(E) "Na África, onde vivem gorilas,
chimpanzés e bonobos, a situação não é
diferente." (linhas 37-38) _ A situação não é
diferente na África, onde vivem gorilas,
chimpanzés e bonobos.
14. No que diz respeito à preservação do
significado original do texto, a inversão só não
é válida em:
(A) "qualquer estudo" (linha 22);
(B) "grandes primatas" (linha 32);
(C) "ainda existentes" (linha 27);
(D) "número insuficiente" (linha 19);
(E) "ainda mais" (linha 8).
15. Assinale o grupo de palavras que
pertencem ao mesmo campo semântico:
(A) "grandes" (linha 01) _ "sombrio" (linha 03)
_ "mais" (linha 08);
(B) "madeira" (linha 39) _ "florestas" (linha
41) _ "orangotangos" (linha 35);
(C) "chimpanzés" (linha 04) _ "primatas"
(linha 05) _ "macacos" (linha 01);
(D) "sobrevivência" (linha 19) _ "guerra"
(linha 20) _ "pesquisas" (linha 20);
(E) "países" (linha 31) _ "continentes" (linha
31) _ "elemento" (linha 29).
16. Na identificação dos elementos mórficos
dos vocábulos abaixo transcritos, cometeu-se
um erro. Assinale-o:
(A) "agravamento" (linha 14) _ mento
(B) "desaparecer" (linha 01) _ aparece
(C) "seriamente" (linha 16) _ a (desinência de
(D) "resistirão" (linha 27) _ resisti (tema);
(E) "destruídas" (linha 40) _ s (desinência de
22. O trecho se refere:
(A) ao pouco proveito do uso do dicionário quando, ao abrir uma página, consulta-se
somente a palavra desejada.
(B) ao primeiro passo para compreender pensamentos confusos e expressões imprecisas,
quando estes são usados por bons oradores e escritores.
(C) à maneira como os bons escritores e oradores usam seus dicionários.
(D) à forma como se deve usar um dicionário para aperfeiçoar o conhecimento do sentido
preciso das palavras.
(E) à desvantagem do uso de dicionário por suas definições serem por demais concisas.
23. Segundo o autor, o dicionário deve ser lido:
(A) prestando-se atenção à ordem distinta em que aparecem os diferentes sinônimos.
(B) com atenção, para que não se lance nenhuma sombra sobre o sentido das palavras.
(C) com muita atenção, para que se possa apreender as diferenças entre os vários sentidos
(D) com cuidado, para que não seja fechado antes de se apreender o verdadeiro sentido da
(E) com atenção, para que certas palavras sejam entendidas no sentido único, como no caso
da palavra sombra.
24. Segundo o autor:
(A) nunca se deve perder a oportunidade de dar uma rápida olhada no dicionário.
(B) um dicionário é inaproveitado quando consultado às pressas.
(C) o dicionário é um livro aberto que apresenta vastas oportunidades de conhecimento
rápido do sentido das palavras.
(D) um dicionário vasto apresenta oportunidades para consultas rápidas.
(E) toda vez que um livro estiver aberto, deve-se anotar algumas palavras e procurá-las
oportunamente, mesmo que às pressas, em um dicionário.
25. O autor declara que:
(A) um amplo vocabulário com sentido preciso só pode ser conseguido se se empregar o
dicionário com vagar e atenção.
(B) leva grande vantagem quem consegue desenvolver um amplo vocabulário sem fazer
uso do dicionário.
(C) o avanço do vocabulário é muitas vezes impedido pelo uso do dicionário, pois suas
definições são por demais concisas.
(D) levam vantagem as pessoas que desenvolvem um amplo vocabulário a partir de
dicionários concisos e passíveis de rápida consulta.
(E) a grande vantagem do uso do dicionário é o desenvolvimento de vocabulário.
Text II
At first sight, immigration might be considered purely as a favor the country does to its
newest inhabitants. This disregards the fact that, when an adult comes over to live in the
adopted country, another nation has had to support, feed and educate or train him, over
many years, during which the child is an unproductive consumer of goods and services.
26. Leia os seguintes trechos interpretativos do texto, escolhendo o mais fiel:
(A) After careful consideration, immigration appears to be equally onerous to both nations.
(B) It is fully explained how a means of livelihood is given to an immigrant.
(C) A hasty consideration fails to see that an immigrant arriving full-grown has been raised
and brought up at the expense of the country he came from.
(D) The country he came from derived great benefits from his childhood years.
(E) The immigrant was very useful to his native country when he was there.
Text III
A few doctors contend that far too little attention is paid to the sense of smell. Indeed, long
descriptions of what can be seen in different pathologic conditions are plentiful. But very
little is offered in the way of recording smells and cataloguing aromas that can be perceived
with the aid of the sense of smell. Yet it can be life saving. A good doctor on coming to the
proximity of a patient with acidosis is immediately alerted by the all-pervasive smell of
acetone, which is exhaled with the patient's breath. Similarly, there is no justification for
the interne who diagnosis alcoholic intoxication in patients brought unconscious or in state
of mental obnubilation, if the interne is not confronted by a characteristic smell. The patient
may well be a case of cranial traumatism with fracture of the skull. In alcoholics the
characteristic smell of acetic aldehyde in the breath is diagnostic. Its absence forces one to
consider other causes for the loss of consciousness.
Most people are sensitive to the smell of bitter almonds found characteristically in the
cyanides and in prussic acid. Strange to say, some people are constitutionally incapable of
feeling the characteristic smell of these violently poisonous and lethal substances. To be
able to feel the smell and consequently to avoid eating or drinking these dangerous
substances may save one's life. The sense of smell keeps us away from deteriorated fish or
meat, and is therefore most useful in avoiding food poisoning.
27. Which of the following interpretations is acceptable?
(A) A minority of doctors claim that not nearly enough attention is given to the olfactory
(B) These doctors favor descriptions of all that can be seen.
(C) Just as many extensive descriptions are offered to the reader of all aromatic and
generally odoriferous substances as are written of visual experiences.
(D) Smells and aromas require hearing aids to make them readily perceptible.
(E) Here recording signifies putting smells on a magnetic recorder tape or making CD's of
28. Select the introducing ERRONEOUS information:
(A) Acidosis is denounced or revealed by the smell of acetone in the air coming from the
patient's lungs.
(B) A fracture of the skull is not the cause of any smell.
(C) Mental obnubilation may be caused by cranial trauma.
(D) A smell of acetic aldehide makes it evident that the patient is under the influence of
alcoholic beverages.
(E) This means that fracture of the skull cannot be distinguished from alcoholic inebriation.
29. Check the item containing false information:
(A) Not everyone is equally sensitive to the smell of prussic acid.
(B) Some people are immune to cyanic compounds in general.
(C) The sense of smell may save one from fatal poisoning.
(D) One of the most impressive properties of deteriorated meat is the smell.
(E) Fish have an extremely strong smell when putrid.
Text IV
A story often told, but in all likelihood quite apocryphal is meant to illustrate the absentmindness of scientists. The story goes that, at dinner, Pasteur was insisting on the necessity
of washing meticulously and of cleaning all food-stuffs. He proceded to exemplify this by
taking a bunch of grapes off the fruit-stand and immersing them in the water of his own
glass. He then cleaned them as well as possible before eating them. Somewhat later, when it
was time to get up from the table, with his right hand the scientist reached for his glass and
with one movement drank up all the rest of his water.
30. Which of the following comments is most like the text?
(A) He said he was destroying the germs.
(B) A story liked by all.
(C) Quite true.
(D) He put the grapes right into water.
(E) The water was afterwards discarded.
Text V
Pretty Ameena Badruddin is the world's youngest divorcee - at the tender age of 11.
As the bright-eyed fifth grader cuddled her favorite doll, a judge officially ended her
marriage…to a 60-year old man!
Little Ameena, who lives in India, had been forced into the marriage at age 10 by her
father, who sold her to a Saudi Arabian businessman for $240.
Nicholas Heath-Brown, of the Guinness Book of Records, told the ENQUIRER: "There is
no record of anyone as young as this ever being divorced before."
Ameena was rescued from her marriage to Yahya al-Sagih as the two traveled by plane to
their honeymoon in Saudi Arabia. An airline stewardess aboard the flight noticed the
innocent girl weeping.
Recalls warmhearted flight attendant Amrita Ahiuwalia: "She was crying her eyes out.
"I was so concerned, I took her up to the front of the plane. Between sobs, she began to
blurt out her story.
"She said: 'My name is Ameena. I am 10 years old. This man came to our house and my
father made me marry him.
" 'Now he's taking me to Saudi Arabia - but I don't want to go with him.'"
Horrified by her story, the jet's pilot alerted authorities in New Delhi, India, who arrested
the bridegroom when the plane made a stop there.
Al-Sagih protested that he was legally married to Ameena and showed an Islamic marriage
certificate to prove it.
Detectives confirmed that the girl had been married by a Moslem priest in her hometown of
Hyderabad on August 8.
Ameena's dad, Shaik Bradruddin, a taxi driver who makes less than $2 a day, argued:
"We have six daughters and two sons.
"How can I feed 10 mouths on my pay?"
He also claimed the union was condoned by Islamic law. But actually, the religion allows
minor girls to marry only when they've reached puberty - and only if they agree to match.
What's more, Indian criminal law bans girls under 18 from marrying.
On November 12, a judge decreed a divorce separating Ameena from al-Sagih, who has
been charged with forcing her into marriage.
Ameena has now been placed in a children's home.
(The Jerusalem Post)
31. Após a leitura do texto, é possível afirmar que:
(A) a jovem Ameena foi raptada por um comerciante árabe.
(B) Ameena casou-se com um árabe com menos de 60 anos de idade.
(C) Ameena se apaixonou perdidamente por um homem mais velho que seu próprio pai.
(D) Ameena é a mais jovem divorciada do mundo.
(E) Ameena fugiu de casa para casar com um homem mais velho que ela e só conseguiu
encontrá-lo 60 anos depois.
32. Leia as afirmações a seguir e assinale a opção mais adequada:
I _ Um homem de negócios da Arábia Saudita pagou 240 dólares por Ameena.
II _ Ameena tem dois irmãos.
III _ O pai de Ameena ganha menos de dois dólares por dia.
(A) Se estiver correta apenas a afirmação I.
(B) Se estiver correta apenas a afirmação II.
(C) Se estiverem corretas apenas as afirmações I e II.
(D) Se estiverem corretas apenas as afirmações II e III.
(E) Se estiverem corretas todas as afirmações.
33. Dentre as opções a seguir, assinale a única que é verdadeira:
(A) Ameena decidiu que a lua-de-mel não seria na Índia.
(B) As autoridades da Índia prenderam o marido de Ameena.
(C) Ameena se refugiou, voluntariamente, num orfanato.
(D) A lei islâmica permite que garotas se casem antes da puberdade.
(E) As autoridades islâmicas prenderam Ameena por dois dias.
Text VI
"Shakespeare in Love" is a witty, sexy and merrily literate delight, with an enormously
clever premise that only gets better as the film unfolds. The screenplay, originating as Marc
Norman's brainstorm and turned by Tom Stoppard into a razor-sharp dialogue reminiscent
of his "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead", dares to imagine whatever it likes about
the link between Shakespeare's artistic passions and his mad yearning for a certain
aristocratic beauty. Meanwhile, this tirelessly inventive comedy envisions an Elizabethan
theatre filled with the same backbiting and conniving we enjoy today and has great fun
presenting the creation of "Romeo and Juliet" problems and all.
(New York Times, March 1999)
34. The text can be characterized as:
(A) a sharp analysis.
(B) a detailed summary.
(C) a comparative review.
(D) an enthusiastic appraisal.
(E) an interesting abstract.
35. According to the text, "Shakespeare in Love":
(A) was written by Tom Stoppard.
(B) begins better than it ends.
(C) is a kind of brainstorm.
(D) shows Shakespeare's madness.
(E) is too similar to "Romeo and Juliet".
Text VII
The progressive medicine of the sixteenth century was produced by factors which were
extremely complex. One must mention the invention of printing, the enlargement of the
world through exploration, the revival of Greek knowledge and the questioning which arose
through religious differences. There are however two factors which affected medicine in a
manner different from all the others. One of these was the devastation caused by the
epidemics of the time. The second was the appearance of a school of art which studied the
human body in detail and hence required a knowledge of human anatomy. The main
exponent of this method on both scientific, as well as the artistic side was Leonardo da
According to the text:
(A) Medicine in the sixteenth century could not be considered progressive.
(B) Exploration was caused by religious differences.
(C) Epidemics spread as a result of the invention of printing.
(D) The revival of Greek knowledge produced religious differences.
(E) Several complex factors were responsible for the development of progressive medicine.
37. De acordo com o texto:
(A) Leonardo da Vinci studied the devastation caused by epidemics.
(B) There were two factors which especially hindered the development of progressive
(C) A knowledge of human anatomy is necessary for a detailed study of the human body.
(D) Leonardo da Vinci was opposed to Greek learning.
(E) All factors affected medicine in the same way.
Kidnappers are rarely interested in animals, but they recently took considerable interest in
Mrs. Eleanor Ramsay's cat. A very wealthy old lady, she has shared a flat with her cat,
Rastus, for a great many years. He usually takes a walk in the evenings and is always home
by seven o'clock. One evening, however, he failed to arrive. Mrs. Ramsay looked
everywhere for him but could not find him. Three days after Rastus' disappearance, Mrs.
Ramsay received an anonymous letter. The writer stated that Rastus would be returned
immediately if Mrs. Ramsay paid a ransom of 1.000 pounds. Mrs. Ramsay was instructed
to place the money in a box and to leave it outside her door. At first, she decided to go to
the police, but fearing that she would never see Rastus again, she changed her mind. She
drew 1.000 pounds from her bank and followed the kidnapper's instructions. The next
morning, the box had disappeared but Mrs. Ramsay was sure that the kidnapper would keep
his word. Sure enough, Rastus arrived punctually at seven o'clock that evening. He looked
very well, though he was rather thirsty, for he drank half a bottle of milk. The police were
astounded when Mrs. Ramsay told them what she had done. She explained that Rastus was
very dear to her. Considering the amount she paid, he was dear in more ways than one.
38. On what conditions did the kidnapper promise the safe return of Rastus?
(A) His name was not to be revealed.
(B) Mrs. Ramsay was to pay a ransom of 1.000 pounds.
(C) Mrs. Ramsay had to leave her flat until the box with money had gone.
(D) Mrs. Ramsay was to draw the ransom from her bank.
(E) Mrs. Ramsay was to sit in her flat waiting for the kidnapper.
39. The excerpt below contains the answers to all questions in the alternatives but one.
Mark it:
"Mrs. Ramsay was instructed to place the money in a box and to leave it outside her door.
At first, she decided to go to the police, but fearing that she would never see Rastus again,
she changed her mind."
(A) Where was Mrs. Ramsay told to put the box?
(B) What was Mrs. Ramsay's primary reaction after receiving the letter?
(C) What did she fear?
(D) Why did she change her mind?
(E) How was she told to leave her house?
40. How was Rastus dear to Mrs. Ramsay in more ways than one?
(A) She was very fond of him and it had cost her a lot to get him back.
(B) Besides the high ramson paid on his behalf, he drank a lot of milk.
(C) He was so dear that she had not dared tell the police of the kidnapping.
(D) He was very valuable and she valued him greatly.
(E) He was Mrs. Ramsay's only companion.