Colégio Ressurreição


Colégio Ressurreição
Colégio Ressurreição
Atividade de Inglês – Profª Sandra Miguel
3º. Bimestre 2014
Nome do aluno: ____________________________________________________nº._______ 1ª. Série _____.
MONDAY, APRIL 16, 2007
Dear Diary:
My husband and I return to New York every now and then. Recently, we took a taxi from Midtown Manhattan to Brooklyn. As
soon as we got out of the cab, my husband realized that he had left his belly pack — containing cash, glasses, keys and
cellphone — on the cab’s back seat. We despaired of ever seeing it again.
Late in the day, however, we received a call from our daughter in North Carolina. She told us to phone a police station in Lower
Manhattan; the taxi driver, Muhammad, had taken the belly pack to the station. The officer on duty used our cellphone to call the
first number in the directory, which happened to be our daughter in North Carolina.
When we retrieved the pack, we called Muhammad, who had left his phone number at the station, to thank him and to offer him
something for his thoughtfulness. He would not give us his address, refusing to accept any compensation. New York, I love you!
Sonya Monosoff Pancaldo
PANCALDO, Sonya Monosoff. The New York Times, New York, Apr. 16, 2007. Metropolitan Diary, A, p. 17.
1) A autora da carta enviada à coluna Metropolitan Diary:
a) Retribuiu a gentileza do marido.
b) Abriu uma firma comercial.
c) Fez uma viagem habitual.
d) Vendeu um par de óculos.
e) N.D.A.
2) A corrida de táxi terminou:
a) Em Lower Manhattan.
b) Em Midtown Manhattan.
c) No bairro do Brooklyn.
d) No estado de North Carolina.
e) N.D.A.
3) O marido de Sonya havia:
a) Participado de uma reunião de negócios.
b) Esquecido a pasta com documentos pessoais.
c) Perdido a esperança de recuperar os pertences.
d) Trocado o número do telefone celular.
e) N.D.A.
4) A filha do casal recebeu uma ligação:
a) Da cidade de New York.
b) Da estação rodoviária.
c) De uma cabine telefônica.
d) Da redação do The New York Times.
e) N.D.A.
5) O policial de plantão:
a) Saiu apressado da delegacia.
b) Solicitou a ajuda de um colega.
c) Consultou a agenda do celular.
d) Emitiu o boletim de ocorrência.
e) N.D.A.
Colégio Ressurreição
Atividade de Inglês – Profª Sandra Miguel
3º. Bimestre 2014
Nome do aluno: ____________________________________________________nº._______ 2ª. Série _____.
01 English sculptor Anish Kapoor, one of the greatest
02 active artists in our time, was born in India in 1954.
03 Having built an impressive oeuvre over the past three
04 decades, today Kapoor stands out as a sculptor in
05 the strictest sense of the word: he has introduced
06 sculpture in a new aesthetic and technical scale
07 by incorporating techniques – appropriated from
08 architecture, aeronautics, and the heavy industry – to
09 the support.
10 Anish Kapoor’s forms and sculptures are
11 apparently deceiving; they seem quite simple in terms
12 of form, yet they convey, each of them, a dizzying
13 complexity of natural elements, technique, aesthetic
14 and finishing. Brazilian poet Antonio Cicero once told
15 me that finishing accounts for 50% of a poetic creation.
16 I have become deeply aware of this fact. In Kapoor’s
17 work, it accounts for even more. For example, When
18 I am Pregnant, is a work shrouded by a thin and
19 fastidiously finished layer of plaster; it is a subtle
20 protuberance on the wall, enunciating a bulging form
21 that in itself heralds creation and the sublime. It is art,
22 wanting to be born.
(Source: Cultural Project of Banco do Brasil, 2006)
1) INSTRUCTION: Answer taking into account statements I to IV.
I. Anish Kapoor não se dedica muito aos acabamentos de sua obra, embora ele seja um artista muito ativo.
II. Há no trabalho de Kapoor uma incorporação de técnicas provenientes até mesmo da indústria pesada.
III. A opinião de Antonio Cicero modificou profundamente a percepção artística do autor do texto.
IV. A verdadeira arte de Kapoor ainda está por nascer.
According to the text, the alternative which contains true statements is:
a) I e II.
b) II e III.
c) II e IV.
d) III e IV.
e) I.
2) The question which CAN NOT be answered according to the information provided in the text is:
a) Como o autor do texto despertou para a importância do acabamento em uma obra de arte?
b) Qual é a obra mais famosa de Kapoor?
c) O que se percebe por trás da aparência, nas obras de Kapoor?
d) De que natureza são os elementos presentes na obra de Kapoor?
e) O que define a criação e o sublime na obra exemplificada no texto?
3) According to the ideas in the text, the word that adequately completes the sentence “Kapoor’s work is apparently simple;
……, it actually contains rich complexity” is:
a) Both
b) Consequently
c) However
d) Therefore
e) Thus
4) “Stand out”, as used in line 04, means:
a) To defend or support an idea.
b) To help in a difficult situation.
c) To stand at a distance from.
d) To be much better than others.
e) To resist, to face.
5) From the content of the text, one can infer the best synonym for the adjective “fastidiously” (line 19) is:
a) Meticulously, carefully taken care of in every detail.
b) Freely, in a way that it is not controlled or limited.
c) Disinterestedly, not influenced by personal opinions.
d) Vehemently, showing very strong feelings.
e) N.D.A.
Colégio Ressurreição
Atividade de Inglês – Profª Sandra Miguel
3º. Bimestre 2014
Nome do aluno: ____________________________________________________nº._______ 3ª. Série _____.
Here’s some unfortunate news for teenagers about to head off to college: New research being presented today at the annual
meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies says that a morning person is apt to get better grades than a late riser.
Researchers surveyed 824 college students enrolled in psychology classes about their sleep habits and daily functioning.
Result: The better performers were not the ones who stayed up until the wee hours and slept till afternoon. So what to do if you
hate waking up in the morning?
Use the summer to develop good sleep habits, and then minimize the damage come fall. Be consistent. “The most important
thing is try to maintain a consistent wake and bedtime in the summer,” suggests Daniel Taylor, assistant professor at the
University of North Texas and one of the study’s authors. He’d advise going to bed most nights between 11 p.m. and midnight.
If you do start turning in and getting up later once you’re at school, continue to be as regular as possible, says Ana Allen
Gomes, a professor at the University of Aveiro in Portugal, who has researched college students’ sleeping patterns.
Become a morning person. At least two to three weeks before the semester starts, start training yourself.
“The best way to do it is to wake yourself up successively earlier every few days, and get out in the sunlight,” says Taylor. The
sunlight helps reset your internal clock. Schedule classes with care. “A lot of kids turn into evening types when they go to
college,” Taylor says. So don’t pick 8 a.m. classes just because you’re used to waking up early for high school. Compensate. If
you’re just not able to become an early riser, and do end up with early classes, plan some study time in the afternoon, when
you’re less likely to be tired, Gomes suggests. And avoid studying all night so that you’re not exhausted in the morning.
By January W. Payne
Posted June 9, 2008
1) The main purpose of Text 1 is to:
a) Explain why undergraduate students must avoid studying all night.
b) Alert high school students to the dangers associated with college life.
c) Criticize immature students who cannot adapt to rigid college routines.
d) Examine in detail college problems that may affect students’ performance and health.
e) Report on the results of a study that investigated students’ sleeping habits and academic performance.
2) The fragment “Here’s some unfortunate news for teenagers about to head off to college” (line 1-2) introduces:
a) Fair news for teenagers who are ready to quit college.
b) Sad news for students about to go away from college.
c) Unfavorable news for youngsters preparing to leave college.
d) Regrettable news for teens who are ready to set out for college.
e) Unexpected news for students who intend to drop out of college.
3) “The better performers” (line 7) refers to the:
a) “Associated Professional Sleep Societies” (lines 3-4).
b) “Researchers” (line 5).
c) “College students” (lines 5-6).
d) “Psychology classes” (line 6).
e) “Sleep habits” (lines 6-7).
4) According to the text, college students should:
a) Avoid afternoon study hours by all means.
b) Refrain from exposing themselves to sunlight.
c) Make an effort to keep regular sleeping hours.
d) Add to their schedules early classes in the morning.
e) Develop new study habits and an evening routine of work.
5) Students are advised not to pick 8 a.m. college classes (line 30) because:
a) Many of them fall into the habit of staying up late while in college.
b) They will not be able to wake up early after leaving high school.
c) College schedules are completely different from high school schedules.
d) Undergraduates are never able to follow healthy sleeping habits.
e) High school kids enjoy waking up early, while college students do not.

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